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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 4, 1999     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 4, 1999
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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It's prison for Anthony Six plea A King County man who pled guilty to robbing a Shelton wom- an of her purse after following her home from a local casino was sen- tenced in Mason County Superior Court last week to seven years prison. John Floyd Anthony, 42, who lived at 216 Ellington Street, Pa- cific, at the time of his arrest, was sentenced Thursday by Judge James Sawyer to 84 months for strong-arm robbery. The sentence was in connection with events of August 21, 1997, when Anthony followed Shirley Taylor from a ca- sino to her home in Wingwood and stole her purse. According to court papers An- thony attacked Taylor while she was walking from her car to her house, pushing her into the ga- rage and grabbing the purse. He was picked up while speeding east on Turner Avenue. Taylor's purse was found in a ditch at the Superior court roundup: corner of Turner and Angleside Drive. ANTHONY WILL start ser- ving time after he completes a sentence of 43 months handed down by the King County Superi- or Court in connection with another crime he committed that week. "He has a serious gambling problem to the point of addiction," defense attorney Charles Lane said. "Coupled with that, Mr. An- thony had a drug problem at this time which may have contributed to an error in judgement." Anthony admitted that he is Judge James Sawyer presided over several pretrial hearings on Wednesday, January 27, in Ma- son County Superior Court. The following resulted in guilty pleas: • Amber Nicole Lapic, 22, whose address at the time of her initial arrest was 3741 West Lit- tle Egypt, pied guilty to malicious mischief in the second degree. Sentencing was scheduled for March 4. Lapic faces restitution of $632 for her role last March in inciting two young offenders to slash the tires of another person in what the prosecution said was a re- Radford i q)rdered addicted to gambling. "When this vengeincident. The state dropped S is all over I just want to live a other charges, including assault normal and productive life," he in the fourth degree, criminal said. conspiracy and furnishing liquor which means she maintains her innocence but concedes that the evidence is likely to result in a conviction. Judge Sawyer said her arrest last November was the first offense recorded by the court and set her sentencing for Febru- ary 25. • Theodore Frank Bech- told, 29, of 2261 Highway 108 West, Shelton, pied guilty to bur- glary in the second degree, mali- cious mischief and violation of a no-contact order. THE BURGLARY charge was reduced from residential bur- glary, which is a more serious crime. Sawyer ordered the prepa- ration of a presentence report and scheduled sentencing for March JL guilty as trials loom Bouch, 29, of 21 Chinook Court couldn't hunt. He told her to pay up" S25 530 Although he did not find excep- to a minor. • 9 tional circumstances, Judge Saw- * James Lawrence De- yer gave Anthony the maximum Gagne, 37, who lived at 7105 A Shelton man who earlier pied guilty to possession of stolen property was ordered in Mason County Superior Court last week to pay $25,530 in restitution to the man whose family treasures disappeared from a rented ga- rage. Judge James Sawyer ordered Ronald James Radford, a 33- year-old with a former address in the Lake Limerick area, to pay the ordered restitution to restore the value of items Dale Cun- ningham of Shelton told investi- gating officers were missing. Radford was convicted of pos- sessing items belonging to Cun- ningham, including glass, porce- lein, stereo equipment and valu- able antique china. At Radford's sentencing, Cunningham de- scribed items that were missing as irreplaceable family heirlooms. According to court papers Radford sold or traded the stolen goods to two Mason County residents. IN ARRAIGNMENT pro- ceedings in new cases before the court last Thursday: * Nathan Walter Her- mann, 19, of 2040 West High- land Road, Shelton pied not guilty to residential burglary and theft in the first degree. Defense attor- ney Ron Sergi asked that Her- mann be released on personal re- cognizance. Judge Sawyer set bail at $3,000 and set the following schedule tbr the case: omnibus hearing on February 18; pretrial hearing on February 25; and trial in the March 4 term. • Chris Allen Weddle, 38, whose most recent known address was 2402 Cole Road, Shelton pled not guilty to possession of a dan- gerous weapon, possession of drug paraphernalia and driving with license suspended in the third degree. Weddle is to appear for omnibus proceedings on Marct 4, pretrial on March 24 bind trial in the April 5 term. • Susan Patterson, 44, of 114 East Marcy in Montesano faces charges of theft in the sec- ond degree following an identifi- cation hearing on January 20. Judge Sawyer found that she does not qualify for a court-appointed attorney and scheduled her ar- raignment for today. The infor- mation filed in the case alleges that she stole $800 from Marilou Booth on May 5, 1997 by renting an apartment she didn't own to Mandi Kayzers. IN OTHER proceedings Thursday: * Michael William Ready, 26, whose most recent known ad- dress is 110 SE Crater Road, Shelton, was fbund guilty of pos- sessing 3.5 grams of methamphe- tamine after he failed to partici- pate in a diversion program. Sen- tencing was scheduled for Febru- ary 18. * Kevin Swenson, 43, of 51 East Catfish Lake Road, Shelton , Trained and competent technicians • 12 months or 12,000 mile warranty • Free local shuttle service .q'etV'lC8 was identified in connection with charges that he possessed meth- amphetamine and drug parapher- nalia and that he provided false information to a law officer and was driving with his license sus- pended. Sawyer appointed Charles Lane to be his attorney and set bail at $5,000. Arraign- ment was scheduled for February 4. • Judge Sawyer ordered a $10,000 warrant for the arrest of Fred L. Campbell, 47, whose most recent known address was 261 East Willow Blue Lane, Shel- ton, for failing to appear for ar- raignment on charges of conspira- cy to manufacture an illegal drug. • The judge ordered a $10,000 warrant for the arrest of Gwen Weicker, 20, of whose last known address was East 101 Driftwood Circle, Shelton, for fail- ing to appear for a court hearing to terminate her enrollment in a diversion program. ALSO IN court during the past week were: • Aldous J. Block, 20, of NE 121 View Court, Belfair, who was identified Monday on a pair of po- tential charges. He was arrested in connection with allegations that he assaulted Donald Douglas Nelson and violated the state drugs laws. Sawyer released him on personal recognizance and scheduled his arraignment for February 18. He also told him to stay away from Nelson and his immediate family. • Laurel Susan MacIntyre, 43, of North 21110 Highway 101, Shelton, pied not guilty to a charge of assault in the second degree. Omnibus was set for March 4, pretrial for March 24 and trial for the April 5 term. MacIntyre faces allegations she slashed Roy E. Estacio with a knife while he was moving his things out of a residence at the apartment complex where MacIn- tyre lives. * Travis Liberty Sparr, 26, of 22280 Highway 101, Shelton, who pled not guilty Friday to a charge of failing to register as a sex offender. Sawyer set bail at $7,500 and set an omnibus hearing for Feb- ruary 18, pretrial hearing for February 24 and trial for the March 8 jury term. Sparr was convicted of rape in the second degree in April of 1996. sentence allowed by law. Antho- ny's criminal history since 1979, Sawyer noted, includes three ar- rests for burglary, five arrests for theft and an earlier arrest for rob- bery in the second degree. THE JUDGE said Anthony destroyed Taylor's sense of safety. "You can never return to her the sense of security she had before you committed this crime," he said. Sawyer also ordered him to pay $275.80 in court costs, $500 to the victims compensation fund and $350 in attorneys fees. The judge scheduled a restitution hearing for March 18. 162nd Street, Puyallup at the time of his arrest, entered a guilty plea to two counts of for- gery and one count of theft in the first degree. HE WAS ARRESTED last September after he tried to use someone else's credit card to spend money at the Spencer Lake Resort and to cash $1,100 in sto- len checks at Seafirst Bank. Sen- tencing was scheduled for Febru- ary 18. * Shannon Amanda Smith, 23, of 81 NE Cherokee Beach Road, Belfair, pied guilty to pos- session of methamphetamine. Smith made an Alford plea, ViolatoI ge jailtime Judge James Sawyer dealt charges. with dispositions on two viola- Sawyer ordered her to serve 90 tions of the conditions of earlier sentences in Mason County Supe- rior Court last Thursday. In those cases: * Rorilee L. Bliner, 37, who lived at SE 1739 Holman, Shel- ton, at the time of her arrest, ad- mitted violating the conditions of her sentencing on narcotics days in jail and authorized her re- lease to a treatment program. • Dale Carrell, 42, of Shelton admitted that he violated condi- tions of a 1998 sentence for a do- mestic violence assault against his wife. Sawyer gave him 60 days of day reporting for violating a no-contact order. Olympic Dental Center • Crowns • Extractions • Bridges • Dentures E Scudder, DDS 2026 Olympic Highway North, Suite 101 432-8 -9 * Sheiton Most insurances and medical coupons accepted Open 9 a.m.-5 p.m., Tuesday-Thursday I I II IIII On Valentine's Day od " Reservations Required in Legends Open at 4pm Prime Rib Filet Mignon Top Sirloin  Prawn's Neptune Seafood Fettucine Lemon Teriyaki Salmon Stuffed Alaskan Halibut with Lobster Sauce Chicken Picatta Stuffed Italian Chicken with a Marsala and Mushroom Sauce Bow We Pasta Primavera No Coupons or Discounts will apply in Legends or in Creekside Care on Valentine's Day $ I'I}',&EV i,,dE/iq'qq"nP'm € A N 0 o. ly • h,=h, n, zouos • . • €) -. • _ ,__ 123 Front Street eht  our new hour$: SundaythmWtula'aaylm'am,mumlm   I II II Page 22 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, February 4, 1999 at Lake Arrowhead, pied guilty to forgery and two counts of possess- ing stolen property, including clothes, tools and a 1979 Honda Prelude. The charges stemmed from an incident that occurred following her breakup with her boyfriend of 14 years. When Sawyer read DuBouch better switch to bow and and that she was to firearms restrictions in tion with another case. "Bow and arrow are reasonable alternative," he! "You may have been around committing a felony  not even know it. The the standard warning against sentences in these cases possession of a firearm, she asked , ty severe." Her sentencing the judge if this meant she scheduled ferMI 18. • Residential • Commercial 18. • Carl R. McMillen, 62, who  at the time of his first arrest lived at 3080 Pickering Road, Shelton, pled guilty to charges of burglary in the second degree, violation of a no-contact order, unlawful pos- session of a firearm and attempt- ing to elude police. Two separate cases were rolled into one. The burglary and no- contact felonies occurred last Sep- tember 11 when he entered the Spencer Lake home of his es- tranged wife. The eluding and firearms charges occurred last November 27, the day of his most recent arrest. JUDGE SAWYER scheduled sentencing for March 4. • Dawn Rachelle De- 1714 Olympic Highway North Same-Day Service on Most • Residential Vinyl Windows • Mirrors • Contractor's Discounts • Rock Chip Repairs • Auto Glass Specialist Call 426-3163 Guaranteed Quality * Monday-Friday 8-5 Tell that special someone that you really care... and do it in a very special way! Your special message will be published in the newspaper on February 11. It's a fantastic way to say "1 love your' CLIP AND MAIL OR BRING EITHER FORM TO SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL'S CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT DEADLINE: TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 2 RM. TO : SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL P.O. BOX 430 SHELTON, WA 98584 r-w. Please publish the following Valentine's Greeting: UP TO 15 WORDS $6.00 ADD 10’ FOR EACH ADDITIONAL WORD. CHECK PAYABLE TO SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL ENCLOSED FOR $ L YOUR NAME YOUR ADDRESS CITY STATE YOUR PHONE NUMBER ZIP Dear Honey, You are my one and only. I Love You Always, Your Sweetie UP TO 15 WORDS IN A BOX WITH STRIP DESIGN -- $20 CHECK PAYABLE TO SHELTON- MASON COUNTY JOURNAL ENCLOSED FOR $ Please publish the following Valentine's Greeting: YOUR NAME YOUR ADDRESS CITY STATE YOUR PHONE NUMBER I Z!P It's prison for Anthony Six plea A King County man who pled guilty to robbing a Shelton wom- an of her purse after following her home from a local casino was sen- tenced in Mason County Superior Court last week to seven years prison. John Floyd Anthony, 42, who lived at 216 Ellington Street, Pa- cific, at the time of his arrest, was sentenced Thursday by Judge James Sawyer to 84 months for strong-arm robbery. The sentence was in connection with events of August 21, 1997, when Anthony followed Shirley Taylor from a ca- sino to her home in Wingwood and stole her purse. According to court papers An- thony attacked Taylor while she was walking from her car to her house, pushing her into the ga- rage and grabbing the purse. He was picked up while speeding east on Turner Avenue. Taylor's purse was found in a ditch at the Superior court roundup: corner of Turner and Angleside Drive. ANTHONY WILL start ser- ving time after he completes a sentence of 43 months handed down by the King County Superi- or Court in connection with another crime he committed that week. "He has a serious gambling problem to the point of addiction," defense attorney Charles Lane said. "Coupled with that, Mr. An- thony had a drug problem at this time which may have contributed to an error in judgement." Anthony admitted that he is Judge James Sawyer presided over several pretrial hearings on Wednesday, January 27, in Ma- son County Superior Court. The following resulted in guilty pleas: • Amber Nicole Lapic, 22, whose address at the time of her initial arrest was 3741 West Lit- tle Egypt, pied guilty to malicious mischief in the second degree. Sentencing was scheduled for March 4. Lapic faces restitution of $632 for her role last March in inciting two young offenders to slash the tires of another person in what the prosecution said was a re- Radford i q)rdered addicted to gambling. "When this vengeincident. The state dropped S is all over I just want to live a other charges, including assault normal and productive life," he in the fourth degree, criminal said. conspiracy and furnishing liquor which means she maintains her innocence but concedes that the evidence is likely to result in a conviction. Judge Sawyer said her arrest last November was the first offense recorded by the court and set her sentencing for Febru- ary 25. • Theodore Frank Bech- told, 29, of 2261 Highway 108 West, Shelton, pied guilty to bur- glary in the second degree, mali- cious mischief and violation of a no-contact order. THE BURGLARY charge was reduced from residential bur- glary, which is a more serious crime. Sawyer ordered the prepa- ration of a presentence report and scheduled sentencing for March JL guilty as trials loom Bouch, 29, of 21 Chinook Court couldn't hunt. He told her to pay up" S25 530 Although he did not find excep- to a minor. • 9 tional circumstances, Judge Saw- * James Lawrence De- yer gave Anthony the maximum Gagne, 37, who lived at 7105 A Shelton man who earlier pied guilty to possession of stolen property was ordered in Mason County Superior Court last week to pay $25,530 in restitution to the man whose family treasures disappeared from a rented ga- rage. Judge James Sawyer ordered Ronald James Radford, a 33- year-old with a former address in the Lake Limerick area, to pay the ordered restitution to restore the value of items Dale Cun- ningham of Shelton told investi- gating officers were missing. Radford was convicted of pos- sessing items belonging to Cun- ningham, including glass, porce- lein, stereo equipment and valu- able antique china. At Radford's sentencing, Cunningham de- scribed items that were missing as irreplaceable family heirlooms. According to court papers Radford sold or traded the stolen goods to two Mason County residents. IN ARRAIGNMENT pro- ceedings in new cases before the court last Thursday: * Nathan Walter Her- mann, 19, of 2040 West High- land Road, Shelton pied not guilty to residential burglary and theft in the first degree. Defense attor- ney Ron Sergi asked that Her- mann be released on personal re- cognizance. Judge Sawyer set bail at $3,000 and set the following schedule tbr the case: omnibus hearing on February 18; pretrial hearing on February 25; and trial in the March 4 term. • Chris Allen Weddle, 38, whose most recent known address was 2402 Cole Road, Shelton pled not guilty to possession of a dan- gerous weapon, possession of drug paraphernalia and driving with license suspended in the third degree. Weddle is to appear for omnibus proceedings on Marct 4, pretrial on March 24 bind trial in the April 5 term. • Susan Patterson, 44, of 114 East Marcy in Montesano faces charges of theft in the sec- ond degree following an identifi- cation hearing on January 20. Judge Sawyer found that she does not qualify for a court-appointed attorney and scheduled her ar- raignment for today. The infor- mation filed in the case alleges that she stole $800 from Marilou Booth on May 5, 1997 by renting an apartment she didn't own to Mandi Kayzers. IN OTHER proceedings Thursday: * Michael William Ready, 26, whose most recent known ad- dress is 110 SE Crater Road, Shelton, was fbund guilty of pos- sessing 3.5 grams of methamphe- tamine after he failed to partici- pate in a diversion program. Sen- tencing was scheduled for Febru- ary 18. * Kevin Swenson, 43, of 51 East Catfish Lake Road, Shelton , Trained and competent technicians • 12 months or 12,000 mile warranty • Free local shuttle service .q'etV'lC8 was identified in connection with charges that he possessed meth- amphetamine and drug parapher- nalia and that he provided false information to a law officer and was driving with his license sus- pended. Sawyer appointed Charles Lane to be his attorney and set bail at $5,000. Arraign- ment was scheduled for February 4. • Judge Sawyer ordered a $10,000 warrant for the arrest of Fred L. Campbell, 47, whose most recent known address was 261 East Willow Blue Lane, Shel- ton, for failing to appear for ar- raignment on charges of conspira- cy to manufacture an illegal drug. • The judge ordered a $10,000 warrant for the arrest of Gwen Weicker, 20, of whose last known address was East 101 Driftwood Circle, Shelton, for fail- ing to appear for a court hearing to terminate her enrollment in a diversion program. ALSO IN court during the past week were: • Aldous J. Block, 20, of NE 121 View Court, Belfair, who was identified Monday on a pair of po- tential charges. He was arrested in connection with allegations that he assaulted Donald Douglas Nelson and violated the state drugs laws. Sawyer released him on personal recognizance and scheduled his arraignment for February 18. He also told him to stay away from Nelson and his immediate family. • Laurel Susan MacIntyre, 43, of North 21110 Highway 101, Shelton, pied not guilty to a charge of assault in the second degree. Omnibus was set for March 4, pretrial for March 24 and trial for the April 5 term. MacIntyre faces allegations she slashed Roy E. Estacio with a knife while he was moving his things out of a residence at the apartment complex where MacIn- tyre lives. * Travis Liberty Sparr, 26, of 22280 Highway 101, Shelton, who pled not guilty Friday to a charge of failing to register as a sex offender. Sawyer set bail at $7,500 and set an omnibus hearing for Feb- ruary 18, pretrial hearing for February 24 and trial for the March 8 jury term. Sparr was convicted of rape in the second degree in April of 1996. sentence allowed by law. Antho- ny's criminal history since 1979, Sawyer noted, includes three ar- rests for burglary, five arrests for theft and an earlier arrest for rob- bery in the second degree. THE JUDGE said Anthony destroyed Taylor's sense of safety. "You can never return to her the sense of security she had before you committed this crime," he said. Sawyer also ordered him to pay $275.80 in court costs, $500 to the victims compensation fund and $350 in attorneys fees. The judge scheduled a restitution hearing for March 18. 162nd Street, Puyallup at the time of his arrest, entered a guilty plea to two counts of for- gery and one count of theft in the first degree. HE WAS ARRESTED last September after he tried to use someone else's credit card to spend money at the Spencer Lake Resort and to cash $1,100 in sto- len checks at Seafirst Bank. Sen- tencing was scheduled for Febru- ary 18. * Shannon Amanda Smith, 23, of 81 NE Cherokee Beach Road, Belfair, pied guilty to pos- session of methamphetamine. Smith made an Alford plea, ViolatoI ge jailtime Judge James Sawyer dealt charges. with dispositions on two viola- Sawyer ordered her to serve 90 tions of the conditions of earlier sentences in Mason County Supe- rior Court last Thursday. In those cases: * Rorilee L. Bliner, 37, who lived at SE 1739 Holman, Shel- ton, at the time of her arrest, ad- mitted violating the conditions of her sentencing on narcotics days in jail and authorized her re- lease to a treatment program. • Dale Carrell, 42, of Shelton admitted that he violated condi- tions of a 1998 sentence for a do- mestic violence assault against his wife. Sawyer gave him 60 days of day reporting for violating a no-contact order. Olympic Dental Center • Crowns • Extractions • Bridges • Dentures E Scudder, DDS 2026 Olympic Highway North, Suite 101 432-8 -9 * Sheiton Most insurances and medical coupons accepted Open 9 a.m.-5 p.m., Tuesday-Thursday I I II IIII On Valentine's Day od " Reservations Required in Legends Open at 4pm Prime Rib Filet Mignon Top Sirloin  Prawn's Neptune Seafood Fettucine Lemon Teriyaki Salmon Stuffed Alaskan Halibut with Lobster Sauce Chicken Picatta Stuffed Italian Chicken with a Marsala and Mushroom Sauce Bow We Pasta Primavera No Coupons or Discounts will apply in Legends or in Creekside Care on Valentine's Day $ I'I}',&EV i,,dE/iq'qq"nP'm € A N 0 o. ly • h,=h, n, zouos • . • €) -. • _ ,__ 123 Front Street eht  our new hour$: SundaythmWtula'aaylm'am,mumlm   I II II Page 22 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, February 4, 1999 at Lake Arrowhead, pied guilty to forgery and two counts of possess- ing stolen property, including clothes, tools and a 1979 Honda Prelude. The charges stemmed from an incident that occurred following her breakup with her boyfriend of 14 years. When Sawyer read DuBouch better switch to bow and and that she was to firearms restrictions in tion with another case. "Bow and arrow are reasonable alternative," he! "You may have been around committing a felony  not even know it. The the standard warning against sentences in these cases possession of a firearm, she asked , ty severe." Her sentencing the judge if this meant she scheduled ferMI 18. • Residential • Commercial 18. • Carl R. McMillen, 62, who  at the time of his first arrest lived at 3080 Pickering Road, Shelton, pled guilty to charges of burglary in the second degree, violation of a no-contact order, unlawful pos- session of a firearm and attempt- ing to elude police. Two separate cases were rolled into one. The burglary and no- contact felonies occurred last Sep- tember 11 when he entered the Spencer Lake home of his es- tranged wife. The eluding and firearms charges occurred last November 27, the day of his most recent arrest. JUDGE SAWYER scheduled sentencing for March 4. • Dawn Rachelle De- 1714 Olympic Highway North Same-Day Service on Most • Residential Vinyl Windows • Mirrors • Contractor's Discounts • Rock Chip Repairs • Auto Glass Specialist Call 426-3163 Guaranteed Quality * Monday-Friday 8-5 Tell that special someone that you really care... and do it in a very special way! Your special message will be published in the newspaper on February 11. It's a fantastic way to say "1 love your' CLIP AND MAIL OR BRING EITHER FORM TO SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL'S CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT DEADLINE: TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 2 RM. TO : SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL P.O. BOX 430 SHELTON, WA 98584 r-w. Please publish the following Valentine's Greeting: UP TO 15 WORDS $6.00 ADD 10’ FOR EACH ADDITIONAL WORD. CHECK PAYABLE TO SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL ENCLOSED FOR $ L YOUR NAME YOUR ADDRESS CITY STATE YOUR PHONE NUMBER ZIP Dear Honey, You are my one and only. I Love You Always, Your Sweetie UP TO 15 WORDS IN A BOX WITH STRIP DESIGN -- $20 CHECK PAYABLE TO SHELTON- MASON COUNTY JOURNAL ENCLOSED FOR $ Please publish the following Valentine's Greeting: YOUR NAME YOUR ADDRESS CITY STATE YOUR PHONE NUMBER I Z!P