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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 4, 1999     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 4, 1999
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Three pastors set at F'a:[th Lutheran In preparation for its 50th anniversary celebration on Marcia 6 and 7, Faith Luther- an Church will feature three special guest, pastors this month. Pastor Margaret O'Neal will deliver the message this Sunday morning at both the 9 o'clock traditional service and tile 11:15 contemporary worship. Currently serving as asso- ciate pastor at. Saint Mark's Lutheran Church in Tacoma, O'Neal was parish secretary and education director at Faith until 1980 when she and her husband John both decided to attend Luther Theological Seminary in Saint Paul, Minnesota. He serves as an interim pastor for the Southwest Synod. ° On February 21 Pastor (Ben:) J. Bernard Bretheim, who served Faith from 1952 to 1958, will be the guest. He is now retired. Pastor Don Clinton, also retired, will present the ser- mon on February 28. He was interim pastor during 1989 and 1990. The church is located at the corner of 13th and Con- nection streets on Mountain View. More information about these services and other Faith ministries is available by calling the church office at 426-8611 weekdays from 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Calvary 'sweetheart night' is 00ebruary 13 Calvary Fellowship plans a "date night" evening for couples at 7 p.m. Saturday, February 113 at the church at 2414 Railroad just west of Shelton. The evening program will tZ, ature special singing and an inspirational talk by Rob and Becky Neuschwander from Battle Ground. A $3 charge per couple, to be paid at the door, will cover refreshments and program. Everyone is welcome, notes Pastor Marlon Rains. Those who want more information can call 426-7021. Harstine: d Wat p ip Islan ,'Crime 'h artic an: to wel('ome, newcomers February 17 By DIANE EDGIN Members take turns patrolling' such as the ice' storm of three do wit" at old ugly septic" dresses IS'" prohlblhve" ' • . Folks Harstine Island's Crime Watch the island at various times and winters past. That winter tbund mound in the yard should attend move are asked to send a will meet at 7 p.m., February 17, at the Harstine Island Communi- ty Hall. Anyone who is interested in what Crime Watch is all about is welcome to attend. During the past three years, Harstine Island has seen a marked decrease in crime, espe- cially break-ins, and Crime Watch is seen by many as directly responsible for the decrease. days. They are strictly observers and report any unusual activities to the Mason County Sheriffs Of- rice. NOT ALL Crime Watch mem- bers patrol. Some lend support by making up the rosters and send- ing them to members; others act as callers. Block-watch captains will coor- dinate with rescue personnel should area homeowners need as- sistance in case of an emergency, all of us who rely on the PUD without power and phones for up to two weeks. Roads and drive- ways were blocked with a multi- tude of trees. Neighbors looked after neighbors. Crime Watch has become an important part of island living and can always use new mem- bers. Everyone is welcome to come join the group. ON THURSDAY, February 11, anyone interested in what to Turn signal misinterpreted, state says: Unhappy driver is cited after crash wlth deputy A Benson Loop resident who was involved in an automobile ac- cident with a Mason County sher- iffs deputy's vehicle has been cit- ed tbr failing to yield right-of-way. After a photo of the accident showed up in last week's Journal, Gladys Ayers wrote to the news- paper saying she was "appalled" to see the picture and article, and noted that the vehicles had been moved. "It was the deputy who hit my car," she said, not the other way round. And as for the state pa- trol's report that no one was in- jured, she said both she and a passenger in her car, Dorothy Chapman, both suffered chest and leg injuries and were checked out by their respective medical providers. Ayers wrote that Deputy Ted Drogmund was signaling a left turn approaching northbound as she drove southbound and turned left into Alpine Way. Washington State Patrol Sergeant Wes Stock- 'well said Drogmund was signal- ing a lane change, not a turn. Ayers, according to the investi- gating trooper's report, failed to yield by turning her vehicle in front of the deputy's, Stockwell said. "She was mailed a notice of infraction," he said. He said the intersection can be a confusing one because of the multi-lane situation, but noted that a vehicle turning left must always yield. Stockwell said troopers were called out to investigate the acci- dent, which was in the city of Shelton, because of a law-enforce- ment officer's involvement. the Harstine Island Garden Club to hear Sue Thompson of Har- stine Heirloom Gardens speak on garden design for the septic drainfield. Sue is a Master Gardener and professionally designs gardens in- cluding drain fields and mounds. The garden club meets at 7 p.m. at the Harstine Island Com- Enunity Hall. Off-islanders are welcome as well. PIONEER Community Kiwa- nis will hold its annual crab, clam and spaghetti dinner at Pioneer Elementary School from 4 to 7 p.m Saturday, February 13. This is the club's major fund-raiser for the year. Tickets are available from members and a limited number will be available at the door. Tick- ets can be reserved by calling Sam and Diane Edgin at 427- 0422. The cost is $15 for adults and $8 for children. THE HARSTINE Islander, the newsletter of the Harstine Is- land Community Club, should be in mailboxes by now. The news- letter staff did a fantastic job of putting together the letter. One ongoing problem for which there never seems to be an ade- quate solution is getting the newsletter to all that want to re- ceive it. We are all at the mercy of mailing lists that are perpetually out of date and the cost of for- warding and getting corrected ad- of address to Mason County! the Harstine Island Club. Another difficulty: one the zip code and your is gone forever. For anyone who wishes to calve the newsletter and member of the community € or to renew a membershiP: cost is $5.00 per person ag $ and over. Dues and requestS! be sent to the HICC at p.O. I 1635, Shelton, WA 98584. for any other island club be sent directly to that club. SOME COYOTES here Harstine Island just do 't with what I would consider real coyote behavior. placed a couple of overripe zucchinis in our pile. The next morning watched as a pair of packed the squash off. they wanted a change fro mice-and-rabbit diet, but squash is not what I muld' coyote behavior. Ve coyotes? When we stop and take all the things that are going t around us the day just seem brighter; it really er. Too often all we hear is negative, all we read is the tive and pretty soon we find' selves projecting a ne which soon takes on a own. i.. ...... Looking for a rmny day hangout? e Nobody serves up a • [ better deal than we do. r---------- [----------------i FREE rod's Entree FREE Slice of Pie with the "One kids' entree with one adult entree purchase. Child must | purchase of adult be 10 years old or younger and  : Ii accompanied by an adult, rll II I offer og  S;::;f:;;'.S vN;tu;all2lh any Otter good al Shellon Denny'a only Not valid wdh feny '- | other coupons or offers. Cash value 1/20€,  I Offer expires 2128/99. One coupon per person per visit L __ __ nil | | | | ealll iii | |iIi | | NIl u | n | i | iii iIUl | n | | | | INI eIii | | HI | | l , BuyO., , r s I Anyentree , ' Breakfast, r[Lr= | ! I ---- purchase over S4 ! I ! • Get One l I UFF .'  'l I off°' e ou°rUo,%[con. ,%°o=! fe  I I _°ffer olherc-opOl oroffe.Clthvelul 1/0€.go°d It Shfelton Inny'I only, NOt vfelid with feny /-lall t .'1 ;. ]1 I • • Offer expires 2/28/09. Onfe coupon per perIon per V)SK  _ ulcer expiru 2/8/99. One ooupon per person per visit, I I I I  .  mII III I I I I I m m I I I I III I m  & I I I I I I I I I III I I I I I III  Denny's is committed to providing the best possible service to all customers regardless of race, creed, color or national origin. 301 E. Wallace-Kneeland Blvd. Shelton 427-6502 We're here for you! I I I $1[LICN €IN[HMi 24-HOUR MOVIE INFO 426-1000 DALLY 1:45, 4:00, 7:00, 9:15 Freddie Prinze Jr. Rachael Lelgh Cook she:s all that attraction than meets the eye. DALLY 1:30, 7:10 THIN RED LINE EVERY MAN FIGHTS / II HIS OWN WAR STAP, RING []SEAN PENN DALLY 4:45 HIGHTYl YOUNG 0 DISNEY ENTERPRISES. INC OlOl  PERSONAL CHECKS ,...,,,,,,.. .... WELCOME I A rl'ENTION SPOR TS MEN/ WOM EI DIITNBR-I)ANGE PeSruarv) z 3/6:o o I'M izeus lbr Washington Wildlife ogMon Comty MembersMp Drive DINNER-DANCE $10.00 A t the Dayton Nimrod Hall, Shelton Take Shelton Maock Road 6.5 miles West of Hwy 101 . , BRING YOUR ()WIN BEVERAGE KJ (Ice & glsse rnkhrd) Wah Bloomfield 360-426-3780 ot Dan Holmn 360-42"/-7997 DOOR PRIZE AND RAFFLES Lake Nahwatzel Resort Valentin s Shelton, WA 98584 For reservations case) 4zs.saza ,THE MARK OF fXQTEMENT!" ......................... -ME AQkZlNE ©1998 LAYOUT ANO DESIGN COLUMBIA TISTAR HOME VIDEO ALL RIGHTS RESERVED @1998 TRISTAR PICTURES, INC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. OLYMPIC VIDEO 2104 Olympic Hwy. N. • 426-1596 the tops: nuxtux00-00i00s00sxt now offering Formula Shell  mm m mm mm m m mm m m mm mm mm mm mm mm m mm m Im ## ! BUY ONE BURGERMASTER  I I GET ONE FREE I 1/4-lb. patty, 100% beef, special relish, I lettuce, pickle, tomato, melted cheese on a toasted bun. the tops: : nuu00s00= Not valid with any other offer. Expires 1/17/99. i i sl sl i ii i  ml      s      l : BUY ONE SPECIAL I BREAKFAST--GET ONE FR ;; I Choice of ham, bacon or sausage, two fried eggs, golden hashbrowns, I toast with real butter and jam. Coupon cash value 1/20'. L Not valid with any other offer. Expires 1/17/99. : OF COFFEE With fuel purchase. I Same great food and staff ! plus Formula Shell Gasoline h|| L No coupon necessary. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII III II 3001 Olympic (360) Hwy. North 426-7224 on Mt. View Fax 426-7407 Page 24 ' Shelton,Mason County Journal - Thursday, February 4, 1999 Three pastors set at F'a:[th Lutheran In preparation for its 50th anniversary celebration on Marcia 6 and 7, Faith Luther- an Church will feature three special guest, pastors this month. Pastor Margaret O'Neal will deliver the message this Sunday morning at both the 9 o'clock traditional service and tile 11:15 contemporary worship. Currently serving as asso- ciate pastor at. Saint Mark's Lutheran Church in Tacoma, O'Neal was parish secretary and education director at Faith until 1980 when she and her husband John both decided to attend Luther Theological Seminary in Saint Paul, Minnesota. He serves as an interim pastor for the Southwest Synod. ° On February 21 Pastor (Ben:) J. Bernard Bretheim, who served Faith from 1952 to 1958, will be the guest. He is now retired. Pastor Don Clinton, also retired, will present the ser- mon on February 28. He was interim pastor during 1989 and 1990. The church is located at the corner of 13th and Con- nection streets on Mountain View. More information about these services and other Faith ministries is available by calling the church office at 426-8611 weekdays from 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Calvary 'sweetheart night' is 00ebruary 13 Calvary Fellowship plans a "date night" evening for couples at 7 p.m. Saturday, February 113 at the church at 2414 Railroad just west of Shelton. The evening program will tZ, ature special singing and an inspirational talk by Rob and Becky Neuschwander from Battle Ground. A $3 charge per couple, to be paid at the door, will cover refreshments and program. Everyone is welcome, notes Pastor Marlon Rains. Those who want more information can call 426-7021. Harstine: d Wat p ip Islan ,'Crime 'h artic an: to wel('ome, newcomers February 17 By DIANE EDGIN Members take turns patrolling' such as the ice' storm of three do wit" at old ugly septic" dresses IS'" prohlblhve" ' • . Folks Harstine Island's Crime Watch the island at various times and winters past. That winter tbund mound in the yard should attend move are asked to send a will meet at 7 p.m., February 17, at the Harstine Island Communi- ty Hall. Anyone who is interested in what Crime Watch is all about is welcome to attend. During the past three years, Harstine Island has seen a marked decrease in crime, espe- cially break-ins, and Crime Watch is seen by many as directly responsible for the decrease. days. They are strictly observers and report any unusual activities to the Mason County Sheriffs Of- rice. NOT ALL Crime Watch mem- bers patrol. Some lend support by making up the rosters and send- ing them to members; others act as callers. Block-watch captains will coor- dinate with rescue personnel should area homeowners need as- sistance in case of an emergency, all of us who rely on the PUD without power and phones for up to two weeks. Roads and drive- ways were blocked with a multi- tude of trees. Neighbors looked after neighbors. Crime Watch has become an important part of island living and can always use new mem- bers. Everyone is welcome to come join the group. ON THURSDAY, February 11, anyone interested in what to Turn signal misinterpreted, state says: Unhappy driver is cited after crash wlth deputy A Benson Loop resident who was involved in an automobile ac- cident with a Mason County sher- iffs deputy's vehicle has been cit- ed tbr failing to yield right-of-way. After a photo of the accident showed up in last week's Journal, Gladys Ayers wrote to the news- paper saying she was "appalled" to see the picture and article, and noted that the vehicles had been moved. "It was the deputy who hit my car," she said, not the other way round. And as for the state pa- trol's report that no one was in- jured, she said both she and a passenger in her car, Dorothy Chapman, both suffered chest and leg injuries and were checked out by their respective medical providers. Ayers wrote that Deputy Ted Drogmund was signaling a left turn approaching northbound as she drove southbound and turned left into Alpine Way. Washington State Patrol Sergeant Wes Stock- 'well said Drogmund was signal- ing a lane change, not a turn. Ayers, according to the investi- gating trooper's report, failed to yield by turning her vehicle in front of the deputy's, Stockwell said. "She was mailed a notice of infraction," he said. He said the intersection can be a confusing one because of the multi-lane situation, but noted that a vehicle turning left must always yield. Stockwell said troopers were called out to investigate the acci- dent, which was in the city of Shelton, because of a law-enforce- ment officer's involvement. the Harstine Island Garden Club to hear Sue Thompson of Har- stine Heirloom Gardens speak on garden design for the septic drainfield. Sue is a Master Gardener and professionally designs gardens in- cluding drain fields and mounds. The garden club meets at 7 p.m. at the Harstine Island Com- Enunity Hall. Off-islanders are welcome as well. PIONEER Community Kiwa- nis will hold its annual crab, clam and spaghetti dinner at Pioneer Elementary School from 4 to 7 p.m Saturday, February 13. This is the club's major fund-raiser for the year. Tickets are available from members and a limited number will be available at the door. Tick- ets can be reserved by calling Sam and Diane Edgin at 427- 0422. The cost is $15 for adults and $8 for children. THE HARSTINE Islander, the newsletter of the Harstine Is- land Community Club, should be in mailboxes by now. The news- letter staff did a fantastic job of putting together the letter. One ongoing problem for which there never seems to be an ade- quate solution is getting the newsletter to all that want to re- ceive it. We are all at the mercy of mailing lists that are perpetually out of date and the cost of for- warding and getting corrected ad- of address to Mason County! the Harstine Island Club. Another difficulty: one the zip code and your is gone forever. For anyone who wishes to calve the newsletter and member of the community € or to renew a membershiP: cost is $5.00 per person ag $ and over. Dues and requestS! be sent to the HICC at p.O. I 1635, Shelton, WA 98584. for any other island club be sent directly to that club. SOME COYOTES here Harstine Island just do 't with what I would consider real coyote behavior. placed a couple of overripe zucchinis in our pile. The next morning watched as a pair of packed the squash off. they wanted a change fro mice-and-rabbit diet, but squash is not what I muld' coyote behavior. Ve coyotes? When we stop and take all the things that are going t around us the day just seem brighter; it really er. Too often all we hear is negative, all we read is the tive and pretty soon we find' selves projecting ane which soon takes on a own. i.. ...... Looking for a rmny day hangout? e Nobody serves up a • [ better deal than we do. r---------- [----------------i FREE rod's Entree FREE Slice of Pie with the "One kids' entree with one adult entree purchase. Child must | purchase of adult be 10 years old or younger and  : Ii accompanied by an adult, rll II I offer og  S;::;f:;;'.S vN;tu;all2lh any Otter good al Shellon Denny'a only Not valid wdh feny '- | other coupons or offers. Cash value 1/20€,  I Offer expires 2128/99. One coupon per person per visit L __ __ nil | | | | ealll iii | |iIi | | NIl u | n | i | iii iIUl | n | | | | INI eIii | | HI | | l , BuyO., , r s I Anyentree , ' Breakfast, r[Lr= | ! I ---- purchase over S4 ! I ! • Get One l I UFF .'  'l I off°' e ou°rUo,%[con. ,%°o=! fe  I I _°ffer olherc-opOl oroffe.Clthvelul 1/0€.go°d It Shfelton Inny'I only, NOt vfelid with feny /-lall t .'1 ;. ]1 I • • Offer expires 2/28/09. Onfe coupon per perIon per V)SK  _ ulcer expiru 2/8/99. One ooupon per person per visit, I I I I  .  mII III I I I I I m m I I I I III I m  & I I I I I I I I I III I I I I I III  Denny's is committed to providing the best possible service to all customers regardless of race, creed, color or national origin. 301 E. Wallace-Kneeland Blvd. Shelton 427-6502 We're here for you! I I I $1[LICN €IN[HMi 24-HOUR MOVIE INFO 426-1000 DALLY 1:45, 4:00, 7:00, 9:15 Freddie Prinze Jr. Rachael Lelgh Cook she:s all that attraction than meets the eye. DALLY 1:30, 7:10 THIN RED LINE EVERY MAN FIGHTS / II HIS OWN WAR STAP, RING []SEAN PENN DALLY 4:45 HIGHTYl YOUNG 0 DISNEY ENTERPRISES. INC OlOl  PERSONAL CHECKS ,...,,,,,,.. .... WELCOME I A rl'ENTION SPOR TS MEN/ WOM EI DIITNBR-I)ANGE PeSruarv) z 3/6:o o I'M izeus lbr Washington Wildlife ogMon Comty MembersMp Drive DINNER-DANCE $10.00 A t the Dayton Nimrod Hall, Shelton Take Shelton Maock Road 6.5 miles West of Hwy 101 . , BRING YOUR ()WIN BEVERAGE KJ (Ice & glsse rnkhrd) Wah Bloomfield 360-426-3780 ot Dan Holmn 360-42"/-7997 DOOR PRIZE AND RAFFLES Lake Nahwatzel Resort Valentin s Shelton, WA 98584 For reservations case) 4zs.saza ,THE MARK OF fXQTEMENT!" ......................... -ME AQkZlNE ©1998 LAYOUT ANO DESIGN COLUMBIA TISTAR HOME VIDEO ALL RIGHTS RESERVED @1998 TRISTAR PICTURES, INC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. OLYMPIC VIDEO 2104 Olympic Hwy. N. • 426-1596 the tops: nuxtux00-00i00s00sxt now offering Formula Shell  mm m mm mm m m mm m m mm mm mm mm mm mm m mm m Im ## ! BUY ONE BURGERMASTER  I I GET ONE FREE I 1/4-lb. patty, 100% beef, special relish, I lettuce, pickle, tomato, melted cheese on a toasted bun. the tops: : nuu00s00= Not valid with any other offer. Expires 1/17/99. i i sl sl i ii i  ml      s      l : BUY ONE SPECIAL I BREAKFAST--GET ONE FR ;; I Choice of ham, bacon or sausage, two fried eggs, golden hashbrowns, I toast with real butter and jam. Coupon cash value 1/20'. L Not valid with any other offer. Expires 1/17/99. : OF COFFEE With fuel purchase. I Same great food and staff ! plus Formula Shell Gasoline h|| L No coupon necessary. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII III II 3001 Olympic (360) Hwy. North 426-7224 on Mt. View Fax 426-7407 Page 24 ' Shelton,Mason County Journal - Thursday, February 4, 1999