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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 2, 2023     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 2, 2023
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page 26 — Shelton—Mason County Journal ‘— Thursday, Feb. 2, 2023 Classifieds ACTIVITIES ATTENTION HAM Radio Operators! The MC-ARC is hosting the MC—ARES daily Weather Net at 0800 on their N7SK 2 meter re— peater. All hams are en- couraged to check in. See details at: httpsM/mc-arc. org/ or Tom Dennis at KA- (D 2/2—2/23) BRIDES...SUMMER dates are filling up fast! Plan your weddings and receptions for up to 350 guests. The Pavilion Event Center, 360— 764-0710. (8 tfn GUN KNIFE Show: Mark your calendars! Saturday, February 11th, 9:00 am.- 5:00 pm. and Sunday, February 12th, from 9:00 a.m.-3:00 pm. In Cen- tralia at the SW' Washing- ton Fairgrounds; Admission $10 and $8 for MilitaryNet— erans. 2-day passes: $16; children 12 & under: FREE Questions: (503) 363—9564. Or wesknodelgunshows. com (K 1/26—2/9) MASON COUNTY Senior Activities Center Spring Ba- zaar (April 1st) is back and looking for vendors. For application please email: (S 01/1 2-03/30) BAZAABS MASON COUNTY Senior Activities Center Spring Ba— zaar (April 1st) is back and looking for vendors. For application please email: director© (S 01/12-03/30) BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES HONEYBEE CAFE RENT- AL - Newly Remodeled Snack Bar, Coffee Shop at Rest'A—While RV Park Near Hoodsport/Lilliwaup Hwy 101 on Hood Canal. Has 10ft x 16ft Kitchen 8ft x 16ft Pick-up Window Seating Area. $800 M0 w/ Water, Garbage/Recycling VW-Fi Included! Electric & Propane Extra. Espresso Maker, Gas 6 Burner Stove/ oven, Deep Fryer. Fridge, Ice Cream Freezer, 40 cup Coffee Maker, Large Toast— er, Condiment Cooler & Microwave Included. Avail- able Now!. Call 360-877- 9474. Only Serious Inqui- ries 81 Good References! (R 1/26—2/2) . cAnsrrirucKs ran SALE CARS $1,995 and up, Sun Auto Sales. Large selection of low priced cars, trucks, vans, SUVs. Cash priced A Smarter to sell. From Shelton, take State Route 3 E. towards Belfair. Located at 5961 E. State Route 3, Shelton. Call, 360-426—2907. (8 tfn) COMPUTERS COMPUTER SERVICE at your door and more-Dave’s Computer Service 360- 898-3800. No travel fees, freeestimate (D tfn) ‘ consrnucrlon J.E. FRY INC. Remodels, additions decks. Jackson Fry Cell 860-229—2216; licenced and bonded — JE- FRYEF823JB (J tfn) LOOKING FOR quality and stability for your children? Shelton Valley Christian School provides Kindergar— ten — 8th grade education. Strong STEAM program. M Small class sizes. Afford- able excellence. Enroll— ing now for next year. See website sheltonvalleychris- for details or call (360) 426—4198. (8 tfn) EVENTS BRIDES...SUMMER dates are filling up fast! Plan your weddings and receptions for up to 350 guests. The Pavilion Event Center, 3607 764-0710. (S tfn 2/2) GUN KNIFE Show: Mark your calendars! Saturday, February 11th, 9:00 am.- 5:00 pm. and Sunday, February 12th, 2023 from 9:00 a.m.-3:00 pm. In Cen— tralia at the SW Washing- ton Fairgmunds; Admission $10 and $8 for MilitaryNet— erans. 2—day passes: $16; children 12 & under: FREE — Questions: (503) 363-9564. Or wesknodelgunshows. com (K 1/26-2/9) 13th ANNUAL Polar Bear . Plunge Saturday, February 11th Noon—2 P.M. Alder- brook Resort & Spa. Take the Plunge! The Plunge is open to anyone who raises a minimum pledge of $30. All pledges are due at reg- istration. Top fundraisers will be recognized in one of three categories: Commu— nity Member, Emergency Worker and Business. All proceeds benefit Mason County Emergency Ser— vices. Come watch and support participants! Rafer Prizes! Free Coffee, Hot Chocolate, Clam Chow- der. Bring shoes to wear in the water to protect your feet! Donations are Tax Deductible. Charlies VI- sion is a registered 501(c) (3) .non-profit benefiting Mason County Emergency Services. Thank you to all sponsors including Tracing the Fjord. For more infor- mation PIunge4Purpose@ Presented by , Hood Canal Lions Club. (H 1/19-2/9) MASON COUNTY Senior Activities Center Spring Ba— .zaar (April 1st) is back and looking for vendors. For application please email: (S 01/12—03/30) FOII BENT HOOD CANAL RENTAL: Near Hoodsport/leliwaup, 2 Bdrm/1 Bath w/Porch, Parking, Garage, Stor— age Room & across from the Beautiful Hood Canal. $1600 Mo & Includes Wa- ter, Wi-Fi, Cable, Garbage/ Recycling, New 'Washer/ Dryer Dishwasher. Fully Furnished with New Sleep— er Couch,- Dining Room, Queen Beds, etc! No Pets! Available Now! Call 360— 877-9474. Only Serious In- quiries & Good References! (R 1/26—2/2) WATERFRONT RENTAL: Near HOOdSport/leliwaup, 3 Bdrm/2 Bath w/Porch, Parking, Storage Room & 50ft from Stunning Hood Canal. $1700 Mo & In- cludes Water, Wi-Fi, Ca— ble, Garbage/Recycling Washer/Dryer. Fully Fur- nished with Sleeper Couch, Dining Room, Queen Beds, etc! No Pets! Available Now! Call 360—877—9474. Only Serious Inquiries Good References! (R 1/26- 2/2) FOR SALE LIKE NEW, four studded tires on nice rims, barely used, 245/70 R—17; $100 ca; (360) 490—3114. (K 2/2) 23%? PHOTO LOGO Classi- fied Special: $15 extra for a photo or logo abdve your ad when you buy 4 weeks. Call (360) 426—4412 to- day to get your ad noticed by thousands of readers! Deadline: 5:00 pm. Mon- day. (J tfn) HOUSEPLANTS & MORE The Shelton Plant Shop (360) 229—5203, 122 S. 3rd Street, Shelton WA 98584 www.TheSheItonPlant-., email theshel— Find us on facebook, Insta— gram & TrkTok (S —tfn) .FBEE RESCUED KITTENS, Trbby and Tabitha, 3 month old Tabbies (brown and sun kissed). Brother outgoing, sister shy. Spayed & neu- tered, vaccinated. Free to a good indoor home. 360— 878-5756 (T 01/26—02/2) A RESCUED, 8 month kit- ten (solid black) is look- ing for a good home. Little Crow is feral, but would be a great mouser. She is spayed and vaccinated. 360.878.5756. (T 2/2) GARAGE SALES ADVERTISE YOUR garage sale here. Include-location, hours, highlights. 20 words $15, 35 cents per extra word. Call (360) 426-4412 or visit www.masoncounty. corn. (J tfn) HELP WANTED LINE COOK, full—time, year round, Spencer Lake Bar & Grill. Larry (360) 426-2505. (S 2/2~2/16) DISHWASHER/PREP Cook. 30 hours a week, Spencer Lake Bar & Grill. Larry (360) 426—2505. (8 2/2—2/16) MTA DRIVING OUR commu- nity forward: Join our team! Transit bus drivers wanted! Next training class: Mon- day, March 20, 2023 MTA is currently seeking full-time Transit Drivers. Ideal candi— dates are those who exhibit strong customer service skills as a top priority. MTA trains for everything else, including CDL through a rigorous paid training pe- riod at full-time hours and benefits. New hires start at a training wage of $21.25 for 1st 90 days. Full Salary Range: $21.25 - $28.34, Non-Exempt subject to FLSA requirements. Com— prehensive benefits pack- age includes: 95% em— ployer paid Medical/Dental/ Vision for employee and dependents, life insurance, long-term disability, EAP, 11 paid holidays, paid vaca- tion and sick leave, Wash- ington State Public Em— ployees Retirement System (PERS) plan options, and optional Deferred Income (IRS 457 plans) retirement plans. Longevity premiums, and allowances also avail- able. See full job posting for detailed information at un- der Career Opportunities. Coach Operators are repre- Prepare for unexpected sented by the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers District Lodge 160. How to apply: See full job post- ing for detailed information and qualifications at www. under Career Opportunities. Re— sumes submitted without a completed application will not be considered. This re— cruitment is open until noon on February ‘17th. Ap- plicants who successfully complete the application requirements will be invited to a Tour in the Life of Bus Driver,. February 18th. (M 2/2—2/16) GEOGRAPHIC INFOR- MATION Systems Ana— lyst (Olympia, WA) Create maps/figures & perform a wide range of geospatial analyses in support of ac- complishing client’s needs. Provide quality control quality assurance of outgo- ing GIS deliverables. Man- age individual project tasks related to GIS, database design management, and data visualization. 40hrs/ wk, Bachelor’s degree in Geospatial Technologies or related required. Resume to Pioneer Technologies Corporation Attn. Brad Grimsted, 5205 Corporate Center CT SE, #A, Olympia WA 98503 (L 2/2—2/9) SKOKOMISH TRIBE is seeking to hire an Early Childhood Cook. The in— cumbent will Plans, Pur- chases and prepares meals and snacks for children en- rolled in all ECE programs, according to the CACFP requirements. Works with teaching staff to plan nu— tritional educational activi- ties for children. Required to attend yearly CACFP training. Required to work with the contractual Di— etician/Nutritionist. Plans and prepares menus. Pre- pares and serves attractive well—balanced meals and snacks to meet the CCFP program requirements. La— bels kitchen so substitutes and volunteers can find food and equipment Plans meals and snacks within budgetary limits. Appli— cants must have a GED or High School Diploma— Candidate must have a val— id Washington State driv— er’s license and be eligible for the Tribe’s automobile insuranceMust obtain food handlers permit. Within 30- days of hireMust have thor— ough working knowledge of food preparation and cook- ing methods.Knowledge of sanitation regulations relating to the handling and preparing of foods.Must be able to plan and prepare wholesome, nutritionally balanced meals. Knowl- edge of food values and nutrition. $16.00 hourly 1 FTE. Open Until Filled. For a full job description and re— quired application visit our website at www.skokom- or contact Winona Plant Personnel Manager at 360—426-4232 ext. 2009. (S 2/2) SKOKOMISH INDIAN Tribe is seeking to hire Head Start/Child Care Aide. The Head Start/Child Care Aide, under the supervision of the Head Start/Child Care Lead Teacher, shall provide for a successful, safe, and supervised edu- cational setting for Children while they are in the Head Start environment (class— room, outdoor play, and field trips). Assist the Head Start/Child Care teacher with planning weekly activi-. ties for class and individual students. This employee will be working directly with the Teacher and the Head Start/Child Care staff in— volving supervision, care and instruction of children. Assist the Head Start/Child Care Teachers with daily, weekly and monthly plan- ning and supervision of children in individual, small and large group Assist Teacher in record keeping: child observations, screen- ing, file work, and copy— ing. Applicants must have a GED. or High School Equivalency Ability to lift 40 Ibs.Candidate must have a valid driver’s license and be eligible for the Tribe’s automobile insurance.Can— didate must have an under- standing of and sensitivity . ADD YELLOW highlightto your ad. Get noticed ‘ for only $20 more. ‘ Call the Shelton-Mason County lournal 360426-4412 ADVERTISING REACH THOUSANDS and thousands of local readere‘per week. 20 words or less: $15 for the Isl week, 35 cents per additional word. Dead- line: Monday PM. Email classifieds@masoncoun-, orcalltheJdumal . 8AM-»5PM‘_-.» “ ' . Monday-Thursday at 36d42644112;srrscrlu ‘ Buy,3weeks,4tlr weekls 1 Free! (r tin) r Reach 3 Million WHSIIIIIIIIOII Inmactalls QBI IBSIIIIS! \ power outages with a Generac home standby generator REQUEST FREE QUOTE! 888-67 -7053 7-Ye.rr Extended VI/ili'l'rlliiy' A $695 Var ! Limited Time Offer A Call for Dctmls Way to Power Your Home. YR‘N‘XVRx ’ . REQUEST A FREE QUOTE! ACT NOW TO RECEIVE A $300 SPECIAL OFFER!’ l (866) 954—2961 r n” 251d Readers Festivals, Fairs, car shows, resortsarrd golf courses love the results they get! Special Financing Available ‘;.rr.;~r r r. rm mourned Irrqrrircrrlthisrrcrr'sprri-cr‘rrl‘rnllilillIiIi‘ 38o1rri5i'g‘rwnpa V