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D announces plan to
mote energy conservation
County PUD No. 3
Monday approved
to promote energy
in homes served by
effort, to be known as
Efficient Home
'Ogram, sets stiff,
rotary, standards for
builders to follow.
upgraded to meet
could result in
up to 40 percent on
Costs compared to
program, the PUD
homes, upon the
OWners who wish to
to see that they meet
standards. Homes
measure up to the
rds will be given a
a plaque which
permanently on
Builders of new
homes will be given
ns to advertise to
that the home is
[anager Richard D.
the rationale for the
three points: To
nergy, as part of
national goals; to
°naeowners keep their
costs as low as
lowering their
s of living; and to
]ze those who are
energy resources.
for the future
no escaping one fact.
Energy is becoming more and
more of a precious commodity,"
said the manager. "In trying to
tackle this problem we kept
coming up with one answer. The
time to plan, build and retrofit
homes so that they use minimum
energy amounts is now.
"Accordingly, we feel this is
the best package that we could
put together to help homeowners
reduce their energy bills."
The program will involve two
sets of energy efficiency
standards, one for new homes
being built and one for
modifying existing homes.
Increased insulation levels for
both new and existing homes are
important parts of the standards.
The meticulous plugging of heat
leaks through weatherstripping
and caulking is also important.
Storm windows and storm doors,
or insulated glass and insulated
doors, are required because these
areas lose heat so easily.
The program also has energy
efficiency requirements for
several other areas of the home
including ducts, fireplaces,
hot-water pipes and electric
water heaters. In addition,
moisture barriers and good
ventilation are necessary parts of
the program.
Responsibility for conducting
the program falls on Ed
Blakemore, consumer service
representative, who has worked
closely with other Northwest
utilities in developing the new
Blakemore said there are a
number of incentives for
homeowners and builders to
participate in the program.
"Of course, home heating
costs will be much lower, but
also such homes will be tighter
and more quiet and comfortable
to live in plus the resale value of
an energy-efficient home should
be much higher. Moreover,
owners of such homes can feel
they are contributing to
conservation by living in a home
that is right for the times," he
There are initial added
construction costs or added
retrofitting costs for homes to be
built or modified to meet the
program standards. However, the
savings in heating costs would
pay for the added costs within
three years in most cases, and as
energy costs go up in the coming
years, these savings will become
larger "like money in the bank,"
Blakemore said.
Blakemore said the PUD has
other services available to
homeowners that might help
them reduce their energy
consumption. It has specialists
available to study home plans to
determine heat losseS; has
written materials on energy
conservation, insulation values,
etc.; and has specialists available
to make personal visits to homes
for inspections and
recommendation on energy use.
ilty plea is given
income tax charge
R. Boling, 56, Walter T. McGovern set February
I./.8. District Court, 15 as tle date for Boling's
on January 25 and sentencing and ordered him to
lty plea on one appear at that time. The
to file federal Peninsula logger could face a
returns, maximum sentence of one year
a self-employed in prison and a $10,000 fine.
in Brinnon, had The case against Boling
arged in a criminal resulted from an investigation
filed by the United conducted by special agents of
last November the Internal Revenue Service's
to file an income tax Intelligence Division. Assistant
1973 despite the fact U.S. Attorney Robert H.
InCome of'more than
Court Judge
Westinghouse is handling tho.--LLOYD M. SUHR, president of the Mason County PUD 3
government's prosecution of the
i Conley attends
ing with governor
Commission, displays a plaque and certificateto be used in
the PUD's new Energy Efficient Home Award program.
Homes that meet the utility's new energy efficiency
standards will receive the three-inch by five-inch metal
plaque for permanently affixing to the house and will also
receive a certificate listing the address and specification of
energy efficiency.
217 W. Cota, Shelton, 426.2763
General Electric
Warranty Station
We service ANY make or model
of T. V. 's, Stereos, C.B. 's
The meeting which Mrs.
Conley attended was scheduled
for 3:30 p.m. January 31 in the
governor's office in Olympia•
Mrs. Conley says she planned
to put her own proposal before
the Governor calling for local
level groups which would then
elect representatives to the state
council with the council funded
by the state.
of Shelton was
One of a group of
from throughout
met with Governor
to express their
-OpPosition to the
tion of the State
ernor will meet with
of women who
Lion of the
Saylor or Rogers
Valentine Candy
Children,s Boxed Assortment --"
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ValentineSFo, by Noreross
stained glass look...now with a new delicate 'clear' style!
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niece, nephew, husband,-wife, - 1 Nell'sPharmacy
eret pal, anyone special
-" 5th & Franklin
Faith Lutheran to move into new
building on Mt. , iew location
Tile final session of parish
education classes will be taught
at the old Faith Lutheran
Church this next Sunday at 9
a.m. The morning worship will
begin at 10:30 in the old
sanctuary located at Seventh and
Franklin, and following the
opening sections of the liturgy
the congregation will proceed by
automobile caravan to the new
building on the corner of 13th
and Connection in the Mt. View
area. After being welcomed
Lord's Supper (Eucharist) with
the singing participation of the
high sch eel youth .
Congregational members assisting
in the worship this Sunday are
Bill Schultz, scripture reader; and
Monroe Antonsen, communion
The pastor's study and
secretary's office are being
readied this week. Moving of
other equipment and supplies
will continue next week until the
congregation is settled in its new
An invitation is extended to
all to celebrate both in the move
this Sunday and in the
dedication in March. Members of
Faith Lutheran Church look to
the good news of God's
redemptive action in Jesus Christ
as the event which creates new
meaning and purpose to life,
frees and enables us to find the
fulfillment of life that God
intends, equips us with identity
for our present mission, and
opens to the world a future and
a hope. The lordship of Jesus
Christ, Iris Word and sacramental
gifts are the focus of the church
from which both the fnnctioll
and form of congregational life
are derived.
On friendly footing
It is essential for a prince to be
on a friendly footing with his
people, since, otherwise, he will
have no resource in adversity.
Niccolo Machiavelli
through the doors by an acolyte,
the worship will continue in the
new sanctuary.
Monroe Antonson, who
assisted in placing the
cornerstone at the Seventh and
Franklin location, will see to its
transfer to the new site, where it
will be placed among other
memorabilia. The continued
worship in the new sanctuary
will include the reading of the
day's epistle and gospel texts, a
choir anthem under the direction
of Herb Vonhof, proclamation of
the gospel by Pastor Kenneth
Robinson, the celebration of the
Tile dedication worship has trrrrrrr*rrrrr'&[
been set for March 5 at 3 p.m. A : CHARTER -- AIR FREIGHT -- AIR TAXI :
committee is busy preparing the Day or Night .
arrangements for this event time
in the congregation's history. ....
Former pastors of the Complete Pilot Training :
congregation, an assistant to the . (SHELTON'S OWN AIRLINE
bishop of the North Pacific . L *
District of Tile American : IHILTOH AIIFLITI
from other congregations in the
local Black Hills Conference, " PHONE: ,
which extends from Olympia to 10 a.m. to sunset, 426-1477
Ocean Shores, will be among NIght, 426.$890 or 426.6417
those present at the March 5 _ Emergency Anytime, 898-31dl3
dedication, lt''k 'k'k " €'k,k ,k,k,k,,k,k,k,A,,k,L,,k,k ,k,k,k -,k, ,, #
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Thursday, February 2, 1978 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 17