February 2, 1967 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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February 2, 1967 |
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)Nomen's00 Club To Meet At Pridham Home
,. HARSTINE: The February
,ieting of the Harstine Wo-
I|n's Club. will be held at the
,dharrL h0m6 near the ferry-
Ir [Iding.
linderstand that. Monica nas
Jn busy making new draperies
t her home for this occasion.
:lelen Johnson has just return-
i'horrm this past weekend from
two-week trip down to Call-
• mia. She was the guest of
n and Peggy Anderson dur-
h g her stay in Santa Barbara.
Bee reports the weather wag
rm and sunny for the most
. However, one day they re-
'ted four inches of rainfall in
I 1,hours.
be saw both orange and
on groves both in fruit and
' )V'wer and thought them espe-
ally beautiful. She and the
)|ee Andersons also called on
J'ihnnie Johnson and his new
e near San Pedro. And
OJtother day they all went
see Solvang. This is a Danish
ttlement that has become quite
i!itourist attraction. There are
my interesting shops to browse Mary M. Knight
rugh. They ate at Anderson's
1 gtaurant which is famous for
,,nt"i peaeat.S°up' They offer all you Senior Choir Makes Plans
"-,Curtis Aehziger, son of Alice
th d'thespentJohnnielast Budds.Friday Saint.night For Operetta Presentation
ty he left for Tacoma before
;tuFnin to Port Angeles where • The Senior Choir, under the scoring six points each. The next
i is attending college, direction of Dick Endicott, is game will be Feb. 1, with Wish-
preparing an "Operetta" for the kah, here. It will be the last
Annual Spring Music program, home game for the girls.
The operetta is entitled, "Mis- The 7th and 8th grade boys
sissippi Melody". Two of the lost to Quinualts' Junior high
leading characters are Tom Saw- team also. The score was 37-21.
yer and Hucklberry Finn. The Perry was high-po!nt man for
cast consists of 10 girls and Quinault with 12 points. Nick
eight boys. The various parts Iversen and Jerry French shar-
have been selected and everyone ed high scoring honors for MMK
is already busy learning their each with six points.
lines and songs. Jan. 26, grades 5-8 played
The PTO will present a play basketball games at Hood Canal.
in the near future. The play The Jr. High team. won theirs
chosen is entitled, "Hobgoblin by a very close 29-26. John Mil-
House". It will be directed by ler was high scorer for MiWK
Miss Kay Wboten. Joann Tupper with 12 points. Packer was high
and Jake Trim,ble have been scorer for Hood Canal with 11
selected for the leads, points. The next game will be
The Senior honor roll, which at Pioneer Feb. 2.
ter waiting five months our
• w residents and neighbors, the
orge Wanglins of Pt. Wilson
lly got their telephone in-
led last week. Their number
..... 26-6762.
eulah Gabrielsen was com-
etely surprised recently when
¢ husband, Stieg, presented
with a new car and a dozen
roses for their anniversary.
j hen she saw the car she in-
' ted they cancel their reserva-
)ns for dinner in Seattle and
ae down to their Spencer
ve cabin on the Island instead
wever, they both got fooled.
eg bad to call and say he had
; Work and they wouldn t be
Ulfle to do either.
ate Park Ranger Jim 1V[c-
• /hliffe made a tri '
#'i • . . p to Ft Flag-
: ocated east of Port Town-
d on Marrowstone Island. Ft.
lgler is the State Park Head-
tartars for District 1 for this
a. Jim made the trip a week
o_ yesterday to return the
ckup he had been using for
:[ion. tother in SOmewhat better con-
The Patterson Drilling Co of
m'l)ia will be over on the Is-
I "d someime thiS. . Week '
,Well for Dr. Wheelis to drill
on his
[.fty on Pt. Wilson. Since
7. Wheelis and his wife, also a
tor make their permanent
in San Francisco, and will
Unable to be present when
P Well is being drilled, the
.rk will be unde rthe direction
ill'Jim Lobrer. This property is
.hffer er, Stringer home
l,'ne Paul Chaffees had their
good friends, the William
of Fragaria down for
days last week. They came
and stayed until
The Carlsons have
long trip around Europe
Chaffees plan to have
bring their pictures of the
on one of their visits so
n show them to some of
land friends.
learn until after the
in last week that Mi
was great-grandma
last week. The second
their grandmother, Mrs. Olive
Shultes over for a visit after her
recent trip to California.
The Sid Baunsgards drove to
Lakewood on Monday to see their
daughter, Mrs. Ned Shera. It
seems Jeanne had broken her
ankle in a skiing accident on
Crystal. Mountain the weekend
prior to their visit.
The Laskos from New West-
minster, B.C., arrived last Thurs-
day for five: day visit with the
Raymond McCullochs. The Las-
kos have the Bolean Lake Resort
in Canada where Margaret and
Raymond go for a couple of
of weeks each year.
The Joe LaLandes of Aberdeen
spent last weekend at their prop-
erty near the Simmons. During
the two days they called on the
Sid Baunsgards and Gordon
The Social Club meeting for
February will be a pot luck din-
ner. The date is Feb. 10. The
hostesses will be notifying every-
Clarke Shultes and his
on the lsland last
They called on
on Sunday. Then on
the two boys brought
one what they are Re bring be-
twen now and the dinner.
Cindy VCaiie was home "h'om
Seattle this past weekend bring-
ing with her Walt Pike, a close
friend of Bill Binghans. On
Saturday night Walt joined the
five Waites, Maxicine, George,
Dave, Ed and Bill in a trip to
Olympia. Jim Archer also joined
the' group going over to the
Trail's End Barn where indoor
M'otorcycle racing is held. Both
Dave and George took part in
the racing, this being George's
first experience at indoor racing.
Cindy parted directions with
the rest of her family and went
o spend the night with her
grandma, IN)t Smith.
Last Saturday the Gar Wil-
li:m-s drove to Puyallup to spend
the" day with their son, Clinton.
The Hi Burches were also up
for the weekend and cut a load
of wood 1o take back home with
them. Their daughter, Janel and
a friend accompanied the Burch-
Pioneer: Grapevlew:
Shelton School Men. To Be Area Escapes Maior Damage From Storm
Speakers For PTA Program ,,, LOUISE EWART yem's, to stand by.
• PIONEER ..... How to Prepare
Your Child for High School" will
be among the topics discussed
at the next meeting of Pioneer
School PTO. Other subjects will
be the program and services of-
fered by the Junior High and
high School.
Clyde Brown, principal of
Shelton High School, and Louis
Grinnell, City Superintendent of
Schools, will be the gues! speak-
In addition, representatives
from the Tumwater Council of
Boy Scouts will be present to
spend a few minutes explaining
the possibility of a Cub Scout
program in the area.
The date is next Tuesday at
8 p.m. at the school.
A community potluck supper
and social evening will be spon-
sored by the Pickering Home-
makers Club Feb. 11 at 6 p.m.
at the Pickering Clubhouse.
The Club is celebrating the
completion of installation of
plumbing in the clubhouse.
Those attending are asked to
bring, their own •dishes, as well
as several small prizes for use
in the children's games which
'are being planned.
An Associated Student Body
has been organized at Pioneer
School. One purpose is to en-
courage student participation in
school activities.
Officers elected are president,
Richard Walker; vice-president
Dan Deffinbaugh; secretary-
treasurer, Janet Lackwood; rep-
resentatives are, seventh grade,
Wanda Doyle and Mke Larson;
sixth M.ike Tokas and Jeff Pal-
ner; fifth grade Howard Jones
and. Lyre1 HasBrouck and fourth
grade, Bonnie Brooks and Laura
At this time a store is being
operated for the convenience of
It has been decided to con-
duct a bottle drive to raise funds
to purchase jerseys for the bas-
ketball teams.
The drive will begin Saturday
and run through Feb. 10.
Residents who are not con-
tacted may leave bottles at the
Joe Ellison home, next to
Pioneer School, or at Ray Wal-
kers', next by Bayshore Golf-
course. Or you may call 426-2361
or 426-4214 and someone will
pick up your bottles.
Agate Tip-Top 4-H Club mem-
bers are reminded of the new
meeting days. The club now
meets the second and fourth
Thursdays. The first meeting
of this month will be Feb. 9.
Mrs. Gordaon Costa has Dean
ill and is staying at her mother's
for a few days.
Next week's lunch menu for
Pioneer School follows.
Monday: Baked potatoes and
wieners, baked beans, bread and
butter, fresh pears, milk.
Tuesday : Beef roast with
mashed potatoes, carrot and
celery sticks, bread and butter,
jello with fruit, milk.
Wlednesday: Chicken noodle
soup, hot buttered toast, pump-
kin custard, milk.
Thursday: Spanish rice, toss-
ed salad, hot rolls, apricot and
apple Betty, milk.
:Friday : Tuna sandwiches,
macaroni salad, pickles, cookies
ice cream, milk.
Local Youth Attending
University In Oklahoma
has now been made available, The 5th and 6th grade team
is as follows: Jane Chappell, lost their game to Hood Canal
Terry Harkins, Bob Hollatz, Thursday, 35-21. Hess was high
Chuck Nordstrom and Rene ° scorer for Hood Canal with eight
Perkins. points. Tim Trimble was high
The Sophorore class has in- point man for the Owls with
troduced a new idea for money- seven points.
mking. At Basketball games Friday the cheerleaders made
they have a record player set up, Indian headdresses for the stu-
with various albums and records, dents to wear, as we were play-
For 5 cents they will play any ing the North River Redskins
record requested, that night.
The Freshman class has elec- The Owls Jr. Varsity were
ted new semester class officers, yictprjous over the Rpdskil); the
They are president, Pete Muller; score was 53-47. George Boer-
vice president,. Rod Reeve; see- bower was high point man for
retary, Guy West; treasurer, the Owls with 14 points. Schles-
Kathy Stodden; Student Council ser was high scorer for North
Represenative, Teresa Trimble River with 12 points.
ble and Dennis Knipscbield. The Owls Varsity was defeated
Jan. 24, the Junior Vat- by the Redskins, however. The
sity traveled to North Mason for score as the final buzzer sounded
a game. The Owls lost however, was 82-53. Steve Boerner was
by a score of 42-40. Larry Larson high point man for the North
was high scorer for Mason with River squad with 27 points. Dave
19 points, David Knipschield Stodden took game honors with
and Dennis Knipschield. 29 for the Owls.
from MMK scored 13 points as The Owls' next game will be
high scorer. Ken Stodden follow- the final home game. Mary M.
ed close behind with 12 points. Knight hosts the Quinault Elks
Jan. 25, the Owiettes played Feb. 3. The first game will begin
host to the Quinault girls' team. at 7 p.m. Saturday the Owls
After a close game the Quinualt will travel to Chimacum for a
team came up on top with a game izith the Cowboys. The bus
score of 25-21 as the final buzzer will leave the school at 4 p.
sounded. For Quinault Garreat m. Feb. 1, grades 1-4 will attend
was high scorer with 10 points, the Olympia Junior program,
Fran Trim!ble scored nine points featuring an adaptation of Win-
for the Owiettes, while Sandi hie the Pooh by the Drama De-
Perkins and Kathy Stodden made partment of St. Placid High
up the rest of the 21 points, by School.
belongs to Mi's
Linda and her i= DINETTE
Walker of Olympia.
out that Buck Chris-
named their little gal
.* Shu: es a] 1 his
Knox, both from
• DAYTON -- Denny 1WcCallum
son of Mr. and Mlrs. Don iY-
Callum, is attending graduate
school of theology at the Oral
Robert's University in Tulsa,
Okla. Denny spends part of his
time teaching.
Monday evening callers in the
home of Mr. and Mrs. LalIoyne, '
Sievert were Mrs. Blossom Gun-
.tley of Port Townsend and Ma,
Mhe Kramer and Darryl of As-
toria, Ore.
Mlss Pat Canterberry of Quil-
cane spent a few days last week
with the DOn McCallums and
was there Tuesday to help cele-
brate Den's birthday.
The strong winds on Sunday
caused a tree to fall across the
power line near the James Hick-
son home bringing the wires
down and stopping traffic for a
The Don McCallum fanly and
houseguest, Miss Pat ' Canted-
]berry; 1Vies Spike Scrogham,
Carol and Yvette enjoyed attend-
ing the roller skating party
Thursday evening at the rink
sponsored by the 4-H Leaders
Tuesday, Mr. and Mrs. Pete
Bloorrdield, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry
Bloorrdield and Mrs. Evelyn
Wood rrmtore dto Gig Harbor on
'i; ¸¸ i
T US/ We carry a complete
! of belts and parts. EXACT.
! RIGHT for your car. And
r men know bow to install
m. l'or DEPENDABLE er
e, $e€ 45, .
Shelton 7-Piece
S • .ou,.v,,,. w.,.o.,
' (' (:; Stylesetter
ek00v00, in 00own DINETTE SET
Guaranteed by
Phone 426-4176 Good Housekeeping
,=*** er,o. ,39,00
From 426-8665 4fh & Railroad
business and while there called
on Mr. ind Mrs. Bill O'Malley.
• GRAPEVIEW, ..... Our area es-
caped major damage in strong
winds and heavy rains combined
with high tides last Sunday but
reports of minor damage have
been coming in.
The most serious damage was
at the summer home of Mr. and
Mrs. Laurence Brills on Treasure
Ishmd. Their new " bulkhead
which was built last summer,
lost the entire mid section, and
must be rebuilt. The Brills are
from Seattle.
Three boats are reported miss-
ins from Pirates Cove, and num-
erous bouys have broken loose.
Monday was really a day to
watch the water and see planka,
logs, bouys, and even a boat or
two go by. The Walt Claytons
had high tide in their basement
Sunday morning.
The storm accounted for many
summer residents coming out
Monday to check for damage.
All the local beachcombers al-
most run into each other pick-
ins up wood, and other beach
goodies, and the sound of saws
were heard up and down the
Bud Welch spent two days this
week visiting with Jim and Ev-
elyn Walker at their home in
Manzanita, Ore. The Walkers re-
cently sold their house on Stadi-
um Beach and moved to the
Oregon Coast.
Miss Pam Milner was initiated
as a member of Phi Mu Sorority
at the University of Washington
chapter house last weekend.
:Mrs. Jack Milncr was in the
Bremerton Naval Hospital for a
series of tests last week and
came home feeling fine and five
pounds lighter. Sunday morning
Mrs. Milner will leave for San
Francisco to attend the Trans-
portation Management School at
the Naval Supply Center at Oak-
Grapeviews birthday girl of
the week is Margaret Rice. Cleo
Cook came down from Bremer-
ton and with Doris Stock baked
a birthday cake and took it to
Mrs. Rice Monday afternoon for
a little surprise tben the ladies
had a nice visit. Mrs. Cook lived
in Grapeview for a number of
We would like to extend a wel-
come to a newly married couple
who have choosen to make
Grapeview thier first home. Mr.
and 1Vrs. Richard Loving were
married recently in Shelton in
a church ceremony. Mrs. Loving
is the former Linda Pedeferri,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Pede-
ferri of Grapeview. Mr. and Mrs.
Loving have rented a house on
Stadium Beach.
Saturday will see two more
new residents of Grapeview
when Mr. and rs. Earl Berry
will move here from Bremerton.
They have rented Lowel Hardys
little house. The Berrys are orig-
inally from Texas.
The Grapeview Schools Moth-
ers Club meeting was held Wed-
nesday at the school house and
news of the meeting will be in
next weeks issue.
The Grapeview Fire Depart-
ment was called to Allyn to help
keep a fire spreading to several
nearby buildings. The fire was
in the garage of the Valley resi-
dence and an accident occurred
while Mr. Valley was fiberglass-
ins a boat. The garage and con-
tents were distroyed but the fire
was kept /rom, spreading. The
Ally fire department had
trouble with the pump on the
truck so Grapeview was called
Mr. ,and Mrs. Bill Staudt and
Ken:attended the preformance
of the Harlem Globe Trotters
in Bremerton Ttmrsday evening.
Mr. Guiss, Freeman and Park
had a nice wood sign made with
their' names carved to put up
on their private road. The sign
had to be taken down because
people kept wandering in their
yards looklng for the Guim Free-
man Park.
Saturday night the Masonic
Hall in Shelton was the scene of
the Rainbow Girls formal in-
stallation. Susan Pogreba and
Georga Clayton took parJ Cheryl
Hann was a guest for the eve-
Sam Gatlin won his wretllng
match at a meet at North Ma-
son Thursday night, and had
several: Grapeview fans to cheer
him on. The Hick's family,
George and Ruby Lewis, Mi-.
and Mrs. Henry Gatlin, Carol
Battles and Joe Pedeferri. Af-
ter the meet they went to the
Lewis home for refreshments.
The regular Annual Meeting of the shareholders
of the association will be held at the association
office on Saturday, February 4, 1967, at 2 o'clock,
A special order of business to come before the
meeting will be the approval and confirmation ,of the
poposed merger with the Capital Savings and Loan
Association, Olympia, Washington, with branch office
in Shelton, heretofore approved by a resolution of the
Trustees adopted December 19, 1966.
Mason County
Savings & Loan Association
Title Insurance Building, Shelton, Wash.
No. I
Tall Tin
6 OZ.
• Tin
HAIR SPRAY Dry/Co,or.,
Hara to Hold
12€ off Label
10€ off
Med., Wide, Ex. Wide
oz s,zo 26€
KAISER FOIL Heavy Duty 38
Aluminum 18" Roll
APPLE SAUCE Country Kitchen 30312'
Blended Tin
Men. thru Thurs. 11 .:n.-6 p,m
Friday .............. 9 a.m. - 7 p.m.
Saturday .......... 9 a.m.- 5 p.rn.
Thursday, February 2, 1967 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - PN[e 11r