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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 1, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 1, 1962
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page 16 SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL- Published in "Chr{stmastown, U.S.A.,'" Shelton, Washington mm i i I i iiii i , . UNION's HARAUDING OWL HAKES Thursday, ebr.aryLtlrti$ Leads The chickens* are safe for awhile again. A neighbor who admired the tawney and beautiful feathers was given the bird to mount as a trophy. BOB GWIN, who can't forget his birthday because it co-incides with the last two figures of the year, 62, had an enjoyable cele- bration last Tuesday with a fam- ily dinner and a double-purpose birthday cake, heart-shaped for Valentine Day as well. His moth- or, Mrs. Mary Traeger. was also a special guest, After the rigors of last week's wintry weather, comes now the welcome break of mild, soft rain, Some observing f,end called to leave the first branch of pussy- willow as the first harbinger of spring two hope), Although still on vacation, Mr. and Mrs, George Mattson have re- tumaed to their Union home after a trip to California and other southern spots. They did not have the misfortune of a few of our other vacationing neighbors, find- ing the weather pleasant, They re- turned home by way of Reno and Found conditions good enroute. Mrs. Ira Vest returned recently from a visit with her family at Leavenworth -- Mr. and Mrs, J. ldver, where 'he spent an enjoyable two weeks. Mrs. Bertha. Blankenship of Wenatchee, a sister of Mr. Vest, and who has been a house-guest at the Vest home, left Saturday for the return to Eastern Washing- ton. MR. AND MRS. T. C, Rowe have returned from Portland. Ore- gon, where they attended the Western Retail Lumber Dealers Convention, Wednesday through aturday, and which was said to have been tim most largely at.tend- ed and sucessful events of recent years. Many new lumber products were on display a.t the show. Bill Thnm was called back on ONE R A!, ?oo ,A,Y o, c..cKs T H R I FT W A Y  ** l ruciaJ (;an ..  n   or Eltmbet :i/ PRIGES EFFEGTIVE THURS., FRi., SA _.. . FEB. I, 2, 3. RIGHT TO LIMIT. ol intents and p ns Seamount league VVhoU uUUkern ut;n 1 'Pennant chances will _J¢. m the next two gum - i 1 1 , • . • i , t lTglmflllmllmffllllm -. i i = - 1 i - i i :., the . -: ............... ;F,a FthteHighclimbe  ll m m dI]RTI$ COMES fir 6 1 I AND)Ii:A5 } ...=s - ,.o¢ for S oo /4 L nelr own court the mh:nl:j:in, kv!sntetah tYapiale:wP" Ch5 Holds Meet   ....... :;*" **° u. AtQrange Hall U. S. CHOICE -- NO, WASTE Top Round SteakLB. Bonoloss--U.S. Ohoice--From Ihe Round--Easy to Garvo Rolled Roast LB. By Dora Hearing MATTOCK  atlock Ladies Club held their regular meeting at the Matlock Grange hall last week Thursday, with Mrs. Domm Combs hostess. Mrs. Rachel Val- ley and Mrs. Dorothy Adams' birthdays were celebrated. Mrs. I. C. Ford, :Mrs. Lud Ross- mater, Mrs. Clifford Combs and Mrs. R, E. Bradberry of the Mat- lock Grange attended the secre- tary's lectures and home econo- mic conference at the Shelton Val- ley Grange Friday. MR. AND MRS. Arthur Sharp and Family of Olympia and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Goodburn and fam- ily of Shelton were Sunday din- ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lud Rossmaier. Mr. and Mrs. Lud Rossmaier and Mrs. Edward Valley attended the funeral of their uncle, Stanley Nye, in Centralia Monday. Denny and Rick'is Hopkins of Shelton spent the past week with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Brehmeyer Sr. MRS. AUGUSTA Portman re- turned to her home here after spending two weeks with Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Portman in Shelton. Mr, and Mrs William Avery and Denise motored to Paulsbo Sunday and had lunch with Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Avery. Mr. and Mrs. Dave DeFect and sons Jerry, Denny and Rick spent the weekend in Seattle with Mr. DeFoer's sister and family, and they brought Mrs. DeFoer's mo- ther from Presser here for a visit. Mr and Mrs. Edward Valley attended the pinochle party at Rayaon's Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Killough, host and hostess, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Legacey € TOMATOES HUNT'S STEWED 14-OZ. TINS are the ( in altitude a the league's back-courte other good and Bill Morl rebounder in XKINGS suffer( eamount setback last Friday, tl the Climb( reversal. The re top rung, sli the third x sandwiched betw Fife comes Climbers get p game next week league lead for up to share the Trojans, • The winne "in" as leagu h, lefthande Carlson c points-per-gm senior hasn't ,n his past four Which he has tot GUT UP- PAN .READY Stewing Hens HUNTS CATSUP W L8 1 ,....,. ......... 7 1 ......... : .......... 7 2 ................ 3 6 5/'1 .......... 2 7 TO GO WITH .......... z La.t 'We,k YOUR STEAK 6, E rem.  14-OUNCE , South Kitsg] Curtis 51 63, Penins White River hel L This Friday r, n at Curtis 21 Fair-site'. Bill takes off in his lets at the Edward Valley homo "SUla at Bethel car for the long drive while most Sunday. of t:he localttes are thinking of Supt, Eugene French attended t., Tills Saturxlay arising, but he enjoys it, (Or so it ,.mpetig at Centralia Monday. h.- at Eatonvllle t-- at Y fie is said.) l*o,.,ill be a basketball game d OUNGE TINS "** ..... ' /v[r. and M'z's. Ed re- h,re with Quinault Friday night. (al! ge at Peninsul," turned a week ago from a month's Supt, and Mrs. Eugene French eague) vac;tion in the sun-lands. The and family and Mr. and Mrs. Mur- }[m.,gh First opped oft' at A.ri-phy arld daughter spent Sundayr kzatl°€" M--i zona or a visit, then went on to at the beach and enjoyed a love- Long Beach, Ca]if,, their favorite ly trip and perfect weather. vacation .ot, where for the fir Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Brehmey-  HUNT. $ PmesToQ time they imeotmtered snow. er Jr., and family motored to Meanwhile Union Barber shop Chehalis on business Saturday and  is once more a favorite rendezvous then they all went to Yelm Sun- ,o, ,, FLAVORFULn..,, 10P Satur need of Ed's tonsorial skill. Ed MRS. FRANK HOLLArZ and Hough used to he in charge of daughter Vtrglia, and Mrs. E;tri L 46 * Chair No. 1 at the barber sbop un- Walker attended a stork shower "v..vmm l ==---=" =--;.--*::--- for the t ormer's sister in Ol3mz- Naval Aviation pia Saturday afternoon,  I'ion of Matlock Mr. and Mrs. Earl Walker andl Et°t COunty,,_ comm { ae road at De  ttnder him earl • , Y ,eVhile. he was rett Openings Increased A 50 percent increase in open- ings for Naval Aviation officer training has been announced by t,he Navy. Authorization to select the increased number of officer cndidates extends througlt March 1962. To qtmlify as a Naval Aviation C4tdet I NAVCAD ), applicants must have completed two years of college, A bachelor's degree is required for selection as an Avia- tion officer candidate [ ACe). Both NAVCAD's and AOC's pur- me an 18 months training course toward designation as a Naval Aviator. ACt's became commis- sioned officers upon completing four months prc-flight. NAV- CAD's are commissioned when they complete flight training. son Dan spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Beer- bower. Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Boothe and family of Hoquiam spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. I. C. Ford and on Sunday Mrs. Ford had a birthday dinner in honor of Dave Boothe, and Mrs, J. R. Singleton also attended the din- ner. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rickert of Hoquiarn spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Howard. Sunday the Kenneth Howard family visited Mrs. George Clark oF Oakville. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Kimmerly and family and r. and Mrs, Lloyd Kimmerly and son, all of Shelton, called on Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Brchmeyer Sr. Friday ev- ening. FOR USED OARS THAT ARE READY TO RUN SEE BUD PAULEY LOOK AT THESE PRIGES REDUGED 1,961 DODGE Lancer 4-dr. 2000 miles $1995.00 19, PLYMOUTH CI. Sdn ..................... $995.0@ RADIO  HEATER -- AUTOMATIC TRANS. 1957 FORD Sta. Wagon, 4-dr ............... $995.00 NEW TRANSMISS(ON SEALS RADIO  HEATER  EXCELLENT COND. 19,55 MERCURY Montclair Hip ......... $845.00 NEW MOTOR -- RADIO -- HEATER -- AUTOMATIC 1.955 PLYMOtrH 6 - 4-dr ................... $495.00 1954 FORD 2-dr ..................................... $395.00 REBUILT MOTOR 2 YEARS BACK FOR A GOOD DEAL ON A DODGE SEE PAULEY MOTORS ].st & Raih'oad HA 6-8183 gl "Do t FLAVOR TO YOUR GRAVY HUNT'S 8-OUNCE TINS BLAGKIE'S LOOAL RANCH LARGE -- DOZEN /S / C h t; '011 • re U Ad he was driv '|,car :*,ae but that da E ^_ were extensive l :,l.ion for inborn  o filing a claim 1 g, c°rammszon a t] a .is touch wth dBm"de en Fo the ee L € 1  .. croup, who haz ![  liability inguranc ,OOnsszo N , ,' -at a, fact findfl  be conducted Fe loa o study county d . The hemmgs _ by .professoz h . a State UniTe reeeiv a , who feels ...... POTATOES*u.$.N0.2 501b,.79' CHU NK TUNA Tt":IT .,. oz GREEN BEANS o.,, 3/'1 Jack N Beanstalk Large 2Yz Tin KELLOQGS °'c'*"" 3/89* Sugar Frosted Flakes • Sugar Smacks ................ FRISKIES oooooo. 8/'1 CHICKEN CAT FOOD ................................ 15-OUNCE T TISSUE o.,,o._ TWIN PAK 4/*1 • ASSORTED ........................ LUNCH BAGS z 10' ' , ................................ 20'8 SPAGHETTI v.,,.oo 29' ....... 24-OUNCE FROZEN 39 ¢ PEAS OR CORN .."°"'-.,o FRENCH FRIES =::::::.oz.4/'l RHUBARB House, First of the Season ................ LB. CALIFORNIA __ 12-OZ. CUP CHERRY TOMATOES 25' PEARS D'ANJOU. EXTRA FANCY 25' WASHINGTON -- 2 LBS. rec: Engineers a clearanc bridge. Th build the bri 15 to 2 write a, deleg matt Said coml Ind. COral SeCOnded B feels th e×pecte4 of n just to i,, of a fo SHUR-FRESH BAKERY DEPT. : ob? '¢, or c BUTTER HORNS COTTAGE LOAF BREAD  r€ ,%Y - o ,,.it Who hay0 Zi ,o,,2.o_ ,o,o,o,,,, 22V-OZ. LOAF 11 4'S m - I-'-e etfe :.l%rter,s re, B Ree To A Mech, ASPIRIN VITAHIN C NO.W,O.  O"''N 2/49' USP .... BOTTLE OF 100 ORANGE FLAVOR 69 ¢ 100 MG ...................... 200 cy in tt built .m. and 4 to rebt which of the cot Particlpat