February 4, 1965 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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P C 8. SI-IELTON---rMA 0N COLTNTY 30URNAL---Published .in ,tOhr stmastown, U.g.A.", Shelton, Washington Thursday, February
~ ~ ~ ~ i i il " ' ~, ,i ii i , , i ' i i i ' i .... m i i i I nl i
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VFW Auxiliary Past
Presidents Attend
District Meeting
The women's auxiliary of the
VF'V¢ Pmst Presidents Club of
District Five met at Aberdeen last
Thursday evening for a dinner and
program. A short meeting was
held with officers for the coming
year being elected.
Elected were president, Jessie
COx of Shelton; vice .president,
Elizabeth Holzner of Aberdeen;
and arc-treas., Boa Gray of Shel-
ton. Appointed officers will be an-
nounced later.
Attending the meeting from
Shelton were Far Robinson, Boa
Gray, Jessie Cox, Marian Johnson,
Merle Vander Wal, Florence Ham-
ilton, Sue Weaver and Josephine
Regular auxiliary meeting will
be held at 8 p.m. this Friday in
the Memorial hall. Final plans will
be made for the birthday dinner
to be held February 19.
Episcopal Women
Begin Plans For
Pancake Breakfast
Preparations have been started
by the women of St. David's Epis-
copal church in anticipation of the
annual Shrove Tuesday Pancake
Breakfast which will be held from
7 a.m. - 1 p.m. in the church hall
March 2
Ann Correa has been named
chairman of the event with Helen
Cottrell a('ting as publicity chair-
man; Sue Mroz, posters; Maud
Crosby, decoraiioz~.s; Mabel Berg
and Virginb~ Pay'ey, cashiers; and
Helen Harris, waitresses.
Bro,)kfast, will b~ $1 for adults
and 75 (,.ent.¢. for ehildren 12 and
under. The menu will eonsi'~t ot
orange juice, pancakes, bacon,
eggs, cotfee and milk.
M'.is(m County Retired Teachers
will meet at 1:30 p.m. Friday in
the home of Mrs. James Waldrip.
i l ...................
,Low cost, stat[on-to-statfon Long L)istance rates
are now in effect any time Sunday. Call anywhere
within the State all day Sunday for no more than
seventy cents for the first three minutes, Or, you can
call anywhere in the U.S. (except Alaska and
Hawaii) for no more than $1.00. These rates are
also in effect after 8 PM any weekday,
Saturday is a special Long Distance Day, too.
Reduced station-to-station rates apply all day
Saturday, Call anywhere'within the State all day
Saturday for no more than ninety cents for the first
three minutes. Or, you can call anywhere in the U.S.
(except Alaska and Hawaii) for 1.50. These rates
also apply 6 to 8 PM Monday through Friday,
Long Distance has always been a bargain --- now
it's a better bargain on Saturday and Sunday.
Part of the Nationwide Bell System
Society Editor • MarJ Waters • Phone 426-4412
MR. AND MRS. JOHN C. STEINBERG announce the engage-
ment of their daughter, ~Janet Louise, to Jimmy Dale Tipton, son
of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Tipton of Eastlund, Texas. Miss Stein-
berg, a 1963 graduate ,of Shelton High school, attended Central
Washington State college and is currently attending the Peter-
son School of Business in Seattle. Her fiance is a Petty Officer
Third Class aboard the USS Watts in Bremerton. A summer wed-
dlng is planned.
Rummage Sale,
Box Social On
Grange Schedule
Two events are scheduled this
month by Twanoh Grange at BeN
fair, the proceeds from which will
be added to the building fund.
A rummage sale will be held in
the Shelton PUD auditorium Feb=
ruary 1'2-13. Articles to be mold
will be received at 8 a.m. February
12 at the sale site.
February 19 a box social will
be held at the regular meeting
place, the Belfair fire hal!. The
doors will open at 6:30 p!m. with
the auction to begin promptly at
7 p.m. There will be a :$3 limit.
Vazious prizes will be awarded.
Cards will be played after dinner
by those who no desire. Grangers
and their friends', are cordially in-
vited to spend an evening of 01d
fashioned fun.
HanOy Brache Attends
Oollase In Mexico
. Nancy:Brachet, daughter of Mr.
and MrS: Oliv~?'r: 3. ~shf0rd Shel-
to, n, . Mpng With: i:flor(~ .than 1,000
studGffts from :the United States
MexiCo and' 30 other countries,
is at.tei3dtng the University of the
Ahmricas, in Mexico :City, the ~ec-
Grid .largest :meGrop0]is In the he,
misphere. , ,,' '
• In- Mexico, Wh~re traditionalism
and modernism combine to fovm
a stimulating environment, stu-
dents are able to further their for-
rnal education 'and at the same
time travel and learn a foreign
language in the country where it
is spoken.
Mi§s Brachet is a graduate of
Annie Wright High School and
has previotlsly attended the Uni-
versity of Washington. She is a
history major.
~he i-~ taking,~ advtmtage of the
cultura] atmosphere of the Mexi-
c:~n ea,)ital where p:e-Columbian
archeological sites and modern
skyscrapers stand side by side ma-
king an exciting blend of the old
and the n~w.
VFW Post 1694 will have an
official visit from Department
Commander Eric Sandstrom, De-
partment.of Washington, at the 8
p.m. meeting this Friday in the
Memorial hall.
All members urged to at-
tend. Those who have not turned
in their beef tickets are asked to
do so at this time.
Your chances of winning? Excellent! Contest is open only ¢o Northwest residents
18 years of age or Older. Easy to enter! Nothing to buy! Those plans you've been
doodhng of your future home could be worth real money now. Send for contest
rules and entry forms today! (Contest 's April 30.)
Building Dream Houses... That's Our Bu .)essl
We'll gladly estimate the cost of building your own design on your
lot. OR, choose from our selection of more thor. two dozen p]ans
(each offering unlimited variations). If you wish, we'll even ke
all of the necessary ilnanclal arrangements, many cases: your' lot
is the only down payment needed.
( ) Please send DRAW YOUR DREAM HOUSE contest rules and entry '
i Nama
II Address
I ( ) I have, or wlll have. clear deed to a lot, end would like your 42-page I
booklet of sample house plans end prices.
exclusive builders of CASCADE quelity HOMES
I~ 810B Highway 21, Srsmerton ESSex 3-S001 II
nllll l llll I I1
: fi~/ :il/¸ ~.%
SHS SONG QUEEN PAM TUSON plans to be a legal secretary
after she completes her education. This is her third year on the
Pep Staff and last spring she was on the Highclimber tennis team,
$ $ $
Shelton High school Song Queen out for tennis the past two years
Pam Tuson plans to be a legal
secretary some day. Several or
her classes this year will assist
in giving her the ba::ic funda-
menta!s for this type of work.
Shorthand, advanced I y p i n g,
composition, civics antl L::tin are
the subjects she i:~ tal:iv.g. She is
undecided as to which college she
will attend.
This is Pain's third year on
the Pep S[aff. This, of course, has
prevented her from holding any
class offices. She is also a mere-
her of Pep Club and Girls Ath-
letic Association. She has turned
New Series Begins
In Community
Club Card Parties
The Mountain View Community
Club willstart a new six-week
series ofpinochle parties at 8
p.m. thisSaturday in the club-
hot, se at "K" and Laurel street.
The group extends its thauks to
everyone who bought advertising
space on top of the new card ta-
bles making it possible for the
organization to have its own ta-
bles. An invitation is extended to
advez~:isers to attend one of the
parties and see their ads.
Winners at the last party were
Jen Tratniclq Roy Moore, Mar-
garet Newell, Mary Needham and
Phil Anderson. Ruth Moore had
the last double pinochle. Vi Laug-
en and Phil Anderson held 1500
trump. Series winners were Vi
Laugen and Nell Kilbourne.
Welcome Chapter :No. 40 Social
Club will meet for a 12:30 p.m.
luncheon in the Masonic temple
next Tuesday. Hostesses will be
Mrs. Viola Ferris and Mrs. Viola
The daughter of Mr. and M'rs.
Rodger Tuson, she was born July
11, 1947 in Seattle, moving here
when she was two years of age.
She has two sisters, Connie, seven,
and Randy, an SHS graduate now
attending college. Two brother=,
Bud, 13, and Mark, eight, com-
plete the family.
Tennis, swimming, h i k i n g,
horseback riding and reading rank
tops on Pain's list of hobbies.
To celebrate Founder's
exeeutional program was
ed January 26 at the
Mrs. Bernhard ~Viniecki
H. A. Hansmeier and
bella Conklin serving as
Mrs. Charles Lewis
through the plot of the
"Rigoletto" describing the
acters in the different scenes
Dexter Edge who has been
ing at rehearsals for the
sequences which will
the performances of "Ri
at the Seattle Opera House
through Saturday, played
themes from the opera MrS.
then played a record of the
revered selections of the
which she wove into the
liar plot.
As an added treat the
Club was honored to hear
Van Hemmers sing one
the opera and several other
bers. As a youth he was a
of the opera company in
Germany. After coming to
Ca he was a member of
Francisco opera company
five years was a leading
tenor in Santa Barbara,
and lV[rs. Van Hemmers
residents of Shelton.
A brief history of MrS.
Roberts reminded
Shelton Music Club was
in 1941 and during the
joined the State and
oration of Music Clubs.
All members of the
invited to attend the
Day luncheon and
Seattle to be held
Call Mrs. Jame:) Barz'o~,
a,t70, to see about
Beware of the avera~O
b~catise ::t'/er3 ~e d~'i~,r,' .q
'r','lost of the traffic
T, op quality Show-type I~
for the discriminating coll~
YOU car, del[)t:llO Of 1 OUr 'KNOw flow" to save
you trouble and money when it co~'es to glass
replacemeots Because we know what we are
deinq (;m~ whv~ yOU can be sure we'll do it
Also Leaves-Rooted
3rd and Grove Sis., 426-8264
Starter plants
Jan Danford
Little Things
/ that Count/ , !
I. e, ART POINT wedding invitations! One of the most im-
portant little details which are necessary to make your wedding
Art Point invitations are always socially correct in every detail,
you will be proud to send them to your friends as it marks you
as a person of extreme good taste.
A price and a style for every bride-to-be; from $14.95 for 100
and up! Reception or At Home footnotes on wedding--no
extra charge.
Let our Society Editor have all the details about your wed-
ding plans.