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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 2, 1967     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 2, 1967
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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ilii; :q;! :iili ::::: ,z , Percy M. Pio Bookbinding Co. 6017 Portland.,S" E.ore.86th97216Mariiua. a Tria Set To Start Feb. 20 [ Th0 jtU&apos;3 Ivi:d ,)l IIr(,u New vice Stalion at Taylor Towne pended sentence on a second York men (' :u'g(,d with posses- al the finis, degq-ee burglary charge after he stun *If 11al'ilLla[la Was s01 lo Alexander was appointed at- pleaded guilt),. He was charged, sial'| Feh. 20 by Judge Charles lorney for Cm'tis Marcus, 21, along with two o 1 h e r Pierc, Wrighl after hc heard pleas of 1520 ,% Second St., Shelton, who Count.',, men with breaking into a not guilty from the Irh) in Me- \\;va. uharged with possession of cat)in owned by John (linther at , SOil Counlv Superior Court Fri- and d Sl,ersing marijuana, Potlatch last Novenfl)er. • He was also fined $150 and day morn in°. [arcu. indicated lo the court sentenced k) 30 days in solitary The lhrec, l.'ve(h'ick Pr,,,h)r- h,' wmllcd Io enter a pk;a of confinement in the Mason C'ounty ius. 26. Ash)ria. NY. : Sl:mle3 ,.:uilly bul, on the insistanc.e of Jail. In giving the :msp(,nded a. V¢ihalki. '2:',. (;l'(,l Nq'ci(, l{Hgd[1, Judge Wright agreed to gentencc, Judge Wright warned N,Y. and J a m e  I.(nKiflin. allpoinl an attorney for him. Diericks thai he was to stay om 21, (h'eal Neck. N.Y. l,l.':r'd Rngnn said the charge was a of Mason count>' and st W away in court for :n.r;dnment uith serious one and carried sever from liquor. The other two are lhL'ir at* *'lit')' (crry :\\;h,x;mder. penalihs and that he believed still in custty in Pierce County. .... Olympia. thnl 5rnrcus should h a v e an Thomas Johnson. Shellon, was All thl'e, (,lllOl(,d l)lc:ls ('ql lll)[ :.lllt)l'Iley to advise him before he sentenced h) a maximum of 15 guilty h) lhe c lu'cs [ih'd :>::,insl entered his plea. yelrs in prison after pleading them Jan. 2. I)y Pros' tlli? t: Alexallder was also appointed guilt)" it) u charge (,l' burghu'y • : Attorney ,h,hn C. II:;m. dlornev for [rry Hodgson. Shel- in the theft of 118 dresses from .j. "['1C) ',V'l'(' 'AI'I'0Sh'I }"Oh. )(/ Ion, who is charged with grand the Polka Dot shop in Shelton. : I)/ IlS(*ll (?o 1111, .'.:,h,, '  ,tl,- I;tFceny in the theft of copper Johnson WaS repl'os, en|od by pulies :tfh'r hey lud r,,,.civct wire frmu Sanderson Field. Frtnlk Owens, Olympia attorney, ,,91 :Ill al(m\\;ln)u.'-lip ;ll),,tt lhe Ilwcc .It|de Wright senlenced Pat- and 1-)iericks hy B)ron "MeChm- \\;\'hi) \\;verc al lh,.' I{ichli*.hi Sin'- rick l;iericks, Taconla, to sus- ahan, :':,hellon. CURTIS MARCUS 10 Elk Shot In Skok Valley IIpThe St;tle (kmw l)(,i;lrlmenl said, because of the snow in the l)e shol if they are on priva|e ill,:' hills i, avoid ;* repetition rot.ovel'ed lilt' CHI't'IISS('S el l0 hiffher ele\\;'ations ill tile Illount- I)roperly tllld th(" ('tlI'CLISSCS [lI'e 'of iilcJdelli; Sil<'h ;ix Thul'sd).y's clk which w(?rc sht)t (,11 lh,' Ted ains. t!:lk have I)een reported left where lhey fall. The ;,roup did not find any l{iuherl r:lll('h Jl] Ihe Skoi<(mlish tm several olher ranches ill the ]:ilsnll.lsson s aid a lie u l 25 clk, he >:aid. Mosl nf lhose as- Vle\\; him '['hllrsda.v. v:lh,y he said. htll, the RicherI si)ortsnlell wore t)l.l| ill the Sko- sistinK wel'o fl't)lll lht, Shelton The dcparlnlenl w:s p,t)Iiliod rnnch is lhe ()lily one on which koluish Valley Salt rday a n d Ninu't)d Chlb, t)ll theft, w e r e sh ),l ',' aft(q' lilt, elk u,'r,' 'h,)l lh,'> hilve hecll shot. Sullday Ii-)iIl to Iot'ale hel'dS of ;,lso lllCll IIFeh('llI [r£)lil t,l-erller- ;lnd h)()k lh(' (.ill'vlls, sos h) lh(' 'Flu, law l)ro\\;'ides lhul elk Call elk illld hel'd thenl hm'k H l) JlllO toll..qheho?l ;IDd Olympia. ... -' 00ee.K tnlurea in 00,ras. ATTORNEY. (It, . , , it,It, I(ithe(hmges ()u th la, hll ,11 ,,'h"),li' I .,__MPIA. "ry Alexander, standing, talks to cd pleas of ,lot g ' . ...... """ '" '" ('{':t ', 'K ' ' ; ' ' ' ' "' "' '; "" e of his ehents (hm,*ed with )osses  '  o ( hut of St Fd,ud s (athoh( Chin (h lwlo u m (lain l'r ) t.(. )l' \\; ',: s sse I • 51 's S m'h'.v Beelik, fol'Iller I)ital in Olympia re)' lre;th11(.,Ill l'h'l)tlI'llll('lll t)f Inslilulions. v,'as I:..i. , J " ' " " l ' ,' Js'on of marijuana Gal)ritd D  )  7 ..  ,, , ,.. .: , ,, ,. . It,' he Mason ( ,   he  oun, men to xlmt th( nl 111( lhl( o l.. , ,Ollnty (;ollrt HOllSe last P'riday nlorning, had ])e(:ll aslud by I . .' , g - ".'" • "" .... s i( £holltm City Lil)rarian, w a s of a crushed \\;'erh,i)rm, suffm'ed ,/ i):tssem'.cr in ;1 car driven by I three, left to right, are Stanley Wilhouski, Janles ll go on trial here Feb. 20. Elk ., m. ,115 d,,\\;,.u Iron) moved from SI. Helen's Hosl)i- it) a h'cffIw :i('(ildeni ne;H' (qh'- l)a\\;']d (h'rechl, rottlrnin froln ) s Ill(t \\; n It / Ill ",'.1 I \\; h()[l\\; \\;\h(n : ghlin and Fredri(.k PraetorillS, all of New York, enter- . lh(: hi S hi 1 / ' , 5 ,. ". }lt, I ] i I C'hehl s Io Sl. I etcr Ibis- hall. - .'  • ' . , s , . h ........ Hot' hllS[)tlIld, /ll(h',,\\;\', >,;(ill lho ;h'vid('llt haiq,'ned. , \\;Vednesda\ I]'tOl'llillff lh(*t '-,IH' The (h'r('hi \\;*ehich, sh'tlck tile , iu I m m l, IIIII was I)einu[ lr;liisfoi'e(J Ii'll! (ho- I';li' t ;I lrtlck-tr;lihq" driven foltowin' 111,, ,.,cldcnl l lh ...... • ..... , ,. " - / ()hmfia he'I)l:l ',vn 'I',' <¢,' \\; , L_ " ' . -- " . ' , ' ',I' I,',' "k ,'r ' l 'l,, oily lime II __.____  Ik-m " " ' . lal',rl:m l!',ln 1.%, h J;m. 22, i } } ( I J *ear ..... No..5 Published in "Christmastown, U.SIA.", Shelton, Washington l0 Cents Per Copy II..,rB(I&Y, 17'o.brnnrv ,) 0o, ter! a second cia matter at the post office at Shelton, Washington 8584 lgl 1::)o*o __. O r,t-lr, w ( I_____. J , *.'9, reader act ul March 8, 1879. Pubhshed at 327 West Cota. A._v'.....*..--" " "L__.,,_**_ olPlay To Be Performedln Olympia, Chehalis M_, which 1Mr. all(t Mrs. Milh'l nrc l)ii.Vlll ell [ st etdlm for dell/: t.s h) a car arid ill.iUl' es Io Mrs. Milh'r v,,h[,n the .;11' Mw X¢ ; t s Shelton ltigh School Dra- SevEn Dwarfs on I.l one-day lout in 111(, morninL  at the !goosevel! in nlin-afterno,)n, 1hey u'ill I-rove dr*rinK hit a \\;v;ishotli il lhc les Class Plans Feb. 8 to to Cheha]is and Olympia. Elem(mtary School in Olyml)ia presenled the l,hly Io 1,70D vhil- M,dlock Rend .i(Isl \\;ves of hel- its Children's Theatre l)ro- They will present the play at in lhe tli'ternoon, dren during the un('-day tour. . hill lasl I 111;11"\\;'. of Snow White and the the Chehalis Elementary School When lhey re|urn h) Sholton This will mark lhe firsl time ,hal ihe Children's 'Flu,air(, group :i:):: :i:: --- - --.-M'at nI'l Crimilllll;I!Id[llIi ." ..... ,w ..,. -m--" ..... Ir .... I llas tak0n ils l,erfo,'n,n,,es',, ', ne .ulSml$$0000 o, the ,he .re,,€': Cases ,,, .:: schools in the counly oul.ide lh(' Charh,s Wright signed , againsl lh)nald PEterson was filed"as a reciprocal SUlitmrt ac- Shelton Distri'ct. of dismissal in nine more dism.issed since Peterson had l.ion rather than a criminal ac- The cast tin(| crew t)f the {)lay ,,lcriminal.l (: ses which were nmrrie(I llie violin1. : lion. have been trimmed and altered ii. ght hefore him hv Plose t1 ,a. John C H. " . - Charg(,s of second degree as- ,% eharge of non-sul)l)ort, filed somewhat sillce the play was i. • a gin and for- saull againsl Winifield Milldr, against a,mes W. Smith in 1956 performed in Mason Counly in ':'l)rose(t,h)r, Friday. Byr(,n MvCl'm. l{t,nald (hies and Arihur MclWa- was dismissed sine(' he and hi-s Octoher al which time aboul I th R hen were dismissed. Miller .is wife Ilad reconciled and there .1,600 youngsiers at/ende(l the agan and MeClan'dru now dead. The other two were had I)een no furlher complaints.' various i)erformances "lrov,i, vc(l lhe (lisruissal re'lion [e ease. charved as aiding and abelting A charge of grand larceny a- For dramatics director Dean Miller in lhe action, gainsl Roger PaintEr .was dis- Tarrach, the trip to Chehalis will i.. cases inclu(h, one of third The ease againsl Lawrence D. in which lhe comphdn- degree assault tgainsl Jerry missed since Slate Palrolman be a return to his home lown. tle IWlthess is now dead. is a graduate of C'hehalis High i ..charge of carnal knowledge Johnson for abandonmt'nl and Stan Sushak, who had conduEted School and his parenls live there. I1On-Suppol'f should have heon the invest*gallon, is now dead. To Speak Here Feb 10 and cre,v for Ill,' ii !; " traveling production in(.ludes Be*re Cowan, Karen Bodh', (;all Ziegler, Tom Villines, Debt lie- . . . ,  . ." . , • man, Sylvia Sund, Linda B rrom Doug Wrighl, IJnda Crui(.kshank, (v i D;n e E ::pStheWl I :;n ::: h;-Vu(', ;he h,eooMn: V'teiT, 'qn oo Jeni Shefler, Glen Van Bhu'i(.on,, v t 1 of honm. Don Bearden, Pal IV[oNe*l, Kay k no( U ) , i The dinner chairman, appoint- Bulling, Terry Shrum, Beth Qui- ,Jel 7r olnnerthe sponsorshipt° be given Feb.sln0 (;:45 p.m. ed by County Central Commitee mby,Dehbie Marmwille, Barha- olnEM j Mrs. Vi,'ginia Clocksin, Repuh- Chairman Bet1 McGowan, is ra Hubbard, Alberta (;ross and "n,,'ill lican representative from the Warren I dingcr, with Vernon Karen Fredrickson. Fh'publieans. Din • :![lity To ,,,, l)ish.ict, will also be a guesl .... Dronen in charge of lickols. Four Fined old Zone The second case scheduled lot rlexl week is that of Ceeil hm-um against John Sc.hroeder. The third case for the week \\;\,ill be lhat of Richard Winne :lgainsl (](,urge LeCompte. Poison for the 'control of coyotes will be in the woods during February and March in the Kamilche Valley, Lost Lake and Matlck areas, the State Game Dpartment said this week. It is recommend- ed that persons in these areas who have dogs, keep them tied up, For Clam !pquesf. Violations ' The Shelton Cilv Conlmission . Sday night received a letter • Four of five Kilsap Coun v ,!/i'n Dr. Lynn Ahite requesling nlen. charged las't Oetol)er with any aclion on his applic t! digging clams in a Slalo Pre- o, ,wo .,,o o, ,--, View for a site for a' p $1.50 each it] Mason Count), Jus- Jl; llal building be l%l, hhld il, lice Court Friday, lye him tnne to s y Charges were dismissed a- qtion further.  gains1: the fiflh man. who is now he City  .... in the Corrections after a hearingPlanningat ConlmiS-whieh a  Centre. sentencEdWashingt°nfrom another j.: of Persons appeared to : coun/y on other charges. 'iOtl.O Dr., White's'request,vot. Paul Moran was fined $150 by ,,,.m,,.. I111 eaeEt the request, minutes Judge Glenn Co,'rea. Forfeiting ' I[ rae Planning commission read $150 each were Richard Hufnail, ' ,Lthe. city commission meeting Rohert Smith nnd William A1- MARTIN USETH s ate(l, newly-elected chairman of the of Dr. Boy N. (.oilier, administrator of the Clinic ttospital, ,.wea. . / A , ' ' . - lison. .Masrm-Thur.;(nl ('ounty [lealth l)istriet, signs the papers Tuesday night. Looking on as Auseth signs are, left to !ity SUpervisor Pat Byrne told " C'hares dismissed a- invo]ve(l in th*' lralst'(q" (If the Clinic Hospital Building here right, Dr. J. V. l)eShaye, dire(:tor of the health district; '  .COmmission that, weather werc " ':!iotti,ng, the water line ex- :i gainS)The Theodorefive were Moran.arresled last To tht, I Iealth. l)isiri('t I'()r (.onmlunitv. health center pur- Glen Ferguson, chairman, . , of the Clinic lh)sl)ital 1)oard; Mrs. j,:.;n m the area to be served Oct. 24 b\\;' 5ason C-ounty ShCr- p(-)ses. The transfl'r was made at a gathering at the, home Collier and Dr. Colhv. [,.me new North Shelton trunk ii ' iff's 1)epu}ies and Game offickd , line, eould be eompleted i A$:gmli,,.,, ....^ • -,.C:tt(e ii[!!: whst{ '"';--' --"--"h"v : vrn° i ..:: i:".. .. ;:: Oaklandf°r diggin clams in the state'SBay preserve. Clinic Hospital Building Transferred ,, Rofary Se÷s • The Clini(' Ih,sl,,tal buiktin two coumy district private medical practi(.e in the h','s in the C,nirt House Mmex was m]'n:all) d(m:,ted 1(> the 1)r. ,l. V, DeShaye, district Clinic }Io:;I)ital. Terms of the tm Raih'oad Ave. and • equipment. He said i: Proposal for work at the C i I PI , Thu,'smn-Maso,, lh,,,lth I)ist,'ict health officer, in an ae, eeptance deed reserv,± for his use office, The new facilities witl allow :i[.9 °1 house tank and the two arn ans " durinu ceren,)nios m lhe I)ome sI,('ech expressed the appre- laboratory, and surgery area. for exp.:lsion of the services o[ :..)0. p wells would cost about •The Shelton Rotary Club is uf Dr and Mrs. 1; N. C(flli*'r (.iation of lhe health district to He has been accepted on lhe the th,alth Disniet as funds be- by Byrne for per- planning its annual fund rats- 'l'p(\\;sday night, Dr. Collier and the Clinic board, staff of Shelton (hmeral ltospi- come availablE, quests f o r ' t h i s extraordinarily tel where his in-l)nti(, ts \\;\ill The firsl action of the Health ., raise /Ieallh dislri(.1 reln'esenlali\\;'e, • to Purchase crushed ing carnival for Feb. 22 m l;s or possible street improve- funds for its foreign sludcntS C 1 i n i c Hospihd .\\;sucia i( n ,generous gift". The 20 bed hos- be hospitalized lx,ndin!, con- Dislricl Board will be to hire an _L!i,lging,'..._.,,;_ this year and for tile en- servcePr°gTam activities.and other conuuunitY, ard lllellUtlOM s)erS'\\;vcl','ll"i*' [WeSOIIWiVeS andns qu;u'torPital" valUedof a millionat moredollars,thanwasa eralStructi°nIIosl)ital.°f the new Mason Gem saryarchitectn'kf°rfora stud},re,nodelling..Of the neees- " of the city (,ix'ned bv I)r. Collier on 1VLtrch /':i. accomodate the pump house the ilosl)il;t I h,lih|iii.z :tnd ,.:l-utltl{|s " The Ih'alth Dislriet 1)1:ms It} new equip- The grand prize in the carni- ' V, qlen lilt? sludy iS comoleted, nt to be installed were held up val will be a 10-foot bo'tt with were do<,d,,d h) 1he h(,Mfll ,It':- 17. I9-t7. In 1!)5:: ii was eslablished move its M'ason County ellices lhe di, S|rlc! will then seek arab-" '!lgive a chance to check costs. GOV, DANIEL J. EVANS prizes will also be awarded, mental health cenler s,'rvmv the I)r. Collier will continue his 1)ossible /rum their presen| quar- me remodeling {;ork, outboard nmtor. Five o t.h er tricl for use as a m,,dicn md s a non-in'|,Ill cor'i×)ralion, lo the ne.w h)catiun .ts s( n as alie federal an'd state funds for : ', el '