February 4, 1965 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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February 4, 1965 |
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February 4, 1965
PTO Meeting Will Be Feb. 11 With A ] lusic
Program I'o Be Presented or Entertainment
meeting will be held discussion was "Teaching Money
A music program will bc Mmlagement*".
~d, directed by Dick Endi- Jail. 29. the Knight Owls played
time lost dm'ing the host to the Quinault Elks, in a
Sno.ws Will be made up byreal ha;'d-fought Kame. The ()~4,~
SCnool on Teacher• Cnn- ended up with 68 point.~ to Quin.
Spring Vacation days. ault's 87. The high scorer for the
still get out June 4. game was Dennis Defect with 23.
• .. :. of the State Depart-
~S give credit for four and Leroy Valley with 16.
• The Owlets traveled to Quin-
lrown. Home Ec. teacher
, a Westezm Washington
'~COnomics "~rorksho;~ at
:n~er the weekend. She
oalY representative from
unty. The main topic of
8o Iflht and eaa to
Onecln Usa It y handle that every.
Only. 12 I~s. leas bar and chain
Cuts throuih 12-inc
ends, "l'- • h lees in 10 sec-
ernete~" '~ trees up to 3 feeSin d[-
ua!t Jan. 27, for a game with
the Quinault girls. The Owlets
scored 23 to Quinault's 55.
The Junior High olayed the pre-
liminary game. The Mary M.
Knight Junior High scored 28 to
Quinal lt's 23. High scorers were
Kenny Stodden with 14 and Dan
Chappell with 8.
Students received their report
cards Jan. 29. Those on the Honor
Roll for the end of the semester
SENIORS: Dennis DeFoer, Nan-
cy Stodden, Kris Graham.
JUNIORS: Tom Jeffenes.
SOPHOMORES: Rene' Perkins,
Dave Stodden, Bob Hollatz.
FRESHMEN: Jan Starks,
Janice Gwinnett, Ray Brown•
7th & 8th GRADE: Kathy Iqich-
son, Teresa Trimble, Rodney
Reeves, Dan Chappell, Judy
Springer, Sandy Perkins, Jeff
There will be a Gay 90's pro-
gram put on by the whole school.
Participants will dress in Gay 90
costumes. Mr. Endicott, head of
the music department, will be in
charge of the program. Proceeds
from the admission will go to
buy a base horn for the band.
The assistant librarian~ are
busy covering the old books and
setting up a junior library.
The fifth and sixth grades are
busy writing stories about snow
for their Engli,;h class• Some of
the students have put a lot of
intagination into their stories.
John Miller made an experiment
which proved that heat and water
will create steam pressure.
on Nillcrest
SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL-- Published in "Chr{stmastown, U.S.A.', Shelton,
gh ir Canin Planeed For Friday
By Betty Dean t the hostess, Veto.
forn.~ at A-ld,erbrook Inn. This
staging group and John Sundsten
their director, have offered to
present a concert for the benefit
of the Union volunteer fire de-
No tickets are to be sold, how-
ever, after the performance, do-
nations will gladly be accepted and
all proceeds will go to your fire
department. All facilities of the
beautiful Eastwood room at Alder-
brook are being donated by Mr.
and Mrs. Was Johnson, owners of
this popular Hood Canal resort.
Further details will be announced
in this column next w~ek.
Congratulations to Mable Ball
who was a winner in the Bremer-
ton Sun's snow picture contest.
The picture was taken in front of
the store and Dr. C. W. Bemis
vacationing in Honolulu, Hawaii,
heard about the picture and wrote
the Ball's a card saying he could
sell the snow for 80 cents a snow
ball and for them to ship him
THE UNION pinochle club met
Thursday at Vera Bishop's home•
The ladies surprised Bobble Al-
len with a going away gift. Oth-
ers attending were Edith Walter,
Betty Dean, Ellen Rebman, Gla-
dyce Sherman and Helen Cottrell.
High score for the day went to i
Oonner Proposes Job
Retraining Study
Paul H. Conner, 24th District
representative, has introduced ,a
House bill calling for a special
i interim committee to study ways
to retrain people who lose their
i jobs because of automation.
"The impact of automation on
the labor force has become a ser-
:ious problem," Conner pointed out.
~} h
: W en people are replaced by
i machines, they need help in tzp-
dating their s]'~ills so they can get
new jobs and be productive mem-
bers of society, instead of burd-
Com~er said an ironic condition
in employnient exists today. "Un-
employment is high, timugh not so
severe in Washington as in other
states, but the demand for skilled
workers has never been greater,"
he commented. "The difference be-
tween a man on the welfare roll
and one on the payroll is large-
ly education and training."
Four members of the Senate
turned home Tuesday by bus, got
a good nights rest and took off
for Crystal Lake Wednesday mor-
ning with Lillian Updykc and Hel-
en Cottrell for some skiing
Ten couples met Saturday eve-
ning at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Allen's to bid them fare-
well. They left Tuesday for their
new home in Chimacum.
John Slettedahl gave a going
away party in his home Friday ev-
ening for Craig Allen. Fifteen boys
and girls enjoyed the evening of
fun. They presented Craig a record
as a going away gift•
While in Olympia Wednesday
Mrs. Neal Puter, Mrs. L. O. Ald-
rich and Mrs.~ Ed Hamilton took
a tour of the Capitol. also visited
the governor's mansion where op-
en house wan being held.
Dates to remen, ber are Union
Ladies Civic Club, Feb. 11 at Com-
munity Hall, time 12 noon, Feb.
12, teenagers dance community
Hall fzom 7 to 9 p.m, Feb. 13, Un-
ion ladies Civic club dinner and
dunce, members only. Feb. 20
concez~ benefit Union fire depart-
ment. Feb. 26 Hood Canal Im-
provement club game night, 8
p.m. at community ball.
More than 210 postmasters from
all parts of the State met at the
Mid-Winter conference of the Na-
tional Association of Po**~tmasters
at the Olympic Hotel in Seattle.
Registration began Thnrsday roof
ning and the Seminars began a,t
1 p.m. and lasted through Friday.
Those attending from Mason
County were Faith Evans, Lilli-
waup; Elizabeth (Betty) Goodpas-
tel Hoodsport; Dorotby (Belle)
Strine. Potlatch and Wanda Nil-
soil, Union.
Why Dine Out?
Ask around about our
food, then bring
your family
or come alone.
Dancing Fri. &
Sat. nights
The Sheiton Hdel
and five members of the House ,r~ .. .
would ~erve on the committee. It jKeasonaDle rates
--Cmre CANE CHAIR WEAVING--Mrs. Augusta Portman' of Matlock will instruct in a class here sponsored by the Extension Service. the need for a state retraining "
zo'r your n l-rep'ace wouid make an in-depth study of I OH roolns.
demonstrat:s the.technique of ca__n¢ .chair weaving in which she - " program of the unemployed. Ore-[ Bythe day,
If Vou raise your voice to Mrs. l~ ,,i~ • ~ ,, m, Idr • ~ , . a, • gor~ now has a similar law in ef-I week or month.
Augt~st ~ Pol tm t31 .~ ou't e Just ~ ' i i , r
"' with folding French doors : ;,, It;alll0rnia on.nitLh.air nr unitv t.hur(h feet.
i,i a.>.....r--, .... ..... . ---, .......... -- ....... ........
years old, the Matloek lady has " " " •
quick, alert eye,~ and fingers sup-X/0 Hake Home n Plans en,or 47,t,, ,,,, Prn,,rnn re t; oe Sale
' .::i::~i~:iiiiiii!!iiii!iii~ii!ili ~:!i ii:: ii!iiiiii ple enough to do chair c~ming, i ..... " """ "" "
k ::i}:~ ~ ~ It is in this last area that Mrs. i | .i,A I~la]~,aaa~mAi by Betty Criss , children in the mOrning and to
I ~ ~l}i:~;ii~il;i~i~i::'.:~:@~ii~ii~ ~!:!i ~! .~. Portman may well be one of this [ f~.~ I|a|IWaILK! BELFAIR.- A program for the1 the Jr-Sr Hi h assembl' in the
state s leading author~tms. Since ] Semor C,hzens of the commumty / afternoon on this subject. Mrs.
i 'l ~i ::i ~i!iiiii childh°°d days in Jamest°wn, N" [ Joann TuPlmr willbcsponsoredbytheBelfairIRonaldwastheguestofthe'Ladles
: I~ :.~ "Ie~t ~t~!i x,, when she carried out the knack [i ............................... T.^ww x ........... ~.,., I Baptist~ Community, Church.] Auxilia r y of the Belfatr Barracks., , ' ''
s mply as a method of picking up | ......... Scheduled for last Monday at 1:30 [No. 2778 WWI Veterans;and Nuel ~( t s and Girl s
"hair ribbon money," Mrs. Port-]these past coupm o~ (rays naveI p.m. was an organizational meet-]Curtis Post. and Auxiliary No,
man has 1)~a~ticed and nzastezed melted most of tile snow around m at th aim zs to
~I/l/l~l~]i~[~[ ~ '," '" " " ". " | .... J' g'' e.. Church. The "~ [6372 VFW. for the entire'day.. In Dress__and
the fading art. }the Lake. With telephone lines Jdevelop a program for fellowship, the evening the two veteran
People from Snohomish to Van-]down last week we were unablc lstudy and entertainment, with up-/groups held a potluck dinner at
~J couver have used her talents and,~o co ........................ ' - " ' Mrs School Shoes
poztumtzes fez useful service the Mason,c Hall after which
~:. :~ ~:,!~
~' ' ~i~i~:. ~ ~iii} she'll share them again Friday/ ,... ,,,pl~t)3 Otll" ~empnone cuxz~., ]Those unable to attend the meet-lRonald spoke to a meeting which
.... ~~!~ ~ e , , t • • " '" • "
chair eanimz workshou beina ar l daughier and son-in-law of Mr /ther information talk, toe VFW Post Auxiliar held
ranged by ~Mrs, Jane w. ~'ind-|and Mrs. AI Tupper, now resid0 |. The skating party at Shelton |a business meeting. Y
sor, Mason Coun;.y Extension |at the Resort The- arrived Jan ~last weck, sponsored by the B YF/• The Elementary PTA will hold Edwards
agent. |21 from ff " ~ "~ ..... "l groups was qm~e a success, wz~,, |its meeting tonight at 8 p.m. at
To~.,~-~ ~-sP'ortnmn ~* ,h;~ / ~nezr xormer home in ~na- [ no SChool the next day the ~urn- the Allyn school An
........ ~ ................ • , honoI dry
............................ ' ....... ' " ' L .................. l"n / ,. de at this
,~o=~,~ ,,u, ~, h.. ~n r.~.~ ...~../hezm, Cahf | out was the largest ever. PTA award will be ma
!has picked up some of the cane[ Mr, and Mrs. Amel Tveit spent |Ron~2_t ~U.~OAY Mrs. ~wYn |mecung. Blister Browl|
weaving tricks from his mother. Jlast Sunday at the home of Mr.]aut~r~t°f on~nehF?li~s ~a°t ZShaave] TWO DAYS LAST Week were
.~Y'f~replace needs a glassfyre door. Several finishes. Stops They continue to live on the farm/and Mrs. James Weed of Renton. ]flown ~ver
|spen~ e~Y ~uPt.~
[to which the Portmans came to ] Week a=o last Saturdav Allan ] fro-, +,-^ Hm,~ ' era a u n .moers oz the School Board
homestead in 1905 . ~, ~, ..... ,,~ ...... of out" first settl ' visiting schools bull
, na,~ attaohed screen Quickl a s for itself Burn teen I . " tH,ckson and children. Mike and ] spoke to the Elementary school k.^, ........... :_, _ t by arel~itects Reg. Values to $9.99
ry ~.:_ " Y 'P Y ' g tnac ez " ~ ,~,,,s ~u,,=,u~reu o
I It's unlikely . "ther one of iKatie, attended the funeral of/------------ .... |th .............y the Board for Now $
~ l"tUPusu'o nigh sc
• "~oo. Most sizes now in stock. ] them actually needs any last ]Hickson s grandmother, Mrs. Sar- [ • _ _ , S:: .... heel building
minute brushing up before the sea ah Kirk, Tacoma [ v ~,, • ~,,uots in Edmonds and
, ' • / abor Gouncd |Northshorewer ...._.o Sale
i stuns on Friday but they ve had| Visitin~ Mr and ]Yh's Hectoz ]_ /,~,, ~,^_.~2 ...... e Viewed on Tu=o-
GAS LOGS ample opportunity to do so. Their Barbour °last "Sunday was Mrs.Anglo c~me~ar~Uwumey wets High School and
home has been surrounded by sev-/Berle Van Norman al{d Bud Glick,/ unces /an o ,., ....... " een in E~monds
ANK INL STOVES __ LOWEST PRICES IN HISTORY - era]. feet .of snow since" the De-|both of MaUock a-o,hhl " [tmn," " ~Inglemore"'*'" ,~unoo! ....... under construc- ~'~
ce~l;~r ;~:CMrs Poztman will1 Last Monday, Mrs. Archie KeN/ ~':V~=lO.l~O MIICh;::-~V~ [Northshore (Bo~he~l~~ ~ou,~d at
CHIMNEY PACKAGES " " "tl " |lay and son, David, motored telW P.P cations for the Ev .:,~( [ Thursday the ~-rot
TIIl~m~ bring with l~er ~:o ~e sessions in-|aberde,, • ............ ~r. and/ eaton scnolarsbin co ....... led b,, t.,~:i ..... zp, accompan-
I clude a pair of scissors that, in |~rs Jil~'Le~t~"~',~-~ dinner" Iwhich provides two ~$500 college !art La;'s~)',', scn oo.! principal, Rob-
I :]RE he,- own woras, wouldn't cut but- . "_... ?~-': "~" .... ,scnolarshi~)s to high school stud-] North R~:.*~ ~s,tea schools in
i , v, ood(n s lke n a~a~L lUCSclay MIS ~arry ~cz ants " he of .~ u xssa uah Tah
2235 Olympic Hwy. No. [ tac~:i. ~c° rest of thePart Sli:d~di:~- son,,, of. She]ton, fmm.~erly of S e:/fice 'o~r~hen°~i~?nl;ble ~t:~e La-i~d :;loftS:. In the p2~t two we°~:
ndPLLLl( ' V[rsVlSlte(ILawrcllceaL l ile nonleHansenOt boL" Collncil or s built'P VIal
the minds and fingers of the Sh~:~f in'Seattle, locally :schools "'ted at least two Shoe
ans loin Dalr County La Y each of six azchz
Portm . ' }t • ell Sparks, " • " -
• • • en's' tects bei •
also minted with Mrs Hans ~ , ng c
• .... . • . )or Council Pres~,~^rt at 426-6342 ~^...~ .. onmdered by the Managed and Operated
HtR::$0~0W111 ~J.... mother, Mrs, Edith Profitt wnol SLudents...)..,s'.=~.'__.usLbeg,.ad" ~.~'t.,. lXcgular monthly'Board By Christensefs For
r" ~ , vlt p~y=n~; H, lnuuI;llt , Wi '
] stays x~ zth Lhc Hansens. I uating seniors f]om an accreditedin~. atg8 II be next l~onday even- . . Shoes---Bremerton.
The Hansens last SaturdaY e |tugiz schoolnuhllc nrivate,or ~ ...... • • m the Elementary ....
• " rco:0 • : ' ~- ,~ *-, ~ ~u~uul J1Drar '"
joyed the calf roping at G |paloehml ,'thin th~ State of Y. I
Acres Stable in T,lmwater. w tshingto2' ......... °
}IOi~HC FOR TIIE ~VEEKEND I A contestant must be either the ~~ i I am~m~mmm
~¢ad¥ to ~mll tq -- ,.... from Centralia College were John son or daughter of an AFL-CIO ' ~ ] .~ . |
~otes~'OUr ~'ourCUat°rnerco~re* II ~ ]
] Tupper and Steve Crape. union member }~living or deceased) ~. ,,J .~" A t ~'~,
I Mrs. Clifford ford a.d nn,st be pre,ont ? hold- ,,r/... / ,¢: , • J
a ddreee, •.-d (Cus!omor,Hame Gertrude Scott motorcd to O!Y~'n" ~." 2nen~bership in an AFL-CIO (~] ~',f,~nl~'/ ~'/ ', ~ .~ nJ")') ~ -~
-.a. k Z IPi ,,,st Thursday to do somCl 'L°.n.:. . '-. .. r I/ I ' J/'i4¢/'
o ",~UHL( Sd IIs ' ha',C I.RI{(I1 I11 J
shopping, i,,,.... "'"," must' ' ' • . ~ "~g/it~iIW/ ~'.~ ~ ~" [_,~.,~ ~ r~'~
D acha_.ehl form ' .' .' Y " J Y "•'l *s views o i io,s, and pros-
(~u't'ra~r deta ~ '(~* NO'|C,, /[ln~lP:d:;nli~le B]eekers al'tended': ?t '°f thc ) ll llean h b°l nt°ve't ' Hundreds'=LJ of )J|' , i.... Iv.
,...., _.o,- eol [or
th( meeting el the Democzailc L tsi , ~.
"'o, _ -, _' . ": / ntoro than 8, students ilLII |It I I JOWU I1¥
ZiOti© m eCtioxl
and ze~__u~co, etc., . Savings A¢¢ounfs [ Nine-uounLy ~eague held at toe [ entered the competition The win- 4
• ..ae¢l~ ch ' ' , .... ~h~'JOt'l~ 1~. I t)~:'LUr, -tO, .
l_~POcketot._ eck Capitol Building nets Weze ~,..-'~: -~ ;~ .......
.....,-m Sfafemenl Past Due I Dinner guest at the home ell°~ Langl~y High School in Whid- new Items to choose from
able ~" PrOvldeaDetach"~ . [ Mr ~nd Mrs Clifford Reeve was~bey Island 'rod Noel R Nvman
[Mr. C, Vvaho" last Friday nigtzt. [~lso 18, of Scattle's Lincoln High ~al
nu Personnel Inqu,ry • ...... ,
" Confract Payments Fund Dr,vel week ,m,, Sunday M,': and - :. . Prie, .d frne,~ 1
Mall Order Selling I)ick Tapper and (laughter susalt A P.pJmai]ons must be completed ........... I
were dinner guests at ihe home ~mn u). thc offic.e of the Washing-
j ~'~ X l~fail-Wdl ReturneIopes are available {a rof Mr. and ]m's. Leo Gagc of IZ~- ~on S, ate Labor Col,n('iL 2700 Be .~ur,, ..a o.m.h...a ~o,.
/quiam. ],,n'sL AVenue, Seattle, Washing- ............. "~ " ....... "~
etm, roWe|ups the following colored papers: White L~st' " Wednesd~' l~hs Dl(l, Tup ton no later than April 1 The , • , ~- , ,
Mail-Well and Pink, Green and Gelded " . Y "*. - t wiml ,.s wul be iin,,n, ed in" May' our hne of Glftware for tltat
per Mrs. AI 'l?{lp~)er 'lad Mrs. i ,1-,, :.' '~ , " ~ . ~ ' o • " " '
(~Uoton~r to1 Autumn in Glowtono Stock. , I x,,]lll ~onlln'~"¢~'~,~,-~-m * at'*"'~e,,ue,, ~'~" "~ the. ] . ~n°se ,°esn'lng iu)'tner, iniorlna-. .i~e~r~ ........ , ,
-~la* dowa da ~------"1~--'11 ' . " " . /h( n ins) wnl.c to Marvin L. "WeN Druar ltlill ua[e.
baby snower for Mrs Lec Kmgery / ~ ......... .... r Y
,~a,,. No- - •.d IJ ,d'i r---"~-'| Mail- Well envelopes for your every bus,hess need
' - '~he bol - ~'~ ' *~ t....", I .~a~S ~eer(l:ary-Tl'CaSlll'er ~ a-
~V~Io~Q w,~8 I11 I I1|1~1 | XX I~l] at L • ne 01" Mrs 2:~t'U(tl'a I r ' '
I ' " it of ~" '" "" [ shn gton State Lal,or Council. The
Sehllll( ~nelton
~In¢ " null hll.
• i' : ...... • s,'hol *'ships t,,e n,,n ed i, ,>nor ,
)" "[ State Labor @ot ncil, t e fir
I ty Council. scholarsllips were awarded in 1963, ~1 ~ " H