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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 1, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 1, 1962
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Thursday, February 1, .... ,d i i i &apos; - p nli Legal Publication,S NO. 3S33 Nt)TICE TO CREDITOES IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF', STATE OF WASHINGTON'  --.:i_.,laY' February 1, 1962 ;is human nature to put the ne for everything on some- Y else but a man begins to :e Some progress wilen he es his shortcomings on the er Person. Y A Journal Want Ad IOW MUCH 'IOIJR HOME WORTH? hfflated balloons make perfect casting targets for fishermen who want to improve their skill. An- chored on a stream or lake with a piece of monofilament and a small sinker, they'll explode when the sharp hooks of your lm'e hits them. 'You .probably remember ve y well what you ;,' 'PAId for it That's the fi'st thing most f611i think of... whitt it COST THEM. MASON COUNTY In the Matter of the Estate of .|l ' tl[','ti}less you bought it only recently, the EaT EBERT, Deceased. -^"i ;PUrchase price is only one indication of its J Robert E. Hulliger is the apP,: ..[, : " .. . . ' " and qualified Executor of said ef :0:*.w'or[n maay . . . and not a very good said Court to ether with' t ; gl r ' " " ' ' g , , 6e! . _1... p msal making this ahnost a science in such serwce wlLnln Six molit,% l,',:t • ' ' J the date of first publication. 0Il[, : 8tf . notice, or the same will be bsn']t:"'/"-3a.P :r' DATE of first publication: ..  P aising is a specialty of ours. If you 11 1962. -BI 9,tlld .like to know what your home is ' ROBERT E. HULLIGN t| REALLY worth today pick up your hone Executor ' . . n 838 N.E. 55th, . u Call... Seattle 5, Washington '. REALTY Attorney at Law 317 RR AVE. 125½ N. 5th . HA 6-8535 Shelton, Washington 1/11-18-25 | NO. 3288 NOTICE OF HEARING'' ' FINAL REPORT AND' ,.oR .,STRIBUT,O00-, EXCELLENT BUYS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF STATE OF WASHINGTON s MASON COUNTY MPACT, HOMEY, JUST-RiGHT-FOR-TWO HOME • • In the Matter of the Etatebf  .... TEa G. CHASE, Deceased. t. CUte and pri one-bedroom cottage with dandy garden, CHASE, Executrix f'i ELLA B. WIU dof:  at fruit trees. Good residenhal area. $3850 on terms• Estate, has filed • i . :' final report and petitio sa 1 0NVENIENCE OF LIVING DOWN TOWN lion, asking • the Court to settl •. • report, distribute the propertY' # you walk to work, stores, churches, schools, can be persons thereto entitled and t0 on the car gas bill. And you'll like this three bed- charge said Executrix. said ,PILE tbe•l bath home at the bargain price of only $6350! Better and petition will be heard on day of February. 1962, at 10  '/' the courtroom of said Court, County Courthouse at Shelton,' iS[ TRADE 4 BEDROOM HOME NEAR JUNIOR HIGH . . . a comfortable home with 2 baths that owner will take as down payment. Only $10,750. Like to see? lILy WINDING TROUT STREAM . . . through this 40 acres with cozy one-bedroom, "fireplace workshop and small barn. Only 7 miles from town, selling for $5950 with $950 down, $50/month. .D YOU LIKE TO NAME YOUR OWN TERMS? . . . cute all-electric cottage that's going for $4,250? It's easy-to-care-for, with large fenced lot and nice view of s; '$300 down, $35/month, or you name terms! • :.OR SELL THIS 4 ACRE WATERFRONT HOME . . . frontage on Pickering Pass, with fruit trees, ber- nice garden plot, etc. The modest home has nice Sunny kitchen, and is neat as a pin. For extra room more bedrooms over garage and workshop. Will con- for Seattle home. $15,000. Like to see it? THREE TOP HOOD CANAL PROPERTIES ... each one has excellent features of its own. These are in waterfront homes, and so very nice to live in :Each has 3-4 bedrooms, guest quarters, several baths, docks, lovely grounds, etc. Summer is just around the pay you to look now! THIS LOVELY 3 BEDROOM HOME . . . ,many reasons--some of which are the cozy living room )lace, the secluded and covered patio, the nice- the sunny kitchen, the panelled bedroom which a' den, the extra pretty baths, thc eparate workshop, and fine heating system, which is so important. You'll like construction and nic4 yard. $15,900. )ROOM HOME FOR $475 DOWN, $59/MONTH . . . insurance and taxes too. It's a neat cottage with 2 down and two up. The larg'e school playground adja- ington. DATED THIS 22nd day. of.J 1962. HARRY DEYETTE, Clerk of the Superior by: Teek]a Vermillion,.. Deputy Clerk. ROBERT L. SNYDER .... Attorney at Law 1251 N. 5th , Shelton, Washington 1/25 NUMBER 8113 SUMMONS BY PUBLICA' IN THE SUPERIOR COURT STATE OF WA, AND FOR MASON MYRTLE KELLY, vs. JACK THE STATE OF THE SAID JACK KELLY You are hereby peal" withln sixty (60) days e:  of the day of ervice, t0 wlt,.I sixty days of the 28th day of 5 ber, 1961, and defend the ab0W, titled action in the com't afo and answer the complaint o,m?,, o*Jr plaintiff and serve a copy a" ..... answer upon the undersigned for plaintiff at her office beloW.. and in case of your failure judgment will be rendered you according to the deman complaint which will be f the clerk of this eom't a which is herewith served . The cause of action secure a divorce on tile cruelty and non support, TRENA BELSITO . WORTHINGTON, Attorney for Plaintiff Office and Post Office 205 Thurston Savings and for your children. Only $7650--better see this! Olympia, Washington12/28 1/4-11-18-25...,/1 EEUS FOR RENTALS -- HOMES OR APARTMENTS SIIELTON CEMETERY ' ".i <Evenings Call MARY VOSS -- HA 6-8074 ASSOCIATION ' WALTER MARBLE -- HA 6-3022 Annual Meeting NotJce is herehy given ibat ROY DUNN -- HA 6-4601 "nual meeting of the stockl( ,.'.i.: the Shelton Cemetery Associa " ...... A ROY DUNN be held at the P.U,D. AU( ',,,' Third and Cots St. Shelton :' ..... • ton, on Monday, 5, 7:30 P.M. for the REALTOR of officers and for that may come before the HA 6-6363 • 126 Railroad Ave. All members are urged ent. H. PARRY JONES r00r%00%LL00 Y ......... Secretary ,  REAL i:STAT00,X00iion- Angle Agen©y at Buys on Homes & Building Sites IIKING'" ABOUT A SUMMER PLACE? & AS$0GIATES/ t%a'modest investment you can have this excellant view ae  ensure Island, just 2 blocks from the large public beach. " [llSrtY i;;s water to it and cludes an older 27' hour- and having a strug:  t t is livable for a family of four. The total price is $,000 )ur pension ? Coula ' i-  r is anxious to sell and will consider a reasonable offer. t, T OF WATERFRONT ON OAKLAND BAY ... tPae lk an excellent piece of waterfront which include an l' .,e,?buildin that could be made into a 2 or 3 room sum- cQsk.With little effort. A good spring with well and pump. £'50 per foot and owner will carry contract. 0 - $200 or more a 7 days of very easy .Requires $1,500.0 mmess headquarters a Shelton and going, a't miss. Previdus. not necessary. It'S or you to take over.:: essaxy. Associates iSTATE HA IA 6-3530 rNERS ', •. •,. sell or if you already market, consider. sing our services.. e intelligently pric, ed and pers lo are able to buy -" ified buyers, er view, homes, m appointment ,i )ROPERTIES . 0000OROoM HOME ON ANGLESIDE clo,,-e-cellent buy on a two bedroom, plastered home Two .¢a ,[lota with even a kennel for your dog The home haS 0tZt,bhed on the inmde and new shake roof and siding. One • -er values at $9650. WN o- . Ie,euWN HOME WITH SMALL RENTAL t, ft a fine two bedroom home located down town, electric •  fu:Oace and other convenient features. Also a one bed-  ,l,0led rental that would = help make payments, pHced ,= u. Make an offer. .OT WITH 1/3 ACRE AND IN TOWN located older 3 bedroom home on Southside with a and basement workshop. Garden area with" fruit to grade school. Priced at $8750. IEDROOMS OR 5777 a 4 or 5 bedroom home that would be ideal for a talent. The home is in need of some paint but other- good condition. It has a dining room, brekfat :e in the large living room, full basement, bath and floors. Located on corner lot with an extra lot in With 10% down. )LACE FOR YOU home located close-in on 88 ft. tract. Ha room, and convenient kitchen includes range Laundry facilities are in garage which is at- An excellent buy at $15,000, See it today. OOM HOME ON SOUTHSIDE. listed for this very fine two bedroom home lo- distance from grade school, This home has many such as fireplace, nanelled living room, shop and large lot 120 x i0"0. Priced to sell at $9450. PROPERTY building lots in ANGLESIDE ADDITION that needs for a fine home. Good vie W lots available for el homes that can be used for any type of construe- time to pick your homesite and prepare for that Can. These lots can be purchased on favorable terms se if desired at reasonable'payments. Let us show you Y at Your convenience. ANGLE AGENOY ...........  6-827 INSURANCE DICK SHELTON--MASON ,COUNTY JOURNAL- Published in "Ch'rismastown, U,S.A.," Shelton, Was h!ngton t t tit it, it Page I Lutheran Youth Hold Annual Meet Faith Lutheran Chm'ch recently held its Annual Youth Sunday observance with both morning worship services being conducted by the young people of the church. "Jesus, Savior, Pilot Me," chosen as their theme for the service, was carried out in song, speech, choir and individual meditations with special songs by the Children's Choir accompanied by Mrs. Carl Carlson. INDIVIDUAL meditations were offered by Ross Robb, Lynn Spil- seth, Richard Holmes and Norman Nichols representing the Junior Luther League and Arlene Cheney and Susan Norvold speaking for the Senior League. Scripture pas- sages were given by the boys' speech choir composed of Jim An- derson, Bob Boynton, Gary Brown, Wayne Estvold, Paul Kangas, Marvin Matson and Chris Stevens. Presenting the theme in song under the direction of Miss Mary Matson were Diane and Judy Antonsen, Lois Bowman, Shirley Carlson, Patsy Caulfield, Barbara and Lurene Fuller, Susan Hartline, Billie Sue Johnson, Sandra Mat- tsofl, Cathy Moth, Jan Parker, Karen Ramsfield, Judy Ritzschke, Cheryl Scott, Nancy Spilseth, Connie Stevens, Lynn Stevens, Linda Strikland, Sandy Struthers, Carol and Trudy Tweed, :Floria, Linda and Diane Welander, Karen Jackfitadt, Sharon Johnson, Terry and Coleen Shrum, Babe Donald- son and Nancy Ramsfield. Janet Estvold was organist for the day. Serving as ushers were John Anderson, Brad Bartlett, Tim Lovegren, Tom Olson, Dennis i Partlow, Robert Ramsfield, Chris SteVens, John Vonttof, Gary Mat- son, Wally Welancler and Stereo Ness. PRECEEDING the first service the young people met at the church for a fellowship breakfast with devotions led by Pastor Carl- sen, and then to co, replete a busy but very rewarding day the group met at the swimming pool for a splash party followed by a wiener roast. Contrary to most shining ex- amples it is possible for an indiv- idual to be healthy, weathy and wise. 4 BR HOME WITH DAYLIGHT BASEMENT This home, spe- cially designed for a growing family, has a large recreation room with fireplace. View of the Bay may be seen from the living room which also has its own fireplace. This ten room home has 3 BR's up and one down plus two baths. The grounds have been nicely landscaped and a play area added adjacent to the double carport. $17,760.00. NICE HOME FOR HANDYMAN Near schools and stores, large yard, 2 BR's, master BR next to bath, living room has lovely fireplace. Recently redecorated kitchen and dining room, Also garage utility, woodshed could be made into workshop. $500,00 dowff payment. $6500.00. 'SMALL HOME wITH BEAUTIFUL VIEW This immaculate home (about 800 sq. ft.) is located in the Seattle Syndicate Ad- dition, and has a wonderful view of the mountains and bay. Living room with fireplace, small dining room, attractive birch cabinets in kitchen, separate utility, tiled bathroom and 2 BR's with adequate storage (single garage) are many of the features that would make this home ideal for an older couple. $10,100.00. SHELTER'S FINEST New 3 BR Rambler will be ready for oc- cupancy in two weeks. This home was built for genuine living. The all electric built-in kitchen is a dream come true for the homemaker, 2V baths, family room with 2 sets of sliding glass doors to patio. The living room was designed for the discrimin- ate entertainer. Must be seen to appreciate. By Appointment. JUST MADE FOR FAMILY WITH GRADE SCHOOL CHIL- DREN 3 BR'S -- stx rooms in all, dining area, garage, corner lot. $10,600.00, NEW HOME on extra large lot near Mr. View School, 7 rooms in all which consist of 3 BR's, large living room, unique angular kitchen and dining room, and utility wired and plumbed for washer and dryer, plus bath and one-half, double garage which is plastered as is the complete house. Many other extras that make this house a home. Will F,H.A. $18,500.00. LARGE FAMILY HOME close to school and shopping area. Has 3 BR's, possible 4. Bath and Vz, large garage and work- shop. Modestly priced with extra corner lot. $13,500.00. RENTALS: 2 BR's. IaBISSONIERE AGENCY REAL ESTATE -- INSURANCE HA, 6-666 Evenings Call Sylvia Carey, HA 6-3132 AI LaBimonlere, HA 6-8649 Harry (Bob) Wiles, HA 6-8926 HERB ROTTER and ASSOCIATES Herb Rotter, Broker Walter George, Associate Broker Office  HA 6.6642 Evenings  HA 6-3530 9 ACRES OF GOOD GARDEN SOIL, Drilled well, garage and other outbuildings -- 4 rooms, 2 Bedrooms, Bath. A real buy at $10,500.00. 15 ACRES WITH OLDER HOUSE  Needs some work -- Full price $1,250.00. IF YOU WANT A GOOD BUY IN WATERFRONT on Ham- mersley Inlet we have some at $45.00 per foot for 425 feet. 6 ROOMS WITH 3 BEDROOMS AND BATH, garage, 4 nice lots inside city. Price $6,000,00. $500.00 Down. 175 FT. OF WATERFRONT ON HAMMERSLEY INLET with 3 Bedroom house. The uplands are well wooded with native trees. This can be purchased for $9,250.00. Terms. 138 FEET ON LAKE ISABELLA  Excellent waterfront -- 2 Bedroom house With ftrepIace, electric heat. Full price $10,000.00. 2 BEDROOM HOME -- Large upstairs can be used for sleeping rooms. New double garage, 40 x 60 Barn. All this on #,0 acres of good land. Full price $13,500.00. Terms. WE HAVE SOME HOOD CANAL PROPERTY just south of • Union for $30.00 per foot. APARTMENT HOUSE -- 5 units gross $3,300.00, 90% occupied sin nce 1947. Near schools and shopping. Landscaped grounds. Full price $32,500.00. Terms. 3 BEDROOMS, FIREPLACE, GARAGE, excellent water system. 210 Ft. of waterfront with tidelands. $14,750.00. Terms. Herb Rotter & Associates REAL ESTATE 124 North 1st Street Union TW 8-2429 Legal Publications NiL 3334 NOTICE TO CI{EDITOItS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT ()IV THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY In the Matter of ilm Estate of RAY- MeND DILLENBURG. Deceased. Tlelma M, Dillenburg is the ap- l)ointed and qualified Administratrix of said estate. All ])ersons having clainls against said deceased are re- i quircd io serve ihe' Sanl( in duplicate, 4 duly verified, on said Adnlinistratrixl or her attorney. Rol)ert L. Snyder at l lhe address heh)w stated, and file the same witil 1he Ccrk o; said C tort, to-I g(th(,r with proof of such service, ] within six months after the date of first publication of this notice, or the Sanle, will be barred. I DATE of first publieati)n: January  18, 1962. THELMA M. DILLENBIRG Administratrix Star Route 2. Box 94 Sllelton. Washington. ROBERT L, SNYDER Attorney at Law ]25, N. 5th Shell on, Washington :1/i8-25-2/I-8 4t Frozen rod ferrules may be freed by heating and using a penetrating rust solvent at the spot where the two ferrules are joined. The heat will creat a vacume ihat will sock the pene- trating oil between both parts of the ferrule and remove the trou- ble, Real Estate SMART 3 BEDROOM RAMBLER LIKE NEW IN MT. VIEW ONE BLOCK TO SCHOOL Long, low and lovely. Red- wood and Terrazzo stone exterior. Fireplace in charming living room. 2 baths, hardwood floors, double garage attached. Lawns, shrubs. I All new home area. The $17,500 full price includes matching color refrigerator, washer, dryer. Terms to suit you. 3 BEDROOM CONTEMPORARY MT. VIEW, BUILT 2 YEARS EXCELLENT LOCATION • You can wal k completely around the handsome fireplace. The refreshing kitchen has one wall Irgely of red brick. 3 twin size bedrooms. One-car garage attached, plus utility. Practically a new home at a price less than you would expect. $13,900. You name your own terms. 4 BEDROOMS, 3 DOWN 1 UP 2 BIG LOTS, GOOD STREAM GARAGE, LARGE SHOP • Near city limits. Huge living room, family kitchen, sewing and utility. All year creek. Fine lo- cation for an active family. A real trim home at a price you can afford. $8,750 and $900 down Low monthly payments. IDEAL LARGE FAMILY HOME 5 BEDROOMS ON 2 LEVELS PLUS 3 ROOM BASEMENT APT. AND A CONCRETE SHELTER! • This big home has plenty of elbow room. Nice living room with broad inviting stairs. Family din. ing, spacious kitchen, loads Of built-ins, even a dishwasher. Sew- ing room and utility with trays. Full basement, walk-in cooler, new wood furnace. Full price $8,500 and worth more. $850 down. 3 BEDROOMS, ONE LEVEL JUST OVER LINE IN COUNTY 2 ACRE WITH STREAM • Extra large living room, bright roomy kitchen. Cooler storage. The price is only $8,000. Take over existing contract at $50 :per month after $t,400 down payment. 4 BEDROOM HOME SOUTH EAST OF CITY ONE BLOCK OFF HIGHWAY • Here is an exceptionally good buy. Nice looking 2 level home. Large living room, good kitchen, utility and 1 bedroom down. 3 un- finished bedrooms up. Fine big basement and garage. Your own cased well. By completing the up. stairs, you can soon make an $8, 500 property. You can buy it to- day for $5,500. Terms $750 down and $50 monthly CALL US FOR FARMS . . . We have 3 new listings from 33 acres up to 200 acres. Also partly Im- proved and unimproved acreages from 5 acres up to 80 acres, and more. CALL HA 6-6592 ANYTIME MANN REAL ESTATE 321 South First Street EVENING8 CALL PREFERRED PROPERTIES Legal Publications NOTICI,] TO MINING CLAIMANTS (Wasllingion 0-1327) Ptlblish('d |)tlrslaot to s(?(,tion 5 of ihe Acl ()f July 23, 1955 (69 Stat. 367). TO W]lonlever it Inay toncera: Notice is ]lCl'Oby given ill l)ldrsuance of a proper Reqtlest for Ptlblicatlon heretofore fih,d In accordanee with seeti(m 5 of the Act of July 23, 1955 69 Stat. 367). and the regulations thereun(ler It3 CFR 185.123 - 185.127). 1, That on Novemlw.r 16, ]961, tile Chi(f, Forest ScrvictL Departnwnl (,f Agri('ulturc, whose address in Wash- ington 25, D.C., filed in tin.' Land Oftlct" of th*! BLII'(qlU O[ Land Manage- )n(ntt, D(,l)artln(,nt of ille Interior, at St)okaue. Washington, n request f(n' publication of notice t all mhleral h)- (:ators or auy persons clailuing nnder tbenl involving it nlining c]ail)l or ('lailns located on lands in the County (.If 5as{,n, State of VrashingtolI, de- scribed as follows, to-wit: Olympic National Forest, Mason County, I%'ashington The Mason Area, 6-SR-9-11. includes all lands owned by the United States which are within the following de- SCl'iptions. The ansurveye(] s0('.tions listed arc those whk:h would probably enlbrace the lands when tile l)ublie land surveys are extended to such lands. Wlllamette Meridian T 22 N, R 6 ': Unsurveyed sec. 27, T 23 N, It 4 V: See. 9; palatially no- surveyed sees. 3, 4, 7, and 8: and no- surveyed secs. 5 and 6. T 23 N, R 5 W: Sees. 14, 15. and 24; partially unsur- veyed sees, 9 to 12 incl., 23. and 25; and unsurveyed secs 1, 2, 3,' 5 to 8 incl.. 16 to 22 incl., and 26 to 35 incl. I' 23 N, R 6 W: (Unsurveyed) Sees. 1 to 4 Incl., 6, 7, 11 to 14 incl., 17 to 2(] incl., 22. 23, 29, 30, and 31. T 24 N, it 3 W: Sec. 7; partially unsurveyed sec. 5; and unsurveyed sec. 6. T 24 N, R 4 W: sees. 5 to 8 incl., 11, and 13 te 35 incl.; and partially unsm'veyed sees. 1 to 4 incl., 9. 10. 12. and 36. I' 21 N, R 5 V: (Unsurveyed) Sees 1,'2. 3, 10 to 15 incl.. 22 to 27 incl. 34. 35, and 36. 2. That if any person claiming or as- serting under, or by virtue of. any unpatented mining claim located prior to July 23, 1955, any right, title, or interest in the vegetative surface re- sources and other surface resources under such mining claim, contrary to or in conflict with the limitations or restrictions specified in section 4 of said act, as to the above-described lands or any part thereof shall fail to file in the Land Office )f the Bur- eau of Land Management at Spokane, Washington, and within 150 days from the below-stated date of first publica- tion of this Notice, a verified state- meat, properly notarized, whicl shall .et forth as to suct mining clahn: (1) The date of location; (2) Tle book and page of records- lion of the notice or certificate of lo- cation; (8) The section or sections of the public land surveys which embrace such mining clahn, or If such lands are unsurveycd either the section or sections which would probably era- - brace such mining claim when the public land surveys are extended to such lands or a tie by courses and distances to an approved United States nlineral nlontu)leut ; (4) Whether such claimant is a lo- cator or purchaser under suell loca- tion; and (5) Tle name and address of such claimant and names and addresses so far as known to the claimant of any other person or persons claiming an Y Interest or Interests In or under such unpatented mining claim; such fail- ure shall be conclusively deemed (1) to constitute a waiver and relinquish- ment by such mining clainmnt of any righl, title, or interes under such nlining claim contrary to or in con- flict with the limitations or restric- tions gpecificd in section 4 of the Act of July 23, 1955 (69 Stat. 367). as to unpatented claims located after tllat date, and (ii) to constitute a consent by such mining claimant that such unpatented mining claim shall be sub- ject to said limitations and restric- tions, and (iii) to preclude thereafter. )rior to issuance of patent, any asser- tion by such u)ining claimant of any right or title to or interest In or under such mining claim contrary lo or in conflict with said limitations or re- strictions. Section 4 provides, general- ly, that unl)atented mtning clain)s lo- eatcd afte.r July 23, 1955 shall not be used for purt)oses other tllan pros- pec.ttng lll/ning, or processing opera- tions, 'or uses reasonably incident thereto; that such claims will be sub- ject to tie right of the United States to manage and dispose of ill(; veget- ative surface re.sources thereof and to lnanage other surface resources there- of; and that except to the extent re- quired for mining operathms and uses reasonably incident thereto or to pro- vide clearance for such operations or uses, clainlants of such cIainls shall not use or dispose o[ vegetative or other surface resources tlercof; and hat, except for clearance for such purposes, any permlted severance or removal of tJnlber nlust be in accord- ance with sound principles of forest management. Said section 4 also pro- rides that any use of the surface of any such mining claim by the Untted States, its permlttccs or licensees, shall be such as not to endanger or maler- ially interfere with the prospecting, mining, processing or roasonably in- cident uses by the mining claimant, The date of first publication of this Notice shall be JaI.. 25. 1962. Dated Jan. 3, 1962. • W, F. MEEK Manager, Land Office. Bureau of Land Management. Dept. of the Interior, Spokane, Wash. 1/25 2/1-8-15-22 3/1-8-15-22 9t COUNTY ROAD PItOJE(T NO. 374 In the matter ef C.R.P. No. 374 to be constructed on Mason County Road No. 181, known locally as the Shelton Valley Road and more specifically l cated .Sections 26 & 27. Township North, Range 4 West. IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED by the Board of County comnnsmoners that it is thflr intention to improve 3/8 nfllc road by widening, draining, and surfacing with light bituminous sur- face treatment. Principle quantities invoh, ed: Clearing  approximately I acre Unclassified excavation -- 4,000 Cu. Yds. and that said work is to be performed by day labor in accordance with .the Washington State Stanaaru peeinea- tions for Road and Bridge Construe- tlon as adopted by Mason Counly. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the above described county roan pro- ject ib ndcessary and proper, and the estimated costs of said project are herewith set out in detail as fo]lows: Engineering .. $ 500.00 Road Construcnon 4.500.00 TOTAL $5.000.00 The COUnty road project herein de- scribed is HEREBY f)ECLARED to be a public necessity and the County Road Engineer is HEREY OR- DERED AND AUTHORIZED to re, JOHN DEVEREUX port and proceed thereon as by law provided. "HOME-FINDER" AT HA 6-8544 ADOPTED this 29th day of January, 1962, Board of County Commissioners - -- of Mason County, wasmngton HARRY ELMLUND, Chairman JOHN BARIEKMAN MARTIN AUSETH Attest: C, Nolan Mason, Clerk of 'Board 2/1 It - 40 ACRES See this new listing with large Year-round creek, good water supply, small one-bedroom house, and some timber. Priced at $6250, with $1200 down. THREE ACRES Perfect for the handyman. This large, three bedroom home needs a few finishing touches to make it an ideal family home. The full price is just $4450 with $500 down and $50 per month. VINCE HIMLIE HA 6-6501 1 3z ACRES Located close in on the Cole Road. You'll like this three-bedroom home, with large living and dining area, convenient kitchen, and economical wood furnace. A good buy at $6500. , PERFECT We think this charming, three- bedroom, two-bath, Angleside home is one of the better buys to come on the market in a long time. The pur- chase price including some appliances is just $13,500 with easy FHA terms. For full details call Vince Himlie to- day. WATERFRONT REALTY 317 RAILROAD AVE. MARDEN STROUD HA 6-8535 ANYTIME , HA (i-4000 NO. 3256 NO?ICE OF HEARING FINAL REPORT AND I'FTITION FOR I DINTRIBUTION IN TI-IE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR THE COUNTY OF MASON. IN PROBATE In the Matter of tle estate of BER- NADINE S, VAN HOOK. Deceased, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that George Esveldt, executor of tim es- tate of Bernadtne S. Van Hook, de- ceased has filed in the office of the Clerk of said Court his Final R0port and Petition for Distribution, aklng the uourt to settle said report, dis- tribute the property to the persons tereto entitled and to discharge said oeorge Esveldt as executor of the above entitled estate; and that attid report and petition will be heard on the 2nd day of March, 1962, at 10:00 A,M,, at the court room of the Pro- of said Court, at and place any person in- said: estate may appear and file objections thereto and con- test the same. Dated this 8th day of January, 1962. HARRY DEYETTE. Clerk of said Court 1/15-2t" 2/1 3t it is limit il,.tention to Clear. grad, dra[a and blLlhLst 111 ll|Jh,s of County Road fr(,in S,condal'y Slah' Highway 1.I-A to, t)l(" raill'(,ad IFIl('ks, Th(' princit)le (ttlant it.lea invoh'(,d al'c : (?haring --- 6 a(')'('s Un(.lassified ,xcavation .... 1 S,000 yards Selected ]h,adway l()r |'(,w .... I,:400 CU. Yds. Cuh'(,rts - Mist'. • al)I)roximately 150 Lin. It. an(l lhat sai(l work iS IO J)( l)ert'orlncd by ('(int.l'act in ;l('c(,rdanc(, with the Washington State Standard Spcifh',a- t [(,ns l'or Road rind Bridge Construe- thin as adopted by ,{ason C0uuty, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED tltat the abov(  described COtUlty rol/d pro- JPel IS oecessary hod pr(q)er, and the estimated costs of said i)roject are herewitll set out m d'tail as fol- lows : Engin('erlng $ 2.000 Right of Way 1,.000 Road Construction 22,000 TOTAL $25.000 The ('.€runty road pro.lect horeln de- scribcd is HEREBY DECLARED to be It public necesslt.v and the County Road Englnecr is HEREBY OR- DERED AND AUTHORIZED to report and proce(,d lh(,rcon as by law pro- tided, ADOPTED this 29th day of January, 1962. Board of County Ionmfissioncrs of Mason County. Washington HARRY ELMLUND. Chairman JOHN BARIEKMAN MARTIN A [)'SETH Attest: C. Nolan Mason• Clerk of Board 2/1 It COUNTY ROAI) PROJECT NO. 873 In the matter of C.R.P. No. 373 to be c'onstructed on Mason Courtly Road No. 350. known locally as the Highland Road and more speciticalty located Sections 26 & 35. Township 20 N., Range 5 West. IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners that it is their intention to improve ap- l)roxhnately 3/4 mile of the Highland Road from tbe end ol" the existing I)lacktop to the Panhandle Lake Road by widening, draining, ballasting and surfacing with light bituminous sur- fake treatment. The pi'inciple quantities involved are : Clearing -- I acre Selected Roadway Borrow 1.000 Cu. Yds. MC-3 asphalt -- 9 tons Coverston -- 200 Cu. Yds. and that said work is to be performed Engineering $ 2t ,). 00 Road C(,nst ru('t ion 3,800,00 TOTAL $4.000.00 The courtly roml In'Oh'el llerin d, s('rihed s HEREBY DECLARED to ))(! a pub[h' nec('ssiiy and 1.h*, C()III|ty l.(,ad Engin(,er is It F]REI-IY OR- DEltED AND AIITI.IOI[ZE1) to report Jlld iJc)(.(,(,d thorl'(a) lls i)y law l)X'ov|d.' ed. AI)OPTED this Jgth day of January, 1962. l:hmrd ()f (ounty Ci)lnlllis,gioller,l ()i' I,taSOll County, WaBIling[on PIAP, RY ELMLUN1). (]tlairrnllI1 JOHN FIA R[EKMAN MARTIN AUSETIt A t LPst : (?. Nobln Mason, Ch,rk of Board 2/1 It NO. 3332 NOTICE TO Cltl,'J}rl'ORR IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF TTtE STATE OF WASHINGTON FO,R MASON COUNTY In the Matter of the Estate of AR: THUS WILLIAM WELSH. Deceased. Lneile G. Welsh is th apl)ointed and nalified Administratrix ol" said eslale. ]] person. having claims ageinst said deceased are required to serve the same in duplicate, duly verified, on said Administratrix or her al.tornev Rober L. Snyder at the address heltv staled, and ftle tile saran with the Clerk of said Court, together with proof of such scrvice, within six months after the date of first publi- cation of this notice, or the same will be barred. DATE of first publication: January 18 1962. LUCILE G. WEI.,St-I Adnfinistratrix 916 So. ]gth Street Slelton. Washington ROBERT L. SNYDER Attorney at Law 125 N, 5th Shelton. Washington 1/15-25-2/1-8 it MT. VIEW ALLIANCE CHURCH Washington and J Sts. Sunday School ............ 9:4•5 a.m. Morning Worship .... 11:00 a.m, A. Y. F ......................... 6,00 p,m,, ," Evening Service ........ 7:00 p,m, Prayer Hour (Wed,) 7:30 p.m. Eugene Breid, Pastor i, , i FISHERHEN'S CLU6 9:30 a.m. FILM- "Value Of Time" > 10:00 a.m. Bible Study.  ...... "Remowng The Struggles  Of. Life" ....... , u FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH 5th and Cota Rev. E. C. Knautz, pastor Rev. Alfred Sand0va,4hristian Education Director SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 4'---  9:45 a.m. Sunday School. 11.:00 a.m. Morning Worship. "Let's Try It" 7:00 p.m. Evening Service. "Will There Be A Tomorrow?" SHELTON ASSEMBLY OF GOD 130 East Pine Street MASON YOUNGLUND, pastor Full-Gospel in Message -- Fundamental in Doctrine Sunday School ......................................................... 9:45 A.M. Competent Teachers--.Graded Lessons--Classes for All Morning Worship ................................................ 11:00 A.M. Christ's Ambassadors ............................................ 6:00 P.M. Evangelistic Serice ............................................ 7:00 P.M, ST. DAVID'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Fourth and Cedar, She:ton, Washington The Rev. CJarenoe A. Lody, Priest 7:30 A.M. Holy Communion . 9:30 A.M. -- Clurch School and Adult Bible Class 11:00 A.M. -- Divine Worship The Church is always open for meditation and prayer , i FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH *- Arcadia and Lake Boulevard Bible School ........ 9:45 a,m. Youth Meetings 5:30 p,m, Worship ............ 11:0{} a.m. Family Service 6:30 p.m. Wednesday  Bible Study and Prayer  7:30 p.m. Child Care Service Available at 11:00 Service • i FAITH LUTNERAN OHUROH 7th Ind Fanklln Street 8:15 Early Morning Worship Service 9:30 Sunday School and Adult Bible Clas 11:00 Morning Wondaip Service CARL J, CARLSEN, Paster Affiliated: Lutheran Free Church  N't'l Itlran Ccouncll ii _ ! / ........... iql • i irl i _:r . .. THE METHOIHST OHUROH North 4th end Pine 6treet4 ROBI#R R. RINGS, )dter Church School, 9:30 a.m. Morning Worsltlp 9:30 and 11:00 a.m. Methodist Youth Fellowship, 6:30 p.m. Ul I II ' i I  i- ,i ' i RRST OHUROH OF OiIRIST, SGIENTIST 0 Alder St,, 8heltan, Wash. Sunday Sehool 9.:30 m. urch 11 a.m. Wednelay evening .tmony meetings 8 p.m. Reading room located in cn. ur .cn.. tteaalng room hours i to " pma; Mon. & . wen. evening 6:45 to ?:45. i i " ' ,,,,, u BAHA'IS of Shelton present Mrs. Barbara Bothwell, Pendleton, Oregon "WHAT IS THE BAHA'I WORLD FAITH?" SUNDAY, FEB. 4 -- 3:00 P.M. P.U.D. Auditorium 3rd & Cota • No Charge • No Collection ..... I Legal Pub li ti .... 'r Legal publications ca ons CO|iNTY "OAf) l)ItOJECT NO. 372 )by day lal,or in acc(,rdanc(, with the :I i In tl(, tmtt(!r of C.R.P. No. 372 to "vrashiigton State Standard Spt,eifica- be constructed on lls(,n Co[lilly Roa(t ] tions for Road aed lh'hige (,onstI'|IC- N,. 19t). llnown locally aS lhe 5IlSOU (ion as adol)(ed by Maoll Collniy. Lake Boad and mor,' 'sl,eeifically i(,-] BE lT FtIRTPIER RESOLVED 1hat cated Socth)n t0 . 15, T(,wns}Ii l) 2 N,. [ tile llbov' (h,serihPd county road pro= [tlLll( 2 Wost. i jlct iS llecessltl'y and prol)el', lind [|la IT fS HEItIL'BY RI,SOLVED i)y the i.stinmted co,ts of sa ( p'kje't ara Board of Courtly (.'4)nllaissiollcFs tllat ie.rewllh svi utlt ill (Ictail as fo[Iows: