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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 2, 1978     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 2, 1978
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)L i[ THE DARING YOUNG MEN and their driving machines from Cub Pack 110 are pictured above, still flushed with excitement from their competition. Top winners in the back row, left to right, are Carl Tostevin, Clint Arney, John Ziegler and Brian Cook. Alternates and special award . winners in the front row are David Stevenson, Bryce Ulrich, Sean Valley, Chris Stark, Chris Johnston and Mike Thompson, shown left to right. ub Pack 11 0 names derby winners - Was no roar of engines heats progressed, with each Cub of exhaust smoke, but ternent of the race was nevertheless as Cub Scouts a.rents of Pack 110 m the United Methodst h for their annual 24 pack meeting exclusively to the dOUble elimination event cars entered. Noise levels record highs as the race in turn experiencing the thrill of victory or the agony of defeat. Competition was especially keen at this year's race because the top prizes were tickets to the Seattle Supersonics-New Jersey Nets basketball game on January 27. The race judges from Pack 126 were hard-pressed to pick the winners of several races, and a number of dead heats had to be rerun. Briggs talks to club January meeting of relaxation and coordination of MUsic Club was held in of Geneva Sliva with as assisting hostess. presided. Le Scott Briggs gave a "Suzuki Method of • " Mrs. Briggs, lght music in Oregon and was at ',ham from 1973 until :rst met Suzuki in 1962 tended workshops in also attended Oberlin Ohio, for six weeks at a amhe, eting of American ners Association. She n to go to Japan and at first hand the of very young ruder Suzuki's g. method 'urn are first taught Gray -00SS r SheI.Toa ;uild will meet at today in the home of With Jean Rohr as *'J 'lans will be made for yUp's an-- • -ual rummage sale held n Fel 10 in the t. Chairperson eanette Gavin. Iool Menu--. Shelton High Schools II/KI I gU NO LUMBER YOI N LUMBER! February 6-10 ass Served every for 25 cents. Milk, Tac,)s w/grated lettu,:e, vegear an apph upside.down '" Cor.n dogs Carrot, apple and N, fruit & nut bars, Hat'burger gravy 'ed r co, cheese & PPle crisp, milk. mZza tossed salad, l, rnil k. nood,es e  --L oUtter, fresh neese tray, jello, ND BER INC. L  i J " ?26-4282 )Uth on Hwy. 101 body with games that apply to correct position for violin playing. Music is first taught by rote, in private lessons and small groups. With all children learning and memorizing the same music they can participate in the large gathering each year at the National Festival in Tokyo. Small groups from Japan have toured the United States for the past several years. Musical selections played by Lani Samuelson and May Winiecki were two-piano arrangements of Bach numbers and several popular songs including "Over the Rainbow" and "Tea for Two." Announcement was made of When all the shouting was over, Carl Tostevin's car had clattered down the wooden track to capture the first-place honors. Clint Arney won the award, with John Ziegler in third place and Brian Cook in fourth. The four top winners will represent the pack at the District Pinewood Derby on March 11. First, second and third alternates, who will represent the pack if any of the top winners cannot attend the district race, are Chris Stark, Bryce Ulrich and Mike Thompson. Three special prizes were presented. That for most unusual car went to Chris Johnston; the award for most colorful vehicle was won by Scan Valley; and the best design prize was received by David Stevenson. Pack l l0's Pinewood Derby race cars will be included as part of a window display at the J.C. the State Parade of American Music program which is to be held in Olympia on February 25 in United Churches. Coffee hour at 9:30 a.m. will be followed by a 10 a.m. board meeting. Luncheon will be served at noon with program to follow. Those wishing to attend should contact Rachel Wagner at 426-6329 or Lou Cowles at 426-2573. Card club meets on Monday North-South winners at the Monday evening meeting of Shelton Bridge Club were Doris Christy and Bob Quimby, Lil Updyke and Joan Renn, Bob and Lucy Geyerman. Winners for East-West were Bruce Kreger and Clyde Ruddell, Etta Rector and Frances Sanderson, Norm Hulburt and Hazel Selson. All bridge players are welcome to attend club meetings held in the PUD Auditorium at 7:15 p.m. each Monday. I I 000000vzY's 212 ! Olympic Hlw N. Top ef the Hlll 426-3341 l V4"I OPEN MaN. thru SAT. 9 to 9 SUNDAYS 9 to 6 SAT-N-HUE FLAT INTERIOR LATEX Thick, creamy, non-drip latex for oil typewall,; $--35 ceilings. One coat usually covers. Dries fast. Water SA T-N.HUE® cleanup. Tint base. Reg. $11.69 gal. Latex House Paint Our finest acrylic exterior finish protects and wears llke an oil-base, yet flow, on easily like latoxl Dries smooth and bug-free In just 30 minutes; tool, ! cleon up In soapy water; point film resists weathering, blistering. .,, $99s S1.69 i iii Week.End Decorator's Set I Include,: 9" roller, cover, frame, roller extension, I tray, I ," brush, 1%" brulh holder/opener and grid. Ju,t odd palntl Reg. $7.49. Now ,see. Price reduction til 3/31/78. Penney Store during Scoutweek, February 6-11. The next pack meeting for Pack 110 will be the annual Blue and Gold Dinner on February 27. Mason County P.U.D. No. 3 announces the ltonwAwazd THIS RACE was not one of the closest in Cub Scout Pack 110% Pinewood Derby held in the Methodist Church on January 24. Mere fractions of an inch determined victory in many heats. Winners will compete in district run-offs on March 11. D Is yours an energy efficient home? Energy efficiency in residential dwellings can now be rewarded through a program that we just recently began. It's called the Energy Efficient Home Award Program. Basically, the program recognizes and honors homes that are built or upgraded to meet certain energy efficiency standards. There are programs both for new homes being built and for modifying existing homes. What's in it for you? Plenty! Most important, as a homeowner you will save money on heating costs, you will help conserve our energy resources, and you will live in a more comfortable home that has increased market potential. The important question is with the costs of electricity and all forms of energy expected to go up dramatically in coming years can you afford not to participate in this important program? Call us at 426-8255 for more information. OFFICERS Lloyd Suhr, President: M.D. Parrett, Vice President; E.W. Taylor, Secretory; Richard Holland, Manager II II I I I I I Thursday, February 2, 1978 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 7