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Climbers Jimmy (L) and Tyson
Swim Climbers' J&ff show:
, J ,,
o, it's not the chlorine fumes talkin.
Jimmy Riley and Tyson Cochran have been out of the
pool for hours- more than enough ti!ne for any chemically
induced fog to lift.
Besides, locally celebrated BSers though they are, the
two do have a certain wide-eyed sincerity about them.
Like when they mention they both picked the same day
to sever their umbilical-cord connections.
Yes, and the eye contact is unwavering even when
Jimmy tells you about his real twin - that and the other
brother with the same name and birthday.,.
Not that bug-eyed disbe-
lief is exactly rampant in their
wake, mind you. In fact, your
Sunday evening visit with the
two Highclimber seniors last
week starts out ,qte routinely.
"I was born here in Shelton,
at Mason General," Tyson com-
mences, taking you back to his
November 19, 1988 arrival. "My
dad's a parole officer. My mom's
a registered nurse."
Big family?
"Yeah. Big family," says Ty-
son, speaking m a laid-back,
low-key manner consistent
with his easy-going demeanor.
"I have three older brothers,
and then there's me and then
my sister."
And his comrade in chlorina-
"I was born in Olympia, at
St. Pete's," says Jimmy, whose
morn is a hospital accountant
and stepdad an engineer for
the state. And my birthday's
the same day as Tyson's."
"Yeah," says Jimmy, and up
pops a twinkle-eyed grin at once
bold and friendly. "Yeah, it is
kinda weird..."
AND IT GETS weirder:
"I have one older brother
in my stepfamily," Jimmy pro-
ceeds to enlighten you. "And
then I have my twin brother."
Say what?
Jimmy grins anew. "Yeah," he
says. "And I have a step brother
that has the same birthday and
the same name as my twin. He's
o years older than me."
This time your expression is
met with chorused laughter, Ty-
'Well, there's
always that.
We just don't
erstwhile swim Climber Levi
Peckham. "And so we just kinda
got to know each other through
that class.
"And then swim season start-
ed and we started swimming.
So we just became friends after
Now, say the two, they are all
but inseparable. And not just by
dint of their shared commitment
to swimming.
"We're just like twins, pret-
ty much," intones Jimmy. He
laughs. "I mean, my morn used
t' say that we're more twins than
my actual twin."
You don't need a mom's
say-so, of course. Any stopwatch
will do.
Tyson's winning time in the
breast Friday was 1:05.85. Jim-
my was second, at 1:07.8.
State's qualifying standard
about u": year is 1:04 fiat, and come
district's final bid the Climb-
ers will be tapered and shaved
a couple years. And then I joined
(age-group) Sharks for another
year or so, and then I quit again.
Picked up wrestling in eighth
grade, and I was gonna do it in
ninth grade too.
"But then I ended up gettin'
hurt, and so I just joined swim-
He shrugs halfway apologeti-
Jimmy takes over. "I started
swimming- swim lessons - when
I was real little," says the now
six-two, 150.pounder. "And then
when I was around 10 or so I went
to try doin' Level 3 and I failed
- and didn't do so much swimmin'
after that."
Quite a blow to his budding
young ego, was it? Flunking Level
"No," says Jimmy, grinning. "I
didn't care. I was young..."
$ @
Celebrated BSers?
They are when it comes to the
Western Cascade Conference, to
be sure, where BSers the likes of
T&J are few and far between.
The most recent evidence came
just Friday, when Shelton's dy-
namic duo went one-two in no less
than the league championship.
- traditionally good for another
couple seconds at least.
"We both have the expectation
of getting there," says Jimmy,
referring to the all-Washington
"That's always been our goal,"
says Tyson.
ueling their necessar-
ily single-minded drive to excel?
That's equally simple, say the
two buddies.
"One thing you need t' know
ab?ut swimmers," says Jimmy,
gnnmng, "is we're always hun-
gry and never stop eating. So..."
He laughs.
So, can they name a favorite
Tyson frowns broadly, as
though having to limit himself
borders on cruelty. "Oh, shoot,"
he says, resisting a grin. "Is
there any specific category? Like
dessert or main dish? SHOOT."
Jimmy's laughter is nearly
disruptive at this point, but Ty-
son soldiers on with a sigh.
"I s'pose I'm gonna hafta go
with, uh, German rouladen," he
"It's like steak," he says. "You
put mustard on steak and then
son having joined in. You decide
to move on to another topic.
irst impressions?
hat it's the one you hap- "Well, we actually met in
pen to pick is fine with Tyson eighth grade," says Tyson, "He
was a class TA for technology,
and Jimmy, of course.
Swimming, after all, occu-
pies them pretty much 24/7
th se days, at the height of
their fourth straight season of
making the district grade in the
Climber Red & Black.
But it wasn't always so.
"My morn started me off in
swim lessons," says five-ten,
155-pounder Tyson, taking you
back. And then I kinda quit for
and I was just taking the class.
And, uhhh"- he shoots a grin at
Jimmy - "I didn't really think too
much of him.
"I just thought he was a
They both laugh. Jimmy, not
disagreeing, takes the narrative.
"I don't remember what I thought
of him," he says. "I didn't talk to
him or aaything;, He was just 'a
kid in the class.'
crossed, though - freshman year
in coach Chad Youngquist's in-
termediate-advanced swim class
- Tyson suddenly ceased to be in
Jimmy's blind spot, as it were.
"He seemed to be friends with
my old friend Levi," says Jimmy,
referring to senior classmate and
pickles and, uh, onions in it, and
then you just roll it up and stick
a toothpick through it and then
put it in a crock pot all day long.
And it just -"
He breaks off, abject pleasure
washing over his face. "Ohhhh,
it's SO-O-O.O good!" he says,
and he grins unapologetically.
And Jimmy?
"Hmmm," he says, puzzling.
"I think I'm gonna hafta go with,
uh, Miako Teriyaki General
Chicken." He laughs.
"It's a restaurant up by Holly-
wood Video," he says. "Oh, man.
It's SO good!"
subsided a bit you risk a sober-
ing question:
Don't the demands of intense
training require a concomitant
mealtime, er, lstraint?
"No," says Tyson, sounding
genuinely surprised that you
would ask. "No, we just have to
(Please turn to page 24.)
Page 22 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, February 1,2007
Chlorine kid
on the prowl
Age-group swimming's Quick
Water Swim Club of Shelton went
15 strong to the "January Chal-
lenge" last month at Curtis High-
School in University Place.
Here's how the local chlorine-
thrashers fared:
Grace Phetan - Competing in the girls' 8-
and-under age division, Grace went 25.12 for
second place in the 25-yard freestyle event; went
33,78 for fourth in the 25-yard backstroke event,
and went 44.00 but got disqualified in the 25-yard
breaststroke event.
Ronnie Radford - Competing in the girls'
lO-and-under age division, Ronnie went 1:46.01
for first #lace in the lO0-yard butterfly event (im-
proving her personal record in the process by
5.51 seconds); went 35,70 (a 2.03-second drop)
for first in the 50 free; went 1:57.19for fourth in
the lO0-yard breaststroke event; went 44.45 for
third in the 50-yard butterfly event: went 1:22.03
(a 5.79-second drop) for first in the tOO-yard
freestyle event: went 50.73 for second in the 50-
yard breaststroke event and swam a leg of the
lO-and-under girls' third-place 200-yard medley
relay, which stopped the clock at 2:50.39.
Dani Griffith - Competing in the girls' 10-
and-under age division, Dani went 40.88 for third
place in the 50-yard freestyle event; went 2:11.31
for seventh in the lO0-yard breaststroke event,
and went 1:5803 for ninth in the lO0-yard indi-
vidual-medley event.
Nicholas Jar)da - Competing in the 11- and
12-year-old boys' division. Nicholas went 35.70
(a personal record by 1.41 seconds) for third
place in the 50-yard freestyle event; went 1:47,09
(a 1.37-second drop) for second in the lO0-yard
breaststroke event and went 1:41.12 for third in
the lO0-yard individual-medley event.
Colton Dion - Competing in the 11- and
12-year-old boys' age group, Colton went 37.42
for sixth place in the 50-yard freestyle event and
went 1:11.89 for eighth in the 50-yard backstroke
Ryder Phelan - Competing in the 11- and
12-year-old boys' age division, Ryder went 49,69
(a whopping 22.13-second drop) for eighth place
in the 50-yard freestyle event; went 48,54 for sixth
in the 50-yard backstroke event, and went 2:09.52
but got disqualified in the lO0-yard breaststroke
Brittany Janda - Competing in the 13- and
14-year-old girls' age division, Brittany went
2:20,75 for sixth place in the 200-yard freestyle
event; went 29.09 for eighth in the 50-yard free-
style event, and went 1:36,77 for second in the
lO0-yard breaststroke event.
Kathryn Myers - Competing in the 13-
and 14-year-old girls' age group, Kathryn went
2:24,66 (a personal record by fully 7.06 seconds)
for first place in her heat of the 200-yard free-
style event; went 29.07 (a 47-hundredths-second
drop) for seventh in the 50-yard freestyle event:
went 1:2790 for sixth in the. lO0-yard breast-
stroke event: went 2:48.89 (a 7.10-second drop)
for first in the 200-yard individual-medley event;
went 125,94 (a f.80-second drop) for third in
the lO0-yard freestyle event, and went 3:12.99
(a 4.15-second drop) for second in the 200-yard
event, and contributed to the girls'
performance (2:50.39) in the 200-'
Hannah Garcia - Competing in the
12-year-old girls' age division,
36.72 (a personal record by
second) for third in the freestyl,
went 47.05 for sixth in the 50-yard
event; went 1:56.27 (a
tenth in the l O0-yard breaststroke event
1:41.45 (a 1.47-second drop) for four
lO0-yard individual medley; went 1
disqualified in the lO0-yard backstroke
went 41.68 (a whopping 8.14-second dr
third in the 50-yard butterfly event: went'
(an even bigger drop: 7.38 seconds) for
the lO0-yard freestyle event;
in the 50-yard breaststroke event, and
to the girls' third-place (2:50.39)
ley-relay performance.
Alexi Forsberg-Crotty Competin
11- and 12-year-old girls' age
46,71 for 11th place in t he 50-yard
event and went 1:02.88 for 13th in
backstroke event.
Melissa Griffith - Competing in the
over girls' age bracket, Melissa with
personal record by 73-hundredths of a
for first place in the 50-yard freestyle eve
2:43.58 for second in the 200-yard
event, and went 1:21.84 for first in the
breaststroke event.
Martin Decklar - Competing in the
14-year-old boys' age division, Martin
(a personal record by fully 6.81 seconds):
in the 50-yard freestyle event and went
but suffered disqualification in the
breaststroke event.
Jonathan Hoff - Competing in the
over boys' age division, Jonathan went
personal record by 92-hundredths of
for second place in the 50-yard freestyle
and went 1:51.39 but suffered dis(
the lO0-yard breaststroke event.
At the coaching fore for the
once again was veteran me
Climber grad who went from SHS swim
to collegiate competition prior to taking
age-group reins.
Next up for Quick Water is the
Challenge" the lOth and 11th at The
State College in Olympia.
Incidentally, swimmers interested in
Quick Water Swim Club reportedly
to swim 25 yards backstroke and 25
stroke. This usually means they
el 4 of swim lessons, a club
Tryouts are Friday evenings at Shell
School. For more information call the
4240 or check out the club's Web site
Hood Canal Telecommunications at
Shelton Pony &
Baseball sign.ups
breaststroke event, are being taken
Sabrina McGIothlin - Competing in the 11-
and 12-year-old girls' age division, Sabrina went
Sign-ups reportedly are
taken now for the Shelton
and Colt Baseball teams.
Eligible are kids ages 13.16'
Sign up on the Web at
tact Michael Blonden at,
45.47 (a personal record by 1.33 seconds) for her
part in the 200-yard medley relay: went 39.64 (an
O.87-second drop) for eighth in the 50-yard free-
style event: went 46.60 (an O.20-second drop) for
fifth in the 50-yard backstroke event, and swam a
leg of the fhird-pJace performance (2:50.3) in the
200-yard medley relay.
Sarah Myers - Competing in the 11- and
12-year-old girls' division, Sarah went 33.37 (a
personal record by 32-hunderdths of a second) in
the 50-yard freestyle event; went 1:28.82 (a 5.53-
second drop) for first in the lO0-yard individual-
medley event: went 40.36 (an 0.43-second drop)
for second in the 50-yard butterfly event: went
1:13.72 (a 3,51-second drop) for fourth in the
l O0-yard freestyle event: went 48.31 (a 1.92-sec-
ond drop) for fourth in the 50-yard breaststroke
Pony is for 13- and
Colt for 15- and 16-year-olds.
Registration ends FebruarY
. e
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Climbers Jimmy (L) and Tyson
Swim Climbers' J&ff show:
, J ,,
o, it's not the chlorine fumes talkin.
Jimmy Riley and Tyson Cochran have been out of the
pool for hours- more than enough ti!ne for any chemically
induced fog to lift.
Besides, locally celebrated BSers though they are, the
two do have a certain wide-eyed sincerity about them.
Like when they mention they both picked the same day
to sever their umbilical-cord connections.
Yes, and the eye contact is unwavering even when
Jimmy tells you about his real twin - that and the other
brother with the same name and birthday.,.
Not that bug-eyed disbe-
lief is exactly rampant in their
wake, mind you. In fact, your
Sunday evening visit with the
two Highclimber seniors last
week starts out ,qte routinely.
"I was born here in Shelton,
at Mason General," Tyson com-
mences, taking you back to his
November 19, 1988 arrival. "My
dad's a parole officer. My mom's
a registered nurse."
Big family?
"Yeah. Big family," says Ty-
son, speaking m a laid-back,
low-key manner consistent
with his easy-going demeanor.
"I have three older brothers,
and then there's me and then
my sister."
And his comrade in chlorina-
"I was born in Olympia, at
St. Pete's," says Jimmy, whose
morn is a hospital accountant
and stepdad an engineer for
the state. And my birthday's
the same day as Tyson's."
"Yeah," says Jimmy, and up
pops a twinkle-eyed grin at once
bold and friendly. "Yeah, it is
kinda weird..."
AND IT GETS weirder:
"I have one older brother
in my stepfamily," Jimmy pro-
ceeds to enlighten you. "And
then I have my twin brother."
Say what?
Jimmy grins anew. "Yeah," he
says. "And I have a step brother
that has the same birthday and
the same name as my twin. He's
o years older than me."
This time your expression is
met with chorused laughter, Ty-
'Well, there's
always that.
We just don't
erstwhile swim Climber Levi
Peckham. "And so we just kinda
got to know each other through
that class.
"And then swim season start-
ed and we started swimming.
So we just became friends after
Now, say the two, they are all
but inseparable. And not just by
dint of their shared commitment
to swimming.
"We're just like twins, pret-
ty much," intones Jimmy. He
laughs. "I mean, my morn used
t' say that we're more twins than
my actual twin."
You don't need a mom's
say-so, of course. Any stopwatch
will do.
Tyson's winning time in the
breast Friday was 1:05.85. Jim-
my was second, at 1:07.8.
State's qualifying standard
about u": year is 1:04 fiat, and come
district's final bid the Climb-
ers will be tapered and shaved
a couple years. And then I joined
(age-group) Sharks for another
year or so, and then I quit again.
Picked up wrestling in eighth
grade, and I was gonna do it in
ninth grade too.
"But then I ended up gettin'
hurt, and so I just joined swim-
He shrugs halfway apologeti-
Jimmy takes over. "I started
swimming- swim lessons - when
I was real little," says the now
six-two, 150.pounder. "And then
when I was around 10 or so I went
to try doin' Level 3 and I failed
- and didn't do so much swimmin'
after that."
Quite a blow to his budding
young ego, was it? Flunking Level
"No," says Jimmy, grinning. "I
didn't care. I was young..."
$ @
Celebrated BSers?
They are when it comes to the
Western Cascade Conference, to
be sure, where BSers the likes of
T&J are few and far between.
The most recent evidence came
just Friday, when Shelton's dy-
namic duo went one-two in no less
than the league championship.
- traditionally good for another
couple seconds at least.
"We both have the expectation
of getting there," says Jimmy,
referring to the all-Washington
"That's always been our goal,"
says Tyson.
ueling their necessar-
ily single-minded drive to excel?
That's equally simple, say the
two buddies.
"One thing you need t' know
ab?ut swimmers," says Jimmy,
gnnmng, "is we're always hun-
gry and never stop eating. So..."
He laughs.
So, can they name a favorite
Tyson frowns broadly, as
though having to limit himself
borders on cruelty. "Oh, shoot,"
he says, resisting a grin. "Is
there any specific category? Like
dessert or main dish? SHOOT."
Jimmy's laughter is nearly
disruptive at this point, but Ty-
son soldiers on with a sigh.
"I s'pose I'm gonna hafta go
with, uh, German rouladen," he
"It's like steak," he says. "You
put mustard on steak and then
son having joined in. You decide
to move on to another topic.
irst impressions?
hat it's the one you hap- "Well, we actually met in
pen to pick is fine with Tyson eighth grade," says Tyson, "He
was a class TA for technology,
and Jimmy, of course.
Swimming, after all, occu-
pies them pretty much 24/7
th se days, at the height of
their fourth straight season of
making the district grade in the
Climber Red & Black.
But it wasn't always so.
"My morn started me off in
swim lessons," says five-ten,
155-pounder Tyson, taking you
back. And then I kinda quit for
and I was just taking the class.
And, uhhh"- he shoots a grin at
Jimmy - "I didn't really think too
much of him.
"I just thought he was a
They both laugh. Jimmy, not
disagreeing, takes the narrative.
"I don't remember what I thought
of him," he says. "I didn't talk to
him or aaything;, He was just 'a
kid in the class.'
crossed, though - freshman year
in coach Chad Youngquist's in-
termediate-advanced swim class
- Tyson suddenly ceased to be in
Jimmy's blind spot, as it were.
"He seemed to be friends with
my old friend Levi," says Jimmy,
referring to senior classmate and
pickles and, uh, onions in it, and
then you just roll it up and stick
a toothpick through it and then
put it in a crock pot all day long.
And it just -"
He breaks off, abject pleasure
washing over his face. "Ohhhh,
it's SO-O-O.O good!" he says,
and he grins unapologetically.
And Jimmy?
"Hmmm," he says, puzzling.
"I think I'm gonna hafta go with,
uh, Miako Teriyaki General
Chicken." He laughs.
"It's a restaurant up by Holly-
wood Video," he says. "Oh, man.
It's SO good!"
subsided a bit you risk a sober-
ing question:
Don't the demands of intense
training require a concomitant
mealtime, er, lstraint?
"No," says Tyson, sounding
genuinely surprised that you
would ask. "No, we just have to
(Please turn to page 24.)
Page 22 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, February 1,2007
Chlorine kid
on the prowl
Age-group swimming's Quick
Water Swim Club of Shelton went
15 strong to the "January Chal-
lenge" last month at Curtis High-
School in University Place.
Here's how the local chlorine-
thrashers fared:
Grace Phetan - Competing in the girls' 8-
and-under age division, Grace went 25.12 for
second place in the 25-yard freestyle event; went
33,78 for fourth in the 25-yard backstroke event,
and went 44.00 but got disqualified in the 25-yard
breaststroke event.
Ronnie Radford - Competing in the girls'
lO-and-under age division, Ronnie went 1:46.01
for first #lace in the lO0-yard butterfly event (im-
proving her personal record in the process by
5.51 seconds); went 35,70 (a 2.03-second drop)
for first in the 50 free; went 1:57.19for fourth in
the lO0-yard breaststroke event; went 44.45 for
third in the 50-yard butterfly event: went 1:22.03
(a 5.79-second drop) for first in the tOO-yard
freestyle event: went 50.73 for second in the 50-
yard breaststroke event and swam a leg of the
lO-and-under girls' third-place 200-yard medley
relay, which stopped the clock at 2:50.39.
Dani Griffith - Competing in the girls' 10-
and-under age division, Dani went 40.88 for third
place in the 50-yard freestyle event; went 2:11.31
for seventh in the lO0-yard breaststroke event,
and went 1:5803 for ninth in the lO0-yard indi-
vidual-medley event.
Nicholas Jar)da - Competing in the 11- and
12-year-old boys' division. Nicholas went 35.70
(a personal record by 1.41 seconds) for third
place in the 50-yard freestyle event; went 1:47,09
(a 1.37-second drop) for second in the lO0-yard
breaststroke event and went 1:41.12 for third in
the lO0-yard individual-medley event.
Colton Dion - Competing in the 11- and
12-year-old boys' age group, Colton went 37.42
for sixth place in the 50-yard freestyle event and
went 1:11.89 for eighth in the 50-yard backstroke
Ryder Phelan - Competing in the 11- and
12-year-old boys' age division, Ryder went 49,69
(a whopping 22.13-second drop) for eighth place
in the 50-yard freestyle event; went 48,54 for sixth
in the 50-yard backstroke event, and went 2:09.52
but got disqualified in the lO0-yard breaststroke
Brittany Janda - Competing in the 13- and
14-year-old girls' age division, Brittany went
2:20,75 for sixth place in the 200-yard freestyle
event; went 29.09 for eighth in the 50-yard free-
style event, and went 1:36,77 for second in the
lO0-yard breaststroke event.
Kathryn Myers - Competing in the 13-
and 14-year-old girls' age group, Kathryn went
2:24,66 (a personal record by fully 7.06 seconds)
for first place in her heat of the 200-yard free-
style event; went 29.07 (a 47-hundredths-second
drop) for seventh in the 50-yard freestyle event:
went 1:2790 for sixth in the. lO0-yard breast-
stroke event: went 2:48.89 (a 7.10-second drop)
for first in the 200-yard individual-medley event;
went 125,94 (a f.80-second drop) for third in
the lO0-yard freestyle event, and went 3:12.99
(a 4.15-second drop) for second in the 200-yard
event, and contributed to the girls'
performance (2:50.39) in the 200-'
Hannah Garcia - Competing in the
12-year-old girls' age division,
36.72 (a personal record by
second) for third in the freestyl,
went 47.05 for sixth in the 50-yard
event; went 1:56.27 (a
tenth in the l O0-yard breaststroke event
1:41.45 (a 1.47-second drop) for four
lO0-yard individual medley; went 1
disqualified in the lO0-yard backstroke
went 41.68 (a whopping 8.14-second dr
third in the 50-yard butterfly event: went'
(an even bigger drop: 7.38 seconds) for
the lO0-yard freestyle event;
in the 50-yard breaststroke event, and
to the girls' third-place (2:50.39)
ley-relay performance.
Alexi Forsberg-Crotty Competin
11- and 12-year-old girls' age
46,71 for 11th place in t he 50-yard
event and went 1:02.88 for 13th in
backstroke event.
Melissa Griffith - Competing in the
over girls' age bracket, Melissa with
personal record by 73-hundredths of a
for first place in the 50-yard freestyle eve
2:43.58 for second in the 200-yard
event, and went 1:21.84 for first in the
breaststroke event.
Martin Decklar - Competing in the
14-year-old boys' age division, Martin
(a personal record by fully 6.81 seconds):
in the 50-yard freestyle event and went
but suffered disqualification in the
breaststroke event.
Jonathan Hoff - Competing in the
over boys' age division, Jonathan went
personal record by 92-hundredths of
for second place in the 50-yard freestyle
and went 1:51.39 but suffered dis(
the lO0-yard breaststroke event.
At the coaching fore for the
once again was veteran me
Climber grad who went from SHS swim
to collegiate competition prior to taking
age-group reins.
Next up for Quick Water is the
Challenge" the lOth and 11th at The
State College in Olympia.
Incidentally, swimmers interested in
Quick Water Swim Club reportedly
to swim 25 yards backstroke and 25
stroke. This usually means they
el 4 of swim lessons, a club
Tryouts are Friday evenings at Shell
School. For more information call the
4240 or check out the club's Web site
Hood Canal Telecommunications at
Shelton Pony &
Baseball sign.ups
breaststroke event, are being taken
Sabrina McGIothlin - Competing in the 11-
and 12-year-old girls' age division, Sabrina went
Sign-ups reportedly are
taken now for the Shelton
and Colt Baseball teams.
Eligible are kids ages 13.16'
Sign up on the Web at
tact Michael Blonden at,
45.47 (a personal record by 1.33 seconds) for her
part in the 200-yard medley relay: went 39.64 (an
O.87-second drop) for eighth in the 50-yard free-
style event: went 46.60 (an O.20-second drop) for
fifth in the 50-yard backstroke event, and swam a
leg of the fhird-pJace performance (2:50.3) in the
200-yard medley relay.
Sarah Myers - Competing in the 11- and
12-year-old girls' division, Sarah went 33.37 (a
personal record by 32-hunderdths of a second) in
the 50-yard freestyle event; went 1:28.82 (a 5.53-
second drop) for first in the lO0-yard individual-
medley event: went 40.36 (an 0.43-second drop)
for second in the 50-yard butterfly event: went
1:13.72 (a 3,51-second drop) for fourth in the
l O0-yard freestyle event: went 48.31 (a 1.92-sec-
ond drop) for fourth in the 50-yard breaststroke
Pony is for 13- and
Colt for 15- and 16-year-olds.
Registration ends FebruarY
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