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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 4, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 4, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Pebruary 4, ].965 SI-tELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAE- PuNished ]n 'cChr stma, town, U.8.A.", Shelton, Washln ori PAGE 3 OVERWEIGHT Without a doclor's pro- called O DIIlNIdX. l"[I[ O1' youl• llIon0y ()U~ t~XOl'CiSC, ];IXII[iV(!~, I)f sfI-lullled I'(!duc- kors CIIulkii!E, Of is a lilly lab- . SWalh,w(~d. Whi!n yell yOU :~till ('nj*~y .vtnlv f(Joas yl)u lflte, L)il[ lhG IlF~:'o JOl' ,!X- USe O!.)RINE:C leln'Os- alia d(!(.FC3~;t!S yt)llF Youl' "W(!!KII[1111.lst IS yOUI' o~AIn doc- y()ll oatless, (Iot rid of (,.XCO~4s I'~l[ O1)RINEX co,~:ts $3.00 this (IUAI~ANTt,]E: It ally i.O;l~It)ll juF.t i'~- tO YOUF dl'lll~'gist lind LOllOy I)a(']; No qllOS- I{II~EX is sohl with I}RU(t CENTF, lt road A~ e. FilhM SheI-Toa Guild Plans WhRe Elephant Sale The February meeting ()f the SheI-Toa Orlhopedie ("uild will l)e hi,hi al % p.m. this ev(utilu.," i)l the l,())ne of Chloe )Cleo]e;~ with Lois lhmler a:~ co-ho,,~tcs;u 'l'l~is is to ))e tile ;I]IBII'II while (:',el)h;mt m eel|no. Mo!11l)ers are r(~- l?lill{:{cd to b)'hlg" li,S:ll)le ilenl~l lind exl;l';t clH/nt:,(~. fol' ;ILl evening cf fun. Plans for a spring dal)ee will be discussed. VI(~{I I,FE AIIXILIARY The Vicki Lee Auxiliary will h()l]l~? (If 511'S. DOll Li;w1. l'l;uls~ will be made foi' the hal:lper bun- of it to be held in March. CINDY WlLLARD AS WO ITHY ADVISOR OF RAgNBOW GmRLS r]:} la tie Other field of merchandising doee ~nfldenee play a larger part than ia trading in diamonds, Our suppliers trust Us ~lth large shipments of diamonds. We trust their word t~nPllcltly because we select our sources with infinite Care. 8% too, can you Jofn the charmed elrele ~~ L of trust, Start by choosing your . "~x D WI LLARD offieers of Shelton Assemhiy No. of the jewels, Sarah Kreger; keep- ~hleh tobuild an heirloom or a business. ~ 19, International Order of Rain- er of paraphernalia, Karen Parr; bow for Girls will be installed as west page, Jean Davis, east page, " " ' ''Lovely ensemom ~t" the worthy advisor. Barbara Hubbard; American flag L- $~ m ~50 14K 9oldwlth quollty Other officers to be installed in- bearer, Julie Nut,; Rainbow flag ow Easy Terms I ~,~' . d!a~do ~ elude worthy associate advisor, bearer, Vicki Howe; rec0rder's as- uoth r,ngs...) Shawm Larson" charity, Cathy sistm~t, Karen Frederickson; re- Luh~"n;' hope, Candy Nutt; faith-, porter,.Linda.Barrington; h ist.or- Carolyn Bats,one; recorder, Kay ran, mmna T~mm, orator, Bets Wdlard DaKKe, lecturer, Joan tDooQwm, Belling; treasurer, Y " ; " drill leader, Molly Taylor; chap- keeper of the register, Donalda lain, Sheryl Johnson. Denniston; keeper of the scrap- Love, Frances Rice; religion, book, Linda MacRae; Grandma's Cheryl Scott; nature, Christie correspondent, Karen Mann• Beseh; inmaortality, Rite Grimes; Members of the choir are Beth fidelity, Rita Nutt; patriot|ran, Quimby, Joyce Fischer, Kathy Linda Tratniek; service, Carol Dale, Terri Parr and Linda Stev- Besch; confidential observer, Tam- ens. mi Craig; outer observer, Karolce Stevens; musician, Jeanne as- bourne; choir director, Karen Franklin. Courtesy officers will include: WIN A FREE 5 DAY VACATION FOR 7. IN EXOTIC HAWAII CONTE~T NOT VALID WHERE PROHII~ITED BY LAW VIA PAN AH ICHECK YOUR LUCKY NUMBER | ON THE COVER OF YOUR I CI RCULAR BY BRINGING IT TOI YOUR COAST.TO.COAST STORE| STAY AT THE PRINCESS KAIULAU! Installing o f f i c e r s will be: Worthy advisors, Mrs. Arne Gab- rielson (past grand worthy ad- visor), Teddi Travis and Lbmn Nutt. The marshal will be Liz Somers; chaplain, Pare Boardman; and recorder, Barbara Morrison. The advisory board is made up of lvrr. and Mrs. Sam Magruder, Mr. and Mrs. LawrOme Fischer, Mrs. Evelyn Lee, Mrn. Hattie Pierce, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Auseth, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Ellison, Mr. • :rod Mrs. Ellis 'Wells, Mrs. Bessie Sutherland and Mrs. Eva Faye Samples. HURRY! SALE ENDS SAT. NIGHT G.E, S Tube CLO CK RADIO Turner ReO TORCH S+. s Wake up to music. Big4" The perfect utility torch for speaker, bulit-ln antenna. Ac. Dad. Ideal workshop addition. cuetlcolly deelgnad cabinet. Complete wlthpencllpolntburn. White. (MD0203;3) er. (HA1902 9) i Universal 7" ROLLER & Royo Scot TRAY ~ '1''~ ~~ r Special pain ray slt Pint er Quart Mze dependablewith 2 free roller covers mokes vacuum bottles. For school~ painting easier, faster. work, outlnge. (WK0227-2) (GT0900-3 & GT0782-~) White Stag 36" x 81" ¢1 SLEEPING BAG I I LAMP iSPOON & SPATULA FOR IK:~:Yo~ zip, ;5 lb. In- 100" thermoflll t and ~..._ s and plgs aulated for extra warmth. Sturdy Light we ght, stands temps to ,' rellee'~,n With 495. Recommended for Tel an- green repellant square cotton .... frosted,, ~a~amps. 250 watt duck cover. Sanforlzed flannelcookware. Con't scratch, na (E L0144.3) lining. (SCP0922-8) (WB0386-9-WB03B6AT) ..... -,ay l .routy, owner 123 South 2nd St. 426-3111 MASON COUNTY COMMUNITY CONCERT ASSOCIATION DRIVE FOR ME B F $ STARTS , U DAY: LASTS WEEK ONLY Stork Shower Honers Mrs. William Kingery Mrs. William Ktngery was guest of honor at a stork shower held January 27 in the home of Mrs. Moritz Schmidt with Mrs. Walter Krumpols as co-hostess. Eighteen of the honored guest's friends spent the evening playing games and watching her open many beautiful and useful gifts. Winners of the games were the Mesdames Robert Ord, H. E. Dun- bar, Ran Strickland, E. P. Dun- bar and Richard Tupper. The serving of refreshments completed the festive evening. WRITERS' GROUP TO MEET NEXT THUItSDAY Members and, would-be members of the writers ~rouD snonsored by the t me Arts department of the Hood Canal Woman's Club'vvill meet at 1:30 p.m. next Thursday m the home of Mrs, Carl Hansen at Ayock Beach. Interested writ- ers may phone Mrs. J. L. Catto at 877-5457 for information. DR. ANDREW BEELIK (rigi~t) diaaus~es the Mason County Co:'n- munity Concert Association membership drive with Dr. Ronald Casebier and Mrs. Thomas E. Ward, co-chairmen of the event in the above Journal photo. Dr. Beelik is president of the asso- ciation. New memberships will be accepted from Sunday through Saturday, Feb. 7-13 only. Membership headquarters is in the Sears Catalog office in Evergreen Square and will be open from 10 a.m, - 5 p.m. Monday through Friday, and from 10 a.m• until noon Saturday. New members will receive as a bonus the oppor- tunity to attend the final c,~n_¢ert of the 176765 s eflson: .................... New Officers Preside Shelton Duplicate y M • • Ch A| Januar eehng Bridge News ~ ~llkU Do~oll~h |41~11~4~ North-south x~inners in Man- Vl IIIIM~ II+M+Rlall hVY~ day night's play for the Shclton New officers of Ruby Rebekah Duplicate Bridve Club were Jim Lodge No. 75 presiding at the Jan• Fletcher and Bol) Quimby, Per- 22 meeting wine Mrs. Maybell cy Bean and Kat.herine Vim Ars- Daniels, noble grand; Mrs. Dale dale and Yas Ito and Ran Ziedaks. Hicks, vice grand; Miss Mary.Dab- East-west places went to Dick son and Miss. ~)orothy ~chwmter- Perry and Lou Stewart, Mrs. Jim rag, secretarms; and Mms Nellie Fletcher and Mrs. Jim Hartley and Nezon, n easurer Mat " • 'y Keller and Eva Aamodt. • Distr!ctdeputy, Mrs. l~arie.Har- The group meets every Monday rlson oI ~oy, maue all ozlic]al vls- nigh "" ine PUD ......... t at 7•00 p.m. the ~r ~o the louge. Auditorium. All interested bridge Serving refreshments at the players arc welcome. close of the evening were Mrn. - ....................... Hicks assisted by Mrs. Basil Trail and Miss Elizabeth Butlcr Rhadndendran i]raun The next meeting will be tmld ..................... r February 12 in the Odd Fellows Tn Maai Thi¢ ~undau hall when committee reports and m~, IIBVVa eumv ~)~ml~ plans for the year will be the or- der of business. GOLDEN AGE CLUB The Golden Age Club will hold its birthday dinner at noon next Thursday in the Memorial hall. A business meeting will be held following the dinner. DEGREE OF HONOR Degree of Honor Protective An- soeiation will meet at 8 p.m. next Tuesday in the Memorial Hall. Mrs. Cecelbt Cornell, new presi- dent, will preside at .the business meeting which will proceed with an exchange of valentines. Refreshments will be setwed by Mrs. Grace Petty and M;rs. Gladys Nelson. The Pacific Rhododendron So- ciety will hold an Olympic Pen- insula meeting in the PUD audi- torim~a at 2 p.m. Sunday. The public is invited, No charge. Free seeds of fine sorts of spe- cies will be distributed to all who attend the meeting• Pictures will feature the world tamous garden, Bodnant, in North Wales develop- ed by the laic Lord Abereonway who for long wan president of the Royal Horticultural Society. He collected fine plants of all sorts from all parts of the globe to grow in hin garden which had a very mild climate. Recent ly propa- gating ntaterial came to western "Washington from thig place and before long plants will be flower- ing here. NEW ARRIVALS Shelton General Hospital Mr. and Mrs Larry Lock, 1022 Turner street, a bey, January 27. Dr. and Mrs. Lymt White, 2227 No. Madison street, a boy, January 29. SHS Mother-Son I anquet Slated Denny Bailey, Shelton High ~umlt#re Ua/k By Rod Olsen The Mediter- ranean Mood is gaining wide-spread favor among homeowners and interior decoral ors, with the major furni- ture nlanu fac- turers quick to answer their demm~ds. Owing ffs origins to the mas- sive grandeur and rich artistry of furnishings found tn Spanish and Italian castles of the 17t.h and 18th centuries, this Medi- terranean style is bold and dramatic, and it lends itself to use in the most contemporary setting or a traditional one. Pieces tend to be large, es- pecially the beautiful storage units. Woods are usually fin- ish~l in rich brown (pecan i~ a favorite wood), with emphas- is on detailing in doors and framing. Wrought iron is fre- school Boys' Club president, has quently used, z'eflecting the annom~ced the annual Mother-Son Spanish influence, as well as Banquet will be held next Wed- brass. ne.,day at 6:30 p.m. in the nmlti- Mediterranean Welcomes strong purpose room of the Angle build- colors, from bold greens and ing. blues to the hot yellows, or- The event is sponsored each anges and reds of sunny Spain. year by the Boys' Club. Tickets will be $1 apiece. A musical pro- You'll find this mood interpret- gram will be provided by the ed by leading designers and students following the dinner. Ed furniture manufacturers in our showroom. Whatever the dec- Dawson is general chairman for orating mood you favor, stop in the occasion, and see onr selection, WCTU INSTITUTE TO I~E HELD TOMORROW The Woman's Christian Temper- ~ ~..~ ;] ;~ ance Union will meet Friday for an institute in the home of Mrs. ) L. D• Hack. Devotions and reports will be given starting at 11 a.m. .,~- j with lunch being served at 12:30 ~ ~ p.m. * State president, Y£rs. Charles ~ Budde of Seattle, will be the ~ 4th and Cote speaker for the afternoon session. Members are urged to bring a friend• "-- - 7"" -'-77 i .... NEW CONSTRUCTION -- REMODELING PURCHASE 6% On Reducing Balances No Commission Charges SHELTON : Mason Counly Savings & Loan Association :TITLE INSURANCE BUILDING • =~ l lll[ . I I ] 6 YEAR CRIB and MATTRESS R Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Loop, 2~lute 1, Box 329, a boy, January Mr. and Mrs Ronald C. Lane, 208 1st street, ~ girl, January310'4 Mr. and Mrs. William Byrd, 2zu ~V£adison street, a girl, February 2. ~ * * BOY FOR SHELVERS A nine-pound boy, Clayton Bar- reek, was born to Mr and Mrs. bL~anr~Y Shelver of Seattle and Fair- has-it January ,21 in a Seattle M p el. Grandparents are ~r. and rs. I.,es Shelver of shelton and Moto~ rots ch Mz Petcrson of . "" should keep a wat - ". and Mrs. Arthur .... zul eye for unwatching pedestrians Fairbanks. The Shelvers will De ! says_the St...____...._.,_ate Safet:f Council. returning to Alaska in the SPI']~..._ ~g• i GOOD BUYS AT PAULI!Y DODGE UsED CARS PRICES REDUCED AT PAULEY DODGE • Eastern Hardwood construction ]Pull Panel Ends. '60 RAMBLER Sty. Wgn ................. $i095 " Conventional Easy-Drop side. 6 oyL - . , • Non-Toxic finish with plastm teethin rail '60 VOLVO 2-dr. - -spee .................... Mmsture-proof mattress adjusts to five different h i hts '59 CIEEV Sta. Wagon .: ...... , ................... $795 • Natural- White- Maple. 3 DAYS ONLY )' '58 PLYMOUTH Cl. Sad ....................... $$95 --Reg. $49.50 -- Thur, .' Fri,-S t. , $1.00 down and $3.00 per month 4th & Cota '57 FORD Wa gon ............................ ; ........ $495 '57 FORD 4-door stick ............................ $445 '55 BUICK 4-dr.- Clean ........................ $345 '55 FORD -'~ To. ................ $445 '51 CHEV- Ton " ..... $295 DROP IN FOR A LOOK AT THE '65 DODGES Also Double Drop Phone 426-8183 Front & R.R. Side Model Regular '42 Phone 426-4702