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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 2, 1967     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 2, 1967
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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;÷ Wedding In December Unites s Bonnie Allen And Gerald Goldsby A December 20 wedding cere- for the occasion, floor-h,ngth gown of appliqued for Bonnie Darlene Allen Parenks of the couple are Mrs. lace over satin styh&apos;d with round- TODAY, THURS., i,'l,:ll. 2 Gerald Rolston Goldshy was l,yrtle Goldshy, Shelton, and ed neckline and .Tist-lenglh Itood Canal t;arden Club, 11 in the First Baptist Herbert L. 'Allen, Union. Mr. sleeves, lter veil was held by a a.m., home of Jenny lhHf. by Rev. J. R. Turnhull. Allen gave his daughter in mar- crown of sequins and pearls and DPW luncheon, 1 p.m., lit,i- greens and reen tinted riage, she carried a bouquet of white nies t3roi}er. decorated the church She appix)ached the altar in a carnations and green tinted rose- Navy lVh>thers Cl{lb, 7 ::',0 p.m., huds.. PU*I) confer(,n(.t, r(x)nl. The bride's sister, Mrs. Max Yacht Chlb business meeting, Dean, was her matron of honor, bl I),ITI., (,hlbhoLlSe. She wore a two-piece suit of Toastmasters Club, 6:45 ;l.n1., green brocade, tier flowers were Tirol)ors restaurant. green tinted carnations. Rolary Club hm(,.heon, noon, Bridesmaids, 1VEiss ,Janice Fan- Mine Tree Cafe. ning and irs. Harold ,Justice, wore m H(.hint: green brocade I'RIDAY, FEB. 3 shealhs will headpioccs of gTeen Donnie J. O'Neil Orthopedic net and satin ribb(ms and carried (;uild rummage sale, 9 a.m.- houquels of white carnatiop,. 3 p.m., DUD auditorium. Miss Iz)rraine Dean, niece of SATIRI)AY, FEB. I the hride, was flower girl in an Driv(,rs license examiner, 1(1 empire dress ()f green brocade a.m. - 5 i).m., court house has(,- worn with a headpiece of green ment. net and satin ribbon. She tan'ted n haskel of green rosehuds, sUNDAY, FElL 5 ]V(ichael Mitchell was I)esl Pacific I(h()do(h'n,h'on Societ\\;. man for the hridegroonl. Seating 2:30 1).111., PUD au(titoriunL Ihe Lmesls were Stephen Needhanl nnd llarold Juslice. Ca.ey and MONDAY, FElL 6 .:. Lewis l)(mn, nephews of the hri(h', PUt) No. 3 uonmlissi<m meet- ' ;t litzhted the (+andh's. ing, 1 p.m+, PUD t+onferen(.e Music was furnishe(t by tlerl)- room. ..i t.>, Coi.lnly eonlnlis.ion meeting. !L::. erl IIerg(,rt who aiwornl)anied "'*Z.i:i  Mrs. Bedell. sok)ist. ". ......... Mrs. Goldshy was attired in a Sh(,llon Bridge Club, 7::I0 . gold metallic dress wilh a cor- p.m., PUI.) auditorium. sage of white carnations. SRA card lmrly, 8 l).nl.. Me- A minimure bride and groom mortal hall. topped the four-tiered wedding Soulhsi(h' PTO, 7:30 [).In., H1 cake at the ,cel)tion which im- the scho(fl. mediately follow('d the selwice. Assislintz with Ill,, serving were ,.s. Roher, A,len. Mrs. ,ay Degree Of Honor MR. AND MRS. GERALD GOLDSBY Allen and Mrs, lh'h'n Timm. Mrs. l)ouglas (;oldshy and Mrs. , Erwin (;ohlshy h×)k (.|large t)f the guest htx)k and gift tabh'. The newlyweds are making (heir Ifh Club Sla÷es Program ,omo ,o +,,+,,,.. Talented teenagers front Au- is,,, and its prevention lead hy Paren÷s Urged To Academy will I)erform in Dr .Robert Fulton, M.D.. of All- Physical fitness progranl for erdeen. Skokomish tlealth Clul)at Williar,t ]V[cGhee, public re- Af÷end PTO Meef Mtmday in the Lower Intions secretary for the (:lull, school gymnasiun-t, has explained it,,; purpose is to  All SOtlthide school parents fam'Jlies of Ill(, conlnluni- keep our youth abreast of are urged h) attend the PTO are invited. There will he scientific discoveries on alcohol- meeting at 7:30 p.m. next Men- i+ charge, ism and effects of tohacco, nar- day in the st:hi)el. The program +!Other features on th(, l>rograrll .gll include a fim on the effecls coti(:s and psychedelic drugs on for Ill(' evening will feature an alcohol and an audience l)ar- the human bod, and to develol) open house ill each room.  i)hysical fitness. Refreshnenls will I)e served :Cipation discussion of alcohol- l)y f,)urlh gl',lde r()onl Ill<)th(q's. i (i: DES Social Club Rhodle Club To Annual Dinner eJ;|('iA, u n chon.ecome Have wA -:_ Public e J.. For Pasf M a s÷e rs Tuesday • Masonic Past Matsters Ass,)( +- Chapter No. ,t0, OES w, eenng ounaay lotion will hold its annual n,et- p'0eial Club will hold 't 19"{/)p m+ ing February 11 in lhe Shelhm Ineheon and regular m('(,ting • The Pacific tLhodo(lendron Masonic Tenlple. Dinner will b(' ext Tuesday Mrs. Jmn<,s \\;Val- So(.iely will hold a meeting at held at 6:30 ll.m. and lodve will 9 ' 9 rip, 1019 lq. Cas<.;t(h, slt'(,(,l will .... 0 p.m. this Sunday it, I110 convene at g l).m. ht)st(,ss ft)r the ev(n Trans- PUt) auditorium. The public is tation will It,ave fr)m the invited, areAn".cordiallys°j°urninginviledP"'sllo altend. ina:qel-s 1Fasoni(, Tem!r)h, at 12:10 l).m. There will ix., pictures and dis- For dinner reservations write t)r cussion of American native rho- phone J. L. Catto, secretary, P. lii b doderidrons. A sound-color film, O. Box 43, Lilliwaup, 877-5457. Th "Rhylhmic Molhions in Forest ed to tile (,vents sponsored I,. ver oa÷ eme Growlh" from Syracuse Univer- the 1.967 Governor's Festival of sily will he shown. Arts. 4 H Club News r Bei-a Zefa 'o Fret, seeds ,,f-rhododond,',ln t, -'rfo,'m,,nees of "A Fife species will he distributed to m for ,htnu,v" wil be show'n al lh(' ') illenl)(,rs at this meeting. There Olyln'Di(, "Theater in 0 Ylnpia ociaJ M +;,., will he a dis(,ussion of methods this Saturday. Based on' real •,n ,)f seed g,'owing. ' ': . peoph, and ex, ents in the Seattle | Beta Zvta Ciapter of Ei)silon be given at 11:30 a.m. and 1:30 | gn'm Alpha was held Sflurday Skif En÷erfains ,+i",iiii ''ii l,.m | ,,t,,h(" h('m(' (>r Mrs. "r(,m Ogden Tic'Lets are availahle at 50 Ag cents for. children or adults and . r" ,.e ,,(i>, t',,,,ln,.,,(, ,,s Golden e Club ,,,,r.,,ons f,,, the ,,,n(,,ssi(,,, m,,.,' he ,,u,',h;,sed a, ,he en,,e. I )Slesses ) I stand at (;r(,en Am'es January Nlusic ConH)an v in Olympia. The. / )()'t t't ' ('umesthenlt' \\;\'a, Were I"Miss;:a-. • Mt'nibers of tile O]vm- l(,freshrnonls %,,,(.I",' s(,r\\;'('(l af- each p,rfo,'mance only ,is seals i!.tPi , 22. The stand lu,.ned oul well. ,'ill b,, sold ;,I the'theater fo,' / ' ne ('v('ning and r('fresh- pia (;olden Age Cluh prespnled ler lhe meeling, are available. ' enls Wer(, served hy (h(, social a skit, "The Magic Clinic". at Some of th(, meml)ers took their rnrnittee and ('o-h()s(es Mrs. n(, Whil .... ' the January 26 pollue.k dinner horses io lh(. Kvmkhana al (';reen Tt!(groul) will meet )('x( Wed- meeting of'the local groul). The Acres. Terry Turner [ll,,,M!,venin, in 111,' h(m,e of ron'tedYl)ers andWaSguests.'en}°ved by 51 mere- Carol S(.rogharn. report(,r • ' l('k(,v (;ood\\;vin. d ' Cards were phiyed h y some SlVE WIRES Sf • " and olhers daneed to the muM(; • Live Wires .t-I-[ Clul, met Jan- On Dean's Li >; of 1.1](, Tune Toppers following uarv 18 in lhe home of Cheryl + • o. ocal Girl Sc u÷ the program. Chlmbers. As roll call was • TelTyl L. Turner was among There will be a noon I)otluck laken each nlenl.h('r told whal ?,44 sludenls al the University of lunt:heon next Thursday in the she had done on her I)roject Denver named to the dean's list eaders Meeflng M(".lorial hall. since the previous nleeling. 4-H for the fall quarh.r. To inake sehohu'shil)s w(,re discussed, the list a student had to attain Ther(, will be an iml)ortant After the meeting was adjour- predominantly "A" gra(tes or I1rl Scout Leaders meeting at If r ned memt)ers worked on decor- rank in the top 1() percent of the 30 a.m. nexl Thursday in the Be ai Veferans +,ling slationery' as part of their college. Miss Turner is a Shelton le of M]'s. S.W. Vander crafl project, tligh school m'lduate. elgen. d l A(YPIONS leaders To Mee÷ S A,, ,,.e u,'.ed to at- _un_a I Memlx, rs of the Actions 4-H u as a deh.g.ate to annual Public Invi÷ed uncil nleeting xill be voted • The W'WI Barracks and Aux- Cluh have extended their thanks (o the Leaders Coun('il for the land plans for the. Cookie Sale iliary No. 2778 of Be]fair will wonderful time the; had al the TO See Slides tad Girl Scout Week will be hold a potluck luncheon and skating party last Thursday. The Iad( regular meeting at the Bdfair council sponsored an all-county :: Masonic Temple this Sunday. skating imrty which was well at- • The public is invited to view i Mrs. Alice Squire, Americanism the colored slide lecture from tended. S I chairman will present a color- . the National Art Gallery to be urnmage a e ful l)rogram centered around the NOODLES AND NEEDLES. presented in the State Capitol life of Abraham Lincoln. There •At the last few meeting. of the Museum in Olympia at 10 li.m, A "ummal4e sah, will be will also be a film and Ma's. Noodles and Needles 4-H Club this Friday. by Laurel Court No. Jerry Baldwin will sing. There the g-roup has voted for county Subject of the second in a of Amaranth Fct)rtmry will be a reading. Auxiliary No. officers, had a party and worked monthly series will be " A SuP in the PUD auditorium,. 1193 of Bremerton will present on projects, Members are selling vey of American Painting". The having rummage lo do- ils flag drill team. calendars to raise money for I)rogram will be held in the mU- Is asked to take it to the Guests are invited to the lunch- camp. ., scum Coach House. There will eon and program .... Jennie Elson, reporter he no adrnission charge, i LINCOLN DAY DINNER Speaker Governor Daniel J. Evans MT. VIEW SCHOOL • FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 10 • 6:45 p.m. TIckets, $5.00 per person Contact your precinct oommitteeman. A limited number of tickets will be available at the door. ROUND THE_d TOWN'00i 'I'UEI)AY, FElL 7 Shrovt' Tues¢Ip,  Pilnt',lkl? ]/reakfast, 7 H.In. - I::U l).nl., H1 SI. I)avid's Episcopal chur(.h. Voice t)f Ol)porlunity Cltlb, I p.m., PUD auditorium. Jaycee dinner tnveting, 6:3() p.m,. airporl clubhouse. Sah, ation Arnkv truck in town. Phone 426-')405 for' pickul)s. Job's Daughters. 7:30 ll.m., Masonic Temple. IJons Club dinner nle(,lin. 7 p.m., Tayk)r Towne. Fred B. Wivell Post 3!, Ameri- van Legion, 8 I>,m., Memorial hall. Cily co)remission nle('lin. 2 ll.m., riy hall. Kiwanis Club luncheoll, noon. Timl)ers i.esl.qurant. WEI)NI':SI)AY, I,'EI,. 8 Drivers li(.ense <,xamin(q'. 1U il.llt..) 1>.I'11.., t.ourt hoLlsc h;tst'- illenl. Soroph)misl CILII), X ll.m., l't'l) Conference rool n. 'I'IIt'I{Sl)AY, FEB..q St. Edwm'd's "l, Vonl II n' s C{ll> hoard Inct,lin, 7 l).ln. ; l't'KtllHr Hoodsport'. Relofive Of Local Man Dies In Canada tWO sisters and two brothers in the east. She was a member of the Missouri Synod Lutheran Church. M'rs. L. C. Blessing returned home fronl a lwo weeks stay in the Clinic ltuspital last W,odnes- By LOIS PIEH, CE • I IOOI)SPORq" -" 1). I I. Pierce re('eive(l word IHsl Sunday from Whi(eht))'s(,, in Canada of the (lealh of his sister-in-law, Mrs. Ibsie Pierce, Fairhanks, Al" nska, foho\\;vint an ;tut()n'ml)ih' accidenl. Mr. and M:rs. l:qerce mother, Mrs. Margarel Blessing were on thei)' way south I)3' way arrived from Kenniv¢ick exlxml- t)f Sitka, where lh('y I)lanned to visit ,> nieru, Mrs. Darr:,l Rodicrs h(,fore t,olnin on to V(tshJltgl()n. W|len they v<ere invo}vcd wilh ;in()ther (';il' in lhe nccidt'nl. No ftn'lher dclails are nvail,d)le al 1his linw. Mrs. Pierce was htken back to t+';dr|)anks [or bu. riM. Mrs. l'it,l't.e is Stll'Vivt,d 1>3' her ll,,sband. HH'old C. l)ierce. Southside: ing to care for her daughter- in-lay,, on her return fi't)Ill the hospital htll sht)rlly afler her arriwtl she WaS rushed to the Clinic I'(>)' nledicalion ,|n(l ol)- serv;tlit)n. She I'e(urned to the and is delta4 nirely. l.. C. la;h'ssing hen1(' S;>turday Tell ,h)hllslon, son ()f 5]'1'. :tnd Mrs. Cl,arlc.x Johnst.n HITJVe(t ht>lne nlt(,r gl)(,ll(tJll ;I ','(';tl' ill Viet Nam, a wvek ago Monday, Ted is thrilled to be home but nol an.vnlore so than are his parents to have him. Mr. and Mrs. Thonlas Gouley and small daughters, Serena and and Marg6ry left last Saturday da yand is recuperating nicely, morning for Moseow, Idaho where I+ast Tuesday Mh-. Blessing's s-tep- (ouley will he majoring in For- estry at the University at Mos- ('O%V. I)n Bearden and Jack Smith were anng the group of about 50 students who went to Seattle la.-Saturday by school bus to attend fl'm otmn-house and tour Engin(,ering and Forestry. Basketball Teams Play Games With Kamilche Music Lessons • Guitar • Accordion • Organ • PiaHo all at llx MRs. RAY I)HAT('IIA m('('ing S ll.m., al the (,hur(.h. (;irl ScOtll leaders nlet,lin, 9 • SOt:TItSII)I': St)ulhside ha-- it.n1., holne of Mrs. S.I,V. VHII- kell>ttl] h,;tlns l)l;.tyed Karnilchc tier \\;V(,gen. ;H Knmih.h(, Fri(la,\\; and St)tllh- (;old(,n Age (Tlul) l)()llucR, r,(,ol, Memorial hall. T(>astmaslers 21ub, (;:45 am., Tim)ers reslat£ranl. Rolary C]tlh It,),('ll('t>ll, no(>n, Min Tr(,e Calc sid(. ',v.)) bolh gaoles. Scvcnlh Lg'il(]e lt',tnl score ,,=,'/is 2:1 It) 14, Eill ];It'(}ll >,cor('(l nin(' I)Oi lll,, M il,:(' 1 {l'oxvn Kt.oI'('d eihl itll(t 1"('11113 l";ll't' scored SiN. ']'lit' ,lxlh LI'H(It' It'HIllS st,ore \\;\':l :, 17 It) ,R, t4ohl)v (Ttll'nle s('t)red nhw points, Brad Stites st.or,.'d I' Johnny's t()ur, l)arrell l<imrucrl+,, s,.,)rt'd I I 205 Cota lw() at)(l Rick llawley sru)a'd I\\;)<o I h)r St)ulhsi(h.. M)'. and Mrs. l,h'nr>t,th Ar,.h(,r lasl £(In({;LV el't, dimwr !tl('IS t>l ,%11". ,t)l,i Mrs "l',nl li()sc ol ,\\; I)t'l'(It'('),. \\;'isitin,.: Nh' .n(t Mrs. ILny t<l';th.hH Stln(l;I 3 w(,re MI'. Hlld Mrs. (;h'H l<ral,h; tn(l Shclh,y Ml'. H,(I Mrs. ./<)hi+ (ot)kS)ll and ,]n('kic :lll(I [.:l'lli(, [,t>erls('h(,r 7-1:;; (,ott's Oilerettes, 6-1.1; Jim Pauley"s 5'-'-ll'u; Mann I:(',tl ['is- lale, 5-1,5 • h<,.,dI'eg' ee,,,i,, ''f.le<,ll()n')rn,', execu, ie.l.,,esd.. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::i:.:< BOW li ng Resu If s al 8 p.m. in the home of Mrs. ii!! ,,,nM+'rth"s,,','e,l'un'""" it, W,,shin,.- iiil U.S. Pedestrians Have Everythingi}il ,,<,.m.:,,,., ,',)M.,,:,(',*,. Th G d Thatls iii it, (;.,,,e ,, Se,',,,s: .1,,,, I,',,,,, i+ii Going For em- DO , .... ,,-r,,: :::: I(elly's 3-1 ,h,an Re;m> 5.t7: O00on 00ou,e To iii ,+, -+, '= a'+°+ long tie brunt t)f c(>medians' Pedestrian and School Sitft't.v IC(.lls & V lie\\;, 1-3. l,'rnn Drt,s- IraHic (lUll)s. ;,('It a 3' have a Ioi Division in national headquar- rh(w .186 I::efe Newlyweds !iii .,,i,,. for the,,, ;,.d . ,,<,, j(,s, ters.,,gto,l• D C. who sad i:i: .hf,'.l. :,-l..>',,,\> C,,le +*t; :::: autonmhilcs. "our i)edestrians are the world's :::: (olt's. 1-?. ,]ulit, Coletnu, 491 • t.>ie,,ds and relatives ,,, Mr iTi *.e ,.,a." ,n00,.ance .,s. safest because our tra.,c ,s ii:: Tr+ ..: ..,1,, ..(e l:,'), ILlle. rel)orlinR <)n its an, vs s "the inos| orderly." ::: Jim l:)auh,y's. (I-4. .lean Ashh'\\;' and Mrs. Bru('e Gardner will :::: of national and worhhvide data lie credited edt, cation, on. :5: have an oppol'tunity to ,:ol,Vl';it- ::i:: on i)e(lestrians vs. the motor forcement and ellgineerii,g (the }:} 396 u]al(, lhem t)n lheir nlarri Ke al iii i vehicle, said the Ainerican l)e. three E's) and the entt)hasis <)n :::: 1 l'i!ao d 3-1. Virginia Fuller ,in oi)on house nexl Tries(lay }:i: destrian is safer today than successful conununity t)lanninla !}ii .I.)5: Ogden's 1-3. Mar.e Wil- from 7-10 l).m. in lhe home of :}:i ever hefore--and i)rohahiy safer as lhe ntain reasons,, for "our i::};: t.r,tll 127 h,s l>,ren,s Mr .rid Mrs l. h iiii .,a,t his cou,ltCrl.,r,s ++who,, ..ta..,. ard Gardner. in floe world. ' "l don't think we lakc en,)ugh ii!i Hillcresl l:A,e,'green, 3-1, Ca- iii What is rues1 surl)rising is credit for our safety reeord." :::: role ltanson 42'.',; Mann's, 1-3. ]3ruce and Miss Suanne L;mgt,- titat the American pedestrian is he said. "One of the li,'st int-iiil Toni ltall 473 vin \\;\'ill he nl;n'ried this SI,I,II'- i!i! exposed day to nlore motor pressions you get on conling t()!:i Standings: l{ichlieM, 1(;-.I; day in Yakima. :i:i vehiqles than pedestrians of any this (ountrv is the orderliness of ::: :::: other country. And yet. lhe our trattic. Ask any foreigner.-!! Darigold, 14-6; Ogden's Radio, • ' 1:{-7; MJng Tr('e, 12-8; Ke ly's iiii United States pedestrian death According to the AAA ollicial. !!ii l,'urnilure, ll'-S*._.; Hillerest l':v- Child ' Sh :::: rate is anlong the world's low-in 1937. 15,500 pedestrians were 2: ren s ow !:!: est. In fact, pedestrian fatalities heing killed .a year--ahout 40.::::. erg,'een, 10-1(}; Eells & Valh'\\;' ilii have decreased about 43 per per cenl of our total trattic fa-:ii!i • ::: cenl over thc last thirty years, talities, ht sonte urban centers i:!: Aelel+el To Li÷ .. , ...... liLt New Yo,'k City, as many:i:! ....... :::: ates as 80 per cenl of the total num. :: .  .... 1..,  i The hxstitute interviewed Sam her (){ peolfle killed m traltic ii:! Of Ar'.-+,,=y=nr=, ..... . ,,+,.<, ,,o<,\