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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 2, 2023     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 2, 2023
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page 4 — Shelton-Mason County Thursday, Feb. 2, 2023 Random thoughts for a February day good message for a A:eader board in front of n Episcopalian church: Jesus is woke. Our given name is the second gift we receive in this world, after being given the gift of life or maybe our name is the third gift, after the belly button. What time of day do Bugs Bunny and Yosemite Sam take a nap? In the atter-toon. Bad name for a cake shop: Operation Dessert Storm. I’m glad the cryptocur— rency phenomenon is waning because I couldn’t figure it out, and now I don’t have to feel guilty about not figuring it out. Don’t be depressed that the number of people attending church these days is decreas- ing. Look on the positive side: _- KIRK ERICSCIN THESE TIMES The number of people not at- tending church is increasing. Florida: Where con artists flee to and thrive. While visiting Corinth, Mississippi, in 2013, I met an old fellow who owned a road- side cafe. I Said I wasvisit- ing from Washington, and he asked what kind of food we eat up there. I told him my wife eats a lot of tofu. He thought a bit and replied, “You folks don’t go to church up there, do you?” When I was a kid and heard adults say, “Breakfast is the most important meal,” I wondered what the least im— portant meal was. And why weren’t adults showing any in- terest in criticizing that meal? I hope to live my life in a way that makes me a creditto my race. Mrs. Ericson and I continue to have a landline, mostly be- cause I often use it to call my cellphone when it’s missing in the house. Upcoming: A new euphe- mism for vomiting. A sign seen recently at Safeway: “Stay Healthy!” What about the people who were never healthy?‘ Aren’t we marginalizing the unhealthy? When you think about how often coincidences do occur, it should be obvious that coincidences aren’t that uncoincidental. I bet many orthopedic sur- geons who repair NFL ath- letes’ knees are less known by their names and known more by the knees they’ve repaired. For instancefthe surgeon who fixed quarterback Tom Brady’s knee in 2008 when he tore his AOL is probably less known by his name —- Neal ElAttrache —~ and more known by “the guy who did Brady’s knee.” ‘ You don’t see many people lollygagging at Costco. EV- eryone there seems to be on a mission. I ran into a woman I knew when we worked at The Olym- .pian newspaper in the 1990s. I forgot her name, and I apolo- gized for doing so. She told me that the name I forgot wasn’t her name anymore —she changed her name to Suzanne, which I have managed to remember. '. I recently meant to tell Mrs. Ericson, “I’m having lunch with Brad today,” but my sentence came out like , this: “I’m having Brad with lunch yesterday.” “I went through hell last night, but I came out on top this morning.” -— My mother- in-law after breaking her hip at age 94. I was around 10 years old when my grandfather stepped on the prongs of a rake lying prong-side up in the grass. The handle came up and whacked him in the eye, and he had a black eye for'days afterward. Now when I see a rake, I usually think of our dear grandfather and thank him for giving us such a Vis- ible and valuable lesson. ~ I Contact Kirk Ericson at LETTERS THE EDITOR Document lesson Editor, the Journal, In anticipation of more nonsense from some willfully misinformed letter writers (AA and RG come immediately ‘ to mind), I respectfully submit impor- tant differences between what may be inappropriate document retention by President Joe Biden and what is clearly inappropriate document retention by ex—President Donald Trump. On Nov. 2, lawyers for Biden found a batch of documents at the Penn Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global En— gagement, dating from his time as vice president. Biden’s attorneys immediate- ly contacted the National Archives and they took possession of the documents the next morning. On Nov. 4, NARA contacted the Justice Department to let them know of the document exchange, and “on Nov. 9, the FBI started assessing whether Biden had , illegally mishandled classified information. . By contrast, Trump failed for one full year to turn over documents knew he had, despite several requests. ~ When he finally turned over documents, it was an incomplete set. After being subpoenaed, he then had his attorney lie in a signed affidavit that all documents ' had been returned. This inaction, lying summammu roman USPS 492-800 POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Shelton-Mason County Journal, R0. Bog 430, Shelton, WA 98584. Published weekly by the Shelton-Mason County Journal at W. Cota St, Shelton, Washington. Mailing address: PO. Box 430, Shelton, WA 98584 Telephone: 360-426-4412 Websne: Periodicals postage paid in Shelton, Washington. and delay prompted the FBI raid of his resort. ’ The documents in Biden’s possession were all in relatively private, if not se- cure locations, whereas the documents at Mar al Logo were in areas accessible to many of Trump’s guests including any .number of potential spies and “busi— ness associates.” Documents held by Biden are marked classified, but have yet to be determined to be currently classified material, whereas documents held by Trump are not only currently classified but also many are top secret. . At worst, Biden can be accused of ' absent-mindedness or stupidity, but he never withheld any documents once it was clear hehad inappropriately kept some after leaving office. Withholding documents from an authorized govern- ment ofi‘icial is a crime — something Trump clearly did. Thus, Trump is being investigated under the Espionage Act. Pieter Booth Shelton Thank you, Journal, Editor, the Journal, I There’s a lot to be said about Mason County’s good fortune to have The Shel- ton-Mason County Journal as our local Owned and published by Shelton-Mason County Journal, Inc. Publisher: John Lester paper, covering the local news, without hysterical overtones: “Just the facts, ma’am” —— just the way I like it. First, the news of major local impor— tance: After what — a year, maybe more since Barber Terry retired because of a Washington State Licensing snafu re- garding his barber license, The Cutter’s Edge barber shop on Railroad Avenue has a new certified professional barber! I’ve had three haircuts and a couple beard trims as he apprenticed there by the aforesaid apprentice: I was allowed to pay him in tips, but now I can pay him for real and add the tip. Refreshing. Second, I personally prefer news cov— erage of the dispassionate sort, much like The Wall Street and Shelton—Mason County jOurnals. Both publications demonstrate a respect for the reader to make his personal decisions regarding the news, 'then allow the editorial writ- ers to make fools of themselves. Thank you for treating your readers as mature adults. ’James Poirson Shelton "Any anomalies? Editor, the Journal, It’s been almost three months since the November election and we’ve yet to ’ Front office:- hear from the new auditor how many illegal votes were cast in Mason canny“: " ’ Mr. Duenkel did issue a letter last week to the Journal outlining, his plan to en— list the help of the local Voter Research Project to aid in the ofi‘icial duty of his' , office. ' This project claims to be nonparti- san butI suspect it is weighted heavily Republican. The plan calls for the proj— ect to canvas a list of potential voter anomalies. My questionsiare: Is this the same project that misidentified a num— ber of voter anomalies in the primary? Was this list provided by the Auditor’s Office? What constitutes a voter anom— aly? What does “canvassing” entail? It appears that Mr. Duenkel is essentially deputizing a vigilante group to do his job for him. L He fiirther stated he planned to in- vestigate long—established principles of a democracy that provide voters inforv motion and the importance of their vote. Does he want dumber and fewer voters? Mr. Duenkel was elected to eliminate election fraud. So far it seems his claims of significant fraud are fraudulent. But more to come, he says. ’ Craig Anderson Shelton see LETTERS, page 5 Creative Director: Lloyd Mullen Dave Pierik, Office Administrator , Advertising: The Journal is a member of the Theresa Murray, Ad Representative , Washington Newspaper Publish- . ' Delivery: ers Association. , Newsroom: Jon Garza , . Justin Johnson, Editor David Olson SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Gordon Weeks, Reporter Niel Chalislrom $79 per year ($55 for six months) for Mason County addresses and $99 per year ($70 for six months) outside of Mason County. Single issue price $2.00 Matt Baide, Reporter ‘ Klrk Boxleltner. Reporter Kirk Ericson, Columnist/ Proofreader Shawna Whelan, Photographer Composing room: Karen Hranac, Customer Service All regular editorial, advertising . and legal deadlines are 5 pm. the Monday prior to publication. To submit a letter to the editor, email editordmasoncountycom. Kim Fowler, Advertising Design Linda FrizzeII, Advertising Design 1