February 4, 1965 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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PAGE 2 SI-TELTON--MAg0N COUNTY JOURNAL---Published in '¢Chr stmastown, U.KA.", Shelton, Washington Thursday,
(Curdinul!d fr( m page 1)
Vie Bailey, Bud l,und and Pete
Ill his "])I'O,+."F('::'s' r(!}):~l'[" /'oF tile
~oS,~s Nighl banquet, Jaycee
President DaVe Thacl~er cited
President Dave Thacher riled
these Eh|b activitic.s of the past
Calhman Park, l~'oresl Festiwd
premier night, 1ct,' h 1 e a e tl e r
project, lLeed ~chohtr.+'.hip c~)m-
nfi[Lce participation, seho(flboy pa-
trol picnic, haseball field aL C;~l-
lanan Park, tap-:t-tomist, project,
contribution to the swim program,
bleachers at Calhman l)a:'k ball
field, get-out-the-w~te project
which regist.er 195 v(;ters, Corfee-
Lions Collier viM',ati(,n, Cllristmas
toy harrel project, s,q)p(,rt of hos-
pilal propo:cll a.t gene:al election,
city Christmas deeoratim~s project,
g'ifts tO two nllrsin,~, hi.roles, con.-
tribulions of fmlds and toy:; to 40
&8-.Journal Ch ristnl:u-; prt)ject:,
participation in Jaycee Week,
.,;ponsm':dlip of Ja.ycEE chaplet in
Elnm, :rod Bos.~es Night an:t DSA
banquet project.
said the Shelton JaycEes had ac-
cumulald 16,480 man-milea in in-
terclub visits, tle exprescmd the
aaycees appreeiati~m to Roy Kim-
bel, Simpson Timber Cmnpany,
and Gcm'ge Frisk for special as-
sistance given during the year.
The I)SA plaque was presented
by State :faycee President Bill
Johnson of Auhurn, ar.d the guest:
speaker fer the pr()gt'am was
Frank Braxwmr, National Jaycee
Vice President from Portland.
Gale Feuling acted as loastmaster
and Bill tlieks was program
" " County Sets Bid Hospi|al Commission
/'b_ _
_..uoemnas, ,'
~ B
i =+re,' n..+tin Ja.. CROSSE TEHNmS SHOES
ne,g"-ar:n-s :~ postpo,le,1 Imtil :t special ,heel-
mg last night any aEtion on hi,'-
l ing an a,chilect to draw plans No*tonally Advertised
~he l~Iason Ceunty Commission of the proposed uew hospital buihl- Formerly carried by the Bootery will
set 11:30 am. Feb. 15 for the inK. •
. ~ : opening of kids on a seven-ton,A repi'esentativc of Marshal] featured at our store for
truck mounted crane fro' the an:l N_:,o;::, a, Seattle investment Children alld Ladies.
County Highway D(3)urkmcnt. ha.tiring organization, appeare(l art
The cummissi.m set 11 a.m. the meeting to discuss tile serviEes
Feh. 2:, ior tt,eopeni':gof biduon ',is fin, eo:,hteffer to the district he Little l Big
i an overhead door Jot the county ill pronmting the bond issue and
:: shop building and tracks and roll- in selling the bonds after they
ers for ~ou,' other dora's, were approved by the voters. Phone 426-4266 122 West
!i t3oth biJ calls were requested by The commission planned to come
+~ .--_l :~he coun~.y en%iueer, to a decisi:m on an architect at
:! Tile commissioner set 11 a.m it::; meeting last night. Tills has
:'(i:!~'!i~+;~ :~'/7~~;£'~* 2~ Feb. 15 as th:,e for a hea, ing on to he dme first in order t,o get CL NT W/LEO U Yl)UlShOllldI~ll°w-'-- R
: the plat of Woodland Manor. Thecoat estimates on a hospital to
hearing da~e was requested by Fien meet the needs of the commm]ity
McClarty. so a bond issue ()f sufficient size
THE comm,ssIoN set Z:a0 can bE b 'onght to a vote. In his
a.m. March 1 for a hearing el a ......................................
petition from Itans Renl for the ing on a request from M. P. Fas- • I I1~,,.,. OFFICE
vacation of a portion of Eberhart sic, ~nion, for the w~:.aiion el
Street in the plat o~ Allyn. streets and alleys in a seEtion o~ ' ~6 NO 15 2 d Sl
James Hillier wa.~: appointed to the plat of Grays Harbor and r n ,
the County Planning C'mnmission Union City Raih'oad plat of Union (sharing withHimlie Realty)
to fill the unexpired term of W.B. City.
Judah, who has left the communi- Fassio told the commission this
ty. was the area on which he had ar- NATIONAL
A hearing date of 11 a.m. March ranged a property trade with the 139 0¢~o, ~ ~O~'
i was set tentatively for a hear- Union Co:mmmity Club.
CLOSING UP--Ken, left, and Kitty Frank and catering business which Mr. and Mrs. Frank have
Mary Kohlstedt, pack silverware and glasses from operated here 23 years. The dishes and silverware
I , , the Colonial House as they prepare to close out the will be donated to the Methodist Church.
Twenty-three ye:~rs of catering Timber Company, which owns the: living in the house, but, as the
for various groups came to a close property, has made no decision as catering business built, the room
this week when Mr. and Mrs. Ken to what to do with it. renting was discontinued. •
Frank closed their Colonial House. Numerous 'mementoes of the Mr. and Mrs. Frank have dona-
Mr. and Mrs. Frank are moving Reed family have given the Colon- ted the dishes and silverware from
to a new home they have built at, ial House its own atmosphere, the food sez-,'iee business to the
1231 Harvard St. Frank wjll de- The home, Frank said, was built Methodist Church. The tables used
vole full time to his tree farm in the early 1920s at a cost of in the dining room have been given
busine,;s, about $80,000 according to some-to the Exceptional Foresters.
The future use of the historic one who was working on the
Mark E. Reed home, in which thecounty assessor's staff at the time.
C t,lonia] House has been operated, Much of the woodwork inside Bids
is as yet unc.ertain. The Simpson is gum wood either imported from
Australia or brought up from the
southern U. S. when gum wood T~II~L,
KIMBEL lumber was being produced there.
I l l~l l, lll
(C(mtinued hem page ]) THE HUGE HOME has 11
the Sultan-Index basin and in the sleeping rooms, six other rooms The Shelton City Commission
Seattle shipyards as calker on and eight bathrooms, received bids on a truck and
wooden ships din'inK World War I, The home was occupied by the chassis and a packer box for the
R(W got his first taste of Reed family about 10 years aftercity's garbage department.
truck logging near Kirkland lateits construction. The family moved Two bids were received on each
in 1918 and soon afterward emne to Seattle in the early 1930s of the two items, on which sep-
EH0 lo Shciton after meeting Arehie shortly before Mr. Reed's death in arate bid calls were issued.
Admns in Sea.tile and betng pers- 1933. Bids received on the packer
uaded to j,in Arehie, his brother :Mrs. Reed's interest in art isbody were from Truck Welding
Dave., and Frank Iqohna, in a log- evident in some of the things still Equipment Co., Seattle, $6,042.40 ..a...a- - ,.fi0maare_... _ This II
ging parlnership enterprise, in the house, such as the namer- and Totem Equipment Co. Seattle, nesome . no
14 POINT p,.tne,. hips'"' WA wi l,,O,l*,wed=e, ae or ,aIe and ons ,apaueso ,ietures han , ,o00 lind _V ..II Wonde
on the walls. Bids on the truck and chassis LilII Beauh r
The brass work came frorn India; were received from Kimbel Motors, e _ ~ ,:OUI
c.e nte,'sl,e,' o t wit per- Why It Isn' I
SPECIAL! i°ds °n his °wn' all in *°gging ae- and tw° large vases which set 8helt°n' $9'859'50 and Jim Pauley F Th I dibl
tivitres. Through logging Roy just outside the front door were' Inc., $7,855. or e nore e : ! n
branch,,d into hea.vy c,,n,fl,q,ctim,, imported from Italy, one whicl~ City Supervisor Pat Byrne told Lo P ic Of Ybur'
which today is hi:~ sole bnsiness sits in one of the downstairs the eomnfission Tuesday he was W r e
activity. One phase of his con-.rooms was imported from China. not ready to make a recommenda-
struction business is pile driving, In one of the upstairs rooms is Lion on the bids so action was de-
which he got int.° as Early as 1924. an old cherry wood back bar fromlayed until the Feb. 9 commission Only
tie has built his own piledrivers one of Shelton's early day soloons, meeting.
ever since, just how many he i:m't DURING THE 23 years the The commission approved a
sure, but quite a few. Pranks have operated the Colonial tentative agreement with :Mrs.
He started two othEr business I-Iouse as a catetqng service, count- Ruth Boysen to furnish water to
9.95 firms in Shelt,m besides his con- less meetings and dinners have the Firlane Terrace development
struction business: one the Kim-been held there. Among some of she is planning, The water will be
VALUE bel Motors ear agency which his the more famous persons who furnished by a temporary foUr-
son Jack now heads, the other the have dined there are Arthur God-inch line until arrangements can
Richfield Oil distributorship now frey, Senator and former U. S. be made for a permanent installs-
operated by Don Sperling. Secretaryof AgricultureClintonLion according to the agreement.
Am a Sheltonian Roy Kimbel Anderson and s i n g e r Jeanne
has ever been generous with his Wheatly. GET DEGREES
time and talents in civic affairs, The house wan used as a room- Karen Diane Jensen, Shelton,
am him service to the Forest FesLi- ing house for some time after the and Cora Powell Kelly, Belfair, r~
Pal testifies. He served five terms Reed family left ,Shelton and be- were among students at the Uni- ~ The BRYCE
as city councilman and commis- fore the Franks took iL over. versity of Washington to receive VFT225erieS
~ioner, including the transitionWhen they started their businessbachelor's degrees at the end of
when Shelton changed from scan- in 1942, there were some roomersthe fall quarter.
cil to commission form of city gov-
ernment. He later served on the ~h, SKYJET
, VGPS# Se,leg
city planning commission for sev-
eral years.
IIE HAS BEEN an active mem-
ber of the Kiwanis Club, Chamber
of Commerce, Masonic Lodge, And Priced From
Sh,'ine, and Is an honorary life '63 VALIANT V-100 4 dr. Sed ......... $199 Th 'va n
]c!e, lllb(!r of hoth the Shelton and
O]ymp'a yacht clubs, Heater. Std. Trans, - Factory Warranty -- -''-- .,,ai You-- -een
,on been o.,, '62 FALCON Del. 4 dr. Wagon ....¢'"... The
his fnv~)rite pa,stimes. For man?/ Radio- Heater- Automatic- Real Sharp
ye:..:; ,,+, wa:+ a c onw,ti- '62 VOLKSWAGEN 2 dr. Sedan ..... s129-g_.,.__ Oolor__TV Triumnh
ter in the Inter,mtim~al yacht raEe Heater- Top Condition " - --- "- This Lilile Budgel
to Vauc, o~ver, 13,C., and still com-
petes in the annual Bremerton '60 FORD Ga.'r.::'c "
dr. Sed .......... ....
yacht ,-,.h o,,l-wo ther race, o,,+e ,:,adio..eater- Au+omat,c Priced _,.. _ .. Inorlahoot
winning l+is division, generally fin- '59Heat+rCHEYROLET. Aut0 at,c Be|air "6" 4 dr ..... $745 Is At Home -- On The
H UB- +"+ ++''"**+'+ "++'°+'++
S, HiS two besl.-l+n()wn yachts were
the Gypsy and now the Flamingo, '59 PLYMOUTtI Oust. Wagon ............ =79'5 -- Anywhere
both ()l~ which served double par- Radio : Hea~er - Automatic . Power Steer
~" i~~==
¢llg ltl +ose of plea+,,,'++ a, l ,ows ,+, FOa c,+tom 4 dr. Sed+, ... ......... $64S ,.o,,. owl
for his piledrivers V8 - Radio - Heater - Automatic
In, his spa,',:+' time (does this, ..... ~:~ATSp[C~ORThaa-
man have such a th ,+':) he is '59 FORD Custom 4 dr. Sedan ........ ,..
125 E Grove developing a hi?;h-grade Christ- V8 - Heater . Std. Trans. $ , Smy0therTelevision
maSregisteredtree plantationhorses at: anahis ratsm raneh '58 FOI D V8 Com try Wagon ............
Phone home just sonth of Shelton. Radio - Heater- Automatic laokaad rhite
With a baekground like this, '57 PLYMOUTH Del. 2 dr. Wagon .... 5 o: Colo
426,3333 Roy Kimbel has been a natural Heater - Automatic
fin: the loggers sport show chair-
,, , , , manship.
-+ ..... + + ,+ +, ++++ , TRUOKS Mo:ze"People 0wa
,+ VALUE _____
'64 DODGE Ton Pickup ................ $169S "'"' '""' I CAVICTOR
Heater - No Spin Rear Axle ~|. lubo (ov etall.d!am,tcr|
, '62 INTL.ao×. 3Ten Piclmp ................. s149S =""°'"°"" AnY Other Television..
Long Speed Black and White
'55 DODGE ½ Ton Pickup .................... =745 And This OneGoes
V8 - 4 Speed - Canopy
• For Sch001, '53 FORDHeater - Automat,. Ton.PickUPNew .rakes ....................... $49S For Only w/t OZ' 00]0 "
¢ '53 DODGE 1½ Ton C & C .................... $495
2 Speed - 4 Speed Trans.
Serln A F-073
|~" tube (overall dlag,)
1711 iti, I/I, plctulo
Also a complete fine of orcross Cards For The Amazing Prize $,
and Valentine Head -- Of Only ,
Here's What We Do...
* Inspect and clean brake drums
Clean and adjust brake shoes
for full contact
,k Clean, inspect and repack front
wheel bearings
* Clean and inspect grease seals
Clean and inspect wheel
* Inspect and refill master
* Inspect muffler
Inspect tail pipe
~r Inspect shock absorbers
~r Check front end camber
Check front end caster
-k Check ~oe in
* Adjust toe in to fac*,ory
~r Inspect steering linkage
Candy for February 14|h
Franldin Square 426-3327
707 8o, Fh'at Shelton
Ch rysler--Plymouth--Vallant
International Truoka
Second and Cota Where You Get The Best Deal, By George • Phone