February 2, 1978 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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Camp Fire members
E00q.=gin annual candy sale
Feature Writer,
Ensign and Mrs. William Wade Peterson Jr.
Christine Barney weds
William Wade Peterson Jr.
On December 27, Anne
Christine Barney became the
bride of William Wade Peterson
Jr., ensign, U.S. Coast Guard.
The bride is the daughter of
Commander and Mrs. William
Mason Barney of Astoria,
Oregon. Parents of the groom are
Lieutenant Colonel and Mrs.
William Wade Peterson ST. of
Honor attendant for the
bride was her sister-in,law, Mrs.
Peter Mason Barney. U.S. Coast
Guard Ensign Scott Eugene Davis
of Sutter Creek, California, was
best man. Mrs. E.J. Richards of
Portland, Oregon was soloist.
The bride is a 1971 graduate
of Astoria High School. She
attended Linn Benton
'rile Reverend Francis G.
Havill performed the double-ring
ceremony at 11 a.m. in the
Grace Episcopal Church of
Astoria with Commander Barney
giving his daughter in marriage.
Shelton Camp Fire members
from Blue Birds, Adventure,
Discovery and Horizon Clubs
began the sale of Camp Fire
candy on Wednesday.
The council has a traveling
trophy which is awarded to the
group in the Olympus Council
that sells the most boxes of
Last year the Eager Beavers
from Pioneer School with their
leader, Mary King, received this
trophy from the council. The
Eager Beavers averaged 102
boxes of candy per member.
Members receive emblems for
selling candy. They receive medal
pendants when they sell 100
boxes. There are special awards
for members who sell the most.
Last year special awards went
to top.selling Blue Birds Stacy
Robertson and Tricia Hills; to
Adventure members Penny
Bradon, Cindy King and Kristine
Brush; to Horizon Club members
Terrie Cuzick and Sandi Brewer.
All are from Shelton.
Camp Fire members sell
Piano students of teachers candies to help support the
who are members of Mason operation of Camp Fire. Without
County Chapter of Washington the candy sales Camp Fire would
State Music Teachers Association cease to exist even though some
monies are received from the
I have ordered an ornately
hand-carved wooden sign to hang
above my garden gate. It shall
bear the legend: "Through these
portals pass the ugliest cats in
the world."
Most people boast about the
beauty of their pets. I have been
known, upon occasion, to pass
around a picture of a handsome
horse, a photogenic feline or a
pretty pup; but my outdoor cats
are no temptation to a
discriminating camera.
I did not choose these
nondescript creatures. They were
wished upon me by reprehensible
persons who saw fit to dump
them on my innocent doorstep
instead of facing their just
responsibilities as pet-people.
Maude came to me in this
manner while I lived on my
toe against her bulging abdomen
and held her at bay while she
merrily lacerated my boot tops.
1 hurriedly dumped part of
the groceries into another dish
and allowed her to dine in
solitude while my permanent
residents slunk fearfully back to
their interrupted repast.
A week later Maude was part
of the feline family. She daintily
nibbled on gourmet fare while
rubbing furry elbows with the
oldtimers. Little by little I
became accustomed to the
ugliness of her massive face, but
I continued to cringe as I averted
my gaze from her lewdly
unadoed rear.
In an agony of apprehension
I awaited the not-too-blessed
event that would saddle me with
the responsibility for her
participated in a recent playing
Performing in the Assembly
of God Church were Sherrillyn
StarT, David StarT, Shannon
Barnes, Dawn Hamlin, Jeanine
Hamlin, Donna Spear, Angela
Renecker, Sarah Lewis, John
Coker, Bill Thompson and
Marian stevens.
Another opportunity for
performing will be offered to
United Fund.
class set
Thurston County Health
Department is conducting a
students at the end of February. two-day diabetic instruction class
Teachers in the Mason County at the Health Department, 529
Chapter are Virginia Andrews, S.W. Fourth Avenue, Olympia,
Lou Cowles, Melba O'Neill, Bea on February 14 and 15 from
Larson, Geneva Silva, Peggy 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Skokomish Valley farm. When I unlikely offspring. As she grew
went to the barn one evening, larger and larger she became
there she was. Crouching in the
shadows like an evil spirit, she
glared at me from chartreuse
eyes set squarely in a huge and
hideous head.
Her heavy tortoise shell coat
was an umseemly blending of
browns and greys, ochres and
umbers. She rose to her feet and
made a tentative approach. I
noted with dismay that she was
My reluctant hand was
extended, in spite of myself, in
sudden sympathy. In quick
more and more affectionate,
changing from a half-wild
monster to a model of
When her three beautiful
male kittens were born, I heaved
a sigh of relief. There would be
no problem in finding homes for
these darlings. In fact, I
admitted, 1 wouldn't mind
keeping them for myself. All
were long-haired and orange, and
all had lovely long tails. When
her fourth and last baby arrived,
my worse fears were realized.
Smith and Larry StarT.
Degree received
Frances Robinson, daughter
of John W. Robinson of
Lilliwaup, was among 167
Community College and Clatsop candidates to receive the
College. The groom was baccalaureate degree at the
graduated in 1976 from the U.S. University of Puget Sound's
Coast Guard Academy and is Winter commencement exercises
now enrolled in flight training at on December 16.
Pensacola, Florida where the
couple will reside after a Florida
Mrs. Vernon Hill honored
ltosting a noon luncheon
January 27 at the Timbers for
Department President Mrs.
i/ernon Hill were members of
':Fred B. Wlvell Unit No. 31
merican Legion. Others from
out of town were District
Vice-president Barbara Alcorn
and members from the Olympia,
Sumner, Puyallup, Lacey,
Lakewood, Orting and Tacoma
Mrs. Hill presented in detail
her program for the coming year.
She was assured of the full
support by the local unit.
not difficult
f amateur
Best for the amateur is the
amaryllis or hippeastrum. It is of
the very easiest culture and
under the simplest conditions
will produce lavishly.
Amaryllis will not bloom if
Classes will cover diet, mistrust she turned in retreat.
insulin, diabetic pills and general
management for the control of
diabetes including urine testing,
foot care and care during illness.
Emphasis is directed toward
the diabetic living a normal life
and prevention of complications
that can occur especially if the
diabetes isn't kept under control.
Members of the class are
requested to bring a sack lunch.
Coffee or tea will be provided.
Anyone interested in learning
more about diabetes and its
control is invited to attend. A
physician's referral isn't required.
Call the Health Department
at 753-8076 to register. There is
a charge for the two-day
instruction class for those able to
The upper portion of' this
More fortunate cats are wee animal was a color not quite
equipped with a well-furred and black and certainly not grey. A
graceful tail to decently veil their nothing color somewhere
posterior apparati, but the spine between the hues of charcoal
of this miserable beast ended and taupe. A white undercarriage
abruptly at her hipbones, extended to a spotted face and
resulting in a decidedly gross
southern exposure.
1 shuddered at the
unaesthetic sight as she stalked
with misguided majesty to a far
corner. I placed food in a pan
and my many barn cats gathered
enthusiastically around the
communal receptacle.
white-spattered feet. The tail was
there, but only halfway.
"Maybe I can find a home
for her," I murmured doubtfully.
When I soon thereafter
moved from the valley to my
woodland mobile home I was
forced to part with my barn
cats, distributing them cautiously
Like a malevolent tornado to carefully screened applicants
Maude came whirling and who could support them in the
shrieking out of her hidey-hole manner to which they had been
to scatter my pets before her accustomed.
lashing claws like so many grains My white cats, my black
of dust caught in the blast of a cats, my tiger-stripes and Maltese
Kansas wind. I placed a gentl "f6find fond and cage r hg,m0s.
long-hairs aia short-hairs; my
Siamese and Persian crossbreeds
Richard D. Adamson all were enthusiastically
accepted. The three beautiful
the lower commission babies were promptly adopted.
portion of the bulb should be People looked at Maude and
covered with soil, leaving the LCDR David Strong, Richard D. Adamson, who is a recoiled. They eyed her
neck fully exposed. Water USNR-R, commanding officer of
sparingly until growth starts, and the Naval Legal Reserve Unit at
generously thereafter. Keep in a Sand Point, announces that
cool and shaded place when first
started, but bring into light at
the first sign of growth. Valentine
They need plenty of light
and fertilizer during the growing
period. Flowers usually appear
before the foliage• If you expect
the bulb to flower the following
year, take good care of the plant
while it produces its leaves.
bake sale
A Valentine theme will
Pots may be plunged prevail at the bake sale scheduled
outdoors in summer. When leaves for Friday by the Church of
member of the legal unit and unattractive daughter and said:
formerly rated as journalist first "Well... maybe ..."
class, recently received a direct Nobody really liked or truly
commission in the Naval Reserve wanted the odd-colored,
as lieutenant junior grade haphazardly marked and utterly
effective December 2, 1977 with ungainly kitten. I kept her
date of rank of November 28,
LTJG Adamson, 31,
currently lives with his wife
Verlane and his two children,
seven-year-old Douglas and
six.year-old Tainja on Island
Lake Drive, Shelton. He is
employed as a deputy
myself to ensure her future
And so Maude and Maybe
passed through the portals of my
present premises to present to
the world the indisputable
evidence of my affliction: I
know an undeniable compassion
and an unenviable empathy for
shots and vitamins my budget
rebelled at the urgent need for a
couple of spay jobs. However, at
the thought of multiple Maudes
reproducing themselves by the
thousandfold far into infinity I
capitulated and willingly smashed
the piggy bank to finance the
Maybe has developed into an
interesting, if bizarre, specimen. I
have learned to take in stride
Maude's less-than-lovely face. But
I still experience a definite
A purr
in fur,
a scamper and scat;
a claw
in paw
with thistledown pat.
Is this
my cat?
A yawl
and growl,
a feline brat;
a mug
nausea when my glance falls like a thug,
inadvertently upon the but in spite of that
unpleasant nakedness of her this is
nether regions, my cat.
Break fh
bag habit---
yourself a
this week! .
t SUBMARINE -- salami, coppa, provolone, Swiss, onion
and lettuce, pepperoncinl, special dressing on F
I $2.25. HOT CORNED BEEF on rye roll. $1.90.
-- ham, roast beef, mortadella, provolone, Swiss, tom=
salad, pickle, pepperoncini and olives. $2.45. KING
-- cold roast beef, tomato and lettuce on sourdoUg I1'
HOT PASTRAMI on rye roll. $1.90. SARDINES o
with choice of salad, wedge cheese, hard-boiled egg,
Greek olives. $2.35. THE EARL -- ham and Swiss
I $1.80. REUBEN grilled on rye- corned
sauerkraut, Russian dressing. $2.40. GREEK- green
I salami, fete, Greek olives, pepperoncinl, special
THE BRUNSWICK -- braunchweiger, tomato and I(
rye. $1.75. HOT HAM AND CHEESE on French
CHEF -- green salad with roast beef, ham, cheese, I
begin to yellow or are checked Jesus Christ of Latter Day prosecuting attorney in Mason the undesirables of the animal
by frost, decrease water and Saints. The event will be held County. world.
store pots in a cool and dark between the hours of 9 a.m. and Adamson enlisted in the A fter adding up the t egg, olives, choice of dressing, $2•00. THE M
4 p.m. in the PUD Auditorium. in
! ..... on e a-ain Naval Reserve 1973 after considerable amounts already -- sardine, cheddar, onion, tomato and lettuce on
ih•" anSrl;°aUfe b" "rngil:" gr;. n:lG;ade 1" " aees!eaid?trcell°diPiiil:" " !i! d" f:°knaSSiGil n" ;5 ai °he' fln:°l°l::d" • STEAK SANDWICH--layers of thinly sliced
Sl rl I: o ;n;; z Peeeotad:P°fr sauteed onions, peppers and Italian sauce. $2.10. H
Repotting into slightly larger ............ Scho " P a SALADS -- .50 serving. THE TORINO -- Gen
. . . oreau, uougnnuts anu a vanery provolone, pepperoncini, lettuce on sourdough'
containers ss beneficml but not ofhand-di'--ed chocolates was employed as deputy I _9J_ MEATBALL SANDWICH --with sauteed peppers al l
eP rosecutor for Pend Oredle lJ][
necessarv If left in the same " p . ' [ LO]
CHANCELLOR -- cotto salami, meunster, tomato stt.
pots,-fertilize by removing a County until moving to Shelton I _ sauce. $1.75. GREEN SALAD -- $ 50 servl"
m Ma of 1977 He served on
portion of soil to be replaced by Justification " y I o. w,o,. w,., s,,o
d manure and bon The end must "ustif the means active duty in the Coast Guard I iJFUlkisu,q& with sauteed peppers and Italian sauce. $1.95. CHEi
a blend of so", J Y " - .... o 197" ' --
meal• Matthew Prior from l'-)Oa t z. -- $.75 serving. HORN OF PLENTY -- coppa, IT
$2.00. BAGEL with cream cheese. $.65. CANOLI
lmllmmlldmmnm , provolone, tomato and lettuce, pepperoncini on Wh!'
1= • I1 serving. THE PRUSSIAN -- thuringer, jack, tomato I1
THE CHILDREN and Mrs. Harold B. Beerbower will " We now have the complete Inne of I on rye. $1.85. BAGEL with lax and cream cheese. SJ'
• DEVONSHIRE -- summer sausage, cucumber, onlOft
host a 35th on February 11 from 1 p.m. • cream cheese on whole wheat. $1.85. KNOCKWU.I I
to 4 p.m. Hall. An open invitation is / DERMETIC COSMETICS' I sauerkraut or choice of salad, wedge cheese and plC!'
extended THE CORNUCOPIA -- alfalfa sprouts, cucu mbl
mushrooms, tomato and cream cheese on whole whe!
. pastrami, cheddar, tomato and lettuce on whole wltel.
To ,nt.roduce. MINESTRONE SOUP--cup $90 THE NEW y0t
THE DELl DELIGHT -- prosclutto, feta, tomato and t.
n hts of thns excellent
you to the be e who,e wheat. $2.35. THE MANHATTAN- smoFt 11
! AMER'CANA -- turkey, jack cheese, t°mat° a°d '
product we are offering a hard-boiled egg, onion and lettuce on dill rye.. :
/ FREE FACIAL BY APPOINTMENT..I sourdough. $1.95. ,
/ Every Monday, Tuesday or i * Take Out Orders*
AID WILL HELP / Wednesday of each week. | * Party Catering- * ii
0 0 ' "
I MARY (LEE) STALCUP ' Air Conditioned • TV • senio zen Discounts GAIL MEYE •
= PHONE 42&.M$ 1428 OLYMPIC HWY. SO. * I !
bE ...... - " - -- -- = : =--:-' "
...... =i : - _-- _ _ _
Page 6- 5helton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, February 2, 1978