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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 1, 2007     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 1, 2007
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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REAL E!;TATE REDUCED AGAIN! Lost Lake retreat, 80&apos;x132' lot, near boat ramp. Peek-a- boo view, fenced yard. We're ready to make a deal! Appointment, call Jody (360) 589-9694, Premier Realty GH, LLC, 1-877-372-1900. G 1/11-2/1 NEW HOME on one acre, 3 bedroom, 21/2 baths, very private, lease/purchase avail- able, $269,900. Ed Warnock (360) 556- 7851. Group 7 Real Estate. Wl/11-2/1 $179,500. KITCHENS, baths, floors, counters and cabinets remodeled back to new! 3 bedrooms, 20x30 metal shop/ garage, barn, new decks, all on one acre 11 minutes from 101 Matlock inter- change. Call Les Alexander/Real Estate USA/(360) 790-6699. A1/11-2/1 GREAT STARTER home, new 3 bed- room, 2 bath with private lake, saltwa- ter access. Approximately 1,500 sq.ft. Just minutes from Shelton, $159,900. (360) 791-7766 or (360) 426-5977. M 1/4tfn GRAPEVlEW - LARGE mobile home on 1.4 acres, $155,000. (360) 275- 4300. A1/18-2/8 1,328 SQ.FT., 4 bedroom, 1.75 bath. Large fenced backyar, Springfield Park. By owner, $190,000. (360) 432- 1190. V1/11-2/1 LAKE LIMERICK - all amenities, 3/+ acre, 3 bedroom septic, water, power. Ready to build. $65,000. (360) 801- 0917. C1/25-2/15 ................................................................................................ BY OWNER. 3 bedroom, 2 bath home OWNER WILL carry contract. Tall trees, private waterfront parks, security pa- trols, golf course. Newly remodeled two bedroom, including large master bed- room, one bath, den. Located close to work and play, in Lake Cushman. Down payment negotiable. $79,000. For ap- pointment call (360) 877-9440. W2/1-22 OPEN HOUSE S aLurday, 1 pm-4pm 2441 E Phillips Lake Loop Road l)ireclJons: tlwy. 3 Lo Pickering Road. l'olh)w signs. rl "'( ' ,, 3 bedroom, 2 baLh ol'l'er(!d $23,1,,1M) ....... llosled by: Ali('ia l)al,,ey (36( ) 490-4992 ,>,+..= PACIFIC NORTHWEST PROPERTIES 770 Road to Tralee E. Shelton (Jreat open floor cle,Jg+l wRh vaulted (ailing+, tinge kil(hen with satin?, lh*Ce, ianfity r<om, 3 b,:chor+lll'+, .! lull batb, tq;'qaa(Je,ll trim i)acka,te, tq×t(, de(k, RV i),Jrking, lake lil)loHt k dlll('lilh! , el goll. lake at  ess, re,is & nR)re. Yeth, No rttirtl 1,7OO Sq. Ft.! New construction with 3 bedrooms, 2 bath rooms and an incredible kitchen. Fenced yard. Only $169,997 Cad! 1-888-263-0125 #?20?5 ! G RI!EN I! Ftv Prietine Acres! Over 2,000 sq, ft., 3 bedroroms & 2 baths. Plus 2 bonus rooms. Very private. Minutes from town, Just $249,997 Call 1-888-263-0125 #72115 Wes Neal 360-402-8130 • Exit Realty Boardwalk L()VE TIlE OUTDOORS? (:ozy 3 bdr, 2 bth home featuring cornmtttifv ac- cess to 2 hakes plus sahwatcr access. $ I , 5,()(}0 inveetment Oprtunityt Awesome in-town locati6n. Great condition 2 bedroom home with detached garage. Only $109,997 Call 1-888-263-0125 #72135 Two Homes in Oriel 2,500 sq. ft., 4 bedrooms & 2 baths. Two kitchens. 3 car garage. Quiet tree.lined street. Asking $209,997 Call 1-888-283-0125 #72105 EXCEl,LENT NO-BANK lakefront honte. 2156 sqft, 3 bdr, 2 bths, rcc re(mr, and den, Big RV garage and professional hmdscaping. $30tJ,50() CITY VIEW L(YPS!! (+ - 30'X l()()' lois with potential views of ()lympics and ()akhmd Bay tmec Irecs are cut. Seller will remove trees buff)re closing or will negotiate. (:ity water & sewer very oh)so, $75,000 WELl. MAINTAINEI) 3 hdr l,ake I,imer- ick rantblcr, built in 1993. ()pen interior design, electric & i)ropane heat, and great 11UW deck. Golf, water-skiing, swimming and rcSt;ltn'atltoutle nrc some of t he,,re;It amenities of Lake Limerick $152,91)O Page 36 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, February 1,2007 on quiet cul-de-sac in gated lake com- munity. Backyard borders salmon creek. 1,916 sq.ft, living space, vaulted ceil- ings, woodstove, beautiful kitchen with large island. 2-car carport, shed, green- house. Large railed deck overlooking salmon creek. $140,000, must see to appreciate. (360) 490-4035 for appoint- ment. L2/1-22 QUICK CLOSING on this nice 2 bed- room home on corner lot with trees, $70,000. Call Rosalie, RE USA, (360) 357-5925 or (360) 490-0673. A2/1-8 BEAUTIFUL HOME on 2 lots. 3 bed- rooms, 2 baths plus office. Fully fenced with lots of extras. $155,000. RE USA, call Rosalie for appointment. (360) 490- 0673 or (360) 357-5925. A2/1-8 BY OWNER - 2V2 acres, end of road. 2005 built, 1,767 sq.ft., 3 bedroom, plus study, skylights, garden tub, French doors. Attached 2-car garage, 24'x36' stick built shop. Lovely home. Don't miss this one! $329,000. For appoint- ment call (360) 426-8691; message (360) 427-1503. N2/1-8 NEW 6 parcels, 2 plus acres-5 acres. Some with creek frontage. $65,000- $113,000. For additional information and maps call Tillicum Realty (253) 589- 2000 or 1-800-228-1264. T2/1-8 SWEETHEART STARTER home. 3 bedroom, 2 bath manufactured home. Large fenced yard. Security gated com- munity, $119,900. #26183477. Shelton Land & Homes, (360) 426-5555, shel- $2/1 INVEST IN your future. Well maintained 2 bedroom home, on 4 city lots. Only $149,500. #26194057. Shelton Land & Homes, (360) 426-5555, sheltonland- $2/1 HOP, SKIP and jump to beautiful Gray- land beach. Creatively decorated 3 bedroom, 2 bath manufactured home, low maintenance yard, $169,500. #27001462. Shelton Land & Homes, (360) 426-5555, sheltonlandandhomes. net. $2/1 GREEN THUMB needed. Just finished, 4 bedroom, 2 bath rambler, double ga- rage, $222,200. #27008248. Shelton Land & Homes, (360) 426-5555, shel- $2/1 TASTE OF luxury. Elegant 4,000 sq.ft. home, imported tile floors. Unique indoor pool and sitting room. Patio and deck. Attached garage and &bay detached garage, $575,000. #26180227, Shelton Land & Homes, (360) 426-5555, shel- $2/1 SHELTON - CUTE 1 bedroom home with big yard, partially fenced with out- building. Gas water heater and stove. Close to shopping, buses, etc. Owner asking $89,900. Call Invest Realty LLC, (360) 426-3567.12/1 SHELTON - 2 HOMES and 2 parcels for the price of one. 2 bedroom, 1 bath stick-built home with detached 2 car garage on one parcel and 2 bedroom 1974 singlewide mobile home on the other parcel. Live in one and rent the other. Owner asking $150,000. Special "creative" financing possible. Call Invest Realty LLC, (360) 426-3567.12/1 STARTER FIXER - partly remodeled. Now is the time to negotiate a sweet deal. 2 bedroom home with garage and large yard in Shelton. You do the paint, carpets, vinyls, yard work and other cosmetic repairs. Ask about short term private contract or ask about easy FHA financing. Just $110,000. Invest Realty LLC, (360) 426-3567.12/1 LACEY- PRICE reduced and owner has installed new carpets. Newer 3 bed- room, 2 bath manufactured home with storage shed and fenced yard. Great location, only $164,900. Owner may carry contract OAC or ask about easy FHA financing. Invest Realty LLC,.(360) 426-3567.12/1 CASH AVAILABLE! Real Estate or con- tract loans. Local, private, fast (360) 491-5463. J3/16tfn Commumt00 Mortgage Cente Our Community Credit Union HOME MORTGAGES THAT FIT YOUR NEEDS • Purchase or Refinance • Fixed and Adjustable Rate b)ans • Construction • VA Loans • Specialized Loan Programs Serving anyone living or working in Mason or Grays Harbor County 432-5210 "800-426-5657 2948 Olympic Hwy. N. i PRISTINE, NO-BANK, Hammersley Inlet. 190' seafood buffet. Two 1acre building lots. Pebble beach. Launch your boat at Cape Horn. Only $395,000. #26196836. Shelton Land & Homes, (360) 426-5555, sheltonlandandhomes. net. $2/1 OPEN HOUSE, Saturday, 10 a.m.-1 p.m. 1729 E. SR 3, Shelton. Gorgeous views of Oakland Bay and Mt. Rainier from 2 bedroom, 1 bath on approxi- mately .75 acre, $165,000. Shane Ste- venson, Pacific Northwest Properties, (360) 426-4455 office or cell (360) 280- 5780. $2/1 SOUTH SIDE of Shelton. Price reduced. 3 bedroom, 2 bath manufactured home. Family room, laundry room. Enclosed porch, shop. $159,000. Call Shirley, Real Estate USA, (360) 427-4488. R2/1 SPENCER LAKE. 1.59 acres. 80' of cove waterfront. Well is on property, no pump. Nice level property, building site or camp. $99,000. Call Shirley, Real Es- tate USA, (360) 427-4488. R2/1 ALDERBROOK: 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, office. Breakfast nook in kitchen. Pel- let stove, central vac. All appliances. Heat pump. Large deck, 2 car garage. $228,000. Call Shirley, Real Estate USA, (360) 427-4488. R2/1 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Mason County Commissioners will hold a public hearing in the Commission Chambers at the Mason County Courthouse, Building I, 411 North Fifth Street, Shelton, Washington on Tuesday,' February 6, 2007 at 9:30 a.m, SAID HEARING will be to take public tes- timony regarding approval extending the In- terim Zoning Regulations for the Allyn UGA, as adopted by Ordinance, until June 30, 2007. The applicable Mason County Code chapters include Chapters 17.10 to 17.17 - Allyn Interim Zoning Code. For a copy of Mason County Code Chap- ters 17.10 to 17,17, please contact the De- partment of Community Development at 427- 9670, Ext. 603. If special accommodations are needed, contact the Commissioners' of- rice, 427-9670, Ext. 419. DATED this 22nd Day of January 2007. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSION- ERS MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON Rebecca S. Rogers, Clerk of the Board 1/25-2/1 2t PROBATE NOTICE TO CREDITORS (RCW 11.40.030) NO. 06 4 00195 9 SUPERIOR COURT OF WASHINGTON, COUNTY OF MASON IN RE THE ESTATE OF: JAN ROGER DALBY, Deceased. The Administrator named below has been appointed as Administrator of this estate. Any person having a claim against the Decedent must, before the time the claim would be barred by any otherwise applicable statute of limitations, present the claim in the matter as provided in RCW 11.40.070 by serving or mailing to the Administrator or trator's attorney at the address a copy of the claim and filing the the claim with the Court. The claim presented within the later of: (1) thirty after the Administrator served or notice to the creditor as provided in 11.40.020(3); or (2) four months after date of first publication of the notice. If claim is not presented within this the claim is forever barred, except wise provided in RCW 11.40.051 11.40.060. This bar is effective as against both the Decedent's probate nonprobate assets. DATE OF FIRST PUBLICATION: ary 25, 2007 Administrator: JOHN STEVE DALBY Attorney and Registered Agent PAUL S. JENSEN, WSBA #15071 Address for mailing or service, PAUL $ JENSEN, ATTORNEY 750 E. Stretch Is. Rd. S. Grapeview, WA 99546 (360) 275-4405 1/25-2/f'Sl PUBLIC NOTICE Northwest Aql 3285 is seeking coverage under tha Waste Discharge General Permit for plant and algae management. Haven 69 acres Applicant: Haven Lake ers Association, Location; Belfair Haven Lake may be treated to aquatic weeds and algae growth April 15th through Oct. 30. The planned for use are: Diquat, Glyphosate with adjuvant, and The total treatment areas will not according to permit requirements. Any person desiring to I: to the Department of Ecology application shall do so in writing days of the last date of pul: Comments can also be submitted on documents for these projects. Submit ments to: Dept. of Ecology P.O. Box Oly, WA 98504-7696, Attn: Water Program, Aquatic Pesticide tor. Any water use restrictions and or ties will be posted near the along the private shoreline and points. Copies of the application are able by calling the Water Aquatic Pesticide 407-6938. I]25-Pfl J NOTICE OF HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Board of Mason County Commissioners hold a public hearing at the Mason Courthouse Building 1, Commission bers, 411 North Fifth Street, 98584 on Tuesday, February 13, 9:30 a.m. SAID HEARING will be to franchise application of The Detroit #2 System to construct operate, and waterlines, in, under, along, and public county roads and county Mason County, Washington: Within the rights of way of Grapeview Loop Road (County 96140) and Treasure Island Road Road No. 64980). If questions contact Rick 360-427-9670, Ext. 748; or if special modations are needed, contact the stoners' office at 360-427-9670, Ext. 41 DATED this 23rd day of January DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON /s/Kelle Medcalf Kelle Medcalf, Office Manager Answers are on page 33. ACROSS 56 Revlon dval 97 Risk a ticket 1 Throbbed 57 "M" man 98 "-- Baby" 6 Space 58 "Stroker --" ('60 song) traveler ('83 film} 100 Angole's 12 They may 69 Prophet capital be personal 60 42 Across 102 Runners 15 Greens org. movement cerry it 18 Gumshoe 61 -- au vtn 103 Decorate 20 Trlelan's 62 "Dragnet 104 "Yor" el the tootsie star library 21 Trim the turf e4 Pan 3 of 105 Nay. rank 22 Moray, for remark 106 TV-listing one eg Tube abbr. 23 Stad of a 72 Gobble Up 109 End of remark by 74 Without -- remark Milto Beds (danngy) 116 "The -- 27 Lamb's dam 75 Spring Dabe 28*Unpopuler flower Honey- picnicker 77 Writer moon" 29 WWII gun Wolfed ('14 song) 30 Dear book? 78 Jorgens or 117 Pewter 31 Tel town Astaire base 33 Fir type 80 Notre 118 A Muse 36 Toast topptng Dame's river 119 Verdi obera 37 Eddy 82 Winslet of 120 "The 39 Apis's "The Life of Burning --" locals David Gale" ('84 film) 40 VCR button 83 Formed e 121 Crone 42 Balet'a lap 122 Composer Shearer 84 Pad 4 of Mascagnt 43 Black or remark 123 Merits Carpenter 86 Re/inqush- 44 Rotate ment DOWN 45 Ample 88 T'V's "-- 1 '68 US abdomen Got a Open 4e "-- Shook Secret" winner Up" ('57 8g Fitting 2 Enjoy taffy amash) 90 "hers 3 -- Krishna 49 Substan- 91 John of Bad 4 Printer+s tiered English measures 51 Pad 2 of 92 Behind 15 Pair remark 94 Conductor 6 Freshen s 54 Bounder Seiii fuchsia 55 Leander's 96 Civic or 7 Road curve love Accord THE MOTHER LODE 9 Urban 44 Actress $7 TudurrO transpod Madsa ol "The tO Forsyth's 4S Bonus Sppran' "The -- 48 Legendary 91 Finiateo File" Bruin fimt . 11 Oscar 47 Mao -- 03 NourlelO de te -- -lung I)4 MythO- 12 Exiled 50 Basketball's logical dictator Willis meanlo 13 Cotc 51 Wishful a5 Apex DeLuiso winker? 06 '62 Jollfl 14 Nobel and 52 RN's Wayne Garbo spaclaity film 15 Phlox part 53 Parka 97 Incline "16 Athony of feature e8 Haolenda "General 56 Dramatist matedal Hospital" Edward 99 Wanderer 17 Conht, rata el) Marshell or 101 Deplele 19 Tangle Singleton 102 Loser's 24 Claire or 63 CindereWe's locale Balin soiree 103 Jezetl'l 25 Japanese e5 They may hurl)lind dish be split 104 Twinge . 26 Khenoum's 66 Mr. 105 Secrelary river Khruehchev of LabOr 31 Rock's -- 67 Somber Elaine Supply 68 Location 106 Aspen . 32 Charts 70 YeameO for apparatUl 33 Stark yummles 107 Bin.,,- 34 Congrega- 71 Spud bJrtttplaGe 73 Surrey lionel 108 Pivot _ comeback snack 110 Vardalo.u. , 35 Actor 76 Juan's "My Big r. Chancy wrap Greek 3e O'Casey's 78 "Gctctaf" Wedding" , "-- and the 70 Start to 111 "Norrna Paycock" paint ('79 film) 37 Comfort 80 Buffalo 112 Ex#oslV¢ 38 Gnu forecast letters 39 Spice-rack 81 White Sex 113 Round item Hall of Table 41 Bunch of Famer 114 Amheic battalions 85 Russian 42 Brilliant bird river 8 Excessively 43 Asian nation 86 Trick stick Park" 1 35 ! I )1 1 11 REAL E!;TATE REDUCED AGAIN! Lost Lake retreat, 80'x132' lot, near boat ramp. Peek-a- boo view, fenced yard. We're ready to make a deal! Appointment, call Jody (360) 589-9694, Premier Realty GH, LLC, 1-877-372-1900. G 1/11-2/1 NEW HOME on one acre, 3 bedroom, 21/2 baths, very private, lease/purchase avail- able, $269,900. Ed Warnock (360) 556- 7851. Group 7 Real Estate. Wl/11-2/1 $179,500. KITCHENS, baths, floors, counters and cabinets remodeled back to new! 3 bedrooms, 20x30 metal shop/ garage, barn, new decks, all on one acre 11 minutes from 101 Matlock inter- change. Call Les Alexander/Real Estate USA/(360) 790-6699. A1/11-2/1 GREAT STARTER home, new 3 bed- room, 2 bath with private lake, saltwa- ter access. Approximately 1,500 sq.ft. Just minutes from Shelton, $159,900. (360) 791-7766 or (360) 426-5977. M 1/4tfn GRAPEVlEW - LARGE mobile home on 1.4 acres, $155,000. (360) 275- 4300. A1/18-2/8 1,328 SQ.FT., 4 bedroom, 1.75 bath. Large fenced backyar, Springfield Park. By owner, $190,000. (360) 432- 1190. V1/11-2/1 LAKE LIMERICK - all amenities, 3/+ acre, 3 bedroom septic, water, power. Ready to build. $65,000. (360) 801- 0917. C1/25-2/15 ................................................................................................ BY OWNER. 3 bedroom, 2 bath home OWNER WILL carry contract. Tall trees, private waterfront parks, security pa- trols, golf course. Newly remodeled two bedroom, including large master bed- room, one bath, den. Located close to work and play, in Lake Cushman. Down payment negotiable. $79,000. For ap- pointment call (360) 877-9440. W2/1-22 OPEN HOUSE S aLurday, 1 pm-4pm 2441 E Phillips Lake Loop Road l)ireclJons: tlwy. 3 Lo Pickering Road. l'olh)w signs. rl "'( ' ,, 3 bedroom, 2 baLh ol'l'er(!d $23,1,,1M) ....... llosled by: Ali('ia l)al,,ey (36( ) 490-4992 ,>,+..= PACIFIC NORTHWEST PROPERTIES 770 Road to Tralee E. Shelton (Jreat open floor cle,Jg+l wRh vaulted (ailing+, tinge kil(hen with satin?, lh*Ce, ianfity r<om, 3 b,:chor+lll'+, .! lull batb, tq;'qaa(Je,ll trim i)acka,te, tq×t(, de(k, RV i),Jrking, lake lil)loHt k dlll('lilh! , el goll. lake at  ess, re,is & nR)re. Yeth, No rttirtl 1,7OO Sq. Ft.! New construction with 3 bedrooms, 2 bath rooms and an incredible kitchen. Fenced yard. Only $169,997 Cad! 1-888-263-0125 #?20?5 ! G RI!EN I! Ftv Prietine Acres! Over 2,000 sq, ft., 3 bedroroms & 2 baths. Plus 2 bonus rooms. Very private. Minutes from town, Just $249,997 Call 1-888-263-0125 #72115 Wes Neal 360-402-8130 • Exit Realty Boardwalk L()VE TIlE OUTDOORS? (:ozy 3 bdr, 2 bth home featuring cornmtttifv ac- cess to 2 hakes plus sahwatcr access. $ I , 5,()(}0 inveetment Oprtunityt Awesome in-town locati6n. Great condition 2 bedroom home with detached garage. Only $109,997 Call 1-888-263-0125 #72135 Two Homes in Oriel 2,500 sq. ft., 4 bedrooms & 2 baths. Two kitchens. 3 car garage. Quiet tree.lined street. Asking $209,997 Call 1-888-283-0125 #72105 EXCEl,LENT NO-BANK lakefront honte. 2156 sqft, 3 bdr, 2 bths, rcc re(mr, and den, Big RV garage and professional hmdscaping. $30tJ,50() CITY VIEW L(YPS!! (+ - 30'X l()()' lois with potential views of ()lympics and ()akhmd Bay tmec Irecs are cut. Seller will remove trees buff)re closing or will negotiate. (:ity water & sewer very oh)so, $75,000 WELl. MAINTAINEI) 3 hdr l,ake I,imer- ick rantblcr, built in 1993. ()pen interior design, electric & i)ropane heat, and great 11UW deck. Golf, water-skiing, swimming and rcSt;ltn'atltoutle nrc some of t he,,re;It amenities of Lake Limerick $152,91)O Page 36 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, February 1,2007 on quiet cul-de-sac in gated lake com- munity. Backyard borders salmon creek. 1,916 sq.ft, living space, vaulted ceil- ings, woodstove, beautiful kitchen with large island. 2-car carport, shed, green- house. Large railed deck overlooking salmon creek. $140,000, must see to appreciate. (360) 490-4035 for appoint- ment. L2/1-22 QUICK CLOSING on this nice 2 bed- room home on corner lot with trees, $70,000. Call Rosalie, RE USA, (360) 357-5925 or (360) 490-0673. A2/1-8 BEAUTIFUL HOME on 2 lots. 3 bed- rooms, 2 baths plus office. Fully fenced with lots of extras. $155,000. RE USA, call Rosalie for appointment. (360) 490- 0673 or (360) 357-5925. A2/1-8 BY OWNER - 2V2 acres, end of road. 2005 built, 1,767 sq.ft., 3 bedroom, plus study, skylights, garden tub, French doors. Attached 2-car garage, 24'x36' stick built shop. Lovely home. Don't miss this one! $329,000. For appoint- ment call (360) 426-8691; message (360) 427-1503. N2/1-8 NEW 6 parcels, 2 plus acres-5 acres. Some with creek frontage. $65,000- $113,000. For additional information and maps call Tillicum Realty (253) 589- 2000 or 1-800-228-1264. T2/1-8 SWEETHEART STARTER home. 3 bedroom, 2 bath manufactured home. Large fenced yard. Security gated com- munity, $119,900. #26183477. Shelton Land & Homes, (360) 426-5555, shel- $2/1 INVEST IN your future. Well maintained 2 bedroom home, on 4 city lots. Only $149,500. #26194057. Shelton Land & Homes, (360) 426-5555, sheltonland- $2/1 HOP, SKIP and jump to beautiful Gray- land beach. Creatively decorated 3 bedroom, 2 bath manufactured home, low maintenance yard, $169,500. #27001462. Shelton Land & Homes, (360) 426-5555, sheltonlandandhomes. net. $2/1 GREEN THUMB needed. Just finished, 4 bedroom, 2 bath rambler, double ga- rage, $222,200. #27008248. Shelton Land & Homes, (360) 426-5555, shel- $2/1 TASTE OF luxury. Elegant 4,000 sq.ft. home, imported tile floors. Unique indoor pool and sitting room. Patio and deck. Attached garage and &bay detached garage, $575,000. #26180227, Shelton Land & Homes, (360) 426-5555, shel- $2/1 SHELTON - CUTE 1 bedroom home with big yard, partially fenced with out- building. Gas water heater and stove. Close to shopping, buses, etc. Owner asking $89,900. Call Invest Realty LLC, (360) 426-3567.12/1 SHELTON - 2 HOMES and 2 parcels for the price of one. 2 bedroom, 1 bath stick-built home with detached 2 car garage on one parcel and 2 bedroom 1974 singlewide mobile home on the other parcel. Live in one and rent the other. Owner asking $150,000. Special "creative" financing possible. Call Invest Realty LLC, (360) 426-3567.12/1 STARTER FIXER - partly remodeled. Now is the time to negotiate a sweet deal. 2 bedroom home with garage and large yard in Shelton. You do the paint, carpets, vinyls, yard work and other cosmetic repairs. Ask about short term private contract or ask about easy FHA financing. Just $110,000. Invest Realty LLC, (360) 426-3567.12/1 LACEY- PRICE reduced and owner has installed new carpets. Newer 3 bed- room, 2 bath manufactured home with storage shed and fenced yard. Great location, only $164,900. Owner may carry contract OAC or ask about easy FHA financing. Invest Realty LLC,.(360) 426-3567.12/1 CASH AVAILABLE! Real Estate or con- tract loans. Local, private, fast (360) 491-5463. J3/16tfn Commumt00 Mortgage Cente Our Community Credit Union HOME MORTGAGES THAT FIT YOUR NEEDS • Purchase or Refinance • Fixed and Adjustable Rate b)ans • Construction • VA Loans • Specialized Loan Programs Serving anyone living or working in Mason or Grays Harbor County 432-5210 "800-426-5657 2948 Olympic Hwy. N. i PRISTINE, NO-BANK, Hammersley Inlet. 190' seafood buffet. Two 1acre building lots. Pebble beach. Launch your boat at Cape Horn. Only $395,000. #26196836. Shelton Land & Homes, (360) 426-5555, sheltonlandandhomes. net. $2/1 OPEN HOUSE, Saturday, 10 a.m.-1 p.m. 1729 E. SR 3, Shelton. Gorgeous views of Oakland Bay and Mt. Rainier from 2 bedroom, 1 bath on approxi- mately .75 acre, $165,000. Shane Ste- venson, Pacific Northwest Properties, (360) 426-4455 office or cell (360) 280- 5780. $2/1 SOUTH SIDE of Shelton. Price reduced. 3 bedroom, 2 bath manufactured home. Family room, laundry room. Enclosed porch, shop. $159,000. Call Shirley, Real Estate USA, (360) 427-4488. R2/1 SPENCER LAKE. 1.59 acres. 80' of cove waterfront. Well is on property, no pump. Nice level property, building site or camp. $99,000. Call Shirley, Real Es- tate USA, (360) 427-4488. R2/1 ALDERBROOK: 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, office. Breakfast nook in kitchen. Pel- let stove, central vac. All appliances. Heat pump. Large deck, 2 car garage. $228,000. Call Shirley, Real Estate USA, (360) 427-4488. R2/1 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Mason County Commissioners will hold a public hearing in the Commission Chambers at the Mason County Courthouse, Building I, 411 North Fifth Street, Shelton, Washington on Tuesday,' February 6, 2007 at 9:30 a.m, SAID HEARING will be to take public tes- timony regarding approval extending the In- terim Zoning Regulations for the Allyn UGA, as adopted by Ordinance, until June 30, 2007. The applicable Mason County Code chapters include Chapters 17.10 to 17.17 - Allyn Interim Zoning Code. For a copy of Mason County Code Chap- ters 17.10 to 17,17, please contact the De- partment of Community Development at 427- 9670, Ext. 603. If special accommodations are needed, contact the Commissioners' of- rice, 427-9670, Ext. 419. DATED this 22nd Day of January 2007. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSION- ERS MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON Rebecca S. Rogers, Clerk of the Board 1/25-2/1 2t PROBATE NOTICE TO CREDITORS (RCW 11.40.030) NO. 06 4 00195 9 SUPERIOR COURT OF WASHINGTON, COUNTY OF MASON IN RE THE ESTATE OF: JAN ROGER DALBY, Deceased. The Administrator named below has been appointed as Administrator of this estate. Any person having a claim against the Decedent must, before the time the claim would be barred by any otherwise applicable statute of limitations, present the claim in the matter as provided in RCW 11.40.070 by serving or mailing to the Administrator or trator's attorney at the address a copy of the claim and filing the the claim with the Court. The claim presented within the later of: (1) thirty after the Administrator served or notice to the creditor as provided in 11.40.020(3); or (2) four months after date of first publication of the notice. If claim is not presented within this the claim is forever barred, except wise provided in RCW 11.40.051 11.40.060. This bar is effective as against both the Decedent's probate nonprobate assets. DATE OF FIRST PUBLICATION: ary 25, 2007 Administrator: JOHN STEVE DALBY Attorney and Registered Agent PAUL S. JENSEN, WSBA #15071 Address for mailing or service, PAUL $ JENSEN, ATTORNEY 750 E. Stretch Is. Rd. S. Grapeview, WA 99546 (360) 275-4405 1/25-2/f'Sl PUBLIC NOTICE Northwest Aql 3285 is seeking coverage under tha Waste Discharge General Permit for plant and algae management. Haven 69 acres Applicant: Haven Lake ers Association, Location; Belfair Haven Lake may be treated to aquatic weeds and algae growth April 15th through Oct. 30. The planned for use are: Diquat, Glyphosate with adjuvant, and The total treatment areas will not according to permit requirements. Any person desiring to I: to the Department of Ecology application shall do so in writing days of the last date of pul: Comments can also be submitted on documents for these projects. Submit ments to: Dept. of Ecology P.O. Box Oly, WA 98504-7696, Attn: Water Program, Aquatic Pesticide tor. Any water use restrictions and or ties will be posted near the along the private shoreline and points. Copies of the application are able by calling the Water Aquatic Pesticide 407-6938. I]25-Pfl J NOTICE OF HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Board of Mason County Commissioners hold a public hearing at the Mason Courthouse Building 1, Commission bers, 411 North Fifth Street, 98584 on Tuesday, February 13, 9:30 a.m. SAID HEARING will be to franchise application of The Detroit #2 System to construct operate, and waterlines, in, under, along, and public county roads and county Mason County, Washington: Within the rights of way of Grapeview Loop Road (County 96140) and Treasure Island Road Road No. 64980). If questions contact Rick 360-427-9670, Ext. 748; or if special modations are needed, contact the stoners' office at 360-427-9670, Ext. 41 DATED this 23rd day of January DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON /s/Kelle Medcalf Kelle Medcalf, Office Manager Answers are on page 33. 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Chancy wrap Greek 3e O'Casey's 78 "Gctctaf" Wedding" , "-- and the 70 Start to 111 "Norrna Paycock" paint ('79 film) 37 Comfort 80 Buffalo 112 Ex#oslV¢ 38 Gnu forecast letters 39 Spice-rack 81 White Sex 113 Round item Hall of Table 41 Bunch of Famer 114 Amheic battalions 85 Russian 42 Brilliant bird river 8 Excessively 43 Asian nation 86 Trick stick Park" 1 35 ! I )1 1 11