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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 2, 1978     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 2, 1978
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Masonry * Fireplaces * Block foundations * Anything With masonry JOHN KIMMEL LIr4nled, bonded end insured. Rt. 2, Box 947 426-1512 Shelton 0gs Shore, Twanoh Weekend of 22nd, one • with collar, other German 'n With King Co. license. / \\; Rock Build. Cont B & D- ractors, Inc. i'2195 CR5-21 13 Q Glass replacement e Custom Storm sash & Screens ,H°°d..: Canal Glass DI'I.. Call Any Time q'eN WEEKENDS BELFAIR of (ommerce ff"/eh'omes vcm to Otzr t#Px i ntv(,ting Program Skill Center February 8th 7 Cafe 11 Pcttery & Glh Shop Ikblhalr 8taset Beach rPOCe 75-2500 CHRIST LUTHERAN CHURCH AND RETREAT CENTER OF IIELFAIR %q" o Nu Y u (=re IIQ 2 ry PrOvided . of Belfalr State Park 14 Office Se Home cilium, Pastor Services HOURs: .... 8:30 a.m. .......... 9:45 a.m. ," .... II a.m. INITy ST P'(" BOx 407 nn, Pastor Bulldog cagers still searching for first win North Mason's boys' basketball long season got longer last week with two more losses, this time to visiting Charles Wright, 70-59, and on the road to Montesano, 87-40. In the first quarter against Cilarles Wright, the Bulldogs quickly jumped in and dug themselves a lO-point hole. Throughout the second period, North Mason began to play ball but could only match the Terriers point-for-point and ended up with the same 10-point spread at halftime. After a few words in the locker room, the Bulldogs displayed their usual third-quarter strength, trimming the Charles Wright lead down to six by the period's end. Hope came once more to ardent North Mason fans as the Bulldogs began running pick-and-rolls along with inside plays to reduce the Charles Wright lead to two points. But with only four minutes left in the game, North Mason was wracked by an outbreak of turnovers and rushed shots. Charles Wright took the opportunity to run its margin of comfort back up to six, then pulled away as the Bulldogs kept missing. North Mason ended the game 11 short. Turnovers played a key role, once more, in the Bulldogs' ninth loss of the season. North Mason logged 38 against Charles Wright's 24. Poor shooting also took its toll, although North Mason managed to pull down 51 rebounds against the Terriers' slim 20. But putting the ball back in the basket was another matter; the Bulldogs put up 72 shots but connected on only 26 tbr a damaging 36 percent. Charles Wright got off fewer shots with 56 but drilled 29 home for an impressive 52 percent. Bud McKay continued to lead North Mason's scoring with 16 down-under followed by Dennis Lund's 11. On the positive side, the Bulldogs' jayvees thoroughly handled their Charles Wright counterparts, 61-34. Eric Becker ran up 21 points. C.W. 18 21 14 17--70 N.M. 9 20 18 12--59 Charles Wright -- Alex Rowland 27, Shawn Scheer 11, Paul Mortonsen 10, Bill Mortonsen 2, Tony Hetel 18 Dan Zeratski 2, Sterling Gr ffith. North Mason -- Dave Davis 8, David Andrews 9, Don Burke 6, David Smithers, Mike Kemp 7, Joe Roche, Rich Johnson 2, Dennis Lund 11, Bud McKay 16. Shooting Percentages: Field Goals -- Charles Wright 52% 29-56); North Mason 36% 26-72). Freethrows -- Charles right 75% (12-16); North Mason 47% (7:15). Rebounds--' Charles Wright 20, North Mason 51. Turnovers -- Charles Wright 24; North Mason 38. Fouls- Charles Wright 13, North Mason 16. Officials -- Lloyd Pugh, Charlie Buhl. Junior Varsity Charles Wright (34) -- Jim Richards 2, Adam Rosen 10, Reed Kelly 2, Mark Hoffmeister 4, Mike Roberts 8, Sterling Griffith 2, Mark Gehle 6. North Mason (61) -- Eric Becker 21, Pat Andrews 2 Doug Bianchi 18, Robert McKaig 12, Duane Martinson, Kevin McGeorge 3, Rich Johnson 3, Mike Kemp 2, Duane Mowmer. uuuuuunuunuuumuuu For the00record uuuuuuuuuunuuuuuunuiuuuuuuu BELFAIR FIRE DISTRICT TWO January 17, 7:30 p.m., aid call, sudden illness, Belfair, transported to Harrison Memorial Hospital, Bremerton. January 19, 12:20 p.m., aid call, motorhome accident, Belfair, non-transport. January 20, 10:44 a.m., aid call, sudden illness, North Shore, transported to Harrison Hospital. January 21, 3:50 p.m., aid call, sudden illness, Old Belfair Highway, transported to Harrison Hospital. January 23, 7:25 a.m., aid call, auto accident, multiple injury accident, South Shore, transported to Harrison Hospital. January 25, 8:30 p.m., aid call, auto accident, injury, McKenna Falls Road, transported to Naval Hospital, Bremerton. January 26, 2 p.m., aid call, auto accident, injury, North Shore, transported to Harrison Hospital. January 26, 7:15 p.m., aid call, home injury, Belfair, transported to Harrison Hospital. January 28, 3:28 p.m., aid call, sudden illness, Belfair, transported to Harrison. PERMIT DELAY QU ESTION E D •, At their January 16 meeting, the county commissioners received a letter from John Codling of South Shore, asking why action is being delayed concerning his request for a shoreline permit to build a dock in front of his home. According to the commissioners a letter has now been sent to Codling from the planning office informing him that the application has been sent to the prosecutor's office because no action was taken on the original request for one and a half years. i SSSSS SENIOR CITIZEN DISCOUNT Ray's Barber Shop Belfair Reid Realty • FIBERGLASS ROOFING 8'x2e'. ............. s39 101x26". ............ s490  | C_ " ............ ss- liP; -q 4 colors to choose from • CDX SHEATHING ,.L_  _  SHOP GRADE 5/8 4x8... Sheet $8 99 3/4 4x8 .... Sheet $1067 • 2x4x6 Standard & Better 49ea. • 2x4x92 518" Economy -- 47%°. • 5/8x4x9 CEDAR Cut 44 (Gives the 4" board look) Shop Grade $1 123Sheet  BREMERTON LUMBER GORST STORE Open 8-5 Weekdays, 8-3:30 Sat. Head of the Bay , Gorse 373-7111 Don Burke (10) lays up an easy two points during the Bulldogs' defeat at the hand of visiting Charles Wright, 70-59. 0 Working against Charles Wright's full-court press, Mike Kemp (22) moves the ball past three Terriers while the game's high scorer, Bud McKay (40) waits for the pass. Healthmobile visits Belfa ir on Monday The Healthmobile will be in weight checks, vision and hearing Belfair on Monday, February 6, tests, testing for diabetes, testing from 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the for anemia, and consultation Belfair Firehali. ith doctor or nurse. Healthmobile services are Fees for service are focused towards 'preverf{i6nl; ' tl "7'saSfis-fid acb'dliig *i  dne's early detection of disease rhtfiet' ability to pay but no one will be than treatment of disease. The following services are available: For adults - Immunizations; testing for diabetes, anemia, tuberculosis, high blood pressure, cancer (including pap smears), glaucoma, venereal disease, emphysema, bronchitis, some vision and hearing problems; and family planning. For infants and children - Well-child physical exams, immunizations, height and refused service because of an inability to pay. There is no charge for the following services: tuberculosis tests, venereal disease tests, and immunizations for infants. Many of these services also arc offered at the Mason County office of the Thurston-Mason Health District, 110 West "K" Street in Shelton. Feel free to drop by or call 426-4407 for additional information. air Live Music "Linder & Lawson" Friday & Saturday "Mike Mendoza" Tuesday thru Thursday Lyle Barnhart at the organ Sunday & Monday. Weekend Special Steak & Prawns '7 s° Choice of soup or salad, l)inner served with vegetal)h,, potato, dessert & coff or tea. Bar open till 2 a.m. R F3TAUR ANT IIOURS:. 6 a.m. to I0 p.rp. BAR: Sunday thru 'Fhursduy Open 7 I)uy, Fri. & Sat. u week 6 a.m. to 3 t,.,n, in a.m. to 2 p.m. Plenty of free parking, lots of room h)r eamperM & trailers. 275-6226 Glo-Room Phone 275-5225 ?. Camp Fire youngsters start annual candy sale Friday North Mason's Camp Fire candy sale begins tomorrow, February 3, at noon. This year the fund-raising is more than a candy sale because the members will also be selling popcorn. In addition to the popcorn, the traditional Camp Fire chocolate-covered mints and poly bags of walnut chews will still be offered. Camp Fire members (boys and girls)will be' out in force beginning Friday' throughout Kitsap County and North Mason, offering candy or popcorn to the public. They will be going door to door and also in booths in cooperating banks and stores. For their efforts they will receive a credit of 12 cents per box to their group treasury to be used for club projects, trips dues or individual camp fees at Camp Niwana or day camp. They will also receive certificates and emblems according to the number of boxes they sell. Top individual sellers will receive Cainp Niwana savings certificates and camp savings stainps. Clubs that average 30 boxes or more per member will have ice cream parties and the highest-selling clubs in each school district will have pizza parties. The candy sale supplements the local council budget in addition to their United Way funding. The council supports its resident camp, Camp Niwana, with the sale. This year, with the help of the local Seabee Reserve Unit, a shower house is being constructed in addition to paying on the fence that encloses the camp property that was built lasl year. The Camp Fire candy sale will end Wednesday, February 22. District candy sale chairman in the North Mason area is Curtis Aune. If you have not been contacted or want more candy or popcorn, please call the Camp Fire office, 377-5513. Help Woodsy spread the word! In the city... or in the woods, Help keep America looking good! , ,, ,,m nn00)uncing CERTIFICATES Available now at your Community Credit Union. 7.75 Annual Interest Rate now being paid ou $5,000 minimum deposits held for five (5) years. Dividends are calculated on the actual dollar value, compounded and paid quarterly. A substantial penalty is required for failure to comply with these requirements. Federal regulations prohibit payment of dividends in excess of available earnings. Each member account insured to $40,000 by Administrator, National Credit Union Administration. Regular Share Accounts Still Paying 6¼% Annual Interest, compounded and paid quarterly. maroon countM |eORral crm311: union I IIII IIIIII I I OPEN SUNDAYS -- Twin Converllble Grlll-Inge (Conventional) Identical in dimensions, fea_t.ures and connected load to Modef2390 above WIIh Iwo Conventionel-element cooldop ¢|rlrld|el/iludi| OIM pJug-ln grill kil. """-", 8403. No. 2475 ERS 521 Railroad Avenue Shehon, WA 98584 426-1601 New Belfair Center Belfair, WA 98528 275-6066 I I 10 A.M. TO 3 P.M. • ATCO RAIN SEAL CAULK ,.,. ................. .ow 65;= • PECORA FURNACE CEMENT ................. .o,,59 • RED DEVIL ' SOOT REMOVER " Cleans out fireplaces, stoves, }urnaces. OOW PANELING TPI . MANOR HOUSE Red brick or BASEBOARD wh.e brick. HEA---;'---TIEKa ' Reg. $14.9S ,' ...................... '24" | S 13 0, 8' ...................... *294, PROTECT YOUR FAMILY WITH SPLITTING MAULS SMOKE DETECTORS 6 lb. Reg. $14.50 BRK HONEYWELL Battery operated. (Direct Wire) .0.*11" (Batter Included) ,17,s i i Sale Good Thru February 9th "  Open 10 o.m..8 p.m,, O Sundaye, all 3 stores. 275-2090 Belfair Open 10 ..m. to 1 p.m. Open 8 to 5:30 Dally, , Sundays Saturday II to 4:30 I III II I II IIII I February 2, 1978 - Huckleberry Herald section Of Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 3