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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 2, 1967     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 2, 1967
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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OF THE MARCHING MOTHERs who took part in Mother's March of Dimes last Wednesday night gath- in the PUD building after completing their rounds. Left to right are Mrs. Awina Needham, Mrs. Emma Jordan, Mrs. Ruby Homchick, Mrs. Edith Johnson and Mrs. Vera Morgan. IVhry Townsend, Irene Spoon, Rugh Angle, Lee Elrrdund, Lu- anne Gibson, Tami Gibson, Bey Dunbar, Barb Dunbar, Mrs. Wil- Harriet Smith, Fern Cramer, liam Jackstadt, Olivia Spilseth, Edith E. Johnson, Awina Need- ham, Emma Jordan and Marie Taylor. :Ho÷her's March Of Dimes Held Las÷ Week Those taking part in the Moth- er's March were: Dorothy Lany, Chloe Scholes, Helen Cole, Norms Anstey, Wjl- ma George, Virginia Aho, Kitty Frank, Goldey Munsell, Ruby Homechick, Lila Cole, Norms Larson, RHose Sjholm, Merle McNeil, Marilyn McNeil, Ruth Bollinger, Arlene Smith, Phyllis Goldschmid, Margaret Ogden, Virginia Howe, Lois Kimbel. Lois Powell, Joyce Fitchitt, Arlene Medley, Peggy Copp Lu- cilie McBride, Lucille Rice, Merge Witcraft, Colleen Cross, Ila Chase, Mabel L. Hall, Helen Kunkle, Dorothy J. Sheetz, Union: San;÷arian To Speak A÷ Meeting Here Mother's March of Dimes last Wednesday eve- i, collected a total of $684.85, some areas still to be heard Mther's March was un- direction of Mrs. Audrey Funds raised will fighting arthritis and Samples, Mason Director for the National of the lVhrch of s reported that three small in Mason County have some assistance dur- Past year through the of the March of Dimes. research Which has been throughout the States, such as the Uni- Hospital in Seattle, have tremendous progress in two crippling problems of day" h .... ,  sal{l. expressed apprecia- te those who helped make a success. By NANCY VRAHNOS 'UNION--The Hood Canal Im- provement Club will hold its monthly meeting Feb. 7 at 7:30 p.m. in the Conmmnity Hall. The speaker will be Gary Hews of the Sanitation Division of Thurston Mason Health Disict and the subject will be on the water standards for Hood Canal. The public is always welcome to attend these meetings. Keep March 7 in mind as on that date the improvement. ub will meet at the Hood Ca- nal Junior High School. The subject for this meeting will be on pollution and there will be guests speakers. The Union Ladies Civic Club will meet at the home of Mrs. Randall Updyke Feb. 9. Mrs. Thomas Ball will be co-hostess. The community extends its sympathy to the Joseph Hen- ington family for the loss of Mrs. Hinington's sister, Mrs. Irene Chambers. The community would also like to extend its sympathy to Mrs. Phylis Bessett for the loss of her brother Carlie Gallarno. The Pinochle Club met at the horrm of Mrs. John Rebman last Friday. Attending were Mrs. Max Dean, Mrs. J. E. Bishop, Mrs. Evelyn White, Mrs. Bill Timm, MYs. Harry Scheel, Mrs. Edna Gatewood and IV£rs. Sue Dilley who had high score for the day. Mrs. White had the low. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dean had a birthday party for their son Max Dean last Tuesday evening. Attending were Mr. and Mrs. Perry Dilworth, Mrs. Leo Pearce, and Mr. and Mrs. Max Dean and family. Mrs. Mhry Oblizalo reached the age of majority last Friday. That evening her birthday was celebrated with a family Services By one Spitit are we all into one body, whether Jews or Gentiles, whether bond or free; and have to drink into one verse from 1 Cor- is the Golden Text for on "Spirit" to In all Qistian Science this Sunday. her at the Oyster House in Otyo mpia. A week ago Mnday, Mr. and Mrs. Pete Fassios home was the scene of another birthday party, The celebrant was Mrs. Agnes Christopher. Guests were the Dean Smiths, the Richard Giles, the Jack Grahams and Judy Larax. Welcome home to Mr. and Mrs. George Steelman. The returned home a week ago from 'South Dakota. Even though the trip back was a sad one for them they did enfoy seeing and visit- in many of their friends there. Last week teenage girls were out marching for the March of Dimes. Mrs. Dick Buechel was the area leader and wishes to thank the girls for their help. They were Cheryl Cowan, Sally Metzler, Bette Couwan, lV£erle Morris, Christie Allen and Jan Simanom. I PLEASE. BE PATIENT WHILE WE ARE OUR GOAL IS TO HAVE THE BEST BUILDING MATERIAL HEADq)UARTERS IN SOUTHWEST WASHINGTON , • J' OUR THANKS to the Shelton Contractors who hae, or are now parhc#patmg in our remodeling: Frank's Electric (Adolph Frank) Mlklethun Elec. Inc. (Dean Miklethun) Smith Electric (Bill Smith), WATCH OUR D-A Enterprises (Dean Biggs) Renecker Const, (Roy Reneoker) OPEN 1st & Pine 426-2611 Fuller Construction (Floyd Fuller) Shelton Home Builders (Joe Rank) Olson Roofing (Verne Olson) HOUSE SOON! "BUILDING MASON COUNTY" Lllllwaup; Local Couple In Car Accident At Key Center II LILL2W'AUP - The sun is shining! Not a pale winter sun glimpsed briefly during cloudy and rainy weather, but an honest-to-goodness warm Old Sol that makes it necessary for your reporter to move her typewri- ter so that it won't shine in her eyes! It's hard to stay indoors for the Monday newswriting, but one reader consoles by saying, "It sho.uld help you write a sun- nier column." . A"sutmy" viewpoint is that luckily none was hurt Wed- fisday of last week when Les- t@ Ager's car was involved in ah accident near the junction of 144 an dthe road to Key Cen- ter. The accident occurred when the Agers, with Mrs. Jack Catto ass passenger, were returning from Tacoma, where the Lilli- waup Women had attended an executive committee meeting of the Penninsula DistriCt Federa- tion of Worrmn's Clubs at the home of the president, Mys. George H. Hess. It was about 5:30 p.m. on the dark, rainy day when the Ager car was hit on the rear of the left side, as it stood awaiting the passing of atl approaching car before turning left onto the Key Center road. The Lake Bay driver's car was so damaged in front that it had to be towed away, while considerable damage wag done to the Ager car. Luckily Ager was able to drive home, after assistance from Tom Helbig, who came with his pick- up truck and helped lift the crumpled fender from the left rear wheel. A passing woman motorist stopped and drove Mrs. Ager to the nearby Kelbig home. The collision was investigated by the State Patrol. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Pierce of Eldon went to Vancouver, B. C. to attend funeral services held there Jan. 20 for his mother, Ann Jane Pierce, who passed away at the age of 82, after a long illness. She had been hos- pitalized for four and a half years. The Pierces had been up to see her just the week before her death, which came just the day after their return home. MYs . Pierce is expected to re- turn this week from: Tacoma, where she has been at the home of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dover, since Jack's release from the hospital following spinal surgery. He was brought home Monday of last week and Mrs. Pierce has been staying with the convalescent patient while her daughter, Jan- ice, has been attending her nur- ses training classes. Mrs. Frank S. McIntyre and Mrs. T. Bryan Miles were hos- tesses last Friday night when the Lilliwaup Community Club held a pinochle party in the community hall. Six tables were in play. Prize winners were Mrs. Miles and Jack Leimback, 1st; Mrs. Matt Kaare and Ed Scheuer, 2nd; Mrs. George Moake and Mrs. Evelyn Nicholson, pinochle, and Frank McIntyre, the door prize. Beginning pinochle players are urged to attend these twice-a- month card parties, states the club's secretary, Ma's. Elmer C. Edwards, who initiated the idea of a Beginners' Comer. The next pinochle party will be Feb. 10, when the evening starts with a potluck supper at 6 p.m., followed by a business meeting and card-playing at 8 p.m. Two brothers of Mrs. Sig Anderson, with their wives, spent Thursday at the Lilliwaup home of the Andersons. They were Mr. and Mrs. Martin Olsen of Co- lumbia Falls, Mant. and Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Olsen of Bellevue. Mrs. Anderson was pleased to see her brother Martin looking so well, since it was just last summer that he was hospitalized in Spokane and she made four trips to see him while he was a patient there. He has returned to his work as a driller, she said. The Montana couple were to return last Friday to their home, after visiting in Bellevue and Seattle. Mrs. Allie Robinson spent Wed- nesday night at the Bellevue home of her son-in-!aw and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Burman. She accompanied her daughter that evening in attending the annual dinner d the Atlantic Street Youth Center. Mrs. Bur- man, a former social worker, is retiring from the organization's board after six years as secr tary. Master of ceremonies for the dinner, Mrs. Robinson reports, was the personable and interest. ing newly-appointed judge of the King,' County Superior Court, the Ken. Charles Z. Smith. Among those present was Mrs. Florence Ross, mother of Faith Evans, Lilliwaup postmaster, who was formerly a captain in charge of the Juvenile division of the King County sheriff's office, long iden- tified with juvenile work. Local friends will be pleased to know thet Harry Smith, for- mer owner of the resort, is mak- ing good progress n recovering from his illness. Belfair: PTA To Honor Member In Program A¢ Feb. 2 Meeting By BETTY CRISS 13 being designated Boy Scout BELFAIR -- A "This is your Week. All Scouts and Cubs are Life" type of program is plan- urged to be in uniform and at- ned for the Feb. 2 meeting of tend the church of their choice on the Belfair Elementary PTA when Boy Scout Sunday, Feb. 12. The they meet at 8 p.m. at the Ele- Blue and Gold Dinner is set for mentary school. As the program Feb. 15 at 6 p.m. in the Care- title suggests, this meeting will teria. 'honor a deserving member of LiMa Spooner Humphry un- the community. ' derwent minor surgery recently Scouting activities have re- at Harrison Hospital. She and sumed more or less on schedule her husband have just returned after the holidays. Troop meet- from California where they atten- ings in Febr,ary are scheduled ded the University of California for the 6th and 20th and due to at Berkeley. They are now re- larger attendance, are tentative- siding in Seattle where Humphry .ly set for the Chalet gym. Train- is attending the University ing classes for new scouts are Washington. held Wednesdays at 3:30 p.m. Bid opening for construction New additions are David Duf- of the new high school building field, Don Anderson and Jim- is set for 8 p.m. Feb. 6 in the my Squire. February is An- libratj, of the Belfair Element- niversary month with Feb. 7 to ary school building. [ Tired of that same old black and white picture,? Let us show you color so real you'll think you are there on a BY RCAVICTOR $ for as li÷÷le as 75 PER WEEK! EELLS & VALLEY APPLIANCE CENTER 2nd & Cote Streets Complete Home Phone 426.4663 Furnishings Furniture • Stereo Appliances • Color TV • Thursday, February 2, 1967- Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page