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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 2, 1967     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 2, 1967
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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;NWS 25thAnniversary "lnterna÷ional Bells" Topic Of • Party Surprises Local Music Club Speaker :  ::, #;:e Belfair Couple • The study of bells took on in Vancouver Wash, Ail Music "&apos;:' ....... • A pro-holiday surprise party greater neaning as Mrs. Bruce Club member's who wish to at- 80cietv Editor Marl Jacobsen Phone 426-4412 honored the silver wedding an- niversary of Mrs.- and Mrs. Carl Mattus in their Belfair home. :Hosting the event were their daughters and son-in-law, Mr. and l's. Ronald Leaning and Miss Nancy Mattus. Mrs. Robert Hendry, sister of Mrs. 1Wattus designed, baked and decorated the multi-layered wedding cake. A silver and white color scheme was carried throughout the de- corations. About 100 friends and relatives from the Seattle, Kitsap and Mason County areas attended during the evening. One of the highlights of the evening was a telephone call from Mrs. Mattus' sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and M!rs. Alvin Anderson of Santa Barabara, Calif., who were the wedding attendants. The honorees are former re- sidents of t(arstine Island and have lived in the Shelton-Belfair areas most of their lives. Mrs, Mattus is the former Betty Scott, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Walh, r S. Scott of Belfair. Local Writers To Enter Contest • Mrs. Donovan Palmer will be hostess to members of the Writers Workshop of the Hood Canal Woman's Club at 1 p.m. next Thursday. The afternoon will be devoted Io the study of entries to be sent for consideration in the literary division of the fine arts contest at the May convention of lhe Washington State Feder- ation of Women's Clubs. There is a March 1 deadline for entries. Mrs. Palmer has the rules for federated clubwomen who wb,h to enter the literature, painting or music divisions of the contest. Bake Sale PATTY M E L L • Phms were made for a Bake Sale at the January 18 meeting High School Spotlight. Orthopedic 1" Guild held in the home of Clarie Warren. The sale will be hold from 9 a.m.- 5 p.m. in the Sears Care- ; [s dentof" "" ''iYd°fg IZ" ';h;' :: log office February 11. IP Skill in the art of sewing can .vecreta s definitely be an asse! for a high l  tn el Minni Carlson was hostess for school girl. Patty Moll, Shelton She has been a member of Iztt- the February 1 meeting when High school senior, whose hob- !/y is sewing, has done so well with it she has decided to be- come a Home Economics major when she attends college, and probably teach that subject. She plans to go to Weslern Washing- ton State College. The 4-H program during the nine years she has heen a 4-H member has also been instru- mental in teaching her Io sew. She has displayed some of her sewing in the National 4-H Dress P,view in Yakima. She also entered the "Make it with Wc)l" contest Sl)Onsored by America Wx)l. ller wool dress was :in state competition in the junior division. Advanced clothing is one of Patty's subjects this serrmsler. She is also studying chemistry, civics and composition and is co-editor of the Saghalie. In her sophomor year Patty in Club and Pep Club her three years in high school and is a me[rber 'of Scarlet "S". In,hr junior year silo wag s(?cr'efhry of her class. She is in her third year as a Candystnixr. is ;i nlenaber of Mt. Olive Imthoran church and the Livewires 4-H Club Las sumrrl/,r rally was tin tile Mason Courtly Fgdr Courl. The daughlor of ML'. and Mrs, Arthur J. Moll. she has (me, older sister. Kalily,, an SlIS rad now attending P;wifie t.ulhcran Uni- versity, a younger sist(,r. Sandy, 14 and one brotlwr. Jimnly, 11. Patly is 5 f('cl 6 inches fall. has i)hlo eyes and light brunolle hair. She will celohralo .tv,r birthday next Monday and was horn in Shelton in 1949. Besides sowdng she likes swimmin4 and enioyed learninfz IO waler ski lasl SUl]I- II 1( 'r. final phms for the sale were nlade. Canal Clubwomen Plan To A+÷end Legislative Session , Members of the tie(×| Canal 219 Norlh Taeom; Ave.. Tacoma Woman's Club plan h) l)mlici- 9910,", Mrs. C t(. l)u<Ror is le4- pate in "Our l)ay in the Legis- islative chairmar for the lh)od lature" as phmned by the Wash- Canal Woman's Club. ington State Federation of We- An executive tx)ard meeling men's Clubs for February 15. to De held at 1 p.m. next Tues- The cluhwon,n's day in Olym- day in the Potlatch clubhouse pia rdll start at 9 a.m. when has been called by Mrs. La,sler they meet for briefing in file L Ager, preskh,nl Phms for Legislative building and will con- March 28, when the eluh will tinue until 3::10 p.m. when they host lhe Sln'ing convention of will have a tea and coffee hour. the I)elminsula Dislrie| Feder- Lunch at noon will be $1.25. alien, will Im dis¢¢ussed. Visits to the Supreme court, the Mrs. Ager and Mrs J.L. Cello House and the Senate will be attended a meeting of lle exec- made in the afternoon, utive committee of the Pennin- For information wrile Mrs. sula District in Tacoma January retreat G. Ayers, Penninsula 25, in the home of district pros- District Legislative chairman, ident, M!rs. George H. less, PLAY BASS DRUM • SNARE DRUM * CRASH CYMBAL BRUSH CYMBAL * BONGO * TOM-TOM * BLOCKS • PLAYS AS YOU PLAY • ... don't wait.., try it on the oRea00 JOHNNY'S MUSIC BOX 426*4302 Eight Tables For Bridge Club Play Monday Night Kreger talked of International tend are asked to contact Mrs. Bells at the January 24 meeting Henry Hansmeier, president. of the Shelton Music Club in the Again this year the club will homle of Mrs. Ralph Wagner• offer scholarships to students of For centuries Russia and Great music. The winners will attend Britain in particular, .but all Fort Flagler for two weeks dur- countries, large and small, have ing the summer. This music attached much importance to study camp has been accepted by bells• Amazing stories and le- the National Federation of Mu- Bends accompany their omgin, sic Clubs and now offers vocal With illustrative music Mrs. and instyumental instruction Ap- Kreger showed how eompos- plications will be available in ers of different lands incorpora- the activities office at school or ed the use of bells to create a those interested may call Mrs. mood for funerals victory mar- Ralph Wagner at 426-6329. ehes, revelry or mythieism. Refreshments were announced Federation Day is to be eele- by the ringing of a bell. (2o- brated with a luncheon and hostesses were Ms, Ralph Hal musical program February 11 ton and Mrs. Henry Hansmeier. What's. €ooksn'? WHEN RAZOR CLAM season gets close Juanita Hender- son starts thinking of her Twin Harbor Clam Casserole recipe. Because the season is rapidly approaching she de- • Eight tables in were  play tame, when 1he Shelton uplic'ate even- Ily Casserole Dish Especia ]:or You Razor Clam Fans Bridge Cluh met: 1Wa-)nday even- ,ng. Taking honors for south were Walt Parsons l{ob Quiml)y, Mr. and Mrs. Jack (;rah,r, Bill Lucke and Bob Eliot, t.:d White and Mrs. Rex Um- phollour. East-west winners were Bill Bal choler and Dexler Edge, Ewi Aamodt and Bertha Walker, l:atherine Van Arsdale and Elsa Schlosser. Mrs. Clyde Ruddell and Liz Allison. Several metal)era of the Shel- ton club parlieipaled in the See- end Annual International Fund Game m Olynll)ia January 24. They were Mr, and Mrs. Gordon tnne;t, Bob Quimby, Boll Eliol, Bill Lucke, Bruce Kreger, Gusts Goldschmid, Etta Rector and Edward White. They played with approximately 100 duplicate bridge players from Southwestern Washington Beachcombers • The Beachcomhers Garden Cluh will meet next Thursday in the home of Mrs. Mars ttolI with Mrs. Leona Kager assisting. Mrs. Lima Anderson, president, will conduct the business meeting. . COSMETIC - for (,.. \\; YOU (This question and answer eries on cesmetios is broughE 1o you as a courtesy by Neil'e Pharmacy to help you in your hoice in the proper cosmetics or you.) HORMONES AND FACIAL HAIR Q. I've heard that hormone products grow hair on the face. Is this true ? A. No. There is ample sci- entific evidence to show that hormones have no effect what- soever on hair growth. MOISTURIZER WITH MAKEUP Q. Is a moisturizer meant to ae used under pancake make- up as well as liquid makeup ? .A. The purpose of a moistur- izer is to protect the skin and to keep makeup fresh and ra- diant all day. It should there- fore be used under all types of makeup foundaton. Pa41e 6 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, February 2, 1967 c]illed this would be an appropriate recipe to share at this ll It will soon be Razor Clam Preschool PTA. digging time at the ocean bea- As far as hobbies are con- ches, Juanita Henderson's re- corned Juanita's main love is cil)e for Twin Harbor Clam gardening. Casserole is a handy one to have on hand when you get that first TWIN HARBOIg limit. CLAM CASSEROLE Three days a week Juanita Dice: teaches games and supervises 2 slices bacon painting sessions and other actS- 1 large onion cities to keep 30 little preschool- , green pepper era happy. Tuesday through 2 stalks celery Thursday she holds two sessions Saute until tender. of Preschool in the Methodist. Add: church, one in the morning and :l tap. chili powder one in the afternoon. This is her  tap: salt third year of working with the 1 can hot sauce youngsters. % C. uncooked rice The rest of her time she de- 1 pt, or more of minced votes to husband Bill and 13- clams and juice year-old Philip and still has 1 C. water time to remain active in the Simmer 25 m4nutes, stirring Shelton Garden Club, Mr. Olive occasionally. Put m oven. Bake Lutheran church Altar Guild and 30 minutes at 325 degrees• Call on Your BELTONE HEARING AID SPECIALIST For Any of These FREE SERVICES FREE - electronic test of yOur hearing loss right in yOUr own home, if you wish. -- 16-page book filled with facts about your htring FREE Beltene's latest electronic aJda. Will be mailed In plain wrapper. FREE demonstration of what aimed, dlrecUonal lmgr. ing can mean to you with Beltone's.newAadante! Our fifteen years' experience is your guax antee of sincere, sympathetic interest in YOUR hearing problem, PLUS the skill and training to help you solve it, Come to see our representative' MR. HARRY BODENScHATZ at EELLS & VALLEY APPLIANCE CENTER FRIDAY, FEB. 3rd, Between 10 A.M. and Noon BELTONE HEARING AIDS 0#,NI£L I..IlllUNER, 106 E. 4th Avmtue, Olympia- 3§7-$[h21 i MRS. T. B. ORME practices reaching order slips for the Shrove Tuesday Pancake Breakfast to be sponsored by the church- women of St. David's Episcopal church, while co-chairmen, Mrs. Peter Overton (left) and Mrs. Kurt Bremen, make further plans for the event. The menu planned for this traditional last day of feasting be- fore the 40 days of Lent will include orange juice, homemade pancakes, bacon, eggs and coffee, tea or milk. To accommodate peo- ple on their way to work, serving will be- gin next Tuesday at 7 a.m. and continue through the morning for leisurely break- iii ¸ .... :::::i:iiiiiiii:iii:iiiii:i:L ! :>i:!ii!iil fasts, ending at 1:30 p.m. after hour. Mrs. Maude Crosby will be of decorating the tables and par Fourth and Cedar for the occag' A1 Edson and Mrs., Larry Swift, of waitresses, promise extra help during the busy hmch hour. be purchased from churchwome nation of $3 for a family ticket ents and any children under 12; for sing tickets for children and $1 for adults and childre They are also available at the Agency. FINAL OF: WOMEN'S SHOES! For Our Final Clearance we have regrouped and repriced our entire Fall end Winter Stock. Hurry in and buy several pairs ef th'ese great savings, on these Famous Name Brands you know. ON TABLES CASUALS 600 Balance of entire stock of shoes for all age groups, • TOWN and COUNTRY • SHINDIGS Reg. €o • AMERICANA • SKOOTERS 11.9'9 BONUS SPECIAL 2 Pair I1.00 Reg. to SALE COBBIES 13.99 10,00 ENNA JETTICK I13.99 10,00 RED CROSS 16.99 11,00 MR. iiiTON 15.99 10,00 : TOWN & COUNTRY (DRESS} 15.99 10.00 SOCIALITES 15.99 11.(N) RED CROSS 15.99 TOWN & COUNTRY 13.99- 15.99 MR. EASTON 11.00 AMERICANA 13.99 • 11.0t} I. 10.00-11.00 i It.go ia ao.oo ON TABLES DRESS 8 ' * * * "/ 0 0 I O AMERICANA • JOYCE • SKOOTERS " Reg. to • TOWN and COUNTRY • COTILLION &gg BONUS SPECIAL 2 Pair 15.00 'ALL SALES FINAL--NO LAY-AWAYS