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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 1, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 1, 1962
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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¢6- Page 14 SI-YELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL- Published in Chmstmastown, U.S.A.,'" Shelton, Washington Tllursday, February 1, ::;,.:.:. IN 11111E WANII'AI)S;[ 'o i i i i i For Sale FRONTALINI ACCORDION, 120 bass with [)added ba(ik. Carrying case. 7-5208. Like new. Phone TR L 2/1-8 Call HA 6-3010 after 6 p.m. F 2/1 tin Music Box 205 Coa Street. Phone HA 6-4302. 211 fin $18, HA 6-8521. K 1/25 "/1 All kinds, Phone HA 6-6779. Lem- ke's Service. L 10/12 tin McC'LLOCi] " - -S A'LE and SiC-., Shelton Marine Supply. Htllcrest HA 6-8163. 12/14 tin trailers, boat, campers. $198,50. SacKer Motor Shop, HA 6-4602. 12/7 tin supplies, John Rice. PIlone HA 6- 6108. Free demonstrations, R 1/7 tin delivery call Sylvia Carey; 1he Shel- ton Seattle Times Dealer, HA 6-3152. C 11/28 tin :-CVLf"-C--PYMP' more water and" longer with Falrbanks Morse pumps. See theni at Shelton Electric Co., 419 Railroad, 3/16 tin road and fill ravel, washed sand and gravel, drainage gravel and pea gravel for driveways. Norman An- derson, phone HA 6-3552. John's Creek Sand and Gravel. Bayshore. 7/25 tin amazing, improved finish for floors ad furniture that lasts and lasts and lasts. 5/25 tin stamps for sale at the Journal $1.25 ach, 227 West Cots, 12/1 tin ; O--0--6gY=Z-- = -9--,t e --Z. p hY, s':- f,i-: pulleys and shafts, All types sal- vage, Shelton Junk Co., First and Mill, llone HA 6-8626. 9/8 tin peel. Permanent finish and sea/or, does not discolor with age. See Graystone, 5/25 tin over, Slab $12,50 a cord; Pole wood ,16 cord. Phone IIA 6-4867. S 10/12 tin Your Craft. Hobby and Health cor- nora. Bar-Din, 52{) Franklin, Open Monday and Friday. B 6/22 tin BES--dhYiW wood for-_-Xh; length. Phone Oliver Petty, HA 6- 2852. 4/20 tin W56b- b i-sXYS]-_c.-Tf7idi ", $15 per cord, Phone HA 6-2332. It 11/23 tfn TP'-cfiLT-h\\;%['-fffVffi:i:- F- "E? Ogden, HA 6-6156. 2/12 tin Kamilehe Valley, HA 6.3740, Mc 12/7 tfn m Marine Supply, Hillcrest ItA 6- 8163 12/14 tin transparent plastic coating, never needs waxing, polishing or seruh- hing Ideal for all surfa:es, inside or out, See Graystone. 5/25 tin nlent. 638 Arcadia, phone HA 6-4378. V 1217 tin oil converslon burner, gun type, Concrete block garage, HA 6-3710, R 1/25 2/1 Used Cars 1956 PONTIAC Station wagon Safari, fully equipped, all power, Good con- dition. Phone HA 6-3496, 2/1 4door, custom 800. V-8 with stick shift. HA 6-4141. B 1/18 tfn rolot Carryall at Shelton. Contact r')ngld E. Danielson, Trust, 245 4th Street Bldg., Bremerton, Wash. 1/18 2/1 -IJ]-TSELL--'ign car, 8500 miles, Excellent condition, Ph, HA 6-3711 evenings. B I/ 2/I track, $325. Phone HA 6-8742 aft0r 6 p.m. : W 1/25 2/8{ ] i Boat Building [ Repairs I Fibrgla|.dnf] | Sewift ie I 2816 Olympic Hwy. No. I 64652 [ | m [ ] i  i r Old fashioned quality Paperhanging and Painting EARL HERRING "A Whale of a Paperhanger" WH 3-1732 Olympia 1/18 tfn Used Trucks 59 Ford F-100 Vz Ton "Pi.CkrUp Cust. Cab  6 Cylinder 3 Speed 58 International ½ Ton Pick-up Cust. Cab -- 6 Cylinder --- 3 Speed 56 International aA Ton Pick-up 4 Wheel Drive -- Warn Huht -- 4 Speed 51 Ford b'-250 ' Ton Pick-up Heater .... Heavy Duty --- 3 Speed 51 International L.W.B. / Ton Pick-up .... Heatez .... 3 Speeds --- Ne Paint 47 Chevrolet I Ton Panel 4 Speed -- Heater Kimbel Motors Inc. 707 So. First St. - ..... HA 6,3133, i i, ,ii For Sale THREE PIECE Early American bed- room set with mattress and box springs, G; E, range. Phone HA 6- 6197 after 4 p.m. M 2/1o15 machine, table, TV, el{ h(mter, 1955 International pickup, 1950 Plymuuth 2-door, Wasllor and dryer. Mason County Federal Credit Union, 110 So. 4th. Phone HA 6-2202. 211 SIX-YEAR CPB and mattress for sale, Phone HA 6-8519. K 2/1 eodltioned range, rfl'lgeratr, wuher, dryers. ellm & Valley AP- pliance Ce'. 6/5 first time you use Blue Lustre to clean rugs. Lumbermen's Mercan- tile Company, 2/1 Smith-Corona adding machine; Five gallon heavy-duty pressure cooker. HA 6-8897 evenings. Me 2/1 tin U'SE-D--- -VUi'Z'J Sp { n e t piano. Johnny's Music Box, 205 Cots St., phone HA 6-4302. 2/1 tin LOWREY O R GL--g--- J- Music Box, 205 Cota St., phone HA 6- 4302. 2/1 tfn YELLOW CHI!-TABLE, I)-c-a'n Phyfe style, $20. Inquire 627 Wyan- dote, phone HA 6-2433 evenings_ B 2/1 , , ,i Sporting Goods BOATS, MOTORS, TRAILERS meat at WaiFs Marine SUl beautiful Hood Canal. Phone port TR 7-5344. 1/19 tin $60; 12 ft. fisherman, $80; runabouts 13 and 14 ft., lmnledlate delivery. Any size on order. M, J. Hooker, ].015 E. Dearborn, HA 6-8511, Bar. Din, HA 6-6837. B 12/14 tin ] For, Rent GARAGE FOR RENT at Goldsborough apartments. South second, $6 month. S 5/11 tin For Rent FREE APARTMENT and some c()m- pensation in return for caretaklng work. Man or couple, Write Box J, Journal. 2/1-8 2t OR RENTLight housekeeping rooms. 100 West Pine. Phone HA 6-4679. R 4/14 tin FOR RENTReed Apt. 2-bedroom un- furnished, yard, large garage. B. J. Cole. HA 6-4386. 4123 tin --W--O'--] EbK0-6M a pTVKf-fbT-K HA 6-4394. K 6/8 tin IOUSE FOR RENT -- See Tony Mls- kinls at 2214 Adams. Phone HA 6- 2159. M 1/18 tim F"OI RENT -- Unfurnished one-bed- room cabin on Cole road. Call after 4 p.m,, HA 6-6769. E 1/18 tin FOR RENT  Two-bedroom home, 521 Laurel, full basement, floor fur- nace. Phone HA 6,-4850. T 10/26 tin Boundary. Newly redecorated. Re frlgerator, hot water heater, electric stove with trash burner, movable 220 electric heater. Inquire John Getty, 1601 Franklin, HA 6-6265. O 3/23 tin R'--ENT---Two" bedroom house, $4, 654 Dearborn. Contact Don Henifin, 117 West 8th, Port Angeles, Wash. Phone GL 7-3056. II/30 tin TWO BEDROOM furnished apart- ments for rent, $50 per month, In- ctuding water, garbage, electricity, phone HA 6-8428, If no answer phone HA 6-3532. Also one bedroom furn- ished. $40. W 2/1 tin OVERNIGHT OR WE-E-K'E-'ND-g-ueJ you haven't room for? Send them to Lawton Apt.-Motel, Apartnlents now available by day, week or month, Phone HA 6-2121 or HA 6- t For Rent IOR RENT -- Completely furnished nlodern one-bedroom apartn|cnt, downtown. 123 Aider. Adults. Phone __A_'_'da_ s- ............. _}..Ke CLEAN one-bedroom furnisled house for rent. HA 6-1644, S 1/18 tin S-MXLi,"-TWb:BEDR00-M .................. house for rent, $30 a month. HA 6-3466. S 2/1 tin mu Classified Service FURNACE CLEANING, repairing, in- stallations, oil conversions, Shelton Furnace Co.. 321 So, Third. Dial HA 6-6121. 5/1 tin -I-IG, blown rock wool insula- tion. Guaranteed, Phone HA 6-6417. ........................................... e/ tf. MASSEUR TREATMENTS at my res- idence near the Lower Skokomish School. Call Trojan 7-5438 for ap- pointment Saturday, Sunday, and _.Wedn_e.sday:_A: F_. Oppelt; 4/16tf. n. EXPERT AUTO GLASS installation, |, Lost and Found FOUND-- Man's wr{s{ watch, hh,nii- fy and pay for a(i. HA 6-2254, B 2/1 "R:R'D-%Z'- $25 -- fo,"--rc'rurn }h'- -in- formation leading to return of Re- vere slereo magnetic tape recorder in gray-brown painted metallic case, and miscellaneous tapes taken' from my home between late September and early October. Phone I-IA 6-8197. Otto Hanson, H 12/7 tfn Wanted Legal Publications NOTICE OF PRIVATE SALE OF TIMBEIf Scaled bids will lie accepted at the office of Glenn Abraham, Jr. Attorney at Law, Mount Baker Block, Port Townsend. Wusllington. for forest pro- duets on [and locatEd in Iefferson C()lmty, Wasbington, described as fol- h;w. : Government Lot 5, less the North 200 feet thereof, ia Section 7, :l'ownshil) 26 North, Range 1 West of %Vlllan)ette Meridian. The tialber on said property corn- 8177. 7/16 tin' FOR RENT -- lJ-urnd two bed- room triplex unit. heat, garage, wa- ter, garbage, furnished. Phone HA 6-3575. J 1/11 tin FOR RENT- "CS-Ti;i;-rliFh]fid one bedroom home. Downtown area. Electric heat. Water and garbage paid, Phone HA 6-3583, T 1/25 tin FOR RENT -- One bedroom rural'shed duplex, washer and dryer, down- town, $40, Inquire Cameron Hotel, HA 6-2081. B 1/25 tin t)ris('s approximately 350 M bd, feet WANTED .... Woman with secretarial of Douglas fir: 140 M bd. feet of Hem- experience, starting salary $150 hick; 91 M bd. feet of Cedar; 36 M bd. nlonth. Hours 9 p,m. Reply feet Aider: 63 M bd. feel Maple; 85 to Box R e/o Journal, 2/1 Cedar poles, and 4.500 lineal feet of Fir poles and piling, amounts set "ifAT-T-O--(-0"N-'r.Ci "" responsible par- forth oelieved reasonably accurate but ties equipped to pick and ship flo- ral greens f,)r a small jobbm-. Send not warranted. The tin, bet will be sold to the highest and best bidder, telephone No. and namc of four ref- subject t0 those conditious set forth erences tO BOX I0, e/o Journal. 2/1-14 care for your children in my home. Phone HA 6-6391.. A 1/11 tin Jim Pauley Inc. 501 Raih'oad Ave. W-E-"rxT-T6-'BY-d6I'R-:'-iii-diah _Phqne HA. 6-823I. , ................. 4/ n head cents, Lincoln cents, U.S. gold, REFRIGERATORS and freezers, re- also many otber coins. Write and let me know what you have to sell, Collector Jim Wolfe, 4304 Robin Rd., Tacoma. Phone Tacoma SK 2-5562. 1/18 2/1 Larr.v's Tree Surgeon Service. HA 6-4823. 2/13 tfn conditioned, reasonable, Shelton Re- frigeration Service, 315 Cots, phone HA 6-8082 day or night 1/18 tin FOR RENT .-- Three bedroom, un- furnished home, G.E. kitchen, Holt- month. Phone bath, electric heat, o pets or chll- FOR RENT- furnished dren. $$0 per month. HA 6-6336, house also two bedroom, unfurnished D 1/4 tin duplex, electric heat, garage. Phone G---'OD-U-G--'--AI-E-i--'PXk HA 6-8150. N 12/14 tfn Convenient to mills and downtown VgK -K ic-ff'i" ------ff YKr hi  h" iicii  i o- stores. City 8ever and water. At apartment, Five minutes walk to highway bridge, S 4/4 fn I-OR'--RENTkl-ni-d--ati'r.cttve town, Phone HA 6-6445 after 5 p.m, Mc 10/26 tfn Hood Canal beach home--Fireplace, F'-R--R'-"-On-i=5-(Td-r'o-furnlshed oil furnace, automatic laundry. Call house, water and garbage furnished, evenings, F/ 2-3713; w e e k e n d a, Phone HA 6-8150, N 5/25 tfn Hoodsport TR 7-5457. C 9/14 tin 6B'EDR06M'--HOifBE;--"%I6s---t° nished duplex. Nearl new, carport, down town, partially furnlshod, Call aftel-5:00 HA 6-6201. S 8/3 tin Wired for automatic washer and dryer. Apply at 706 Cots after 7 t-iISIED-COTTXWES'---SIa]-ous p.m. or Saturday. B 12/7 tin grounds, utilities furnished, $20 per week and up, Mill Creek Motel. Ph. . . , , , , ,,  HA 6-4420, 7/13 tfn USED FURNITURE 1 - 4 pc. Charcoal bedroom suite with Englander foam mattress and box 'm'plete ............................ $169,50 :1 - 4/6 Be.ut)".t mattress and box Sprihg (like new) .... $99.50 1 - 4/6 Beautyrest longboy mattress and boxspring (like new, save $75) .... $129.50 1 - 4/6 mattress and box spring ................................ $39.50 1 - mahogany table, Duncan Phyfe style, 6 matching LAWTON A-P-MENTS. Bachelor units ideal for slngle men or wo- men. Also attractively furnished one bedroom apartments. All untllities furnished, except lights. Reasonable, Phone HA 6-2121 or HA 6-8177. I2/4 tin L-.-R'I THREE ROOM unfurnlshed apartment. One block from business district. Utilities furnished except electric ly. Call Beckwith Jewelry, days or evenings HA 6-3283. B 6/2 tin MASON APARTMENTS NEW TWO-ROOM furnished apart- manta. Linen, dishes and all utilit- ies furnished. Automatic laundry, $45 and $50 per monttl, Also weekly rates. Phone HA 6-8021, 111 East FOR RENT -- One bedroom duplex ohairs (very good) ........ $129,50 apartment partly furnished. Inquire 1 - chest, full size bed and 2 1619 Adams St. S 9/15 tfn nitestands .......................... $45.00 FO-/C -R E iT --: -05)fi:5n4 - dKf= nished, heated apartment, adults on- ., 2-walnut dinette tables ea. $15.00 ly, 311 N. ]st. Phone HA 6-3025, 1 - walnut drop leaf table .... $15.00 P 4/20 tfn 1 - davenport, matching chair ---E-R_,-ETY"0-:BEiSI60-i----a-ft= $50.00 ment with heat, water and garbage. Downtown location. Call HA 6-6283. 1 - swing rocker .................... $10.00 S 3/16 tfn I - davenport and chair .... $75.00 F--VR--lfg/:i--K-p-Lil,---.--d]ii 1 - 2 pc. sectional, foam at Goldeborough Apts. S 4/4 tin cushionS, (very good) .... $125.00 EfN-R/SblSi}i/K-fi_ 1- davenport and chair tleges for rent. Also tour room (like new) ........................ $149.50 apartment. 720 N. Fourth, HA 6-3487. R 6/8 tin 6 - chrome chairs (red) .... $30.00 b-'-iik-66i-i4bt-S--'--ttii furnished. Potlatch TR 7-5359 Hoods- USED APPLIANCES 1 - 30" delUXe electrie range ................................ $125.00 1 - Norse autO, washer ...... $85.00 I - Kenmore auto. washer $85,00 2 - automatic wood heaters (like new - new guarantee) ........................ $100.00 1 - GE wringer washer ........ $49.50 1 - electric range ................ $25.00 1 - Kelvinator refrigerator 12 cu. ft ............................. $125.00 I - Frigidaire reyigerator $89.50 1 - Ke/vlnator refrigerator $65.00 2 - oil heater8 ................ $35 & $55 WAREHOUSE NEW FURNITURE VALUES - 2 pc. sectional beige (save $100) .................... $179.50 1 - armless daveno (red) .... $85.00 I - Englander studio lounge beige or brown (save $20) $50.00 1 - Freeform Biltwell daveno (rose beige, save $60) .... $119.50 1 - Englander studio couch (White plastic) save $20....$50.00 1 - WalnUt; Chest, 4 drawers $30 00 1 - 5 pc, bedroom suite (grey) Save $200, ........... $199.50 1 - 6 pc, bedrom suite--- twin beds (Save $250.00) $199,50 5 - Occasional chairs (Save $30.00) ............ ea. $20.00 3 - OCcasional chairs (Save $20.00) ............ ea. $35.00 2 - Barrel back chairs (Save $50.00) .................... $50.00 1 - Mahogany chest desk (Save $50.00) .................... $45.00 Table lamps---wtlues to $30....$10,00 OLSEN FURNITURE COMPANY 328 Cots St. HA 6-4702 Earnings! Prizest Funt Educaliont Join the nicest group of ladies in town. We sell Avon Cos- meties and have one opening' available for lady who can qualify. Prefer someone living in Kamilche or Cole Road area but not a necessity. Write Avon, 605 Ellinor or phone HA 6-6426 fl)r interview 2/1-15 port or FL 23746 Olympia. M 7/13 tfn lshed apartment. Hot water city utilities, range and refrigera- tor furnished. Holly Hill Apts. Con- tact Apt. No. 2 or HA 6-2493. B 5/18 tin Woll Drilling HA 6-4245 or HA 6-2455 • LI j BOOTH CONSTRUCTION CO. HOUSES MOVED, RAISED and FOUNDATIONS HA 6-6441 3/27 tfn i B.&H. Gravel & Paving Co. Grading, Asphalt Paving, Driveways Our Spe0ialty 14 years in business HA 6-4888 8/24 tin SEPTIC TANKS Drain fteld, Digging, Sewer Marr Const. Co. Phone HA 6-3053 Rt. 3, Box 623 If no answer, Ph, HA, 6-6183 SLAB WOOD $10 cord ALDER $14 cord Cut. 16" - 24" - 4 ft. Immediate Delivery  Call Collect McCleary 495 - 3669 B 11/30 tin DICK'S TRANSFER and Delivery Phone HA 6-6364 Moving Anywhere In Mason County I  ...... [ II ] il I |1 I • ARTIFICIAL BREEDING service pro- ven, and highly classified ares. Dairy, beef and cllarolais, $7.00. Pi- per Brothers Inc. John Caulfleld, HA 6-2084. C 12/15 tin .H,H , Pets, Livestock RABBIT FRYERS for sale. also rab- bit fertilizer. Phone orders between I p.m. and 4 Phone tIA 6-3626, Mc 8/20 tfn r"lTr-ED- Honle for black female cocker spaniel Gordon setter puppy. Phone I{A 6-3016 alter 6 p.m. B 2/1 BLACK AND SILVER German Shep- herd dog, six months old for sale. Reasonable. Phone HA 6-2328. W 2/1-8 Miscellaneous DANCE CLASSES every "qeednesday, Memorial Hall. Ballet, tap, modern Jazz, and acrobatic, Margle Speck Dance School. Phone HA 6-2193, S 11/23 tin CARD OF rrHAN]S We wish to express our heartfelt thanks and appreciation for the sym- pathy, and acts of kindness received fronl our ne ghbm's and friends dur- ing the loss of our loved ones. Mrs. Louise Wtley and fandly Mrs. Grace Sylvester Mr. and Mrs. George Wiley Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Sylvester Mr. and Mrs. Charley Johns Mr, and Mrs. O. D, Kane 2/1 ........... ( A]-t D- 0 F--A P P RI,XI A T][ ON ..... I wish to extend my heartfelt thanks lo Lcland Price's many friends who were so kind to nle during lily sorrow. Thank you for the many flowers, eonl- forting words and acls, especially Mr. and Mrs. A H. Ahern. and all those who supplied lhe bountiful luncheon, Mrs. Tillie Pries Lost and Found LOST --, Tool box. Thursday evening, betwceh Island Lake and Arcadia oinf." Pintos HA 6-3016 after 6 pm. B 2/1 HAND SAWS & TABLE SAWS SHARPENED 200 E. PINE H 1/11 - 2/1 LADY WANTS WORK by ]n)ur. HA 6- 4378. V 10/12 tin u _ WANTED Used Furniture Will Buy or Consign KELLY'S FURNITURE HA 6-2411 WILL DO IRONING in my home, $1.00 per Imur. Phone HA 6-3262. P 4/]4 tin WXiq r ED---i6'-6V -¢Trh- - /: - 66t=W-6, Shelton and Olympia. Prefer Ma- son County. Some timber for wood. Phone HA 6-8154 after 5 p.m. ........................... A.2_/2_ tf WE BUY scrap n'on. batteries, radia- tors. coPDer, salvage of all kinds. She) tou Sunk Co., Ftrst nnd Mill Streets. Phone HA 6-8626. S 4/7 tfn CiI-AiN---g X "¢¢ - SHA1PEN I NG? %pd+;d y, accurate precision grinding. Now at Saeger Motor Shop, Hillcrcst. Pllone HA 6-4602. 1/15 tfn think It can't be fixed call ttenry Landis. HA 6-3098. 2/12 tin WX Nvr 5-=z-f O-db-i76;d-KiTiVKd.-6 R Rubber WeldErs. Mr. View. 1/10 tfn phmos, any condition. Will pay sash. Write Lacey Music Center. P.O. Box 246. Lacey, Wash T 1/25 2/1 Real-Estate FOR SALE or RENT -- Five a(:res Mill Creek Rd. Good three-bedroom house barn garage, tool shed. PII. t-IA 6-8680. W 2/1-15 -6ii-- s X L  - - -= --f0-q, ?,e-V-7h-i-d :5] land. about 1/ cleared. Some l)er- tics. tWO l)t'dreool h()LlSe, lights alld water, olhcr outiluihlings, Woldd considcr 20 ft. trail(!l" llo(ls( as iMr[ payment. Route 3, Box 394 Arcadia road. S 2/] tin two full baths, dishwasber, lots of cabinets. Phone HA 6-8218. S 1/25 tfn sale. Utility room with washer and dryer, garage. Near sllol)plng dist- rict. $,1000. Phone HA 6-3510 eve- nings after 6:30 C 1/11 tin small restaurant on highway, doing a very good business. Ideal for couple. Phone HA 6-3547 after 9:00 p,m. W 11/16 tin FOR SALE Two older dwellings on East Pine for a handyman $5,000 -Bedroom home at Unicn being remodeled (not waterfront), $6,00O BILL PEARSON 125 N. 5th HA -061 USED FURNITURE & APPLIANCES LUMBERMEN'S MERCANTILE Home Furnishings -- 2nd Floor Eells & Valley Appliance Oenler Your Washer-Dryer Headquariers o" M T " n ? 1 G Always ihe bestatdeal, by George! Eells & Valby 2nd & Cota St. HA 6-4663 3/2 tin FOR DEPENDABLE APPLIAHCE SERVICE ALL MAKES & MODELS I)ALL YOUR FRIGIDAIRE DEAL£R Lumbermen's Mercantile 0o, 3rd and Railroad HA 6-8211 In this notlce and in tile contract hereinafter mentioned. Approximately 12 trees on said property are marked with ycIlow paint and must be left standing. Timber will be sold on a cash basis. Minimum acceptable bid $17,200.00. Timber must be fully paid for by cash or certified check prior to comnlenee- mere of logging operations. A certi- fied check payable to Win. G. Ducsing, Win. F. Duesing and Philip H. Klcn- nlan in the amount of 5% of the bid price must accompany the bid, and checks will be returned by nlail to unsuccessful bidders. The successful bidder must pay on the day of the sale, or within three (3) days there- after, an additional 15% of the pur- chase price. All of the aforesaid sums shall be forfeited upon the default or nonperfornlancc of the successful bidder, The full balance of the pur- chase price nlust be paid before cut- ting commences. Timber must be re- moved and clean up completed within two years of the date of sale. Tiulber is located approxinlat(}ly slx miles North of Brinnon, Washington. Accessibility Is to H.ood Canal, and successful bidder must assume respon- sibility of obtaining any required gov- ernmental approval for booming or loggh*g el)elations and assume all liability theref6r. The timber may be inspected by contacting Mr. William Dueslng at the North end of the Bee Mill Road near Brinnon, Washington. Complete contract specifications my be cxanlined at the officc of Glenn Abraham. Jr., address above. Bids will be opened at the office of Glenn Abrahanl, Jr., address above, at 2:00 p.m. on Thursday, February 22. 1962. The offerors reservc the right to re- Ject any and all bids and to waive lnfornlalities in the bidding. GLENN ABRAHAM, JB., Attorney for Sellers Address above 1/18-25 2/1 3t NO. 3331 No'riCE TO CItEDITORS TO I'It.I,]SI,N'i' AN]) FILI'] CLAIMS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF TItE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOI MASON COUNTY (IN PRORATE) tn the Matter of the Estate of LOU- IS C, VAN ARSDALE, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undcrsigned. Kat)erhle S. Van- Arsdale has been appointed and has qualified as Executmx of the Last Will and Testament and of the estate of Louis C. Van Arsdale deceased: and that all persons tlaving claims "against' tile' mud 'estate or the said deceased are hereby required to serve the .sanle duly verificd in duplicate with the necessary vouchers attached. upon the undersigned Executrix or her attorney of record at the law el- l'ice of B. Franklin Heust0n. Angle Building, Shelton, Washington, and file such claims together with proof of serviee with the Cleric of Lhe above entitled Com't within six (6) months after the date of the first publication of this notice, to-wit. 11 January 1962, or all claims nol so prcsented and filed will be forever barred. KATHERINE S. VAN ARSDALE, Executrix. Estate of Louis C. Van Arsdale. deceased. Address: 700 Tin'nor, Shelton, Washington B. FRANKLIN HEUSTON. Attorney for said Estate, Angle Building, Shelton, Wash. 1/11-18-25 2/1 4t Real Estate Legal Publications NOTICE OF SALE" (iF VAI, UAnLE MATERIAL ON STATE LAND STATE OF WASHINGTON. DEPART- MENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES, Bert L. Cole. Commissioner of Pub- lic Lands. Notice is hereby given that on Tues- day, the 27th day of February, 1962, commencing at ten o'clock in the fore- noon of said day, at the Port Orchard. District Headquarters, located at Port Orchard County of Kitsap, State of Washington, by the District Admin- istrator of said District the timber on the following described state land will be sold at public auction to the highest bidder, to-wit: Application No. 27615 Cady Lake located approximately 25 miles west of Belfair. The sale is com- posed of all tbubcr witltin property lines on SE/ of Section 34. Township 23 North. Range 3 West. W.M.. con- taining 160 acres, nlore or leSS. COnl- prising approxmlately 504,000 bd. ft. of Douglas fir (2nd growth), 60,000 bd. ft of Douglas fir (old growth), 408 cords of lodgepole and white pine, and 103 cords of henflock. Minin*um acceptable bid: $19.50 per M for Douglas fir 2nd growth, $29.50 per M for Douglas fir old growth; $2.00 per cord for lodgepole pine, white pine, alld hemlock. Timber will be sold on a cash or lnstalhnent plan basis. Timber must be removed p,'ior to December 81, 1963. On or before February 27, 1962, at 10:00 a.m,. eaeb bidder nlust make a minimum deposit of $1,262.00 plus a $5.00 bill of sale fee, or a total of $1,267.00 in the form of cash, money order or certified check, Said deposit shall constitute an opening bid at the appraised price. Upon award of this sale, the respective deposits shall be returned to tbe unsuccessful bidders. The purchaser must pay the balance between the bid deposit and the full bid price on the day of sale, or Tnay, if tile purchaser so elects at the time of sale. pay an additimlal amount, to bring the total amount of the deposit, exclusive of fees, to equal 25% of the full bid price based on the cruise esti- mate. This balance nmy bc paid by personal check. Purchaser must also furnish, within 30 days of date of sale, a surety bond of $2.000.00 to guarantee compliance with all terms of the bill of sale. All checks, money orders, etc. are to be made payable to the Commissioner of Public Lands. Accessibility: Via public road. Complete contract and specifications may be examined at Port Orchard District Headquarters, County Audi- tor's office, and office of Commissioner of Public Lands, Olympia. To be sold at Port Orchard District Headquarters. on Tuesday, February 27. 1962 at 10 ()'clock Any sale which has been offered, and for which no bids are received shall not be reoffered until it has been re- advertised. If all sales cannot be of- fered within thc specified time on the advertised date. the sale shall con- tinue on the following day between the hours of ten o'clock a.m. and four o'clock p.m. Said timber on said [and will be sold for not less than the appraised value, as appraised by the Commis- sioner of Public Lands in the manner provided by law a notice of which ts" now on file in the office of the Audi- tor of Mason county, and District Ad- minlstrator of said district, Terms of sale are: Cash or install- ment plan basis. BERT L. COLE Commissioner of Public Lands 2/18-"16'-22 4t' CALL FOR BIDS The North Mason School Directors will (:all for bids on the following items : Gymnasium seating Basketball backstops Steel Lockers Baskets and racks Canvas floor eowring All bids submitted may be all in- clusive, or under separate cover. Bid- der must subnlit bid in a sealed en- velope addressed to Clerk. North Ma- son School Board. Belfair. Washing- ton, All blds must be received on or be- fore the 19th of February 1962 when they will bE opened at 8:{J0' p.m. In the School Board Office. Speclfieatlons may be obtained by writing the School Board Office, North Mason Shool District No. 403 Belfair wasnlngton, ' ' The Board of Directors reserves the right to refuse any and all bids. JOHN R, SISSON, Clerk fOR SALE -- Duplex 84x28 with 10 i North Mason Schools lots. Inquire 1726 Stewart street or Belfatr, Washington p-" "ffTfs" t/ I 2/1-8 2t H--OUSES  Three-room $S200. Five- - room, $4200, 10% down'. $50 per too. I REAL ESTATE _ N_ea_r_Dayton, HA 6-6837. R 5/25 t I. NCOME PROP-R-TY---b-Y-wner Will i I take 20' to 80' trailer house as part[| payment. Located on Mt. View. Ph, HA 6-4288. P 5/5 tin lVIUS'T--S'AC-''-IFI-(:YI two-bedroom Hill- crest home, furnished or unfurn- ished, large garage corner lot close to school and stores, Must 'move. Will sell at real bargain. Phone HA 6-8549 afternoons or evenings. ...... M 12/14 tin OR SALE  I-o-use on - ) , u acres near Skoktmlsh sChool, Contact A. F. Op- pelt on Wednesday or weekends. TR 7-5438. 10/5 tin Li''GE--()-'-'o-d'lT-dOonl home. Dining roonl, Dagement, fenced back ,yard, Plaster fmish throughout, Excellent condition, Phone HA 6-467. 11/9 tin FOR SALE 2 bedroom house -- Large family room  Lots of built- ins ....... Wall-to-wall carpeting --..Electc Heat _= Large t auo -- z car garage  90' x 140' lot --- Mr. View, Phone HA 6-8428 2/1 tin POTLATCH Three-bedroom,. home plus one- bedroom or of Itce With outside en- trance. Beautiful view of Hood Canal an d Mr. Rainier. Furnishes $1,) 000, terms. RENTALS 2-:nd-3 bedroom homes in Hoods- port area, $35 per month and up, Hood Canal Real Estate & Insurance Co. TR 7-5211, or evenings call TR 7-5575, TR 7-5277 SEPTIC TANK , INSTALLATIONS pRF.-CAST SEPTIC TANKS io0-gal., 250-gal., 500-al, 750-gal. Drain ields. Ditch Digging sHARER: DICCING SERVICE Phone HA. 6-3660 8-18tin a_y, February 1, J human nature to p t  lsf0r everything on 0 [ else btll tl n]an beg :e Some progress wh r es his shortcomings ( Wan Pubhcatm :M2cv c H NO. 3333 MASON COUNTY _L, , " ' ' In the Matter of the Estate of l' lt{[,' ::..:. • m, , unleSS yOU DOUg ERT EBERT Deceased J.' m,eh ' ' l t-e a-P '''"¢ ass price is onl Robert E. Hulliger s n  ':[,._-" .. . . and qualified Executor of said € %::Wortn teeny . . and file the same with the el'  Consid .... tl ....... , said Court together with p I. lr ,. . , ' $  14 alsal n'laKln th such service, within six mon$,,,t,  , g the date of first publication m., -= - , notice, or the same will be bs." "' ' ROBERT E. HULLIG] E [ REALy worth toda Executor [ a-- t ,m call 888 N.E 55h, / ... Seattle 5. Washington II Attorney at Law 17 RR AVE. I25½ N. 5th She]ton. Washington 1/11-18-25 NO. 3288 NOTICE OF HEARING" FINAL REPORT AND FOR IN THE SUPERIOR STATE OF MASON COUNTY ,.. f In the Matter of the Etatc o TER G. CHASE. Deceased, ELLA B. CHASE, Executrix Estate, has filed with said final report and petition for tfon, asking the Court to report, distribute persons thereto charge said Executrix. and petition will be hm day of February, 1962, at 10 the courtroom of said Court, County Courthouse at ington. DATED THIS 22nd day of, 1962. HARRY DEYETTE, • Clerk of the Superior Cour by: Teekla Vermillion, - Deputy Clerk, ROBERT L. SNYDER " j Attorney at Law 125½ N. 5th Shelton, Washington 1/25 HERB ROTTER & ASSO00MES Are you on retirement and having a strug: gle to make it on your pension? Coul cash investment. Business headquarters already established in Shelton and going,: very well. You can't misS. Previ6dS business experience not necessary, it's ,i all set up and ready for you to talee over.J; Immediate action necessary, iJ HerSRotter&Assoc00at i REAL ESTATE ..... g 124 North 1st St., Shelton HA 6.66. ; Evenings HA 6-3530 ' /., , TO OWNERS ( :" ' ''/rbJ When you decide to sell or if you already MpACT, HOMEY, CUte and pri on fruit trees. ( b'NVENIENCE O you walk to on the car bath home at :?RADE 4 BEDR(] a comfortable home as down p WINDING T through this 4( workshop a selling for $595(] .D YOU LIKE TO cute all-elecl = easy-to-care-fol NUMBER 8113 0 , "$300 down, $3 SUMMONS BY PUI|LICATII). " IN THE SUPERIOR coLrRT 0't 1% :-OR SELL THIS STATE OF WASHT0ff ilt aZ ,'of nice frontage o T , AND FOR MASON COUN -.[.,, • MYRTLE KELLY Platntif!'ltl:-  , race garael vs, ' ' rer..._'' % sunny kitchen, more bedroo THE STATE OF WASHING " ae for Seattle he THE SAID JACK KELLY DefeP./[e,,. .... YOU are llereby summoned .,tqVE THREE T{ pear within sixty (60) days e ea _ " un one nas e of the day of ervlce, to wit, .jV . sixty days of the 28th day of s,Y'mcest in water: ber 1961. and defend the ab.0.w,i:[Oy" Each has R-4 titled ac{ion in the court gfos,qtIRca.' - • . J % 'UOCKS, lovely ] and answer the complaint r--..u ..... Judgment will be rendered -"-. - S tC[lVe nreplace, you according to the demand j-. complaint which will be fil,;eted, floors the su the clerk of this court, a u[h-"8: den +h'ov+.o whlch Is herewith served up; f:._ ' 7 "' F. ..... t B --' ins sea[in S . The cause of ctlon hereil ',]_._'' g Y Olympia, Washington .| 12/28 1/4-n'Is_'2L*'[, 'ltil S FOR RENT SHELTON CEMETEB£ {' "'" ASSOCIATION I "ji,,Evenings WALTER Call Annual Meeting .,ff Notice is hereby given that,te R nual nteettng of the stockhOm the Shelton Cemetery Associati, ,G '.'.' £ held at the P UD Third and Cots St., Shelton, W 7:30 P.M, for the purpose of e!. of officers and for such other b that may come before the me I-A 6-636 All members are urged fdb' ent. H. PARRY JONES President .......... W. S. VALLEY Secretary , A REAL ESTATb'&:i:i . A, : 0000l-",,p.onal Buy., ['  r ABOUT A t o.  a-modest inves me *reasure Island0 j' 'r" , "s livable for 'It ,is anxious to  ,i'0F WATERF tl.,, e  an excellen e 'Ve q3 ., ebl.,. Uilding that nc, kWith little eft a "t'=$50 per j, has wate anxious to you use another $150 - $200 or more a, o WATERF month in about 6 or 7 days of very easY5 an excellenl work each month? Requires $1,500.00 • , . per foot m ItOOM HOMI ta  ellent buy oi ' with even "  ed on the in W N - r values at $ . ZJgWN HOME ,t fi Is a fine two b ,,ra ,,aee and othe " |l'Ared rental t]  u. Make an of .'R LDT WITH 1.  :Well located olde 8. gge and basen . ii: aetogrades ',-'nily .._.. a 4 or 5 b, l i.mth talent The , hrh P ace in the la ', aL $Ood floors. I h ,," J',750 With 10% have property on the market, consider tbe[ p-- • • ' " ' :' fh3e'w t-ACE FOI following benefits of using our services. ]Leo terfront hol Your property will be intelligently price,!r%,, tor. Laun ,.,a . • .r, ;yalkway At descriptively advertised and persistenuJsD,a_ ' to pro00p00ct00 to buy and be SOLD. -," tl i.ahort distance f • 00000000:00atures sueb We have many qualified buyers, lo0ki ,::./ age and lar for waterfront, summer view, homes, lotf e PROPER' or acreage. . ' " e !t y0u e building • . . .41 I r:t. needs for Call °;;i;;;;r ;:;;;;t;:t NOW. e:l:i: !i:! 2816 Empire Way South -- PA - 5-0600  " AW SEATTLE, WASHINGTON ' ]STATE