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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 1, 2007     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 1, 2007
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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P SERVI’:ES MAINTENANCE TECHNICIAN. FT po- sition. Must be able to work all days and shifts assigned. Able to assist in routine maintenance on building equipment and structure, as well as light duty carpentry and painting. Ability to learn to read blue prints and interpret various documents. Ability to assist in troubleshooting and performing of repairs to electrical, HVAC and plumbing systems preferred. Mini- mum of two years general maintenance experience. Apply/send resume to H.R. Dept., Mason General Hospital, P.O. Box 1668, Shelton, WA 98584. (360) 427-9575. lalvarez@masongeneral. com. M1/25-2/1 QUALITY IMPROVEMENT/Diabetic Wellness Assistant. PT, M-F, day shift. Computer experience including word processing, graphics, and statistics re- quired. Must be able to multi-task, have excellent communication skills, organi- zational skills and people skills. Send resume or apply at H.R. Dept., Mason General Hospital, P.O. Box 1668, Shel- ton, WA 98584. (360) 427-9575. lalva- M1/25-2/1 STAFFING COORDINATOR. PRN po- sition, some variable week days and every other weekend, plus holiday, va- cation and sick relief, day shift. Excel- lent communication skills, and computer experience in Word and Excel required. Previous hospital staffing exp. pre- ferred. Apply at Mason General Hospital H.R. Dept., P.O. Box 1668, Shelton, WA 98584. (360) 427-9575. lalvarez@ma- M1/25-2/1 LOST & FOUND PETS STARVING COLLEGE student looking for work till Americorps job assignment begins. Strong as an ox and frequently as smart, I will do most any home- and yard-type work with a smile. Shane, (360) 426-4540. P10/26tfn BOBBY, LARRY and Janet clean hous- es inside and out. Also garages, gut- ters, roofs, yardwork, garbage hauling, and fall cleanup. Have job? We'll travel. $15 per hour/per person. (360) 229- 0931; (360) 229-9442; (360) 229-0373. P 11/23tfn p----- BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES STORH DAHAGE? HEN PROJECTS? Remodeling nnd repair Repoir controctor will work for nnything of value: for part or full trade ZO years experience Licensed and bonded (zso) 490-5222 REHODK'941J’ lvz,,.zn' WELL ESTABLISHED window cleaning business with equipment and customer contacts. Truck available. (360) 427- 5717. E2/1-22 L MT. OLIVE Lutheran Daycare/Preschool has some rare full-time openings for 3 and 4 year old children only. All other age groups are full. Excellent Christian full day preschool program with caring, Christian teachers. Call Margarete at (360) 427-3165 for more information. M2/1-22 DO YOU need daycare for midwinter break? 2 openings for February 19-Feb- ruary 23, ages 5 and older. Cost $125 for this week. Includes meals, daily ac- tivities and field trip. CaI! Sara Jenkins, (360) 426-3649. G 1/18-2/8 NEED CHILDCARE for evening classes or work? Jumpstart Childcare has ex- tended hours to meet your needs. Li- censed for 15 years, DSHS accepted, USDA Food Program. Call (360) 426- 4237. A1/11-2/1 LISA'S IN-HOME Daycare has an opening, age 3 and up. Great learning environment, large fenced yard. USDA Food Program participant. 3 blocks from Mt. View School. (360) 427-;3763. R 11/23tfn STARS ADULT DAY CARE South Sound Senior Services in Mason County CELLO SOLOIST performing classical music, light rock, jazz standards, origi- nals and more for special occasions, weddings, and dinner parties. Over 20 years experience, over 8 hours of reper- toire. Call for available times and dates. (360) 490-4695 or e-mail cellodad@ Visit for more information. P1/1 ltfn INSTRUCTION THE GIFT of music. Guitar and Bass lessons in your home. Professional musician with 5 years teaching expe- rience. $80 per month for 4-40 min- ute sessions. Call or email Will. (360) 426-9692 - A12/14tfn MUSIC LESSONS in cello, bass, vio- lin, viola, and electric bass. Includes music theory, ear training and ad- vanced techniques. Over 20 years ex- perience. Evenings, $10 per half-hour. All ages and musical styles welcome. Call Dave at (360) 490-4695 or e- mail for available times. P5/25tfn HAPPY GROUNDHOG'S Day Penny, love Dave. P2/1 LOST CAT. Lake Limerick, back end near horse barn. Black, fat with small white splotch on chest, red collar, sleepy eyes, round head. Meow that sounds like a squeak. Great cat named Ed. If you found him and want to keep him, please call just to let me know he's OK, or I'll come get him if you're just help- ing him out until he's found. (360) 649- 5088. Mc2/1 FREE 4 month old Husky Pit pups. (360) 432-9917. P1/25-2/1 FREE DOGS - to good home. Great with kids/other animals. 1 Lab, 1 whip- pet/Doberman. (360) 426-3455; (360) 507-1526. F2/1 3 PYGMY goats, 8 weeks, $35 each. (360) 275-6687 after 5 p.m. P2/1-8 COCKER SPANIEL puppies. AKC, 10 weeks old. 2 females (1 black, 1 brown). Paper trained, excellent temperament. $500 each/S900 pair. (360) 898-3031. $2/1 KITTEN RESCUE of Mason County, af- fectionate companion cats and kittens, reasonable adoption fee includes al- ter, immunization, testing and parasite control. Contact us at (360) 426-2455. Website, K1/4-2/22 ALL AGES, all stages. Dog obedience lessons. We train dogs and owners. Positive puppy manners, agility and more! Karen or Ripp, (360) 432-1478. C2/1-22 DOGS LOVE school with September Morn (30+ years professional trainer and author of best-selling training books). Group classes, convenient private les- sons and behavioral consults. Manners, Obedience, Agility and more. (360) 432- 3633 M11/9tfn REPAIRS PLUS00 Complete Automotive Service & Repair Foreign & l)omcstic Auto, Light Truck & RV We Service & Repair Trailers, Too/ Mon.-Fri. 8-5 ()pen Sat 9-3 Nationwide Warntnty 462-0403 €lAl, 1022 E Johns Prairie Rd., Shelton GarhartPainting • Brush and roll • 25 years experience • References • Free estimates ml',db • Senior discounts I 360-432-8847 I 360-49985 -- Lic GARHAP "942KH I CAN fix anything and build anything. YARD MAINTENANCE/lawn mowing. Call Jerry at (360) 426-6805 or (360) Baby needs diapers, so I'm motivated! Call Dan for your outside chores. (360) 432- 490-8008. P1/11-3/1 7935 or (360) 789-5570 (cell). L6/29tfn SITE PREP - land clearing, driveways, ................................................................................. tree removal, excavating, utility ditches. JOE FASSIO Excavation, 20 years ex- Roan Construction ROANCC*941PB (360) 426-7181. J1/11-2/1 RELIABLE, EXPERIENCED house cleaner with references. Schedule for one time or regular cleaning. (360) 490- 7045. D1/11-2/1 JOEL'S LANDSCAPING. Brush clear- W. HURT Masonry, and roofing,: _ d construction and repairs. 50 yearss ImPs.., ence, free estimates. (360) 432-86 p #WHURTM*208PN. RICK-WO-KOJANC-I window cleJ perience, Landclearing, septic system in- Serving Mason County for 20 years.( stallation, digouts, rock walls and logging. 426-9354. W12/1 ltfn ,| Just about anything. Quality work the first GILLIS AUTO Center Service De time. (360) 898-7286 JOEPFE*015MR. Open Monday thru Saturday, "Youtl F_3/3°_tf n ............................................................ any automotive services." All make, F,| CUSTOM PAINTING & Carpentry. Spe- models including motorhomes. C| cializing in finish carpentry (including - some services require no appoid,= crown molding, chair rail, fireplace sur- W. Hulbert Road at 2nd Shelton exit, ing, hauling, trimming, mowing, flower- rounds). Quality painting//wallpapering, bed cleanup, barking. Free estimates, sheetrocking, windows, doors, decks, Year around. (360) 970-7063; (360) fences and repairs. Call Mike (360) 459- 432-1900. G1/11-2/1 0237 (Olympia). License #CUSTOP- C981 RE. C11/9tfn SEPTIC SYSTEM Installation: New/re ................................................................................................ pair, land clearing, dig outs, utility ditch- ing, curtain drains, perc holes. Union City Excavation, UNIONCEO5207. (360) 898-3416; (360) 898-3466. U1/18-2/8 HOUSE CLEANER - clean, disinfect, shine whole house. Insured. (360) 426- 4651. B2/1-22 HAVE A tree down in your yard? Free removal. Call me at (360) 427-7724. Within ten miles of Shelton. R11/16tfn PRESERVE YOUR old photos, slides and documents by having them scanned to disc. Retouching and color restoration available. Call Koleen at CometNW, (360) 426-0824, for more information. Calls will be returned in the evening. W1/25tfn PROFESSIONAL HOME caregiver, 8 years medical experience, 18 years daycare provider. Your home, will travel. (360) 898-0074. P1/18-2/8 M C ACC°UNTING 3RVIOES Tax and Small Business Specialist • Tax prep • Business set-up • Payroll • Bookkeeping ") - .Vt'at;, ;lTwricn('€ Michael L. Clarey (360) 868-2022 Shehon JAY BUTTLES' TREE SERVICES • Topping • Licensed • Chipping •Bonded • Stump • Insured grinding (360) 426-4663 Lic. #JAYBUT5053R2 S Prompt, professional service  really! • Repairs • Remodeling • New construction • Additions B&D SITE PREP, landclearing, roads and driveways, tree removal, excavating, de- molition work, rockeries, retaining walls, storm clean-up, slide clean-up, curtain drains, rock and pit run. (360) 426-9047, call Lot Hauling. Lic. #ZIRKLTS1410W. Z3/1 ltfn CONSTRUCTION WORKS LLC • Located in Shelton Coil I00o) 359-3281 Licensed • Bonded • Insured BDCONDC944NG Mondays and Thursdays in Shelton 9 to 2 Tuesday in Allyn 10 to 3 Stars Adult Day Care located in Shelton and Allyn Activities include gentle exercises, , memory exercises, music, singing, dancing, arts and crafts, bingo and field trips. Lunch and snacks served. Transportation available. Laurie Lembke 360-586-6181 ext. 115 c..,..,z. Full Service General Contractor C l F I C Serving Mason County C U ST()M H()MES Licensed. Bonded - Insured Prompt Service WA Contractor PAClFCH 958 PQ Commercial & Residential Excavation, Clearing, Grading, & Site Development Concrete Flat Work & Foundations, Custom Home Construction, Additions, Garages (360) 490-2634 (360) 701-6623 i Page 34 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, February 1, 2007 **FREE ESTIMATES** 1/25-2/1 101. (360) 426-5585. G1/29ffn j.i L-AN[)-S-C-AP/,--Queen Anne'S ! aspects of landscape installation, ganization and reclamation toxi Co,,,sultations. Extensive 'refer (360) 426-4598. Q12/21tfn 10,000 POUND mini excavator and op- erator for hire. 2 hour minimum. No de- livery/pick-up fee. Call (360) 432-3147. E2/24tfn ELgCTIUC RO. Box 1208 • Hoodsport, WA 98548 Hoodsport 30=877"0455 Shelton cell 30-490-0898 Serving Mason County since 1964 RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL ( ilrllrd( for #DAMIKMFgb2H __l J! ......................................................................................... dd[ 1977 CORVETTE T-Top Coupe, '., I good, looks good. Stored last 4 Yw I $6,500. (360) 275-9287. R1/18-Sj, l lc00sgt.o 2, SwSAe sS, eo00tor00,s00drOOtr.. --' gine work $550 (360)870-371500! 2000 CHEV C00S0--00regular00'ca00, ii tr)iii: package 'excellent ' 36',000 miles. $101950. (360) 534".1 or (360) 480-3162, leave mer,] V1/25-2/15 j 1998-F3--R-D- Ta--u r u SE sedan, 4 loaded, leather Blue book $3,600, v $3,000 (360) 426-4171, (360) " 0898. N1/25-2/1 NOW SELLING consignme trucks, vans, travel trailers, R ',,! Auto Sales, 5961 E. Highway 3, l !on2. (360). 42__ 6-2907. S1/25tfnl 1990 VOLKSWAGEN Jetta. Runs glrj 182,000 miles. Power steering. l motor. Great 1st car or corn=., ! $2,000 OBO. (360) 432-7935. 1 CUSTOM S-10 1991 Chevy, 350 gine, too much to list. $3 200 OO0, Chris (360) 490-0792. Di2/14tfn .i 3 1995 - 10' Northland camper cab, electric jacks. Very nice | (360) 427-3986 W2/1-22 j[ 24'- 5th wheel $1,895 Too man provements to list call for deta Is. (3= 1 427-3986. _W2/!-22 " __.j,'J 1996 HOLIDAY Rambler 5th wh' slide, air, generator. 1986 CheVY, verado 1-ton. Many options well" jl' tained package, $18,000. '(360) wi 8718. $2/1-8 TANK SALES INSTALLATION--REPAIRS 1,000 gal., 1,150 gal., 1,200 gal. Drain Fields, Ditching, Backhoe, Conc. Pump Tanks, Pumps Sharer Digging Service Phone 426-3660 275-2157 Belfair Lic #SHARFDS207OB 426-441 A Full-Service General Serving Mason and Thurston counti  , Excavating • Foundations • Framing • Siding • Roofing • Logging • New homes • Additions • Remodels • Garages Decks i Free estima tO • All types of projects welcome 360-432-3147 Visa/MasterCard accepted Lic #EIKRIKS950QD STORA RV. Low 5961 H 810/121 TIMBEF 2 Story, car gar $995 m 1-6 1-8 3 BEDF bile hor net avai Paid, pri tOwn. D 1 BEDF SeCtion town, n availabk $750. 2 sic rit no Pets $5oo:1 downst a Ipt Co $500 d 3 BEOF unit. Cot Jt., c With Pa Plus deF P SERVI’:ES MAINTENANCE TECHNICIAN. FT po- sition. Must be able to work all days and shifts assigned. Able to assist in routine maintenance on building equipment and structure, as well as light duty carpentry and painting. Ability to learn to read blue prints and interpret various documents. Ability to assist in troubleshooting and performing of repairs to electrical, HVAC and plumbing systems preferred. Mini- mum of two years general maintenance experience. Apply/send resume to H.R. Dept., Mason General Hospital, P.O. Box 1668, Shelton, WA 98584. (360) 427-9575. lalvarez@masongeneral. com. M1/25-2/1 QUALITY IMPROVEMENT/Diabetic Wellness Assistant. PT, M-F, day shift. Computer experience including word processing, graphics, and statistics re- quired. Must be able to multi-task, have excellent communication skills, organi- zational skills and people skills. Send resume or apply at H.R. Dept., Mason General Hospital, P.O. Box 1668, Shel- ton, WA 98584. (360) 427-9575. lalva- M1/25-2/1 STAFFING COORDINATOR. PRN po- sition, some variable week days and every other weekend, plus holiday, va- cation and sick relief, day shift. Excel- lent communication skills, and computer experience in Word and Excel required. Previous hospital staffing exp. pre- ferred. Apply at Mason General Hospital H.R. Dept., P.O. Box 1668, Shelton, WA 98584. (360) 427-9575. lalvarez@ma- M1/25-2/1 LOST & FOUND PETS STARVING COLLEGE student looking for work till Americorps job assignment begins. Strong as an ox and frequently as smart, I will do most any home- and yard-type work with a smile. Shane, (360) 426-4540. P10/26tfn BOBBY, LARRY and Janet clean hous- es inside and out. Also garages, gut- ters, roofs, yardwork, garbage hauling, and fall cleanup. Have job? We'll travel. $15 per hour/per person. (360) 229- 0931; (360) 229-9442; (360) 229-0373. P 11/23tfn p----- BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES STORH DAHAGE? HEN PROJECTS? Remodeling nnd repair Repoir controctor will work for nnything of value: for part or full trade ZO years experience Licensed and bonded (zso) 490-5222 REHODK'941J’ lvz,,.zn' WELL ESTABLISHED window cleaning business with equipment and customer contacts. Truck available. (360) 427- 5717. E2/1-22 L MT. OLIVE Lutheran Daycare/Preschool has some rare full-time openings for 3 and 4 year old children only. All other age groups are full. Excellent Christian full day preschool program with caring, Christian teachers. Call Margarete at (360) 427-3165 for more information. M2/1-22 DO YOU need daycare for midwinter break? 2 openings for February 19-Feb- ruary 23, ages 5 and older. Cost $125 for this week. Includes meals, daily ac- tivities and field trip. CaI! Sara Jenkins, (360) 426-3649. G 1/18-2/8 NEED CHILDCARE for evening classes or work? Jumpstart Childcare has ex- tended hours to meet your needs. Li- censed for 15 years, DSHS accepted, USDA Food Program. Call (360) 426- 4237. A1/11-2/1 LISA'S IN-HOME Daycare has an opening, age 3 and up. Great learning environment, large fenced yard. USDA Food Program participant. 3 blocks from Mt. View School. (360) 427-;3763. R 11/23tfn STARS ADULT DAY CARE South Sound Senior Services in Mason County CELLO SOLOIST performing classical music, light rock, jazz standards, origi- nals and more for special occasions, weddings, and dinner parties. Over 20 years experience, over 8 hours of reper- toire. Call for available times and dates. (360) 490-4695 or e-mail cellodad@ Visit for more information. P1/1 ltfn INSTRUCTION THE GIFT of music. Guitar and Bass lessons in your home. Professional musician with 5 years teaching expe- rience. $80 per month for 4-40 min- ute sessions. Call or email Will. (360) 426-9692 - A12/14tfn MUSIC LESSONS in cello, bass, vio- lin, viola, and electric bass. Includes music theory, ear training and ad- vanced techniques. Over 20 years ex- perience. Evenings, $10 per half-hour. All ages and musical styles welcome. Call Dave at (360) 490-4695 or e- mail for available times. P5/25tfn HAPPY GROUNDHOG'S Day Penny, love Dave. P2/1 LOST CAT. Lake Limerick, back end near horse barn. Black, fat with small white splotch on chest, red collar, sleepy eyes, round head. Meow that sounds like a squeak. Great cat named Ed. If you found him and want to keep him, please call just to let me know he's OK, or I'll come get him if you're just help- ing him out until he's found. (360) 649- 5088. Mc2/1 FREE 4 month old Husky Pit pups. (360) 432-9917. P1/25-2/1 FREE DOGS - to good home. Great with kids/other animals. 1 Lab, 1 whip- pet/Doberman. (360) 426-3455; (360) 507-1526. F2/1 3 PYGMY goats, 8 weeks, $35 each. (360) 275-6687 after 5 p.m. P2/1-8 COCKER SPANIEL puppies. AKC, 10 weeks old. 2 females (1 black, 1 brown). Paper trained, excellent temperament. $500 each/S900 pair. (360) 898-3031. $2/1 KITTEN RESCUE of Mason County, af- fectionate companion cats and kittens, reasonable adoption fee includes al- ter, immunization, testing and parasite control. Contact us at (360) 426-2455. Website, K1/4-2/22 ALL AGES, all stages. Dog obedience lessons. We train dogs and owners. Positive puppy manners, agility and more! Karen or Ripp, (360) 432-1478. C2/1-22 DOGS LOVE school with September Morn (30+ years professional trainer and author of best-selling training books). Group classes, convenient private les- sons and behavioral consults. Manners, Obedience, Agility and more. (360) 432- 3633 M11/9tfn REPAIRS PLUS00 Complete Automotive Service & Repair Foreign & l)omcstic Auto, Light Truck & RV We Service & Repair Trailers, Too/ Mon.-Fri. 8-5 ()pen Sat 9-3 Nationwide Warntnty 462-0403 €lAl, 1022 E Johns Prairie Rd., Shelton GarhartPainting • Brush and roll • 25 years experience • References • Free estimates ml',db • Senior discounts I 360-432-8847 I 360-49985 -- Lic GARHAP "942KH I CAN fix anything and build anything. YARD MAINTENANCE/lawn mowing. Call Jerry at (360) 426-6805 or (360) Baby needs diapers, so I'm motivated! Call Dan for your outside chores. (360) 432- 490-8008. P1/11-3/1 7935 or (360) 789-5570 (cell). L6/29tfn SITE PREP - land clearing, driveways, ................................................................................. tree removal, excavating, utility ditches. JOE FASSIO Excavation, 20 years ex- Roan Construction ROANCC*941PB (360) 426-7181. J1/11-2/1 RELIABLE, EXPERIENCED house cleaner with references. Schedule for one time or regular cleaning. (360) 490- 7045. D1/11-2/1 JOEL'S LANDSCAPING. Brush clear- W. HURT Masonry, and roofing,: _ d construction and repairs. 50 yearss ImPs.., ence, free estimates. (360) 432-86 p #WHURTM*208PN. RICK-WO-KOJANC-I window cleJ perience, Landclearing, septic system in- Serving Mason County for 20 years.( stallation, digouts, rock walls and logging. 426-9354. W12/1 ltfn ,| Just about anything. Quality work the first GILLIS AUTO Center Service De time. (360) 898-7286 JOEPFE*015MR. Open Monday thru Saturday, "Youtl F_3/3°_tf n ............................................................ any automotive services." All make, F,| CUSTOM PAINTING & Carpentry. Spe- models including motorhomes. C| cializing in finish carpentry (including - some services require no appoid,= crown molding, chair rail, fireplace sur- W. Hulbert Road at 2nd Shelton exit, ing, hauling, trimming, mowing, flower- rounds). Quality painting//wallpapering, bed cleanup, barking. Free estimates, sheetrocking, windows, doors, decks, Year around. (360) 970-7063; (360) fences and repairs. Call Mike (360) 459- 432-1900. G1/11-2/1 0237 (Olympia). License #CUSTOP- C981 RE. C11/9tfn SEPTIC SYSTEM Installation: New/re ................................................................................................ pair, land clearing, dig outs, utility ditch- ing, curtain drains, perc holes. Union City Excavation, UNIONCEO5207. (360) 898-3416; (360) 898-3466. U1/18-2/8 HOUSE CLEANER - clean, disinfect, shine whole house. Insured. (360) 426- 4651. B2/1-22 HAVE A tree down in your yard? Free removal. Call me at (360) 427-7724. Within ten miles of Shelton. R11/16tfn PRESERVE YOUR old photos, slides and documents by having them scanned to disc. Retouching and color restoration available. Call Koleen at CometNW, (360) 426-0824, for more information. Calls will be returned in the evening. W1/25tfn PROFESSIONAL HOME caregiver, 8 years medical experience, 18 years daycare provider. Your home, will travel. (360) 898-0074. P1/18-2/8 M C ACC°UNTING 3RVIOES Tax and Small Business Specialist • Tax prep • Business set-up • Payroll • Bookkeeping ") - .Vt'at;, ;lTwricn('€ Michael L. Clarey (360) 868-2022 Shehon JAY BUTTLES' TREE SERVICES • Topping • Licensed • Chipping •Bonded • Stump • Insured grinding (360) 426-4663 Lic. #JAYBUT5053R2 S Prompt, professional service  really! • Repairs • Remodeling • New construction • Additions B&D SITE PREP, landclearing, roads and driveways, tree removal, excavating, de- molition work, rockeries, retaining walls, storm clean-up, slide clean-up, curtain drains, rock and pit run. (360) 426-9047, call Lot Hauling. Lic. #ZIRKLTS1410W. Z3/1 ltfn CONSTRUCTION WORKS LLC • Located in Shelton Coil I00o) 359-3281 Licensed • Bonded • Insured BDCONDC944NG Mondays and Thursdays in Shelton 9 to 2 Tuesday in Allyn 10 to 3 Stars Adult Day Care located in Shelton and Allyn Activities include gentle exercises, , memory exercises, music, singing, dancing, arts and crafts, bingo and field trips. Lunch and snacks served. Transportation available. Laurie Lembke 360-586-6181 ext. 115 c..,..,z. Full Service General Contractor C l F I C Serving Mason County C U ST()M H()MES Licensed. Bonded - Insured Prompt Service WA Contractor PAClFCH 958 PQ Commercial & Residential Excavation, Clearing, Grading, & Site Development Concrete Flat Work & Foundations, Custom Home Construction, Additions, Garages (360) 490-2634 (360) 701-6623 i Page 34 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, February 1, 2007 **FREE ESTIMATES** 1/25-2/1 101. (360) 426-5585. G1/29ffn j.i L-AN[)-S-C-AP/,--Queen Anne'S ! aspects of landscape installation, ganization and reclamation toxi Co,,,sultations. Extensive 'refer (360) 426-4598. Q12/21tfn 10,000 POUND mini excavator and op- erator for hire. 2 hour minimum. No de- livery/pick-up fee. Call (360) 432-3147. E2/24tfn ELgCTIUC RO. Box 1208 • Hoodsport, WA 98548 Hoodsport 30=877"0455 Shelton cell 30-490-0898 Serving Mason County since 1964 RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL ( ilrllrd( for #DAMIKMFgb2H __l J! ......................................................................................... dd[ 1977 CORVETTE T-Top Coupe, '., I good, looks good. Stored last 4 Yw I $6,500. (360) 275-9287. R1/18-Sj, l lc00sgt.o 2, SwSAe sS, eo00tor00,s00drOOtr.. --' gine work $550 (360)870-371500! 2000 CHEV C00S0--00regular00'ca00, ii tr)iii: package 'excellent ' 36',000 miles. $101950. (360) 534".1 or (360) 480-3162, leave mer,] V1/25-2/15 j 1998-F3--R-D- Ta--u r u SE sedan, 4 loaded, leather Blue book $3,600, v $3,000 (360) 426-4171, (360) " 0898. N1/25-2/1 NOW SELLING consignme trucks, vans, travel trailers, R ',,! Auto Sales, 5961 E. Highway 3, l !on2. (360). 42__ 6-2907. S1/25tfnl 1990 VOLKSWAGEN Jetta. Runs glrj 182,000 miles. Power steering. l motor. Great 1st car or corn=., ! $2,000 OBO. (360) 432-7935. 1 CUSTOM S-10 1991 Chevy, 350 gine, too much to list. $3 200 OO0, Chris (360) 490-0792. Di2/14tfn .i 3 1995 - 10' Northland camper cab, electric jacks. Very nice | (360) 427-3986 W2/1-22 j[ 24'- 5th wheel $1,895 Too man provements to list call for deta Is. (3= 1 427-3986. _W2/!-22 " __.j,'J 1996 HOLIDAY Rambler 5th wh' slide, air, generator. 1986 CheVY, verado 1-ton. Many options well" jl' tained package, $18,000. '(360) wi 8718. $2/1-8 TANK SALES INSTALLATION--REPAIRS 1,000 gal., 1,150 gal., 1,200 gal. Drain Fields, Ditching, Backhoe, Conc. Pump Tanks, Pumps Sharer Digging Service Phone 426-3660 275-2157 Belfair Lic #SHARFDS207OB 426-441 A Full-Service General Serving Mason and Thurston counti  , Excavating • Foundations • Framing • Siding • Roofing • Logging • New homes • Additions • Remodels • Garages Decks i Free estima tO • All types of projects welcome 360-432-3147 Visa/MasterCard accepted Lic #EIKRIKS950QD STORA RV. Low 5961 H 810/121 TIMBEF 2 Story, car gar $995 m 1-6 1-8 3 BEDF bile hor net avai Paid, pri tOwn. D 1 BEDF SeCtion town, n availabk $750. 2 sic rit no Pets $5oo:1 downst a Ipt Co $500 d 3 BEOF unit. Cot Jt., c With Pa Plus deF