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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 4, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 4, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PAGE 10 SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL--Published in "Christmastown, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washington Thursday, February JOHNNY SCHMITT, instructor and press erector, teaching Journal Foreman JIM SHRUM (center) and Printer JERRY STILLER (right) details of operating the new press. Envelopes Letterheads Statements Brochures Almost Anything 227 West Cots Phone 426-4412 High School Rifle Club Has 40 Members; Boys, Girls Clubs Plan Parent Banquets / Push and shove, Oh little Hog the roadway while Someday you'll meet cad, With highway manners bad. By Cindy Willard Shelton High School's Rifle club has over 40 active members, al- though they seldom meet at one time. Membership in open to both boys and girls. Tim students compete against themselves, progressing through various stages of difficulty. They are able to work for certificates and awards from the National Ri- fle Association, which is a nation- al organization for junior marks- men up to the age of 18. hall of the Angle Building Feb. 15-18. The banquet will be Feb. 23. a Tuesday, in the high school multi-purpose room, and it is hoped that many girls will realize this opportunity to show some real appreciation to their dads, by inviting them to the banquet. THIS WEEKEND, the High- climber basketball squads will meet North Kitsap, at North Kit- sap High School Friday night. This game will precede only five The students, who meet Tues- remaining games until the season days after school and Thursdaysends. With experts confused as at 7 to 9 p.m., under the Shelton to the outcome of this season's Gymnasium, where the school haschampionship, this game could be .constructed a 650 foot firing vital to the Climber's final league range. Members are able to buy rating. ammunition as a cost of about lc , . , per round. Each member's pro- After the week of semester ex- gress is regularly reported to the ares (Jan. 25-29), the SHS stu- National Rifle Association during dents relaxed, last weekend, be- the season, which usually extends from October to the end of Feb- fore beginning a new, "squeaky- ruary (this year the season will clean" semester, this week. conclude in March). The Shelton High School Rifle Each year, the Boys' Club spon- Club was organized in 1949, andsors a l~other-Son banquet. This year, it will be Feb. 10, in the SHS since that time, only one boy has multi-purpose room. The chair- completed the requirements for all 15 degrees which can be obtained, men of the banquet are Ed Daw- son and Richard Mackey. The theme is "Our Inspiration". Mr. Moody, the SHS Rifle Club advisor, stated that this year, Bill Tobler, Barney Lambert and John Martig are endeavoring to com- plete the requirements for the highest degree, and he also evalu- ated this year's senior riflemen as, what he considered, "the best in the history of the school." FEBRUARY 13, five representa- tives of the Girls' Athletic Assoc- iation of Shelton High School will attend a district playday in Port Angeles. The C.A.A. officers in- clude President, Virginia vice president, Linda Rains, secre- tary, Patty Mell, and treasurer Carolyn Schwab. This week, Sylvia Jacobs, chair- men of the SHS Girls' Club's Fa- ther-Daughter banquet announced the co-chairmen of the event, among which were: Sandy Koch, Terri Turner, Sharon Savage, Tru- :dy Tweed, Sandy Lyman and Jan- ice Blake. The theme this year is "Togeth- !er Through the Years, which pro- mises to lend itself nicely to a very appropriate and enjoyful pro- gram. Tickets will be sold in the main ,ays Entedainmenl • errific Music The Banjo King Bennle plays many trod all requests, MARTHA & GENE Repairs ------- Ranges-Refers.-Washers - etc. Any Make - Any Model Guaranteed Satisfaction Lem Warren Refrigeration 2nd &Cota 426-2445 Experienced Assi Reasonable Prices ~ 8 a.m. - 8 p.m. Ph. Auto Glass • Expert Installation JIM PAULEY, INC. 5th & Railroad Ph. 426.8231 Service For Good Service See Us! All Work Fully C & L Time Service 401 So. 1st St. Charllne &l ,,, Floor Covel" Fresh Baked Bread - Cakes - , Linoleum Doughnuts - Rolls - Buns - • .Tile Custom Baked Cakes . Carpeting HI'S BAKERY , Formica Oly. Hwy. No. (Mt. View) REX FLOOR COVERI 426-3179 Mt. View Ph. Beauty • Complete Hair Care • Merle Norman Cosmetics (free demonstrations) Elaine's Beauty Salon 6th & Laurel 426-4582 Heating • Safety check • Clean-up • Minor & major S'I'A R K EY'S Sales & Service 514 EIIInor Salon Complete Beauty Care Evenings By Appointment Under New Ownership Christmastown Beauty Salon 114 So. 4th 426.4783 hiropractor • Office Now Open 323 Franklin Street • Phone 426-8060 J. L. DEBBAN, D.C. 9-noon 2-6 closed Thurs. Landscaping • Lawns, rocaeries, shrubs • Top soil, tilling, • _k'rec cstin~L~s SUNSET LAN Herbert BaZe Rental Service Almost Anything Bulldozers - Loaders - Folding Banquet & Chairs, Hospital LEW RENTS 2216 E, 4th OlymlMa 35 Cleaning Services • Janitor Service • Wall To Wall Carpet • House & Upholstery • Complete Line Of Supplies DON'S JANITOR SERVICE 2103 E 4th Olympia 352-1867 Sand, Gravel • Top Soil :: • Peat Soil • Custom Tractor Johns Creek Sand & 426-3552 Norm licious cake and coffee when they called on the Delmer Schurs Sun-Cleaning Service ..... day evening. Mr. Schur was eels- Carpets - Wall to Wall brating his birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Seab Combs ac- companied Mrs. Alice Dielle of Shelton up the Canal Sunday for an inspection of ' her summer home after all the snow and bad Sunday dinner guest of James Hickson family was Floors - Stripped, polished Windows - Walls - Upholstery "SH ELTON'S OWN" CLEANING SERVICE CO. Days 426-8138 Nites 426-4376 Mr. and Mrs. Bill Brown and Shel- ley, Mrs. Alma Baker and Hank Brown. The J. C. Tibbits of Raymond were Sunday callers in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Allen Tibbits. FRIDAY EVENING callers in the L. A. Todd home were Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ryan of Shelton. Mrs. E. S. Evcrs of Satsop is spending a few days in the Wayne Evers' home. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Hulbert en- teri.ained the Genc Hulbert family Saturday evening to honor Gene on his birthday. Sunday callers in the home of Mrs. Alma Baker were lV[l'. Verl Bennett and daughter, Mrs. Ray Latham and children, all of ~eat- tie. Mr. and Mrs. Joe C. Brown and Pins Bezley of Shelton. Clothing Alterations -7 Tire Service Dining Saturday evening in the Agate home of Mr. and IV~rs. An- If you have an alteration [ • New OK Tires derson were Mr. and Mrs. John problem, or button holes to | Anderson and children. They be made, come to us / • Recapping brought Denny home with them • Used to spend the night. LITTLE & BIG SHOPPE [ OK TIRE STOR| Weekend guest of Jamie Hick- 122 Cota 426-4266 | Mt. View Ph. son was Laura Fisher of Shelton. ! Nancy Evers, daughter of M.r. and Mrs. Wayne Evers is back in school now after battling flu and tTravel complications which even meant a • Helena Rubinstein cos- J , Air - Rail - 13-day stay in the hospital. She s rnettcs • Bus - Hotels - one girl who is happy to be back •Prescriptions I • No Extra Charge in school after such a siege. • I-Iypo-Allergic Cosmetics Our Service Angle Travel Res. Saturday evening guests in the : NELL'S PHARMACY 401 Railroad Ave. Joe C. Brown home to help cele- 5th & Franklin Ph. 426.3327 brats Jody's 17th birthday were, Electrical • Fairbanks-Morse Pumps • Electric Heating . Westinghouse Appliances SHELTON ELECTRIC CO. 419 Railroad Ph. 426-6283 Watch Repairing ..----- New Hamilton & B~flova Watches All types Jewelry Items Expex~ Jewelry Repairing Neuenschwander Jeweler A. T. Boswell, Owner 405 Railroad 426-6182 family motored to Quilcene Sun.. i l day and visited with Mr. and Mrs. Auto Repa,,ring ,, Richard Brockopp. • Nrajor Oxerhauls ; Thursday, Mr. and Mrs. Alex • Brakes & Ignition Donaldson of Skokomish Valley • Welding & Tune-ups called on Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Todd., Special Winterizing Mr. and Mrs. Morton Adams of ED'S SERVICE Shelton were Wednesday evening 108 E. Cota 426-3926 visitors in the L. A. Todd home. TV Service • Radio - TV • Phonographs • CB 2-way radio LEROY'S TV SEa~ Mt. View Ph, TV Service Fast and Gnarant TV and Radio 1~, Antenna and PartS Armagost TV-RadlO 1919 King St. (Mt. 426-,4342 Printing • Quality worg of All Kinds THE JOURNAt 227 Cota Phone Ski Equipment Sales - Rentals - Bikes - New and CLINTON'S BIKE 223 Cota called on Mrs. Gertrude Scott Sun- day. The Darrell Swearingen family of Tacoma were Sunday visitors in the Robert Swearingen and T. A. Tibbits homes. Elizabeth Hickson spent the weekend with Judy Leonard. The Clyde Scrogham family were unexpected recipients of de- By Mabel Ktdd DAYTON --- The bright, sunny weather of the first part of the week got many people out clean- ing up yards and already thinking of planting. It's surprising what a lift a little bit of sunshine can do for one's morale. The Traveling Pinochle Club will hold its next meeting Feb. 6 in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Willis. Ladies' Club met Jan. 26 in the home of Mrs. A. E. Lemke with lith Willis as hostess. The birth- days of Dorothy Roberts, and Rose Doughcrty were observed. The lext meeting will be held at Day- ton Hall Feb. 9. Donna Anderson, hostess. Mrs. A. M. Evans of Hoodsport Income Tax Service: Members Only ,,