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/i ¸ cLF
ENJOYING A VARIATION on the classic shower-room theme Tuesday
at practice are Climber divers Robert Bawell (left) and Andrew Caturia
- two of the 15 Chlorine Climbers qualified for the district swimming
and diving showdown this weekend at Mark Morris.
going 15 strong
Set set for.district
Climber chlorine boys will
Strong into the Southwest
agton district fray this
d, and state berths are in
least five of them.
bets to join a pair of
"State-qualified Climber
- divers Chris King-
Robert Bawell - they in-
-'estyle relayers Kenan
Bourgault, Jon Coch-
Jon Williams and state-
diver Rory Harper.
like D/illiams, Harper
Lgery a senior - has a
qualify individually as
the way, inasmuch as
he's currently among the top
seeds in both the 100 backstroke
and 200 individual medley.
And Harper, slowed by illness
this season but a proven entity
following his 17th-place perfor-
mance in last year's all-Washing-
ton showdown, is a solid bet to
join classmate Kingery (14th last
year) and sophomore Bawell on
this year's state guest list.
In fact, say coaches, the Climb-
er dive contingent, which includes
first-year performer Andrew Ca-
turia, conceivably could score a
rare district sweep.
Shelton's district lineup, bol-
stered by last Saturday's last-
ditch qualifiers from the annual
subdistrict go-around here, in-
cludes Kingery, Harper, Butler,
Williams, Bawell, Bourgault,
Cochran, Caturia, Dustin Hark-
ness, Derek Cahoon, Evan
Gesche, Alex Keyzers, Matt
Bolender, Travis Bennett and
Jesse Scrimsher.
District is Friday and Saturday
at Mark Morris.
(top three to district)
200 free - Derek Cahoon first, 2:16.71;
Evan Gesche second, 2:20.22; Joe Morgan
sixth, 2:38.57.
200 individual medley - Matt Bolender
second, 2:45.19.
50 free - Rory Harper first, 27.03; Derek
Cahoon third, 27.43; Ben Carlson seventh,
29.72; Will Radke 23rd place, 32.7; Andrew
Caturia 24th place, 34.37; Gregg Bennett
26th place, 36.54; Ben Harvey 27th place,
Diving - Andrew Caturia first, 130.15.
100 fly - Travls Bennett second, 1:19.67;
Matt Bolender third, 1:26.56.
100 free - Alex Keyzers first, 1:01.47;
Jesse Scrimsher third, 1:05.90; Ben Carlson
fourth, 1:06.42; Will Radke tenth, 1:15.73;
Ben Harvey 13t place, 1:31.56.
500 free - Joe Morgan fourth, 7:02.86.
100 betck ,- Jesse Scrimsher first,
1:15.50; Alex Keyzers second, 1:15.90. '
100 breast - Evan Gesche fourth,
1:27.47; Gregg Bennett eighth, 1:49.77.
Curt Snyder, 751.
Game and Series: MaryAnn
s 4-7-9.
87.5-47.5, Mason 83.5-
75.5-59.5, Spare 68.5-66.5,
60.5-74.5, R&S 52-
Shoot duo
to state
County's reigning Elks'
champions came up
of district crowns last
ia Forks.
hing in divisional com-
- and thus earning
the February 20 state
the University of Wash-
Were Belfair's Heather
ad Shelton's Charlie Ver-
of Sand Hill Elemen-
the 8- and 9-year-old
by making 18 of her
ev's Charlie, boys' repre-
in the same age divi-
back his competition
ing Mason Coun-
e shoot-out were fellow
Michelle Peterson,
"ehmeyer, Aaron Evans
Brewer. None finished
lodges were repre-
Saturday s competition.
Shelton, Port An-
quim, Bremerton, Aber-
Port Townsend,
and Forks.
Central 7, Roy West 653; Mason 8,
Clyde Landsaw 671; Cushman 11, Jerry
Whitson 574; Jade 4, Arden Merriman 584;
Huntington 4, Don Barnes 671; Spare 11,
Curt Snyder 751; R&S 1, Shane Rau 541;
Jons 14, Wally Krzemionka 610.
DOUBLES 1/24/99
Men's Hi Game: Bob Phillips, 236.
Men's Hi Series: Roger Smith, 615.
Women's Hi Game and Series: Linda
Combs, 201 and 577.
Standings: Skookum 16-4, Four 14-6, el-
sen 13-7, Misfits 11-9, Just 11-9, Schwans
11-9, Spare 9-11, Gamblers 8-12, Missed 4-
Missed 1, Four 3, Just 1, Schwans 3,
Skookum 3, Spare 0, Olsen 4, Gamblers 0,
Misfits 4.
Men's Hi Game and Series: Darrell Cham-
berlain, 222 and 633.
Women's Hi Game and Series: Margie Sal-
las, 190 and 506.
Standings: Taylor 11.5-4.5, Ten 11-5, Go
10-6, Oh 7-9, Smids 7-9, Lucky 7-9, Doers
6-10, Jo 4.5-11.5.
Doers 1, Gone Smith 388; Taylor 3, Dar-
rell Chamberlain 633; Jo 1, Ed Cochran 456;
Go 3, Martha Bouchey 453; Lucky 3, Alvie
Munro 509; Oh 1, Lee Kingery 412; Smids
Turkey 00gding
coming up soon
The Puget Sound Longbeards
Chapter of the National Wild
Turkey Federation reportedly will
hold its fifth annual fund-raising
banquet February 27 at the Little
Creek Casino in Shelton.
Tickets for the 5:30 p.m. buffet-
style dinner affair and live auc-
tion are available at Verle's
Sports Center or by calling Jim
Buck at 427-8623.
All tickets will be presold,
sponsors remind, so don't delay.
The Professionals
of people who are particular about their caret
)lympic Highway North 426-1467
;heRon, WA 98584 Dan Moldenhauer, owner
1, Patricia Smith 446; Ten 3, Peter Sallas
Men's Hi Game and Series: Glenn Cham-
berlain, 300 and 709.
Standings: Dies 15-5, Orient 14-6, White
14-6, Stillwell 13-7, First 10-10, Mor 10-10,
Clark 9-11, Timber 8-12, Castle 8-12, Har-
veys 7.5-12.5, Bull 7.5-12.5, Moose 4-16.
Harveys 0, Russell Harvey 509; Dies 4,
Louis Zoren 570; First 0, Arden Merriman
581; White 4, Jody Coots 513; Clark 0,
Frank Clark Jr. 513; Stlllwell 4, Terry
Harklns 513; Bull 1, Jeff Thompson 530;
Mor 3, Glen Chamberlain 709; Castle 2,
Mike Coleman 550; Orient 2, Mark Hearst
and Dutch Boerger 601 ; Moose 0, Jim Rob-
inson 566; Timber 4, Hilton Malone 565.
LEAGUE 1/30/99
Men's HI Game: Roy West, 248.
Men's Hi Series: Joe Jewell, 690.
Women's Hi Game and Series: Franicine
Schaffert, 206 and 578.
Splits: Anne Snyder 3-6.7-10, Roy West 6-7
and 6-7-10.
Standings: Jons 96-54, Mason 87.5-
62.5, Cushman 86.5-63.5, Spare 71.5-78.5,
Jade 71-79, Huntington 67-83, R&S 64-86,
Central 56.5-93.5.
Spare 3, Curt Snyder 624; R&S 12,
Shane Rau 671; Jons 8.5, Ricky Myers
640; Huntington 6.5, Don Barnes 647; Jade
4, Arden Merriman 637; Central 11, Roy
West 687; Cushman 11, Joe Jewell 690;
Mason 4, Clyde Landsaw 619.
DOUBLES 1/31/99
Men's Hi Game and Series: Gary Morrison,
258 and 660.
Women's Hi Game and Series: Linda
Combs, 207 and 592.
Standings: Skookum 19-5, Four 17-7,
Misfits 13-11, Spare 13-11, OIsen 13-11,
Gamblers 12-12, Just 12-12, Schwans 12-
12, Missed 6-18.
Spare 4, Bill Smith 495; Gamblers, Linda
Combs 592; Schwans 1, Duffy Kammerzell
577; Four 3, Alvie Munro 585; Missed 2,
Bob Gurney 439; Misfits 2, Roger Smith
498; Just 1, Ed Cochran 510; Skookum 3,
Gary Morrison 660.
Men's Hi Game and Series: Jeff Harvey,
240 and 677.
Standings: Orient 17-7, White 17-7, Dies
16.5-7.5, Stillwell 15.5-8.5, Clark 13-11,
Timber 11-13, Castle 11-13, Mor 11-13,
First 10-14, Harveys 8.5-15.5, Bull 8.5-15.5,
Moose 5-19.
Clark 4, Alan Zenger 535; First 0, Paul
Brown 566; Castle 3, John Clark 568; Bull 1,
Loyd Murr 544; Orient 3, Dick Arnold 670;
Moose 1, Jim Robinson 609; White 3, Mike
Eaton 574; Harveys 1, Jeff Harvey 677; Tim-
ber 3, Hilton Malone 544; Mor 1, Glen
Chamberlain 566; Stillwell 2.5, Rick Hui-
singh 533; Dies 1.5, Louis Zoren 574.
They'll peddle
for dance team
The Highclimber dance team's
booster club reportedly will hold a
fund-raising garage sale Saturday
to help defray the cost of the girls'
March 19-20 state competition in
Featuring goods from fully 27
families and including clothes
and toys and exercise equipment
and even a western saddle, the
sale will be from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
at the Shelton PUD Auditorium
Out in the Open
4 Michael Dicz
ItAVING MET MANY people in my travels,
with personalities running the entire spectrum
of temperament, I can safely say I have found
none nicer than those who work for American
Never before have I encountered so many peo-
ple in so many different jobs, working for the
same company, who are so courteous, happy,
smile so graciously and are as eager to go out of
their way to please.
It's downright unnerving.
I'm not sure I would have noticed this in any
other circumstance, but as I flew to Dallas to in-
terview for the position of flight attendant I
couldn't help but appreciate the love and good
will surrounding me.
And it all started with a phone call.
"MR. DIAZ," the kind voice on the other end
of the line said. "Would it be convenient if we
flew you to Dallas tomorrow for an interview?"
"[ think I can make it," I answered.
"Fine," she said with even more kindness. "A
ticket will be waiting for you at the check-in
counter at SeaTac. You will be leaving at 6:30 in
the morning and we will have you back in Seat-
tle by 8 p.m. Will that work for you?"
"Sure," I said.
"If you have any questions or need any assis-
tance at all, please don't hesitate to call me. I'm
here to make sure your arrangements are all
taken care of."
"Thank you," I said.
"Thank you," she said back.
"No, thank you," I said.
"By all means, thank you," she said.
I hung up, feeling more like a guest than a job
FROM THE TIME I reached the ticket
counter tbr the flight down to my arrival at the
American Airlines Recruitment and Training
Center I was surrounded by courtesy.
But as warm and friendly as all those people
were they didn't hold a candle to the recruiters
who interviewed me.
"Hi. How are you?" the first recruiter asked in
a tone that was anything but rhetorical.
"Fine," I answered.
"Did you have a good flight?" he asked with a
look of heartfelt concern.
"It was great," I said.
"That's nice," he said sincerely. "We are al-
ways concerned that each and every passenger
on American comes away with the best experi-
ence possible."
I .nodded and smiled.
He smiled back.
"SO," HE SAID, almost cooing, "why do you
want to fly for American Airlines?"
I shrugged my shoulders. "I'm not sure," I
said. "My friend Jack flies for Northwest and he
said I'd make a great flight attendant. And he
recommended I try American."
"That's very nice," he said, smiling even more
broadly and scribbling something down in his
"Yeah," I said, "I'm not sure whether he
thought American was a class outfit or if he just
Women's Hi Game: Betty Hyatt, 217.
Women's Hi Series: Patty Brown, 567.
Splits: Lorraine Coots and Mary Shaw, 5-7.
Standings: Dry 12-0, Shipping 10-2, Opp
10-2, Tech 8-4, Camp 7.5-4.5, Resources 7-
5, Accounting 7-5, Railroad 6-6, Mason 5-7,
Planers 5-7, Purchasing 5-7, Loggers 4.5-
7.5, Mill #3 3-9, Lumber 2.5-9.5, Lowland
1.5-10.5, Mill #5 1-11.
Railroad 1, Lorraine Coots 492; Planers
3, Patty Brown 567; Mill #3 0, Karen Scoles
485; Dry 4, Cindy Farr 439; Lumber 1, Barb
Dover 544; Purchasing 3, Tracy Wade 445;
Shipping 3, Betty Hyatt 483; Mason 1, Jenni
Deyette 464; Camp 3, Terri Johansen 448;
Mill #5 1, Julle Hofferbert 409; Loggers 1,
Char Murr 452; Opp 3, Stephanie Rose 497;
Accounting 0, Eileen Landsaw 460; Re-
sources 4, dee Delamarter 501; Tech 4, Su-
sanna Bariekman 479; Lowland 0, Dolores
Goodburn 486.
& DOLLS 1129199
Men's HI Game and Series: Curt Snyder,
234 and 661.
Women's Hi Game: Margo Petty, 222.
Women's Hi Series: Tobi Snyder, 567.
Splits: Annette Burkhart 3-6-8-10, Roy West
2-7-8, Judy Oien 3-10, Donna Ohlde 3-9-10,
Larry Petty 3-6-7.
Standings: Sunrise 11-5, Timber 9-7, Sa-
HarCo 9-7, Fireballs 8.5-7.5, Sizzlln 8-8,
We deliver EATING IL
Located at Sanderson
Industrial Park
E-mail at
didn't want me to fly with him."
The interviewer laughed as if he actually got
my joke. I began to worry.
"Are there any questions you would like to ask
me?" he literally sang. This guy was very happy.
I briefly thought about asking him what kind
of weather pattern he was but then thought bet-
ter of it.
"Nope," I said.
"OKAY THEN," he said softly, his smile al-
most breaking his face. "I'll have you wait here,
and another recruiter will be in to see you to con-
firm some information and then you can go.
"Can I get you something to drink while you
wait?" he asked nicely.
I assured him no, and with that he got up, ex-
tended his hand, thanked me very, very much for
coming and wished me well.
I sat there in amazement. I couldn't believe
American Airlines would spend the money to fly
me from Seattle to Dallas and back again just to
interview me for no more than 20 minutes. And
then not ask me if I'd ever murdered anyone,
made bomb threats or picked my nose in public.
The door opened and in popped Suzie
"Hi," she chirped. "How are you doing today?"
"So far so good," I replied.
"Great," she bubbled. "I just want to make
sure we have your address and phone number
She did.
She smiled. I smiled. We both smiled.
"SO TELL ME," she said earnestly. "What
weakness would you bring to American?"
I thought about saying "my chin" but instead
said, "Gosh, I don't know. I think it's the weak-
ness of being human. The weakness of messing
up and making mistakes. The weakness of not
being perfect but, then, I'm not sure I want to be
perfect. I think that would be a terrible burden -
to have to do everything right all the time. I'm
not sure I could handle that."
She was somewhat taken aback. A funny look
came over her face.
"Okay," she said a little hesitantly, her smile
softly fading.
"Tell me about your strengths," she said.
"The strength to be able to learn from my mis-
takes. To take every experience as a learning op-
portunity. To understandmy weaknesses and
know that it's okay not to be perfect."
HER SMILE RETURNED to its full radi-
ance. She scribbled something down on a piece of
paper, turned it over and handed it to me.
"Please read the first sentence on this sheet,"
she said.
"Congratulations," I read. 'e are pleased to
offer you a position as a flight attendant for
American Airlines."
"What do you think?" she asked.
"I think that's really nice," I said.
Next week: American Airlines - The Physical
We carry kerosene.
Comfort 8-8, Home 6-10, Body 4.5-11.5.
Sunrise 1, Lahoma Rutherford 470; Fire-
balls 3, Pat Bloomfield 496; Timber 1, Tobi
Snyder 567; SaHarco 3, Judy Olen 553;
Home 1, Terry Harkins 521; Comfort 3, Wal-
ly Krzemionka 558; Body 1, Larry Petty 481 ;
Sizzlin 3, Curt Snyder 661.
Men's Hi Game and Series: Norm Williams
237 and 664.
Women's Hi Game: MIchelle Matson, 208.
Women's Hi Series: Virginia Henddcks, 522.
Splits: Johnna Dodge 6-7, Rick Bacon 5-10.
Standings: Pine 15-5, Cushman 13-7,
Prudential 12.5-7.5, Taylor 12-8, Shoppers
12-8, Wins 11-9, Beach 11-9, Aunt 10-10,
Dudes 10-10, Civil 10.10, Olympic 10-10,
Union 9-11, #15 9-11, Another 8-12, Bradley
4-16, Bye 2.5-17.5.
Olympic 2, Dave Clark 585; Civil 2, Ed
Vogt 594; Dudes 4, Dave Southwick 509;
Bye 0, Rollle Ball 450; Wms 3, Norm Wil-
liams 664; Pine 1, Wally Krezmionka 591;
Prudential 3, Shane Sisson 511; Aunt 1,
Kurt Barrett 557; Bradley 1, Shy-Anne Goes-
er 397; Cushman 3, Scott Brown 578; Union
4, Glb Johnston 536; #15 0, Staci Clark 374;
Taylor 2, David Sisson 455; Another 2, Lee
Moore 520; Shoppers 3, Mike Hauser 513;
Beach 1, Johnna Dodge 431.
When a happy moment, com-
plete and rounded as a pearl, falls
into the tossing ocean of life, it is
never wholly lost.
Agnes Repplier
Thursday, February 4, 1999 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 21
I I Ill
/i ¸ cLF
ENJOYING A VARIATION on the classic shower-room theme Tuesday
at practice are Climber divers Robert Bawell (left) and Andrew Caturia
- two of the 15 Chlorine Climbers qualified for the district swimming
and diving showdown this weekend at Mark Morris.
going 15 strong
Set set for.district
Climber chlorine boys will
Strong into the Southwest
agton district fray this
d, and state berths are in
least five of them.
bets to join a pair of
"State-qualified Climber
- divers Chris King-
Robert Bawell - they in-
-'estyle relayers Kenan
Bourgault, Jon Coch-
Jon Williams and state-
diver Rory Harper.
like D/illiams, Harper
Lgery a senior - has a
qualify individually as
the way, inasmuch as
he's currently among the top
seeds in both the 100 backstroke
and 200 individual medley.
And Harper, slowed by illness
this season but a proven entity
following his 17th-place perfor-
mance in last year's all-Washing-
ton showdown, is a solid bet to
join classmate Kingery (14th last
year) and sophomore Bawell on
this year's state guest list.
In fact, say coaches, the Climb-
er dive contingent, which includes
first-year performer Andrew Ca-
turia, conceivably could score a
rare district sweep.
Shelton's district lineup, bol-
stered by last Saturday's last-
ditch qualifiers from the annual
subdistrict go-around here, in-
cludes Kingery, Harper, Butler,
Williams, Bawell, Bourgault,
Cochran, Caturia, Dustin Hark-
ness, Derek Cahoon, Evan
Gesche, Alex Keyzers, Matt
Bolender, Travis Bennett and
Jesse Scrimsher.
District is Friday and Saturday
at Mark Morris.
(top three to district)
200 free - Derek Cahoon first, 2:16.71;
Evan Gesche second, 2:20.22; Joe Morgan
sixth, 2:38.57.
200 individual medley - Matt Bolender
second, 2:45.19.
50 free - Rory Harper first, 27.03; Derek
Cahoon third, 27.43; Ben Carlson seventh,
29.72; Will Radke 23rd place, 32.7; Andrew
Caturia 24th place, 34.37; Gregg Bennett
26th place, 36.54; Ben Harvey 27th place,
Diving - Andrew Caturia first, 130.15.
100 fly - Travls Bennett second, 1:19.67;
Matt Bolender third, 1:26.56.
100 free - Alex Keyzers first, 1:01.47;
Jesse Scrimsher third, 1:05.90; Ben Carlson
fourth, 1:06.42; Will Radke tenth, 1:15.73;
Ben Harvey 13t place, 1:31.56.
500 free - Joe Morgan fourth, 7:02.86.
100 betck ,- Jesse Scrimsher first,
1:15.50; Alex Keyzers second, 1:15.90. '
100 breast -Evan Gesche fourth,
1:27.47; Gregg Bennett eighth, 1:49.77.
Curt Snyder, 751.
Game and Series: MaryAnn
s 4-7-9.
87.5-47.5, Mason 83.5-
75.5-59.5, Spare 68.5-66.5,
60.5-74.5, R&S 52-
Shoot duo
to state
County's reigning Elks'
champions came up
of district crowns last
ia Forks.
hing in divisional com-
- and thus earning
the February 20 state
the University of Wash-
Were Belfair's Heather
ad Shelton's Charlie Ver-
of Sand Hill Elemen-
the 8- and 9-year-old
by making 18 of her
ev's Charlie, boys' repre-
in the same age divi-
back his competition
ing Mason Coun-
e shoot-out were fellow
Michelle Peterson,
"ehmeyer, Aaron Evans
Brewer. None finished
lodges were repre-
Saturday s competition.
Shelton, Port An-
quim, Bremerton, Aber-
Port Townsend,
and Forks.
Central 7, Roy West 653; Mason 8,
Clyde Landsaw 671; Cushman 11, Jerry
Whitson 574; Jade 4, Arden Merriman 584;
Huntington 4, Don Barnes 671; Spare 11,
Curt Snyder 751; R&S 1, Shane Rau 541;
Jons 14, Wally Krzemionka 610.
DOUBLES 1/24/99
Men's Hi Game: Bob Phillips, 236.
Men's Hi Series: Roger Smith, 615.
Women's Hi Game and Series: Linda
Combs, 201 and 577.
Standings: Skookum 16-4, Four 14-6, el-
sen 13-7, Misfits 11-9, Just 11-9, Schwans
11-9, Spare 9-11, Gamblers 8-12, Missed 4-
Missed 1, Four 3, Just 1, Schwans 3,
Skookum 3, Spare 0, Olsen 4, Gamblers 0,
Misfits 4.
Men's Hi Game and Series: Darrell Cham-
berlain, 222 and 633.
Women's Hi Game and Series: Margie Sal-
las, 190 and 506.
Standings: Taylor 11.5-4.5, Ten 11-5, Go
10-6, Oh 7-9, Smids 7-9, Lucky 7-9, Doers
6-10, Jo 4.5-11.5.
Doers 1, Gone Smith 388; Taylor 3, Dar-
rell Chamberlain 633; Jo 1, Ed Cochran 456;
Go 3, Martha Bouchey 453; Lucky 3, Alvie
Munro 509; Oh 1, Lee Kingery 412; Smids
Turkey 00gding
coming up soon
The Puget Sound Longbeards
Chapter of the National Wild
Turkey Federation reportedly will
hold its fifth annual fund-raising
banquet February 27 at the Little
Creek Casino in Shelton.
Tickets for the 5:30 p.m. buffet-
style dinner affair and live auc-
tion are available at Verle's
Sports Center or by calling Jim
Buck at 427-8623.
All tickets will be presold,
sponsors remind, so don't delay.
The Professionals
of people who are particular about their caret
)lympic Highway North 426-1467
;heRon, WA 98584 Dan Moldenhauer, owner
1, Patricia Smith 446; Ten 3, Peter Sallas
Men's Hi Game and Series: Glenn Cham-
berlain, 300 and 709.
Standings: Dies 15-5, Orient 14-6, White
14-6, Stillwell 13-7, First 10-10, Mor 10-10,
Clark 9-11, Timber 8-12, Castle 8-12, Har-
veys 7.5-12.5, Bull 7.5-12.5, Moose 4-16.
Harveys 0, Russell Harvey 509; Dies 4,
Louis Zoren 570; First 0, Arden Merriman
581; White 4, Jody Coots 513; Clark 0,
Frank Clark Jr. 513; Stlllwell 4, Terry
Harklns 513; Bull 1, Jeff Thompson 530;
Mor 3, Glen Chamberlain 709; Castle 2,
Mike Coleman 550; Orient 2, Mark Hearst
and Dutch Boerger 601 ; Moose 0, Jim Rob-
inson 566; Timber 4, Hilton Malone 565.
LEAGUE 1/30/99
Men's HI Game: Roy West, 248.
Men's Hi Series: Joe Jewell, 690.
Women's Hi Game and Series: Franicine
Schaffert, 206 and 578.
Splits: Anne Snyder 3-6.7-10, Roy West 6-7
and 6-7-10.
Standings: Jons 96-54, Mason 87.5-
62.5, Cushman 86.5-63.5, Spare 71.5-78.5,
Jade 71-79, Huntington 67-83, R&S 64-86,
Central 56.5-93.5.
Spare 3, Curt Snyder 624; R&S 12,
Shane Rau 671; Jons 8.5, Ricky Myers
640; Huntington 6.5, Don Barnes 647; Jade
4, Arden Merriman 637; Central 11, Roy
West 687; Cushman 11, Joe Jewell 690;
Mason 4, Clyde Landsaw 619.
DOUBLES 1/31/99
Men's Hi Game and Series: Gary Morrison,
258 and 660.
Women's Hi Game and Series: Linda
Combs, 207 and 592.
Standings: Skookum 19-5, Four 17-7,
Misfits 13-11, Spare 13-11, OIsen 13-11,
Gamblers 12-12, Just 12-12, Schwans 12-
12, Missed 6-18.
Spare 4, Bill Smith 495; Gamblers, Linda
Combs 592; Schwans 1, Duffy Kammerzell
577; Four 3, Alvie Munro 585; Missed 2,
Bob Gurney 439; Misfits 2, Roger Smith
498; Just 1, Ed Cochran 510; Skookum 3,
Gary Morrison 660.
Men's Hi Game and Series: Jeff Harvey,
240 and 677.
Standings: Orient 17-7, White 17-7, Dies
16.5-7.5, Stillwell 15.5-8.5, Clark 13-11,
Timber 11-13, Castle 11-13, Mor 11-13,
First 10-14, Harveys 8.5-15.5, Bull 8.5-15.5,
Moose 5-19.
Clark 4, Alan Zenger 535; First 0, Paul
Brown 566; Castle 3, John Clark 568; Bull 1,
Loyd Murr 544; Orient 3, Dick Arnold 670;
Moose 1, Jim Robinson 609; White 3, Mike
Eaton 574; Harveys 1, Jeff Harvey 677; Tim-
ber 3, Hilton Malone 544; Mor 1, Glen
Chamberlain 566; Stillwell 2.5, Rick Hui-
singh 533; Dies 1.5, Louis Zoren 574.
They'll peddle
for dance team
The Highclimber dance team's
booster club reportedly will hold a
fund-raising garage sale Saturday
to help defray the cost of the girls'
March 19-20 state competition in
Featuring goods from fully 27
families and including clothes
and toys and exercise equipment
and even a western saddle, the
sale will be from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
at the Shelton PUD Auditorium
Out in the Open
4 Michael Dicz
ItAVING MET MANY people in my travels,
with personalities running the entire spectrum
of temperament, I can safely say I have found
none nicer than those who work for American
Never before have I encountered so many peo-
ple in so many different jobs, working for the
same company, who are so courteous, happy,
smile so graciously and are as eager to go out of
their way to please.
It's downright unnerving.
I'm not sure I would have noticed this in any
other circumstance, but as I flew to Dallas to in-
terview for the position of flight attendant I
couldn't help but appreciate the love and good
will surrounding me.
And it all started with a phone call.
"MR. DIAZ," the kind voice on the other end
of the line said. "Would it be convenient if we
flew you to Dallas tomorrow for an interview?"
"[ think I can make it," I answered.
"Fine," she said with even more kindness. "A
ticket will be waiting for you at the check-in
counter at SeaTac. You will be leaving at 6:30 in
the morning and we will have you back in Seat-
tle by 8 p.m. Will that work for you?"
"Sure," I said.
"If you have any questions or need any assis-
tance at all, please don't hesitate to call me. I'm
here to make sure your arrangements are all
taken care of."
"Thank you," I said.
"Thank you," she said back.
"No, thank you," I said.
"By all means, thank you," she said.
I hung up, feeling more like a guest than a job
FROM THE TIME I reached the ticket
counter tbr the flight down to my arrival at the
American Airlines Recruitment and Training
Center I was surrounded by courtesy.
But as warm and friendly as all those people
were they didn't hold a candle to the recruiters
who interviewed me.
"Hi. How are you?" the first recruiter asked in
a tone that was anything but rhetorical.
"Fine," I answered.
"Did you have a good flight?" he asked with a
look of heartfelt concern.
"It was great," I said.
"That's nice," he said sincerely. "We are al-
ways concerned that each and every passenger
on American comes away with the best experi-
ence possible."
I .nodded and smiled.
He smiled back.
"SO," HE SAID, almost cooing, "why do you
want to fly for American Airlines?"
I shrugged my shoulders. "I'm not sure," I
said. "My friend Jack flies for Northwest and he
said I'd make a great flight attendant. And he
recommended I try American."
"That's very nice," he said, smiling even more
broadly and scribbling something down in his
"Yeah," I said, "I'm not sure whether he
thought American was a class outfit or if he just
Women's Hi Game: Betty Hyatt, 217.
Women's Hi Series: Patty Brown, 567.
Splits: Lorraine Coots and Mary Shaw, 5-7.
Standings: Dry 12-0, Shipping 10-2, Opp
10-2, Tech 8-4, Camp 7.5-4.5, Resources 7-
5, Accounting 7-5, Railroad 6-6, Mason 5-7,
Planers 5-7, Purchasing 5-7, Loggers 4.5-
7.5, Mill #3 3-9, Lumber 2.5-9.5, Lowland
1.5-10.5, Mill #5 1-11.
Railroad 1, Lorraine Coots 492; Planers
3, Patty Brown 567; Mill #3 0, Karen Scoles
485; Dry 4, Cindy Farr 439; Lumber 1, Barb
Dover 544; Purchasing 3, Tracy Wade 445;
Shipping 3, Betty Hyatt 483; Mason 1, Jenni
Deyette 464; Camp 3, Terri Johansen 448;
Mill #5 1, Julle Hofferbert 409; Loggers 1,
Char Murr 452; Opp 3, Stephanie Rose 497;
Accounting 0, Eileen Landsaw 460; Re-
sources 4, dee Delamarter 501; Tech 4, Su-
sanna Bariekman 479; Lowland 0, Dolores
Goodburn 486.
& DOLLS 1129199
Men's HI Game and Series: Curt Snyder,
234 and 661.
Women's Hi Game: Margo Petty, 222.
Women's Hi Series: Tobi Snyder, 567.
Splits: Annette Burkhart 3-6-8-10, Roy West
2-7-8, Judy Oien 3-10, Donna Ohlde 3-9-10,
Larry Petty 3-6-7.
Standings: Sunrise 11-5, Timber 9-7, Sa-
HarCo 9-7, Fireballs 8.5-7.5, Sizzlln 8-8,
We deliver EATING IL
Located at Sanderson
Industrial Park
E-mail at
didn't want me to fly with him."
The interviewer laughed as if he actually got
my joke. I began to worry.
"Are there any questions you would like to ask
me?" he literally sang. This guy was very happy.
I briefly thought about asking him what kind
of weather pattern he was but then thought bet-
ter of it.
"Nope," I said.
"OKAY THEN," he said softly, his smile al-
most breaking his face. "I'll have you wait here,
and another recruiter will be in to see you to con-
firm some information and then you can go.
"Can I get you something to drink while you
wait?" he asked nicely.
I assured him no, and with that he got up, ex-
tended his hand, thanked me very, very much for
coming and wished me well.
I sat there in amazement. I couldn't believe
American Airlines would spend the money to fly
me from Seattle to Dallas and back again just to
interview me for no more than 20 minutes. And
then not ask me if I'd ever murdered anyone,
made bomb threats or picked my nose in public.
The door opened and in popped Suzie
"Hi," she chirped. "How are you doing today?"
"So far so good," I replied.
"Great," she bubbled. "I just want to make
sure we have your address and phone number
She did.
She smiled. I smiled. We both smiled.
"SO TELL ME," she said earnestly. "What
weakness would you bring to American?"
I thought about saying "my chin" but instead
said, "Gosh, I don't know. I think it's the weak-
ness of being human. The weakness of messing
up and making mistakes. The weakness of not
being perfect but, then, I'm not sure I want to be
perfect. I think that would be a terrible burden -
to have to do everything right all the time. I'm
not sure I could handle that."
She was somewhat taken aback. A funny look
came over her face.
"Okay," she said a little hesitantly, her smile
softly fading.
"Tell me about your strengths," she said.
"The strength to be able to learn from my mis-
takes. To take every experience as a learning op-
portunity. To understandmy weaknesses and
know that it's okay not to be perfect."
HER SMILE RETURNED to its full radi-
ance. She scribbled something down on a piece of
paper, turned it over and handed it to me.
"Please read the first sentence on this sheet,"
she said.
"Congratulations," I read. 'e are pleased to
offer you a position as a flight attendant for
American Airlines."
"What do you think?" she asked.
"I think that's really nice," I said.
Next week: American Airlines - The Physical
We carry kerosene.
Comfort 8-8, Home 6-10, Body 4.5-11.5.
Sunrise 1, Lahoma Rutherford 470; Fire-
balls 3, Pat Bloomfield 496; Timber 1, Tobi
Snyder 567; SaHarco 3, Judy Olen 553;
Home 1, Terry Harkins 521; Comfort 3, Wal-
ly Krzemionka 558; Body 1, Larry Petty 481 ;
Sizzlin 3, Curt Snyder 661.
Men's Hi Game and Series: Norm Williams
237 and 664.
Women's Hi Game: MIchelle Matson, 208.
Women's Hi Series: Virginia Henddcks, 522.
Splits: Johnna Dodge 6-7, Rick Bacon 5-10.
Standings: Pine 15-5, Cushman 13-7,
Prudential 12.5-7.5, Taylor 12-8, Shoppers
12-8, Wins 11-9, Beach 11-9, Aunt 10-10,
Dudes 10-10, Civil 10.10, Olympic 10-10,
Union 9-11, #15 9-11, Another 8-12, Bradley
4-16, Bye 2.5-17.5.
Olympic 2, Dave Clark 585; Civil 2, Ed
Vogt 594; Dudes 4, Dave Southwick 509;
Bye 0, Rollle Ball 450; Wms 3, Norm Wil-
liams 664; Pine 1, Wally Krezmionka 591;
Prudential 3, Shane Sisson 511; Aunt 1,
Kurt Barrett 557; Bradley 1, Shy-Anne Goes-
er 397; Cushman 3, Scott Brown 578; Union
4, Glb Johnston 536; #15 0, Staci Clark 374;
Taylor 2, David Sisson 455; Another 2, Lee
Moore 520; Shoppers 3, Mike Hauser 513;
Beach 1, Johnna Dodge 431.
When a happy moment, com-
plete and rounded as a pearl, falls
into the tossing ocean of life, it is
never wholly lost.
Agnes Repplier
Thursday, February 4, 1999 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 21
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