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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 1, 2007     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 1, 2007
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ENJOYING THE view from the summit of Mount Saint Helens is Mason County health educator Ben Johnson, one of the organiz- ers of the local health challenge. County staff stepping up to health challenge By REBECCA WELLS Stepping up to the challenge presented by Governor Christine Gregoire's "healthiest state in the nation campaign," a number of Mason County employees have run with it. Literally. Governor Gregoire's second- annual Community Health Bowl kicked off the campaign, which the Washington Health Founda- tion runs. E DO P P E I Jim Smith The Medicine Shoppe ฎ Pharmacy EARLY DETECTION OF ALZHEIMER'S: MONITOR BLOOD SUGAR # Chronically high blood sugar lev- els increase the risk of developing either mild cognitive impairment or dementia, not only due to diabetic complications but also because the enzyme that degrades insulin (which is stimulated by high blood sugar) might play a role in the development of cognitive impairment. In addition, one large study identified more than 1,500 potential biomarkers in the ce- rebrospinal fluid of patients who had Alzheimer's Disease (AD), Parkinson's disease, or dementia with Lewy bod- ies. Researchers believe they are close to using these biomarkers for clinical diagnosis of Alzheimer's, but at this time, the only way to confirm the diagnosis of AD is by autopsy. AIzheimer's can also be caused by accumulation of toxic proteins known as beta-amytoid fragments. These aggregates are cleared efficiently by young people, but the process is slowed in people by the seventh decade of life, or earlier in people with early onset Alzheimer's Disease. 1-800-640-5503 207 Professional Way 426-4272 (Across from the hospital) It started in the thll of 2005, when employees of'Mason County's Department of Health Services at- tended an event organized by the Washington Health Foundation, which runs Gregoire's health cam- paign. A Community Health Bowl helped kick off her campaign. Washington is still ranked 15th in the nation for health, but Mason County came in fifth out of the 113 government organizations par- ticipating in the "healthiest state" campaign. When county staff re- ported this information back to the Mason County Board of Com- missioners, the board encouraged staff to make Mason County the "healthiest county" in the state. THE IDEA AROSE to take the statewide competition a step fur- ther with a three-month Mason County Health Challenge, logging exercise "miles" fbr points. Last January, when the county posed its first health challenge just to employees, 166 entered, forming 12 teams based on individual de- partments. Donations from local business- es, the county commissioners and a county employees' group pro- vided prizes to winning teams at a staffbarbecue following the health challenge. By the end, the "Cougar Action Team," comprising Washington State University Extension mem- bers, won with a team average of 242 points. "Team Hammerheads," the county's building department, scored an average of 206.3 and placed as runner-up, just ahead of"Team Tofu," the central opera- tions department, with an average of 200.2 points. "Some people really put in a lot of miles," said Ben Johnson, a health educator for the county. He, along with colleague Held/ Iyall and county environmental health specialist Arlene Hyatt, and sever- al other county employees, helped spearhead the local project. Collectively, the county logged a total of 68,660 "mile" points. WHILE MANY county em- ployees were already maintaining a healthy exercise and nutrition regimen, organizers of the chal- lenge saw the health challenge inspire several more employees to improve their health dramati- cally. Some managed to drop up to 30 pounds. Johnson said he saw people such as Dawn Twiddy and Kelly Frazier of"Team Tofu" organizing regular brown-bag lunch meetings with their teammates to strategize bet- ter ways to improve their health, support each other and score more points than other departments. Some people simply made taking a walk or jog during their lunch breaks a priority. "That's kind of cool; that's kind of what we were hoping ibr," John- son noted. Others, such as Tammi Clark, who placed fourth individually by snowshoeing her way to a score of 1,021 "milC' points, contin- ued to go the distance even after the health challenge ended: She scaled both Mount Saint Helens and Mount Rainier. For her, she said, the health challenge helped validate all of the time and effort she invested into exercising. LAND-USE ATTORNEY T.J. (Please turn to page 20.) The Holidays are Over- Are You Ready to Detox? If you are like most people and overindulged on goodies over the holidays, you may be experiencing some of these conditions: • Constipation and/or diarrhea • Chronic fatigue • Indigestion/acid reflux • Chronic headaches • Bad breath and bowel gas • Allergies and asthma , • Skin rashes and eruptions • Depression Now is the perfect time to cleanse and rejuvenate your body with a personalized cleansing program, Center for Nutrition & Colon Therapy, LLC 2026 Olympic Hwy. N. Shelton, WA Uz Mell D.J. Rolnes IAC[ (:ertJfied IACI Ce#ified Colon Hydrotler(pist (:olon Hydrotherapisl HOODSPORT FAMILY CLINIC, P.S- • MARGENE FIELDS, ARNP t Full-time health-care provider Walk-ins welcome  Experienced in treating ......  Family care, from patients of all age newborns to adult ,: ,,::.: i ,.i%: :i;,', geriatrics  Open 9 am to 5 p.m Monday-Friday Margene Fmlds, Call (360) 877-0372 BSN, MN,ANP, FNP 24261 N US Highway 101,Hoods port J ADVANCED CHIROPRACTI(; and Dr. George Blevins (Formerly Chiropractors of She/ton) are now select providers for GroupHealth 426-6325 COOPERATIVE * Now taking new patients • Walk-ins welcome • Same day appointments • Auto and work in A MATTER OF TIMING ly.h'ph Z3,glr. P. T. Women are up to eight times more likely than men to tear their an- terior cruciate ligaments (ACL) during sports/ac- tivities that involve vigorous lateral motion. Blowing out the knee in this manner can put a serious crimp in one's schedule by taking up to a year for treatment and rehab. One impmant thing to bear in mind is that timing can play a big role in susceptibility to this serious knee injury. According to University of Vermont researchers who surveyed female skiers, the ACL is weakest during the first half of the menstrual cycle. In fact, regardless of age, body weight, or skiing ability, a woman's risk of an ACL injury, is three times higher during menstruation and the tbllowing week. The ACL is most commonly jured with a jump or an abrupt change in direction happens more frequently sports activities or outdoor Most of those who have the ACL describe it as a sensation, followed by further inlbrmation about column, contact SHELTON ICAL THERAPY AND MEDICINE at (360) 426-59 You'll find us conveniently 2300 Kati Ct., Ste. B. New are welcome. Same day ments are available. P.S. High estradiol (a estrogen) levels during the first of the menstrual cycle ligaments or aflbct muscle both of which increase the injuring tmale skiers' knees. NOW ACCEPTING NEW PATIENTS ,% Dr. Chandar Bhimani ( j Internal Medicine 1930 North 13 th Street, Shelton • DIABETES • HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE, CHOLESTEROL MANAGEMENT • DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT OF ACUTE AND CHRONIC MEDICAL PROBLEM s • PREVENTIVE HEALTHCARE • WEIGHT MANAGEMENT • GENERAL HEARTAND LUNG DISEASE MOST INSURANCE PLANS ARE ACCEPTED CALL US TODAY FOR YOUR APPOINTMENT (360) 427-8940. O "A vision for the family." (360) 462-90li0 Page 18 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, February 1,2007 ENJOYING THE view from the summit of Mount Saint Helens is Mason County health educator Ben Johnson, one of the organiz- ers of the local health challenge. County staff stepping up to health challenge By REBECCA WELLS Stepping up to the challenge presented by Governor Christine Gregoire's "healthiest state in the nation campaign," a number of Mason County employees have run with it. Literally. Governor Gregoire's second- annual Community Health Bowl kicked off the campaign, which the Washington Health Founda- tion runs. E DO P P E I Jim Smith The Medicine Shoppe ฎ Pharmacy EARLY DETECTION OF ALZHEIMER'S: MONITOR BLOOD SUGAR # Chronically high blood sugar lev- els increase the risk of developing either mild cognitive impairment or dementia, not only due to diabetic complications but also because the enzyme that degrades insulin (which is stimulated by high blood sugar) might play a role in the development of cognitive impairment. In addition, one large study identified more than 1,500 potential biomarkers in the ce- rebrospinal fluid of patients who had Alzheimer's Disease (AD), Parkinson's disease, or dementia with Lewy bod- ies. Researchers believe they are close to using these biomarkers for clinical diagnosis of Alzheimer's, but at this time, the only way to confirm the diagnosis of AD is by autopsy. AIzheimer's can also be caused by accumulation of toxic proteins known as beta-amytoid fragments. These aggregates are cleared efficiently by young people, but the process is slowed in people by the seventh decade of life, or earlier in people with early onset Alzheimer's Disease. 1-800-640-5503 207 Professional Way 426-4272 (Across from the hospital) It started in the thll of 2005, when employees of'Mason County's Department of Health Services at- tended an event organized by the Washington Health Foundation, which runs Gregoire's health cam- paign. A Community Health Bowl helped kick off her campaign. Washington is still ranked 15th in the nation for health, but Mason County came in fifth out of the 113 government organizations par- ticipating in the "healthiest state" campaign. When county staff re- ported this information back to the Mason County Board of Com- missioners, the board encouraged staff to make Mason County the "healthiest county" in the state. THE IDEA AROSE to take the statewide competition a step fur- ther with a three-month Mason County Health Challenge, logging exercise "miles" fbr points. Last January, when the county posed its first health challenge just to employees, 166 entered, forming 12 teams based on individual de- partments. Donations from local business- es, the county commissioners and a county employees' group pro- vided prizes to winning teams at a staffbarbecue following the health challenge. By the end, the "Cougar Action Team," comprising Washington State University Extension mem- bers, won with a team average of 242 points. "Team Hammerheads," the county's building department, scored an average of 206.3 and placed as runner-up, just ahead of"Team Tofu," the central opera- tions department, with an average of 200.2 points. "Some people really put in a lot of miles," said Ben Johnson, a health educator for the county. He, along with colleague Held/ Iyall and county environmental health specialist Arlene Hyatt, and sever- al other county employees, helped spearhead the local project. Collectively, the county logged a total of 68,660 "mile" points. WHILE MANY county em- ployees were already maintaining a healthy exercise and nutrition regimen, organizers of the chal- lenge saw the health challenge inspire several more employees to improve their health dramati- cally. Some managed to drop up to 30 pounds. Johnson said he saw people such as Dawn Twiddy and Kelly Frazier of"Team Tofu" organizing regular brown-bag lunch meetings with their teammates to strategize bet- ter ways to improve their health, support each other and score more points than other departments. Some people simply made taking a walk or jog during their lunch breaks a priority. "That's kind of cool; that's kind of what we were hoping ibr," John- son noted. Others, such as Tammi Clark, who placed fourth individually by snowshoeing her way to a score of 1,021 "milC' points, contin- ued to go the distance even after the health challenge ended: She scaled both Mount Saint Helens and Mount Rainier. For her, she said, the health challenge helped validate all of the time and effort she invested into exercising. LAND-USE ATTORNEY T.J. (Please turn to page 20.) The Holidays are Over- Are You Ready to Detox? If you are like most people and overindulged on goodies over the holidays, you may be experiencing some of these conditions: • Constipation and/or diarrhea • Chronic fatigue • Indigestion/acid reflux • Chronic headaches • Bad breath and bowel gas • Allergies and asthma , • Skin rashes and eruptions • Depression Now is the perfect time to cleanse and rejuvenate your body with a personalized cleansing program, Center for Nutrition & Colon Therapy, LLC 2026 Olympic Hwy. N. Shelton, WA Uz Mell D.J. Rolnes IAC[ (:ertJfied IACI Ce#ified Colon Hydrotler(pist (:olon Hydrotherapisl HOODSPORT FAMILY CLINIC, P.S- • MARGENE FIELDS, ARNP t Full-time health-care provider Walk-ins welcome  Experienced in treating ......  Family care, from patients of all age newborns to adult ,: ,,::.: i ,.i%: :i;,', geriatrics  Open 9 am to 5 p.m Monday-Friday Margene Fmlds, Call (360) 877-0372 BSN, MN,ANP, FNP 24261 N US Highway 101,Hoods port J ADVANCED CHIROPRACTI(; and Dr. George Blevins (Formerly Chiropractors of She/ton) are now select providers for GroupHealth 426-6325 COOPERATIVE * Now taking new patients • Walk-ins welcome • Same day appointments • Auto and work in A MATTER OF TIMING ly.h'ph Z3,glr. P. T. Women are up to eight times more likely than men to tear their an- terior cruciate ligaments (ACL) during sports/ac- tivities that involve vigorous lateral motion. Blowing out the knee in this manner can put a serious crimp in one's schedule by taking up to a year for treatment and rehab. One impmant thing to bear in mind is that timing can play a big role in susceptibility to this serious knee injury. According to University of Vermont researchers who surveyed female skiers, the ACL is weakest during the first half of the menstrual cycle. In fact, regardless of age, body weight, or skiing ability, a woman's risk of an ACL injury, is three times higher during menstruation and the tbllowing week. The ACL is most commonly jured with a jump or an abrupt change in direction happens more frequently sports activities or outdoor Most of those who have the ACL describe it as a sensation, followed by further inlbrmation about column, contact SHELTON ICAL THERAPY AND MEDICINE at (360) 426-59 You'll find us conveniently 2300 Kati Ct., Ste. B. New are welcome. Same day ments are available. P.S. High estradiol (a estrogen) levels during the first of the menstrual cycle ligaments or aflbct muscle both of which increase the injuring tmale skiers' knees. NOW ACCEPTING NEW PATIENTS ,% Dr. Chandar Bhimani ( j Internal Medicine 1930 North 13 th Street, Shelton • DIABETES • HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE, CHOLESTEROL MANAGEMENT • DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT OF ACUTE AND CHRONIC MEDICAL PROBLEM s • PREVENTIVE HEALTHCARE • WEIGHT MANAGEMENT • GENERAL HEARTAND LUNG DISEASE MOST INSURANCE PLANS ARE ACCEPTED CALL US TODAY FOR YOUR APPOINTMENT (360) 427-8940. O "A vision for the family." (360) 462-90li0 Page 18 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, February 1,2007