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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 1, 2007     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 1, 2007
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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e e RATES • 15 words or less -- $6.50 •Classified deadline -- 2 p.m. Tuesday • 10 cents for each additional word over 15 •Classified display- 5 p.m. Monday • Four insertions for the price of three • Cancellation deadline -- 2 p.m. Tuesday Phone (36o) 426-4412 to Place Ad i In multiple insertion ads, I The Journal will be responsible I for errors in the first insertion only. EsNCY GAS insert stove. Very ¢ondtion $750 (360) 426-0159. ' • LTRADE 4 string (tenor) banjo with 60) 426-2216. H2/1-8 !W t BOXES Harmonics glueless lami- fl. ring, maple, $40. 60+ feet 1- 10 Ib, PVC waterline, $17. Pair i!,ii M1 Tri-axial Allied radio speakers, mrlt shape, $100 for both. Schwinn bicycle, new tires/tubes, very r condition $25 RCA Dish system, 11 in box, $75. (360) 432-2289. ,.C IC WHEELCHAIR - Like a qll'a'b°ut", $500.2 electric' hospl'- i,;,: , With vibrator, $300 each, OBO. 002;i .............. I SNOWMOBILE, $750. (360) ". C2/ 8 .... IBt_MAPLE dining room table, leaf Blahs, 5 chairs, captain's chair, [] ''drawer-solid wood dresser, at- Irro';,' $1"0) (360) 427-3986. ITE. Pickering [] om-Spencer Lake Resort- [] ,lday-Uond'ay 10 a.m.-5 p.m./ac- BB/S/VM( ±--(-360-) 426-8632) cel- :  Valentine's' Day with the perfect him or her such as custom and jewelry, rare books, handmade BB and bath products, stained Bne apparel and so much more. BI Blny new lamps, including antique tures MOVING SALE. Furniture, collectibles. Garden sale, Heath & Heathers, Satur- day 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Pickering Road next to Olympic Bakery. H2/1 LARGE SALE, Friday, Saturday, Sun- day, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Washers, dryers, col- lectibles, antiques, household items. Up First Street towards Red Apple, 2nd left, 1122 Ellinor Avenue. A2/1 HUGE GARAGE sale, Mason County Fairgrounds, Building 13, Friday-Sun- day 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Over 40 tables of items new and old. Pots, pans, dishes, glassware, bedding, new women's socks. New cosmetics $2 each. New backpacks, small purses. Costume jewelry $1 each. Collector's decorative plates, $3-$5. Lots of tools, collectible knickknacks, artificial plants, vacuum, pottery, ceramic cat collection. Dress- . ers, end tables, Matchbox cars, clothes, old pictures. Come have a cup of coffee and cookie with us. H2/1 JOURNAL CLASSIFIEDS 360-426-4412 15' GREGOR aluminum boat. (360) 877-0661. B2/1-22 and sconces, have been I WILL buy all your old toys. Clean out along with a gorgeous antique your attic. Top dollar paid. (360) 888- Sofa table and a breathtaking 2675. Sl/25-2/15 E  K/Q headboard! And outdoor . itngs including nautical yard art, SEEKING SHELL stock for shucked ?i ----=,sculptures, garden angels, etc. oyster meat and singles. Paying com-  our much anticipated spring, petitive prices. Call (360) 426-4933. il:t'is Day weekend (2/16-19) will S1/25-2/15 [] ./1: huge sale including additional BlOts for repeat customers and a CONSIGNMENTS WANTED: Cars, ;-wong event Saturday from 11 a.m.- trucks, vans, travel trailers, RVs. Sun •!"Let's Do Tea with Dee" covering Auto Sales, 5961 E. Highway 3, Shel- BB'Nernational and organic varieties. ton. (360) 426-2907. S1/25tfn ll,nlonth we welcome local artist, Cap, whose illustrated greeting L ` Capture the essence of natures I your cars, boats or I r I PLEASE DONATE I iLY used GE refrigerate I RV's to the I 00i366i-4f£ I "Toys For Kids Plus" I ' " I programfor I I . tax deduction. I op stoveT-$300. I We 00Jc.u00: I I (3e0)0022995 I ii 0 NEW Bowflex Extreme2, com- !|E.. gym. Retails $1,600, make offer. l77utsed, with accessories (360) ii 'J/0. Sl/11-2/8 dAaNaD c ramps. We specialize in--us- F;,.: d have stock sizes too. Wood- 0. L6129tfn I IOOD food but hate to clean? Love O,me parties? Love the perks of BRlrtles? Consider upgrading your r e and bakeware to what profes- !lefs usel For more information litChedule a home party for you and []ds, call Penny Wilson, your De- Imllllt Home Independent Representa- 190-2515. P9/21ffn OP SOIL il' igh qua ty sandy loam !1 o1:} cut • No Rocks • No Clay II: LANDSCAPING ,1t:00 L: !:ih is:': r; l] ROCK WALLS II Bulkheads. Ripraps li!i.  ,u=uoa-4 ar I WANT ADS JUMPING BARGAINS !1 Call IL The Journal 12 A GREAT career opportunityl Now accepting applications for immediate openings working for the developmen- tally disabled within their homes. Start- ing salary: PT $8.25/hr., FT $1,550/mo. + benefits. Send letter of interest and generic application or resume: Pla- ceone, Inc., 5107 Lacey Blvd., Lacey, WA 98503 or e-mail to placeone@ P1/11-2/1 TAXI DRIVER, part time to full time, evenings and weekends, great supple- mental income. 5 year good driving record, good people and driving skills, THE ROOF Doctor seeking reliable hard-working receptionist, 30-35 hours per week. Must be detail oriented with excellent phone skills. Position requires setting up appointments, read maps, di- rections. Position can be stressful due to high phone volume. Position will also include bank, post office and permit of- rice. Must be able to operate all office machines. Valid driver's license a must. We do random drug/alcohol testing. Please apply online with resume, gloria- R1/18-2/8 LEGAL SERVICES -The City of Shel- ton is requesting proposals from law firms/private attorneys to provide con- tract legal services in the area of gen- eral municipal law, criminal prosecution, or both. Proposals may be based on an hourly rate, or the strongly preferred flat fee rate. Must have rain. of 5 yrs. mu- nicipal government experience. Munici- pal legal services will include: advising the City Commission and staff in all le- gal matters pertaining to the operations of the City including but not limited to development, review, and approving to form all ordinances, resolutions, con- tracts and inter-local agreements; pro- viding legal guidance to the Commis- sion and staff regarding land use, public safety, and personnel issues. In addi- tion, the contract attorney(s) shall assist in the representation of the City in all civil and administrative actions brought by or against the City or against the City's officials in their official capacityl Attendance at the biweekly City Com- mission business meetings is required and attendance at all other meetings will be required as necessary. Proposals for Legal Services as the City's prosecutor shall include all aspects of prosecution; advising the City on criminal law mat- ters, making charging decisions, provid- ing discovery, contacting witnesses and victims, preparing and arguing motions, handling trials and appeals, and com- municating with court and police staff. Proposals will be received until 5 p.m. on February 23, 2007. For a full packet containing the criteria to respond to the Request for Proposals please contact: City of Shelton, Human Resource Dept., 525 W. Cota Street, Shelton, WA 98584, (360) 432-5109. EOE. C1/25-2/15 RECEPTIONIST/OFFICE Assistant. Phones, filing, time input, invoicing. Fax resume to (360) 426-8309. H2/1 ACCOUNTING TECH I for Mason Coun- ty Public Works Dept. $2,727-$3,209/ me. Entry level position, performs de- tailed data entry. Minimum Qualifica- tions: high school graduate or GED and one year accounting experience prefer- ably in a public sector OR one year of business/technical school with at least 45 quarter hours of accounting. Knowl- edge of Microsoft Word and Excel pro- grams, and possess WSDL. Application available at Mason County Human Re- sources, 411 N. Fifth St., Shelton, WA 98584; (360) 427-7265. Closes 2/13/07 at 5 p.m. M2/1-8 NOW HIRING drivers/roof loader. Wanted for local deliveries. Full benefits, 401 (K), vacation, Class B CDL required, drug-free workplace. Call Troy at (360) 534-9496. W1/18-2/8 SURGERY. ENVIRONMENTAL Ser- vices Tech. PRN position, all shifts/days of the week with call. Cleans patient care areas and surgical suites. Prior institutional cleaning experience pre- some commercial experience required, ferred. Please send application/resume Must be able to pass drug screening, to Mason General Hospital, HR Dept., Knowledge of area a plus. Have to be PO Box 1668, Shelton, WA 98584. lal- 25 or older. Call Monday-Friday, 9 a.m.- (360) 427- 5 p.m. (360) 426-8294. M1/11-2/1 9575. M2/1 "; -- --II WE CHALLENGE YOU.. Do you want to make a difference in your fife? Do you want to make a difference in others' lives? ADVANTAGE EMPLOYMENT PARTNERSHIPS (A Division of Exceptional Foresters, Inc.) HAS AN OPENING FOR A JOB COACH WE OFFER: • 50 Years of Service to Disabled Adults • A Team Work Environment • Company Paid Insurance (Medical, Dental, Vision) • Competitive Starting Salary ACCEPT OUR CHALLENGE!! APPL/C.zl T/ONS NT: EXCEPTIONAL FORESTERS, INC. 2009 W. RAILROAD AVENUE MONDAY-FRIDAY 7:30-12:00 & 1:00-4:30 CAREGIVER NEEDED, position open with benefits. Call (360) 427-4514. M 1/25-2/1 DRIVERS: A steady lifestyle, top miles and top pay! Call Werner Enterprises for regional openings today. 800-346-2818 x126. A1/25-2/1 EXPERIENCED ReeFERS wanted. (360) 432-8837. E1/11-2/1 FAIR VENDOR Coordinator for Mason County. $12/hour, part-time 20 hours/ week average and full-time in June/July. Organizes and coordinates the fair ven- dor program. Minimum Qualifications: High School graduate or GED, and pre- fer 2 years of post high school educa- tion. Proficiency with Microsoft products including Excel. 2 years experience as a public relations assistant, events coordi- nator, or similar position. Possess valid WSDL. County application required and available at Human Resources Dept., 411 N. Fifth St., Shelton, WA, 98584;, (360) 427-7265. Closes 2/9/07 at 5 p.m. F1/25-2/1 INSURANCE AGENCY looking for a Sales Associate/CSR. Current insur- ance license preferred or will help li- cense if hired. Quality is desired. Loyal, dependable, people oriented and pro- fessional. Typing, computer, phone skills necessary. Wage DOE. Send re- sume to or drop at 2121 Olympic Highway North #110. A1/25-2/1 FULL-TIME ACCOUNTING Assistant needed at Shelton mill. Must have Ex- cel and Access experience. Send re- sume to Shearer Brothers Chipping, PO Box 2638, Belfair, WA 98528 or fax to (360) 427-6862, or call (360) 427-6861. $1/25-2/1 PBX OPERATOR for Mason County Central Operations. Part-time 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. weekdays, $1,110 to $1,318/ month. Responsible for greeting public, receivingdirecting phone calls, & per- forming clerical support functions. Mini- mum Qualifications: High school gradu- ate or GED, one year of clerical or re- ception experience, possess profession- al communication and computer skills. Application required and available at Mason County Human Resources, 411 N. Fifth St., Shelton, WA 98584; www., or call (360) 427-7265. Closes 2/7/07 at 5 p.m. M1/25-2/t RN/LPN - come join our dynamic team of dedicated nursing staff at Shelton Health and Rehabilitation. Evening and night shifts available. Competitive wag- es and an opportunity to work at a great facility. Call Patti at (360) 427-2575 or deliver applications to 153 Johns Ct., Shelton. Apply online at www.ever- $1/18-2/8 NURSING ASSISTANT (NAC) - Shel- ton Health and Rehabilitation currently has openings on evening and night shifts. We are seeking an individual who has a good attitude, can work in a team, cares for others and will show up on time. Competitive wages. Come ap- ply at 153 Johns Ct. or apply online at EOE. S 1/18-2/8 MASON COUNTY Garbage is looking for a qualified truck driver to operate in the Mason County area. This position will be responsible for driving a garbage truck on specified routes to manually and mechanically collect solid waste and transport it to appropriate disposal sites. Daily work will involve heavy in- dustrial lifting, lifting waist high, gripping with hands, moving at a brisk consistent pace and occasional bending. This po- sition will also be responsible for safely, efficiently and courteously serving cus- tomers. Applicants should: Be able to work in a fast-paced team environment; Be able to work outdoors in all types of weather; Be able to follow safe operat- ing practices; Possess a clean safety and driving record; Be able to learn and use interpersonal skills related to good customer service; Be able and willing to work in a team environment; Be able to read, write and comprehend reports well enough to complete daily assign- ments; Possess a valid Class B CDL. Qualified candidates should obtain an application at: Mason County Gar- bage, 81 E. Wilbur's Way, Shelton, WA 98584, (360) 426-8729. M1/25-2/1 CURRENTLY WE are searching for one person to fill a challenging position with our company. This person will work in our Shelton location three days a week and in our Olympia location 2 days a week. We are seeking an energetic, responsible, goal oriented person that works well with others and the public. This person must be computer literate and have some knowledge of various products we deal with. Benefits after 90 days. Apply in person at City Pawn, 123 S. 2nd Street, Shelton. Monday thru Saturday, 10 a.m.-5:30 p.m. C1/25-2/1 NON-PROFIT EXECUTIVE Director. Seeking dynamic leader for established adult and family literacy organization. Expected to manage programs, human resources, fiscal systems, and fund- raising. For information or application, phone Mason County Literacy, (360) 426-9733. M1/25-2/1 REFERRAL COORDINATOR/AR Spe- cialist. Must have knowledge of cpt/icd- 9 coding, medical records and collec- tions experience. Positive, upbeat, car- ing personality required. Salary DOE. Send resume to Human Resources, 1812 North 13th Street, Shelton, 98584. P1/25-2/1 EXPERIENCED BARTENDER, Spen- cer Lake BLar & Grill. (360) 426-2505. $2/1 GROUNDSKEEPER. FT, primarily day shift, M-F, with some weekend and eve- ning shifts possible. Assists in maintain- ing grounds, mowing, weeding, fertiliz- ing and other general grounds mainte- nance. Must have the ability to operate small grounds equipment including but not limited to lawn mowers, trimmers, and pressure washers. Must be de- pendable, self-motivated and have the ability to work independently. Send resume or pick up application at H.R. Dept., Mason General Hospital, P.O. Box 1668, Shelton, WA 98584. (360) 427-9575. lalvarez@masongeneral. com. M1/25-2/1 ,.,C(;Ir4,.CI[ING LEARNING TO I.IF .mberland TIMBERLAND REGIONAL LIBRARY JOB OPENINGS TIMBERLAND REGIONAL LIBRARY CURRENTLY HAS THE FOLLOWING POSITIONS AVAILABLE: - COLLECTION MANAGEMENT ASST. I (INTERLIBRARY LOAN) ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICE CENTER, TUMWATER, WA 20 hrs/week (.50 FTE). Hiring salary $1060.07/month. Benefits include PERS retirement + employer paid dental/vision/life. Position closes 2/9/07. Job Code SC282021-02 - LIBRARY AIDE - SHELTON, WA 20 hrs/week (.50 FTE). Hiring salary $8.09/hour. Benefits include PERS retirement + employer paid dental/vision/life. Position closes 2/9/07. Job Code SH 141005-01 For more information, or to obtain application materials, go to employme.htm, your local Timberland Regional Library or call 360-704-4564 (refer to Job Code when calling). Resume NOT accepted in lieu of application. Timberland Regional Library is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Journal's Super Crossword Answers ,A Thursday, February 1,2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 33 e e RATES • 15 words or less -- $6.50 •Classified deadline -- 2 p.m. Tuesday • 10 cents for each additional word over 15 •Classified display- 5 p.m. Monday • Four insertions for the price of three • Cancellation deadline -- 2 p.m. Tuesday Phone (36o) 426-4412 to Place Ad i In multiple insertion ads, I The Journal will be responsible I for errors in the first insertion only. EsNCY GAS insert stove. Very ¢ondtion $750 (360) 426-0159. ' • LTRADE 4 string (tenor) banjo with 60) 426-2216. H2/1-8 !W t BOXES Harmonics glueless lami- fl. ring, maple, $40. 60+ feet 1- 10 Ib, PVC waterline, $17. Pair i!,ii M1 Tri-axial Allied radio speakers, mrlt shape, $100 for both. Schwinn bicycle, new tires/tubes, very r condition $25 RCA Dish system, 11 in box, $75. (360) 432-2289. ,.C IC WHEELCHAIR - Like a qll'a'b°ut", $500.2 electric' hospl'- i,;,: , With vibrator, $300 each, OBO. 002;i .............. I SNOWMOBILE, $750. (360) ". C2/ 8 .... IBt_MAPLE dining room table, leaf Blahs, 5 chairs, captain's chair, [] ''drawer-solid wood dresser, at- Irro';,' $1"0) (360) 427-3986. ITE. Pickering [] om-Spencer Lake Resort- [] ,lday-Uond'ay 10 a.m.-5 p.m./ac- BB/S/VM( ±--(-360-) 426-8632) cel- :  Valentine's' Day with the perfect him or her such as custom and jewelry, rare books, handmade BB and bath products, stained Bne apparel and so much more. BI Blny new lamps, including antique tures MOVING SALE. Furniture, collectibles. Garden sale, Heath & Heathers, Satur- day 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Pickering Road next to Olympic Bakery. H2/1 LARGE SALE, Friday, Saturday, Sun- day, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Washers, dryers, col- lectibles, antiques, household items. Up First Street towards Red Apple, 2nd left, 1122 Ellinor Avenue. A2/1 HUGE GARAGE sale, Mason County Fairgrounds, Building 13, Friday-Sun- day 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Over 40 tables of items new and old. Pots, pans, dishes, glassware, bedding, new women's socks. New cosmetics $2 each. New backpacks, small purses. Costume jewelry $1 each. Collector's decorative plates, $3-$5. Lots of tools, collectible knickknacks, artificial plants, vacuum, pottery, ceramic cat collection. Dress- . ers, end tables, Matchbox cars, clothes, old pictures. Come have a cup of coffee and cookie with us. H2/1 JOURNAL CLASSIFIEDS 360-426-4412 15' GREGOR aluminum boat. (360) 877-0661. B2/1-22 and sconces, have been I WILL buy all your old toys. Clean out along with a gorgeous antique your attic. Top dollar paid. (360) 888- Sofa table and a breathtaking 2675. Sl/25-2/15 E  K/Q headboard! And outdoor . itngs including nautical yard art, SEEKING SHELL stock for shucked ?i ----=,sculptures, garden angels, etc. oyster meat and singles. Paying com-  our much anticipated spring, petitive prices. Call (360) 426-4933. il:t'is Day weekend (2/16-19) will S1/25-2/15 [] ./1: huge sale including additional BlOts for repeat customers and a CONSIGNMENTS WANTED: Cars, ;-wong event Saturday from 11 a.m.- trucks, vans, travel trailers, RVs. Sun •!"Let's Do Tea with Dee" covering Auto Sales, 5961 E. Highway 3, Shel- BB'Nernational and organic varieties. ton. (360) 426-2907. S1/25tfn ll,nlonth we welcome local artist, Cap, whose illustrated greeting L ` Capture the essence of natures I your cars, boats or I r I PLEASE DONATE I iLY used GE refrigerate I RV's to the I 00i366i-4f£ I "Toys For Kids Plus" I ' " I programfor I I . tax deduction. I op stoveT-$300. I We 00Jc.u00: I I (3e0)0022995 I ii 0 NEW Bowflex Extreme2, com- !|E.. gym. Retails $1,600, make offer. l77utsed, with accessories (360) ii 'J/0. Sl/11-2/8 dAaNaD c ramps. We specialize in--us- F;,.: d have stock sizes too. Wood- 0. L6129tfn I IOOD food but hate to clean? Love O,me parties? Love the perks of BRlrtles? Consider upgrading your r e and bakeware to what profes- !lefs usel For more information litChedule a home party for you and []ds, call Penny Wilson, your De- Imllllt Home Independent Representa- 190-2515. P9/21ffn OP SOIL il' igh qua ty sandy loam !1 o1:} cut • No Rocks • No Clay II: LANDSCAPING ,1t:00 L: !:ih is:': r; l] ROCK WALLS II Bulkheads. Ripraps li!i.  ,u=uoa-4 ar I WANT ADS JUMPING BARGAINS !1 Call IL The Journal 12 A GREAT career opportunityl Now accepting applications for immediate openings working for the developmen- tally disabled within their homes. Start- ing salary: PT $8.25/hr., FT $1,550/mo. + benefits. Send letter of interest and generic application or resume: Pla- ceone, Inc., 5107 Lacey Blvd., Lacey, WA 98503 or e-mail to placeone@ P1/11-2/1 TAXI DRIVER, part time to full time, evenings and weekends, great supple- mental income. 5 year good driving record, good people and driving skills, THE ROOF Doctor seeking reliable hard-working receptionist, 30-35 hours per week. Must be detail oriented with excellent phone skills. Position requires setting up appointments, read maps, di- rections. Position can be stressful due to high phone volume. Position will also include bank, post office and permit of- rice. Must be able to operate all office machines. Valid driver's license a must. We do random drug/alcohol testing. Please apply online with resume, gloria- R1/18-2/8 LEGAL SERVICES -The City of Shel- ton is requesting proposals from law firms/private attorneys to provide con- tract legal services in the area of gen- eral municipal law, criminal prosecution, or both. Proposals may be based on an hourly rate, or the strongly preferred flat fee rate. Must have rain. of 5 yrs. mu- nicipal government experience. Munici- pal legal services will include: advising the City Commission and staff in all le- gal matters pertaining to the operations of the City including but not limited to development, review, and approving to form all ordinances, resolutions, con- tracts and inter-local agreements; pro- viding legal guidance to the Commis- sion and staff regarding land use, public safety, and personnel issues. In addi- tion, the contract attorney(s) shall assist in the representation of the City in all civil and administrative actions brought by or against the City or against the City's officials in their official capacityl Attendance at the biweekly City Com- mission business meetings is required and attendance at all other meetings will be required as necessary. Proposals for Legal Services as the City's prosecutor shall include all aspects of prosecution; advising the City on criminal law mat- ters, making charging decisions, provid- ing discovery, contacting witnesses and victims, preparing and arguing motions, handling trials and appeals, and com- municating with court and police staff. Proposals will be received until 5 p.m. on February 23, 2007. For a full packet containing the criteria to respond to the Request for Proposals please contact: City of Shelton, Human Resource Dept., 525 W. Cota Street, Shelton, WA 98584, (360) 432-5109. EOE. C1/25-2/15 RECEPTIONIST/OFFICE Assistant. Phones, filing, time input, invoicing. Fax resume to (360) 426-8309. H2/1 ACCOUNTING TECH I for Mason Coun- ty Public Works Dept. $2,727-$3,209/ me. Entry level position, performs de- tailed data entry. Minimum Qualifica- tions: high school graduate or GED and one year accounting experience prefer- ably in a public sector OR one year of business/technical school with at least 45 quarter hours of accounting. Knowl- edge of Microsoft Word and Excel pro- grams, and possess WSDL. Application available at Mason County Human Re- sources, 411 N. Fifth St., Shelton, WA 98584; (360) 427-7265. Closes 2/13/07 at 5 p.m. M2/1-8 NOW HIRING drivers/roof loader. Wanted for local deliveries. Full benefits, 401 (K), vacation, Class B CDL required, drug-free workplace. Call Troy at (360) 534-9496. W1/18-2/8 SURGERY. ENVIRONMENTAL Ser- vices Tech. PRN position, all shifts/days of the week with call. Cleans patient care areas and surgical suites. Prior institutional cleaning experience pre- some commercial experience required, ferred. Please send application/resume Must be able to pass drug screening, to Mason General Hospital, HR Dept., Knowledge of area a plus. Have to be PO Box 1668, Shelton, WA 98584. lal- 25 or older. Call Monday-Friday, 9 a.m.- (360) 427- 5 p.m. (360) 426-8294. M1/11-2/1 9575. M2/1 "; -- --II WE CHALLENGE YOU.. Do you want to make a difference in your fife? Do you want to make a difference in others' lives? ADVANTAGE EMPLOYMENT PARTNERSHIPS (A Division of Exceptional Foresters, Inc.) HAS AN OPENING FOR A JOB COACH WE OFFER: • 50 Years of Service to Disabled Adults • A Team Work Environment • Company Paid Insurance (Medical, Dental, Vision) • Competitive Starting Salary ACCEPT OUR CHALLENGE!! APPL/C.zl T/ONS NT: EXCEPTIONAL FORESTERS, INC. 2009 W. RAILROAD AVENUE MONDAY-FRIDAY 7:30-12:00 & 1:00-4:30 CAREGIVER NEEDED, position open with benefits. Call (360) 427-4514. M 1/25-2/1 DRIVERS: A steady lifestyle, top miles and top pay! Call Werner Enterprises for regional openings today. 800-346-2818 x126. A1/25-2/1 EXPERIENCED ReeFERS wanted. (360) 432-8837. E1/11-2/1 FAIR VENDOR Coordinator for Mason County. $12/hour, part-time 20 hours/ week average and full-time in June/July. Organizes and coordinates the fair ven- dor program. Minimum Qualifications: High School graduate or GED, and pre- fer 2 years of post high school educa- tion. Proficiency with Microsoft products including Excel. 2 years experience as a public relations assistant, events coordi- nator, or similar position. Possess valid WSDL. County application required and available at Human Resources Dept., 411 N. Fifth St., Shelton, WA, 98584;, (360) 427-7265. Closes 2/9/07 at 5 p.m. F1/25-2/1 INSURANCE AGENCY looking for a Sales Associate/CSR. Current insur- ance license preferred or will help li- cense if hired. Quality is desired. Loyal, dependable, people oriented and pro- fessional. Typing, computer, phone skills necessary. Wage DOE. Send re- sume to or drop at 2121 Olympic Highway North #110. A1/25-2/1 FULL-TIME ACCOUNTING Assistant needed at Shelton mill. Must have Ex- cel and Access experience. Send re- sume to Shearer Brothers Chipping, PO Box 2638, Belfair, WA 98528 or fax to (360) 427-6862, or call (360) 427-6861. $1/25-2/1 PBX OPERATOR for Mason County Central Operations. Part-time 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. weekdays, $1,110 to $1,318/ month. Responsible for greeting public, receivingdirecting phone calls, & per- forming clerical support functions. Mini- mum Qualifications: High school gradu- ate or GED, one year of clerical or re- ception experience, possess profession- al communication and computer skills. Application required and available at Mason County Human Resources, 411 N. Fifth St., Shelton, WA 98584; www., or call (360) 427-7265. Closes 2/7/07 at 5 p.m. M1/25-2/t RN/LPN - come join our dynamic team of dedicated nursing staff at Shelton Health and Rehabilitation. Evening and night shifts available. Competitive wag- es and an opportunity to work at a great facility. Call Patti at (360) 427-2575 or deliver applications to 153 Johns Ct., Shelton. Apply online at www.ever- $1/18-2/8 NURSING ASSISTANT (NAC) - Shel- ton Health and Rehabilitation currently has openings on evening and night shifts. We are seeking an individual who has a good attitude, can work in a team, cares for others and will show up on time. Competitive wages. Come ap- ply at 153 Johns Ct. or apply online at EOE. S 1/18-2/8 MASON COUNTY Garbage is looking for a qualified truck driver to operate in the Mason County area. This position will be responsible for driving a garbage truck on specified routes to manually and mechanically collect solid waste and transport it to appropriate disposal sites. Daily work will involve heavy in- dustrial lifting, lifting waist high, gripping with hands, moving at a brisk consistent pace and occasional bending. This po- sition will also be responsible for safely, efficiently and courteously serving cus- tomers. Applicants should: Be able to work in a fast-paced team environment; Be able to work outdoors in all types of weather; Be able to follow safe operat- ing practices; Possess a clean safety and driving record; Be able to learn and use interpersonal skills related to good customer service; Be able and willing to work in a team environment; Be able to read, write and comprehend reports well enough to complete daily assign- ments; Possess a valid Class B CDL. Qualified candidates should obtain an application at: Mason County Gar- bage, 81 E. Wilbur's Way, Shelton, WA 98584, (360) 426-8729. M1/25-2/1 CURRENTLY WE are searching for one person to fill a challenging position with our company. This person will work in our Shelton location three days a week and in our Olympia location 2 days a week. We are seeking an energetic, responsible, goal oriented person that works well with others and the public. This person must be computer literate and have some knowledge of various products we deal with. Benefits after 90 days. Apply in person at City Pawn, 123 S. 2nd Street, Shelton. Monday thru Saturday, 10 a.m.-5:30 p.m. C1/25-2/1 NON-PROFIT EXECUTIVE Director. Seeking dynamic leader for established adult and family literacy organization. Expected to manage programs, human resources, fiscal systems, and fund- raising. For information or application, phone Mason County Literacy, (360) 426-9733. M1/25-2/1 REFERRAL COORDINATOR/AR Spe- cialist. Must have knowledge of cpt/icd- 9 coding, medical records and collec- tions experience. Positive, upbeat, car- ing personality required. Salary DOE. Send resume to Human Resources, 1812 North 13th Street, Shelton, 98584. P1/25-2/1 EXPERIENCED BARTENDER, Spen- cer Lake BLar & Grill. (360) 426-2505. $2/1 GROUNDSKEEPER. FT, primarily day shift, M-F, with some weekend and eve- ning shifts possible. Assists in maintain- ing grounds, mowing, weeding, fertiliz- ing and other general grounds mainte- nance. Must have the ability to operate small grounds equipment including but not limited to lawn mowers, trimmers, and pressure washers. Must be de- pendable, self-motivated and have the ability to work independently. Send resume or pick up application at H.R. Dept., Mason General Hospital, P.O. Box 1668, Shelton, WA 98584. (360) 427-9575. lalvarez@masongeneral. com. M1/25-2/1 ,.,C(;Ir4,.CI[ING LEARNING TO I.IF .mberland TIMBERLAND REGIONAL LIBRARY JOB OPENINGS TIMBERLAND REGIONAL LIBRARY CURRENTLY HAS THE FOLLOWING POSITIONS AVAILABLE: - COLLECTION MANAGEMENT ASST. I (INTERLIBRARY LOAN) ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICE CENTER, TUMWATER, WA 20 hrs/week (.50 FTE). Hiring salary $1060.07/month. Benefits include PERS retirement + employer paid dental/vision/life. Position closes 2/9/07. Job Code SC282021-02 - LIBRARY AIDE - SHELTON, WA 20 hrs/week (.50 FTE). Hiring salary $8.09/hour. Benefits include PERS retirement + employer paid dental/vision/life. Position closes 2/9/07. Job Code SH 141005-01 For more information, or to obtain application materials, go to employme.htm, your local Timberland Regional Library or call 360-704-4564 (refer to Job Code when calling). Resume NOT accepted in lieu of application. Timberland Regional Library is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Journal's Super Crossword Answers ,A Thursday, February 1,2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 33