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"' ' ' ' " """ Bev Kane has befriendc.00a homeless animal
"qrh. L IL.,'S "Hey, Morn,' The breathless School student Kenneth and Minced Chicken
voice of 16-year-old Kenneth junior high pupil Mike. with Mushrooms
i came from the telephone. 'I m Mrs. Kane has many hobbies. 2 C. cooked chicken
Cookin ? calling from school, andtheres She crochets, paints in oils and is IC. mushrooms
this beautiful St. Bernard puppy adept at textile painting. She has ½ C. milk
here and they re going to take dozens of houseplants, thriving ½ tsp. salt
him to the vet to be put to in every room of her home. She ¼ tsp. pepper
sleep! Can I bring him home, plays piano, accordio and 1 Tbsp. margarine
Mom? Can I please, Mom?"
"Sure!" said Bey Kane, a real
softie when it comes to animals.
When a mother of six has
found time and place and
affection for tropical fish,
hamsters, dogs, cats, chickens,
ducks, rats and even a skunk,
why not a St. Bernard ' puppy,
"He brought the dog home,"
Bey laughs, "and it wasn't
exactly a puppy. That dog was
as tall as a table and almost as
Bey was born in Shelton and
has lived here always except for
a brief residence in the Illinois
hometown of her husband,
Orville, after their marriage in
As a baby Bey lived on
Pickering Pass. When she was one
year old the family moved to the
old Mason Lake Road into a
house built by her father. There
she lived until her marriage. The
Kanes now live in the Dayton
Their three daughters are
Deborah Kane and Linda Stanley
of Olympia and Peggy Martin,
who lives next door to her
parents. Their sons are
18-year-old Roger, Shelton High
"I enjoy all kinds of crafts,"
she says. "I made four
double-bed size afghans for
Christmas gifts and I'm now
working on another!"
Perhaps her greatest interest
lies in the welfare of animals.
She admits to a long history of
taking in strays. She is at present
extending her hospitality to a
medium-sized apricot-beige
'Tll keep him," she says,
"until I find a really good home
for him. I'd like to keep him
permanently, but we can't
manage so many animals.
"We already have one dog of
our own," she explains, "plus
three cats, six Pekin.mallard
ducks, and silkie chickens. I'm
also watching for a very special
home for a long-haired
grey-and-white female kitten."
Bev Kane is on a
low-cholesterol diet, and uses
margarine exclusively in her
recipes. Because eggs are a no-no,
she must forego the mushroom
custard and the carrot pie, but
she can enjoy the minced
chicken with mushrooms and the
tamale pie.
A LITTLE STRAY PUP in need of a
home is befriended by Bev Kane.
JEALOUS!" Bey Kane
admonishes her pets. "1 love you both.
Fire district organizing
auxiliary service group
Hamma Hamma Fire District
No. 17, under Fire Chief Jim
Watts, is organizing its auxiliary
Telethon set
Local telephone numbers are
available for pledges to the
Variety Club .Telethon to be held
Saturday and Sunday.
Mason County residents who
would like to support Children's
Orthopedic Hospital will have
the opportunity to call locally.
The number is 426.3363. Phone
voluntet;:it n'eedil:. ' " ''':
Anyone wishing tO help may
contact Jerry Smith at 426-3363.
OES Social Club
. plans luncheon
Christian Women t meet
for the past three years. She is
employed as a full-time realtor.
Christian Women's Club is a
non-denominational organization
with clubs and councils
established throughout the
world. Functions are open to all
women. There are no dues and
no membership.
To make reservations for the
Wednesday luncheon, call
426-2847 or 426-6079.
Order of Eastern Star Social
Club will meet for a noon sack
lunch on Tuesday in the home
of Betty Hulbert.
Barb Burgess will
demonstrate the dipping of
chocolates at the Wednesday
luncheon of Christian Women's
Club to be held at 11:45 a.m. in
the Shelton Masonic Hall.
Musical selections will be
presented by Marilyn and Ray
Featured speaker will be
Beverlee Numbers of Spokane, a
wife and mother who has served
with the Spokane Police Reserve
Beverlee Numbers
The Retired Public
Employees Council meeting
scheduled for February 7 has
been cancelled. The next egular
meeting will be held March 7 in
the PUD Building at 10 a.m.
Recital set for February 12
At 3 p.m. on February 12
Mrs. B.T. Winiecki will present
two Olympia musicians, soprano
Katy McFarland and pianist
Lorna Little. The program will
be heard at the Winiecki
residence in Sylvan Heights.
Ms. McFarland is a graduate
of Evergreen State College and
recently winner of Washington
State Collegiate Voice Auditions
for 1978. She will compete in
regional auditions in Boise, Idaho
on Sunday. She plans to audition
for student programs with the
Seattle, Portland and San
Francisco Operas.
Lorna Little, a Washington
State University graduate, is a
pupil of Dr. Nadao. Recently she
studied with Bruno Seidlhofer in
Vienna, Austria. In the fall of
1978 she will attend California
Institute of the Arts.
Because of limited seating
facilities, those wishing to attend
the concert should telephone
Mrs. Winiecki at 426-3104 to
make advance arrangements.
Meeting set
by auxiliary
Station No. 7 auxiliary of
Fire District No. 5 will meet
from 7:30 p.m. until 9:30 p.m.
on Wednesday in Station No. 7
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Page 8-'Shelt0n-Mason County Journal - Thursday, February 2, 1978
service group under the
leadership of Mrs. LaVonne
Jantz of Jorstad Creek.
Telephone Chairperson Mrs.
Marjorie Stevens of Colony Surf
has helped each of the residential
districts involved to choose a
representative. These
representatives are Mrs. Lois
Berry of Beacon Point, Mrs.
Martha Chantler of Colony Surf,
Mrs. Evelyn Stien of Ayock
Beach, Mrs. Lillian Runge of
Stetsons, Mrs. Penny Robbins of
Hamma Hamma, Mrs. Helena
James of Eagle Creek, and M[s.
V i giaia , Pavelk,o.,. and ,:M.
Marj0rie Cookson of Triton
What a differencel
"Let there be light!" said God,
and there was light!
"Let there be blood!" says man,
and there's a sea!
Lord Byron
Any resident of the Hood
Canal area wishing to help
purchase equipment for the fire
district may save good used
articles for a sale to be held in
the Colony Surf Clubhouse soon.
In the meantime the auxiliary
will have a table or two at the
Potlatch Women's Clubhouse as a
part of the Lions Flea Market on
February 11.
The Women's Club, under
the leadership of Mrs. Lily
Wilkinson, will sell hot coffee
and sandwiches in their kitchen
that day for the convenience of
You've all heard about the
farmers' strike. Well, you better
get working an your
garden now.
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1209 Olympic Highway So. shelton, WA 98504 426-1091
1 Tbsp. flour
Cut mushrooms into small pieces
and boil in their own liquid for
five minutes. Remove from
liquid, set aside and keep them
hot. Rub margarine into flour
and add mushroom liquid. Add
mushrooms and chicken, cut
moderately fine. Cook for three
minutes, stirring continually.
Add seasonings and serve over
Tamale Pie
1 C. yellow cornmeal
6 C. boiling water
1 tsp. salt
2 Tbsp. margarine
2 C. tomatoes
1 medium-size onion
2 C. chopped beef
2 pimientos
Cayenne to taste
Cook cornmeal, water and salt as
a mush for approximately 30
minutes. Chop onion and fry in
margarine until brown. Add meat
and fry until red color
disappears. Add tomatoes,
pimientos and cayenne. Line
oiled casserole with mush. Place
meat mixture in center and top
with mush. Bake at 350 degrees
for two to two-and-a-half hours.
Chicken may be used instead of
Mushroom Custard
½ lb. mushrooms
1 Tbsp. grated onion
¼ C. grated cheese
½ tsp. salt
½ tsp. pepper
1 Tbsp. chopped parsley
4 eggs slightly beaten
3 C. milk
Place a layer of mushrooms in
greased casserole. Mix remaining
ingredients and pour over
mushrooms. "Bake in 350-degree
oven until firm (approximately
40 minutes). Chicken livers may
be used in place of mushrooms.
Carrot Pie
Mix together:
1 C. cooked and mashed carrots
¾ C. sugar
¾ C. cream r ;-,,
2 eggs, well beaten
1 tsp. allspice
Pinch of salt
Fill unbaked piecrust and bake
until filling is cooked, which will
be approximately 30 minutes at
375 degrees.
BEV KANE cuddles the fa¢
VFW sets Friday
Mason County Veterans of
Foreign Wars Post No. 1694 and
Auxiliary will hold their regular
meeting at 8 p.m. Friday in the
Memorial Hall.
Last Friday evening a "Strive
to Survive" class held in Olympia
at the Ira L. Cater VFW No. 318
Post Home was attended by Mr.
and Mrs. Darrell Sparks, Mr. and
Mrs. Wayne Robin
Lucille Chapman,
and Larry Chapman.
VFW Auxiliary No
give a party for
Convalescent Center
Friday. Any member
help should ca'll
Georgia Hellman.
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