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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 4, 1999     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 4, 1999
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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MASON COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Judgments in Mason County District Court Judge Victoria Meadows' jurisdiction during the past week include: Driving under the influence: Alvaro Castro-Soto, 320 Chestnut Street, Shelton, $925, 365 days, 363 suspended. Reckless driving: David G. Dupuis, 607 Grandview, Shelton, $150. Negligent driving: Jerry R. Cross, 5000 Kerry Lane, Port Orchard, $250, 90 days suspend- ed; Anthony J. Davison, 301 East Woodland Drive, Shelton, $685, 90 days, 88 suspended; Phillip W. Hayes, SE 261 Craig Road, Shelton, $500, 90 days, 89 sus- pended. Driving while license sus- pended or revoked: Nathan B. Anderson, SE 2661 Arcadia Road, Shelton, third degree, $200, 90 days suspended; Jennifer L. Veres, 470 East Lakeshore Drive, Shelton, third degree, $100, 90 days suspended; Michelle L. Kenning, 60 North Aycock Beach Drive, Lilliwaup, third degree, $200, 90 days suspended; Stephen W. Henry, SE 120 Skalapin Lane, Shelton, third degree, $150, and trip permit violation, $100; Tracy M. Davidson, 120 West Kneeland Street, Shelton, third degree, $500, 90 days, 80 suspend- ed; Michael T. Enderson, NE 6181 Bear Creek Dewatto Road, Belfair, $300, 90 days, 85 sus- pended; Teresa R. Green, East 3700 Johns Prairie Road, Shel- ton, $100, 90 days suspended, and no insurance, $200; Jon R. Hughes, East 251 Island Lake Drive, Shelton, first degree, $200, 365 days, 185 suspended. No valid operator's license and failure to appear (FTA): Shane C. Flatness, 405 West 14th, Ellensburg, $128. No liability insurance: Scott A. Ellsworth, 80 East Blevine Road, Shelton, $480, and no reg- istration, $71; Jose T. Pacheo, 1418 Ellinor Avenue, Shelton, and seatbelt violations, $622; Re- uus Lery Raber, East 7..1 Pane.. rams Drive, Shelton,•. $480, speeding, $280. No liability insurance and FTA: Robert W. Razor, 47 Chi- camin Gen Del, Ocean Shores, $527; Julie D. Harvey, Belfair, $527. Other traffic offenses: B & R Trucking Company, 4902 Boston Harbor Road, Olympia, 3,800 pounds over legal weight, $237. Obstructing an officer: Michael H. Robinson, 91 Wil- liams Avenue South, Renton, $200, 90 days suspended. Unlawful hunting: Robert B. Searl, 319 Hazelhurst Drive, SE, Tumwater, second degree with a bow and arrow, $62, 90 days sus- pended. Other fish and wildlife viola- tions: Dong See Lim, 31611 Fourth Avenue South, Federal Way, possessing over limit (oysters), $350. Other offenses: James Harlen Hardin, 14851 Cloquallum Road, Elma, fourth-degree assault (domestic violence), $300, 365 days, 349 suspended; Jesse Dean Meader, North 181 Union Drive, Hoodsport, knowingly making false statements, $200; Jay H. Kinney, 8645 30th Avenue, Seat- tle, disorderly conduct, $450; Ste- phen G. McKinison, NE 274 Tee Lake Road, Tahuya, malicious mischief third degree, $150; Ju- dith Lelida Holden, East 50 Lakeland Way, Allyn, mali- cious mischief in the third de- gree, $100, 90 days, 89 suspended. SHELTON MUNICIPAL COURT Judgments in Shelton Munic- ipal Court Judge Carrene Wood's jurisdiction during the past week include: Driving while license sus- pended or revoked: John Edward Fleshman, East 191 Wilchar, Shelton, first degree, 365 days, 185 suspended. No liability insurance: John Edward Fleshman, 7730 Eells Hill Road, Shelton, $480, driving with license suspended, first de- gree, 365 days, 275 suspended. Other traffic offenses: Rorilee L. Bliner, 1739 Holman Street, Shelton,, $785, 90 days suspended. theft: Jack Lee Webster, 14 East Dogwood Lane, Shelton, $550, 365 days, 360 sus- pended; Twana E. Longshore, North 80 Salish Court, third de- gree, $377.50, 365 days, 360 sus- pended; Lisa Ann Ostrander, 206 East B Street, Shelton, third de- gree, $350, 365 days, 357 suspend- ed, eight days community ser- vice. Malicious mischief: Alta Joy Thompson, 121 East Cedar Street, Shelton, third degree domestic violence, $250, 365 days, 360 sus- pended, five days community service. Assault in the fourth degree: Shawn Patrick Moran, 720 West Pine Street, Shelton, $400, 365 days, 360 suspended; Gale Lynn Longshore, 60 North Salish Court, Shelton, $390, 365 days, 360 suspended; Evan D. Keeler, 863 Ellinor, Shelton, $450, 365 days, 355 suspended. Disorderly conduct: Mark Lee Thomas, 2560 Agate Road East, Shelton, $250, 90 days suspended. MASON COUNTY SuPEmOR COURT Divorces Granted Edward L. Jensen and Erlyn M. Jensen. Vickie W. Era and Ronald G. Era. Alta R. Davis and Lara Ash- ley Wolfe. Alan H. Hill and Roberta K. Hill. New Cases Washington Department of Labor and Industries against Kruger & Kruger Roofing, In- corporated, tax warrant. Washington Department of Revenue against Melvin Eugene Hohn Jr. and Jeanette G. Hohn, tax warrant. Washington Department of Revenue against Double R Trucking, tax warrant. Northwest Bank Minnesota against Leonard and Katherine Anderson and John and Jane Doe, unlawful detainer. Troy Alvin Murray against Hannah and John Doe Maybell, tort motor vehicle. Washington Department of Employment Security against Donn T. Denman and marital community, tax warrant. Bobbye Lewis against Michael D. and Tracy McGlothlin, Tim- ber Lake Builders, Incorporated and Washington Mutual Bank, commercial. Frank Frati against James and Sharon Depo, unlawful de- tainer. Transworld Airline Systems against Chad Gallagher, tran- script of judgment. COUNTY BUILDING PERMITS New construction over $5,000, shoreline work and other major projects receiving permits dur- ing the past week include: Rod Bracken, 50 West White Road, Shelton, deck, $5,152; Mark Taylor, 3931 SE Kamilche Point Road, Shelton, residence with porch and garage, $102,526; John Titus, 520 West Dayton- Airport Road, Shelton, separate workrooms, $26,136; Sone Nel- son, 26180 Highway 101, Hoods- port, garage, $15,122; Duane Paxson, 380 SE Kodiak Ridge Drive, Shelton, residence with deck and garage, $128,160; Gale Ashby, 250 East Roadrunner Drive, Shelton, residence, deck and garage, $125,882; Robert Utley, 531 East Timberlake East Drive, Shelton, garage, $12,714; Ron Urdahl, 18289 East State Route 3, Allyn, mobile home, $27,859. No value was listed for the fol- lowing projects: Karen Kolody, 80 NE Bald Point Court, Tahuya, foundation repair; Jerry Olson, 31 North Hidden Cove Lane, Lil- liwaup, replace residence and garage; Steve Anderson, 1177 NE Mission Creek Road, Belfair, mobile home replacement; Balthis Barcom, 17490 West Shelton-Matlock Road, Shelton, move existing 500-gallon dis- pensing tank as shown on site plan; Dietz Kadoun, 161 North Canal Hide-a-Way, Hoodsport, site inspection for boathouse re- pair. CITY BUILDING PERMITS New construction and other projects receiving permits dur- ing the past weel iiolude:' • Shelton School District, 209 North Ninth Street, time-out room, $500. SHELTON FIRE DEPARTMENT January 26:2:10 a.m., 120 West Haven Drive, Matlock, mutual aid, structure fire. January 28:7:21 p.m., 605 South 13th Street, structure fire. January 31:1:49 a.m., South First Street, property-damage ac- cident. February 1:5:11 p.m., 107 North Eighth Street, property- damage accident. Mason County Medic One responded as well. SHELTON POLICE Tuesday, January 26 A caller said a group of ju- veniles were in a fight on the 700 block of West Pine Street. Someone was reportedly throwing stuff onto cars out of an upper story window on the 200 block of North First Street. Wednesday, January 27 A caller reported the theft of $3,200 from the Shelton Booster Club. The allegation proved to be OFFICIAL COURT NOTICE IF YOU OWN OR HAVE OWNED A MANUFACTURED HOME, MOBILE HOME OR OTHER STRUCaRJRE WITH CI.ADWOOD@ SIDING READ THIS NOTICE CAREFULLY BECAUSE YOUR RIGHTS MAY BE AFFECTED BY THE CLASS ACTION SETTLEMENT Notice ,s hereby given, that a proposed settlement has been reached in the class action lawsuit entitled Cave-Woods et al v Jefferson Smurfit Cot F, et al., No, 97-2-19958-ISEA (K!ng County Superior Court). This settlement wil provide compensation to personswho have incurred property damage caused by the fadure of Cledwood® siding installed and incorporated into manufactured, mobile orother homes and other stmaurcs. The ..ttlag'nt will be considered for approval at a Faim Hearing scheduled by the Court on May26. 1999 Are You A Class Member? you are a member of the settlement class if you own, have owned, or will own properly in the United States on which Cladwood® Siding has he©n incorporated and installed prior to the date of Final Order ard Judgment in this Action. The following persons are not included in the Class: (a) Persons who propery execute and file a tim@ request Ibr exclusion from the Class m accordance w,th the terms of this Agreemt; (b) Persons who, while represented by counsel, previously resolved claims by virtue of full release or judicial action (with prejudice); and (€) Persons who are in the business of buildng, manutacturing, distributing or selling properties and who have not retained an ownership interest in such properties. Who Can Make A Claim? Eligible claimants are those class members who (a) own property at the time the claim is made; (b) formerly owned property but have retained the risht to pursue a claim; (c) formerly owned property and made un- reimbursed expenditures for the repair, removal or replacement of Cladwood® siding. This Notice Is Only A Summary ,rye. think you may be a member of the class and you did not receive the written settlement notice by mail, you should request one 6y writing to the Claims Administrator, You may obtain more mformatDn by writing or calling tolbfree: Cladwood@ Siding Litigation PO Box 3560 Portland, OR 97208-3560 1-888-572-3897 http :// wren settlement notice includes a Request for Claims Forms and Instructions on How to Opt.Out of the Settlement THE LAST DAY TO OPT OUT OF THE SETTLEMENT IS MAY 3, 1999. PLEASE DONOT CONTACT THE COURT Page 16 - Shelton.Mason County Journal - Thursday, February 4, 1999 unfounded. A caller told dispatchers his or her son had stolen property from the coroner's car. Thursday, January 28 A caller said a mother on West Pine Street was forcing her daughter to drink liquor by pour- ing it down her throat. Police were asked to help es- cort an inmate at the Mason County Jail to the hospital. Friday, January 29 Mason County Medic One re- ponded to the report of a distur- bance on the 400 block of South First Street. A bartender at the Sail Inn complained about loud music coming from the Pine Tree. Another call was made claiming the music was turned up again after police left the scene. A motorist allegedly flashed a gun at the driver of another car on East Wallace Kneeland Boul- evard. Saturday, January 30 Mason County Medic One re- sponded to the report of an injury on Shelton Springs Road. Someone in a red Gee Metro was said to be speeding through a parking lot on Olympic High- way South and throwing eggs at bicyclists. Police received an indecent- liberties complaint. Sunday, January 31 A runaway from Haven House was'said to be at the Safe- way Store in downtown Shelton. Dispatchers were told that Haven House wouldn't have her. Monday, February 1 The theft of tires and wheels was reported by a caller from the 1000 block of Ellinor Avenue. A caller reported a distur- bance at the Shelton office of the Washington Department of Health and Social Services, where a girl refused to go home with her mother. Burglaries were reported in the 200 block of West Franklin Street and the 600 block of West Railroad Avenue. MASON COUNTY JAIL POPULATION The Mason County Jail, which was designed for 45 inmates and refitted in 1989 to house 65, recorded populations as follows during the past week: Wednesday 75, Thursday 79, Friday 75, Saturday 78, Sunday 78, Monday 77, Tuesday 76. Efforts are currently under way to increase the capacity again. MASON COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE Tuesday, January 26 Mason County Medic One, Fire Districts 12 and 13 and the Shelton Fire Department re- sponded to the report of a struc- ture fire on West Haven Drive, Elma. Fire District 4 responded to a traffic incident on Highway 101 near Shelton. Deputies were asked to provide assistance at the evening meet- ing of the Mason County Com- mission. Brush thefts were reported four miles out West California Road near the .2-mile point on West Fredson Road, Shelton. A caller claimed an individu- al had failed to register as a sex offender upon his release from prison. A burglary was reported at mile 1.8 of West Ford Loop Road near Matlock. Wednesday, January 27 Mason County Medic One and deputies responded to a call for help on North 13th Street at a two- car collision with injuries. An investigation report indicated no one was seriously injured. Burglaries were reported at mile 5.9 of East Brockdale Road, Shelton, seven miles out NE North Shore Road, Belfair and a summer cabin on NE Dewatto Beach Drive, Tahuya. A boat worth $1,500 was alleg- edly stolen from a facility near mile 23.9 of North State Route 3 at Belfair. A caller from the 500 block of North Maple Street, Shelton, said someone had torn down a pedes- trian crossing sign and that mo- torists were speeding. A caller from East Barnsby Place, Shelton, said a man was exposing himself in front of her window. Thursday, January 28 Two men were said to be sleep- ing in cars on private property near mile .1 of East Johns Prair- ie Road. An assault in the fourth degree allegedly took place near just off State Route 3 on East Pickering Road. A caller said two dogs jumped a fence and killed a goat 3.4 miles out SE Bloomfield Road. Friday, January 29 Burglaries were reported on East Shannon Place, Shelton; near the .4-mile point of East St. Andrews Drive; at a home on West Pine Acres Way and 3.1 miles out NE State Route 300, Belfair. Saturday, January 30 Fire District 2 responded to the report of a fire on West Fish Hatchery Road, Elma. Fire District 11 responded to the report of an injury on East Shelton Springs Road. Burglaries were reported near the .4-mile point on Grandview Avenue, Shelton, and at a barn three miles out Agate Road where possessions from a burned-down house were stored. A guitar was reportedly stolen from the member of a band some four miles out NE North Shore Road. Sunday, January 31 Mason County Medic One and Fire District 16 responded to the report of a fourth-degree assault near mile 8.2 of Shelton-Matlock Road. Burglaries were reported near the .2-mile point on East Orchard Lane, Shelton; near the .3-mile point on East Shorecrest Drive and at Belfair Elementary School Two divers were said to be in distress in Hood Canal about a mile from the Tacoma power plant. Monday, February 1 About 10 gallons of diesel fuel were spilled at a small logging site at mile .8 of Agate Road, a caller said. A man reportedly flashed a gun during a scuffle with anoth- er man in Allyn. A man with a large U-Haul truck reportedly dumped garbage on Christmas Tree Road. MASON COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT The following restaurants and other food-handling estab- lishments were inspected during the month of November. Viola- tions listed in the "ied " category are those which involve practices that put the public at risk of food- borne illness; repeated viola- tions can result in enforcement action. "Blue" violations relate to food service operations and cleanliness. "The number of red (critical) items and blue (sanitation and maintenance) items is not nec- essarily the number of violations found," notes registered sanitar- Jan Stephanie Kenny. and blue violation has a ent point score depending hazard level. Red have higher point scores blue because red items greater probability of foodborne illness. "Red section violations from five to 30 points. If a establishment has 60 red it might have only two tions, but these would be hazard violations that very likely to cause illness if not corrected," says. "Blue violations from two to five points." Routine Inspections: January 5: Eagle Creek Tavern waup, five red, no blue, Eldon Store, 10 red, six total 16. Hama Hama Company Eldon, five red, no blue, five. Lilliwaup Store, no January 6: Canal Coffee CompanY, fair, no violations. Coffee Readery, Allyn, no lations. Crazy Erics, Belfair, 10 seven blue, total 17. Fiesta Mexican, Belfair, violations. Woodshed, Belfair, no tions. January 8: Fifth Street Espresso, no red, 13 blue, total 13. Lynch Creek Floral, no violations. Shelton Espresso, no blue, total five. (Please turn to page Did You Know... Until recently, there has only been one,funeral home in She/ton. Now you have a choice ? RES FUNERAL HOME & CEMETERY 313 W. Railroad • Shelton, WA 98584 Shelton: 360/427-8044 • Olympia: 360/943.6363 EVERYTHIN HONEYS AR SWEETIES, PIES . LOTS OF STORE'S AND RESTAURANTS TO CHO( YOU'RE LOOKING TO MAKE YOUR SWEETIE HAPPY ON VALENTINE'S DAY. PLUS FRIENDLY WESTFIELD HELPERS DRESSED 1N RED, READY WITH GIFT SUGGESTIONS. VISIT YOUR LOCAL WESTFIELD SHOPPINGTOWN AND FIND OUT HOW EASY IT IS TO MAKE SOMEBODY YOU LOVE HAPPY. WE'RE SURE YOU'LL AGREE. IT'S A WONDERFUL TOWN. Wea00qetd SHOPPINGTOWN CAPITAL MALL I T ' S A W O N D E R F U L T t) W N BLACK LAKE BLVD. EXIT OFF HIGHWAY lOt IN WEST OLYMPIA, (360) 754-8OI7 V FATURING THE BON MARCHE, JCPEtNEY, LAMONZS AND MERVYNS - PLUS OVER oo SPECI^gTY SHOPS AND RESTAURANTS. SHOP MONDAY THROUGH SATURDAY IOAM TO 9PM, AND SUNDAY l IAM TO 6PM. DEPARTMENT STORE HOURS MAY VARY• MASON COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Judgments in Mason County District Court Judge Victoria Meadows' jurisdiction during the past week include: Driving under the influence: Alvaro Castro-Soto, 320 Chestnut Street, Shelton, $925, 365 days, 363 suspended. Reckless driving: David G. Dupuis, 607 Grandview, Shelton, $150. Negligent driving: Jerry R. Cross, 5000 Kerry Lane, Port Orchard, $250, 90 days suspend- ed; Anthony J. Davison, 301 East Woodland Drive, Shelton, $685, 90 days, 88 suspended; Phillip W. Hayes, SE 261 Craig Road, Shelton, $500, 90 days, 89 sus- pended. Driving while license sus- pended or revoked: Nathan B. Anderson, SE 2661 Arcadia Road, Shelton, third degree, $200, 90 days suspended; Jennifer L. Veres, 470 East Lakeshore Drive, Shelton, third degree, $100, 90 days suspended; Michelle L. Kenning, 60 North Aycock Beach Drive, Lilliwaup, third degree, $200, 90 days suspended; Stephen W. Henry, SE 120 Skalapin Lane, Shelton, third degree, $150, and trip permit violation, $100; Tracy M. Davidson, 120 West Kneeland Street, Shelton, third degree, $500, 90 days, 80 suspend- ed; Michael T. Enderson, NE 6181 Bear Creek Dewatto Road, Belfair, $300, 90 days, 85 sus- pended; Teresa R. Green, East 3700 Johns Prairie Road, Shel- ton, $100, 90 days suspended, and no insurance, $200; Jon R. Hughes, East 251 Island Lake Drive, Shelton, first degree, $200, 365 days, 185 suspended. No valid operator's license and failure to appear (FTA): Shane C. Flatness, 405 West 14th, Ellensburg, $128. No liability insurance: Scott A. Ellsworth, 80 East Blevine Road, Shelton, $480, and no reg- istration, $71; Jose T. Pacheo, 1418 Ellinor Avenue, Shelton, and seatbelt violations, $622; Re- uus Lery Raber, East 7..1 Pane.. rams Drive, Shelton,•. $480, speeding, $280. No liability insurance and FTA: Robert W. Razor, 47 Chi- camin Gen Del, Ocean Shores, $527; Julie D. Harvey, Belfair, $527. Other traffic offenses: B & R Trucking Company, 4902 Boston Harbor Road, Olympia, 3,800 pounds over legal weight, $237. Obstructing an officer: Michael H. Robinson, 91 Wil- liams Avenue South, Renton, $200, 90 days suspended. Unlawful hunting: Robert B. Searl, 319 Hazelhurst Drive, SE, Tumwater, second degree with a bow and arrow, $62, 90 days sus- pended. Other fish and wildlife viola- tions: Dong See Lim, 31611 Fourth Avenue South, Federal Way, possessing over limit (oysters), $350. Other offenses: James Harlen Hardin, 14851 Cloquallum Road, Elma, fourth-degree assault (domestic violence), $300, 365 days, 349 suspended; Jesse Dean Meader, North 181 Union Drive, Hoodsport, knowingly making false statements, $200; Jay H. Kinney, 8645 30th Avenue, Seat- tle, disorderly conduct, $450; Ste- phen G. McKinison, NE 274 Tee Lake Road, Tahuya, malicious mischief third degree, $150; Ju- dith Lelida Holden, East 50 Lakeland Way, Allyn, mali- cious mischief in the third de- gree, $100, 90 days, 89 suspended. SHELTON MUNICIPAL COURT Judgments in Shelton Munic- ipal Court Judge Carrene Wood's jurisdiction during the past week include: Driving while license sus- pended or revoked: John Edward Fleshman, East 191 Wilchar, Shelton, first degree, 365 days, 185 suspended. No liability insurance: John Edward Fleshman, 7730 Eells Hill Road, Shelton, $480, driving with license suspended, first de- gree, 365 days, 275 suspended. Other traffic offenses: Rorilee L. Bliner, 1739 Holman Street, Shelton,, $785, 90 days suspended. theft: Jack Lee Webster, 14 East Dogwood Lane, Shelton, $550, 365 days, 360 sus- pended; Twana E. Longshore, North 80 Salish Court, third de- gree, $377.50, 365 days, 360 sus- pended; Lisa Ann Ostrander, 206 East B Street, Shelton, third de- gree, $350, 365 days, 357 suspend- ed, eight days community ser- vice. Malicious mischief: Alta Joy Thompson, 121 East Cedar Street, Shelton, third degree domestic violence, $250, 365 days, 360 sus- pended, five days community service. Assault in the fourth degree: Shawn Patrick Moran, 720 West Pine Street, Shelton, $400, 365 days, 360 suspended; Gale Lynn Longshore, 60 North Salish Court, Shelton, $390, 365 days, 360 suspended; Evan D. Keeler, 863 Ellinor, Shelton, $450, 365 days, 355 suspended. Disorderly conduct: Mark Lee Thomas, 2560 Agate Road East, Shelton, $250, 90 days suspended. MASON COUNTY SuPEmOR COURT Divorces Granted Edward L. Jensen and Erlyn M. Jensen. Vickie W. Era and Ronald G. Era. Alta R. Davis and Lara Ash- ley Wolfe. Alan H. Hill and Roberta K. Hill. New Cases Washington Department of Labor and Industries against Kruger & Kruger Roofing, In- corporated, tax warrant. Washington Department of Revenue against Melvin Eugene Hohn Jr. and Jeanette G. Hohn, tax warrant. Washington Department of Revenue against Double R Trucking, tax warrant. Northwest Bank Minnesota against Leonard and Katherine Anderson and John and Jane Doe, unlawful detainer. Troy Alvin Murray against Hannah and John Doe Maybell, tort motor vehicle. Washington Department of Employment Security against Donn T. Denman and marital community, tax warrant. Bobbye Lewis against Michael D. and Tracy McGlothlin, Tim- ber Lake Builders, Incorporated and Washington Mutual Bank, commercial. Frank Frati against James and Sharon Depo, unlawful de- tainer. Transworld Airline Systems against Chad Gallagher, tran- script of judgment. COUNTY BUILDING PERMITS New construction over $5,000, shoreline work and other major projects receiving permits dur- ing the past week include: Rod Bracken, 50 West White Road, Shelton, deck, $5,152; Mark Taylor, 3931 SE Kamilche Point Road, Shelton, residence with porch and garage, $102,526; John Titus, 520 West Dayton- Airport Road, Shelton, separate workrooms, $26,136; Sone Nel- son, 26180 Highway 101, Hoods- port, garage, $15,122; Duane Paxson, 380 SE Kodiak Ridge Drive, Shelton, residence with deck and garage, $128,160; Gale Ashby, 250 East Roadrunner Drive, Shelton, residence, deck and garage, $125,882; Robert Utley, 531 East Timberlake East Drive, Shelton, garage, $12,714; Ron Urdahl, 18289 East State Route 3, Allyn, mobile home, $27,859. No value was listed for the fol- lowing projects: Karen Kolody, 80 NE Bald Point Court, Tahuya, foundation repair; Jerry Olson, 31 North Hidden Cove Lane, Lil- liwaup, replace residence and garage; Steve Anderson, 1177 NE Mission Creek Road, Belfair, mobile home replacement; Balthis Barcom, 17490 West Shelton-Matlock Road, Shelton, move existing 500-gallon dis- pensing tank as shown on site plan; Dietz Kadoun, 161 North Canal Hide-a-Way, Hoodsport, site inspection for boathouse re- pair. CITY BUILDING PERMITS New construction and other projects receiving permits dur- ing the past weel iiolude:' • Shelton School District, 209 North Ninth Street, time-out room, $500. SHELTON FIRE DEPARTMENT January 26:2:10 a.m., 120 West Haven Drive, Matlock, mutual aid, structure fire. January 28:7:21 p.m., 605 South 13th Street, structure fire. January 31:1:49 a.m., South First Street, property-damage ac- cident. February 1:5:11 p.m., 107 North Eighth Street, property- damage accident. Mason County Medic One responded as well. SHELTON POLICE Tuesday, January 26 A caller said a group of ju- veniles were in a fight on the 700 block of West Pine Street. Someone was reportedly throwing stuff onto cars out of an upper story window on the 200 block of North First Street. Wednesday, January 27 A caller reported the theft of $3,200 from the Shelton Booster Club. The allegation proved to be OFFICIAL COURT NOTICE IF YOU OWN OR HAVE OWNED A MANUFACTURED HOME, MOBILE HOME OR OTHER STRUCaRJRE WITH CI.ADWOOD@ SIDING READ THIS NOTICE CAREFULLY BECAUSE YOUR RIGHTS MAY BE AFFECTED BY THE CLASS ACTION SETTLEMENT Notice ,s hereby given, that a proposed settlement has been reached in the class action lawsuit entitled Cave-Woods et al v Jefferson Smurfit Cot F, et al., No, 97-2-19958-ISEA (K!ng County Superior Court). This settlement wil provide compensation to personswho have incurred property damage caused by the fadure of Cledwood® siding installed and incorporated into manufactured, mobile orother homes and other stmaurcs. The ..ttlag'nt will be considered for approval at a Faim Hearing scheduled by the Court on May26. 1999 Are You A Class Member? you are a member of the settlement class if you own, have owned, or will own properly in the United States on which Cladwood® Siding has he©n incorporated and installed prior to the date of Final Order ard Judgment in this Action. The following persons are not included in the Class: (a) Persons who propery execute and file a tim@ request Ibr exclusion from the Class m accordance w,th the terms of this Agreemt; (b) Persons who, while represented by counsel, previously resolved claims by virtue of full release or judicial action (with prejudice); and (€) Persons who are in the business of buildng, manutacturing, distributing or selling properties and who have not retained an ownership interest in such properties. Who Can Make A Claim? Eligible claimants are those class members who (a) own property at the time the claim is made; (b) formerly owned property but have retained the risht to pursue a claim; (c) formerly owned property and made un- reimbursed expenditures for the repair, removal or replacement of Cladwood® siding. This Notice Is Only A Summary ,rye. think you may be a member of the class and you did not receive the written settlement notice by mail, you should request one 6y writing to the Claims Administrator, You may obtain more mformatDn by writing or calling tolbfree: Cladwood@ Siding Litigation PO Box 3560 Portland, OR 97208-3560 1-888-572-3897 http :// wren settlement notice includes a Request for Claims Forms and Instructions on How to Opt.Out of the Settlement THE LAST DAY TO OPT OUT OF THE SETTLEMENT IS MAY 3, 1999. PLEASE DONOT CONTACT THE COURT Page 16 - Shelton.Mason County Journal - Thursday, February 4, 1999 unfounded. A caller told dispatchers his or her son had stolen property from the coroner's car. Thursday, January 28 A caller said a mother on West Pine Street was forcing her daughter to drink liquor by pour- ing it down her throat. Police were asked to help es- cort an inmate at the Mason County Jail to the hospital. Friday, January 29 Mason County Medic One re- ponded to the report of a distur- bance on the 400 block of South First Street. A bartender at the Sail Inn complained about loud music coming from the Pine Tree. Another call was made claiming the music was turned up again after police left the scene. A motorist allegedly flashed a gun at the driver of another car on East Wallace Kneeland Boul- evard. Saturday, January 30 Mason County Medic One re- sponded to the report of an injury on Shelton Springs Road. Someone in a red Gee Metro was said to be speeding through a parking lot on Olympic High- way South and throwing eggs at bicyclists. Police received an indecent- liberties complaint. Sunday, January 31 A runaway from Haven House was'said to be at the Safe- way Store in downtown Shelton. Dispatchers were told that Haven House wouldn't have her. Monday, February 1 The theft of tires and wheels was reported by a caller from the 1000 block of Ellinor Avenue. A caller reported a distur- bance at the Shelton office of the Washington Department of Health and Social Services, where a girl refused to go home with her mother. Burglaries were reported in the 200 block of West Franklin Street and the 600 block of West Railroad Avenue. MASON COUNTY JAIL POPULATION The Mason County Jail, which was designed for 45 inmates and refitted in 1989 to house 65, recorded populations as follows during the past week: Wednesday 75, Thursday 79, Friday 75, Saturday 78, Sunday 78, Monday 77, Tuesday 76. Efforts are currently under way to increase the capacity again. MASON COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE Tuesday, January 26 Mason County Medic One, Fire Districts 12 and 13 and the Shelton Fire Department re- sponded to the report of a struc- ture fire on West Haven Drive, Elma. Fire District 4 responded to a traffic incident on Highway 101 near Shelton. Deputies were asked to provide assistance at the evening meet- ing of the Mason County Com- mission. Brush thefts were reported four miles out West California Road near the .2-mile point on West Fredson Road, Shelton. A caller claimed an individu- al had failed to register as a sex offender upon his release from prison. A burglary was reported at mile 1.8 of West Ford Loop Road near Matlock. Wednesday, January 27 Mason County Medic One and deputies responded to a call for help on North 13th Street at a two- car collision with injuries. An investigation report indicated no one was seriously injured. Burglaries were reported at mile 5.9 of East Brockdale Road, Shelton, seven miles out NE North Shore Road, Belfair and a summer cabin on NE Dewatto Beach Drive, Tahuya. A boat worth $1,500 was alleg- edly stolen from a facility near mile 23.9 of North State Route 3 at Belfair. A caller from the 500 block of North Maple Street, Shelton, said someone had torn down a pedes- trian crossing sign and that mo- torists were speeding. A caller from East Barnsby Place, Shelton, said a man was exposing himself in front of her window. Thursday, January 28 Two men were said to be sleep- ing in cars on private property near mile .1 of East Johns Prair- ie Road. An assault in the fourth degree allegedly took place near just off State Route 3 on East Pickering Road. A caller said two dogs jumped a fence and killed a goat 3.4 miles out SE Bloomfield Road. Friday, January 29 Burglaries were reported on East Shannon Place, Shelton; near the .4-mile point of East St. Andrews Drive; at a home on West Pine Acres Way and 3.1 miles out NE State Route 300, Belfair. Saturday, January 30 Fire District 2 responded to the report of a fire on West Fish Hatchery Road, Elma. Fire District 11 responded to the report of an injury on East Shelton Springs Road. Burglaries were reported near the .4-mile point on Grandview Avenue, Shelton, and at a barn three miles out Agate Road where possessions from a burned-down house were stored. A guitar was reportedly stolen from the member of a band some four miles out NE North Shore Road. Sunday, January 31 Mason County Medic One and Fire District 16 responded to the report of a fourth-degree assault near mile 8.2 of Shelton-Matlock Road. Burglaries were reported near the .2-mile point on East Orchard Lane, Shelton; near the .3-mile point on East Shorecrest Drive and at Belfair Elementary School Two divers were said to be in distress in Hood Canal about a mile from the Tacoma power plant. Monday, February 1 About 10 gallons of diesel fuel were spilled at a small logging site at mile .8 of Agate Road, a caller said. A man reportedly flashed a gun during a scuffle with anoth- er man in Allyn. A man with a large U-Haul truck reportedly dumped garbage on Christmas Tree Road. MASON COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT The following restaurants and other food-handling estab- lishments were inspected during the month of November. Viola- tions listed in the "ied " category are those which involve practices that put the public at risk of food- borne illness; repeated viola- tions can result in enforcement action. "Blue" violations relate to food service operations and cleanliness. "The number of red (critical) items and blue (sanitation and maintenance) items is not nec- essarily the number of violations found," notes registered sanitar- Jan Stephanie Kenny. and blue violation has a ent point score depending hazard level. Red have higher point scores blue because red items greater probability of foodborne illness. "Red section violations from five to 30 points. If a establishment has 60 red it might have only two tions, but these would be hazard violations that very likely to cause illness if not corrected," says. "Blue violations from two to five points." Routine Inspections: January 5: Eagle Creek Tavern waup, five red, no blue, Eldon Store, 10 red, six total 16. Hama Hama Company Eldon, five red, no blue, five. Lilliwaup Store, no January 6: Canal Coffee CompanY, fair, no violations. Coffee Readery, Allyn, no lations. Crazy Erics, Belfair, 10 seven blue, total 17. Fiesta Mexican, Belfair, violations. Woodshed, Belfair, no tions. January 8: Fifth Street Espresso, no red, 13 blue, total 13. Lynch Creek Floral, no violations. Shelton Espresso, no blue, total five. (Please turn to page Did You Know... Until recently, there has only been one,funeral home in She/ton. Now you have a choice ? RES FUNERAL HOME & CEMETERY 313 W. Railroad • Shelton, WA 98584 Shelton: 360/427-8044 • Olympia: 360/943.6363 EVERYTHIN HONEYS AR SWEETIES, PIES . LOTS OF STORE'S AND RESTAURANTS TO CHO( YOU'RE LOOKING TO MAKE YOUR SWEETIE HAPPY ON VALENTINE'S DAY. PLUS FRIENDLY WESTFIELD HELPERS DRESSED 1N RED, READY WITH GIFT SUGGESTIONS. VISIT YOUR LOCAL WESTFIELD SHOPPINGTOWN AND FIND OUT HOW EASY IT IS TO MAKE SOMEBODY YOU LOVE HAPPY. WE'RE SURE YOU'LL AGREE. IT'S A WONDERFUL TOWN. Wea00qetd SHOPPINGTOWN CAPITAL MALL I T ' S A W O N D E R F U L T t) W N BLACK LAKE BLVD. EXIT OFF HIGHWAY lOt IN WEST OLYMPIA, (360) 754-8OI7 V FATURING THE BON MARCHE, JCPEtNEY, LAMONZS AND MERVYNS - PLUS OVER oo SPECI^gTY SHOPS AND RESTAURANTS. SHOP MONDAY THROUGH SATURDAY IOAM TO 9PM, AND SUNDAY l IAM TO 6PM. DEPARTMENT STORE HOURS MAY VARY•