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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 2, 2012     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 2, 2012
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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W[DDINGS Ann Wittenberg Ann Marie Wittenberg and Shawn Michael McE1- hinney were married on Dec. 28. She is the daughter of Dorothy and Herb Vonhof and he is the son of Jo and Tom McElhinney. They met at the Shel- ton Athletic Club where she is an aerobics instruc- tor. She is also the owner of Graham&apos;s Hairworks in Shelton and Shawn is an executive with United Par- cel Service. The couple will celebrate their union with family and friends on Aug. 5, at Harmony Hill. and Shawn McElhinney Ellory Thea Eierman and Jason Ryan Rowe Ellory Thea Eierman and Jason Ryan Rowe of Hood- sport are getting married on Sept. 15 at Ruby Beach, North Washington Coast. She is the daughter of Bruce Eierman of Anchor- age, Alaska and Deb Peter- son of Skokomish Valley, Shelton, and he is the son of Val and Dave Wagner of Hoodsport. She graduated from Shel- ton High School in 2001, Olympic College in 2003 and University of Alaska in Olympia currently employs 2007 with a bachelor of sci- her. He graduated from ence degree in marine biol- Westmont High School. ogy. The World Market in Campbell, Calif.. in 2000 and San Jose State Univer- sity in 2006 with a BS in Psychology. He is currently employed at ACS in Lacey. SERViC[NEWS Shelton Shelton High School grad- uate Jacob (JT) Smith from the class of 2009 recently completed his first tour of duty with the U.S. Air Force. Airman First Class (A1C) Smith was stationed at An- dersen AFB in Guam with the 736th Security Forces squad- ron and is currently in the grad completes first process of reloCating to Malm- strom AFB in Montana and will be assigned to the 721st Security Forces squadron. While stationed at Ander- sen AFB. A1C Smith partici- pated in several missions that took him to India, Indonesia, Bangladesh. Thailand, Papua New Guinea. Japan, Austra- tour of duty lia and the Philippines. He said he is looking for- ward to continuing his mili- tary career in Montgna. A1C Smith is the son of Mar- ty and Lori Crossan of Shelton; Joe Meshkoff of Federal Way; the grandson of Bernie and Dorothy Lang of Shelton and Polly Smith of Indio, Calif. Do you need a place for your senior loved ones to stay during storm repairs and construction? We may be able to help with temporary living space in a safe, caring environment. We invite you to call for an appointment for a complimentary lunch and tour. ALPm WAY RETIREMENT APARTMENTS, ASSISTED LIVING AND ALZHEIMER'S SPECIAL CARE 900 West Alpine Way, Shelton, WA 98584 (360) 426-2600 MEMEF Kathy Burbidge • Area U.S. Army Pfc. Brandon L. Isaacson has graduated from Basic Combat Training at Fort Sill, Lawton, Okla. During the nine weeks of training, the sol- dier studied the U.S. Army mission and re- ceived instruction and training exercises in drill and ceremonies, Army history, core val- ues and traditions, military courtesy, military man graduates from basic training justice, physical fitness, first aid, rifle marks- manship, weapons use, map reading and land navigation, foot marches, armed and unarmed combat and field maneuvers and tactics. Isaacson is the son of Sharon and Ted Trask of Shelton. He is a 2008 graduate of Capital High School. Olympia. Cooking Continued from page B-1 a group where they say they'll do something and they do it." Brinkman said she partic- ularly likes Shelton Kiwanis because so much of their donations go to helping chil- dren. She also substitutes as an educational assistant at local elementary schools. "I especially like kin- dergarten, first and second grade I feel like I can make a difference with those children," she said. Brinkman spent her ca- reer at the Washington Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS) headquarters in Lacey work- ing on her lifelong desire to help people. 'ou're saving lives, pro- viding support and protec- tion," she said. "Almost all state employees really work hard and believe in what they're doing." Brinkman has also tutored for Mason County Literacy, now Sound Learning, and serves as a board member. She is a member and former board member of the Friends of the Shelton Timberland Library and is a member of the American Association of Easyfue 4tozi:unsweetenedehoe-!:: :::::Mold •e:e:mto:::a :tsp. Vanilla pei :: tli: P: :0r:::6tle Dash:salt ............ :[sPmY.::: a. University Women. She is a 1977 Evergreen State College graduate. "A lot of the organizations I belong to also provide schol- arships," she said. Brinkman said she feels passionately about helping people, particularly children, but also makes time for an- other passion -- art. "I love the arts, any kind of live performance ... I love to act. I love to be a part of it," she said. Brinkman serves on the Shelton Arts Commission, a board with several members appointed by the Shelton City Commission. The arts commission picks local art for the Shelton civic center's rotating art gallery. "The purpose of the arts commission is to get people involved," she said. The arts commission also runs an annual fundraiser called Empty Bowls. The three-part fundraiser invites members of the community to come 1;o the civic center and mold clay bowls one night and decorate them the next. Also, for a small price, participants can use their own bowls to eat at a soup dinner on the third night. "Some of them are abso- lutely amazing for the first thing they've worked on," Brinkman said. Last year the fundraiser earned $1,200 for the Saint's Pantry Food Bank, she said. Brinkman said young peo- ple, especially those in high school and college, should get involved in service clubs to promote their self-esteem and earn skills for the future. "Any time you can get them involved it's good for them," she said. Call today for a, free estimate. (360) 480-6660 EBBE Properties LLC is a full service General Contractor. We are licensed, bonded, insured and capable of both large and small projects. Are you planning a new custom home? Perhaps an addition or a remodel? A garage or shop? EBBE Properties can get the job done. Visit our website at and view some of our recent projects. Call Erik today at 360-480-6660 EBBE Properties LLC PO Box 542 Lic# EBBEPPL909DJ S hetton WA 98584 a:X (:3:60):4267:75:7 OSE DENTURES? With new mini dental implant technology you can enjoy secure eating comfort agaim In one short procedure you can have a stable denture with minimal recovery time. Single tooth replacement options also available, Go ahead.., bite into that apple! Come see why everyone is smiling! ! ......... !:: (360) 426-8401 . 360.GO.BRUSH (462-7874) 1829 Jefferson Street • Shelton WA, 98584 ,, :::: .... ................................. : : t:5 : ........... ;= i;:i;;::;:co,,;<:: .......... i :::::::: .... ; %::"I?..T- for advertising in formation li  F  o::::: :::i::,:i:iiiili ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ................................. ...: ............................ .i;:::: ":.:C...;,:&:.:::...:%¢ .:;:::': Shelton-Mason County Journal- Thursclay,-Februar 2, 2012 - Page B-5