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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 4, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 4, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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February 4, 1965 By Norma Taylor LCHE -_ Sunday, at Pro- Jones is now staying at the home Hall, a feast was of her daughter, Darlene ArmiLage Was the ammal Birth- of Auhurn. With Ella Simmons I{oland Simmons was the re- Aplanned potluck cent winner of the first and third With Ruth Nelson prizes in the Annual Northwest l'oasL and the rest of Professional Florist Competition. by the Birthday Tills Saturday aL :1-(3 p.m. is the To Lop off all the grand opening of "Flowers by pies and cakes was l~oland" in Lacey at the hmation ice cream created by of tile forrner Lacey Garden Cen- bury and Dorothy let. Mr. and Mrs. Simmons have were tile O. It. madc their home in Larry sinee ra Stansburys, Mere the first of January. Cecil Blaekwelders, MR. AND MILS. MIKE Stolen Chester Mar- of Hodsprt were Thursday af- Nelsons, Eldon ternoon guests at the Edwin Pel.- Haines, Stanley Me- tys. Johnsons, Dan Lords, Harry Sire- Margee Craddick died Sunday in Baker Ray Mork- a San Francisco hospiLa.1. Burial Taylors, 'Curt'is Cam- will he in San Francisco Wednes- cry Ungers, Paul Ditt- day. Taylor and Ed Tay- Chester Marshall Saturday to mother, Mrs. evacuate from the .as the water had risen Rx: FROM Chr?%fa2asfo n, 8IgELTON--I ¢A q0N C0UNT 7 JOURNAL--Ptlb|ished in ¢( , U.,q.A.':, Shelton Washin on lche Has Potluck Di,q,er At Grange Hal to the door of her home. Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. A. T. P, issell a]l of Olympia, and Mr. and Mrs. Le- I/HI(I Ninlalons of Sunlnlit l,ake. Mrs. Alice Haines nnd Mrs. Flo- rence Taylor enjoyed hmeh to- gether Fri(tay evening at Mrs. T-I aines' home. The Chester Harshalls called on the Don Ilem'ieks Sunday afler- noon. Kamilehe Ladies Club will meet to(lay at Progress Grange ttall. Potluck hmcheon will be nerved. Monday evening the Ira Stans- burys dropped in on the Harry Simmons to view the redecorating project that Harry and Ella axe in the midst of. Lorraine Whitener and Chris- tine Ellison are enrolled in a six week practical nursing course at St. Peters ttospital in Olympia. Wednesday, Eugene Taylor 1m- derwent surgery to set his left leg and is recuperating nicely. Out of town ~'isitors who called on him this week were Mr. and Mrs. Proctor of Tacoma, Earl France of Montesano, and Thomas Mor- ris of Gig Harbor. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Nelson and Mr. and Mrs. Chet Richards made a business trip to Seattle Wed- nesday. Smlday evening, Charlie Herz of Little Sl¢ookmn dropped in at tile home of lhe E(twin Pettys, Rev. and Mrs. A. W. Graha.m ;tud family of Tacoma, were guests at the ]mine ol Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Phil Simmons Sin]day. Kamilche Valley School science ::tudents are working with a new nlieroscope, and soon all the stu- dents will m~joy improved sound and lighting with the new acoust- ical ceiling tile being installed. The PTO inslalled dark eurtairJs in the projection zo¢)m and they are nmel~ apprecialed. The Health Department gave our school a high rating on everything and special congratuhd ions to the principal, teachers, school board, Cll.'dodi'Ill alld the conllnnnity as a whole for the many improve- menls. Repol t eards will be Feb. 5. Tile h:amiiche Baskethall team was victorious once again beat- inK North Mason with a score of 30-19. Next game will be on Fri- day at Kamilehe with McI~anc Sehool. MILS. (;RA(:I,] l{al'thqt and A, lrs Frances Simmons visited Sunday afternoon with Mrs. Irrank Ports and Mrs. Gene ]qavord of Union. A lmndle of joy in the form of a little girl was (lelivered at 5 p.m. Thursday aL St. Peters ]-tos- )ital to Mr, and Mrs. Harold Ford. .-~rs. Ford is the daughter of ]~rs. Ethel Whitener. Mr. and Mrs. Pendergraft en- joyed a weekend visit by their daughter,Miss Nellie Moore of Olymt)ia. The E(twin Eaylors had as lheir guests Sunday eveniilg, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Samples. Several h)eal friends gathered at the home of Clifton Barnes \Vectnesday evening to honor him on his birthday. A recent Friday the Edwin Pet- Size A U.S.D.A. Choice "\ T Blade or 7-Bone Cut Pound glPTION Thursday evening callers at the Ed Taylor residence were Oli,ver medicine, and P~lt Petty and Cecil and Mil- '~I a prescription sym-dred Blackwelder. ',: "' tentlyprayerthet° Jupiter and O.R. Taylor's sister, Mrs. Ester IS~ \\ Ik only active Rhetnsdoff, is in a Seattle hospi- tal recovering from a heart attack, i I1~0 the prescription Attending the annual meeth~g the advances or" of the Production Credit As~)eia- U.S. Choice Full Cut ........................................ lb. U.S. Choice ........................................ lb. U.S. Choice Beef ...... ....................................................... Ib. U.S. Choice Round Bone ............................................ LB. Fresh Lean ............................................................... lb. ¢ ¢ S' EAgS skill of the on centuries g medical know- of re- ,lop new effective and know* pharmaceutical the profes- your pharmacist you even compound- specification of an. rmacy St. 426-3327 9:30 to 7:30 aYs--- 9:30 - 6:30 I, tys went to Laeey to visit. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Olipha~t. Tuesday evening, at the Nat Waldrip home a fir tree fell onto the house and caused quite a bit of damage. The Hadley Villines had ttmir son home from college at Ellens- burg over the weekend. At the home of the Eugene Tay- iors Saturday night, the Cecil Blackwelders, Ira Stansburys, Bill McFie and Ed Taylors enjoyed an evening of cards. I! tion in Chehalis Saturday were Mr. and Mrs. Ira Stansbury, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Blackwelder, Mrs. Eugene Taylor and Edwin Taylor. There will be a dance Saturday night at Progress Grange Hall with music by the Tune Toppes from 9:30 p.m. until 2 a.m. Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Burke and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Zil!iox made a trip to Portland, Ore. Satur- day. SUNDAY brit. AND MRS. Ed- win Petty drove to Burien to visit Mrs. Perry's sister, 1V/a9 Julian. Nat Wahtrip is in Japan on a business trip for the Olympia Oy- ter Growers Association. Sunday callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Simmons were Mrs. Nellie Hanson and grandson, Steve Travis, Mr. and ]Vl:rs. Har- ry Simmons Jr. and three sons, DEWELL COUPON Bags Smoothie ............ Ja/~a~ IIW s,.oo OFF Mo. . Swift's Premium and other ONIONS ,e,,ow .................... 3 L9 I IJ]r~ Major Brands. ~m=[] ]~ 5-1b. CANNED HAMS II~] ~1 I} (' SNO,BOY A lb. Ai[~k¢ I~ i!':fit ,~:,e Per Family. Cash Value ~l vl Fresh ............ Qt. =~1'~ Large Size Poly-unsatur ted 24 oz. Tradewell Salad Oil Btl. 24 oz. 29¢ Rolls For o 4-Roll Pack Assorted Colors ALIIOHT ALREADY. !'M FLIPPING ! :a car! Whatta deal! base, Better of Torsion. zip on plain ordi- d better re-sale hat, we've made up our we're gonna set new ..again this year for m a row. And we'll do see Us and see. ll~aUtiful Dodge Is A Dart GT Sunny Jim Apple, Grape, Orange Hormel -- with Beans Tree Top Standby Fisher's Finest 40 oz. pkg. 303 Tins 46 oz. Tins 15 oz. Tins Yellow Cling Halves or Slices Rinse __ 10¢ off label Big Roll -- Yellow, Pink, White Scotties-- White or Ass't. Colors Soft Weve -- Ass't. Colors 2½ Tins Gt. Size 200 ct. Rolls 400 et. pkgs. 2-Roll Packs Gold Momttain Chunk Style Qt. Jugs SNOBOY Frozen - Peas, Peas & Carrots, Cut Corn & Mixed Veg. 24 oz. Pkgs. It°at and Railroad • Shelton, Washington Staadby No. ½ Tins 303 Tins Prices effective thru Sat., Feb, 6, 1965. No sales to dealers. Reserve Right to Limit Quantity. Equal Opportunity Employer.