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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 2, 1967     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 2, 1967
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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jJi, School Asks Listing Of Pre Schoolers VFW T Me F id y Night Legal Publications Legal Publications = O ef r a |E¥1TIoNE OF IIEARIN FINAl, .... AN ORDINANCEoRDINANCE NO.providing757 for Department''tate ofOf W..|,i.tonNaturai re, sources in order to make plans for fu- students in the school system. It The hlank can be fl.ed out for ITS aegu, ar eeTi T]ION'"_ .... the issuance of an installment note Bert I.. Cole ture classroom needs, is con- is printed here for the conven- and returned to any one of the mIN(}¥Oq'w(')lfl'-'OF THE.OI payablement Fund,fr°mDistrictthc "LocalNo. 19"Impr°w"-of the NOTIcEC°mmisui°nerIs IEREBY°f PubliCGiVEN.LandsThat ducting a pro-school census, ience of those who have pro- three elementary schools in the • The next rejecting of the VFW aid individual families; or es- "- "ffEsO'N ....... on Tuesday the 28th day of February, ILJ] (In Probate) --1967, com' at ten o'clock in The information blank, print- school children, but, no children district. Post 1694 will be Friday at 8 p.m. tablish better recreational and the Matter of the Estate of the forenoon of said day, at the Coun- at the lemorial Hall. educational opportunities, or as- IJDE M. HOAGLAND, Deceased. ty Court House in the city of Shclton, itiee is hereby giwn that JEAN   : In strengthening the nation sist schools, churches i}00ONGEWARD and J00ES R. 00ount of State'-f Washi,,g- "d ton, y the Cou'nty Auditor of said Your cooper'atlon In completing thls preschool census questionflalr'e * in which we live, the V.F.W. be- other organizations or benefit I k LAND, Co-Executors of the Es- county, the folh)wing dcscribed tide- lieves that democracy and true yout h groups; or provide leader. 'of CLAUDE M. HOAGLAND, have lands, together with the improvements i in the office of the Clerk of said situated thereon, will be s,fld at put)- Americanism begins at home. ship and support to health, safe. ,t their final Report and petition lic auction to the higimst bidder there- idlstribu:tion; asking the Court to for, to-wit: (NOTE--No one ,,x(:,,pt will assist your Shelton SChool District 309 in future planning. Please The result of this thinking is a ty or fund raising drives are all said Report distribute the prop- c tizcns of the tlnited States, or l[mr- program which the V.F.W. re- exanples of "community ser- llschargct° the persOnasaid theretOco.Executors;entitledandand sonStlon toWh°bccomehaVCsuch,declaredcan purchasetheir intca-state bring or send this form to 5k)rdeauxs Evergreen or Mid View School. fers to as "community service." More than 1,000 community ;:said Report and petition will he hmds.) In cities, towns, and neighbor- service programs of different d' on the 17 day of March, 196': at Application No. ,,077 * If you have no prchoo£ chdaen p£ease give this to a hoods throughout the country, vice" at work. i A, M. at the Court Room of the The tidelands of the second cla, ate Department of said Court, at owned by the State of Washington. IV- V,F.W. pOStS and their auxil- nature have been develoPed by • tedt timein saidandEstatePlace mayany appearPers°n andin" lineing eaStand hetween°f tim gowrnmcntthe sidclinesmeanderof the ne.ighbo/t or o;th fd, end ,i,n Sheon Schoo£ PLs 309. iaries carry on various programs V.F.W. Posts which are repro- objections thereto and contest the South 100 feet of the North 450 feet of which serve to benefit not only sentative of millions of dollars ed this 24 day of January, 1967. Gow,xnment Lot 4, Section 27, Town- ship 22 North, Range 3 West, .W.M., the community, but state and spent and manhours in comple- ild te of first publication January 26, produced west (said portion ot tlov- -- -- . nation as well, Programs which tion of the programs. ernment Lot 4 being also known aa LODGA KIMBEL Tract 8 of the unrccorded plat of Dn- DLER, Clerk of said Court aid V. Anderson's Lots at Tahuya) McBROOM & GATES with a frontage of 1.86 lineal chain, more or less. Appraised at $116.25. City to be sold to the Flremcn's . Relief and Pension Fund of the. City as an investment for such Fund. WHEREAS, Local Improvement Dis- trict No. 19 heretofore issued and sold to the Arterial Street Fund as an in- vestment thereof local improvement district warrants to be repaid out of the assessments paid on the assess- ment roll of I.,..:, Improvement Dis- trict No. 19 and out of the proceeds of the sale of local improvement dis- trict bonds; and WHEREAS, Ordinance No. 735 as amended by Ordinance No. 744 of the. City provided that the City ,should is- sue its local improvement bonds to pay for tim cost and exl)ense of the i:n- provement in Local Improvement Dis- trict No. 19, such 'bonds to be re- deemed from special assessments against the property benefited by the. improvement; and WHEREAS, the 30-day period al- lowed by law for the payment of as- sessmenta in Local Improvement Dis- trict No. 19 without penalty or inter- est has elapsed, the total amount of the aasesment roll as confirmed being $20:301,58, and $13,064.05 having bean conecteu (lurmg said 30-day period, leaving an uneo]lected balance on said roll of $7,257.53; and , , • WHEREAS, the City Commmsmn has now determined that in lieu of issuing those local improvement bonds it is in the "best interest of the City to issue an installment note paable ou of the "Local Improvement 9und, District No. 19," and sell such note to rneys for Estate 1 Norton Building tie, Wash. J kL) ---------- 1/2B-2/2-9 3t U To. 3789 IW NOTICE TO CREDITORS ,1, PRESENT AND FILE CLAIMS HE SU*IERIOR COURT OF THE IATE OF WASHINGTON FOR .¢ZKSON COUNTY '] (In Probate) Matter of the Estate of . the Matte1 vVm:i E WRIGHT, Deceased• - • the Flremen's Relief and Pension Fund Fr CE IS HEREBY GIVEN that of the City as an investment for such w-Undersigned'beon .. FranCiSand R. Wright Fund, and the proceeds from the sale iX¢!nted ha.n qualit'led of such note, together with the amount ," trator of the estate of Payment perto(], to be used toward , !rsEonYlrght, deceased;and that collected during the 30-day cash pre- IU:"jPeestate' ortVingthe claimSsaid decca.,against the payment of the outstanding warrants i;--eYd r'equired, to serve the s#da] suea• against the "Local Improve- ment Fund, District No. I9" and held te.Ja up|.lcate with the necessary by the Arterial Street Fund. NOW, - atacned, upon the un,ier- THERERE, Administrator or his attorney of THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE [ d at the law office of B. Frank- CITY OF SHELTON, WASHINGTON, $] [euston Angle Building, Sbelton, DOES ORDAIN as follows: ' ,ringt°n" and file such claims, tc- Section I. Pursuant to Chapter 165 : with proof of service with the o tne aws of 1961 of the State of , • o the above entitled Court Washington, there shall be issued one i n rX, (6) months after the date installment note payable to the Fire- t • pumlcation of tnis notice, men's Relief and Pension Fund out of : 26 January 1967, or all clei s the "Local Improvement Fund Dis- ,, Obarred,presented and filed will be for- trict No. 19," to be dated Febary 1, 1967, and to become finally due on  FRANCIS R WRIGHT, February i, 1979. The note shall be 1 Administrator Estate of issued, in the amount of $7,237,53 TOp- James E. Wri'ght. Deceased resenung the balance of the cost and 'i Address: Island Lake Drive, expense of Local Improvement District i Ahdfirsal; No. I9, which is to be borne by the property owners therein and which includes any interest accrued on the outstanding local iprovement district 2/2-9-16 4t warrants• The installment note shall 8 CAL, FOR IDS annum to be paid on the unpaid bal- I e Commissioners of bear interest at the rate of 5% per Mason Co. Fire ance thereof. The installment note :rict No. 4 will r( ceive ')Wing: bids on tlw. shall be sold to the Firemen's Relict 1. 8" well with casin- n I • and Pension Fund at par as an invest- ' Unit Price per foot g P ace .-- ment for such Fund. Moneys from the " °unell with casing in place -- :'Loctl Improvement Fund District No. av" snail be paid to the payee of such iIJ. " priCeinPerplacefOot note at least once a year, beginning 8,erC to'of -- Unit price '*'4 with the date of issue, for the put- . 6' SCreen" in place -- Uni pose of reducing the principal and in- L per foot. , t price forest amounts due on the lnstalhnent , A flat fee for a 4 hr note• Upon receipt by the Firemen's : with a ...... test of well Relief and Pension Fund, such mon- G.p. M --nmmn) llow of 75 eys shall first be applied toward the , A cost i)er iaOur of such work as interest due on the unpaid balance of i hailing. SUrging etc. the instanment note and any addition- [COmplete h)g ot drilling and d al moneys shall thereafter apply as a data • . raw ll to till be reqmred, reduction of the principal amount of urllleU on property of tne note. Tne proceeds received from ;rict 4 located ap roxim the sale of such installment note and southeas at -P.- ately 6 the amount collected on the assess- . t _. nenon on Cole ment roll during the 30-day ca.h pre- payment period shall be used to retire r C°mmissiers reserve ect any ahd all bids the right outstanding warrants issued against minate drilling and the right the Local Improvement District No. F[0 feet. on o'r after depth 19 and held as an investment of the Arterial Street Fund. imples of Water bearing strata and . Sectlon 2. The installment note is- O other Samples Dlb as may be request- sued pursuant to this Ordinance shall the Commissioners. shdl be bear on its face (1) the name of the payee; (2) the designation of Local )r_walt S ofurther details and location cnn- Improvement District No. 19 from !heitoniVr_S:!er%tary 1714 Ridge whose funds the note is payable: ,3) • , as,,. *el 42 - r. five Percent r.¢,.." 6 33o3. the date of issue of the note (4) the • /, ueposit of must ace() " • total date on whicl the note or the final T.°npany each b)d • x-a;LL RI ' instalhnent thereon shall become due; 426-8378 CKARDS, (5) the rate of interest to be paid On • 2/2-9-16 3t the unpaid balance thereof; and (6)  ,such manual ,or facsimile aigpaturcs and attestations as are reqtired': to appear on the Warrants of the City. The reverse side of the installment note shall bear a tabular payment rec- NGLE AGENCY LESIOE LOCATION new homes to choose from ed conveniently in a new t m neighborhood. These fine 3  om have full base- homes ! :for. additional space. Built- % :tcnen and hardwood floors are e of the other features. FHA acing With minimum down. To- urchase price $14,500.00. UNTAIN VIEW i are homes, built for a .,matmg buyer with a mod- uuget All three homes, aree2 ooms 'with built m tch Lw°°d floors and the works. ,jent Selection with or with- erreoPlraCe, bath 'or bath and V=, - side lot. Prices from 00,0000,000 financmg available.dIoWve?: ord which shall indicate at prescribed installment date.s the receipt of any Local Improvement District funds for the purpose of servicing the debt in- dicated by the note. The tabular pay- ment record shall, in addition to the above, show the unpaid principal bal- ance due on the installment note to- gether with sufficient space opposite each transaction affecting the note for the manual signature of the officer authorized to receive the money for the payee. Section 3. The installment note may be redeemed out of "Local Improve- ment Fund, District No. 19" at any time by payment in full of the unpaid principal balance and accrued interest to date of redemption. Section 4. The installment note shall be issued and paid in accordance wit)), and shall otherwise be subject to, the provisions of Chapter 165 of the Laws of 1961 of the State of Washington. Introduced at regular Commission Meeting this 24th day of January, 1967. Passed at regular Commission Meet- ing this 31st day of January, 1967. F. A. TRAVIS, Mayor DAVID KNEELAND Commissioner of Finance ELROY NELSON Commissioner of Public Works ATTEST : ALMA K, CATTO, City Clerk FORM APPROVED: B. FRANKLIN HEUSTON, City Attorney 2/2 It TEMI'ORARY REGULATION NO. 262 NOTICE The following Temporary Regulation No, 262 was Cuiy and regularly Passed and adopted at a regular meeting. January 9, 1967, of the State Game Commission for the State of Wash- ington. RESOLVED: That the Temporary Rule and Regulation hereinafter set forth was duly ordered, adopted and promulgated by vote of the State Game Commission. RESOLVED FURTHER: Tbat Tem- porary regulation No. 250 shall be amended to read as follows: Cougar or Mountain Lion Season: ()pen Season: Year-round In all counties of the State EXCEPT CLOS- ED during January, February, Marih and April in eastern Washington. Bug Limit: One cougar or mountain lion per calendar year EXCEPT NO BAG LIMIT in Clullam, Jefferson, Grnys Harbor and Mason Counties. Note: All cougar or mountain lion taken In Clallam, Jefferson, Grays Harbor and Mason Counties may be taken in addition to the one bag limit in the balance of the State of Wash- it A MINUTE FROM TOWN droom home on 2 acres of land ted close to town. Drilled well, :r v} °ck foundation and sin' tge, $4,950.00. r Va MINUTE FROM TOWN! :droom home in excellent con- " -,cnc neat, lots of stor- space, large utility room and ,.*ea spot for a gardener with on thumb. $10,750 to the right lroom home for rent or le llOWn Io ..... use, er auon. Fireplace, hot heat. $75.00 month, is the best time to look for if You intend to build in the or even later We ha exee • " we llent wew Wa .... lots from $1400 _ er.and Sewer in and ,r eonstrnction. Take ad- of a "buyers market', and Located on the North side of Hood --, Canal at the mouth of the Tahuya RIv- Your Name Address er in northeastern Mason County. Purchaser must also pay a $5,00 stat- utory fec. To be sold at Shelton, County Seat, on Tuesday, February 28, 1967, at 10 o'clock a.ln. BERT L. COLE, Commissioner of Public lands Location of home (Angleside, Capital Hi l I, Dayton, Cole Road, etc.) 2/2-9-16- It NOTIC]E I)l': GROUND WATEK List Preschool Chi Idren RIGHT APILICATION NO. 8417 ' - tst of Whinjton Office of Supervisor of Water Reso.ree. - Olympl, Name B l rthdate TAKE NOTICE: That ANDERSON  & SONS INC. of AJlyn, Washington on Decembe'r 6, 1966, filed application for permit to withdraw pubhe ground I • waters through a well situated within SE NE o] Section 19, Township 22 N., Range 1 W., W,M,, In Mason coun- ty, In the amount of 40 ga.ons per 2. minute, subject to existing rights con- ' ..... tinuonsly, each year for the purpose of community domestic supply, Any objections must bc accompanied , by a two dollar ($2,00) recordihg fee ' and filed with the State Supervisor of Water Resources within thirty (20) days from Feb, 9, 1967. . ..... 4. Witness my hand and o[[iClal oaA this 20th day of January, 1967, ,. FRED D. HAHN Acting State Supervisor of Water Resources 2/2-9 2t o, Magnuson Pushes Lumber Use In Hospitals NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That the Board of County Commissioners • Sen. Warren G. Magnuson, this area of construction as well economic conditions in the cur- did on January 23 167, adopt a Res- olution declaring their ntentmn to re- D., Wash., said today that he as instances where larger hen- rently depressed lumber con- locate and improve a section of County was "greatly pleased" to learn vy timber might be proPerly uti- struetlon industry" and assured Road No. 310, the Shelton-Matlock Road, extending from the south end that the Public Health Service lized in non-patient areas, that "existing regulations permit of Goldsborough Creek Bridge in the has approved protected wood Under Secretary Cohen said the use of protected wood con- northeast quarter of Section 24, Town- ship 20 North, Range. 4 West,. W.M., construction for one-story hos- in the reply he understood Mat- struction for one-story hospitals and running the.nee in a genera west- pitals and nursing homes, nuson' "concern to improve the and nursing homes." erly direction a distance of one and one-eighth miles. The proposed route Magnuson noted that the Pub- is more specifically described as fol- lic Health Service had wavered Goldsboroughl°WSBeginning atcreekthe southBridgeendinOf thethe regarding wood construction in Labor Opposes 25 Pe r Cen÷ sw of the NE/ of Section , .,- these federally-aided programs ship 20 North, Range 4 We .... several months ago until a meet- thence in a general westerly direction ing was arranged with forest AS t---sessmen" Rare r 00'roposa' approximating the route of the exist- lng Shelton-Math)ck Road a distance products industry leaders and of 5.92o feet; and .. Public Health Service officials. WHEREAS: said Resolution furtner CARE Mt. View Alliance Church Sunday School .......... 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship .... 11:00 a.m. A. Y. F ..................... 6:00 p.m. Evening Service ...... 7:00 p.m. Prayer Hour (Wed.) 7:30 p.m. AEX C. MOTES, Pastor North$1de Baptist Church • Welcomes You To Its Services Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Worship 10:45 a.m. Affiliated with Southern Baptist 123 West C Street [ Foursquare I Church 910 East Dearborn i LEWIS B. WYSONG, Pastor Sunday School .......... 9:45 a.m, Morning Worship .... 11:00 a.m. C. Y.'s & Cadets ...... 6:00 p,m. Evening Service ....... 7:00 p.m. Bible Study (Wed.).. 7:00 p.m. L LUTHERAN ......... FAITH CHURCH I ! 7th and Franklin Family Worghlp Service: 8:30 a.m. Claes: Sunday Sohool & Adult 9:30 a.m. 2nd Worship Service 11:00 a.m. Christian Worship, Education, Fellowship 8ervlz ! • "A FRIENDLY GROVtZNG CHURCH" Carl J. CarMen, Pastor Phone .126-84111 i I=IRST BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. John P. Turnbull, Interim Pastor SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1967 9:30 School 11:00 a.m.Rev. Kenneth Cumings, Represntative of C. B. Missions Society 6:00 p.m.Youth Groups 7:00 p.m.Rev. David Yount, Missionary Appointee to India declared that such road improvement Citing a letter he had received was a public necessity and nstructcd from Wilbur J. Cohen, Under • Collective bargaining has pro- parties to say no" and thus to the Clerk of the Board to set up a duced benefits for an "overwhel- keep bargaining truly free, public Hearing thereon; and Secretary of Health, Education ' 't " FURTHER, said Resolution instruct- and Welfare, Magnuson said that ruing n'tajorl y of Americans in ed tbe County Engineer to report on the last 25 years and its contin- said road improvenmnt and requested a review was now underway for the Prosecuting Attorney to review revised regulations in all cute-wed success is essential, the M a-Busness and give approval to the steps herein gories of hospital and medical son County Labor Cotmcil said ordered ; NOTICE IS THEIREFORE GIVEN: facilities supported by Federal in a statement signed by Pro- That said Hearing will be held at the sident Darrell Sparks. Office of the County Commissioners in grants-in-aid such as mental Nufnbers ram" the Courthouse at Shelton, Washing- health, rehabilitation and medi- The roster of benefits are ton, at 11:00 A.M., Tuesday. February health care, hospitalization, more 14, I967. All interested pcrsons may cal teaching facility centers. appear at said Hearing to be hld for. , I b Ueve thin. decision bthe paid holidays and and vacations, the purpose of hearing thc Engmecr's ; W--oun-- up"-- report on said County Road. Public Health Service is a sign - financial protection against lay- DONE this 24th day of January, iflcant breakthrough in gaining offs and plant closings, savings 1967. plans, guaranteed employment, BOARD OF: COUNTY COMMIS- acceptance of wood products SIONERS OF MASON COUNTY, which are safe for use in tese and improved incomes for nil- WASHINGTON lons • The business population of By Ruth E. Boysen facilities and we have turned Mson County inereased 8.2 per Clerk of the Board 2/2-9 2t back a trend which was discre- Those who criticize the Ameri- minatory towards the forest pro- can labor movement for lack of cent during 1966, according to NO. 3731 ducts industry," Magnuson said, social concern "simply cannot statistics released by W.H. NOTICE OF IIEARING FINAL sustain their argument on any Berry, district manager of the REPORT AND PETITION He indicated that he will con- Seattle office of Dun & Brad- FOR DISTRInUTION tinue to watch developments in sound factual basis." IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE "In this nation, the labor move- street, Inc. Basing his facts on STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR a physical count of the January, MASON COUNTY ment is the only private organi- In the Matter of the Estate of AXEL zation whose primary dedication 1967 edition of the Dun & Brad- , 00..od y'rm'" Needs stree! Reference Book. Berry re- Janice Henricksen. Executrix of said is to the widest and best interests of all the American people. We ports that in 1966, 268 business Estate, has filed with said Court her final report and petition for distribu- were listed in Mason County tion. ,.king the Court to settle said-e, t "" "'cop'er -sympathetically deal with the report, distribute the property to the whole gamut of difficulties and and today 290 businesses are. persons thereto entitled and to dis- listed. charge said Exccutrix. Said report and challenges that, confront the aT- petition will be heard on the 17th day erage American citizen and his Berry noted that each January of February. 1967. at 9:30 a.m. in the business concerns in all parts of Courtroom of said Court. in the Coun-Pilot Men family." This nation shou|d re- ty Courthouse at Shclton, Washington, train from any new punitive the United States are asked by DATED THIS 13th day of January. labor laws. Dun & Bradstrcet for copies of 1967. LODGA KIMBEL • Due to the increased use of The government should avoid their financial .¢mtements. This year requests are being sent to Clerk of the Superior Court any further move toward corn- By: TECKLA VERMILLION helicopters and the urgent need nearly three million business Deputy Clerk pulsory arbitration and labor also ROBERT L. SNYDER for pilots, the U. S. Army has would like to see it back away concerns to the corner grocery Attorney at law expanded the number of classes store, worth a few thousand 125b N. 5th from some of the laws already Shelton, Washington 1/19-26-2/2 3t for Warrant Officer Flight Train- on the books, dollars as well as to the busi- ing,M. Sit. Ed Smith, Army The ogjective should be "to nesses worth millions. NOTIGE OF WATER RIGHT recruiter in Olympia, Wash., said preserve collective bargaining." The Dun & Bradstreet Refer- APPLICATION NO. 20@36 this week. State of Washington The real goal o laws governing ence Book lists those manufact- Office of the Supervisor of Water Primary helicopter training collective bargaining is "trails- urers, wholesalers, and retailers Resources -- Department of which is conducted at Fort WoI- Conservation -- Olymplu ticaliy" to preserve the right of who seek or grant commercial TAKE NOTICE: That John A. Allen ters, Texas will be expanded to eithcr side to reject what it does credit, but it does not include of Belfair, Washington on December handle the training load, which '" " 30, 1966, filed application for permit not like inn contract. Mediators some of the service and profeso EI| € ; to divert the public waters of an un- has been increased from 410 to musl "preserve the right of the sional businesses, such as beauty St. David's s opal Church named spring, tributary of Hood Can- ";10 pilots monthly, and barber shops, security deni- al, in the amount of 0.01 cubic foot Fourth & Cedar, Shelton, Washingeon per second, subject to existing rights, "High school graduates with ors, and real estate brokers. continuously earn ycar tar the pur- high mental and physical pre- The Rev. Clarence A. Lady, Priest pose of domestic supply: that the ap- V B flf Therefore, the figure for total proximate point of diversion is located requisites are eligible," Smith e00eran one business in the United States The Church is always open for meditation and prayer within Government Lot 1, of Section said. "Army pilots must possess 7:30 A.M.--Holy Communion 18, Township 22 N., Range 2 W., W.M., would be higher than the three in Maso County. st b physical stamina and be men- Fig F million quoted above, 9:30 A.M.--Church School and Adult Bible Class Any j't ins n u. e accompanied tally alert since they are often in ur or  ll:OO A.M,--Divine Worship by a two dollar ($2.00) recording fee and filed with the State Supervisor of situations where they are respon- Water Resources within thirty (30) sible for the safety of other set- days from Feb. 9, 1967. . ,, Witness my hand and official seal vlcemen. this 13th day of January. 1967. Pre-flight classes are schedu- H. W. POLLOCK. State Supervisor of Water led on a monthly basis, elimi- Resourccs 2/2-9 2t nat:ing any waiting period, Smith 5th & Cota I KMAS ] Morning Worship[ Broadcast over | 1280 - 11:00 a.nL I MT. OLIVE LUTHERAN CHURCH ' MISSOURI SYNOD 206 E. Wyandotte EDWIN C. Z$CHOCHE, Pastor" SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1967 Sunday School and Adult Bible Classes ....................... 9:45 a.m. Mornilg Worship ............................................................ 11:00 a.m. Theme: "The River Jordan, In which the Sinful and the IplCss Have Bathed', J "RII II I I I " = Kamilche Valley A.semb'ly 6 mi. South of thelton on Freeway to Olympia MARVIN MOE, Pastor Sunday SChool ..................................................................... 100am=l 9"4-sa'm" Morning Worship .............................................................. : . , Christ's Ambassadors ........................................................ 0:00 p.m. Evangelistic Service ............................................................ 7:00 p.m. Thursday Btble Study and Prayer .................................. 7:30 p.m. Cooperative: Assembly of God SHELTON ASSEMBLY OF GOD 1521 Monroe Street MASON YOUNGLUND, Pastor SUNDAY SCHOOL --- Classes For AU ....................... 9:45 a.m. MORNING WORSHIP ..................................................... 11:00 a.m. CHRIST'S AMBASSADORS ......................................... 6:00 p.m, EVANGELISTIC SERVICE " 7:00 p.m. WEDNESDAY  FAMILY NIGHT ............................... 7:00 p.m. i i I , iii i II II Family Service 7:30 p.m, State Are G;ven Nothing ,,.o,,,, • Local figures just released THE by the seattle Veterans Adminio emphasized. The helicopter pl- stration Regional Office regard- G & King Streets /ngton. CALl, FOR BIDS lot receives flight pay in addition hIg the recently announced GI REV. HORACE N. MOUNTS, MINISTER The foregoing Temporary Regula- Sealed bids to be opened at the reg- tion No. 262 shall be forthwith enter- ular monthly meeting In February w 11 tO other benefits afforded War- insurance dividend payments 8:30 and 11:00 a.m. Worship Services ed and recorded in the minutes of the show that 84,539 veterans In Wa- 9:45 a,m. Sunday School for all ages -- 6 p.m. Youth Fellowship aStal Game Commission and published be received by the Board of Trustees rant Officers. South Puget Sound Regional Library, shington State will receive $4, , • _ ympm: Thurston County, Wash- 7th and Franklin, Olympia. Washing- Further details about the Army 037,400 during the year 1967. Your investment now. region, and. the Port Angeles News, ton 98501, until noon February 15, Warrant Officer Flight Training Port Townsend Leader Montesano 1967, for a 1949 Red truck. FIRST OHUROH OF OHRIST tQIENTIST FOR SAL, Vidette and Sheiton-Maon County This ve.hicie has been used as a Program may be obtained from John B. Kirsch. VA l%egionaJ more CLOSE-IN 302 Alder St, Shelton, Wash. Journal, issue, as provided by law, for one bookmobile and is suitable for con- Smith at US Army Recruiting Manager, reported today that version into a camper. Both engine Dated at Yakima Washington, this and chassis were overhauled ia 1963. Station, ely., Wn. Call collect $3,704,400 will be paid to 79,796 room house well located on STATE GAIE COMMISSION buyer will be responsible for remount- War II who have retained their 9th day of Januar;; 1M7. Washington verterans of World Sunday School 11:00 a.m, -- Church 11 a.m. The vehicle is to be sold as Is and the |O 357-3080. corner lot and in good co - Wednesday evening testimony meetings 8 p.m. 1 This older house Will o. "ITIar'°ld A. Pebbles, Chairman ing the wheels and removing th, ve- lives Reading roo%Tt located in cliuroh. Reading room hotly, to u nexpensive home fn",."..  rtnur S. Coffin hicle within seven days of the date ,,f %'/%---"/=- GI insurance, and the remaining 4 p.m. Man. & Fri. Wed. ev ning 6:45 to 7:45. James H. Rails purchase. A certified check totaling Legal Publications $363,00 will be. shared by 4,743 ,uu out --- vu. Albert T. Prichard ten percent of the amount bid slmu!d ? SUi+" building and concrete Claude Bekina accompany each bid as earnest money. .__--_%,-_---_-__ World War I veterans. ll me or a garage. Priced Edson Dew The vehicle may be seen at Market ' ....... -- ¢zau.00 with at least John A. Biggs. Director. All dividend payments will be sown and $50.00 per men THE DEPAI'IEI,i;-) 'GAME Square in Lacey, Washington. ADYERTIS.;MENT -- -- than ---- The board of trustees reserves the PLAYGROUND "CONSTRUCTION made on the anniversary dates FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH be good party th. NO. 3'/30 (MRS.) LOUISE E. MORRISON ason chool District No. 403, Beualr_, Interim Minister from Puget Sound College of the Bible right to reject any or all bids, . Notice is hereby given that the North o[ the individual policies. This dta and Lke Boulovard SMALLER  6 ROOM NOTICE OF HEARING FINAL Acting Director, South Puget Washington will receive SEALED BIDS is the same procedure followed in dr°o°derD REPORT AND PETITION Sound Regional Library for the 'CLEARING AND LEVELIN.'- i eb-'!i : : i:WIw}2rd 196 ----°r--^-" "'"" " U---- S-- bl ¢A,001 ........ 9:',,.,, atFaai*Y Servleel1:00 Service FOR DISTRIBUTION 2/2-9 2t OF A PLAYGROD SITE' on me • rump ................. 11:00 a.m, TN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE ..... .ttgn .School property, located appr0 x" Wlnesday  Bible Study and Prayer -- 7:30 p.m. airily furnished, which STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR mmtey, two miles Southeast of the -in and --Y--. home. Located MASON COUNTY • CALL FOR nIDS c'mmunity of Belfair, Washington, a Child Care Service Available ns a reaz vame at $4950. In the Matter of the Estate of WIL- Sealed bids will be received at the Mason County, until 8:00 P.M, on the O ,' ..... LIAM E. ELLS Deceased, office of the Mason County Commls-13th day of 'tebruary 1967, at wmC War I policy-holders, Kitsch said. U • • H00.E=ENRM S CLUB ..... LaRheta EIls'Execturix of said Es- sloners, Shelton, Washington, until time all bids will be "publicly oP one tate, has filed' with said Court her i:.r, ct on Lake Nahwatzel. final report and petition for distribu. 2:00 P.M. Tuesday, February 14. and read aloud at the Belfair Elemen- World War H veterans receiv- gl@U i I) . "" " " uP °n there' t°daAGENC Speclf,catioas and .bid forms may be and leveling of a playground area 2.; in 1950. and a dividend lias beenyear Savings tion, asking the Court to settle said 1967, for furnishing three (3) multi- tory School Library. . ...... ing ed their first dividend payment esirable y as they report, dlst-ribhte the property to the plate pipe arches, The work will consist at cea: a . mGLI m charePers°nssal.d.fl.xecutrix.theret° entitledsaldandreorttO anddtS" obtained at the of:me of the Mason proximately 500' x 9-0' (ApprOX-o . paid each since that date. GL Yg peutlon Will be heard on the 9Atl day County Engineer at the Courthouse acres) as indicated at the site J " P.U.D. AUDITORIUM - Sed & COtS 1 of February, 1967, at 9:30 m, *n the Shelton, Washington. f The County reserves the rlght to re. tlabhYbSt, k,lla,d[laga'oordanceWlh The total dividend" BoIId Courtroom of said Court, in me cash- ject any or all bids,, or to accept the the Specifications on file at the - slightly lower this year than in 5 N(LIE ' DICK AN t¥ Courthouse at Shelton, Washington. bid or ids deemed most advantageous ministration Office, North Mn 1966 mainly because fewer po- SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1967 ! tte & L]ISUlRc4B DATED THIS 19th day of January to the county. School District No. 403. P. O. B.ox ,o.. licies are eligible for dividends. Speaker: REV. ALEX MOTES 1967 Date'd at Shelton, Washington this beBelfalr'obtained.Washingt°n' where copies may In 1966 $3,950,100 was paid World Theme: "LAZARUS, COME FORTH" am !111ingl 46-4134 or 426 LODGA KIMBEL 30th day of January, 1967. IIIro- -- -6188 Clerk of the Superior Court BOARD OF COUNTY COMMIS- NORMAN E. SAND IRs, ROBERT L. SNYDER War II veterans in W:thin,.t, Program: DICK SOULIERE Attorney at Law . SIONERS OF MASON COUNTY Superintendent 25½ N, 5th WASttlNGTON North M=son School District and $367,840 was paid WL,:.'. ",..:! Subject: "BANKRUPTCY" By Ruth E. Boysen, lo. 0S I veterans. Shelton, Whtnlto 1/36-2/3.9 3t Clrk of th loar4 /-9 t 1/196-/2-9 t |, Thursday, February 2, 1967 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 15