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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 2, 1967     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 2, 1967
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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2" State Jaycee Head To Heart Fund Funds For Parks In Budget Baptisfs Slafe Missionary Speakers __Sneak At DSA Dinner D i G p (;.,.,.. ,,...,.. ,.,v ,,,,. 00.00hoo, r ve rou said luda. $507,50u is inc.luded inL&apos;, pu(d: Jarrell (?or(', ronstrucl met missionary h) l'orluKal, will Cumjngs sludied at the Moody visit to remaini in lb(, 1967-69 I)lldg(q for the rl,slro(nll, camps and w;Hcr sys- sp(,ak al First l{al)lisl ]eeb. 5 al Bibh. Insliluh' of Chicago and Cumings was [tS ]1 Stale Jaycee Presiden, Ihrger ' I k ' I" Slaw Parks l),,l);trllllenl inl- \\;'enl" I.akv Ctlslmlan colrslrtlcl 11 a.m. lh, reprvsen,s Ihe ('7oil-,las bad eXlUu'ience in tim pas-'board of the '*T Jenkins will Ix, the Sl,caker al mas Meeting lrrovemenl pro.iecls in lh(, 2,11h 50-unil ramp hiop; Srhaf(u'. co,i- servaliv,, Bal,,isl l,'orvig,, Mis- lo,'ah,, lh, al.o served with headquarters are a the annual Jaycee I)sses Night . Dist. slr'tl(.l Iraih,r dunlp anti Twanoh sion Socicly in lho norlhwvs't Y()lllb hn' Chrisl International, Ill., to retul'n 10:Pl Sen. S;llldis(ln said he \\;v ;i s [)Milk conirol ;Hid t,l'oNioll conll'ol Hl'(,a of Ib(' llrlih,d ,E1lh,s. doillU v\\;,;llli4elislic work in Eng- Slates and take Iso and Distinguished Service A-  A coor(lillaln]14 nleelinK lo kick l)h'ased lh;lt 111(, work prol)()s.d iirl)iecl, l)uring lbe fivv :,'c:u's lh;ll he /;tim and on Ill(, conlinenl. He sition. ' J ROGER JENKINS ward dinner Feb. 7 al the Jaycee off Ihe 19(;7 th, arl l,'und I)riv(, in Hall, il was announced this week Mason counly was hvld We(tncs- by Ron Arlf, Shell.on J a y c e e day evening in Ibv M.1. Vh,w president, s(hool. Each year lhe Jay(,.ees invite their bosscs h) a nighl out V o I u n I (, e r work(,rs froln and presenl the dislinguished ser- lhroughoul lh(, county walched a film and r'eceiwvt inslruclions vice award I() the young man ,judged to be the mosl oulsland- for lhe drive. Special ev(,nl., h) ins in lhe community through lie held during F(,t)ruary, Hearl his efforts in eommunily service. Lasl year's award winner was Bob Taylor, an employee of PUD?, and an active parlicipant in various activities in the com- munily, ken Sanford is (:hair'- man of lhe DSA program Ibis year. Masler of ceremonies for lhe program will be Roger And(w- son. The dinner will be prelmred and served by the Shellon Jay- ellen. AFS Seeks Family Simpson To Applican÷s • The deadline for apl)licants for host family for the foreign student which lhe h>eal' chapter of the American Field Service will bring here next year i. Feh. 10. Anyone interested in serving Close Plant In Olympia Month, were discussed. The lasl Sunday in lhe monlh has been (lesignaled as llearl Sunday. The door-to-door drive will he heM on thal day. Assisting in th(, Mason clmnly drive Ibis y('al' HF(' I()l) SIpvII'I, caml)aign chairman; Miss 11o1- lit:() Perry. ilr(ql ri,,nlalivc ; Mrs. Ray l)ensh,y, COLlnly chaii'- man; Dave That:her, (.il.v chair- mart- Mrs. Cifl Slarkey llearl Sunday ('ha i l'Pilll ii i and Mrs. Tom Myers, special ('",'('Ills ('hair- nlan. Awards Given A÷ Scout • Thc Soml)sonTin, her Coml) a- Meefing ny announced this week ils Cap- ilal Plywood Sheathing Plant in • Numerous arheivenwnl a- OlymPia will be closed p(,rman- wards were presented 1() Cub for lh(, M'ason Cotn]ly ;trea ill- Stolen Cars Recovered • Three .jllv(nilt!s, wllo \\;vrl'p involved in lhr('(, auh) lhells her(, and in Porlhmd, are il ctlsh)d) ' in Porlhtnd. All lhr(,(, vehich,s ha\\;'(' b('('n recovered. Shelh)n Poli(:e re(,()v(,r(,(I ;i ('UF hvr(, which w;is slolen in t)()l'l - land and ;dranlhmed h(u'(,. 'I'h(, cqr I)('loll('d h) Stlar(m (;rim- inoll, l)orlhtn(i. A Cal' I;ik(*n ll'onl Ill(' 1"1'( 'd Al'('hel' lt()I11'. ]lJl Th(mms. Sh('l- hill. I;,'IIS I'(,I)()rle(l llri.','sill'A Jill). 22 an(t was l'e('()\\;'('l'('(I I;11('l" Ih(' sH I11(' (Ill>. A car l)vl(m,<inK h) l.'r.d I ). Nlllilh, 2():: £. lEIh, Sh,'lhnl. I ;II';(+ll the SillIH' ( [;t.% , \\;'<its l'('- ('(JV'l','d ill ])()l'l ]H lid. Tb(' .\\;rrtllhs ;i]q);ll'(.tllJ 3 hJ(li( ;I car irr })(ll'llilll(t. (]l'()v(. II h('Fl', ;ibllnd()ned il. look lh.' .,\\;rchvl ('aI' arid dl'(Jv(, ill'(Kllld h('lq'. ;i- I)alld(in(*(] i1, and Itl(,n hl()J,; lily Slllllh vvhicle which lhv3 dr, i\\;,, hack 10 POF[ Jiln(l \\;Vb('I'r' Ih ' , w('re picked up. ",'s ;, Ilw]llh('r of I11c AI,t)I'(- s('l'\\;'eiI ill l)orlHK;ll, (?llll/irl4s [H'iMI[()IIS ('Olllnlilh'(', I \\;vlH IlllIlcJ ' c()n(hl(.l(,d ii \\;'i(h,-sln'ca(l c\\;qtll- ('\\;'(!1' 3 qtol'l to s'e IhMI lhos(' vlislh' IllilliSll'y. lh' his() s(,rvvd Itllld, ;ll'(' ('t)lltill('(l ill lht  fihall ;is I)l.lsilless I//;lllllL*,er O[ lllo 1}/C()- hll(iu'J'l I)ill." lib, 2-tlh I)isl. L('- hJiC;ll s(,lnillHr'y :tl la'iria aim L'isl;thn' Sli(]. (tire('h'tJ ;I fil'n] [ll'()rl'HI)l \\;vJli('h ht'lln,d StlIII)OI'I Ibe >.('lnJll;il'V it;ill County Buys Cars For Sheriff Thv Mas.n ('()tllll 3 ( '{Hiiinls- sitii) [(}nd;l> vlllt,(] h) ;tct'ciH lh(, hid ul Kinfln,l M()l(n's f()r gS,I)l)t) p]tls Irn(h' ill ha' I\\;\') II('w c;tl',. hr lh' sh('rill's .ffi('e. Thv l<jml,'l hid was h)xx ,,1 Ihrx'(' F''('i\\;''d h)l" 1[)(' (';ll'S ()lth'r Iridd(q'. \\;\(u'c .M(ql ('hr'\\;- I't)h'l, $71.S25/;7 ;in(J .lilll l);lllh,3 h,.. '.;5,E17, !T '['h '  +llllnll>,D)ll iit)[)lhlX (,(i il l'('(Jlh'-I lit)Ill .';hvrl[I kV;l[13 ,\\;a- (]('l'S(lll h S'[ 5[11'I I/1' '4;I ];ll'h '>, Illllh'l' sll;ir 3 >ch(u Jll[l' hw d'.'- JHII 3 }l'l'i[IS I'()l' tJll'(v' In('ll .',11(, .j(lin('d ith' (h'[);ll'Irll'rll hisl .\\;enr (ll lh(' .('('(Jrl(I sh' 1) Mn(.v 'lJl IhI'' ' 1]] |hI'(q' hll(t hn(I tllq'\\;'l(rllS ('N- I a.ri(*n(,.. REV. DAVID YOUNT 3 Juveniles as hosl family can conlact An- ently Feb. ?, due lo prevailing Sctmls of Pa(:k ]10 during the drew Beelik. chapler presidenl, economic condilions in lhe ply-Jan. 30 Pac.k m,'eling. " _ =.Eaoles __ _ .00n+er+a;n _,,.V;s;+or Returned wood induslry, lien Chiel I{ol)es in re(:ogni- S ' for furlher informalion. I)avid J. Carslairs, Shelton, lion for lheir h('ll) lo l-It,i} I, were Simj)son's produclion manag(,r awarded Io l:loy Scouls Chtl('k • "l"h(' SlleIlon l<agh,s 1.(,(1,' ('r3. (',nll',li,, ;,n(l ]"l'e(l .qltlcl., Jl Thrt,(. jtl\\;,,n]h, rllll;liL\\;, l]'r)] for Washington tr]ywood ol)era- Chaml)lin and Jeff Fox. honor(,d lh(, lop l-)r()p()s(,rs (]]ul £}l,,Ihnl M;Is)II (7(l(llil 3 \\;\ ' !,' I'('ltlFIH'(] Adulf Classe ,ions, said the c.h:)sure .'ill af- Ix, Den : IAon Badve, Mik. ,,'ilh, dinner and (,nh,rl,in- 'rh,r(. ,,,.,.,. ,I).ul 55 pr(,s(,rll Ir,.n I<]anl;llh FnH. ()r,. • Illenl al lht' }"a ('s l[(tll dan. "['h('l't' \\;v:xs :1 Sul'pris(, trot'l) th(,\\; \\;\'l'l'' ;ll'l',.l(.tl Ihi.. x,'.[< S feet 30 hourly emphLyel's. Fox; Wolf Bad(,, Mike Brown. 2.1. Carslairs said heallh, welfare J()e Sirlll)son. M ik (. (oodwin lor .\\;1 l,.](I, ('nlllll('lll()l'allil]L, hi> '/'l,' 3 ',\\;('l'l' t)tll itl I}l' .I,\\;,'ml. -u"e":-.,Tk;$ ,,nd insurance proleclion for and Jim Thoml)s(m; gold and Visihws in(,hM(.d l{,,n Wilbur. ';] >r'.,'s a. ,n,.,nh(.,. ,,f lh(, l'(',n th,,m, it, "rh,,, ...... r, n Capilal employees will conlinu(' silver e](,ctive arrows wel'e n- shlh, lrush,(,; L(,(. C'()(ik, shlh, I<aL,,h,s. Ih, an(J his wile. l-crlh..' Week Here • Adull Educalion ( lie- gan this week al lhe lligh School. The Bookkeeping a n d Driver's Educalion courses star/- ed Monday, al 7 p.m., lhe Ger- mnn class met Tuesday at 7 p.m. in room 10 of lhe AnKle, building; the sl ud en t s for Driver's Education also nlel Tuesday, al the Angle Building, Room 15. Wednesday evening at 7 ll.m. lhrough Fehruary. Siml)son has oDerah!d the Olympia phml sin(::(, 1959. Scouts Visit Patrol Academy • The Cub Seouls of Den 5 visited the Weshinghm SI a I e Patrol Acadenly al lhe ;(irlx)rl. during th(,ir Jan. 25 rn,eeling. Troolxu • OI)ert, of the Wash- inghm Slale Pal.rol, Ioo1< 1he boys lhrough the a(:ademy, show inR lhenl the e(tuipnl(,n and training program being r(.adied chtsses began for Typing at lhe for lhe class of 32 cadcls lhal warded to Scoll O'l)(,ll, Mike (iir(,(.h)r; Wall I{u(,le. slal,. Ii'('u- \\;\'r' In'vsvnh.d , I)(l(d( froul Ih(. Br(rwn, Ken O'I)(,ll, Joe Simp-: sur(,r; Will)ur Cook. Chal)lnin; ..\\;(,l'il. and Auxili;u'3. "This 1 C']ifl ,hike, Ab(,rdeen; f,']oy(I l..v,- Yo/ir l.ilc", son, Mike Go(Mwin, M'ike Fox and Jim Thonlpson, /)enner bars .or, ,,, Ai Fo N I N and assislanl d,'nn,,r I)ar by r rce ee( S urses Randy Boslrom. Den 5 awards include(i (tenn(,r Imr's for Mark Tuson, R.ohmd Slarr and Mike Thomas. The Wolf I)adg(, was awarded to Mall Wilson. Arrow points were re- ('(qve(t I)',' Mall Wilson and l)(Jh (;oodwil]. B(fl) pins were In'e- s(,nled to new Cub Scouls, Sl('ven and William Marlinel]. LJbrary Meeting • Announ(:(,rn (q]l VVIIS nla(]. lhJs w('ek /hal a conlinuing rl('ed exisls f()r qualified lmrses to fill posili(ns in lhe Air' lh'or(.e Nursr Corps. In I11akinK lh(' anrloun(,c[nenl Capl. Janu,s I). Whilford. Com- nlandel' of Air' 1,'orce I{ecruil- ins Servi(.(, for Washington Shtlt', slaled ;hal al)plicanls who qual- i')l'()h'ssioIll al111()s[)ll(w(, ;ln(I hlvi ;I} Ilne.\\;c('l](,d ()I)i)t)l.1 tlllil 5 h) Ir;(v(,I ls ;issi,lllllOnls lit'(, ;,vail- ;l)h' I)olb in lh(' tJnih,d Shih,s ll}d ()V(q'S((S. 'l'u (lualil3 a ntlrs(! al)[rli('anl llltlsl I)(' ll ]e;is| 21 hLll J(,ss lh;in :15 y(';,'s ()t' nge, ;I U. S. ('iliz('n. ;t gl'a(tLlah, Of UI I(';Isl ;t ihl'eP- >'('ill" s('tl()()l of nursing, }it1(| be ify art, conunissioned as Air artiv('13 r(, s m',d in al leasl Ii't)r('o l'('Sel'Ve oTicvrs ill a t.{'l( e Ol]O sIM1(, ;iil(] 11]1,('| i)r(,s(.ri])(,d ."': ":...g Building{ S imn rslics  will begin training in Fel)ruary. comm(,nsurah, wilh 1heir ;ig,. .... "" '°' ..... ' the ......... Gym and Arl 'c ass In tlle':"'l{e"t'6Utiined th(, history of the • 'The " Tinlbdriand l.ibrarv, educali(in un(!t : in.ofessiona I ,'x- . ............ Ieed Building, t{onm...l& ..... tate palro[ I1 £laJiD.t2. the:..Dem.Ds!r)!itm..j'.d,,:iaora' .Culn- D'rimwe and ('nter a(:li\\;,(, dul. ] " There are still openings in ;;IT "'"fi,'i,''s ,,f 'a tale l,,,,,'olman. The rni,lv(, \\;,,ill h(,M ils r('..ql/ar in iii./ gr'a(le. The 1,,ur ;)r dulT\\; of the classes and any one in- Cubs were Irealed Io cookies monthly neeting in Ibe Confer- ;crested in laking lbem should an(] milk in Ih(, acadenly (tining sign up iITl.nlediahdy and allend, hall. encp l{oon), of lhe .Dl'esjd('tll'S There will be no more coursgs . AI the previous meeting, Jan. , Office Building on lhe Cenlra]ia offered unlil n(.'xl Sel)tenlt)er. Student Speaks To Kiwanians • Bruce ,ilson, who returned /rein Sl)onding a/mosl a year in New Zeahtnd under Ibe Ameri- ean Fi(,ld Service Americans Abroad progratn in Decem])er, was sl)eaker al the Shelhm Ki- wants Club luncheon 'rutsday. He tave a hrief hisiory of 111(' AFS program and told alx)ul lhe school syslem which he atlended in New Zealand. He also fold ;l|)oul lhe family with whom he lived and aboul the country of New Zealand. His lalk was illuslraled with glides taken during his slay. The program for nexl week will feature Boy Sc.()uls and will have Lee Edwards, director of the Tumwater Area Council of the Boy Seouls of America as speaker, Pat Byrne, i)rogram chairman announced. 18, 1he I)oys made rain gauges Cgllege (?aml)US F(,Ir. 9, Thc as a pro, jecl. The flag ceremony nl(,eling will I)(,gin al 7:30 p.m. was led t)y (;ary N(.lson, Mark A tour of /he Cenlralia Public Tuson, f(obl)ie (;oo(twin, Mike will folh)w lhe business Thomas ;(net Roland Start. nle(,ling. ® IIII IIII stau Jf Action you want, See Himlie Realty Phone 426-3369 Page 2 - Shelton.Mtaon County Journal. Thursday, February 2, 1967 JS IVVO year's for fellla}es In(l Ibr(,(, v(,;Irs for rll,qle nUFS('S. Will](, on active duly. ntlrs(,s enj(ry the same pay and privi- l('g('S aS olher Air l:orc(, (iffi(.ers of ('qual grade, including 30 days paid vacation t,ach year. Th(,y also work wilh lhe I11OSl nl()d('rrl O(lUil)nl('nl av;dlal)le in a hih],\\; Goodyear All-Weather T, ires w Extra mileage Tufsyn rubber • Triple-tempered nylon cord • Track-tested for 100 miles at speeds up to 100 m.p.h. Plus Tubeless Sizef Blackwall Whitewall Fed. £x. Price Price Tax and 01d tire 6.50x 13 $12.15 $14.15 $1.55 7.75 x 14 (7.'50 x 14) $13.15 $15.1.5 $].88 8.25 x 14 (8.00 x 14) $16.55 $18.55 $2.05 7,75 x I5 (6.70 x 15) $13.15 $15.15 $1,89 I Sire shown also replaces sze in parenthesis • NO MONEY DOWN ON OUR EASY PAY PLAN • FREE EXPERT MOUNTING GOOD;00EAn,,. O Brakes SHAUB-ELLISON CO ::;:2: • Batteries • Front & Grove • 19 & Pacific Ave. • 5th & E. Main • Balancing SHELTON TACOMA PUYALLUP • Truck Tire :.:.: • Recapping 628 Burwell, BREMERTON Service , :':" ',;'/:'%':;:;%" ;';'F:':" ';;'%!;*;';';'>:'\>\>" ":"" ": ": "5'':''':':':' ':''°'';'''''' >' = 1 r °;'''':'" : ;" ' '' "'%';''''';'*'';''';%%''.%'%',',',''' phvsi, l slan(hn.ds. ('(Jllnl 3 \\;VJl(,ll 1}1(,> %.,,l,t, F'ltll'tH't] I) ii ,'];LS(III ('(HlrlI, I) i, I' II [ \\; Shvrill • \\; l(HIl'lh 3nlllh '['eJ'r.\\; I'h'r'( ll(.)(lspru'i, was [r('ill*.', h,,hl I, nulhorities ill 14.]Hlll.;l[h l";llls for Tuesday, [-ebruary ....... ANACIN TABLE R _ TS =, eg. $/33 SlO00 00=-cy Candle Kit Reg. 79o No,,, PLASTIC UTILITIES Laundry Baskets • Pails Dish Pans • Waste Baskets 88 c each 00ve00'gr'een Phone 426-3456 or 426-444 ,,,.d,. ,h,'e(' overseas h'ips, and A pas.t'gr wi il was (turing t]1(' second one experfenee Rev; lhHI h,, lind his wife, who Iraw)l- Yount,' will tell .. ed wilh Ifim as a ('balk arlist, him to apply f0r: \\;\('1'(' invilvd h) Porlugal hy a vic.e when he sp, CBIrMS missionary Firsl Baptisl Feb;i:' When lhey were unal)le to oh- Yount and hisS, pointed missiona i li servative Baptist sion Sociely in Sei|le They will s'orve in !i; parents al Kodai Younl will teach 1!i He has been Illn. Mounlain Valley [ ('hutch in I)enver, also taught in the }ra } schools. REV. DANIEL CUMINGS Younl graduated A rl Washington Collee /ion, Bel/ingharn;; , Bib/e inslilule also attended C0 list Theo]ogical S elt vet', Coh). en r "," 1. f =e' " 00'<ZTY0 Wally Dundas ith 100% Guarantee on u Premium Used Cars  e OK 25 Month Warranty Cars : • i'e BIG SAVINGS on L DEMO'S -- HOUSE CAll ]j]l Large Stock ,of '67 Chevs & Oldsmobil@io Li e t' See our salsmen for Special Buys NOW! This Week's '65 BEL AIR SEDAN, V-8 P-Glide, Radio, OK warranty Was $1995 CHEV- OLDS Quick Service -- Parts Mon, thru at. 1st & Grove Serving Mason County Since 1927