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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 1, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 1, 1962
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page :12 SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL -- Published in "Christmasfown, U.Z.A.," Shelton,, Washington i t i i i i i m m [, .... National Park Plans tlli Couple Soleduck Paving Job I "flsOn Visit Nahwatzel inlendent .lohn i.D. Doerr announ- ces that l'unds are availahle I.o complete tile paving of the Sole- duck road from l.I.S. Highway ]0l to th ll[l'[lllC( of the Sole- (hl(k eanlpKround. This will in- clude al)olll {)ILL! mile of road. lids will be (.ailed Jot the bi- tuminous paving to be placed as soon a. weLtheF permits in the sprmK. Ttuumglmnt the fall and early winfer montlls sonic nn- ln'OV(:menls of the road have been made purlhmlat'ly where tile Sole- duck I:ivev has undercut it:s bank IlC}£r th(' roD, d. TAKEN TRAINING Arrny Specialist Fo/lr Willard R. Cook. .'*on of Mr.. ]fary L. Cook, Route :2, ShelLoI1. is sched- uled to l,articipat.e with other per- seretel from the 559th Engineer Cornprmy in Exercise Great Bear, a Joint U.S.-Canadian winter ma- ne)iv,.'r itl Alaska, F(,b. 12-21. , @ LOCt raADi;4,Rx IN " By lary Daw.on LAKE NA HWATZEL .... Mr. and Mr,. Da, rcy Golf of Union vis- iled with Mr. and Mrs. James Bb, eker los1 Saturday afternoon. Mr. md Mrs. James Bleeker silent Sunday al'ternoon In Silel- ton with Mr. and Mrs. Don WiN liams. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Hewson drove to Seattle last Saturday. They brought home a. Volkswagen 'camper and are novv looking for- ward to nice weather anft  many ()njoyable outings. MR. AND MRS. Robert Men- denhall visited Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Archie Kelley. Sunday afternoon and evening guests of Mrs. Claricc Zillyette were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Van Epps of Shelton an(] Mr. Amos Bates of Port Orchard. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Dawson and son Eddie drove to Seattle on Sunday and spent the day with Mr. and Mrs, Ralpl Pigg. "Butch" Iedman of Shelton, who had been a Saturday overnight guest of Eddiers accompanied them. Gladys Reed of Aubm'n was a Saturday overnight g, azest of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford ['ord and Steve Crape. Sunday droo-in guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ford were Mr. and Mrs. Bob Crape of Seattle and Dennis Reed of Matlock. Nature is really fickle because this week we have daffodils pok- ing ttmir sprouts above the ground where only last week it was all snow and ice. Oh well, spring iS only 49 days away. Recent statistics reveal that more than 40 per cent of the fam- ilies in the United States own dogs, with 18 million homes own- ing two or more, adding up to 26 rnillion clogs, Every Saturday Night BELFAIR ELEHEHTARY PTA's 13 ANNIVERSARY TO BE OBSERVED By Rachel Freelin BELFAIR .... Belfair element- ary PTA will be celebrating 13 years of active p:n'ticipation in school and community affairs when i1 hohls its Founder's Day meet, inK at Allyn school tonight. The group was organized in Belfair early in 1949. with Mrs, Alfred err as its firsl president. All past presidents of the local organization, as well as past tea- chefs at the Allyn school will be honored at the meeting tonight. Open'house will begin at 7:30 with the regular meeting starting at 8:00 p.m The program will in- clude a skit, and the award of a PTA life membership. With February designated as National Heart Month, prepara- tions for the annual Heart Fund drive on Feb. 25 are already un- der way in this area. Mrs. Glenn Criss is general clmirman for the drive, and will be assisted by a group of workers on both shores and in the old iflghway district. MI{S. LANCE BRAUN of Se- a.ttle, formerly Dawn Dee Spring- er, was guest of honor at a lun- cheon shower given last Thurs- day at the home of Mrs. Kermit Bacon Mrs. Alfred Blomlie as- Bill Rohr Now Home For Two Week Leave Navy Airman Bill Rohr, son of Mrs. Betty Crook ,Olympia, is currently home on two weeks leave before reporting to All Wea- ther Fighter-Interceptor Squad- ron Three in San Diego, Calif. for duly. Bill recently graduated from Aviation Jet-Machinists Mate School at the Naval Air Techni- cal Training Center in Memphis, Tenn., and attended Irene S. Reed high school in Shelton before en- tering the Navy in June of 1961. COWS WIN BATING The registered Jersey cows owned by Ralph J. Brewer & Sons of Shelton, have recently corn- Dance At The Tropics Ballroom o,,.0 official production records giving them cow power index rat- ings. This rating indicates how many times their body weight in milk they have produced during their recent lactation. The best help that one can get is self-help. Assistance from others is usually expensive. - - _ - _ _-_ -- _ - _ Shelton-Olympia Freeway At Schneidor's Prairie TEX MITGHELL AND HIS BAND FREE SQUARE DANCE LESSONS 9 - 9:30 Coming Sat., Feb. 10--Johnny Bond Admission -- $1.75, including tax sisted the hostess. The honored guest, now living in southwest Seattle. received many lovely gifts, and the hmch- con also marked a rellnion of smmner residents and visitors who usual]y see each other only-r- ink the vacation months. Those attending from Seattle besides the new Mrs, Braun and her mother, Mrs. George Foster, were Mrs. Gerald Booth and Mrs. Addle Butts, Also attending were Mrs. Ford Fix and Mrs, T. Hansen of Ab- erdeen, Mrs. Earl Levitt of Shel- ton, Mrs. Elizabeth Stanley of Bremerton, and Mrs. Rosa Swan- son, Mrs. Charles Williams, Mrs. John Clappe, Mrs. George Oak- hind and Mrs. Stan Freelin of the north shore. The exodus of local residents to Washington, D.C., which start- ed two weeks ago with the Doug- las Hoppes, continues, with two more families making {he move. One of them, to everyone's re- gret. will be taking up permanent residence in the nation's capitol. Mr. George Kayser will be leav- ing soon for permanent work in Washington, and will be joined later this spring by his wife, Lor- no, and children, Norms, Linda and George. THE FRANK Blakefields, and David, Priscilla, Martha and Ann, have left for a six month stay. Mr. Blakefield will be taking fur- ther training for his work at P.S.N.S. Mr. and :Mrs. John R. Matson have announced the coming mar- riage of their daughter, Shirley Ann, to Mr. John W. Phillips, on Feb. 10. Shirley is now workin in Seattle, and is a graduate of the local school and South Kit- sap high, and a former "honored queen of the Job's Daughters, Be- thel 43 of Belfalr. It's good news for evePyone to hear that John Criss, son of" Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Criss, is back at' school after the bike-ear acci- dent last November that cost him a broken hip. Crutches are not too easy to use, but they are bet- ter than a cast. A surprise party that suceeded in being a surprise honored Mrs. John Clappe on • her birthday last week. She had expected two close iriends to stop by with the birth- day cake they had been promising her, instead 10 friends and neigh- bors appeared with a very com- plete potluck luncheon. The afternoon was spent play- ing pinochle. Those present were Mesdames: James Stites, Robert Hankinson, Grover Fieury, Elmer Sandstrom, Dan Orcutt, Charles Williams, Stan Freelin, Rosa Swanson, William Shearer, and Wilson Fortman. Vitamins For Less MULTIVITAMIN TABS 100 MULTIVITAMIN TABS 250 MULTIVITAMIN CAPSULES I00 MULTIVITAMIN CAPSULES 250 Hipotency Multivitamin Capsules 100 THERAPEUTIC FORMULA 100 Therapeutic Formula With Minerals I00 CHEWABLE MULTIVITAMINS !00 MULTIVITAMIN DROPS 50cc B COMPLEX 100 GERIATRIC FORMULA 100 VITAMIN A, 25,000 UNITS I00 VITAMIN B, 50 mg 100 VITAMIN BI, I00 mg 100 VITAMIN C, 100 mg I00 VITAMIN C, 250 mg I00 VITAMIN BI2, 25 mcgm I00 Pharmacy Nell" Discount & Mail Order House Price NEIL'S REGULAR PRICE 45 € 80' 80' s34s ,3 o, $3400 $49s $2 25 $179 $39s Phone HA 6.3327 Free Delivery Monday, Wednesday and Friday MOrnings Valley Grangers Hear Talk About 'March Of Dimes' By Mary Valley SKOKOMISH -- T)Je "March of Dimes" got off to a good start last Friday evening when the Skokomish Grange staged a cake walk during lecture hour. The lecturer, Mrs Mary Trexler in- treduced the guest speaker. Mr. Jerry Samples of Shelton, who gave a very interesting talk and explained how the March of Dimes has helped several in our local community. Approximately 20 dollars was taken in for this good cause. One of the most pleasant and not to be forgotten occasions was the banquet last Saturday eve- ning at the new Comnmnity church. Over 100 neighbors and friends were present for the ban- quet and program During the evening Rev. rallace Bell ren- dered several selections on the piano whictx was greatly enjoyed by everyone. He also showed some beautiful colored slides of North and South Ireland, Britain and Italy. Several vocal numbers were presented by Mr. Raymond James and his son Tony accompanied by Mr. Evans on the electric gui- tar. Mr. and Mrs. Don Doak drove to Bremerton on Snnday where they were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Don Cyphers. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Radtke of Shelton were dinner guests on Thursday evening of Mr. and Mrs, Chester Valley. 1M[R, ERIC SJOHOLM spent last weekend in Portland at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Hugh Shiv- ers and viewed his new grand- daughter for the first time. Mrs. Sjoholm is staying a week longer with her daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Chet Rosenberg are taking a much needed vaca- tion and are at present in Mesa, Arizona where they are visiting former residents of tle Valley, the Arthur Andersons. Mr. Ander- son was injured quite seriously recently while crossing the street. If any of their friends wish to send a card their address is 109 South Allen, Mesa, Arizona. The Skokomish Womens Club met at the home of Mrs. Geneva Deyette on Wednesday, Jan. 24, for a dessert luncheon and elec- tion of officers. Those chosen were :Mrs. Geneva Deyette, president, Mrs. Doris Sjoholm, vice president and Mrs. Lewanne Stevens, sec- retary and treasurer. There were three guests and Mrs. Judy Prichard and Mrs. Reta Deyette were taken in as new members. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Vir- ginia Bourgault and will be a pot- luck luncheon. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Hanldns spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs. Hankin's mother. Mrs. Ray Hurl- but in Shelton. LITTLE STANLEY Bourgault son of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bourgault celebrated his second birthday with a party on Saturday, Jan. 27. Those attending were Mrs. Luanne Stevens. Gary, Liz, Kathy and Bert. Mrs. Nancy Lund. Laurie and David of Bayshore, Mrs. Bon- nie Bourgault and Philip of Shel- ton, Kerry and Tommy Blackwell and Stanley's grandmother, Mrs. William Bourgault. Cake and ice cream was enjoyed by all. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Titter of Spokane have veen visiting their daughter, Mrs. Doris Whitmarsh and family. Also visiting at the Whitmarsh home is a sister-in-law Mrs. L. J. Fagen and two child- ren of Oxnard, Calif., who will be going to Adak, Alaska where they will make their home. Miss Glenda Gee spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Gee. She returned to resume her studies at the Ta- coma General hospital. THE STITCH and Stews and the Skokomish Mavericks held their regular meeting in the Com- munity hall last Monday evening. The next meeting will be Febru- ary I2. The Rough and Ready 4-H held their first meeting at the home Of Mrs. Betty Tozler. Pickering Club To Meet Feb. 4 By Mrs. Earl Harriman pICKERINGPickering Home- ms.kers' Club has decided to try a change of meeting days from the _third Thursday to the third Wednesday of the month. This coming meeting will be Wednes- day, Feb, 14. M]g. AND MRS. WILL John- returned to Picketing Jan. 20 from two months spent ih Iowa. They were very glad to get back to Picketing, away from the rough winter they were having in Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. Clay McCrum of Satsop were the Parents of a baby daughter born Jan. 11, Mr. McCrum was a previous resident :Mrs. Jennie Howard and son Don spent Sunday visiting at Brooklyn, Wash. Agate granges' birthday din- tended. All.enjoyed the baked ham IC her Jan, 20 .was very well at- and trimmings. _ 80 € Oollege Soholarshiu Informalion Availal)le 0 Children and blood relatives of C World War one veterans are elig- ible for scharsmps provided by the LaVerne oyes und. Further information concerning these scholarships can be obtained at the V.F.W. Information Cen- ter in the Memorial hall Thurs- day througl Saturday from 2 to 5 p.m. Whenever we hear an old man lambastin the youth  t ..... wonder what ktnd of Child he was, Southside School Elects New Student Officers For 1962 Year By Mrs. Ray Kratcha SOUTHSIDE ..... Student Body eh:etion was held at the Southside School on January 23. The new officers for the student body are L a u r a Wooldridge, president; Katlfleen Trotzer. vice-president, and Ruth Ann Tro/zer. secretary. The president and secretary are seventh grade students and the vice-president is a sixth grade student. The Southside P.T.O. met Tues- day at the Southside School to re- decorate, paint and finish the kitchen, which an addition was added on to enlarge the kitchen, and are also putting in tile. The P.T.O. is doing this remodeling with the money they received from the P.T.O. Carnival. and also pur- chased a new motion projector from the National Defense Act ed- ucational and carnival money. THE CIVIL DEFENSE Radio- logical class is taught by Bob Quimby of Arcadia, and they meet on Thursday evenings at the Ma- son County Courthouse. This class is taught so that everybody knows what to do in case of a nuclear attack. Southside P.T.O. meets Febru- ary 5, and the County Health Of- ricers will be in charge of the eve- ning program. John Castle. son of Mr. and lY£rs; Harold Castle of Arcadia is in the Navy and is going to Corpus Christi, Texas for Airman's In- doctrination. John Castle won two awards while attending boot camp at San Diego, California. Trudy Rodgers, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Luther Rodgers, cele- brated her eleventh birthday Sat- urday with a party. Those attend- ing to wish her a happy birthday were Laura Wooldridge, Mary Jo Stroud, Robin Bakke Barbara Sewell, Gall Bailey, Lin'da "ProtZer and Shells Holtorf. A birthday cake and ice cream were served and games were played. They all enjoyed watching Trudy open her gifts. Many happy birthdays, Tru- dy. Southside Grange Auxiliary meets this Thursday at Elizabeth Butlers. Southside Grange is havlng a Rummage Sale on February 16 at the P.U.D. Building. Anyone with articles may leave them with Mrs. Avis Saeger. Southslde Grange meeting will be held on February 2. A Baby Shower was held Fri- day for Mrs. David Hardie at the home of Mrs. Phillip Hardie. Mrs David Hardie is the former Pat Collins and is the daughter of M'rs. Carl Alfredson of Oakville. Host- esses for the shower were Pauline Emsley, Marie Neal, Mrs. Pete Goldsby and Linda Hardie of Grapeview. Jerry Swayze, son of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Swayze celebrated his ninth birthday Tuesday. Jerry re- cei%e, a Shetland pony for his birthday. FOUR LEAVES 4-H Club held a meeting on January 25 at Robin Bakke's home. Robin Bakke gave her demonstration on frosting a cake, and Robin served the cake after her demonstration. The meet- ing was called to order and JeanNe Campbell gave her demonstration on an eggnog. The meeting ended with the :F'our Leaves making fa- vors for Bott's Nursing Home. The next meeting will be held at Robin Bakke's on February 8, reported Christine. Arcadia Home Economics Club meets February 1, at the ,home of Mrs. Stanley Obremski, Thunderbirds 4-H Club met 'Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Hardie. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Nenert and son of Arcadm have purchased i M Clyde Landsaw Sr.'s place on the Cole Road and have recently moved in. Assisting Mr. and Mrs. Roy Neuert and son Sunday with mov- ing were Lee Vowell, Bob Muller and Cliff Orr, all of Westport. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Castle of Arcadia Sunday visited Mr. and Mrs. John Korzeniowski of Clo- quallam. Cole Road residents are sorry to hear that Mrs. Fred Stuck is ill with the flu. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Kadoun, Steve and Kim visited Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kratcha and family recently. A BABY SHOWER was held Friday for Nemory Sorrell of Olympia at Mrs. Corn Lester's, Those attending were Mrs. Oscar Johnston of Olympia, Mrs. Mar-I lene Fowler, :Mrs. Lillian Russell :Mrs. Angus Lester of Elms, Mrs. Opal Lester, Mrs. Dolly Coleman of West Virginia, Sandra Lester and Mrs. Corn Lester. Sending gifts but unable to attend were :Mrs. Truman Lee and Mrs. John Renecker of Olympia. All had a nice time and the guest of honor received many nice gifts. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kratcha and family Sunday visited Mr. and Mrs. Mac Butcher of Tnmwater. Visiting :Mr. and Mrs. William Lester is M:rs, Doily Coleman of West Virginia, Mr. and Mrs. George Johnston are arriving home Thursday after spending two months visiting in West Virginia. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kratcha and family were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Winning and Sharon of McCleary. MR. AND MRS. John Lester and Mrs. Dolly Coleman Sunday visited Mr. and Mrs. George John- ston, Jr. of Olympia and Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Johnston of Olympia. I Mrs. Orpha Botts and Charlie were Sunday visitors of :Mr. and Mrs. Ray Kratcha and Janice. Three Shellonians On GWSG Honor Roll A total of 66 students won places on the fall quarter honor roll released this week by Cen- tral Washington State College .in Ellensburg. Of this number 43 students had four point, or "A" grades. Among the group are Mary E. Brewer, Catherine Drebick and Gerald J. Spiker of Shelton. Try A Journal Want I Illlllllll I IS ONE OF THESE PATTERNS YOURS? ,$P[CIAL o'2g SALE! Of All.tlma Favorite Patterns COMMUNITY* ":: ': • ,e 00,n.t iii':: Replace miss|rig pieces,, add ur present set. Order howl .... Off' Ends Feb. lOt. .*. ed.$ .... Teaspoons. , . • , , • . Dessert 5poohs Round Sowl Soup SI:g!IS . ..... A. D. Coffee Spoons . . . , Jed Drink Spoons eutterSpreaders'o : : i ! Dinner Knives o . •. * GrilleKnives.... , • , Place Knives, Serrated Slade . . D;nnerForks , . . * * • • • Gril(e Forks : i i ! !,! : Salad Forks o , CocktaitForks . ,, . • . Table Spoon . . Cold Meat Fork', : : : : : Gravy Ladle . o . • • • • CONVENIENt TERMS yau can't coma in) Pho.e • Tr- rnmu  0n.Ida  Be©kwith's Jewelry 129 Railroad .... Ibis man gives you driving pleasure He gives your car a lift througP proper lubrication. He helps yo avoid trouble by keepPg bearings fPom getting too drY' Come let our expert lube rs" qrease )'c|,lr eav* to insure you moother drlvingl )rnia, Green to 4 ready to eat lelm'ida Grown, Best Wednesday after school at the ORAN( Southside School for their electric meeting to work on their "test lamps". The Thunderbirds -H ONE stop here will keep you safely on the G0b..__ leader, Mary Wetter was unable to attend, as Mary is ili with the flu. COLE S MOB]LGAS SERVICE' 60TOKELY Visiting Mr. and Mrs. Phillip '  i Hardie is their nephew, Richard Gowin of Beckenridge, Minnesota. S G t Mrs. David Hardie and son Dale P|N HA ' EI,:Y'ST00W00t spent the weekend visiting with You can relax when you're covered by aa?. tusker t eeW for agents, le ' ounmlvw, to give you the finest insurane • ovrage poible. For example, here are • orne )pe¢ifie advantages SAFEC0 offem you| All your IFECO premiums fo) ome, auto, business, life, and even boat insurance can be added together •nd divided into level monthly pay* ments. The SAFEC0 people call this //zLn Your premiums. It certainly make for easy-to-remember, easy* .... * SAFECO or GENERAL offers a Homeowner's policy that protects yotm to-meet Payments! against accidental damages you might • In additio cause to other people's property. • n to regular auto liability insurance, SAFECO also offers death ' • When two SAFEC0-insured auto and disability coverage.., plus medi. collide, the deduotible clause for both ml paymnt for personal injuries, autos is automatically waived, 8&FEC0 offers manF more and money-savlng benefits. It would be our pleasure to discuss them with ¥o. *Not available in nil states HEHBROFF AGENCY 16 No. Second HA 6-3357 E|