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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 2, 1967     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 2, 1967
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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J JL, .t ® S and IF7 Fealnres/ SIW Fruit Cocktail 4 Applesauce .w. Fancy 4 In Glass Jars Green Beans SAW 3 Sieve Apricot Nectar .w ..o. Oual.y Can 39 € Grapefruit .w 3 &apos;"" 89* Sections Cons Wax Beans s,w 4 ,,.a-Sl00 Cut Cans Garbanzos s&w ,s.o. Sl00 Beans 6 Cans Kidney hans sAW, od 6 ,s.O..cans $1 °° INW Carrots:: 4 :':: Sl°° S&W 1 S-as. Leaf Spinach Tasty 2 Cans 39' /'1...= saw Chopped , 7'/,.o,. s loo 111111bdLqlll Fency Quality v Cans SAW 16-oz. Sauerkraut anc7 2 Ca. ",^39 = IAIA/ R2_B_B__ sr.d Z=-o,. --Ill& " " --if'Ill41 IIIIllnCS Cucumber ,Jar oy= Pork & Beans Van Camp Ouick Meal 300- $1 Cans Margarine Coldbrook 6 sI Yellow Cubes l-lb. Tops in Value Pkgs. Folg Regular or Drip Grlnd Co,,ee SlZ9 ers EDWA., c°. ,.,. I Paper Towels Dairy - De/ical e.r.rell Cheese €.....-J Che,'s,-,b ..,1.,-,-uu Oelih,oo, 59 € Fresh Milk B,os,om Go,an 89= Time Carton Orange Juice Looer°e O, 39 = Pure O.J. Ctn. S I d Lucerne e,at,o ,S-o. 39 = a a s our Var,e*'e, 0.. 17.oz. Cans a uqw Cream Cheese den Pkgs. n Safeway iS.oz. $100 Sw,ss Cheese B ,e 'b. 79 = Jars "I Tnn| 01 Lucerne 61/z-oz. --rrunu Real Cream Can 49 = 4 16-aS.cans Sl°° OVEN BAKED Beans SAWExceptlonal Lucerne Salad Dressing 1000 Island Blue Cheese Roquefort 16-oz. Jar 16-oz. Jar [b-oz. Jar 69'€ 79  89'€ SAFEWAY Truly Fine Assorted Colors Giant $ I Rolls ..o, $1 S and W CUT Corn Or Cream Corn 17-oz. $1 t,/ Can, I Peas S and W, 3 Seve J ,,.o,. $1 I Cans I I";'rJZc // I"rJrJj, Orange Juice Bel-air, Pure Frozen 2 ,,oz 59* Florida Orange Juice Cans Ice Cream Sno S'°r H=" LO, g7 Gal. $1.35 Gallon Ve.'ge/ahles h/ Sallow, Bel-air Green Beans in Butter Sauce Bel-air Cut Corn in Butter Sauce Bel-air Green Peas in Butter Sauce Bel.air Spinach in Cream Sauce Bel-air Vegetables in Butter Sauce You. A Sl00 CHOICE =I' Pkgs. Bellair Broccoli in Cheese Sauce Brussel Sprouts in Cheese Sauce YOUR $100 CHOICE 3 Pkgs. T-Bone Stea Potato Bread 0 Choice Beef, Aqed for Flavor, Trimmed Wasfe Free Mrs. Wrights Bear Claws ; 37€ :: ....................................................  lb. i Strawberry Jelly t {Empress Fresh Fruit 20-oz. Il l¢ I Ground Chuck u,, 57' Flavored lb. ' RED ROME Apples Skinless Franks s.,.w., 39' 12-oz. Pkg. Family Flour K;+chen .  All Purpose |usy Biker, Serve Soup N' Crackers Saltines Black Pepper Sno White Salt Crown Colony Plain or Iodized Pitied Olives ow..oo,. Ripe Olives Cut Corn Wuhinlton Fancy Grade, All Around Fa, mily Fvorite, Econ- eml=alty Priced at feway Z3.1b. Box [ J It I II 89 Highway Vacuum Pack " Salad Oil Nu Made, For Cooking orSalads ,,J,-_ 75 c ... mecoeditioa//), guarateed/ • P.,'oo", Boneless Roast ,.,,oo ,. 69 NKIST NAVEL L,nk Sausage Seasoned lb. 69 = ,.,so,, Choice b € '"' kSp " .,,omS,. . Braunschweiger way ,b. 49 = Por arerlbs, ,o oo°, ,,.43 ranges Ducklings Glr :;: r, H3:;s  b. lb. 49 = pS" " Boneless $39 Fresh Beef Hearts ,b. 45 = To irl01n Steak c,oc. ,.., ,= 1 New York Steak ChBo°::leB:ef "° Sl 6, U.S.D.A. Choice leaf lb. Cross Rib Roast Sweet, Juicy, Premium Quality, Season's Very Finest, From Sunny California lb. Canned Hams Armours Star, Boneless Ful:y Cooked, Sold by the Can Only, S-lb. Can $4.4S 26.oL 0 e  M 7-oz. S .. 1 H 6 '""" '1 ,,i,o Cams ;iu ; so More Big Produce V/ues/ s,/oo s/,c,/ Chuck Steaks ,.:>.,:=, ,. 47', " " " Fresh . = _Halibut Roasts Be;ri:g . Sg" ...v.,,vrmlnei .,R=df SefeWaYcontrolledO..',,, .. 39' : ::I Spring Spinach o,.0. 2uoo.-29 = _l,___ Eastern, Serve vCallOl$ Deep Fried lb. 89 = , Thick Boneless Stew s<,::o,;:'."-. 67,  Large Avocados ..,. 2 for 29 c • . c.,+.,, ,40, Fish Sticks cho,ce ,k,. 65' i Red, Salad -' Fresh Lettuce .ow, or Butter 2 for 29' SHELTON excedrm" JLF°'I :lck j "''l'f' .... I Fresh Mushrooms .o,.."'" 39' Fresh Danish Squash ,. 19 c 0 Pure Orange Juice Frorn FIorida Ipl.  O.urrt 7 Journal - Thursd,y, February 2, 1967 Sale starts 9 A.M. We reserve the Wednesday, Feb. I right to limit through Saturday, quantities. No February 4th. sales to dealers. COPYRIGHT 1960, SAFEWAY STORES, INCORPORATED httle $129 Reg. St.49Save 20c of 100 Vitalis Hair ,r..i. ,., ,,c 2,..$1 ,, • =ffllllqwSava 29€ on Sire Ban Deodorant eg., ,,€ 2 '" si" Save 2 I c on 2 Sizes Adorn Hair Spray R.u,ars.v. ,,°"" '"' Sl"€.. Regular or Super 21t '1" Tampax ,.B t,.i,--,... ,0, Disinfectant 14-m. $119 Lysol Spray ,og ,.-s.v.0c c. :am d l §lty e tw ;:da !; dri .il g, ip '? a :!X :,',L i ¸ . 5 J i: :( i: