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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 1, 2007     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 1, 2007
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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1 ! ! d ; ( (: >L Their musical Story SOmeone Else's Story" is the title of this year's Night of Musical Theatre at Shel- 0n High School. Curtains go up at 7 p.m. on Thursday, Friday and Saturday at he Shelton High School Auditorium, 3737 Shelton Springs Road. The story line is sed on the idea of relationships between friends, family and lovers, and admis- lon is $3. Cast members pictured are, front row, from left to right, Taylor Robecker, aitlyn Sutter, Molly Swanson, Rachel Watson, Richelle Hoosier, Miranda Jewitt, ailie Schnabel and Emily Johnson; middle row, Sam Densley, Erika Christensen ld Elise Thompson; and back row, Storm Woodyard, Jazzy James, Liam Malpass, 0rR an Pendon, Alex Davis-Brazill, Collin Dysart, Sarah Lawson and Lauren Smith. 1st member not pictured are Alanna Knudsen, Rachel Fennel, Sada Patterson and ex Chamberlin. Saturdays at Southside will make up for snow Southside School plans to make up six "snow days" missed by students when school was closed due to bad weather. The make-up schedule includes hold- ing classes on three Saturdays with an early release of students on each of those Saturdays. At its Thursday, January 25, meeting the Southside School Board voted to make up "snow days" as follows: Saturday, Feb- ruary 10, will be a school day with early release at 12:30 p.m.; Saturday, March 3, will be a school day with early release at 12:30 p.m. Also: Friday, March 16, will be a full day of school with no early release; Saturday, March 24, will be a school day with early release at 12:30 p.m.; Friday, May 11, will be a full day of school with no early release; and Monday, June 18, will be a school day with early release at 12:30 p.m. Did you know four new tax bills passed in 2006? We prepare business & personal taxes. Barbara S Saeger, CPA 3550 West Shehon-Matlock Road Shehon, WA 98584 Phone (360)426-9535 Free E-File ° Celebrating 20 years as a CPA HAMA HAMA" 360-877-5811 13 miles north of Hoodsport • Oysters live, shucked, smoked or pickled • Steamer clams PACKED TO ARRIVE FRESH! • Smoked salmon • Plus local artisan cheeses and gourmet crackers Call and ask about our gift packs! t, ate grants help ,rod city projects e £ity of Shelton recently 'ed :;5.8 million in loans and for various projects. e  gton State Depart- ,gy has awarded the t A $2-million loan and ),000 grant for construction e Goldsborough Pump Sta- d a pipe bridge, which is of t: ]e project that will lead of two sewer mains Goldsborough Creek. The is at 0 percent inter- • A $1.9-million loan for de- sign of upgrades, improvements and expansion at the city's 28- year-old sewage treatment plant to maintain its current capacity. The 20-year loan is at 3.1 percent interest. • A $1-million loan fbr Sewer Basin 5 sewer line improve- ments. The basin ranges from Lake Boulevard east to Mason Street and from the south city limits to Goldsborough Creek. The 20-year loan is at 3.1 percent interest. d scholars will eight in number e Washington and Oregon of the Mark E. Reed Schol- Program has announced it award eight $3,000 scholar- to high-school and college later this year. are presented in of Mark E. Reed, who resi of Simpson Logging y from 1914 until his death • Eligible individuals must zPloyees of Green Diamond trce Company or the sons or lter; of employees or gradu- fElma. Montesano, Shelton, M. Knight or North Mason [ dis tricts. Mark E. Reed scholarship was modified in 2006 as of the reorganization of Investment Company green Diamond Resource Paay. Green Diamond will ttle to administer the Reed Scholarship Program with local student eligibility. Headquartered in Seattle, Green Diamond Re- source Company owns and manag- es industrial forest land in Wash- ington, Oregon and California. Interested parties are advised to contact Simpson Investment Company for eligibility require- ments regarding the scholarship program. Applications for the scholarships are available from high-school counselors in the Shet- ton, North Mason, Elma, Monte- sano and Mary M. Knight school districts. Applicants may also request an electronic copy via e-mail to or visit the Green Diamond Web site, or by calling Diana Goldy at 427-4703. The deadline for receiving applica- tions is Wednesday, February 28. [] I Imaging j' SILVERDALE 1780 NW Myhre Rd., #1220 BREMERTON 2601 Cherry Ave., #105 Appointments: 360-337-6500 or 1-800-972-9264 Accredited by the American College of Radiology in MR/, Ultrasound and Mammogrephy ¢]o I eounty Mrna Tell that special someone that you really care,., and do it in a very special way! Your special message will be published in the newspaper on February 8. It's a fantastic way to say "1 love you!" CLIP AND MAIL OR BRING EITHER FORM TO SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL'S CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT DEADLINE: TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 2 RM. TO : SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL P.O. BOX 430, SHELTON, WA 98584 Please publish the following Valentine's Greeting: UP TO 15 WORDS $7.50 ADD 10¢ FOR EACH ADDITIONAL WORD. CHECK PAYABLE TO SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL ENCLOSED FOR $ L YOUR NAME YOUR ADDRESS CITY STATE YOUR PHONE NUMBER ZIP ! ' Dear Honey, You are my one and only. I Love You Always, Your Sweetie I CHECK PAYABLE TO SHELTON- MASON COUNTY JOURNAL ENCLOSED FOR $ UP TO 15 WORDS IN A BOX WITH STRIP DESIGN -- $20 YOUR NAME YOUR ADDRESS CITY STATE YOUR PHONE NUMBER Please publish the following Valentine's Greeting: ZIP L J Shelton-eounty)11l/.son ¢]ournal (:360) 426-4412 Thursday, February 1, 2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 31 1 ! ! d ; ( (: >L Their musical Story SOmeone Else's Story" is the title of this year's Night of Musical Theatre at Shel- 0n High School. Curtains go up at 7 p.m. on Thursday, Friday and Saturday at he Shelton High School Auditorium, 3737 Shelton Springs Road. The story line is sed on the idea of relationships between friends, family and lovers, and admis- lon is $3. Cast members pictured are, front row, from left to right, Taylor Robecker, aitlyn Sutter, Molly Swanson, Rachel Watson, Richelle Hoosier, Miranda Jewitt, ailie Schnabel and Emily Johnson; middle row, Sam Densley, Erika Christensen ld Elise Thompson; and back row, Storm Woodyard, Jazzy James, Liam Malpass, 0rR an Pendon, Alex Davis-Brazill, Collin Dysart, Sarah Lawson and Lauren Smith. 1st member not pictured are Alanna Knudsen, Rachel Fennel, Sada Patterson and ex Chamberlin. Saturdays at Southside will make up for snow Southside School plans to make up six "snow days" missed by students when school was closed due to bad weather. The make-up schedule includes hold- ing classes on three Saturdays with an early release of students on each of those Saturdays. At its Thursday, January 25, meeting the Southside School Board voted to make up "snow days" as follows: Saturday, Feb- ruary 10, will be a school day with early release at 12:30 p.m.; Saturday, March 3, will be a school day with early release at 12:30 p.m. Also: Friday, March 16, will be a full day of school with no early release; Saturday, March 24, will be a school day with early release at 12:30 p.m.; Friday, May 11, will be a full day of school with no early release; and Monday, June 18, will be a school day with early release at 12:30 p.m. Did you know four new tax bills passed in 2006? We prepare business & personal taxes. Barbara S Saeger, CPA 3550 West Shehon-Matlock Road Shehon, WA 98584 Phone (360)426-9535 Free E-File ° Celebrating 20 years as a CPA HAMA HAMA" 360-877-5811 13 miles north of Hoodsport • Oysters live, shucked, smoked or pickled • Steamer clams PACKED TO ARRIVE FRESH! • Smoked salmon • Plus local artisan cheeses and gourmet crackers Call and ask about our gift packs! t, ate grants help ,rod city projects e £ity of Shelton recently 'ed :;5.8 million in loans and for various projects. e  gton State Depart- ,gy has awarded the t A $2-million loan and ),000 grant for construction e Goldsborough Pump Sta- d a pipe bridge, which is of t: ]e project that will lead of two sewer mains Goldsborough Creek. The is at 0 percent inter- • A $1.9-million loan for de- sign of upgrades, improvements and expansion at the city's 28- year-old sewage treatment plant to maintain its current capacity. The 20-year loan is at 3.1 percent interest. • A $1-million loan fbr Sewer Basin 5 sewer line improve- ments. The basin ranges from Lake Boulevard east to Mason Street and from the south city limits to Goldsborough Creek. The 20-year loan is at 3.1 percent interest. d scholars will eight in number e Washington and Oregon of the Mark E. Reed Schol- Program has announced it award eight $3,000 scholar- to high-school and college later this year. are presented in of Mark E. Reed, who resi of Simpson Logging y from 1914 until his death • Eligible individuals must zPloyees of Green Diamond trce Company or the sons or lter; of employees or gradu- fElma. Montesano, Shelton, M. Knight or North Mason [ dis tricts. Mark E. Reed scholarship was modified in 2006 as of the reorganization of Investment Company green Diamond Resource Paay. Green Diamond will ttle to administer the Reed Scholarship Program with local student eligibility. Headquartered in Seattle, Green Diamond Re- source Company owns and manag- es industrial forest land in Wash- ington, Oregon and California. Interested parties are advised to contact Simpson Investment Company for eligibility require- ments regarding the scholarship program. Applications for the scholarships are available from high-school counselors in the Shet- ton, North Mason, Elma, Monte- sano and Mary M. Knight school districts. Applicants may also request an electronic copy via e-mail to or visit the Green Diamond Web site, or by calling Diana Goldy at 427-4703. The deadline for receiving applica- tions is Wednesday, February 28. [] I Imaging j' SILVERDALE 1780 NW Myhre Rd., #1220 BREMERTON 2601 Cherry Ave., #105 Appointments: 360-337-6500 or 1-800-972-9264 Accredited by the American College of Radiology in MR/, Ultrasound and Mammogrephy ¢]o I eounty Mrna Tell that special someone that you really care,., and do it in a very special way! Your special message will be published in the newspaper on February 8. It's a fantastic way to say "1 love you!" CLIP AND MAIL OR BRING EITHER FORM TO SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL'S CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT DEADLINE: TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 2 RM. TO : SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL P.O. BOX 430, SHELTON, WA 98584 Please publish the following Valentine's Greeting: UP TO 15 WORDS $7.50 ADD 10¢ FOR EACH ADDITIONAL WORD. CHECK PAYABLE TO SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL ENCLOSED FOR $ L YOUR NAME YOUR ADDRESS CITY STATE YOUR PHONE NUMBER ZIP ! ' Dear Honey, You are my one and only. I Love You Always, Your Sweetie I CHECK PAYABLE TO SHELTON- MASON COUNTY JOURNAL ENCLOSED FOR $ UP TO 15 WORDS IN A BOX WITH STRIP DESIGN -- $20 YOUR NAME YOUR ADDRESS CITY STATE YOUR PHONE NUMBER Please publish the following Valentine's Greeting: ZIP L J Shelton-eounty)11l/.son ¢]ournal (:360) 426-4412 Thursday, February 1, 2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 31