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Eighth-grader )articipates in page program
Madilyn Bariekman,
an eighth-grader from
Oakland Bay Junior High
School, took time away
from her studies last week
to participate in the Sen-
ate Page Program at the
Washington State Legisla-
Bariekman was one of
22 students ages 14-16
that took part in the pro-
gram during the second
week of the 2012 legisla-
tive session. Pages deliver
mail, run errands, present
the flag and learn parlia-
mentary procedures first-
Students also try their
hand at drafting a bill and
engage in a mock session.
Bariekman wrote a bill,
which tries to alleviate
sleep deprivation for teen-
Her bill would mandate
that no school should start
before 8:30 a.m.
Sen. Tim Sheldon from
the 35th District sponsored
"The page program of-
fers a unique way for stu-
dents around the state to
learn about the legislative
process," Sheldon said.
"I'm happy Madlyn was
able to take advantage of
the opportunity."
Bariekman said she en-
joyed the process.
"My favorite part of the
whole page program was
meeting Sen. Sheldon." she
said. "I also enjoyed get-
ting to learn about bills,
I never knew that anyone
could write a bill; l could
even write a bill,"
Bariekman said she
hopes to one day become
an author. Currently, her
favorite book is "Eragon,"
written by Christopher
Paolini. Bariekman partic-
ipates in her school's honor
Courte_ . DROTC
Oakland Bay Junior High School student Madilyn Bariekman worked as
a page for Sen. Tim Sheldon and others last week in Olympia.
Bariekman is the daugh-
ter of Jamie Bariekman
and Angela Clevenger of
Junior high/middle
school and high school stu-
dents who are interested in
the Senate Page Program
are encouraged to visit
www.leg.w a. gov/Senat e/
Mark E. Ree(] Scholarship deadline set
Officials from the Mark
E. Reed Scholarship Pro-
gram's Washington board
announced recently that
eight $3,000 scholarships
will be awarded to high
school and undergradu-
ate college students in
The scholarships, ad-
ministered by Green Dia-
mond Resource Compa-
ny, are presented in the
memory of Mark E. Reed,
who was Simpson Logging
Company president from
1914 until his death in
Eligible individuals
must be Green Diamond
Resource Company em-
ployees, sons or daughters
of employees or students
in one of Green Diamond's
Mason and East Grays
Harbor County operating
Applications for the
Mark E. Reed Scholarship
program are available on
the Green Diamond web-
site, www.greendiamond.
Questions may be di-
rected to Diana Goldy, sec-
retary of the Washington
Scholarship Board, at 427-
4703 or emailed to dgoldy@
The deadline for receiv-
ing applications is Wednes-
day, Feb. 29.
Headquartered in Se-
attle. Green Diamond Re-
source Company owns and
manages working forest-
land in Washington and
Healthy snacks the. February topic at
Snacking in between meals is some-
thing everyone needs to be conscious
of, and those with diabetes in partic-
ular need to know which snacks are
right for them.
Snacks will be the subject of the
next Mason General Hospital Shel-
ton Diabetes Support Group meeting
titled "All About Healthy Snacks" will
be held from 1 to 2 p.m. on Thursday,
Feb. 16, in the Ellinor Room a the
Presenting the class will be Deb-
bie McGinnis, R.N., diabetes nurse
educator at MGH's Diabetes Wellness
Center. McGinnis will discuss healthy
choices for snacks, as well as when,
and how much to eat, and the poten-
tial health benefits. Family members
of those with diabetes can get on a
healthier snacking plan too, and are
encouraged to attend. There will also
be time set aside for questions and an-
diabetes meeting
The Shelton Diabetes Suppor
Group, affiliated with the American
Diabetes Association, meets a the
hospital every third Thursday of the
month from September to June.
It is free and open to people with
type 1 and 2 diabetes, their friends
and family.
For more information call Sue Bar-
wick. R.N., C.D.E. at 427-7332 (from
Allyn 275-8614 and ask for the Diabe-
tes Wellness Center.
Mason General Hospital
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Page B-4- 5helton-Mason County Journal- Thursday, February 2, 2012
Olyrnpic College Shelton to hold
upcoming information sessions
Individuals currently collecting Unemploy-
ment Insurance, .or those who have collected
benefits in the last 24 months, or those who
are displaced homemakers or were self-em-
ployed in a declining field may be eligible for
Worker Retraining funding financial assis-
tance for one quarter of tuition and books.
Worker Retraining Information Sessions will
be held from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Feb. 15 and
from 10 a.m. to noon on Feb. 29 at Olympic Col-
leg% Call 432-5400 to sign up for this session.
Te Olympic College Shelton campus is lo-
cater, at 937 W. Alpine Way. Office hours are
9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday - Thursday and
8:30 a.m. to i p.m. on Fridays.