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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 1, 2007     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 1, 2007
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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COMMUNITY C,a LENDAR Noon, North Mason Rotary Club, LakeLand Village Club- house, Allyn. For more informa- tion call 277-3282. Noon, Mason Benson Club monthly potluck. For more infor- mation call 427-0785. 1 p.m., Seniors Association Board meeting, Conference Room 1, Mary E. Theler Community Center, Belfair. For more informa- tion call 275-4898. Friday, February 2 6 p.m., Victor Improvement Thttrsday, February 1 &apos;1:30 a m, Allyn Community As- iation" no-host breakfast meet- .in.g, Lennard K:s, Allyn. For more ltbration call 275-9744. .8 -1 p m, Senior Nutrition graM, Ma'ry'E. Theler Commu- ty Center in Belfair; card play- , dancing and lunch. For reser- vati0ns call 479-4874 or 275-4898. 9 ann., TOPS Chapter 1032, !fai.r Community Baptist "rch. For more information call /.4608" Servi News 00astleman gets through training Y Private James D. Castle- has graduated from basic C011. Uat training at Fort Jackson, bia, South Carolina. i,_ ring the nine weeks of train- !he soldier studied the Army Sl°rt history, tradition and r,,_. Values, physical fitness, and i red instruction and practice ve sic combat skills, military *mas, chemical warfare and bayonet training, drill and cere- mony, marching, rifle marksman- ship, armed and unarmed combat, map reading, field tactics, military courtesy, military justice system, basic first aid, foot marches and field training exercises. Castleman is a 2006 graduate of North Mason High School. He is the son of Marry Castleman of Belfair. Club social hour, 7 p.m. potluck, 8 p.m. meeting, at Victor Hall, Victor. For more information call 275-8157. 6 to 8 p.m., Girl Scout Cadette, Senior, Studio 2B, Mary E. Theler Community Center. For more in- formation call 277-0540 Saturday, February 3 10 a.m., Humane Society of Mason County, at QFC upstairs meeting room. For more informa- tion leave message at 275-9310. Sunday, February 4 North Mason invites you to wor- ship at the church of your choice. Monday, February 5 3:40 to 5:30 p.m., Brownies and Junior Girl Scouts, Mary E. The- ler Community Center. For more information call 277-0540. 6 p.m., Lower Hood Canal Wa- tershed Coalition, North Mason School District offices. For more information call 275-0618. 6:30 p.m., TOPS Chapter 1197, Belfair Community Baptist Church. For more information call 275-0944. 7 p.m., Port of Allyn Commis- sioners' meeting, Port of Allyn Building, Allyn. For more infor- mation call 275-2430. Tuesday, February 6 8 a.m.-1 p.m., Senior Nutrition Program, Mary E. Theler Com- munity Center in Belfair; card playing, dancing, and lunch. For reservations call 479-4874 or 275- Prince of Peace Catholic Church, Belfair. For more information call 275-3780. Noon, North Mason Kiwan- is, Belfair Community Baptist Church. For more infi)rmation call 275-0302. Noon, Belfair chapter, Puget Sound Genealogical Society, Bel- fair Community Baptist Church. For more information call 275- 4990. 6 p.m., Cub Scout Pack 513, Bel- fair Community Baptist Church. For more information call 275- 7091. 6 p.m., Spanish Club, QFC up- stairs meeting room. For more in- formation call 372-2613. 7 p.m., Boy Scout Troop 513, Belfair Community Baptist Church. For more information call 277-0892. 7 p.m., Port of Dewatto Com- missioners' meeting, Port of De- watto Building. For more informa- tion call 372-2755 or access online at www.dewattoport.eom. 7:30 p.m., North Mason Eagles Men's Aerie, Eagles Hall, Belfair. For more inibrmation call 674- 7105. 7 p.m., Boy Scout Troop 513, Belfair Community Baptist Church. For more information call 277-0892. Wednesday, February 7 9:30 a.m., TOPS Chapter 1321, Allyn Baptist Church, Allyn. For more information call 277-0362. !00Vardean wraps 10 a.m., Tahuya Bridge Group, 8:30 a.m., TOPS Chapter 1357, Jimmy D's Restaurant, Belfair. On February 5: his training Native plants to Force Airman John . graduated from basic training at Lackland Air San Antonio, Texas. the six weeks of train- airman studied the Air e aission, organization, and customs and courtesies; drill and ceremony and received physical rifle marksmanship, field exercises, and special human relations. airmen who com- ning earn credits to- associate degree through College of the Air Edward Jones MAKING SENSE OF INVESTING is a 2005 graduate Mason High School. He son of Tracey Wardean of John Wardean be meeting topic The Lower Hood Canal Wa- tershed Coalition is set to host a public informational meeting featuring speaker Teri King of the Washington Sea Grant orga- nization. King's topic will be "The Use of Native Plants to Control Storm- water." The meeting will be held at 6 p.m. on Monday, February 5, at the North Mason School District administrative offices, located on Campus Drive below the high school. The Lower Hood Canal Wa- tershed Coalition is a group of local citizens, businesses and :l00olunt¢00ers sought for wide variety ofjobs Many would enjoy adult mentors Mason seniors and the disabled 275-6698 1-800-690-BARK 275-7133 to teach them games and skills (chess, knitting, card games, etc.). Tutor youth in reading, writing and math. The North Ma- son branch of the Boys and Girls Clubs of South Puget Sound helps to inspire and enable all youth to realize their full potential as car- ing, productive and responsible citizens. (3229-5213) • Chore Helper: Keep North independent. Low-income se- niors and the disabled need help to maintain their independence. Giving a couple hours when con- venient can help make a big dif- ference. There are a variety of needs: household chores, meal preparation, household repairs, lawn work, drive to/from medical appointments or on errands, shop for seniors, etc. (2006-2104) YOUR DEALERSHIP ALTERNATIVE Dnitra (holding Rufus), Brennan and Mark Did you know that your car doesn't have to be serviced at the dealership to keep your manufacturer's warranty covered? STOP paying dealer priced You only need to see the dealer for something you don't have to pay forl Ayers Automotive, the  shop in Grapeview (Mason/Benson Lake Area) is a family owned, fully licensed repair shop. Mark is an ASE Ahaetm" Ti with over 20 years experience. We work on most foreign and domestic cars and light trucks. Give us a call to see if we can help you with your automotive repair needsl letired and Senior Volun- has several volun- for North Ma- Anyone interested out can call 360-426- information, referring atlrabers at the end of the below. cy Tutors: Tutor North in reading, math, GED preparation as a Second Language for people with sensitivity, enthusi- the ability to work with different cultures. as a tutor is not training is also (2023-2005) Bank Volunteer: Help need by handing out food, picking up donations Mason Food Bank A few hours a week a big difference. The are especially busy the area's food banks• Mentor/Tutor: Do you or skill that you St..Hugh Episcopal , Church We iv. ! ... Zteyou to join us for [ londay Family Worship I ':"Sunday School Provided .'u E. Wheelwright St., Allyn representatives from govern- ment agencies and the Skokom- ish Tribe who work to improve and protect the quality and quantity of fresh and marine waters in the lower Hood Canal watershed. The presentations are free of charge and are aimed at local homeowners. For more informa- tion call the group's co-chair- man, Bob Hager, at 275-0618. • Driveway Gravel Custom @ • Bark (U-haul) .... • River Rock • 25 Ibs. to 1000 Ibs. @ For more information call 275- 2098. Noon, North Mason Lions Club, Fiesta Restaurant in the Log Pla- za. For more information call 275- 8135. 4:30 p.m., Daisy Girl Scouts, Mary E. Theler Community Cen- ter. For more information, call 277-0540. Allyn View RV Park Senior park located in quaint beach community. Sound views. Walk to shopping and beach. (360) 275-3120 TAXIFREE INCOME IS THE BEST GIFT YOU CAN GIVE YOURSELF AT RETIREMENT. "illl all Edward •Jones Roth II:{A, an' earnings are tax- free, and distribttlions can be laken free of peimllie or mX {S • * ,l} [ ] nmy cvcn bctlefil fl'om conveni; a traditional I I{A to a Roth I RA. 'lb learn more about why an Edward Jones IRA {'an nmkc scnsc for you, call today. *Distributions of earnings from a Roth IRA could be subject to taxes and a IIY-Yo penalty if the account is less than five years old and the owner is under age 59 '. David M. Hawley Jr. 23781 ttwy. 3,#101B Bcllair, WA 98528 (360) 275-7177 Member SWC FREE • Topsoil • Compost • Cedar and Alder Chips CLOSED SATURDAYS • U-HAUL BY APPOINTMENT ONLY I Incredibly Discreet While the actual size will vary according to your needs, this tiny all-digital hearing aid "is big on the features you need to start hearing better,'" And "ills so small, no one will notice you're wearing it!" Save on one of our custom digital hearing aids! Now on!_y $795! SHELTON Miracle-Ear Center 1718 Olympic Highway N. (A(toss the street from A&W) (360) 427-3187 (360) 923-0464 When you're ready to hear your best," it makes sense to choose Miracle-EarF "lh hdlv enp W your next special moment, stup by trlc ot Miracle-I;,ll 's" 1,2(tO h¢atiovls m.'arest you and lind out allOtll the big I1CWS ill hearing technology! It's ;I hC;ll'itl ;lid *4) snlall, i)(i (HIc will kll(w yell're wt.,irh'tg it. Phi% you get all the scrvk:e. Mir;icle--Far' is kn*wn tel ploviding: • Free Hearillg'lk, st & Contultatloll' * • Nationwide scrviee & |,rof2,sionalisnl yi,tl Clll )tlll, Oll • I.itletlnle aftercare program We'll work with you to idellliiy ,lily ]os, ym ot }mlt hwed o11¢ nlay have imd eXpl;lJll how iJ ..liritt h. I.:ar" ht.iH ill 8 aid Illil}' bc ilt).' IO help. Ymz au be t I)llttth'lll thai you'll gel tilt' sohatmll thai% a pcllcct tit I(ll' )'our htdividu,d i,ced. II*s "what's Iliade us I][IW.II.[2EILgII.¢.KlltI,3: jlLll&tJllg I.dl, -and sonlethinl4 we've I,ctm i,rud it, tit) fir tl.'ilrly 6(1 yC,lfS. € BUY ONE GETONE FREE " OPEN FIT TECHNOLOGY TRY "rite MEg00 O PEN TO DAY Hurry! Offers end 2/9/07 LACEY Sears Hearing Aid Center South Sound Center 651 51eater-Kinney "Hearirl0 as rio lol reslole HaRiral hearirJ IHdivulll expetlettw vary del..',.s'rln on Seveudy of healmlg less act;tuacy of eV;IIIIdIOpL proper fit and ab:llty to adapt to phflt;lloa A Mlacie-Larreprtrcenlalve Cal dternli¢l which moOel ltd opbon$ rnay be rl£1hl lot you "OUl heat;rig tell and veo ore,,, opc reelection ae a/ay$ free ttvalng lest i an audiometrlc test to defermine ptoptl arnphhcalkm needs only I he am not ttt*(ftcl exams or dagoemes hal atel they ntende, tO pr, a phesiclares care If you suspOCl a medical Ilmbk,m plt-,Je seek Imatrnotl horn you <)ocl V(e,o Otoscope rut avallabk at a locations tActual size may vafy Thursday, February 1,2007 - Belfair Herald section of the Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 3 AYERS AUTOMOTIVE - Service with Aloha Please call us to schedule an appointment 360-463-0925 or 360-275-0405 00r'i' '; Monday-Friday 8AM-SPM. m i 1 COMMUNITY C,a LENDAR Noon, North Mason Rotary Club, LakeLand Village Club- house, Allyn. For more informa- tion call 277-3282. Noon, Mason Benson Club monthly potluck. For more infor- mation call 427-0785. 1 p.m., Seniors Association Board meeting, Conference Room 1, Mary E. Theler Community Center, Belfair. For more informa- tion call 275-4898. Friday, February 2 6 p.m., Victor Improvement Thttrsday, February 1 '1:30 a m, Allyn Community As- iation" no-host breakfast meet- .in.g, Lennard K:s, Allyn. For more ltbration call 275-9744. .8 -1 p m, Senior Nutrition graM, Ma'ry'E. Theler Commu- ty Center in Belfair; card play- , dancing and lunch. For reser- vati0ns call 479-4874 or 275-4898. 9 ann., TOPS Chapter 1032, !fai.r Community Baptist "rch. For more information call /.4608" Servi News 00astleman gets through training Y Private James D. Castle- has graduated from basic C011. Uat training at Fort Jackson, bia, South Carolina. i,_ ring the nine weeks of train- !he soldier studied the Army Sl°rt history, tradition and r,,_. Values, physical fitness, and i red instruction and practice ve sic combat skills, military *mas, chemical warfare and bayonet training, drill and cere- mony, marching, rifle marksman- ship, armed and unarmed combat, map reading, field tactics, military courtesy, military justice system, basic first aid, foot marches and field training exercises. Castleman is a 2006 graduate of North Mason High School. He is the son of Marry Castleman of Belfair. Club social hour, 7 p.m. potluck, 8 p.m. meeting, at Victor Hall, Victor. For more information call 275-8157. 6 to 8 p.m., Girl Scout Cadette, Senior, Studio 2B, Mary E. Theler Community Center. For more in- formation call 277-0540 Saturday, February 3 10 a.m., Humane Society of Mason County, at QFC upstairs meeting room. For more informa- tion leave message at 275-9310. Sunday, February 4 North Mason invites you to wor- ship at the church of your choice. Monday, February 5 3:40 to 5:30 p.m., Brownies and Junior Girl Scouts, Mary E. The- ler Community Center. For more information call 277-0540. 6 p.m., Lower Hood Canal Wa- tershed Coalition, North Mason School District offices. For more information call 275-0618. 6:30 p.m., TOPS Chapter 1197, Belfair Community Baptist Church. For more information call 275-0944. 7 p.m., Port of Allyn Commis- sioners' meeting, Port of Allyn Building, Allyn. For more infor- mation call 275-2430. Tuesday, February 6 8 a.m.-1 p.m., Senior Nutrition Program, Mary E. Theler Com- munity Center in Belfair; card playing, dancing, and lunch. For reservations call 479-4874 or 275- Prince of Peace Catholic Church, Belfair. For more information call 275-3780. Noon, North Mason Kiwan- is, Belfair Community Baptist Church. For more infi)rmation call 275-0302. Noon, Belfair chapter, Puget Sound Genealogical Society, Bel- fair Community Baptist Church. For more information call 275- 4990. 6 p.m., Cub Scout Pack 513, Bel- fair Community Baptist Church. For more information call 275- 7091. 6 p.m., Spanish Club, QFC up- stairs meeting room. For more in- formation call 372-2613. 7 p.m., Boy Scout Troop 513, Belfair Community Baptist Church. For more information call 277-0892. 7 p.m., Port of Dewatto Com- missioners' meeting, Port of De- watto Building. For more informa- tion call 372-2755 or access online at www.dewattoport.eom. 7:30 p.m., North Mason Eagles Men's Aerie, Eagles Hall, Belfair. For more inibrmation call 674- 7105. 7 p.m., Boy Scout Troop 513, Belfair Community Baptist Church. For more information call 277-0892. Wednesday, February 7 9:30 a.m., TOPS Chapter 1321, Allyn Baptist Church, Allyn. For more information call 277-0362. !00Vardean wraps 10 a.m., Tahuya Bridge Group, 8:30 a.m., TOPS Chapter 1357, Jimmy D's Restaurant, Belfair. On February 5: his training Native plants to Force Airman John . graduated from basic training at Lackland Air San Antonio, Texas. the six weeks of train- airman studied the Air e aission, organization, and customs and courtesies; drill and ceremony and received physical rifle marksmanship, field exercises, and special human relations. airmen who com- ning earn credits to- associate degree through College of the Air Edward Jones MAKING SENSE OF INVESTING is a 2005 graduate Mason High School. He son of Tracey Wardean of John Wardean be meeting topic The Lower Hood Canal Wa- tershed Coalition is set to host a public informational meeting featuring speaker Teri King of the Washington Sea Grant orga- nization. King's topic will be "The Use of Native Plants to Control Storm- water." The meeting will be held at 6 p.m. on Monday, February 5, at the North Mason School District administrative offices, located on Campus Drive below the high school. The Lower Hood Canal Wa- tershed Coalition is a group of local citizens, businesses and :l00olunt¢00ers sought for wide variety ofjobs Many would enjoy adult mentors Mason seniors and the disabled 275-6698 1-800-690-BARK 275-7133 to teach them games and skills (chess, knitting, card games, etc.). Tutor youth in reading, writing and math. The North Ma- son branch of the Boys and Girls Clubs of South Puget Sound helps to inspire and enable all youth to realize their full potential as car- ing, productive and responsible citizens. (3229-5213) • Chore Helper: Keep North independent. Low-income se- niors and the disabled need help to maintain their independence. Giving a couple hours when con- venient can help make a big dif- ference. There are a variety of needs: household chores, meal preparation, household repairs, lawn work, drive to/from medical appointments or on errands, shop for seniors, etc. (2006-2104) YOUR DEALERSHIP ALTERNATIVE Dnitra (holding Rufus), Brennan and Mark Did you know that your car doesn't have to be serviced at the dealership to keep your manufacturer's warranty covered? STOP paying dealer priced You only need to see the dealer for something you don't have to pay forl Ayers Automotive, the  shop in Grapeview (Mason/Benson Lake Area) is a family owned, fully licensed repair shop. Mark is an ASE Ahaetm" Ti with over 20 years experience. We work on most foreign and domestic cars and light trucks. Give us a call to see if we can help you with your automotive repair needsl letired and Senior Volun- has several volun- for North Ma- Anyone interested out can call 360-426- information, referring atlrabers at the end of the below. cy Tutors: Tutor North in reading, math, GED preparation as a Second Language for people with sensitivity, enthusi- the ability to work with different cultures. as a tutor is not training is also (2023-2005) Bank Volunteer: Help need by handing out food, picking up donations Mason Food Bank A few hours a week a big difference. The are especially busy the area's food banks• Mentor/Tutor: Do you or skill that you St..Hugh Episcopal , Church We iv. ! ... Zteyou to join us for [ londay Family Worship I ':"Sunday School Provided .'u E. Wheelwright St., Allyn representatives from govern- ment agencies and the Skokom- ish Tribe who work to improve and protect the quality and quantity of fresh and marine waters in the lower Hood Canal watershed. The presentations are free of charge and are aimed at local homeowners. For more informa- tion call the group's co-chair- man, Bob Hager, at 275-0618. • Driveway Gravel Custom @ • Bark (U-haul) .... • River Rock • 25 Ibs. to 1000 Ibs. @ For more information call 275- 2098. Noon, North Mason Lions Club, Fiesta Restaurant in the Log Pla- za. For more information call 275- 8135. 4:30 p.m., Daisy Girl Scouts, Mary E. Theler Community Cen- ter. For more information, call 277-0540. Allyn View RV Park Senior park located in quaint beach community. Sound views. Walk to shopping and beach. (360) 275-3120 TAXIFREE INCOME IS THE BEST GIFT YOU CAN GIVE YOURSELF AT RETIREMENT. "illl all Edward •Jones Roth II:{A, an' earnings are tax- free, and distribttlions can be laken free of peimllie or mX {S • * ,l} [ ] nmy cvcn bctlefil fl'om conveni; a traditional I I{A to a Roth I RA. 'lb learn more about why an Edward Jones IRA {'an nmkc scnsc for you, call today. *Distributions of earnings from a Roth IRA could be subject to taxes and a IIY-Yo penalty if the account is less than five years old and the owner is under age 59 '. David M. Hawley Jr. 23781 ttwy. 3,#101B Bcllair, WA 98528 (360) 275-7177 Member SWC FREE • Topsoil • Compost • Cedar and Alder Chips CLOSED SATURDAYS • U-HAUL BY APPOINTMENT ONLY I Incredibly Discreet While the actual size will vary according to your needs, this tiny all-digital hearing aid "is big on the features you need to start hearing better,'" And "ills so small, no one will notice you're wearing it!" Save on one of our custom digital hearing aids! Now on!_y $795! SHELTON Miracle-Ear Center 1718 Olympic Highway N. (A(toss the street from A&W) (360) 427-3187 (360) 923-0464 When you're ready to hear your best," it makes sense to choose Miracle-EarF "lh hdlv enp W your next special moment, stup by trlc ot Miracle-I;,ll 's" 1,2(tO h¢atiovls m.'arest you and lind out allOtll the big I1CWS ill hearing technology! It's ;I hC;ll'itl ;lid *4) snlall, i)(i (HIc will kll(w yell're wt.,irh'tg it. Phi% you get all the scrvk:e. Mir;icle--Far' is kn*wn tel ploviding: • Free Hearillg'lk, st & Contultatloll' * • Nationwide scrviee & |,rof2,sionalisnl yi,tl Clll )tlll, Oll • I.itletlnle aftercare program We'll work with you to idellliiy ,lily ]os, ym ot }mlt hwed o11¢ nlay have imd eXpl;lJll how iJ ..liritt h. I.:ar" ht.iH ill 8 aid Illil}' bc ilt).' IO help. Ymz au be t I)llttth'lll thai you'll gel tilt' sohatmll thai% a pcllcct tit I(ll' )'our htdividu,d i,ced. II*s "what's Iliade us I][IW.II.[2EILgII.¢.KlltI,3: jlLll&tJllg I.dl, -and sonlethinl4 we've I,ctm i,rud it, tit) fir tl.'ilrly 6(1 yC,lfS. € BUY ONE GETONE FREE " OPEN FIT TECHNOLOGY TRY "rite MEg00 O PEN TO DAY Hurry! Offers end 2/9/07 LACEY Sears Hearing Aid Center South Sound Center 651 51eater-Kinney "Hearirl0 as rio lol reslole HaRiral hearirJ IHdivulll expetlettw vary del..',.s'rln on Seveudy of healmlg less act;tuacy of eV;IIIIdIOpL proper fit and ab:llty to adapt to phflt;lloa A Mlacie-Larreprtrcenlalve Cal dternli¢l which moOel ltd opbon$ rnay be rl£1hl lot you "OUl heat;rig tell and veo ore,,, opc reelection ae a/ay$ free ttvalng lest i an audiometrlc test to defermine ptoptl arnphhcalkm needs only I he am not ttt*(ftcl exams or dagoemes hal atel they ntende, tO pr, a phesiclares care If you suspOCl a medical Ilmbk,m plt-,Je seek Imatrnotl horn you <)ocl V(e,o Otoscope rut avallabk at a locations tActual size may vafy Thursday, February 1,2007 - Belfair Herald section of the Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 3 AYERS AUTOMOTIVE - Service with Aloha Please call us to schedule an appointment 360-463-0925 or 360-275-0405 00r'i' '; Monday-Friday 8AM-SPM. m i 1