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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 1, 2007     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 1, 2007
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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ARRANGING COLORED dots around the Student Union Building are,  from left, Ksenia Malkin, Shiloh Henderson and Nylhkalid Jungmayer. Shelton students Mix It Up Mix It Up is a nationwide event to help break barriers, whether cultural peer groups. November national Mix It Up day but three students in Leadership Class gh School wanted to this a year-long event. these students - Ksenia Shiloh Henderson, and Jungmayer - decided together on this effort, help of Assistant Vice Budge. conducted a life-size during lunch last January 26. These three did not organize this ac- t because of cultural barriers, of the many cliques at each table, ex- Jungmayer. The activity called for 16 peo- ple from different tables to play. These 16 people were split into four teams of four. Each team cor- responded with one of the four colors of the game Twister: red, yellow, green and blue. Once teams were set, then the Twister fun could begin. Each team member was given a num- ber ranging from one through four indicating when it was their turn. A spinner then directed people to move their hands or legs accord- ing to their respective numbers. People tumbled all over the place. When one person fell from a team, the whole team lost. This motivated students to work together and communicate with each other, Jungmayer ex- plained. Wine is subject of college class An introduction on how to taste and evaluate six different wines will be held on Saturday, February 10, at Olympic College Shelton. The class will be from 2 to 4 p.m. that day, and students must be at least 21 years old to enroll. There will be a class discussion and evaluation, as well as tips on buying and storing wine, food and wine pairings, and how to read a wine label. The class is for beginners. The fee is $25. To enroll, drop by the college at 927 West Alpine Way or call 432-5400. ad in prison, mom in court 44-year-old woman arrested cently in Mason County Superior allegedly forging checks on Court of her estranged lu.: • Teresa Marie O'Farrell, of 218 who is serving a prison sen- North First Street, Shelton, was for assaulting the couple's identified in an investigation of daughter appeared re- identity theft in the second degree, financial fraud and two counts of forgery. She was arrested by Sergeant Jerry Lingle of the Shelton Police Department who said he was re- sponding to a report of fraud from Katherine J. Blemer at the Shel- ton Cinemas. Blemer said she had lp taken a check on the account of Ly board needs he Frank O'Farrell on January 19 for $50.50 and saw Ms. O'Farrell fill it Mason County Law En- Board members typically meet out and sign his name. She report- Fire Fighters Disabil- is seeking an individual the board's citizen-at-large for two years. will go to a resi- of the county who will serve compensation. The gen- of the board is to claims for disability and ' law-enforcement or firefighters as autho- state law. at 8 a.m. on the third Tuesday of each month in the Mason County Commission Chambers, 411 North Fifth Street, Shelton. Applications will be accepted until February 16. Interested par- ties may obtain an application at that address, by visiting the coun- ty's Web site at or by calling 427-9670, Ex- tension 747. fingered in bomb threat Bay Junior High was emptied Wednesday in gym stating there was the roof of the school. about 9 a.m., students members were evacu- the Shelton High School while Shelton police led the roof and building. After a thorough search, the school was found to be safe and students and staff were returned to the building around 10:30 a.m., Shelton School District officials reported. Shelton police took two boys who are students at Oakland Bay into custody for questioning about the bomb threat. edly returned on January 20 and cashed one for $65 at the cinema. Her husband, Frank William O'Farrell Jr., 47, was sentenced in December to 14 months in prison for second-degree assault against their 16-year-old daughter, iden- tified in court documents by the initials T. A. O. The family was residing at 50 Mossflower Lane, Grapeview, at the time of the inci- dent which sent him to prison. Judge James Sawyer appointed Liz Elder as defense attorney and released O'Farrell on her promise to appear for arraignment on Feb- ruary 5. He ordered her to have no contact with Blemer or Shelton Cinemas. will host meetings County Commissioner Ring-Erickson has sched- community meetings following weeks. represents District 1, the Allyn, Grape- Island, LakeLand and Lake Limerick areas. are scheduled as fol- 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday, 7, in the Island Lake Fire District 11, locat- East Island Lake Road, • 7-8:30 p.m. on Thursday, Feb- ruary 22, in Station 1 of Fire Dis- trict 5, 1841 East State Route 3, Allyn. • 7-8:30 p.m. on Monday, March 12, in Station 9 of Fire District 5, 3190 East North Island Drive, Shelton. • 6-7:30 p.m. on Thursday, March 22, in the fire hall of Fire District 3, 4350 Grapeview Loop Road, Grapeview. More information is available by calling the commissioners' of- fice at 427-9670, Extension 419. AUTOMOTIVE The Professionals The choice of people who are particular about their cars! Olympic Highway North 426-1467 , WA 88584 Dan Moldenhauer, owner IIIllllllilllllllllllllll IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 00lrrivals lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Brian Michael Wiley was born on January 26 at Ta- coma General Hospital to Dawn and Mark Wiley of Shelton. He weighed 4 pounds, 9 ounces. He joins Christopher John Wiley, age 13. Ezra David Croxford was born on December 29, 2006 at Tacoma General Hospital to Daisy and David Croxford of Shelton. He weighed 5 pounds, 10 ounces and was 181/4 inches long. He joins Spencer Lloyd Croxibrd, age 3, and Alexis Karen Croxford, age 1. Grandparents are Gary and Ei- leen Croxford of Great Falls, Mon- tana, Alice Croxford of Blackfoot, Idaho, David and Patricia Day and Susan Day of Shelton. Great- grandparents are Harry and Ver- na Scott of Conrad, Montana, and Marylin Ragan of' Olympia. Montana Paj Cain was born on January 3 at Ma- son General Hospital to Melanie and Adam Cain of Shelton. She weighed 7 pounds, 15 ounces and was 19 inches long. She joins Ga- briel, age 8. Grandparents are Rick and Paula Wood of Shelton, Bryce and Belinda Cain of Medical Lake, Rick and Neva Peekham of McCleary and Hal Studer of Shelton. Great- grandparents are Daniel and Barb Wadsworth of Grapeview, Huck and Ernestine Strutz and Ella Ray of Shelton, Calvin and Ruth Cain of Port Orchard, and the late Har- ley and Caroline Pollock, Richard Wood and Morris Ray. HOW FAR AWAY IS YOUR RETIREMENT? To learn when you can retire, start by knowing which questions to ask - because good answers often depend on good ques- tions. Whether your retirement is just around the corner or years away, this program can help you learn important, yet sometimes overlooked, ques- tions to ask as you prepare. Joining us will be special guest Mike Rose, retirement planning expert and author of The Retirement Decision. For free admission to this video presentation, call today to reserve your seat. Date: February 13, 2007 Time: 5:30 pm Place: 1717 Olympic Hwy. N. Shelton, WA 98584 Janis Byrd Investment Representative 1717 Olympic Hwy. N. Shelton,WA 98584 360-432-8965 Member SIPC Save money on your heating bills and save the REBATE! environment. All Regency wood fireplaces, stoves Up to s300 and inserts are certified as clean burning by the see store for details Environmental Protection Offer ends 2/19/07 Agency.  EGENCY"  FIREPLACE PRODUCTE Capital City Stove & Fan Center 2118 Pacific Ave., Olympia * 943-5587 New Winter Hours: 8:30-6, 8:30-5 LOOSE DENTURES SCARING YOUR FRIENDS ? Do they watch you struggle chewing meat? Do even sandwiches yank your teeth around? We have the answer! • Easy • Affordable • Fast Call today for a complimentary consult William J. Busacca, DDS, PS (360) 426-9711 1525 Olympic Hwy. North, Shelton,WA 98584 DOCS American Dental Association Academy of General Dentistry T h e S m i l e E x p r e s s American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry Thursday, February 1, 2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 3 ARRANGING COLORED dots around the Student Union Building are,  from left, Ksenia Malkin, Shiloh Henderson and Nylhkalid Jungmayer. Shelton students Mix It Up Mix It Up is a nationwide event to help break barriers, whether cultural peer groups. November national Mix It Up day but three students in Leadership Class gh School wanted to this a year-long event. these students - Ksenia Shiloh Henderson, and Jungmayer - decided together on this effort, help of Assistant Vice Budge. conducted a life-size during lunch last January 26. These three did not organize this ac- t because of cultural barriers, of the many cliques at each table, ex- Jungmayer. The activity called for 16 peo- ple from different tables to play. These 16 people were split into four teams of four. Each team cor- responded with one of the four colors of the game Twister: red, yellow, green and blue. Once teams were set, then the Twister fun could begin. Each team member was given a num- ber ranging from one through four indicating when it was their turn. A spinner then directed people to move their hands or legs accord- ing to their respective numbers. People tumbled all over the place. When one person fell from a team, the whole team lost. This motivated students to work together and communicate with each other, Jungmayer ex- plained. Wine is subject of college class An introduction on how to taste and evaluate six different wines will be held on Saturday, February 10, at Olympic College Shelton. The class will be from 2 to 4 p.m. that day, and students must be at least 21 years old to enroll. There will be a class discussion and evaluation, as well as tips on buying and storing wine, food and wine pairings, and how to read a wine label. The class is for beginners. The fee is $25. To enroll, drop by the college at 927 West Alpine Way or call 432-5400. ad in prison, mom in court 44-year-old woman arrested cently in Mason County Superior allegedly forging checks on Court of her estranged lu.: • Teresa Marie O'Farrell, of 218 who is serving a prison sen- North First Street, Shelton, was for assaulting the couple's identified in an investigation of daughter appeared re- identity theft in the second degree, financial fraud and two counts of forgery. She was arrested by Sergeant Jerry Lingle of the Shelton Police Department who said he was re- sponding to a report of fraud from Katherine J. Blemer at the Shel- ton Cinemas. Blemer said she had lp taken a check on the account of Ly board needs he Frank O'Farrell on January 19 for $50.50 and saw Ms. O'Farrell fill it Mason County Law En- Board members typically meet out and sign his name. She report- Fire Fighters Disabil- is seeking an individual the board's citizen-at-large for two years. will go to a resi- of the county who will serve compensation. The gen- of the board is to claims for disability and ' law-enforcement or firefighters as autho- state law. at 8 a.m. on the third Tuesday of each month in the Mason County Commission Chambers, 411 North Fifth Street, Shelton. Applications will be accepted until February 16. Interested par- ties may obtain an application at that address, by visiting the coun- ty's Web site at or by calling 427-9670, Ex- tension 747. fingered in bomb threat Bay Junior High was emptied Wednesday in gym stating there was the roof of the school. about 9 a.m., students members were evacu- the Shelton High School while Shelton police led the roof and building. After a thorough search, the school was found to be safe and students and staff were returned to the building around 10:30 a.m., Shelton School District officials reported. Shelton police took two boys who are students at Oakland Bay into custody for questioning about the bomb threat. edly returned on January 20 and cashed one for $65 at the cinema. Her husband, Frank William O'Farrell Jr., 47, was sentenced in December to 14 months in prison for second-degree assault against their 16-year-old daughter, iden- tified in court documents by the initials T. A. O. The family was residing at 50 Mossflower Lane, Grapeview, at the time of the inci- dent which sent him to prison. Judge James Sawyer appointed Liz Elder as defense attorney and released O'Farrell on her promise to appear for arraignment on Feb- ruary 5. He ordered her to have no contact with Blemer or Shelton Cinemas. will host meetings County Commissioner Ring-Erickson has sched- community meetings following weeks. represents District 1, the Allyn, Grape- Island, LakeLand and Lake Limerick areas. are scheduled as fol- 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday, 7, in the Island Lake Fire District 11, locat- East Island Lake Road, • 7-8:30 p.m. on Thursday, Feb- ruary 22, in Station 1 of Fire Dis- trict 5, 1841 East State Route 3, Allyn. • 7-8:30 p.m. on Monday, March 12, in Station 9 of Fire District 5, 3190 East North Island Drive, Shelton. • 6-7:30 p.m. on Thursday, March 22, in the fire hall of Fire District 3, 4350 Grapeview Loop Road, Grapeview. More information is available by calling the commissioners' of- fice at 427-9670, Extension 419. AUTOMOTIVE The Professionals The choice of people who are particular about their cars! Olympic Highway North 426-1467 , WA 88584 Dan Moldenhauer, owner IIIllllllilllllllllllllll IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 00lrrivals lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Brian Michael Wiley was born on January 26 at Ta- coma General Hospital to Dawn and Mark Wiley of Shelton. He weighed 4 pounds, 9 ounces. He joins Christopher John Wiley, age 13. Ezra David Croxford was born on December 29, 2006 at Tacoma General Hospital to Daisy and David Croxford of Shelton. He weighed 5 pounds, 10 ounces and was 181/4 inches long. He joins Spencer Lloyd Croxibrd, age 3, and Alexis Karen Croxford, age 1. Grandparents are Gary and Ei- leen Croxford of Great Falls, Mon- tana, Alice Croxford of Blackfoot, Idaho, David and Patricia Day and Susan Day of Shelton. Great- grandparents are Harry and Ver- na Scott of Conrad, Montana, and Marylin Ragan of' Olympia. Montana Paj Cain was born on January 3 at Ma- son General Hospital to Melanie and Adam Cain of Shelton. She weighed 7 pounds, 15 ounces and was 19 inches long. She joins Ga- briel, age 8. Grandparents are Rick and Paula Wood of Shelton, Bryce and Belinda Cain of Medical Lake, Rick and Neva Peekham of McCleary and Hal Studer of Shelton. Great- grandparents are Daniel and Barb Wadsworth of Grapeview, Huck and Ernestine Strutz and Ella Ray of Shelton, Calvin and Ruth Cain of Port Orchard, and the late Har- ley and Caroline Pollock, Richard Wood and Morris Ray. HOW FAR AWAY IS YOUR RETIREMENT? To learn when you can retire, start by knowing which questions to ask - because good answers often depend on good ques- tions. Whether your retirement is just around the corner or years away, this program can help you learn important, yet sometimes overlooked, ques- tions to ask as you prepare. Joining us will be special guest Mike Rose, retirement planning expert and author of The Retirement Decision. For free admission to this video presentation, call today to reserve your seat. Date: February 13, 2007 Time: 5:30 pm Place: 1717 Olympic Hwy. N. Shelton, WA 98584 Janis Byrd Investment Representative 1717 Olympic Hwy. N. Shelton,WA 98584 360-432-8965 Member SIPC Save money on your heating bills and save the REBATE! environment. All Regency wood fireplaces, stoves Up to s300 and inserts are certified as clean burning by the see store for details Environmental Protection Offer ends 2/19/07 Agency.  EGENCY"  FIREPLACE PRODUCTE Capital City Stove & Fan Center 2118 Pacific Ave., Olympia * 943-5587 New Winter Hours: 8:30-6, 8:30-5 LOOSE DENTURES SCARING YOUR FRIENDS ? Do they watch you struggle chewing meat? Do even sandwiches yank your teeth around? We have the answer! • Easy • Affordable • Fast Call today for a complimentary consult William J. Busacca, DDS, PS (360) 426-9711 1525 Olympic Hwy. North, Shelton,WA 98584 DOCS American Dental Association Academy of General Dentistry T h e S m i l e E x p r e s s American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry Thursday, February 1, 2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 3