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February 2, 2012     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 2, 2012
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Shelton 6th at league swimming championship Highclimbers headed to districts this weekend By EMILY HANSON emily@masorcoun,com The Shelton boys' swim team brought home sixth place from the Narrows League Championship last week. On Thursday, Jan. 26, and Friday, Jan. 27, the Highclimbers competed at Henry Foss High School for the opportunity to set qualifying times to compete at the West Coast District III Diving and Swimming Tournament to be held this weekend. Co-head coach Chad Youngquist said the team performed well. "We had lots of best times," he added. "Ryder Phelan swam very aggressively and did very well in the 200- and 500-freestyles and Brandon Smith achieved a personal re- cord in the 200-freestyle and the 100-but- terfly." Harrison MacAlevy achieved a personal record in the individual medley and the backstroke. "He had exceptional legs in the relays, too," Youngquist said. He added that Indi Endicott came in fourth place overall in the 50-freestyle after dropping a half-second from his time and that Scan Kealy achieved personal records in all four events he swam in. JD Clemons achieved a personal re- cord ir, the 100-freestyle and Luke Fiedler dropped four seconds in the 100-backstroke. Prior to the league meet, the Highclimb- ers competed at the Narrows League Divi- sional Championship on Tuesday, Jan. 24. "This was a last chance for swimmers to qualify for the league championship," Youngquist said. "We had great perfor- mances by Chris Willey in the 100-butter- fly; he dropped 2 seconds offhis time, quali- fying for league. He also dropped 6 seconds off his 200-freestyle time." Youngquist said Jantzen Rodgers was within a half-second of qualifying for league in the 50-freestyle and within 1 second of qualifying in the 100-freestyle. "He got PR's in both events," Youngquist added. He said the distance events were tough for the Highclimbers because the meet was one week after the big snow storm and the team hadn't been able to practice. "Twelve out of 16 races were personal records and most of them were an improve- ment of 1 second or more so we were pretty U s" pleased with the performance of the g y , Youngquist said, i The WCD III Diving Preliminaries !and Finals begin at 3:30 p.m. on Thursday, Feb. 2, at Foss High School. John Pentony, Houston Dean, Tyler Faulkner and Josh Zagrean will compete for the Highclimbers. "We're hoping to have a good meet," co-head coach Rob Phelan said. "Pentony and Dean have a good chance of getting to state." The WCD III Swimming Preliminaries start at 3:30 p.m. on Friday, Feb. 3, at Cur- tis High School. The finals will be at 3 p.m. on Saturday, Feb. 4, at Curtis High School MacAlevy will be competing in i the 100-backstroke while Endicott will cm- pete in the 50-freestyle and the 100-breast- stroke, i Youngquist said all three relay teams will compete at the preliminaries but i the swimmers for those teams had not been chosen as of press time. wo' rHEATING OIL COMPARE OUR LOW PRICES! Located at Sanderson F---, o lb--' Industrial Park ,:o°o:o, o.. ]00427.8084 Climbers dominate Mt. Tahoma By EMILY HANSON emiiy@nason, coun,, The Shelton wrestling team defeated Mt. Tahoma in its final dual match of the regular season. On Thursday, Jan. 26, the Highclimbers dominat- ed Mt. Tahoma 58-16. "We wrestled great against Mt. Tahoma," head coach Chris Lacy said. "We had big wins from Kenny Zacarias, Kevin Loza and Skylar Core." Zacarias, Loza and Core, along with Ty McCullough, Dylan Corey, Colby Bar- ber and Ben Anderson all pinned their opponents. "The best performance of the night belonged to Ben Anderson at 285," Lacy said. "Once again, [Ander- son] faced an excellent op- ponent and was dominant. [Anderson] earned a fall in the third period after being ahead 13-0." Johnathen Dennis won by major decision while Malachi Conklin and Ku- siah McCullough both re- ceived forfeits. "Our wrestlers are fo- cused, ready and training at their highest level in prepa- ration for the postseason," Lacy said. "I am very confi- dent about our postseason." The postseason begins with the Narrows League Sub-Regionals at 5 p.m, on Friday, Feb. 3, and at 7 p.m. on Saturday, Feb. 4, at Foss High School. "The wrestlers that we are taking into the post- season have a combined varsity record of 207-128," Lacy said. "In league, our wrestlers have a combined varsity record of 52;22. i These records have been accumulated during a sea- son in which we have faced our toughest competition in school history." Lacy said the regular season tournaments the Highclimbers attended this Season were the highest lev- el he could find for the team and that the Highclimbers have competed at the high- est level at every opportu: nity. "My only disappoint- ment is for one of our ex- cellent senior leaders, Matt Goldsby," Lacy said. "Goldsby has an injury and will not be able to compete in the postseason. He has been a great Highclimber and deserves a lot of credit for how much he has grbwn in the sport over the last three seasons." Did you know that in addition to producing award- winning display ads the Journal advertising staff can help you plan a campaign that will help you grow your business and reach new customers? We have the experience and expertise to partner with you in the success of your work and goals. 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