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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 2, 1967     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 2, 1967
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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| T oeoaoeoo oeeoooe ooooeeoeooo,@i ooeeoooee )00000000004 aoeeeoeeaoeesee I i .. I iii ! CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING , For Fast Service Phone 426-4412 Classified Deadline 3 p.m. Tuesday Too Late to Classify 5 p.m. Tuesday RATES Ib Words or less ...................................................... $1.50 10 centa per word for each additional word over 15. Four (4) insertions for the price ,of Three (3). For Sale _ - _- _ HAY FOR SALE, $25.00 per ton. Ph. 426-6842, R 1/12-2/2 WALL-TO-WALL CARPTrs or room- size rugs, Custom-made draperies. We measure, expert installation. Your satisfaction Is guaranteed. Free estimates. You&apos;re always welcome at Oisen Furniture, 4th and Cots, 426- 4792. O 11/18 tfn ]fl:)R A FREE HOUR of beauty call for a Merle Norman Cosmetic dem- onstration. Elaine's, phone 426-4582. E 6/4 tfn WOOD FOR SALE -- Belfalr CR 5- 2802. D 1/8 tin BRAND NEW Polaroid color pace cameram Fully automatic from $59.95. Zleglar's Camera Shop, 124 N. 2nd. Z 7/1 n FURNITURE, ANTIQUF, S. Evergreen Sec..d Hand Store. Dayton Road. Phone 426-2028. W 1/20 tfr FOR SALE -- Large selection of re- conditioned ranges, refrigerators, washers, dryer Fells & Valley Ap- pliance Center. 6/5 tfn MOBILE HOME FURNITURE -- We specialize in quality compact furni- ture for your mobile home. At Olsen Furniture you're always welcome, 4th and Cote. 426-4702. 4114 tfn TRADE 1N YOUtt old furniture at Olaen Furniture. 4th and Cote. 4/14 tfn 'CHRISTMASTOWN, U.S.A." rubber stamps for sale at The Journal. $1.50 each. 227 West Cote. 12/1 tfn FOR SALE -- Good. effective and In- expensive advertising. Just call The Journal. 426-4412. 8/19 tfn USED LOWREY Holiday deluxe organ, like new. $900.00. Johnny's Music Box. J 10/27 tfn ONE USED Storey & Clark Spinet pi- ano $450. Johnny's Music ox. 10/6 t/n IECTROLUX Sales• Service and Sup- plies. Jack Manley. Phone 426-3544. M 12/8 tfn FREE KODAK F1LM with each rnll left for processing. 126-620 - 127 Ko- dacolor. 35 MM Kodaciwome. 8 MM movie, ete, Ziegler's Camera Shop, 124 No. 2nd. 426-6163. 1/5 tfn FOR SALE -- 15 ft. runabout ski boat, 45 H.P. outboard motor with tralh.r $850. Call 426-6907 anytime. T 1/12-2/2 FOR 'SALE: (Jnc pair logging hoots, size 9EE. good condition, $30. ,126- 6295. H 1/19-2/2 WALL-TO-WALL CARPETING, fur- nares, fencing, roofing. Free esti- nytes, ,Sears--Sielton. 426-9201. Ask for Norm. S 1/19-2/9 FOR SALE: Used automatic Kenmor( washer and dryer, 426-4022, S 1/26-2/16 HAY FOR SALE. McDonald's farm Kamilche Valley. 426-3740. M 1/12 tfn FOR SALE - 15 cu. fl. upright freezer. $150. Call 426-6907 anytm.', T 1/12-2/2 2 UPRIGIIT PIANOS. Good condition. Johnny's Music Box, 426-4302. 1/12 tfn SOUP'S ON, the rug that is, so the spot with Blue Lustre. R.nt electric shampooer $1. Coast to Coast. 2/2 FOR SALE: 5-piece dinette set, $30. Roy's bicycle• $15. Peter Zopolis. 426- 4734. Z 2/2 ONE MAPLE swivel chair; 15 cu. ft. Hotpolnt deep freeze, new. One .' new 9 eyelet hoe pac, s. size . - 6398 evenings• H 2/2-23 DUNCAN PHYFE table 5 ft. hmg. 21 In. wide. attached extension leaves. blark mahogany, good condition, $30. Phone 426-6953. D 2/2 ODDS AND ENDS, 50% to 75t?; off. Hobby tile l& off. Silk screen inks l/z off. Hamlln's. 2/2 HAY FOR SALE -- Ben Muller. Grid- dale Road• Rt 1, Box 221, Monte- sane. M 2/2 Immediate Delivery HOTPOi NT 10 Yelp Free Replaoement Wl1"ranty Services INCOME TAX SERVIC---Experlen((d asistancc. 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Prl(:es reasonable. Call 426-490(I. M 1/26-4/13 EVENING T.O.P.S. group beginning. Call 426-3082. Mc 2,/2 PROFESSIONAL CAR WAXING -- Wash, wax, buff. vactlunl and clean interior. Call 426-6541 or 426-2642. 1/26-2/16 INCOME TAX fETURNS coml)letcd In your bolrle or nline. I(}W as 3.,s)U. Call c.ollect Olynqia 943-3935. K 1/5-4/13 BACK HOE SERVICE -- Light grad- ing, back filling, sewage systems. Reasonable rates, Dictz Kadoun, ph, 426-6893. 7/22 tfn SAND AND GRAVEL, top soil. peat soil, custom tractor work. Johns Creek Sand & Gravel Co., phone 426- 3552. 9/12 tfn CHAIN SAW SIIARPENING, speeay accurate, precision grinding. Now at Saeger Motor Shop. Hillcrest. Phone 426-4602. 1/15 tfn DRINKING PROBLEM? Call Alco- holics Anonymous. 426-4088. II '17 fin Electrolux SALES & SERVICE Used Vacuums Babe Anderson -- 426-8569 10/27 tfn HAND SAWS & TABLE SAWS SHARPENED 1714 Jefferson (Mt. View) Phone 426-6687 H 2/17 tfn ROAD GRADING & BACK HOE SERVICE Sand, Gravel, CuiraSs, and Crushed R06k Call Gene Rutledge Phone 426-4827 7/14 tfn Prompt - Guaranteed Service WHEATLEY & KEARY 317 S. 1st ' 426-4553 ii ill LANE HOUSE MOVING Houses Raised, Foundations and Leveling Phone 426-8147 1/27 tfn CARPENTER Repairs, Remodels, Additions, Fences, Etc. Hourly or Time and Materials 4264707 L 11/3 tfn SUZANNE'S CUSTOM SEWING Women's, Children's Clothing. Men's Shirts Only. Alterations- Reasonable Rates. 426-4625 1/12-19-26 Wanted IRONING WANTED In my home. Phone 426-2877. B 1/12-2/2 WANTED -- WOMEN 18 years and older to play basketball. Call 426- -- 2190. M 1/19-2/2 HANDYMAN -- Cleaning, painting. repairing. For Information call 126- 4278. • B 2/2 WANT: 3 bedroom house to rent un- furnished. Call Bob Owens, Certi- fied Mfg. Co. 426-2626. 2/2 Lost & Found LOST  Gernan Shepherd, mostly black with brown markings. Answers to Duke. Reward. Phone 426-8563. A 2/2 Wanted Used Cars Real Estate WANTED --. RIDERS. Shelton to Bremerton Navy Yard, day shift. Call Eugene Dunbar. 426-8943. 1/26 $10,000 CASH! We have client who will pay up to $10,000 csh for best 3 bed- room home offered. Might con- sider 2 bedrooms and basement. Contact A. ROY DUNN, Real- tor, 426-4447. / WANTED GOOD USED FURNITURE or APPLIANCES cash or Consign KELLY FURNITURE 1st & Mill 426-2411 1/27 tfn WANTED  , ALDER LOGS " 8" & 9" dia., 16, 18 & 20 ft. $35.00 10" & larger, 16, 18 & 20 ft. $50.00 8" & 9", 24 ft. and longer .... $45.00 10" & larger, 24 ft. and up $58.00 CASCADE FIBRE Chehalis, Wash. 748.3800 days -- 748-5830 eves. 12/29 tfn For Rent 1,'OR INT, available March 1, 3 bed- FOOn| honle, fireplace. Angleslde. Miaimum 6 month lease, $100 per ztlonth. References. Available now, one bedroom fur- nished huuse, $55 per too. Call Mann t'.eal Estate 426-6592. 2/2 PURDY REALTY Real Estate I,'UitN1SHED 2 ROOM apartment. Ap- ply 526 Franklin. B 2/2 FOR RENT -- Furnished downtown apartment. Carlon Apts. See Mgr., Apt. I've. 3. Call 426-3011. C 2/2 tfn ONE BEDROOM holms, couple only f) amooth. Call 426-4806. H 2/2 tfn GATEWAY APTS. -- Furnished mod- ern apartment, downtown. Adults. 119 E. t?edar St. Phone 426-4895 or 426-448]. 1/19 tfn t'()1€. RENT --- One bedroom unfurntsh- (!(1 apartm(!nt, Lawton Apts., Seventh and l-qnc. Street, Shelton. L 12/22 tfn MILL' CREEK MOTEL has one aJad. two bedroom t,ttages. Call 426-4420, .. }llghway 10 outh. 10/13 tfn 2 IEDROOM APARTMENT, furnished, .eat, clean, lots el closets, lerce TV ant(.nna system, l,eferenees required. No (logs, $60 per month. Edgewood Apts., Sanderson Field. 426-8584. S 1/5 tfn FOR RENT -- Trailer space close to downtown. Call 426-4426. M 10/8 tfn FOR RENT -- One bedroom furnished apartment Downtown. Inquire 718 No. 6th. D 10/57 tfn :: .......... - , .--_ . _--'_J--- ........ v,ew ' Liwoo Manor !Apartments Aeams and G Sts. 2 EDROOM UNFURNISHED We furnish: 0 Elect¢icity and appliances ( Water and garbage service Laur;dry fa:ilities W W carpetir)g and drapes Now Available Apt. 201 - Ph, 426-3100 Contact Manager - 12/1 t.fn Pets, Livestock GENTLE SADDLE HORSE, suitable for small children, $100. Phone 426- 6539. P 1/12-2/2 REGISTERED AUSTRALIAN Terrier puppies for sale. Males and females. Also one West Highland white ter- rier, male. Phone 426-8152. F 12/1 tfn PUREBRED CHIHUAIUA Valentine sweethearts for sa, Call 426-8808. S 2/2-9 Used Cars 1956 PLYMOUTH: Radio, heater, runs good, $90. Ph. 426-8521. K 1/19 tfn 1956 %-ton INTERNATIONAL pick-up. 4 wheel drive, w/splcer hubs• $700. Phone 426-6251. L 1/26 '57 CHEV BELAIR, 2 door hardtop, V8, automatic transmission. Good condition. Call after 5 p.m, 426-683t. S 2/2-23 SACRIFICE! 1965 STIT:GRAY Road- ster, 4 speed, perfect condition, beat offer or car for equity. 426-6012. ONE 1959 FORD Falrlane 500 sedan. MT. VIEW -- New 8 bedroom home, Wynwood Center -- P. O. Box 410 One 1964 Chev. Station Wagon. Call hardwood floors, plastered, fireplace, Gig Harbor -- 857-2121 426-3344 or 426-8513. G 1/12-2/2 built-In kitchen, covered patio. 1005 No. 13th. 426-8527. K 12/1 tJn IN GRAPEVIEW 1966 VOLKSWAGEN, like new, radio and heater. See at Star Route 2, Box 3 BEDROOM, lh baths. Sell equity, Why buy waterfront property 97, Shelton. On Dayton Road. 4£- assume G.I, loan, 5¼% interest. Mt. when you can line'within 125 ft. of 4915 after 4:30 p.m, P 1/12 tfn View, 426-3188 after 5:30, F 1/19-2/9 the saltwater with beach access? DOWNTOWN REMODELED home. This remodeled 2 bedroom home 1961 CHEVROLET Greenhriar wagon, Will trade or sell, low down pay- has beautiful view of water, w/w 2nd seat, automatic transmission, ra- ment. Phone 426-3445. R 11/8 tfn carpet, fireplace, large'patio, car- die. $595. Phone 426-4915, 605 So. 8th. F 1/12-2/2 3 & 4 BEDROOM HOUSF_, close in, port and workshop. Yard all fin- Also several pieces of acreage. Phone ished, garden spot, one block from • 426-8113, Bar-Dins. 311 Cookson. 1/19-2/9 school; Stgve and refrigerator. A 1 Guaranteed Price to be less than $11.000 and m THREE LARGE LCgrS, 2 bedrooms, easy terms garage, fruit trees, garden, 941 E. Cascade. Phone 426-6190 after 4 p.m. during week. S 12/8 t.fn RENT USED CARS '66 GALAXIE HARDTOP '65 FORD CUSTOM '64 CHEV WAGON '64 RAMBLER WAGON '63 CHEVY II '63 COMET CUSTOM '63 FA'LCON WAGON '62 DODGE WAGON '62 VALIANT WAGON '62 TEMPEST WAGON '62 RANCH WAGON '61 FORD SQUIRE '60 MERC WAGON '60 RANCH WAGON Good Second Cars As Is '61 CHRYSLER CONVT. '59 FORD SEDAN '59 FORD WAGON '58 OLDS SEDAN '58 MERCURY SEDAN '57 FORD SEDAN A-| Guaranteed USED TRUCKS '66 Econoline Super-Van '64 FORD -ton p.u. '62 FORD J-ton p.u. '59 GMC ½-ton p.u. '56 INT 4x4 .......... ; !t, Other Used Trucks As Is '55 GMC ½-ton p.u. '55 FORD }-ton p.u. '55 FORD ½-ton p.u. '49 CHEV ½-ton p.u. '44 CHEV G.I. 4x4 6-wheel Jim Pauley's Bob - Bus- Bill- Dick 5th & Railroad 426-8231 For Trade URGENT FOR CHURCH WORK : Trade new 120 bass accordion, cost $325, for piano• 352-3967, Olymn;a-/2 2 R. E. Exchanges EXCHANGE -- What you have -- for what you want. Kurt Mann, Realtor- Exchanger, 426-6592. 8/18 tfn Real Estate COMMERCIAL PROPERTY Corner Lot--100'x 120' Sixth & Railroad Phone 426-8190 A 11/10 tfn ARCADIA ESTATES , offers ter- rifically desirable deal in cleared black loam river bottom tracts, also wooded acre tracts for only $50 down and $20 to $30 monthly payments. Includes water, elec- tricity to property, stream privi- leges for everyone. Stocks decline while demand for land increases. Get yourself a piece of land now while available while we can offer at reasonable prices. Request lit- erature, 2 miles east of Shelton , B 2/2 (Ifillcrest) on Arcadia Road to < 1953 GMC & ton l)lek/lp, excellent sign. ARCADIA ESTATES, Rt. 3, %;;e¢og; €€" condition. Call after 5 p.m. or any- Box 346A, She lion. Phone 426-3663 -- - thne Saturday, 426-2010, E 2/2 __ -- anytime. 10/20 tfn CARD OF APPRFAIATION 1958 FORD, automatic 6 cylinder, new The kindness and sympathy of neigh- license, new battery, snow tires. I.]x- bars and friends in our recent sorrow cellent motor. $250 cash. 426-2-108. NEW LISTING will always remain with us as aprec- 1013 Dearborn. P '-:/2 lous memory. Our sincere thanks and gratitude for all those comforting acts, 1955 CHEVROLET Station Wagon, 6 Spotless 3 bedroom home, W*/ Mrs. Delbert El son and family c yl., stlck, $225. Phone 426-6675 after large secluded lot, new w/w Mr, and Mrs. Sydney Elacn 7 p.m. i H 2/2 carpet, brick fireplace, large and family . . Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Miller MUST SELL (husband In service) 1964 country kl tchen. 100o base- and family wnevrolet Impala SS, excellent con- ment with garage. Plus $50 a ! " Mrs. Gertrude EIso dillon, $1650. Call 426-3417. S 2/2-9 month surprise. i i i r Full Price $16,750. Terms BILL CARLSON - 426-3831, Griffith.H unt-Burwell, Inc. 110 Sth Ave. E. ---Olympia 1/26 ttn ON Z4'.rSVERY 0M£ 1948 CItEVROLET PICKUP..% ton Englnq and tires good, body in fair condition, Roger Anderson. 426-2458. A 212 Eells & Valley Appliance Center 2nd & Cota St. Pholte 426-4663 tompiete Home Furnishing Center 4 bedroom home for rent with acreage. Must have references. $100 per month. CALL JULIUS STOCK Days -- 426-6705 Evenings & Weekends 426-6911 Mr. Realy State says: @ "See these selections today!r' LET'S MAKE A DEAL--- On this older family-sized three bedro am house. It must sell this week, so let's get started. You'll appreciate the large living room with fireplace, the double garage and best of all, the price. Phone today for more information. A FULL BASEMENT IS NO LUXURY HERE-- When you discover how much house you're getting for $8,950. This dandy 2 bedroom home sparkles from head to toe with its new roof, hardwood floors, new paint throughout, electricity b/b heat and a view of beautiful Mt. Rainier. THE OWNER WANTS A SMALLER PLACE So we're seeking a buyer for their beautiful 3 bedroom home in the downtown area. There's hardwood floors, car- pets and drapes, double garage and a beautifully land- scaped yard. If you're looking for a truly fine home, con- tact us today. A HOODSPORT ATTRACTION-- Awaits someone looking for an immaculate little 2 bed- room home on 3 lots above Hood Canal. Everything is in A-1 condition including the new roof and the oil floor fur- ,nace. A dandy retirement spot for Just $6,950. NEARLY 4 ACRES BIGII Here's a possibility for that small farm with a roomy 2 bedroom family home that has an unfinished area that would make a large 3rd bedroom, or a family room. The drilled well is a dandy and there is a small barn or poul- try house. It's very close in and is priced at Just $6,500. IT FEELS LIKE HOMEII It's not fancy, new or different except for that feeling it gives you of being at home. You'll have lots of room to • Just •plain live comfortably too. There's lots of privacy af- forded in the room arrangemnts and it has a fireplace and a family room and 3 bedrooms. Everything is in good condition and it's all wrapped up and available for just $11,750. Ask to see it first. 8TART HERE This cute and compact 2 bedroom Hillcrest home makes a good starting place for the young family. Excellent con- dition throughout and terms can be arranged. Just $7,950, so let's get together and take a look. HERE'S A "QUIET" HOME The chidren will ike this large 3 bedroom home because they can play in the carpeted lower level family room or in the upper level bedrooms without bothering your cam- p.any or you as you visit before the fireplace in the living room. They also have lots of room for bikes and things in the end of the big attached double garage. They will like the excellent Mt. View location and you'll like the $18,750 price. Terms ? You bet! ! 128 FEET OF HAMMERSLEY WATERFRONTII Over 4 acres sloping up from the beach to the Arcadia Road with a fine older 3 bedroom 1 bath home with a fire- place and forced warm air furnace. Included are carpets an ddrapes and everything is in very good condition. Price is $22,500. and the apyliances and tractor and other equip- ment can be purchased ted. Take advantage of this real buy. YOUR BEST BUYII We feel that this brand new 3 bedroom home offers the most for your dollar. (This is your opportunity to purchase a new home with 1100 sq. ft. plus an attached garage for just $13,750. Contract terms, too!! Call us today for an appointment. You'll see whist we mean. BUILDING SITES-- Try one of these for size---a 100' x 120' wooded comer lot on Angieside. Perfect for a daylight basement. Some water view for Just $1200--Areadia Road. Here's another dandy corner lot, perfect for a trailer site. Just $1000-- How about one Just south of town with frontage on 2 roads with city water. Only $1,150. BRING YOUR OWN APPRAISER-- We know you will both be convinced tlat this Mt. View home is well worth the listed price of $16,850 It offers 3 • extra large bedrooms, convenient kitchen-living area as well as a choice utility area. Loads of storage, double carport, fleplace and a large lot complete the picture. Call now for more information on this immaculate home. $4000 CASH-- / To settle an estate, we are offering this 2 bedroom Hill- crest home for $4,000 cash. If you have been waiting for a little place to use your handyman talents, this one is it. Just minor repairs and redecorating will make it a fine home again. Hurry, this one won't last. HIMLIE REALTY 1717 Olympia Highway N. EVENING8 CALL: Phone 42S-3369 DICK KNAUF 426-8110 VlNCE HIMLIE 426-6501 I III I I "SKIP" NESS 426-3049 DAVE THACHER 426-8635 Page 14 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, February 2, 1967 Real LaBIS$ONIERE Real Estate A GOOD STARTER The work on the outside of .this home is all done. New roof, alum- inur siding, 3 bedrooms, paneled living robin with fireplace, large kitchen with utility room, bath, small basement. Just needs a handy man and this would be a comfortable home to be proud of, Beautiful view. $6,500. ANGLESIDE VIEW Excellent view of water and Mrs. 3 bedrooms, bath and hall, large carpeted living and dining room wth fireplace, modern kitchen with built-in refrigerator, stove, dish- washer and garbage disposal, large breakfast and utility room, full paneled recreation room with fire- place ,basement, garage, landscap- ed yard, patio, privacy. $19,500. H I LLCR EST LOCATI ON Come in and make an offer on this older home. One bedroom. $3,800. CENTER OF TOWN Located on 2 City lots, creek, 4 bedrooms. $12,000. COUNTRY LIVING AT THE BEST Located 11 miles out, 3 bedrooms, large living room with fireplace, modem kitchen, large utility room, 2 Creeks, 20 acres, partially clear- ed, fenced for horses, outbuildings, lovely setting, guest house with one bedroom. $25,000. Call 426-4666 Sue Daniels 426-3434 LaBissoniere AGENCY REAL ESTATE - INSURANCE 119 So. 4th -- Shelton, Wash. A. Roy Dunn HERE'S A REAL BARGAIN!... Better hurry or you'll miss getting this lovely 2-3 bedroom Mountain View home that's just like new... and the price has been reduced $2,000 for a quick sale at $13,000. On 2 large lots, nicely fenced, and includes large 2 car garage and fine big workshop. What are you waiting for! WANT DOWNTOWN AREA? .. Then let us show you this lovely older 3 bedroom home in one of our nicest neighborhoods. The con- venience of being only few blocks to work, stores, schools, and churches is great. So many nice features too. $13,000--better see it Sow! A BAYSHORE BEAUTYI . . . You are only 3 minutes from town to this lovely 3 bedroom Bayshore home. Here's the ideal place to en- I Joy all waterfront activities. Cozy fireplace, built-ins, paneling, work- shop, 2-car garage, covered deck, bulkheaded beachfront, etc. This won't last long--let's look now! WHO WILL GET THIS ONE? ... Here's a very excellent value in a lovely 3 bedroom view home. Car- peted, large fireplace with raised hearth, electric heat, built-in range and oven, 1 baths, 2 car garage, and storage for trailer. On two lots. Only $14,750 on easy FHA terms. NEED 3 OR 4 BEDROOMS? . . And want something modest in price? Then take a look at this older and solidly-built home. It's plastered, has hardwood floors, electric heat, separate dining room, small basement, large garage with workshop, and nice yard with flowers. $8950. WILL TAKE SMALLER HOME.. As part payment on this lovely 3 bedroom Mountain View home. Has 1 baths, all carpeted, lovely kitchen with beautiful cabinets, in- cluding built-in range and oven, plus many more features. Excel- lent neighborhood. $13,900. NEED A NEW LOCATION? ... We have a very fine commercial builcBng, including plenty of black- top parking space, and has nice living quarters too. It's yours for Real BRAND NEW SU| 3 BEDROOM Large level lot; 3 pressive fireplace, claus living patio-barb. boards galore. age. Yours for only $800 down, incl. service. COUNTRY HOME PLUS GUEST HOL 3 miles S.East, bedrooms, 16 ft. room with Efficient kitchen; guest house is 28 enette, bath. $550 down. STARTER HOME Close in, North bedroom, large ate dining room, Handy kitchen, Buy on Contract; PREPARE FOR Popular Lost Lake Access to Lake close CALL After John DevereuX Andrew Hulde¢ FREE RENT? Could be.If you oct0 Lhis down-town duP ather half make yo : merits. Located i area. It is in excel and from the inn point, a very fine I with convenient WE'LL TAKE THI ;L IN YOUR HOUSe. ' As down paymen t, Le bedroom home in .: e area. Fireplace, bu oo range, work shop, ts plus features ma itc standing buy at $1 e closing time nece nc agree on the termS,, ?u right in. Why not c! 5 B. R., 2 BATHS e With private water] ri know you will agre bu doubtedly one of  'oo will find anywhef Iw carpeted living re ll room, circulating.; fi ment and OUthuill chard. You name It. t5er it! Tne price is $1 k can pick it up wit re down, or anything trade of similar yell T 4 B. R., 2 BATHS  r Actually at this 1 Le duplex and each  en rooms, a bath, a la ga and kitchen. By through the party, T vert it nto a char".i d hme. On 60 ft. of . m. frontage with nea depth, nicely landil and a lawn rightdee edge The outs0000¢Yp this offer is the are and both units _d rl NEW -- 1416 SQ, "q Including attached ceptionally large g tinily room will c the family who ne h space for entertaWI rooms are larger  t the location is on Y nicely wooded cor a ts $14,900 and it e $600 cash outlay to MT. VIEW -- 3 1 only $21,500. Now is the time t ,(] a home of your o Yes, this fine view lot, all cleared, this one--ithas a. n Yes, this fine view lot, all cvleared, floor plan, 3 bed c range, wardrobe cl0 level, with sewer and water and attached gara,e toO, paved street can be purchased for only $14,850 and  el this sum. Terms too! terms are available' • " " NEAT AS A PIN=tj"JJ t ONLY $6,000 FOR LAKE! Most of this small lake about 5 This is n excep S miles from Shelton can be yours at where the purchaL this low price. About 11 acres in this owner's equit., all, with nice site for secluded cab- assume their mort.f." i in. Du'ck hunting in season, at only $ mcmding taxes a --" 100' OF FINE HOOD ANAL ter call on this oBe)i T Frontage, very cozy cottage with i k about 3 acres lovely back land can _k. be yours for only $14,500. It's a MANN REA LI? buy, so you better check It! Call 426-4447 • ,4. Roy Dunn REALTOR 126 Railroad Avenue -- 8he|ten CALL 428-85 ' 121 RaJilrosd EVENINGS KUK