February 2, 1967 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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February 2, 1967 |
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Percy M. Pio Bookbinding Co.
6017 Portland.,S" E.ore.86th97216Mariiua. a Tria Set To Start Feb. 20
[ Th0 jtU'3 Ivi:d ,)l IIr(,u New vice Stalion at Taylor Towne pended sentence on a second
York men (' :u'g(,d with posses- al the finis, degq-ee burglary charge after he
stun *If 11al'ilLla[la Was s01 lo Alexander was appointed at- pleaded guilt),. He was charged,
sial'| Feh. 20 by Judge Charles lorney for Cm'tis Marcus, 21, along with two o 1 h e r Pierc,
Wrighl after hc heard pleas of 1520 ,% Second St., Shelton, who Count.',, men with breaking into a
not guilty from the Irh) in Me- \\;va. uharged with possession of cat)in owned by John (linther at ,
SOil Counlv Superior Court Fri- and d Sl,ersing marijuana, Potlatch last Novenfl)er.
• He was also fined $150 and
day morn in°. [arcu. indicated lo the court sentenced k) 30 days in solitary
The lhrec, l.'ve(h'ick Pr,,,h)r- h,' wmllcd Io enter a pk;a of confinement in the Mason C'ounty
ius. 26. Ash)ria. NY. : Sl:mle3 ,.:uilly bul, on the insistanc.e of Jail. In giving the :msp(,nded
a. V¢ihalki. '2:',. (;l'(,l Nq'ci(, l{Hgd[1, Judge Wright agreed to gentencc, Judge Wright warned
N,Y. and J a m e I.(nKiflin. allpoinl an attorney for him. Diericks thai he was to stay om
21, (h'eal Neck. N.Y. l,l.':r'd Rngnn said the charge was a of Mason count>' and st W away
in court for :n.r;dnment uith serious one and carried sever from liquor. The other two are
lhL'ir at* *'lit')' (crry :\\;h,x;mder. penalihs and that he believed still in custty in Pierce County.
.... Olympia. thnl 5rnrcus should h a v e an Thomas Johnson. Shellon, was
All thl'e, (,lllOl(,d l)lc:ls ('ql lll)[ :.lllt)l'Iley to advise him before he sentenced h) a maximum of 15
guilty h) lhe c lu'cs [ih'd :>::,insl entered his plea. yelrs in prison after pleading
them Jan. 2. I)y Pros' tlli? t: Alexallder was also appointed guilt)" it) u charge (,l' burghu'y
• : Attorney ,h,hn C. II:;m. dlornev for [rry Hodgson. Shel- in the theft of 118 dresses from
"['1C) ',V'l'(' 'AI'I'0Sh'I }"Oh. )(/ Ion, who is charged with grand the Polka Dot shop in Shelton. :
I)/ IlS(*ll (?o 1111, .'.:,h,, ' ,tl,- I;tFceny in the theft of copper Johnson WaS repl'os, en|od by
pulies :tfh'r hey lud r,,,.civct wire frmu Sanderson Field. Frtnlk Owens, Olympia attorney, ,,91
:Ill al(m\\;ln)u.'-lip ;ll),,tt lhe Ilwcc .It|de Wright senlenced Pat- and 1-)iericks hy B)ron "MeChm-
\\;\'hi) \\;verc al lh,.' I{ichli*.hi Sin'- rick l;iericks, Taconla, to sus- ahan, :':,hellon. CURTIS MARCUS
10 Elk Shot In Skok Valley
IIpThe St;tle (kmw l)(,i;lrlmenl said, because of the snow in the l)e shol if they are on priva|e ill,:' hills i, avoid ;* repetition
rot.ovel'ed lilt' CHI't'IISS('S el l0 hiffher ele\\;'ations ill tile Illount- I)roperly tllld th(" ('tlI'CLISSCS [lI'e 'of iilcJdelli; Sil<'h ;ix Thul'sd).y's
clk which w(?rc sht)t (,11 lh,' Ted ains. t!:lk have I)een reported left where lhey fall. The ;,roup did not find any
l{iuherl r:lll('h Jl] Ihe Skoi<(mlish tm several olher ranches ill the ]:ilsnll.lsson s aid a lie u l 25 clk, he >:aid. Mosl nf lhose as-
Vle\\; him '['hllrsda.v. v:lh,y he said. htll, the RicherI si)ortsnlell wore t)l.l| ill the Sko- sistinK wel'o fl't)lll lht, Shelton
The dcparlnlenl w:s p,t)Iiliod rnnch is lhe ()lily one on which koluish Valley Salt rday a n d Ninu't)d Chlb, t)ll theft, w e r e
sh ),l ',' aft(q' lilt, elk u,'r,' 'h,)l lh,'> hilve hecll shot. Sullday Ii-)iIl to Iot'ale hel'dS of ;,lso lllCll IIFeh('llI [r£)lil t,l-erller-
;lnd h)()k lh(' (.ill'vlls, sos h) lh(' 'Flu, law l)ro\\;'ides lhul elk Call elk illld hel'd thenl hm'k H l) JlllO toll..qheho?l ;IDd Olympia.
... -' 00ee.K tnlurea in 00,ras.
ATTORNEY. (It, . , , it,It, I(ithe(hmges ()u th la, hll ,11 ,,'h"),li' I
.,__MPIA. "ry Alexander, standing, talks to cd pleas of ,lot g ' . ...... """ '" '" ('{':t
', 'K ' ' ; ' ' ' ' "' "' '; ""
e of his ehents (hm,*ed with )osses ' o ( hut of St Fd,ud s (athoh( Chin (h lwlo u m
(lain l'r ) t.(. )l' \\; ',: s sse I • 51 's S m'h'.v Beelik, fol'Iller I)ital in Olympia re)' lre;th11(.,Ill l'h'l)tlI'llll('lll t)f Inslilulions. v,'as
I:..i. , J " ' " " l ' ,' Js'on of marijuana Gal)ritd D ) 7 .. ,, , ,.. .: , ,, ,. . It,'
he Mason ( , he oun, men to xlmt th( nl 111( lhl( o
l.. , ,Ollnty (;ollrt HOllSe last P'riday nlorning, had ])e(:ll aslud by I . .' , g - ".'" • "" .... s i( £holltm City Lil)rarian, w a s of a crushed \\;'erh,i)rm, suffm'ed ,/ i):tssem'.cr in ;1 car driven by
I three, left to right, are Stanley Wilhouski, Janles ll go on trial here Feb. 20. Elk ., m. ,115 d,,\\;,.u Iron) moved from SI. Helen's Hosl)i- it) a h'cffIw :i('(ildeni ne;H' (qh'- l)a\\;']d (h'rechl, rottlrnin froln
) s Ill(t \\; n It / Ill ",'.1 I \\; h()[l\\; \\;\h(n
: ghlin and Fredri(.k PraetorillS, all of New York, enter- . lh(: hi S hi 1 / ' , 5 ,. ". }lt, I ] i I C'hehl s Io Sl. I etcr Ibis- hall. - .' • ' . , s , . h ........
Hot' hllS[)tlIld, /ll(h',,\\;\', >,;(ill lho ;h'vid('llt haiq,'ned.
, \\;Vednesda\ I]'tOl'llillff lh(*t '-,IH' The (h'r('hi \\;*ehich, sh'tlck tile
, iu I m m l, IIIII was I)einu[ lr;liisfoi'e(J Ii'll! (ho- I';li' t ;I lrtlck-tr;lihq" driven
foltowin' 111,, ,.,cldcnl l lh ...... • ..... , ,.
" - / ()hmfia he'I)l:l ',vn 'I',' <¢,' \\; , L_ " '
. -- " . ' , ' ',I' I,',' "k ,'r ' l 'l,, oily
lime II __.____ Ik-m " " ' . lal',rl:m l!',ln 1.%, h J;m. 22,
i } } (
J *ear ..... No..5 Published in "Christmastown, U.SIA.", Shelton, Washington l0 Cents Per Copy
II..,rB(I&Y, 17'o.brnnrv ,) 0o, ter! a second cia matter at the post office at Shelton, Washington 8584 lgl 1::)o*o __. O r,t-lr, w (
I_____. J , *.'9, reader act ul March 8, 1879. Pubhshed at 327 West Cota. A._v'.....*..--" " "L__.,,_**_
olPlay To Be Performedln Olympia, Chehalis M_,
which 1Mr. all(t Mrs. Milh'l nrc
l)ii.Vlll ell [
st etdlm for dell/: t.s
h) a car arid ill.iUl' es Io Mrs.
Milh'r v,,h[,n the .;11' Mw X¢ ; t s
Shelton ltigh School Dra- SevEn Dwarfs on I.l one-day lout in 111(, morninL at the !goosevel! in nlin-afterno,)n, 1hey u'ill I-rove dr*rinK hit a \\;v;ishotli il lhc
les Class Plans Feb. 8 to to Cheha]is and Olympia. Elem(mtary School in Olyml)ia presenled the l,hly Io 1,70D vhil- M,dlock Rend .i(Isl \\;ves of hel-
its Children's Theatre l)ro- They will present the play at in lhe tli'ternoon, dren during the un('-day tour. . hill lasl I 111;11"\\;'.
of Snow White and the the Chehalis Elementary School When lhey re|urn h) Sholton This will mark lhe firsl time
,hal ihe Children's 'Flu,air(, group :i:):: :i::
--- - --.-M'at nI'l Crimilllll;I!Id[llIi ." ..... ,w ..,. -m--" ..... Ir .... I llas tak0n ils l,erfo,'n,n,,es',, ',
ne .ulSml$$0000 o, the ,he .re,,€':
Cases ,,,
.:: schools in the counly oul.ide lh('
Charh,s Wright signed , againsl lh)nald PEterson was filed"as a reciprocal SUlitmrt ac- Shelton Distri'ct.
of dismissal in nine more dism.issed since Peterson had l.ion rather than a criminal ac- The cast tin(| crew t)f the {)lay
,,lcriminal.l (: ses which were nmrrie(I llie violin1. : lion. have been trimmed and altered ii.
ght hefore him hv Plose
t1 ,a. John C H. " . - Charg(,s of second degree as- ,% eharge of non-sul)l)ort, filed somewhat sillce the play was
i. • a gin and for- saull againsl Winifield Milldr, against a,mes W. Smith in 1956 performed in Mason Counly in
':'l)rose(t,h)r, Friday. Byr(,n MvCl'm. l{t,nald (hies and Arihur MclWa- was dismissed sine(' he and hi-s Octoher al which time aboul
I th R hen were dismissed. Miller .is wife Ilad reconciled and there .1,600 youngsiers at/ende(l the
agan and MeClan'dru now dead. The other two were had I)een no furlher complaints.' various i)erformances
"lrov,i, vc(l lhe (lisruissal re'lion
[e ease. charved as aiding and abelting A charge of grand larceny a- For dramatics director Dean
Miller in lhe action, gainsl Roger PaintEr .was dis- Tarrach, the trip to Chehalis will
i.. cases inclu(h, one of third The ease againsl Lawrence D.
7.ne.r in which lhe comphdn- degree assault tgainsl Jerry missed since Slate Palrolman be a return to his home lown. tle
IWlthess is now dead. is a graduate of C'hehalis High
i ..charge of carnal knowledge Johnson for abandonmt'nl and Stan Sushak, who had conduEted
School and his parenls live there.
I1On-Suppol'f should have heon the invest*gallon, is now dead.
To Speak Here Feb 10 and cre,v for Ill,' ii
!; " traveling production in(.ludes
Be*re Cowan, Karen Bodh', (;all
Ziegler, Tom Villines, Debt lie-
. . . , . ." . , • man, Sylvia Sund, Linda B rrom
Doug Wrighl, IJnda Crui(.kshank,
(v i D;n e E ::pStheWl I :;n ::: h;-Vu(', ;he h,eooMn: V'teiT, 'qn oo Jeni Shefler, Glen Van Bhu'i(.on,,
v t 1 of honm. Don Bearden, Pal IV[oNe*l, Kay
k no( U ) , i The dinner chairman, appoint- Bulling, Terry Shrum, Beth Qui-
,Jel 7r olnnerthe sponsorshipt° be given Feb.sln0 (;:45 p.m. ed by County Central Commitee mby,Dehbie Marmwille, Barha-
olnEM j Mrs. Vi,'ginia Clocksin, Repuh- Chairman Bet1 McGowan, is ra Hubbard, Alberta (;ross and
"n,,'ill lican representative from the Warren I dingcr, with Vernon Karen Fredrickson.
• :er with
any aclion on his applic t! digging clams in a Slalo Pre-
o, ,wo .,,o o, ,--,
View for a site for a' p $1.50 each it] Mason Count), Jus-
Jl; llal building be l%l, hhld il, lice Court Friday,
lye him tnne to s y Charges were dismissed a-
qtion further. gains1: the fiflh man. who is now
he City .... in the Corrections
after a hearingPlanningat ConlmiS-whieh a Centre. sentencEdWashingt°nfrom another
of Persons appeared to : coun/y on other charges.
'iOtl.O Dr., White's'request,vot. Paul Moran was fined $150 by ,,,.m,,..
I111 eaeEt the request, minutes Judge Glenn Co,'rea. Forfeiting '
I[ rae Planning commission read $150 each were Richard Hufnail, '
,Lthe. city commission meeting Rohert Smith nnd William A1- MARTIN USETH s ate(l, newly-elected chairman of the of Dr. Boy N. (.oilier, administrator of the Clinic ttospital,
,.wea. . / A , ' ' . -
.Masrm-Thur.;(nl ('ounty [lealth l)istriet, signs the papers Tuesday night. Looking on as Auseth signs are, left to
!ity SUpervisor Pat Byrne told " C'hares dismissed a- invo]ve(l in th*' lralst'(q" (If the Clinic Hospital Building here right, Dr. J. V. l)eShaye, dire(:tor of the health district;
' .COmmission that, weather werc
" ':!iotti,ng, the water line ex- :i gainS)The Theodorefive were Moran.arresled last To tht, I Iealth. l)isiri('t I'()r (.onmlunitv. health center pur- Glen Ferguson, chairman, . , of the Clinic lh)sl)ital 1)oard; Mrs.
j,:.;n m the area to be served Oct. 24 b\\;' 5ason C-ounty ShCr- p(-)ses. The transfl'r was made at a gathering at the, home Collier and Dr. Colhv.
[,.me new North Shelton trunk ii ' iff's 1)epu}ies and Game offickd
, line, eould be eompleted i A$:gmli,,.,, ....^ • -,.C:tt(e ii[!!: whst{ '"';--' --"--"h"v : vrn° i ..:: i:".. .. ;:: Oaklandf°r diggin clams in the state'SBay preserve. Clinic Hospital Building Transferred
,, Rofary Se÷s • The Clini(' Ih,sl,,tal buiktin two coumy district private medical practi(.e in the h','s in the C,nirt House Mmex
was m]'n:all) d(m:,ted 1(> the 1)r. ,l. V, DeShaye, district Clinic }Io:;I)ital. Terms of the tm Raih'oad Ave.
• equipment. He said
i: Proposal for work at the C i I PI , Thu,'smn-Maso,, lh,,,lth I)ist,'ict health officer, in an ae, eeptance deed reserv,± for his use office, The new facilities witl allow
:i[.9 °1 house tank and the two arn ans " durinu ceren,)nios m lhe I)ome sI,('ech expressed the appre- laboratory, and surgery area. for exp.:lsion of the services o[
:..)0. p wells would cost about •The Shelton Rotary Club is uf Dr and Mrs. 1; N. C(flli*'r (.iation of lhe health district to He has been accepted on lhe the th,alth Disniet as funds be-
by Byrne for per- planning its annual fund rats- 'l'p(\\;sday night, Dr. Collier and the Clinic board, staff of Shelton (hmeral ltospi- come availablE,
quests f o r ' t h i s extraordinarily tel where his in-l)nti(, ts \\;\ill The firsl action of the Health
., raise /Ieallh dislri(.1 reln'esenlali\\;'e, •
to Purchase crushed ing carnival for Feb. 22 m
l;s or possible street improve- funds for its foreign sludcntS C 1 i n i c Hospihd .\\;sucia i( n ,generous gift". The 20 bed hos- be hospitalized lx,ndin!, con- Dislricl Board will be to hire an
_L!i,lging,'..._.,,;_ this year and for tile en- servcePr°gTam activities.and other conuuunitY bim..md, ard lllellUtlOM s)erS'\\;vcl','ll"i*' [WeSOIIWiVeS andns qu;u'torPital" valUedof a millionat moredollars,thanwasa eralStructi°nIIosl)ital.°f the new Mason Gem saryarchitectn'kf°rfora stud},re,nodelling..Of the neees- "
of the city (,ix'ned bv I)r. Collier on 1VLtrch
/':i. accomodate the pump house the ilosl)il;t I h,lih|iii.z :tnd ,.:l-utltl{|s " The Ih'alth Dislriet 1)1:ms It}
new equip- The grand prize in the carni- ' V, qlen lilt? sludy iS comoleted,
nt to be installed were held up val will be a 10-foot bo'tt with were do<,d,,d h) 1he h(,Mfll ,It':- 17. I9-t7. In 1!)5:: ii was eslablished move its M'ason County ellices lhe di, S|rlc! will then seek arab-"
'!lgive a chance to check costs. GOV, DANIEL J. EVANS prizes will also be awarded, mental health cenler s,'rvmv the I)r. Collier will continue his 1)ossible /rum their presen| quar- me remodeling {;ork,
outboard nmtor. Five o t.h er tricl for use as a m,,dicn md s a non-in'|,Ill cor'i×)ralion, lo the ne.w h)catiun .ts s( n as alie federal an'd state funds for :
', el '