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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 2, 1978     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 2, 1978
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D & G TREE SERVICE TOPPED, TRIMMED OR REMOVED FULLY INSURED Wes Griffay CR 5-2117 Lou Dobbs TR 6-4783 BONDED LICENSED INSURED JESFIELD CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTING • BUILDING CONCRETE WORK P.O. Box 377 Belfair, Wash. 275-6684 Jim Jesfield DAVE'S BELFAIR ARC0 STATION Belfair Electric Co. We are franchised General Electric Dealers • Discou nt Prices • Factory Service • Terms • We take trade-ins. ; Free delivery & normal installation. wf Bonded & Licensed I Electrical Contractors ) Special Contractor Pricing. 275-2020 V2 block North of Thriftway I I LIGHT & HEAVY TOWING TOWING 24 HOUR SERVICE 426-1731 Shelton 275-2861 Allyn & Belfair I Jim Foley (on top) finishes a flip over the back of Ocosta's Steve Hatton during their tough battle resulting in a 7-3 decision against Foley. Wrestlers crank up for tourneys, push season record to 19 wins North Mason's powerful wrestling team grappled its way to victories 18 and 19 on Monday night with wins over Ocosta, 39-23, and Sequim, 52-24. In one of its to'uglier matches of the season, the Bulldogs kept one step ahead of visiting Ocosta by racking up six pins and three decisions. decisions. Jim Marks (135) upped his 'personal, undefeated record to 16 wins with a decision against his Ocosta opponent. North Mason 39, Ocosta 23 101 -- Ben Brainard (NM) pinned Ed Savage, 3:55. 108- Ted Smith (NM) dec. Now Vu, , 13-6. 115 -- Dan Hannan (NM) p nned Mike Perry, 1:10. 122 -- Len Datus (NM) pinned Darrell Foss, 4:01. 129 -- Fred Savidge NORTH MASON Two of the pins came in the 00INCOME TAX SERVICE closing 190 andhadheavyweighteasier ',  classes to assure North Mason's loss record remaining at one. Reasonable prices North Mason an • Discount for senior citizens time with Sequim dusting them off with five pins and four • Will make appointments a Location: 2 doors from BeJfair Post Office• '// PAT & PERRY BAUNSGARD €/-f ..... 175-6400 lvenlngl 271,6737 (O) dec. Tim Lincoln, 15-1. 135 -- Jim Marks (NM) dec. Doug Shoenover, 8-2. 141 --Joe Lee (O)pinned Vince Van Parys, 2:47. 148- Eric Hurd (hiM) pinned Gary Doye, 1:19. 158- Steve Hatton (O) dec. Jim Foley, 7-3. 168 -- bcott Amonson (O) dec. Tom Scott, 6-5. 178- Gary Fletcher (C)) pinned Richard Works, 1:52. 19o -- Mark Nelson (NM) pinned Dan Wohler, 1:10. Unlimited --Doug Davies (NM) pinned Dave Brown, 5:41. North Mason 52, Sequim 24 101 -- Rick Roberts (S) dec. Kurt Martinsen, 7-3. 108--Phil Wyman (NM) dec. Glass Burn, 6-1. 115- Dan (NM) dec. Troy Safford, 13-12. 1 22-- Mark Testu (NM) pinned Pat Osborne, 1:55. 129 -- John Knapp (NM) dec. Charlie Roberts, improper hold default. 135 -- Don Cobb (S) dec. John Marker, 2:00. 141 -- Jim Smith (NM) dc. Joe Gates 13.4, 148- Dane Hurd (NM) forfeit. 158- Todd Vaughn (hiM) pinned Carl Boyd, 1:59. 168-- Randy Mclntyre (S) pinned Bryan Goss, 1:36. 178- Richard Works (NM) pinned Todd Berg, 2:52. 190 -- Don McBride (S) pinned Steve Anderson, 2:59. Unlimited -- Doug Davies (NM).pinned Mike Orvitz, 2:21. TEXACO'S HAVOLINE SUPER 10-40 OIL CHANGE WITH TEXACO OIL FILTER '8 m BIILFAIR TIXACO "We can take care MINDA & BUCK CHURCH of all your car needsV' 275-2077 Jim Marks (in front) puts the torque on the head of his Ocosta opponent as he proceeds to raise his season record to a perfect 16 wins with an 8-2 decision. OVEREATING? SMOKING? Let MILDRED JAMES help you to STOP by using her method of relaxation through hypnosis. Weight Control Clinic, 10:30 a.m. or 5:30 p.m. Stop Smoking Clinic, 12 noon or 7 p.m. February 6 thru the 10th FEE FOR FIVE 1 HOUR SESSIONS IS $25• Sponsored by the KItp County YWCA, BREMERTON YWCA membership not required, preregistratlon necessary as space limited. CALL THE YWCA 377-5447 Try Our ½ lb. Hamburger with Fries '1.85 . The Briar Patch Meeting Area Available ORDERS TO GO Last Thursday the cub scouts segment. of Belfair Pack 513 held their Den 2: John Lutzenhiser - monthly pack meeting, bear badge, assistant denner Dens ] and 2 had .100 cord; Mark Pruitt - denner cord; percent participation. Den 4 Grant Byerly - summer activity conducted the opening and pin, one-year pin. closing flag ceremony. Cubmaster Den 3: Jason Williams -- Terry Joyce presented the wolf badge; Todd Coldiron - following awards: denner cord. Den 1" John Senn - one Den 4: Matthew Vine -- silver arrow; Logan Gavazza- graduated to Webelos and bobcat badge, civic service received his book and scarf, , one-year pin, 12-month segment. Wesley Cox- wolf badge; Greg BOOZE AND BOOS Monten - bobcat badge; Tim Four men were reported Oyler .... gold arrow; Todd • Greenwood - denner cord; jumping in fronl of passing cars outside the Belfair Cafe's Glow David Hicks - assistant denner cord. Room on January 24. Webelos leader Tom Higgins THIEF REMODELS presented the awards to his den. Webelos Den 1; Jan Higgins, Dottg Tingvall reports on athlete; Brian Ruff, the Arrow of January 23 that the house he• is Light, the highest award of cub selling for Marion Buyken was scouting; Tommy Main - broken into and fixtures from summer activity pin, one.year the bathroom were removed, pin. ACREAGE NEAR ALLYN: Five-acre tract, wooded with power and phone• Asking $9,150  low down. HOOD CANAL: North Shore, about five miles from Belfair. Four-bedroom home on s/-acre land. Fireplace, electric baseboard heat..Needs repair. Asking $32,995  terms. , "275-6929 Open 7 days a week. Belfair Center I _ IIIIII [ I IIIII I I I I I I I III i I I Page 4 - Huckleberry Herald section of Shelton-Mason County Jou,Hal - Fet)ruary 2, 1978 VIEW LOT: Near Allyn. View of Pickering Passage with power, water, phone and sewer system. Ready to build on. Covered with firs. Asking $5,950 -- $300 down. EVENINGS CALL JULIUS STOCK, 275-2274. Pu--, REALTY, he. 275-6Q06 or 426-9797 Allyn Center OPEN Allyn, WA DAYS A WEEK t The meeting wa very brief to allow time for a marble competition. Each year the local Elks sponsor a marble shoot and Pack 513 sends and eight-, nine- and ten-year-old to compete. This year's winners were eight-year-old David Hicks, nine-year-old Mark Knuwles and ten.year-old Mark Pruitt. Cubmaster Terry Joyce announced that February is birlhday month for cub scouting and Pack 513 will celebrate by participating in area activities. February 6 through February 12 there will be a display of cub crafts at the Belfair Branch of Puget Sound National Bank. Saturday, February 1 I, local cubs will join with other cubs from the Chief Kitsap District for a scout parade through the streets of downtown Bremerton. The tinal activity will be the an'nual Blue and Gold Banquet, February 23. Legal Publications NOTICE OF CLOSING OF REGISTRATION BOOKS NORTH MASON SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 403 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That the Registration Books for Allyn, Belfair No. 1, Belfair No. 2 Belfair No. 3, Belfair No 4 and Tahuya, lyinq wholly Within the boundaries o} School District No. 403 in Mnn ('-aunty, closed for Ri&INAL REGISTRATIONS after February 11, 1978. until the day following a peclal Election to be held by School District No. 403, on Tuesday, March 14, 1978. DATED this 20th clay of January .I 978. Peggy Cleveland Auditor and Registrar for Mason County, Washington 2/2-1t Seems crooked The love of property and consciousness of right or wrong have conflicting places in our organization, which often makes a man's course seem crooked, his conduct a riddle. Abraham Lincoln With purchase of a[( FOUR NEW TIRES, FRONT END ALIGNMENT (Reg. $22.00 Value) Stop in or phone for price quote - Most American & import autos _ 00oem suoe00 GARAGE  GENERAL AUTO REPAIR 275-2128 V mile w. of Belfair State Park ...... United Way awa ................ dinner scheduled United Way of Kitsap County , which also covers the North Mason area, will conduct its annual meeting and awards dinner at Sons of Norway Hall at 7 p.m., Wednesday, February 8. The annual dinner will honor the "fair share" givers of the recent campaign. Board members and officers for 1978 will be elected. The recent campaign was one of the most successful in the history of the United Way of Kitsap County. It generated a total of $478,9 1 1 in contributions and pledges which will be used to help support the 34 United Way member agencies in 1978. This represents a 16.4 percent increase over the amount raised last year. Tickets for the dinner meeting are $5 each. There will be a short social to 7:30 p.m. at dinner will be Milander, president College, will be ceremonies. All contributors are attend. Re requested and may calling the United 377-8505. COLTS BOLT Two colts were along the Mission January 25. Both one has a white other has a blaze LOST DOG Small, grey shepherd mik was Elfendahl Pass Road Belfair Telephol Answering SerVll • 24-hour answering • Wake-up service • Use your phone 2 Lewis Funeral Chap Serving families in ths community since Call us collect from anywhere. The Episcopal Welcomes ST. HUGH'S -- ALLYN -- Sunday 9 ST. NICHOLAS -- TAHUYA -- Sunday 11: Come As You Are Church S &M Tax Service, Inc. . Pat Mayfield, 876-5675 • , Donna Shellgren, 876.5345 Business Phone, 876.1405 BY APPOINTMENT ONLY 3113 Harold Dr. S.E. Port TRAILWAYS EXCURSION TO.., RENO Departing February 11 JOIN THIS TOUR IN... WINSLOW, POULSBO, BREMERTON, BELFAIR, SHELTON & Overnight Medford, Ore., going and returning. Four nlghtl III trips to Sparks, Virginia City and Carson City. Bonus Package from casinos visited. S I STARTING AT ........... For reservations and more information, call Bremerton free, 1-800-542-7802. CASCADE 215 First St. BREMERTON FSend a Little Love to All Your Friendsl €> BELFAIR i 275-6161 When you care enough to send the