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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 2, 2023     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 2, 2023
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Rough flu season, new strategy By Matt Baide ,I‘I'zaitié nose/motility:CO/n The Mason (Toun “tam. a1 mm mi w “W.” the rough flu season and a new strae tegic health plan for the county. Public Health Officer Dr. Keri }ardner said it has been a rough s ,ason for the “tripledemic,” which includes influenza, COVIDalS) and RSV. Gardner said this year’s influ- enza 'as mostly influenza A, and it is an H1N1 virus, similar to what taused the swine flu in the late 20008 and early 2010s. The flu vaccine does help, and she recommends people get their flu shot. ' Board of tr "211111th is surprisingly not one of ti Am. \‘Vo, the public health depart— ment. come to the board of h :lalth to seek your 2' istai’ice in helping: us get Panelist? hU u Gal/incite. \; L.(lll sic treate in most patients with simpr a pill that is taken for eight wee s and when we treat hepatitis C, We avoid liver damage, liver cance and then death from liver disease." Gardl also reported the . ate has lowered the age for getting vac- cinated agains , human pamploma vi- rus to age instead of'the current age 12. She also talked about substance abi‘ .e, stating a new drug on the streets is called Xylazine, which is a veterinary sedative muscle relaxant. u Thur: rcsponsi 'c customer serv'w, coon (liuated con‘xmunity planning, tec' nology to improve outcomes. employ continuous quality lll'lpl'OVOITIGI ’ ii i ' parties BLLtlluclLKlllaU utjpcu mucuucu and procedures and maintain compe— tent workforce. Windom said he prefers to do a work plan ev year and review it in December. said the work plans will be presented at the. next board of health meeting. The goals of the plan include t ‘an- sitioning from COVID, including directing COVID team efforts and seeking new sources of revenue. An- other goal is to build and strength- en public health and engagement \' T ' Assault continue from page i the left side of his lace. The man s‘iid he \ as walking: downtth and came across two women. when) he did not 3 i I I r ‘;-M.. v‘_~“ --{,u\. words The women followed the man to Kneeland Park. where to al confrontation continued. The Women began bi .aking bottles and one ofthe women struck the man with a broken bottle. The two location. According to hlson, one of . women ias in the legal rl’fl With multiple warrants based on the man’s description and was known to fre- quent a residen *e near Kneeland ’ark. Mike lettle and Ohlson women mi from the WM “3%: meme “isms; some. merge r s its: new: 2 r m “n x-a =|=a=e==s:x. x = Wummummmmun "‘Iulmmlumwulluumfim mum.“ murmur-mun in mm um um uw mwwmwa mum" mm c‘mullume: uwmum mlmllwlmmwmlm u