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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 2, 1967     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 2, 1967
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Last Rites For Allyn Resident GI Loan • &apos;W th County-City Record ea er Irene Chambers Taken By Death Rules Are • ll IX) I'r 1 e door to the F0000r's In- 9Z:*r00 .00.nuary 25 in Bremerton. She lyn, died January in .arrison STICE COURT " surance Office was found open January 28 ....... 51 50 1.:'.t slreet in Shelton. Yh-s. Chaml)ers He was born in Marvin, Kans. ire L .... • January 29 ........ 51 ,16 .,t5 was born Nov. 14, 1901 in July 8, 1889 and moved to Allyn -' . ne seer to Sykes Service t0A, ppearmg on the docket in Station was found open January 30 ....... 52 30 .5.0 Ilawlings, Wyo. and had lived e son County Justice Courty be- - • January 31 ....... 47 26 -- here the past 30 years, in 1942. Mr. Griffey had worked • G. I. loan entitlement of many , Judge Glenn Correa during th} past week were: ?,e, Mfington State Patrol 1  esley J LeClair, 'St. Rt. 1, i " ' ; Jacklyn Coots, Rt. i't;BltXr ' :801iceSnh;lt°;12 n°forali • arles Powell Rt. 8, Box tea^ A . .. , Olympia, speeding, $12 'lleeit; Arthur Wallin 428 Ellin- m_Shelton, failure to use due u)e and caution $12 forfeit; ?°I.mas Trotzer It. 3, Box 379A, I S%lton driving in violation of ense restriction, $24 forfeit; rk J. Schmidt 111 Railroad iL, Shelton over legal speed, %forfeit; John Borsheim, iro- ner lane of travel, Rt. 1, Box ." I1, Shelton, $12 forfeit; Keith rst, RL 3 Box 368A, Shelton lure to st;It at stop sign, $12 0000eit: Will B Lewis 3126 Pa- ./l[e Ave., Olympia, over legal d, $12 forfeit • Allan Miller, West G St. (iefeetive equip- nt, $12 fine; Ronald Lane, !ton, negligent driving, $56 negligent driving, $56 fine. E DEPARTMENT .ed Roundtree, Box 583, Wal- Ore., over possession of Hayes, 139 Bay, Hack- Ore., eve:possession of $29 forfeit. POLICE COURT on the docket in Police Court before Rolls Halbert Monday were Lawrence Fredrick- 1402 E. Ellinor, Shelton gent driving , $30 forfeit; :me Nielsen, 1804 Jefferson, speeding, $12 forfeit; 'he Elson, 423 Bellevue, $25 forfeit; Roy Rt. 1, Box 254 Shelton, !registration in vehicle, $4.50 $2.50 costs; Bruce Munro, o 51h, Shelton durnkenness, Joseph Brown Jr., '.t. 2, Box 52, Shelton minor urging liquor, $22.50 fine, costs; Michael Smith, 517 Shelton, speeding, no, :s, $1.7.50 fine, $2.50 costs. OFFICE Radio station reported damaged a two-room cab- '.upied by George Anderson Lake. The blaze was caused by an over- Wood stove. The Depart- of Natural Resources fire called to the scene. Adams reported ssing. ash reported vandalism crane. Hogeson reported a into and bee, a and other small items Stowell reported a cabin n into. Hankins reported the glass door of a car broken b ek or BB shot. Y gUSsell reported a break-in in geh tools were taken • ,,st reported a break-in IrWhich a boat and motor were I:en: :b Temple reported that 16 gdows and the windshield !re broken in the • city to trans,,bus, used by ,tin ... • *' yuungsters IPG" ."wmown to the swimmi • " uring the summer, ng LToN POUC I@'iohn Smith reported another hiele hit his while it was park i i car driven by John F. Re , m, .Presser, blew a t,- - at late a ' ,, oa,t Road. ditch on the North- 00:r,b00ck the t  was ouna open. w, |enus for Shelton Elementary :' Schools and Shelton Senior High School ,. 10 v., On ttt, '_ day  Spaghetti, tossed egetable salad, French dress- '[g, ,'arm buttered rolls, urune ake and milk. II00&',"aY -- Roast turkey P200a[00 brow00 g00vy, mash. - oes, not buttered bis- llts, fruit wedge, cookie and. iMlk. ", eabhage, I i alPe ann marshmallow ; u, peaches, plain graham. Ookie and milk. Ihd:sd, ay dog on but- Hot _. - un, whole kernel corn, eery and carrot sticks, a " )edge and c , pple, i Mlk. hoeolate cake and :thia d , -*o aaa(l cabbage :.i'ch'=Peanqt butter sand- , xruit or Ice cream and '00:[3PreDp's Rexall Ruth Ann Savage reported a wallet lo. Ken Fredson reported a •.win- dow in the Simpson Credit Union broken by a thrown beer bottle. A car driven by Joseph Brown. Jr. hit a tree on K Street when it swerved to miss another car which was parked in the street. Jurine Bates turned in a social security card, a driver's license and a bowling card she found which were returned to the owner, Debbie Browning. Ed Cole reported two tires slashed on a pick-up parked in the Standard Oil parking area near the city dock. COUNTY" BUILDING PERMITS Building permits approved by the IVason County Commission at its meeting N[onday were to Ray Drebis Sr., carport, $200; Charles Fields, summer cabin and bulk head, $4,700; A.E. Dammo, cabin, $3,500. CITY' BUILDING PERMITS Builking permits approved by the city of Shelton last week were to Ronald Sanford ,add to residence, $2,500; Lumberman's of Shelton, commercial building, $300. FIRE DEPARTMENT February 1 ........ 4(; 27 .3q Readings are for a 24-hour per- ted ending at 8 a.m. as reported by 1he Rayonier, Inc. wealher station. FIVE-I)AY FOllECAST Tem:perahlres Thursday thru Monday to average above normal with precipitation more than normal. Rain on three or four of the five days. Marriage Licenses *Applying for marriage li- censes in the Mason cou1 y auditor's office this past week wvre : Daniel Conn, 18, Shclton, and Mary Lee, 16, Shelton. James Milton, 20, Shelton, and Valerie J. Valerie, 16, Shelton. Gary D. Brown, 20, Shelton, and Shirley Sykors, 18, Shelton. The funeral service was held at 2 p.m. last Friday in lhe Bal- slone Funeral ttome with 1)urial in Shellon Memorial Park. She is scurvived b ytwo sons, Vernon L. and tluberl C. Cham- bers, bolh of Shelton; two daugh- l,rs, Mrs. Erma Carl)enter, Seal- 11e, and Mrs. Dorothy Beerbower, l<hna; 18 .m'andchildren; 9 ,reai- !,randehildren, two brothers, Bruce Phillips, Klamalh Falls, Ore. and Don Phillips, Kelso; and two sisters, Mrs. Daisy Lind- stedt, Seldovia, Ala., and Mrs. Alia Ileningion, Union. William Sargent Succumbs At 87 • William llenry Sargent, 8L die(l Saturday in a tren,ez'lon hosl)ital. M-. Sargen! had lived in Allyn the past 17 years, tie was born Sel)t. 13, 1879 in Salem, Ore. The funeral was held at I p.n,. Tuesday in the Batstone Funeral lIome with hurial in Shelton Memorial Park. tie is survived I)y his wife, Sarah, of Allyn ; two sons, James W. of Belfair, and Clem, in the Navy Yard and for the G. R. Kirk Co. The funeral service was held January 23 in the Belhfir Com- munity church with Rev. Har- der conducting. Burial was in the Twin Firs cemetery, I3elfair. He is survived by his wife, Non, Griffey, Allyn; six sons Merle of Seattle, Ister of Ho- nolulu, Clifford of Oklaham City, Okla. and Wesley, Harvey and Delmer, all of Allyn; one daugh- ter, Mrs. Ruth Nelson of Allyn; and 16 grand-children and one greal-grandchild. Sis÷er Of Local Woman Succumbs • hrs. Bertha Abbott, 75, sister of Mrs. Charles Teagle, Shelton, died January 20 in Tacoma. Mrs. Abbott was killed when an ele- vator she was riding in her apart- menl building, the Marymae Apartments, dropped from the second floor to the hasement She had been a visitor in Shel- ton on several occasions. veterans will be increased as a result of a change inthe method of computing the duration of a veteran's entitlement, John B. Kirsch, Mhnager of the Seattle Veterans Administration Region- al Office, said today. In determining the exl)i,'ation date of entitlement, credit will now be allowed for the "extra days" in the veteran's period of qualifying active military duty ()vet" and above the numb:,r of whole 90 day periods of such active duty. Kitsch said the credit amounts to four days of eligibility for each such extra day. Each eligible veteran has and will continue to have 10 years eligibility from the date of discharge from the last pemod of qualifying active duty, plus one additional year for each 90 days of active duty. The extra days in excess of the whole number of ninety day periods have heretofore been disregard- ed, but will now be considered. The change was effective De- cember 30, 1966. Kirsch emphasized that the ba- sic requirements for G.I. loan eligibility have not changed. He also eml)hasized that the new Jan. 31, a chimney fire at the Wayne Leamons home, 503 Laurel. SUPERIOR COURT .................... New Cases Eastlake Realth against Colon- ial Investment CO. and North- west Bonded Escrows, Inc., quiet title. Schumacher On Way Overseas A 3- e Milton Sehumacher has completed technical training at Amarillo, Tex., and is leaving for an 18-month tour of duty in the Philippines. Before going overseas, he spent a leave with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. M.C. Schumacher, Shelton. Friends can get his address by calling his mother. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY • >-%%:'?':'Y..')::i::4,@K:$'* ,.x.< ':.+: :: " :}4} ;.Z:., . :$:::::f4:.:: :: >:: :::: :.:::'O.:::'2:4:>.::h:::::".::::.::::.::::::::::::::';::f.:<::'\>9:.\, :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: The big question this week is whether o1' Mr. Groundhog will see his shadow or not. If the scardy cat sees it, that means we'll have lots cff time to get plenty of white stuff. But if he doesn't, the birds should sing of Spring rather early this year (We hope3. W]hether he does or not, the time to save is right now while the local merchants still have winter and early spring items on their shelves. Just check these... Rod Olsen, owner of OLSEN FURNITURE, is holding an an- nual inventory furniture sale and as Rod says: "You don't have to wrestle us to get quality mer- chandise. " Rod's prices a r e low 'cause they don't twist your budget, so stop in, you'll save if you do... Gayle Wentz, manager of LUM- BERMEN'S, stated this week that they are undergoing a re- modeling phase and will be hold- ing an open house soen...wateh for it... Tired of that same old black and white TV picture? Let George Valley, owner of EELLS & VALLEY APPLIANCE CENTER, show you color so real you'll in and let George do it... think you are there! Just pull of All',',,; one b,'ofl, er, Fred, of Clark Sees M",,owe rule will not revive exl)ired eli- Conner Has At)erdcen; one sister, Mrs. Min- gibility, unless it produees a nie Lindley, of Mx)niesano; five Sh hip future expiration date. Nor will Bill On ,. vrandchildren and three great- OW On S it extend the maximum terminal IRlll zrandchildren. dates of eligil)ility. No World • Radarman Second Class Da- War II veteran will be eligibile Arrivals Einer AI. r I_l. vid S. Clark, Jr., USN, son of afterconflictJUlYveteran25, 1967.will NObe Koreaneligible Firemen 0000erTe,aT M,. and Mrs, David S. Clark, Rite Tomorrow • A memorial service for miner 1']. Akerfeldl will be held at 2 l).m, Friday in lhe Batslone Fu- neral tfome, l{ev. Carl Carlsen will conducl the service which will be folh)wed by cremation al Mr. View in Tacoma. Mr. Akerfeldt died at his home in Tahuya January 20. IIe was born Feb. 26, 1895 in Sweden and moved to the Tahuya area about 20 years ago. He is survived by one sisler in Sweden. WATCH OUT FOR THE OTHER GUY Sr. , Shelton, enjoyed Christ- mas 1966 a little more thanks to Bob Hope and his Christmas package of entertainment Hope and the entertainers were aboard the anti-submarine air- craft carrier USS Bennington, on station with the Seventh Fleet in the Gulf of Tonkin, for a two- day visit. Dec. 27, the Bennington's flight deck became a floating an,ihitheater as the performers, braving overcast skies and a pitching deck ,presented the two- hour Christmas special. Jokes, songs, dances and skits high- with the cast and audience sing- lighted the show which ended ing "Silent Night." SHELTON GENERAi HOSPITAL Mr. and Mrs. I)onald R. Brown 722 May slreei, a Ix)y, January 28. Mr. and Mrs. George E. Mc- Aulay, Route I Box 589, al)oy, January 29. Mr. and Mrs. Frank G. l,]ller- brock, l<dgewood Apt., No. 204, a boy, January 29. Nit. and Mrs. Gerald T. Rose, 225 So. 6th street, a girl, Jan- uary 31. • A baby boy has livened things up at the Russell Gene I{ae re- sidence. 1V[r. and Mrs. Rat, and their four girls welcomed Rus- Sell Gene Jr. into their home January 24. He was l)orn Jan- uary 22. '3 "ROOM FURNISHED$65.-- Evergreen Trailerapt"Park.n° l)e:,, , .... '' ' "" : ....... "q' 'Y,f ....... .. , ................. "; .... * ..................... ' ', ', ' ................ .; " SPECIAL! FRESH frozen beef anc pork; 25 lbs. $12.75. Also wholcsah prices. Phone 426-4035. C 2/2 tf CARD OP APPRECIATION The kindness and sympathy of neigh. bors and friends in our recent sorrow will always renmin with us a. a pre- czous memory. Our sincere thahks and gratitude for all those comforting acts Floyd Perkins and Famib 2// after Jan 31, 1975. veterans are reminded that. the number of extra days does not in any case exceed 89. Ac- cordingly, no veteran will have more than 356 added days of eligibility. Caesar In Spain • Airrman First Class Danny L. Caesar, son of Mr. and Mrs. Julius Caesar, Shelton, has ar- rived for duty at Torrejon AB, Spain. Caesar, an education special- ist, previously served at Me- Chord AFB. He is assigned to the U. S. Air Forces in Europe, America's overseas air arm as- signed to NATO. The airman is a graduate of Shellon High School,, I A bill to increase the volun- teer firemens' percentage share of fire insurance taxes levied by the state against all fire in- surance policies was introduced Monday by Rep. Paul Conner. The present law provides that paid firemen share in this fund by 45 percent, while volunteer firemen receive only 10 percent. Rep. Conner's proposed bill, HB 399, would increase the volun- teers' share to 40 percent. Receipts from this fund are used to fund the pension plans for both paid a n d volunteer firemen. "The volunteer firemen of our state protect more families and property than do the paid fire- men," Conner said, "so it is only fair that they share in this tax on insurance premiums." "By Rod Olsen WHERE YOU BUY, you'll ofte] hear it said, is Just as important as what you buy. That tru- ism is fairly obvious In the pur- chase of, say, an automobile or a maim home appliance, when after- sale service is extremely im- portant. But this common sense saying Is equally true when it comes to buying home furnishings, After-sale service is not so vital, though you want to deal with a firm which stands be- hind the merchandise it sells. But there are other factors. Selection is one. Within the wide area of good taste in in- terior decoration, there is plen- ty of room for individual pref- erences and family needs. You may want furniture small- scaled for smaller rooms. You may be looking for an indi- vidual piece of a particular style and color to blend wtth existing furniture. A. sofa may have to fit a limited wall space. A. i lamp may need to be tall enough for balance .with other • 'pieces. Quality is an- .other consider- ation. Fine name manufacturers are your assurance of the hidden 'values of quality construction and expert finishing . .. add- ing up to lasting value. You'll find a superb selection of quality furnishings, in our showroom.., and in addition, you'll find courteous, helpful ervice. You don't buy good furniture every day, and we will be glad to help you choose the right pieces. You re always welcome at Olsen Furniture. L O  : SALE STARTS FRIDAY The final 'shoe clearance has been announced by Ted Strozyk, manager' of MILLER'S SHOE DEPT. These shoes are top- quality, major name brands and must be sold. Hurry, as they are gems fast! R(member to get a correct fit and hour shoes will last longer, and will be more comfortable, Ted stated. Bill Cliton, owner of B & R SALES, is putting dinette sets to the fore this week, and will he should. These dinettes are supurb in quality construction, materials, and low in prier. That combination is hard to beat. Duck into B & 1 where your dollar goes far... Look, and save at EVER- GREEN DRUG CENTER, where owner Ken Chapmm has buys that are easy on your pocket- book. Not just this week, but every day of every week, all year through.. Ernie ttamlin, owner of HAM- LIN'S HOBBY & TOY, has items for those rainy, foggy, dreary days when you want something to take your mind off the nasty weather. Ernie, has many other item.'; too, all geared for your enjoyment... That's -30 - for this week, but remember to SHOP CH'RIST- MAS TOWN, U. S. A. ! You'll be glad you did, 'cause you can save, Save, SAVE! ERNIEBELCHER  JOE FAST ACCURATE SERVICE Yes-even bor- 1 row e Ioener watch without charge while yours is being repaired J Accredited experts with Ion9 experience ind very newest electronic-ige equipmeM assure dependable work und fest servia. NEW WATCH GUARANTEBI $ Norolco -- SchicK | 121 Railroad--SH ELTON 119 East 5thOLYMPIA On the "MALL"LACEY ANNUAL INVENTORY FURNITURE' SALE Choose Your Furnishings NOW! 1st Payment in April • Bedroom Furniture • Mattresses • Sofas • All Style Chairs • Dining Room Groups • All Style Lamps • Occasional Tables • Carpets Door Breaker Special DECORATOR SOFA PILLOWS Satin, cordumoy & Velvet Regular $4.95 to $6.95 with minimum ach $5.00 (Limit 2 per cuetomer) 4O% Quali÷y Furniture a÷ Prices Wor+h Fighting For . . . ' Carpet - Roll Ends, 12 x 16'6" All-Wool, Gold .................. Was $328.90 NOW $200.00 12 x 15'2" Nylon, Burnt Orange ........ Was $187.95 NOW$139.00 12 x 9 Nylon with Rubber Pad, Beige, Was $49.95 NOW $ 39.00 10x14 Wool Hooked Rug, Rose Beige, Was $199.50 NOW $120.00 Sa00e 25% & More Chairs, Rockers, Rec-]iners: Ma,'s Slze'TalI-Baok Lounge Chair, revertible foam" cushion, heavy cover, Shepard oasters .......................... Was $159.95 NOW $87,00 lies Swivel Rooker, nylon oover, fitted arm oovers, latex rubber cushion ...................................................... Was $99.95 NOW $73.00 cker-Recllner, naugahyde or fabrlo cover, fitted arm covers, reversible cushion Was $179.95 NOW $135.00 Danish Style Tall-Back Chair, reversible foam rubber cushions, walnut finish frame .............................................. Was $89.95 NOW $45.00 Stratolounger Reollner, heavy cover, one of our most deluxe .................................... Was $169.95 NOW $127.00 Traditional Chair, reversible oushlon, fitted arm covers, weighted and lined kick pleat skirt .............. Was $119.95 NOW $90.00 Lounge Chair, heavy oover, reversible oushlon, fitted arm covers, Shepard casters .................................................. Was $129.95 NOW $97.00 Save 20%- 35% . Biltwell Sofas: French Style 80" Sofa. excellent cover, latex rubber oushions, carved wood knuckle & legs, arm covers, 5-Year Guarantee ............ Was $389.50 NOW $293.00 Italian Style $0" Sofa: heavy cover, three latex rubber cu|hiong, fitted arm covers, hand-tied coil spring base construction, 5-Yr. Guar ..... Was $349.50 NOW $245.00 Spanish Style 86" Sofa: dacron wrapped foam rubber cushions, elaborate carved Spanish frame ........................................ Was $469.50 NOW $343.00 Colonial Style ,78" Sofa: very good oover, three latex rubber cushions, fitted arm covers, box pleat skirt, maple wood trim on wings, hand tied coil spring base construction, 5-Year Guarantee ................................ Was $279.50 NOW $224.00 EVERY STYLE REPRESENTED: SPANISH, FRENCH, ITALIAN, MODERN, TRANSITIONAL, AND EARLY AMERICAN Save,up to 40% on Dinin00 Room & Dinette Groups: 7-pc. Virtue Formica Dining Table: walnut, 36x48 (60 with one leaf) and six deep back chairs ................................................................ Was $126.00 NOW $98,00 5.pc. Virtue Formica Table, 36x40 (48 with leaf) and four comfortable chairs Was $69.95 NOW $60 00 7-pc. Virtue Formica Table, 36x48 (72 with two leaves). The best table available and six deluxe high-back decorator ©hairs In naugahyde covers .................................................................... Was $189.00 NOW $138,00 yOU DON'T HAVE TO WRESTLE US TO GET QUALITY MERCHANDISE, AND OUR PRICES WON'T TWIST YOUR BUDGET! SAV£20O/O - 40% 1000/SEN on Spanish, Early Amerian & French Style l DINING ROOM GROUPS Open 8:30 a.m. ' 5:30 p.m,o  o   Thursday, February 2, 1967.8helton-Maeon County Journal - Page 3