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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 2, 1978     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 2, 1978
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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) . . &apos;,",>,¢'_a,..,'&" J_ "0 °dc 2o ':"/ ,,CI. " o .... "":' *" IUITES ...... .vG,  ! 5 words or less -- $ 1.50 PHONE • 10 cents for each additional word over 15. • FOUR (4) insertions for the price of • THREE (3). • Classified deadline: 2 ).m. Tuesday ICTI( I EVERy _ght,  _ Saturday ,Sign =,,y.m. Bring in !eary u,. r°r quick cash. -)ear uuon & New Used 5:3 y WA,vP.hone 495/L541: "R 5/ [fqn il Reading, ST. C ,r " ob clover I' $,1'5 a bale - • and grass -- ,- wo or more f221 t Phone 426-8856. en Furnit ..... "ture at 5tfn ufe, 4th and Cota. E  tiny toy fox terrier Phone 426-6152. Jmk Frost Construction Licensq Remade d - Bonded ling and new. No jol too small. Call for 'fee estimate. tfn 426-4227 Pd)|i¢ Auctions jeVery Thursday and QY 7.!30 p.m. at the OOl!room. Shelton, Highway 101, Cliff Nichols, Auctioneer tfn Carpet Layers C: installation caq)et, "J, tile. $2.00 a yard. t 426-3763 13' lt°x 406 . Shehon ( 6/9tfn qqAYb00ONE tl Building Materials I$Orlry * Sand & Gravel btl¢ Tanks " Ready Mix • Crushed Rock t344 l'pU RbAy POURS .E L Co-ivl ' " b¥,l,, PATCH ED ",viX TRUCKS ItAYSTONE F SHILT 0.t ON = 7th & Park Street  2/1 ltfn II / For Sale NOT BEING used --new RCA CB 23-channel mobile, built-in P.A., S/RF meter, new power supply, breaker, trunk mount antenna, CB book -- the works. $100. 426-6155. H2/2 300  6x8x16 cement tile blocks. 426-3482. C2/2-23 GLASS FIREPLACE doors, fairly good condition, and other miscellaneous. 426-6551. B2/2 FIREWOOD FOR sale. 426-5677, 426-9367. M1/12-2/2 CLARINET, NEW pads, new corks, new reed, perfect condition. Phone 426-2489 after 6. H12/15tfn DRAPERIES, READY to hang. Popular sizes, at rock-bottom prices. Kay's Draperies, 113 South Second. K3/4tfn ALFALFA HAY for sale, bale or ton. 426-1446. J7/21tfn JAN'S SECOND Hand Store -- 2215 Olympic Highway North. We buy and sell. 426-9950. J4/8tfn FOR SALE -- new bunkbeds, slightly used. 426-1139. T2/2 FOR SALE -- ladies' 26" bicycle, used once. 426-5356. P2/2 JOHN DEERE M tractor with front loaders, $2,450. Byerly's Second Hand and Used Farm Equipment, Vz mile south of Belfair. 275-2717. B2/2 LARGE BALES grass hay, $1 bale. 426-6910. $2/2 The Herculite Jungle Fabricators of boat tops, industrial and marine upholstery and covers. Sail loft services and repairs. 426-2321 Rt. 4, Box 312 Shelton, WA 98584 tfn " " :Bulldozing, lan clearing, driveways, excavating, gravel, crushed rock. FREE ESTIMATES tn 275-6666 Island Plumbing New and Remodeling Repair Service 426-2458 426'6850 on Horstino Island 7122 fin -..-.,... JX Brand Beef Locally grown, natural corn fed, custom cut and wrapped. JX Cattle Co. Skokomlsh Valley 426-3525 or 426-21106 Dole septic tanks dozing gravel backhoe service 20b e. pine 426-t500 For Sale MOTORHOME, 1973 Fireball 21', self-contained. 426-8419. P1/12tfn CANOPY INSULATED for Ford 100 pickup, 8' bed. CiRri 2-wheel trailer, 6'x8', heavy.c/ut-v springs, covered, waterproof', $300. 426-7258. B1/12-2/2 GEODUCKS, 60c pound. 9's Fair Harbor Marina, Grapeview. 426-4028, 275-6417. N1/12tfn MERLE NORMAN Cosmetics at Elaine's Beauty Salon, 6th and Laurel, phone 426-4582. 11/9tfn UPHOLSTERING TO fit all your needs" and new custom-built furniture. Shelton Furniture Repair, 426-1858. S6/2tfn WILDERNESS CANOPY, insulated, 39 high, for Ionq, wide box. 426-8701. $1/19-2[.ci GOOD GRASS hay, large bales, $1.35 per bale. Call mornings or evenings, 426-6046. J 1/19-2/9 STURDY 5x10 closed box trailer. Rack door makes ramp. Spare tire. $300 or best offer. Call 426-4582. R1/19-2/9 SEWING MACHINES, parts and repairs for all makes. Free estimates. Central Sales, 877-5798. C 1/12-2/2 VACUUM CLEANERS, parts and repairs, for all makes. Free estimates. Central Sales, 877-5798. C1/12-2/2 HAY, EXCELLENT grass and clover $50 per ton or $1.50 per bae at haystack. Also available for $2 per bale at our store. Open 9 to 6, Monday through Saturday, Tozier Brothers. 426-4373. T1/19-2/9 "QUIK" Sewing Machine Service has expanded its service area to include Shelton residents. Clean, oil and adjust your sewing machine right-in your own home. $9.95 each. Call 866-1621, Olympia. Q1/19-2/9 ENERGY.SAVERS -- custom-cut firewood. Heaters, fireplaces or trash burners. Custom cut to order. Minimum order 1 cord. Fir and alder. Free delivery local area. 426-3410. R1/19-2/9 *BEAUTIFUL ELECTRIC fireplace for sale, $100. 877-9440. Y2/2-9. 5-PIECE dinette set good condition, $50. 9x12 goid color rug, good condition, $50. 426-4734. Z2/2 BOX SPRING and mattress, $25. 426-7449 or 426-4683. G2/2-9 DAVENPORT, ELECTRIC range, rugs and pads, table and chairs, reasonable. 426-2549. W2/2 2 SKIDDER tires, 60% rubber, 18-4-26. 426-1134. K2/2 CAN YOU BELIEVE THIS! Cedar Siding Sale. Beveled 8", 10" & 12" cedar in 4000' units. Price $375.00 per 4000' unit. Get 'em while they last! Phone anytime, 426-8305. 1/26-2/2 TOP SOIL Supplied soil for 25 years. Skokomish Valley good, sandy loam or top soil. Also cow manure. Pick-ups welcome. Will deliver\\;truckloads anywhere. Call 426-3735 or 426-8993. fin. Coffee Creek Ranch Qmllty Locker Beef All beef U.S.D.A. inspect- ed. Grain fed. Custom cutting and wrapping. We deliver. Visitors welcome. 426-5131 "n Concrete Foundations, slabs, walks, dr;,s, wdls, et00. FREE ESTIMATES 2754666 . tfn For Sale FOR SALE -- 1-year Kelvinator electric range, self-cleaning oven, harvest gold, $400..426-8605. M2/2 CHIROPRACTIC AND regular mattresses and box springs, king, 2 queens, 2 fulls. New -- good tar bad backs. 1-858-3401. A2/2-23 H I D E-A-BEDS, NEW. 1-858-3401. A2/2-23 ROLLTOP DESK, $685. 1-858-3401. A2/2-23 TWO DRESSERS and a twin bed, complete, very clean, $40. 426-9924. M2/2 FREE -- ONE gallon of root beer to Robert Lanman, 1130 East Fairmont, from Minor's A&W Drive-In on Mt. View. A2/2 ONE 8' metal canopy with boat rack. First $200 takes it. 426-5879. T2/2-9 ONE OF the finer things of life -- Blue Lustre carpet cleaner. Rent electric shampooer, $2. Coast to Coast. C2/2 FIREWOOD FOR sale, $40, split and delivered. Call Dave or Jerry, 426-7115. K1/19-2/9 SINGER GOLDEN Touch and Sew, deluxe zigzag sewing machine, fashion d|sc, and book, $100. 426-5188. T1/26-2/16 CEDAR KINDLING -- full pickup load, $20 delivered. 426-9021 evenings. P1/26-2/16 WOOD, FIR and pine, $40 a cord, delivered. 426-5862. $1/19-2/9 FIREWOOD -- FIR, cedar, dry alder, by the cord or by the load. Delivered to Shelton-Union areas. Call 426-1300, 898-3473. M1/26tfn LADY KENMORE dishwasher, $100. 426-5962. E2/2 VERY NICE looking and sounding piano, $500. 426-7449 or 426-4683:G2/2-9 RENT A Rinse 'n Vac carpet shampooer by Blue Lustre. Only $3.50 for 4 hours, Monday-Thursday. Or $12 day anytime. Coast to Coast, 123 South. Second, 1/26tfn .... AKC-REGISTERED Australian shepherd, $75. Full bedroom set and recliner. 426-8965. G1/26-2/16 4 MAG wheels, 8-15, and tires. 426-2244. T1/26-2/2 ELECTRIC GUITAR, 2 inst." amp. $200 or best offer. Across from public access, Lake Nahwatzel. H1/26-2/2 Used Cars '74 BRONCO, must sell. Blue Book $4,575; will sell $3,950 or best offer. Many factory extras, 37.000 miles. 426-9640. L1/12-2/2 FORD MUSTANG II, Mach I, 1975, excellent. 426-3579. Jg/22tfn '67 FORD wagon, V-8, good tires. 426-7318 after 5. T1/26-2/2 '73 PINTO. Low mileage, good cond tion $1,700. Call "426-5874. B 1'/26-2/2 1969 DODGE Monaco, V-8, PS/PB, AT/AC, 4-door. Runs cJOod. $750. Call evenings, 426-3091. Y1/26-2/16 1964 FIAT, $400. 426-9044. $1/26.2/2 '47 FORD 1V-ton, excellent condition, $900. Onan 2.8-k.w. generator, $230. New 12-strinq guitar, $60. 426-6983 after 5 p.m. T1/26-3/9 SHARP LOOKING 1976 Dodge truck. Automatic, air, cruise, sun roof, CB hookup, toolbox. 426-1418 after 5 p.m. on weekdays. R2/2 '74 Z-28 Camaro, hi-pro, 350, 4-speed, many extras. 29,000 miles. $4,500. 426-5204. C2/2 .,.<. Used Cars '73 V-ton Ford Explorer. Power steering, disc brakes, automatic transmission, overload springs, auxiliary gas tank, 302 engine, transmission cooler, 50,000 miles, $2,700. 877-9413. R2/2-23 '68 OLDS Delta 88, $650 or best offer. 426-5290. 02/2 '69 BRONCO 302, 3-speed. Spoke wheels, very low mileage. 426-5150. D2/2tfn '73 VEGA, good condition. Make offer. 482-4079. M2/2-9 1968 CHEVROLET /4-ton pickup. Custom camper package. 327 engine. Power steering, automatic transmission, low miles. 426-1227, 624 North 2nd. D2/2 VW SQUAREBACK, 1970. Rebuilt engine, new brakes, battery, muffler, very clean, $1,395. 426-2690. L2/2-23 • '71 VW Bug. Good condition, 1,200. all after 5:30 p.m. 26-8114. H2/2-9 1965 FORD pickup %-ton with new engine. 19.71 Mercury station wagon n excellent condition. 426-4297. P2/2-9 1969 CHEV Impala. Clean, new tires, brakes, shocks. Air conditioning, power steering, tape deck. $1,350. 877-9416 after 6 p.m. H2/2 1959 GMC 6-cylinder, $450. Call 426-1295 after 4 o'clock. 2/2tfn  __ -- -- - _ mge, Yard Sales FLEA MARKET second Saturday monthly, 9-6, Potlatch Woman's Clubhouse. Hood Canal Lions. Hl/12tfn GARAGE SALE -- Curtains, mattress and springs, women's pants and tops, squaredance dresses, dishes, planters, clarinet, sewing machine, much miscellaneous. February 2, 3 and 4 in heated building at 404 Laurel. D1/26-2/2 BACK-PORCH sale. Warm and covered, several families. Friday ' and Saturday, FebrUary's3 ;,hd 4,' '' 10-4. Everything from clothing to collectibles. 1025 Franklin Street. L2/2 3-FAMILY basement sale, Friday and Saturday, 9-5. Wicker and other furniture, clothing, miscellaneous. Potlatch Beach, watch for signs. K2/2 GfGANTIC MOVING sale. Selling everything from soup to nuts. New stuff out each day. 255 Wyoming Beverly Heights. Fr day and Saturday, 9-5. H2/2 GARAGE SALE -- 30 years accumulation plus Grandma's. Lots of things for sewers -- yardage, trimmings; surplus hardware, scrap plywood, etc. Two repairable fishing boats, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Feb. 3, 4, 5, 10 a.m.-6 p.m., at the Cabinet Shop, 3% .miles north Hoodsport. C2/2 MOVING SALE. Furniture, tools, miscellaneous, including twin bed, davenport, chairs, refrigerator and many items. Arcadia Point Road, close to launching ramp. See "Sale" signs. 426-9554. Rt. 3, Box 478. A2/2 FEBRUARY 2 and 3, 9-5. Two propane tanks, clothes, dishes, books and household items, miscellaneous. Come say hello. 2332 Madison, off "K" Street, in back of Welfare Building. W2/2 HUGE GARAGE sale, Reed Building, 7th/Alder, use back area parking and entrance. Saturday, February 4, 9 a.m.-3 .m. Proceeds to Shelton Co-Op' reschool. $2/2 Business Opportunities FOR MASON County business opportunities, call Tom Townsend at Century 21, Jerry Smith Realty, Shelton (206) 426-3363. C1/12tfn 1974 Ford Pinto 2 door. Good condition .................................. $1 8 9 5 . 92007C5b Dypdcku pewlth 8 ft. camper ................... s6500 1973 International Travel.all ...... $2250 1970 Chevrolet Station-- Wagon ..... $995 1969 Dodge Monaco ' s _ 4 door hardtop. Beige with block vinyl top .................... 850 ................................. ,.s PAULEY A4OTOR00; i__ Front & Railroad Shelton 426.818,1 Pets, Livestock FREE -- BLACK Lab-husky mix. Female, 3 months old, alert and friendly. 753-] 738 or 426-3462. G2/2-9 PUREBRED Irish setter, had shots, $20. 426-5324. D2/2 AAA OBEDIENCE and guard dog training in your home. Call John, 426-9629. A2/2-23 WEANER PIGS, reds and whites, $25, $30. 1-482-3442. G2/2-9 FREE PUPPIES -- large, mixed. Call 426-1096 evenings. A2/2 % ARABIAN and Mustang e31ding with papers, 4 years old, 50. 426-7449 or 426-4683. G2/2-9 Lost & Found LOST -- GERMAN shepherd, Mason Lake area. Missing since Tuesday. Black and brown, no collar, answers to Josh. 426-6800 after 6. D1/26-2/2 STRAYED FROM farm above Lake Nahwatzel -- half Siamese spayed female, white with tan areas. Ring tail, big, blue eyes. 426-3648. H2/2-9 Help Wanted REAL ESTATE sales -- If you have had experience dealing with people, we need a full-time, energetic, sincere person on our staff and you may be the one. Stop in and see Mitch at Mason County Realty, 724 Railroad, Shelton. Profit-sharing program pays you more. 426-4486. M 12/8tfn CHALLENGING CAREER in sales in Shelton. Available for qualified person. Unlimited earning potential, excellent salary program with complete training, no travel. 426-3443 between 9-3. S12/8tfn CASCARA BARK buyer wanted: Person to buy and process csE.ra "baPk in June, July and August. Light part-time work. We train and finance. Need 200-sq.-ft., dry, safe storage area and approximately 1,500 to 2,000 sq. ft. yard area. Reply to Box 14. Also will pay $60 for good used 100-lb. beam platform scales and are interested in used corn choppers (cascara bark rinders). Write c/o Journal, Box 4. P1/12-2/9 HELP WANTED -- Part-time motor route, must have car. Call 426-1098. H1/19-2/9 LIVE-IN help wanted, man and wife. Private house for you provided. References, please. 426-6746. C1/26-2/2 REAL ESTATE salespersons. There is a reason why Century 21 is the fastest-growing real estate company in'the world. We have openings in our residential sales, our new factory-built home sales, and our land office sales. For details call Tom Townsend, 426-336. C 1/26tfn LIVE-IN invalid care. Furnished private apartment, references, no smoking. 877-5457 before 11 a.m. or evenings. C1/26tfn @ DENTAL ASSISTANT/ RECEPTIONIST needed by Shelton dentist for multi-person office. Excellent salary, commensurate with training and job experience. 426-9711, 7:30-4:00; 426-9892, evenings. B1/26-2/2 APPRENTICE OYSTER openers needed, pay while trained. Must be right-handed and have transportation. Apply Olympia Oyster Company, Monday-Friday. O1/26-2/2 RECEPTIONIST IN construction office. Telephone, light typing, filing. Monday-Friday. Resume c/o Journal, Box 37. 2/2 RN, DAY shift, full time, fringe benefits. Apply in person at Fir Lane Terrace Convalescent Center, 2430 North 13th, Shelton. E.O.E. F2/2-23 PRESSER NEEDED, 2-8 hours daily. Apply at Pantorium Cleaners, 215 ,South Second. RECREATION ASSISTANT There are currently 2 CETA positions available with the Department of Soc al and Health Services in Mason County. Requires 1 year, paid experience in recreational work. Schooling may substitute. Salary $670-$856 plus medical/dental. Contact Ellie Joseph, Employment Security Department, Cap ta 5000 Building, Olympia, WA 98504. Phone 753-7282. Equal Opportunity Employer -- M/F/H 2/2-1t .O .a Wanted Mobile Homes WANTED -- 6' cordwood, any mix of fir, hemlock, pine or cedar. Minimum 3% inch top diameter. 25c each. Call Versapanel, John's Prairie, 426-5571, for specifications. V7/28tfn OLD LAMPS and parts. Aladdin, Rayo, Royal, Rochester, glass and hanging, lamps, household estates. 77-5733, Jack Leimback, Hoodsport. L6/23tfn WANTED -- CEDAR saw togs, green second growth. Call for current prices. Versapanel Inc., 426-5571. V10/14tfn STAMPS AND coins. As a collector, I can pay more than most dealers. 426-9085, 426-8007. P9/8tfn r CASH FOR all cars, trucksl bodies, parts. Immediate pick-up service. Scrap and metals of all kinds. Newsprint and corrugated cardboard. Mason County Salvage, 426-8626. M7/15tfn D.H. KNUDSEN Pole Company, Port of Shelton, John's Prairie. We buy poles, piling, stumpage and land. 426-6350, home phone 426-8914, P.O. Box K, Shelton. K2/24tfn CASH PAID for used furniture, knickknacks, dishes and tools. Call 426-9513 after 5. B1/19-2/9 WANTED: WILL buy stand of alder, firewood size. Will cut and clean myself. Call 426-1300. M1/19tfn WANTED -- BEER bottles, 30c per case. Deliver to 1619 Laurel or call 426-8569. Call after 4 p.m. A1/26-2/16 SHARE DRIVING to Olympia Capitol campus, 8-5 shift. After 6 p.m., 426-3842 or 426-2083. D1/26-2/16 WANTED --CLOCKS. Will buy old parts and pieces. Apprentice repairman. Phone evenings, 426-2725. B1/19-2/9 FINANCIALLY RESPONSIBLE, mature couple wishes to locate party interested in loaning $12,000 @ 8% interest. Secured loan. References. Write c/o Box 1, Journal, 3rd and Cota, Shelton. 2/2tfn PLAI.N,;WHITE !.fans.tone dinnerware pieces sold at Thriftway in '70 or '71. English Swirl pattern by Johnson Brothers. Pay fair price. Phone 426-2482. A2/2 WANTED -- 30 or more acres of pasture to rent, for cattle. 426-5188. T2/2 WANTED -- A rear end for a 1966 GMC pickup. Call 426-6946. N1/26-2/2 Work Wanted LICENSED DAY care, any age, planned activities. 3 blocks from Bordeaux School. 426-5601. K 1/12-2/2 LICENSED DAY care, age 3 and up. 1 block from Bordeaux School. 426-3814. A1/12tfn LICENSED DAYCARE, 1 block from Mt. View School. Have openings for steady children, Monday through Friday only. Ages 2-5. 426-5840. B1/26-2/16 LICENSED DAYCARE, one or two children. 426-1279. P1/26-2/2 ROTOTILLING, LARGE or small jobs. Call Larry, 426-7658. AII19-2/9 WILL BABYSIT 1 or 2 preschool children in my home. Cole Road-Fawn Lake area. 426-6655. P1/26-2/2 IF YOU want your fruit trees pruned, call evenings 426-8157. D2/2 BABYSITTING, MY home, 5 days a week. Children's ages -- baby up to 10 years. 426-4622. W2/2 CHRISTIAN DAYCARE Center on Angleside desires 1 preschool child on regular basis. Call Glenda Barnes, 426-5627. B2/2-9 LICENSED DAY care, infants to 6 years old. Pioneer School District, Timberlakes. 426-8140. C 10/13tfn ;!::-:" :-:'.'4 ;:-.::.:, ,.....',:,E:; ..,... ,..,. ,..s. <, :: ilWantAd ,:. 42e-1:, Mobile Homes NICE, CLEAN 2-bedroom 12x50. $5,500. 866-0590. E2/2 a I I -e I ect ric TWO-BEDROOM, mobile, large lot, $13,500. 426-6622 or 42----  $1/26-2/16 CASH FOR your mobile home, paid for or not. Olympia Mobile Homes, 6800 Martin Way, Olympia. 456-5151. Ol0/13tfn SPOT CASH for used 8'-wide mobile home. Call 357-6070 anytime. M1/19tfn TOP DOLLAR paid for your used mobile home or trailer. Call Olympia 357-6070. M3/17tfn TRAILER HITCHES, all types. Trailer wiring. Sway control, jacks, brakes. The Hitch Shop, 48 14" Lacey Boulevard, 491-6150. H10/27-4/27 PRICES SLASHED UP TO 20% ON USED HOMES • Kingswood (12xS5) 2 bedroom. • Freedom (12x60) 2 bedroom, electric. • Golden West (24x56) 3 bedroom with fireplace. • Carriage House (14x64) 3 bedroom, 2 bath. Brookwood (12x58) 2 bedroom, electric. Ban Prix (24x44) 3 bedroom, electric. • Fleetwood (12x60) 2 bedroom, electric. • Ideal (8x21). • Rainier (12x52) 2 bedroom. • Skyline (10xS0) 3 bedroom, 1% bath. • Ardon (8x35) 5th wheel with tip-out. Ol, YMPIA MOIIII,E ltOMES, IN(:. ()8(X) Mm'tin Way ()lympia, WA 98506 456-5 ! 51 FEATURING HOMES BUILT FOR ALASKA Listings wanted now. We get your price, you pay only $50.00. Call Uncle Joe your area representative. I New 24x60 skirted, landscaped. Move in now. All adult park in Shelton. Joe For details call Don 456-5550 426-2650 12x56 2 BR. F/LR, ELECTRIC, SET UP IN SHELTON PARK. 181995" , , ,, 1100 S.F., 3 BR. F/LR, ELECTRIC, JENN-AIR COOK, SET UP IN SHELTON. $18,995. 4 SALE  Shelton Area 24x60, two bedroom, electric, fireplace, pool, double carport, on rented private property. Many other extras. $18,995.00 CALL UNCLE JOE Thursday, February 2, 1978 - Shelton-Mas, County Journal - Page 29