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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 4, 1999     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 4, 1999
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Readers' 9ournai: Don't move school Develop within guidelines | Editor, TheJournah CHOICE. There is success in M name is Jessica Jennin s, I their eyes, and if CHOICE moves ditor, The Journal: has scarcely a clue how to pay for and pollution or loss of sensitive Y g . . Jay Hupp mistakenly suggests the sewers and other infrastruc- areas such as aquifers supplying attend CHOICE High School, and to Shelton Hzgh School, there will , that I and others have sought to ture needed for Belfair's develop- drinking water, may find the law I think the idea of moving be dropouts and fights because CHOICE into Shelton High you are combining two schools to- 3 restrict commercial development ment as an urban center. This "unfriendly." Frankly the fact School is a bad idea because gether that will never get along. !n rural areas to "resource-based" problem is likely to persist until that those businessmen who focus te businesses (The Journal, January the county commissioners accept narrowly on their self-interest CHOICE was opened for one rea- 01 28). On the contrary, we have the idea that growth should pay complain about the law is a sign son, and that was to help kids All of CHOICE's kids will fight ; t SOught no more than is required for growth and adopt impact fees it's doing some good. More en- choose whether they want the ed- for our school to stay where it's r s bylaw: that rural development be to ensure that average taxpayers lightened businessmen agree that ucation unlike other schools, at. It does not make sense to t0: conpatible with the rural charac- do not have to pick up the tab. businesses may prosper and bene- CHOICE is willing to help the knock down our building when it  ter of the land and not conflict Hupp misunderstands the role fit the community as a whole if kid and take the time. If every- will be knocked down in 20 years es With the use of agricultural, for- of the hearings boards, blaming they are subject to reasonable body would stop thinking about from now. And we the CHOICE int est and mineral resource lands, them for interpreting a law they regulations designed to attain the themselves and look at the reason school will fight for our school. eg The Growth Management Act are charged with interpreting. Ac- goals of growth management, why we are objecting; well, look Jessica Jennings ;he expressly allows a variety of land tually, local government has con- t0: Hupp calls me "privileged" for at me and the students that go to Shelton Uses in rural areas, so long as siderable discretion in deciding being able to challenge the coun- n limited areas of more intensive how to address problems of ty's failure to comply with the Awful treatment h tel.development represent el- growth management. But the law. But I was not privileged to lle*ฐt .aer building within areas of ex- state has set minimum standards write the law. I am only privi- id IStiag development, isolated to ensure that growth manage- leged as any citizen is, to be enti- Small-scale businesses or re- ment does not mean busisness as tled to take my case to an impar- Editor, The Journal: such treatment because it is a S0urce-based businesses regard- usual. The legislature created tial tribunal for adjudication. If I I wonder how many people in "cultural"thing. Not true. Women ItS 4 less of size. hearings boards, bipartisan pan- and those who have joined with Mason County and, indeed, of the enjoyed relative freedom to work, w.Hupp would like businesses els of persons with relevant qual- me as Advocates for Responsible entire population in the United dress as they pleased, drive and lth up to 50 employees to be ifications, to interpret the law. Development have been success- States are aware of the deplor- appear in public alone prior to C0nsidered small-scale. Not sur- Decisions of these boards may be ful despite not being lawyers and able conditions to which women 1996. The rapidity of such a tran- Prlsmgly, the growth manage- appealed to the courts, so the being up against clever and ex- in Afghanistan are subjected. I sition is the primary reason for eat hearings board disagreed. If boards function much like trial perienced lawyers, it is because wish to share the information I the depression and suicide. Wom- You had a rural resident or farm, courts, with their decisions sub- we have had the facts and the law received early this week from the en formerly accustomed to basic R .uld you think that a business ject to review by higher courts, on our side. newsletter editor of the Afghan human freedoms are now severly dlth 50 employees locating next The boards "dictate" to us only as s# 0or was small-scale and conso- all lower courts do: they represent Neither do I enjoy the privi- Connection (Friends of Afghanis- restricted and treated as sub-hu- tan). man in the name of fundamental- y t aant with the rural character of the rule of law, subject to the leges of Mr. Hupp, whose work is ist Islam. Such an interpretation rel Youraeighborhood? unique checks and balances and subsidized by public monies, but The fundamentalist Islamic is diametrically opposed to the h DIupp also compmins about the separation of powers that make who I wish would accept the re- government is waging war teachings of Muhammad, the Re- hearings board ruling on Belfair. most of us proud to be Americans. sponsibility of representing the against its women. Since the Tall- vealer of their Holy Book, the Ko- ban took power in 1996 women ran. He elevated the station of  EVerybody agrees that Belfair Because growth management public interest, not narrow busi- have had to wear burqua (a clum- women, assigning specific bene- Ught to be an urban growth area. does not mean business as usual, ness interests. [s$ t e central concern is not that businessmen accustomed to prof- John E. Diehl sy mantle that cloaks the entire fits to them that were not known ,:e projected density is too low, iting from the old ways of doing Advocates for body) and have been publicly before His coming. r at that it is too great to rely on business, with little regard for mr- Responsible Development beaten and stoned simply for not It is not their tradition or lg eptic systems. Yet the county ban sprawl, loss of resource lands, Shelton wearing the mesh eye-cover. "culture." It is alien to them. This One woman was beaten to treachery is inconceivable even in death by an angry mob of funda- countries where fundamentalism tiills would undermine law mentalists for accidentally expos- is the rule. ingher arm while driving. The editor's letter closes by Women are not allowed to stating: "Everyone has the right ]ditor, work or go out in public without a to a tolerable human existence, The Journal: this state that problem cougars as evidenced by their recent cor- male relative. Professionals - ed- even if they are women in a Mus- sd the current Washing- cannot be dealt with effectively respondence to me. ucators, translators, doctors, law- lim country in a part of the world w ate legislative session, five because hunting them with Chasing abear, cougar, lynx or yers, artists and writers - have that Americans do not under-  been introduced that hounds is contrary to current law. bobcat with a pack of hounds un- been forced from their jobs and stand" and declares that Ameri- w0 n0 ~.uld seriously undermine or Not true. From the Revised Code tEl the animal's heart is about to confined to their homes. Relief cans must express righteous in- ertur • • : li I .... n Inltmhve Measure 655. of Washington, RCW 77.16.130, I explode and, out of sheer despera- workers are estimating that the dignation at the oppression, tour- ist iaZhative Measure 655, which quote, "Nothing in this subsection tion and exhaustion, the animal suicide rate among women has in- der and injustice being committed i aned bear baiting and hound shall be construed to prohibit the seeks a tree for safety only to be creased significantly. Depression against the women by the Tali- ll ting of black bears, cougars, killing of black bear, cougar, bob- shot by a "sportsman" is not only has become so widespread that it ban. le :. and bobcats statewide, was cat, or lynx with the aid of a dog inhumane but savage. The fact has reached emergency levels. To everyone, especially the t approved by the voters of or dogs by employees or agents of that this is done mainly for self- Without proper medication and men, I address an urgent plea si in November 1996 by county, state, or federal agencies gratification, as evidenced by the treatment for depression these asking that you assist with an ef- e a 2-1 margin. Senate Bilt while acting in their official ca- hide that will ultimately adorn women prefer to take their own fort to rescue these women of )u al ,which would restore cougar pacities for the purpose of protect- the hunter's wall or floor, does lives rather than live under such Moslem persuasion (sornebody's Lating with hounds, was passed ing livestock, domestic animals, not provide any justification for intolerable conditions, mother, sisters, daughters) from fข 0it of the Senate Natural Re- private property, or the public the continuation of this type of Windows of homes where a the deplorable conditions under I k WCes Committee and on to the safety. A dog or dogs may be used savagery, woman is present must be paint- which they now are forced to ex- 'aate Rules Committee. The by the owner or tenant of real I urge all citizens to contact ed over, so that outsiders cannot ist. Please join me in signing ape-  consensus is that this bill will property consistent with a permit their state legislators and let see inside. Women live in con- tition that is being circulated by tel ra .e its way to the senate floor issued and conditioend by the dR- them know that they do not want stant fear for their lives lest they Ms. Melissa Buckheit of Brandeis F)ldt 0f t.become law unless the voters rector (of wildlife)". Indeed, each the 1996 mandate of the people commit the slightest misbehavior. University. The text of the state-  u. ms state contact their legisla- regional division of the Washing- overturned through political he- Because they are not permitted to ment follows: , and let them know that they ton Fish and Wildlife Department cus pocus. The toll-free legislative work, even women who hold "In signing this, we agree that ข{ Want the 1996 mandate of maintains lists of volunteers with hotline number is 1-800-562- PhDs are starving to death or the current treatment of women dl ...Voters circumvented through hounds just for this purpose. This 6000. # q'door politics, section of the law is apparently Ted Saselli begging on the streets, in Afghanistan is completely UN- There are almost no medical ACCEPTABLE and that they de- :b there is a misconception in unknown to my state legislators Shelton facilities available for women serve support and action by the t: and, in protest, most relief work- people of the United States and l00ore excuses for bigotry ers haveleftthecountry. Atone the U.S. Government, andthat of the rare hospitals for women, a the current situation overseas reporter discovered motionless • tnlrtd Wnm,-n'a wall not be .................... ; bodies lying_ on top of beds, rights is not a small issue any- , or, The Journal: an international hero and belongs soothing our insecurities with ill- wrapped in their urqua, unwiu- where and it is UNACCEPT- ing  speak, eat or move, slowly ABLE for women in-i9-9-9-to b--e ' -,rs: trst of all let me congratulate to the planet. It is beneath us to conceived redneck humor, wasting away. Others were seen treated as sub-human and as so .t wo- ' Charles Ga., for his editorial tarnish, our dignity and that of William Dorsey crouched in comers, in fear, per- much vroertv Eoualitv and hu- ent our heroes for the purpose of 0P b0, , on the letter from Mr. Shelton petuall_y roc_kin_g or crying. . man decency is a right not a ee- is '.righton. In my many years .... Husbands have the power oz dora. whether one lives" m" __o_._-Af,ha A:. s Planet as a racially mixed =- __ =- _=  _ hfe and death over thezr wzves nistan or the United St tes  and female relatzves, but an an- Please send a card to" W .ai tarZCan, I have encountered =1" 4 =  = . a . o-#excuses for racial bigotry- ,p--  W6 ][ Ll ][L • • h . omen 1! aor" • . "   mob has just as much n g t to of Afghanistan, P.O. Box 884, lti^ - cs, racial purity and eve- stone or veaz a woman, oen zo Shelton 98584 Print and o;- t '" Mr Brighton has added to .d;t,,. ho J .....  ed CHOICE . . y . g your is.-L ................. , ........... : . death, for exposing an inch of our name. to 'ether with '" I rt_ . uoemy, zermy ano mm x .... ;+;. - ....... .,  u^ He is now happy, rather than flesh or offending someone m the city and state of residence. Your d.'g to w.b .. o eAoo] h.l; ............ s ,- ou,pv,  v. ,,a ....... slightest way. name will be added to the e-mail :Y. I Wo-":" ."'," *% ........... " Whitten's informative letter angry, ame o remm tasting ;00e%'Soa:/Tr a00out C.OIO00 00choo00 Thi00 and concerned mo00e Som00 mi00*ake000000 believe tha, pot00*00on.d.00* Buck.e00, ' IQ_er nro-,.. - o .... :__,, school is a great step forward in about ms acaaemlc acmevemenm, we in the United States should Virginia P. Martig y? .... ,,, , ,,,u,, the educational process of finding . I .am grafulto the special not judge the Afghan people for Shelton . help which many of our troubled teacners a tnu WhO snow ! a . teens reuire. Troubles not of concern mr each student. The • • • • ur-'" saddened that Mr "1 Vzctz--zzedm again igh- , ' their own makin school is worth every tax dollar OIl " " . " • rs, tllared b.. s opmmns .may bo As a caretaker for a 15-year-old spent in our quest to save our -  ocner mencans in crmaren iti i styl ...... " boy, I have witnessed firsthand • el r, he na nas become .popu- improvements in his life during Jeanette Anderson Editor, The Journal. items to please return them to 'at Dr s no see ne meals the year and a half he has attend- Shelton In 1995, our father was tour- their proper place or to the office q*^a . tlng sooo Ior'. inseaa• tt rches for human foibles and _ dered and after feeling he was where there will be no questions Ifli ia0gtn's tactics to discredit his ffna Itt" oow in a safe place, we find he asked. These saddles have senti- llri cka" Were I to use Mr. @ has been victimized again. Since mental value, were handmade tha,'ation, I would voint out ,'m-aLl, Wqt qtl we have laid him to rest, there and were placed with care as an tOrra I0 er FBI chief J, Edgar . have been several flower arrange- expression of love. If those who 0Ver Wa  , .... ;a ,,h,=,+ ,, Editor, The Journal: son County who share your wews ments (headstone saddles) that took them do not see fit to return .} S _ t,.   _,.,. . • aeXUal who thought John F. Dear Mr. Brighton: I found the I pxty you for your blatant &splay have been stolen from his grave, them, then we hope you enjoy be- t "reedy ฐ ou wrote to the of zgnorance After all, Mr _ Was the biaest threat racist letter that y , • . , • We know that the cemetery per- ing a thief who preys on the dead ruaYaerica's future.I would be editor' completely offensive. . I read .... Brighton, it s a shame we, .... can t all sonnel do their best t watch over and that you can live with your- a,,UOZng so if it was to de- it several times tr3nng hard to fig- De as perzec as you, mn,l[.;., things, and we appreciate their self as you are. @ e he,, ae fact that he was also ure out exactly who you were try- r. emen care of the grounds. Phil Hargraves u o he union f a crime fighter, ing to appeal to. I sincerely pe We would like to ask the per- Shelton • he '- that there are not others in Ma- son or persons who removed these ti ti0s were a time of revolu- J !h' rd at the head of this was  aha, lllt,a .za.. I ' I Ril-,ght for racial equality. Dr. I CAR COMPLICATIONS? I  COntributions are felt not I %T the African American 1[ ' ='"''." ', II [We t00m! ihtsa!tY, but in women's 1[ "lrut or eal Estate uontract.- II I. Tune-ups. MaiorEnineRepair r f [ if! [ • Brake and Clutch Repair [ ttl,.' eafld protection, gay rights 11 L. ....... 1 .. .... ;.. I| [. Electrical and General Maintenance  -- [ , [ Ill.hairs Pins 1o22 Ea,t John. Prairie Road I :f I --r ........ Shellon, WA 98584 I ] Automotive, Truck,.RV  c 1 I'1[ [ and Tractor Repmr  42641403   [ f ROSES ROSES ROSES ULTIMATE PINg 1999 ROSE OF TNE YIAR KALEIDOSCOPE CANDELABRA 1999 AARS WINNER 1999 AARS WINNER Jac0000,m0000'erkins ฎ Redi-to-plant boxes Your choice -- 6 varieties SAVE 3.00! BILLY GRAHAM 1999 IXCLUSIVE MELODY PARFUMEE 1999 EXCLUSIVE FRAGRANT APRICOT 1999 EXCLUSIVE (JACKSON AND PERKINS POLY-PACKS00 'ace2 m&Pe rk ins ฎ Choose from several colors. 02539 21522 NORTHWEST Plant roses in February, early March in coastal areas. Spring rains will promote and spread blackspot. Cleanup of plant debris is a must. Winter lime-sulfur sprays of dor- mant plants will help stop blackspot before it begins. Pow- dery mildew is a problem in mid-season. To help prevent, plant in an area where there's good air circulation and avoid wetting rose foliage. II IIII • SYSTEMIC DORMANT ROSE CARE i SPRAY I IBI' I 739527 [ ." " I Spray your roses, fruit trees and ] ',.... ] i ornamentals now for mildew, scab ' and ?ad;ud. • 4.99 3.99 p,. rPROFESSIONAL00 00PROFESSIONAL" 20" VINE / PRUNERS .o....s j / 00o,0oo % manes.  ". "1 - White ",, ",. [ A hardwood L,  / handle with  [  • Cleanest cut CUShion ' "A [ • Cuts up to 1" grips. "v@ [ • Lifetime warranty 7s4 504 ] 137 950 19.99 (  f ,F r|t & Mill, Shet o -- J  I  H [ I[H[ I Thursday, February 4, 1999 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 5 L Readers' 9ournai: Don't move school Develop within guidelines | Editor, TheJournah CHOICE. There is success in M name is Jessica Jennin s, I their eyes, and if CHOICE moves ditor, The Journal: has scarcely a clue how to pay for and pollution or loss of sensitive Y g . . Jay Hupp mistakenly suggests the sewers and other infrastruc- areas such as aquifers supplying attend CHOICE High School, and to Shelton Hzgh School, there will , that I and others have sought to ture needed for Belfair's develop- drinking water, may find the law I think the idea of moving be dropouts and fights because CHOICE into Shelton High you are combining two schools to- 3 restrict commercial development ment as an urban center. This "unfriendly." Frankly the fact School is a bad idea because gether that will never get along. !n rural areas to "resource-based" problem is likely to persist until that those businessmen who focus te businesses (The Journal, January the county commissioners accept narrowly on their self-interest CHOICE was opened for one rea- 01 28). On the contrary, we have the idea that growth should pay complain about the law is a sign son, and that was to help kids All of CHOICE's kids will fight ; t SOught no more than is required for growth and adopt impact fees it's doing some good. More en- choose whether they want the ed- for our school to stay where it's r s bylaw: that rural development be to ensure that average taxpayers lightened businessmen agree that ucation unlike other schools, at. It does not make sense to t0: conpatible with the rural charac- do not have to pick up the tab. businesses may prosper and bene- CHOICE is willing to help the knock down our building when it  ter of the land and not conflict Hupp misunderstands the role fit the community as a whole if kid and take the time. If every- will be knocked down in 20 years es With the use of agricultural, for- of the hearings boards, blaming they are subject to reasonable body would stop thinking about from now. And we the CHOICE int est and mineral resource lands, them for interpreting a law they regulations designed to attain the themselves and look at the reason school will fight for our school. eg The Growth Management Act are charged with interpreting. Ac- goals of growth management, why we are objecting; well, look Jessica Jennings ;he expressly allows a variety of land tually, local government has con- t0: Hupp calls me "privileged" for at me and the students that go to Shelton Uses in rural areas, so long as siderable discretion in deciding being able to challenge the coun- n limited areas of more intensive how to address problems of ty's failure to comply with the Awful treatment h tel.development represent el- growth management. But the law. But I was not privileged to lle*ฐt .aer building within areas of ex- state has set minimum standards write the law. I am only privi- id IStiag development, isolated to ensure that growth manage- leged as any citizen is, to be enti- Small-scale businesses or re- ment does not mean busisness as tled to take my case to an impar- Editor, The Journal: such treatment because it is a S0urce-based businesses regard- usual. The legislature created tial tribunal for adjudication. If I I wonder how many people in "cultural"thing. Not true. Women ItS 4 less of size. hearings boards, bipartisan pan- and those who have joined with Mason County and, indeed, of the enjoyed relative freedom to work, w.Hupp would like businesses els of persons with relevant qual- me as Advocates for Responsible entire population in the United dress as they pleased, drive and lth up to 50 employees to be ifications, to interpret the law. Development have been success- States are aware of the deplor- appear in public alone prior to C0nsidered small-scale. Not sur- Decisions of these boards may be ful despite not being lawyers and able conditions to which women 1996. The rapidity of such a tran- Prlsmgly, the growth manage- appealed to the courts, so the being up against clever and ex- in Afghanistan are subjected. I sition is the primary reason for eat hearings board disagreed. If boards function much like trial perienced lawyers, it is because wish to share the information I the depression and suicide. Wom- You had a rural resident or farm, courts, with their decisions sub- we have had the facts and the law received early this week from the en formerly accustomed to basic R .uld you think that a business ject to review by higher courts, on our side. newsletter editor of the Afghan human freedoms are now severly dlth 50 employees locating next The boards "dictate" to us only as s# 0or was small-scale and conso- all lower courts do: they represent Neither do I enjoy the privi- Connection (Friends of Afghanis- restricted and treated as sub-hu- tan). man in the name of fundamental- y t aant with the rural character of the rule of law, subject to the leges of Mr. Hupp, whose work is ist Islam. Such an interpretation rel Youraeighborhood? unique checks and balances and subsidized by public monies, but The fundamentalist Islamic is diametrically opposed to the h DIupp also compmins about the separation of powers that make who I wish would accept the re- government is waging war teachings of Muhammad, the Re- hearings board ruling on Belfair. most of us proud to be Americans. sponsibility of representing the against its women. Since the Tall- vealer of their Holy Book, the Ko- ban took power in 1996 women ran. He elevated the station of  EVerybody agrees that Belfair Because growth management public interest, not narrow busi- have had to wear burqua (a clum- women, assigning specific bene- Ught to be an urban growth area. does not mean business as usual, ness interests. [s$ t e central concern is not that businessmen accustomed to prof- John E. Diehl sy mantle that cloaks the entire fits to them that were not known ,:e projected density is too low, iting from the old ways of doing Advocates for body) and have been publicly before His coming. r at that it is too great to rely on business, with little regard for mr- Responsible Development beaten and stoned simply for not It is not their tradition or lg eptic systems. Yet the county ban sprawl, loss of resource lands, Shelton wearing the mesh eye-cover. "culture." It is alien to them. This One woman was beaten to treachery is inconceivable even in death by an angry mob of funda- countries where fundamentalism tiills would undermine law mentalists for accidentally expos- is the rule. ingher arm while driving. The editor's letter closes by Women are not allowed to stating: "Everyone has the right ]ditor, work or go out in public without a to a tolerable human existence, The Journal: this state that problem cougars as evidenced by their recent cor- male relative. Professionals - ed- even if they are women in a Mus- sd the current Washing- cannot be dealt with effectively respondence to me. ucators, translators, doctors, law- lim country in a part of the world w ate legislative session, five because hunting them with Chasing abear, cougar, lynx or yers, artists and writers - have that Americans do not under-  been introduced that hounds is contrary to current law. bobcat with a pack of hounds un- been forced from their jobs and stand" and declares that Ameri- w0 n0 ~.uld seriously undermine or Not true. From the Revised Code tEl the animal's heart is about to confined to their homes. Relief cans must express righteous in- ertur • • : li I .... n Inltmhve Measure 655. of Washington, RCW 77.16.130, I explode and, out of sheer despera- workers are estimating that the dignation at the oppression, tour- ist iaZhative Measure 655, which quote, "Nothing in this subsection tion and exhaustion, the animal suicide rate among women has in- der and injustice being committed i aned bear baiting and hound shall be construed to prohibit the seeks a tree for safety only to be creased significantly. Depression against the women by the Tali- ll ting of black bears, cougars, killing of black bear, cougar, bob- shot by a "sportsman" is not only has become so widespread that it ban. le :. and bobcats statewide, was cat, or lynx with the aid of a dog inhumane but savage. The fact has reached emergency levels. To everyone, especially the t approved by the voters of or dogs by employees or agents of that this is done mainly for self- Without proper medication and men, I address an urgent plea si in November 1996 by county, state, or federal agencies gratification, as evidenced by the treatment for depression these asking that you assist with an ef- e a 2-1 margin. Senate Bilt while acting in their official ca- hide that will ultimately adorn women prefer to take their own fort to rescue these women of )u al ,which would restore cougar pacities for the purpose of protect- the hunter's wall or floor, does lives rather than live under such Moslem persuasion (sornebody's Lating with hounds, was passed ing livestock, domestic animals, not provide any justification for intolerable conditions, mother, sisters, daughters) from fข 0it of the Senate Natural Re- private property, or the public the continuation of this type of Windows of homes where a the deplorable conditions under I k WCes Committee and on to the safety. A dog or dogs may be used savagery, woman is present must be paint- which they now are forced to ex- 'aate Rules Committee. The by the owner or tenant of real I urge all citizens to contact ed over, so that outsiders cannot ist. Please join me in signing ape-  consensus is that this bill will property consistent with a permit their state legislators and let see inside. Women live in con- tition that is being circulated by tel ra .e its way to the senate floor issued and conditioend by the dR- them know that they do not want stant fear for their lives lest they Ms. Melissa Buckheit of Brandeis F)ldt 0f t.become law unless the voters rector (of wildlife)". Indeed, each the 1996 mandate of the people commit the slightest misbehavior. University. The text of the state-  u. ms state contact their legisla- regional division of the Washing- overturned through political he- Because they are not permitted to ment follows: , and let them know that they ton Fish and Wildlife Department cus pocus. The toll-free legislative work, even women who hold "In signing this, we agree that ข{ Want the 1996 mandate of maintains lists of volunteers with hotline number is 1-800-562- PhDs are starving to death or the current treatment of women dl ...Voters circumvented through hounds just for this purpose. This 6000. # q'door politics, section of the law is apparently Ted Saselli begging on the streets, in Afghanistan is completely UN- There are almost no medical ACCEPTABLE and that they de- :b there is a misconception in unknown to my state legislators Shelton facilities available for women serve support and action by the t: and, in protest, most relief work- people of the United States and l00ore excuses for bigotry ers haveleftthecountry. Atone the U.S. Government, andthat of the rare hospitals for women, a the current situation overseas reporter discovered motionless • tnlrtd Wnm,-n'a wall not be .................... ; bodies lying_ on top of beds, rights is not a small issue any- , or, The Journal: an international hero and belongs soothing our insecurities with ill- wrapped in their urqua, unwiu- where and it is UNACCEPT- ing  speak, eat or move, slowly ABLE for women in-i9-9-9-to b--e ' -,rs: trst of all let me congratulate to the planet. It is beneath us to conceived redneck humor, wasting away. Others were seen treated as sub-human and as so .t wo- ' Charles Ga., for his editorial tarnish, our dignity and that of William Dorsey crouched in comers, in fear, per- much vroertv Eoualitv and hu- ent our heroes for the purpose of 0P b0, , on the letter from Mr. Shelton petuall_y roc_kin_g or crying. . man decency is a right not a ee- is '.righton. In my many years .... Husbands have the power oz dora. whether one lives" m" __o_._-Af,ha A:. s Planet as a racially mixed =- __ =- _=  _ hfe and death over thezr wzves nistan or the United St tes  and female relatzves, but an an- Please send a card to" W .ai tarZCan, I have encountered =1" 4 =  = . a . o-#excuses for racial bigotry- ,p--  W6 ][ Ll ][L • • h . omen 1! aor" • . "   mob has just as much n g t to of Afghanistan, P.O. Box 884, lti^ - cs, racial purity and eve- stone or veaz a woman, oen zo Shelton 98584 Print and o;- t '" Mr Brighton has added to .d;t,,. ho J .....  ed CHOICE . . y . g your is.-L ................. , ........... : . death, for exposing an inch of our name. to 'ether with '" I rt_ . uoemy, zermy ano mm x .... ;+;. - ....... .,  u^ He is now happy, rather than flesh or offending someone m the city and state of residence. Your d.'g to w.b .. o eAoo] h.l; ............ s ,- ou,pv,  v. ,,a ....... slightest way. name will be added to the e-mail :Y. I Wo-":" ."'," *% ........... " Whitten's informative letter angry, ame o remm tasting ;00e%'Soa:/Tr a00out C.OIO00 00choo00 Thi00 and concerned mo00e Som00 mi00*ake000000 believe tha, pot00*00on.d.00* Buck.e00, ' IQ_er nro-,.. - o .... :__,, school is a great step forward in about ms acaaemlc acmevemenm, we in the United States should Virginia P. Martig y? .... ,,, , ,,,u,, the educational process of finding . I .am grafulto the special not judge the Afghan people for Shelton . help which many of our troubled teacners a tnu WhO snow ! a . teens reuire. Troubles not of concern mr each student. The • • • • ur-'" saddened that Mr "1 Vzctz--zzedm again igh- , ' their own makin school is worth every tax dollar OIl " " . " • rs, tllared b.. s opmmns .may bo As a caretaker for a 15-year-old spent in our quest to save our -  ocner mencans in crmaren iti i styl ...... " boy, I have witnessed firsthand • el r, he na nas become .popu- improvements in his life during Jeanette Anderson Editor, The Journal. items to please return them to 'at Dr s no see ne meals the year and a half he has attend- Shelton In 1995, our father was tour- their proper place or to the office q*^a . tlng sooo Ior'. inseaa• tt rches for human foibles and _ dered and after feeling he was where there will be no questions Ifli ia0gtn's tactics to discredit his ffna Itt" oow in a safe place, we find he asked. These saddles have senti- llri cka" Were I to use Mr. @ has been victimized again. Since mental value, were handmade tha,'ation, I would voint out ,'m-aLl, Wqt qtl we have laid him to rest, there and were placed with care as an tOrra I0 er FBI chief J, Edgar . have been several flower arrange- expression of love. If those who 0Ver Wa  , .... ;a ,,h,=,+ ,, Editor, The Journal: son County who share your wews ments (headstone saddles) that took them do not see fit to return .} S _ t,.   _,.,. . • aeXUal who thought John F. Dear Mr. Brighton: I found the I pxty you for your blatant &splay have been stolen from his grave, them, then we hope you enjoy be- t "reedy ฐ ou wrote to the of zgnorance After all, Mr _ Was the biaest threat racist letter that y , • . , • We know that the cemetery per- ing a thief who preys on the dead ruaYaerica's future.I would be editor' completely offensive. . I read .... Brighton, it s a shame we, .... can t all sonnel do their best t watch over and that you can live with your- a,,UOZng so if it was to de- it several times tr3nng hard to fig- De as perzec as you, mn,l[.;., things, and we appreciate their self as you are. @ e he,, ae fact that he was also ure out exactly who you were try- r. emen care of the grounds. Phil Hargraves u o he union f a crime fighter, ing to appeal to. I sincerely pe We would like to ask the per- Shelton • he '- that there are not others in Ma- son or persons who removed these ti ti0s were a time of revolu- J !h' rd at the head of this was  aha, lllt,a .za.. I ' I Ril-,ght for racial equality. Dr. I CAR COMPLICATIONS? I  COntributions are felt not I %T the African American 1[ ' ='"''." ', II [We t00m! ihtsa!tY, but in women's 1[ "lrut or eal Estate uontract.- II I. Tune-ups. MaiorEnineRepair r f [ if! [ • Brake and Clutch Repair [ ttl,.' eafld protection, gay rights 11 L. ....... 1 .. .... ;.. I| [. Electrical and General Maintenance  -- [ , [ Ill.hairs Pins 1o22 Ea,t John. Prairie Road I :f I --r ........ 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" I Spray your roses, fruit trees and ] ',.... ] i ornamentals now for mildew, scab ' and ?ad;ud. • 4.99 3.99 p,. rPROFESSIONAL00 00PROFESSIONAL" 20" VINE / PRUNERS .o....s j / 00o,0oo % manes.  ". "1 - White ",, ",. [ A hardwood L,  / handle with  [  • Cleanest cut CUShion ' "A [ • Cuts up to 1" grips. "v@ [ • Lifetime warranty 7s4 504 ] 137 950 19.99 (  f ,F r|t & Mill, Shet o -- J  I  H [ I[H[ I Thursday, February 4, 1999 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 5 L