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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 4, 1999     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 4, 1999
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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m @ CLASSIFIED RATES • 15 words or less - $5.00 i' In multiple Insertion I • 10 cents for each additional word over 15 lads , The Journal 111 • Four insertions for the price of three I be responsible for I • Classified deadline-2 p.m. Tuesday I erromlntheflrst I • Classified display - 5 p.m. Monday [ Insealon only. I Phone 426-4412 to Place Ad p...-- FOR SALE HELP WANTED FOR SALE OIL FIRED heater, ceiling mount, 93,000 btu, 3 years old, 110 electric model 0495, $750, Jim 427-8701, Terry 426-5220. H 1/14-2/4 DRY FIREWOOD Shelton area, fir $110 cord. 16" split and delivered. Madrona $150 cord. Green/seasoned fir $100 cord. Get 50% more mileage from your wood for next year. Green madrona 16" split and delivered $120 cord, lasts way longer and burns hotter. Outside Shel- ton area - delivery charge may apply. Also have green alder, $90 cord and seasoned maple $100 cord. 427-6883. C2/4 HIDE-A-BED AND matching chair, $100. Tweed chair, $40. 427-0663. K2/4-11 CYMBIDIUM (ORCHID) for sale, Call for information, 427-2402. B2/4 NIFTY THRIFTY Gateway Center. Men's and women's sweaters $1 each. All weather coats and jackets, men's/women's /2 price. 11 a.m.-4 p.m. Tuesday-Saturday. $2/4 1,000 L.F. mahogany casement mold- ing, $1,000 offer, 877-5657. 12/4 MEN'S RINGS: Elks gold/onyx, $175. Knight of Columbus ruby/gold, $175. Black Hills gold/silver, $75. Large gold/diamond, $400. Offers consid- ered, 877-5657.12/4 JUST ARRIVED. Quality color copy machine comparable to Olympia quality and prices. COMPUMEDIA, 114 W. Alder, Shelton. 427-1210. C2/4-25 BUYING COINSi Paying 4 times face value for common date U.S. dimes, quarters, half dollars dated 1964 or be- forel Paying 1.5 to 2 times face for Ca- nadian dimes, quarters, half dollars dated 1966 or before. Paying $7 each (and up) for common U.S.stlver dollars dated 1878 through 1935 in undamaged (V.G.) condition. Larger premiums paid for dollars with "CC" mint mark or any mint dated 1893, 1894, or 18951 Pay 2.50 each for common Canada silver dollars dated 1967 or beforel $100 (& up) for Canadian Dollar dated 1948. Im- mediate cash paid for U.S. 1/2 cents, large cents, Indian head cents, rare Lincoln cents and all wheat back cents, 2 cent pieces, 3 cent pieces, half dimes, twenty cent pieces, bust dol- lars, seated dollarsl U.S. and foreign Gold coinsl We need 1921 dated U.S. dimes and half dollars nowl Buying all U.S. currency series 1928 or earlier at multiples of face value! One piece or estate accumulationl Sell it to Dachs at the Coin Shop, 106 So. 4th St., Shel- ton1 9 to 5:30 Tuesday through Satur- day or call 426-0304 for more informa- tion1 S1/14-2/4 SEPTIC DESIGNS and install - we try harder for gravity - get our bid too. Lux Design, 426-0820. LUXDE**033CJ. L 12/3t fn HAMBURGER, 501b boxes, $1.49 a pound. Call 426-2411. T9/18 tfn RAINBOW SE with power nozzle and attachments, seldom used, 2 years old. Paid $1,450, asking $900 OBO. 426-3418. Al/28-2/4 GARAGE DOORS, automatic openers. Sales, installation, parts, repairs. Call Rick, 427-1032. Bl/28-2/18 PERSONALS STAINED GLASS brightens up the day. Windows, suncatchers, door inserts, boxes, lamps, stepping stones, etc., all in stained glass. I also do repairs. So if your stained glass piece or win- dow is broken, don't throw it away. Call Koleen, 426-0824 evenings after 6 p.m. and weekends for |ntormation and esti- mates. I do custom designs, too; W6/1 ltfn TOP SOIL High quality sandy loam Top cut • No Rocks • No Clay LANDSCAPING Lawns Sprinklers Plants ° Bark Backhoe • Dozer ROCK WALLS Bulkheads • Ripraps Deliveries Anywhere LOS1 & FOIIND IIIIIIII SATURDAY, FEB. 6th. Huge 27 family garage sale. SHS dance team booster club sale. PUD Auditorium, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Clothes of all sizes, toys, exer- cise equipment, western saddle, houaewares and much more! B1/28-2/4 ESTATE SALE Feb 6 & 7 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., no early sales. Furniture, ap- pliances, dishes, 3-wheel bike, electric cart, many tools. Shopsmith. Cash only. Turn at 2650 N. 13th St., Christ- mas Village. House at No. 20 Christmas Tree Lane, 360-426-5172. G 1/28-2/4 ! ........... '00FMdngf°raBargaln? Drop your line in the 42.6-4412 I I II WE CAN BUILD 'EM START TO FINISH OR DO-IT-YOURSELF FARMERS Custom designed in any size to fit your needs... not our convenience, at competitive prices. Call Art today 426-2411 32'x24'x10' Two-Car Garage and Storage 20'x36'xS' Horse Stable with Feed and Tack Room 24'x48'x11' s,or. 00l[llllJ! " ,t I, l "='4'J"lr IIII fft00 =o =. IIIIIIIlU'lll I i ;11 Two-Car Garage l,.j 11t'x7' Roll-Up Door ........ "MEET ME at the Auction." Grapeview Fire Hall, February 6, 1-5:30 p.m. Free refreshments. Tools, golf clubs, furni- ture, dishes, etc., etc. Grapeview Community Club benefit. Gl/28-2/4 BUY OR consign one item or an entire estate. Serving the local area since 1963. References available, Lic #193. Ken's Auction Service, 3707 Marvin Road NE, Olympia. 491-6804. K1/14tfn ANTICH AUCTION FRIDAY & SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 5 & 6 718 Z8TH HOQUIAM, WA 2 DAY ESTATE ANTIQUE EXTRAVAGANZA AUCTION STARTS FR/DAY 6 P.M., SATURDAY 10 A.M. Wonderful 1880's sales counter, oak cash drawer, glass front book cases, wrist & pocket watches, set of six oak chairs, jewelry, pottery, Native American items, 10th century Chimu pottery, china cabinet, curio cupboard, oak dropfront desk, buf- fet, fishing creels, perfume bottles, mannequin, tools, elegant glass, shoe cupboard, gentleman's dresser, Knickerbocker Raggedy Arms, Dutch girl cookie jar, vintage cloth- ing, cranberry picker, large glass floats, platform rocker, armoire, mini steam engines, kitchen stuff, German canister set, display cases, squash blossom necklace, TLR Rollicord, Nikormat 35mm & lenses & hundreds of interesting smalls... PREVIEW FRIDAY 11-5 Lic# anticea562ms TERMS: CASH, MC/VISA 532-7438 ' n FURNITURE WANTED, a y age or con- dition. Call Frontier Antiques, 426- 7795. F2/4 PAYING CASH pre 1950 post cards, photos, photo albums, toys, gambling items, lamps, guns, knives, watches - running or not, gold jewelry, Indian items, old pottery, vases and dishes. Call Frontier Antiques, 426-7795. F2/4 GOLD "N" Mill Realty and Property Management. Now taking applications for rentals, owner contract and real es- tate listings, special discounts while we are remodeling. Call Bonnie, Jay, or Ken, 427-4255. G2/4 WELL-ESTABLISHED local company hiring full time in house sales person. Position has hourly pay and benefits. Duties include sewicing established customers and prospecting for new customers. Preferably familiar with Ex- cel and Word. Send resume and letter of interest to Blind Box 576, c/o The Journal, PC Box 430, Shelton WA 98584. 2/4-11 = ARE YOU a WorkFirst participant? Do you enjoy and want to work with young children? If you answered yes call the Childcare Careers Program to find out about our free training program. Call Nina, 956-9830. $2/4-3/4 INFORMATION SERVICES Technician for Mason County Public Works/ER&R Department. $2,435 to $2,964/mo. Provides corrective & preventative maintenance of the County's PC's, IBM AS400 and PBX systems. Requires: High school grad or GED & at least one year of formal education in computer sciences or related field; OR three years experience in configuration, op- eration, and upgrade of PCs. Experi- ence desired in System 36/AS 400, PBX maint., and automated billing sys- tem. Applications required & available at the Mason County Human Resourc- es, 411 N Fifth St, Shelton WA 98584 or call (360) 427-7265. Closes 2/19/99 at 5 p.m. M2/4-11 Answers to Super Crossword SKOKOMISH INDIAN TRIBE Invites applications for the position of TRIBAL MANAGER Opens: January 20, 1999 Closes: February 26, 1999 The Skoko- mesh Indian Nation is located at the base of the majestic Olympic Moun- tains where the Skokomish River meets the picturesque Hood Canal. NATURE OF WORK: The Tribal Manager is re- sponsible for the execution of tribal laws and policies, for organizational leadership, and for the overall planning, coordination, supervision, and monitor- ing of all administrative, business and governmental functions of the Skoko- mesh Indian Tribe. This position is under the direct supervision of the Skoko- mesh Tdbal Council and requires an em- ployment contract. MINIMUM QUALIFI- CATIONS: Four-year degree, emphasis on Business Administration or Public Administration AND five years respon- sible experience in the supervision or management of multifaceted programs. OR Progressively responsible experi- ence substituted on a month to month basis for a four-year degree. OR Graduate level course work in business or public administration substituted on a month to month basis, up to 18 months, for experience. AND Satisfac- tory results of a criminal background and reference check. AND CONFIDEN- TIALITY: In addition to knowledge of confidential tribal information, this po- sition may require knowledge of confi- dential personal information regarding clients. The employee may be required to sign a'confidentiality agreement. Violation of this agreement shall result in immediate dismissal. DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE POLICY: The Skokomish Tribe is committed to providing quality work and services by providing a healthy, safe, drug-free workplace for its employees, council members, and the community in which it serves. To achieve this goal, final applicants for employment will be tested for illegal drugs and for alcohol after receiving a conditional job offer. PREFERENCE: Indian preference policy applies. First priority will be given to enrolled Skoko- mish tribal members. Second prefer- ence will be given to qualified Native American applicants who provide proof of enrollment in a federally-recognized tribe. Applicants not entitled to, or who fail to claim Indian preferences, will re- ceive consideration withOUt regard to ethnic/national origin, marital status, sexual orientation, religion, disability status, or membership in the tribal or- ganization. Please send resumes to: Skokomish Tribe's Personnel Depart- ment, N 80 Tnbal Center Road, Shelton, WA 98584 or fax (360) 877,5943. $2/4- 25 THE SKOKOMISH INDIAN TRIBE SEEKS A HOUSING SPECIALIST/ PLANNER: The Housing Specialist/ Planner will be responsible for providing technical assistance in the area of planning and grant-writing to the Sko- komish Tribe and SPSITHA staff. The position will also provide direct admin- istration of the Tribal Housing Improve- ment Program funding through the Bu- reau of Indian Affairs. Knowledge, abili- ty, skills and qualifications: BA re- quired. BA in planning or human/social services preferred. Grant Writing, technical writing skills required. Excel- lent communication skills required. The Specialist/Planner must be familiar with tribal and federal procurement and con- tracting specifications development process including the bidding, bonding and insurance requirements. Must be bondable and have a driving record consistent with the requirements of the Skokomish Indian Tribe's insurance provider. The employee may be re- quired to sign a confidentiality agree- ment with violation of this agreement resulting in immediate dismissal. Final applicants for employment will be test- ed for illegal drugs and for alcohol after receiving a conditional job offer. Indian preference policy applies. Closing Date: Feb. 12, 1999. Send resumes to the Skokomish Indian Tribe's Person- nel Dept. N 80 Tribal Center Road, Shelton, WA 98584 or fax (360) 877- 5943. For more information call (360) 426-4232 ext. 220. S2/4-11 SMALL PRODUCTION woodshop seek- ing highly motivated persons to pro- duce quality items. Employees must be dedicated, enjoy doing your best, be reliable and able to learn. Send applica- tions to PC Box 608, Shelton WA 98584. Looking for immediate hire. P 1/28-2/4 SUPPLEMENTAL HOME Health/Ho. spice RNs, LPNs & NACa Providence CITY OF Shelton Job Announcement Job Title: Surfacewater Engineer Sal- ary Range: $3,192-$3,671 per month DOQ Date of Closing: February 19, 1999 This position assists the City En- gineer with administration and manage- ment of the Surfacewater Drainage Master Plan, including review of drain- age plans prepared by developers and inspection of construction of drainage facilities, and in addition shall be re- sponsible for the successful adminis- tration and completion of a Stormwater Grant through the Centennial Clean Water Fund. This is a non-union, non- civil service position with benefits. Un- dergraduate degree in engineering (civil, agricultural, forestry, or a closely related field) from accredited four year college or university; and three (3) years of progressively responsible ex- perience in a civil engineering position; or possess an Engineer-in-training cer- tificate or the ability to obtain such within twelve (12) months from date of hire. Special, Desired Qualifications: Registered Professional Engineer; ex- perience with AutoCad. For a complete job announcement, job description, and application packet, contact City Hall, 310 W. Cota Street, Shelton, WA 98584 at (360) 426-9731 during normal busi- ness hours. EOE. Cl/28-2/4 PART-TIME JANITORIAL workers, 6 p.m.-10 p.m. daily, Shelton area. Call 943-4700. S 1/28-2/4 HAIRSTYLISTS FOR busy TGF Hair- cutters Shelton salon. Great pay, medical/dental, 401K, vacation. Full or part-time, 206-232-8008. T1/21-2./11 LOOKING FOR motivated persons that have small woodshop willing to do piece work. Must have air compressor, chop saw, table saw and router table. Possi- ble to earn $100 per day. Send applica- tions to PC Box 608, Shelton WA 98584. P 1/28-2/4 HOUSE SITTER needed full-time or live-in. Three school children plus pro- fessional. Light house cleaning, laun- dry, breakfast, lunches and dinner. Must have own car and insurance. Drive children, run errands. $800 monthly. 360-277-3155. C2/4 ADOPT-A-PET Kennels are in need of volunteer help. From 2 p.m. to 4 p.m., 1 day a week. But, these hours can be adjusted. Your help would be greatly appreciated, please call 426-2610 or our new Website at for more details. A4/30tfn THE SKOKOMISH Indian Tribe is seek- ing qualified applicants for the position of Personnel Manager. The Personnel Manager is responsible for planning and carrying out policies relating to all phases of human resources. Must have an AA degree in Office Adminis- tration, Business, or closely related field from a two-year college or techni- cal school and five years related ex- perience and/or training. BA degree in Human Resources and 2 years related experience preferred. Salary range: $24,000-$27,000 annually DOQ/Ex- perience. Indian preference policy ap- plies. Position closes February 15, 1999. Send resume to: The Skokomish Indian Tribe, Attn.: PERSONNEL N. 80 Tribal Center Road, Shelton, WA 98584 or fax to (360) 877-5943. To request an application and/or job description con- tact Personnel at (360) 426-4232 ext. 220. MAN WITH disability needs work. Graphic arts, sign making assembly, telephones, people skills. Can work at home or your place of business, if ac- cessible. Have own transportation. Very reliable. (360) 426-0925. Ml/14- 2/4 WILL RUN errands, clean house, wash windows, clean yards/garages/base- ments, transport pets to vet or ? Gro- cery shop, pick up medicine, water plants, check on house when you're on vacation, help with garage sales. Give us a call, no work too small or too large. Reasonable prices. 426-1290, Anne. $1/14-2/4 PERSONAL CARE aide available for home care. References and creden- tials. Compassionate and discrete. 877-9610. P 1/28-2/4 Reputation for Quality • Our people have over 21 years of service to the Pacific Northwest with thousands of satisfied customers. • One of the leading poet.frame builders In Mason County. • We can custom design at competitive pdces, any width, length or height required with no penalty In pdce. • Choose from s wide range of buildings... • Airplane hangars • Carports • Garages • Mobile home covers • Warehouses • Horse arenas end stables • Machine storage and shops ISlAIOIAITBBIICIEIIBBRIEIAIMmAIOIIIMIEI IE AI ClAmTIAIClTmAINISlAIMIAINIEITI SoundHomeCare&Hospice is currently [AIRITIHIUIRIAISlHIEIIJIOIHININIYIOIAISlHI |AIE|TIEIIAILIOIOlYlEIISlEITIAIIEININIAI IBITIVIIOILIIIOIIEIRISlIRIUITIAIIEIEINI / I I OlPlEIOlIWlAIIITI$11AIOILIE IOIPIEIRIAISlISlOILIAIRIIIAIIHIAIRIAI$1Sl IPlEINIAILIIMI|IRILII|IOIOIIImRI|IPIAJVI iEIRIIINIIPIAIRIBIEIIAIMIAITIEIIIIAIRINI IN|IlOIIHIAlilTI|INIIMIAIRleI|IOIUIRIII|I .IAISlS ElnlAI| [H]|ILIEIIHIAIYIEISBBBIAIFIFIIINBBMIOIPl BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES seeking supplemental RNs, LPNa and NACs for the Shelton Office. These po- sitions will cover vacation, sick and other days off. Requlrements include BEAUTY SHOP for sale. Established graduate of an aceredlted school and Allyn one chair shop needs stylist to current Wa. State llcensure/certifi- take over large friendly clientele. Call catlon. A minimum of one year nursing 360-456-5438, leave name and num- I___ LIc,#TOZIEBIO24PK | IIVlOINIAIOIOIRIAmEiXl41LI|BNIOITIE I experience in acute care or home ber. E1/28.2/18 i- g I |RIIIVIAILnEIDI!ITBBelLIAIYBBSlAILIOINI health ,effing required. Valid We. State rlelaliiTiHl|lAlOlSi|iXiHiliNiTlelOI Drivers license, and an insured reliable IHOIAmIItlTIAmGIAIRITIAmINmAImAI vehicle also required. Send or fax re- = I FJra,,M,J.S,no, m BM[H, MIutrdl ndav-Satury7:30-7 | IOIRIIISMITIAIRITmLlUlNIAITIsn=ImAlal sums to: PSHCH 3706 Griffin Ln. SE 426-43730,426-2411 __J Sundayg-S IPIAIUILIelIEIVlIIIRIEmMIAIRIYIMIAtRITIIINI Olympia, WA 98501 Fax: (360) 493- I 426-4373 or 426-2411 I " - I IEINISlUlE BBIIITIAIL BB AlVlEIR BBRIIIIIilSllll I1 iHi i II I J I i I i IJlTI|I|IOBBSlEIMIIBBNI|ISlSnTIYILIEIRI 4657 E.O.E. P1/28-2/4 Page 26 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, February 4, 1999 JOHN'S CREEK Country Kids has openings available. Licensed 10 years in Shelton. Mt. View school district. USDA food program. 426-7669. N1/14tfn TODDLE IN Daycare has 2 openings. All ages. Meals provided. Fun and learning games. t. View School dis- trict. Deanna, 427-6314. K1/21-2/11 GUITARIST LOOKING for bass and drums to play rock. Tom Petty, Collec- tive Soul, originals, etc. Call Bob at 898-4289. G 1/28-2/18 IMAGES GALLERY & Gifts. Sign up now for classes. Painting with water- colors, Robert Chamberlain. Painting with oils, Lori Zimmerman. Basic draw- ing, Jora Lee. Classes begin in Febru- ary. Hoodsport, 360-877-0991. 11/21- 2/11 PERCUSSION, DRUM lessons. All ages. For beginners or advanced. Call Jay at (360) 458-3924 or leave mes- sage, 426-2255. $2/4-11 CELLO, BASS and electric bass les- sons including music theory, ear train- ing and advanced techniques. Also of- fering beginning violin and keyboard. 21 years experience. Call Dave, 427- 5487. P9/17tfn BRIGHT, VERY attractive and accom- plished woman, late 50s, seeking a special man for lively conversation and shared interests. Initial contact by mail. PC Box 2464, Shelton WA 98584. S1/28-2/4 EXCITING GUIDE teaches you how to make good money from your home. Send a SASE to O'Neill P.O. Box 8185 Port Orchard, WA 98366. O1/14-2/4 TENANT PROBLEMS? Attorney evic- tions. Fast, efficient. $205, collection recovery, small claims. G.P.S.F. Bond- ed. 253-472-1072. or 1-800-925-1520. G1 2/24-3111 COMPUMEDIA. GRAPHICS, bulk mailing, e-mail photos, toration - black & white or color. tos on CDs or floppies. Fax, laminate. 427-2824. 112 West Shelton. C1/14-2/4 HONEY-DO-SERVICES tenance, 426-7952. M12/10tfn HOUSE CLEANING ing by month. Licensed, available, 5 years serving Shelton. For free estimate, call 432-0235 or voice-mail 401" D1/21-2/11 NORTHRIDGE CON= pentry, concrete work, sheds, carports, exposed finished flatwork. Also mobile home runners and Quality guaranteed, Rl/28-2/18 ROOFING-INTERIOR/exterior carpentry, finish work, custon sure washing, remodeling, tured home repairs, solar stalled. Call Dave 427-4237. #DAVIDWG044KU. W1/14-3/4 ROOF GUTTER cleaning, services. Moss removal and Cad's Construction 427-1484. DAVID CASEY Painting. Inter teriors, mobile homes. enameled 20 ence. 426-0235. D2/2tfn JACK FROST Construction 257N1. Thirty-five years quality craftsmanship, remodeling, construction, decks, garage ports, cabins, additions or Dependable service anytime, 0953. F8/3tfn RUDOLL  man Service. Remodels, repairs, Lic. #RUDOLD0541 1990. R6/6ffn PAINTING? CALL Tozier Value for close out specials. $3 per gallon, 426-2411, ask for T 12/5tfn HAKOLA'S TREE Danger tree falling, topping, limbing, stumping. bonded and insured. Free Lic. #601-312-066, 426-5234. DUMP TRUCK for hire. vating, topsoil, rock, brush, demolition and debris. Call ing, 426-9047, In truck: Z7/3tfn LOST KEIKO, 6-mo old black Lab, blue collar. Last seen Mason-Benson Rd. 427-7716 or 426-7423. C2/4-11 EXTRA LARGE and large Burmese py- thons varying from 8 ft. to 15 ft. One Albino available. Prices $75 to $250. Rats also available, small to large. 427- 4174. O1/28-2/18 QUALITY GRASS hay. No tansy. U- haul, $3 bale. Twin River Ranch, 426- 1023. R1/7-2/25 RAZORBACK FENCE Company, spe- cializing in livestock fence installation, hole drilling, post driving. Free esti- mates. 427-6201. License #RAZOR. FC0660Z. R t 2/14tfn ALFALFA FOR sale, by bale or ton. Semi load available. Will deliver. Eve- nings 426-3633. G11/9tfn EXCELLENT EASTERN Washington al- falfa hay, $7 per bale. 426-1803. P 10/22tf n JOURNAL CLASSIFIED 426.4412 JAY BUTTLES TREE • Topping • • Chipping • • Stump • Insured grinding (360) 426 Lic #]AYB UT5053R2 A COMPLETE SERVICE • Family Operated with Pride • Quality Service & • Commercial- Residential- . Serving Mason Count • State Contractors Re l0000"-P.dkI OVER 20 YEARS ExPu/Cs UN RV Reeme PARTS  ' FURNACE REPAIR' WATER HEATERS ' REGETO • 12 VT Et.CTRCaL SYSTS " AND MOCH MORE! m @ CLASSIFIED RATES • 15 words or less - $5.00 i' In multiple Insertion I • 10 cents for each additional word over 15 lads , The Journal 111 • Four insertions for the price of three I be responsible for I • Classified deadline-2 p.m. Tuesday I erromlntheflrst I • Classified display - 5 p.m. Monday [ Insealon only. I Phone 426-4412 to Place Ad p...-- FOR SALE HELP WANTED FOR SALE OIL FIRED heater, ceiling mount, 93,000 btu, 3 years old, 110 electric model 0495, $750, Jim 427-8701, Terry 426-5220. H 1/14-2/4 DRY FIREWOOD Shelton area, fir $110 cord. 16" split and delivered. Madrona $150 cord. Green/seasoned fir $100 cord. Get 50% more mileage from your wood for next year. Green madrona 16" split and delivered $120 cord, lasts way longer and burns hotter. Outside Shel- ton area - delivery charge may apply. Also have green alder, $90 cord and seasoned maple $100 cord. 427-6883. C2/4 HIDE-A-BED AND matching chair, $100. Tweed chair, $40. 427-0663. K2/4-11 CYMBIDIUM (ORCHID) for sale, Call for information, 427-2402. B2/4 NIFTY THRIFTY Gateway Center. Men's and women's sweaters $1 each. All weather coats and jackets, men's/women's /2 price. 11 a.m.-4 p.m. Tuesday-Saturday. $2/4 1,000 L.F. mahogany casement mold- ing, $1,000 offer, 877-5657. 12/4 MEN'S RINGS: Elks gold/onyx, $175. Knight of Columbus ruby/gold, $175. Black Hills gold/silver, $75. Large gold/diamond, $400. Offers consid- ered, 877-5657.12/4 JUST ARRIVED. Quality color copy machine comparable to Olympia quality and prices. COMPUMEDIA, 114 W. Alder, Shelton. 427-1210. C2/4-25 BUYING COINSi Paying 4 times face value for common date U.S. dimes, quarters, half dollars dated 1964 or be- forel Paying 1.5 to 2 times face for Ca- nadian dimes, quarters, half dollars dated 1966 or before. Paying $7 each (and up) for common U.S.stlver dollars dated 1878 through 1935 in undamaged (V.G.) condition. Larger premiums paid for dollars with "CC" mint mark or any mint dated 1893, 1894, or 18951 Pay 2.50 each for common Canada silver dollars dated 1967 or beforel $100 (& up) for Canadian Dollar dated 1948. Im- mediate cash paid for U.S. 1/2 cents, large cents, Indian head cents, rare Lincoln cents and all wheat back cents, 2 cent pieces, 3 cent pieces, half dimes, twenty cent pieces, bust dol- lars, seated dollarsl U.S. and foreign Gold coinsl We need 1921 dated U.S. dimes and half dollars nowl Buying all U.S. currency series 1928 or earlier at multiples of face value! One piece or estate accumulationl Sell it to Dachs at the Coin Shop, 106 So. 4th St., Shel- ton1 9 to 5:30 Tuesday through Satur- day or call 426-0304 for more informa- tion1 S1/14-2/4 SEPTIC DESIGNS and install - we try harder for gravity - get our bid too. Lux Design, 426-0820. LUXDE**033CJ. L 12/3t fn HAMBURGER, 501b boxes, $1.49 a pound. Call 426-2411. T9/18 tfn RAINBOW SE with power nozzle and attachments, seldom used, 2 years old. Paid $1,450, asking $900 OBO. 426-3418. Al/28-2/4 GARAGE DOORS, automatic openers. Sales, installation, parts, repairs. Call Rick, 427-1032. Bl/28-2/18 PERSONALS STAINED GLASS brightens up the day. Windows, suncatchers, door inserts, boxes, lamps, stepping stones, etc., all in stained glass. I also do repairs. So if your stained glass piece or win- dow is broken, don't throw it away. Call Koleen, 426-0824 evenings after 6 p.m. and weekends for |ntormation and esti- mates. I do custom designs, too; W6/1 ltfn TOP SOIL High quality sandy loam Top cut • No Rocks • No Clay LANDSCAPING Lawns Sprinklers Plants ° Bark Backhoe • Dozer ROCK WALLS Bulkheads • Ripraps Deliveries Anywhere LOS1 & FOIIND IIIIIIII SATURDAY, FEB. 6th. Huge 27 family garage sale. SHS dance team booster club sale. PUD Auditorium, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Clothes of all sizes, toys, exer- cise equipment, western saddle, houaewares and much more! B1/28-2/4 ESTATE SALE Feb 6 & 7 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., no early sales. Furniture, ap- pliances, dishes, 3-wheel bike, electric cart, many tools. Shopsmith. Cash only. Turn at 2650 N. 13th St., Christ- mas Village. House at No. 20 Christmas Tree Lane, 360-426-5172. G 1/28-2/4 ! ........... '00FMdngf°raBargaln? Drop your line in the 42.6-4412 I I II WE CAN BUILD 'EM START TO FINISH OR DO-IT-YOURSELF FARMERS Custom designed in any size to fit your needs... not our convenience, at competitive prices. Call Art today 426-2411 32'x24'x10' Two-Car Garage and Storage 20'x36'xS' Horse Stable with Feed and Tack Room 24'x48'x11' s,or. 00l[llllJ! " ,t I, l "='4'J"lr IIII fft00 =o =. IIIIIIIlU'lll I i ;11 Two-Car Garage l,.j 11t'x7' Roll-Up Door ........ "MEET ME at the Auction." Grapeview Fire Hall, February 6, 1-5:30 p.m. Free refreshments. Tools, golf clubs, furni- ture, dishes, etc., etc. Grapeview Community Club benefit. Gl/28-2/4 BUY OR consign one item or an entire estate. Serving the local area since 1963. References available, Lic #193. Ken's Auction Service, 3707 Marvin Road NE, Olympia. 491-6804. K1/14tfn ANTICH AUCTION FRIDAY & SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 5 & 6 718 Z8TH HOQUIAM, WA 2 DAY ESTATE ANTIQUE EXTRAVAGANZA AUCTION STARTS FR/DAY 6 P.M., SATURDAY 10 A.M. Wonderful 1880's sales counter, oak cash drawer, glass front book cases, wrist & pocket watches, set of six oak chairs, jewelry, pottery, Native American items, 10th century Chimu pottery, china cabinet, curio cupboard, oak dropfront desk, buf- fet, fishing creels, perfume bottles, mannequin, tools, elegant glass, shoe cupboard, gentleman's dresser, Knickerbocker Raggedy Arms, Dutch girl cookie jar, vintage cloth- ing, cranberry picker, large glass floats, platform rocker, armoire, mini steam engines, kitchen stuff, German canister set, display cases, squash blossom necklace, TLR Rollicord, Nikormat 35mm & lenses & hundreds of interesting smalls... PREVIEW FRIDAY 11-5 Lic# anticea562ms TERMS: CASH, MC/VISA 532-7438 ' n FURNITURE WANTED, a y age or con- dition. Call Frontier Antiques, 426- 7795. F2/4 PAYING CASH pre 1950 post cards, photos, photo albums, toys, gambling items, lamps, guns, knives, watches - running or not, gold jewelry, Indian items, old pottery, vases and dishes. Call Frontier Antiques, 426-7795. F2/4 GOLD "N" Mill Realty and Property Management. Now taking applications for rentals, owner contract and real es- tate listings, special discounts while we are remodeling. Call Bonnie, Jay, or Ken, 427-4255. G2/4 WELL-ESTABLISHED local company hiring full time in house sales person. Position has hourly pay and benefits. Duties include sewicing established customers and prospecting for new customers. Preferably familiar with Ex- cel and Word. Send resume and letter of interest to Blind Box 576, c/o The Journal, PC Box 430, Shelton WA 98584. 2/4-11 = ARE YOU a WorkFirst participant? Do you enjoy and want to work with young children? If you answered yes call the Childcare Careers Program to find out about our free training program. Call Nina, 956-9830. $2/4-3/4 INFORMATION SERVICES Technician for Mason County Public Works/ER&R Department. $2,435 to $2,964/mo. Provides corrective & preventative maintenance of the County's PC's, IBM AS400 and PBX systems. Requires: High school grad or GED & at least one year of formal education in computer sciences or related field; OR three years experience in configuration, op- eration, and upgrade of PCs. Experi- ence desired in System 36/AS 400, PBX maint., and automated billing sys- tem. Applications required & available at the Mason County Human Resourc- es, 411 N Fifth St, Shelton WA 98584 or call (360) 427-7265. Closes 2/19/99 at 5 p.m. M2/4-11 Answers to Super Crossword SKOKOMISH INDIAN TRIBE Invites applications for the position of TRIBAL MANAGER Opens: January 20, 1999 Closes: February 26, 1999 The Skoko- mesh Indian Nation is located at the base of the majestic Olympic Moun- tains where the Skokomish River meets the picturesque Hood Canal. NATURE OF WORK: The Tribal Manager is re- sponsible for the execution of tribal laws and policies, for organizational leadership, and for the overall planning, coordination, supervision, and monitor- ing of all administrative, business and governmental functions of the Skoko- mesh Indian Tribe. This position is under the direct supervision of the Skoko- mesh Tdbal Council and requires an em- ployment contract. MINIMUM QUALIFI- CATIONS: Four-year degree, emphasis on Business Administration or Public Administration AND five years respon- sible experience in the supervision or management of multifaceted programs. OR Progressively responsible experi- ence substituted on a month to month basis for a four-year degree. OR Graduate level course work in business or public administration substituted on a month to month basis, up to 18 months, for experience. AND Satisfac- tory results of a criminal background and reference check. AND CONFIDEN- TIALITY: In addition to knowledge of confidential tribal information, this po- sition may require knowledge of confi- dential personal information regarding clients. The employee may be required to sign a'confidentiality agreement. Violation of this agreement shall result in immediate dismissal. DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE POLICY: The Skokomish Tribe is committed to providing quality work and services by providing a healthy, safe, drug-free workplace for its employees, council members, and the community in which it serves. To achieve this goal, final applicants for employment will be tested for illegal drugs and for alcohol after receiving a conditional job offer. PREFERENCE: Indian preference policy applies. First priority will be given to enrolled Skoko- mish tribal members. Second prefer- ence will be given to qualified Native American applicants who provide proof of enrollment in a federally-recognized tribe. Applicants not entitled to, or who fail to claim Indian preferences, will re- ceive consideration withOUt regard to ethnic/national origin, marital status, sexual orientation, religion, disability status, or membership in the tribal or- ganization. Please send resumes to: Skokomish Tribe's Personnel Depart- ment, N 80 Tnbal Center Road, Shelton, WA 98584 or fax (360) 877,5943. $2/4- 25 THE SKOKOMISH INDIAN TRIBE SEEKS A HOUSING SPECIALIST/ PLANNER: The Housing Specialist/ Planner will be responsible for providing technical assistance in the area of planning and grant-writing to the Sko- komish Tribe and SPSITHA staff. The position will also provide direct admin- istration of the Tribal Housing Improve- ment Program funding through the Bu- reau of Indian Affairs. Knowledge, abili- ty, skills and qualifications: BA re- quired. BA in planning or human/social services preferred. Grant Writing, technical writing skills required. Excel- lent communication skills required. The Specialist/Planner must be familiar with tribal and federal procurement and con- tracting specifications development process including the bidding, bonding and insurance requirements. Must be bondable and have a driving record consistent with the requirements of the Skokomish Indian Tribe's insurance provider. The employee may be re- quired to sign a confidentiality agree- ment with violation of this agreement resulting in immediate dismissal. Final applicants for employment will be test- ed for illegal drugs and for alcohol after receiving a conditional job offer. Indian preference policy applies. Closing Date: Feb. 12, 1999. Send resumes to the Skokomish Indian Tribe's Person- nel Dept. N 80 Tribal Center Road, Shelton, WA 98584 or fax (360) 877- 5943. For more information call (360) 426-4232 ext. 220. S2/4-11 SMALL PRODUCTION woodshop seek- ing highly motivated persons to pro- duce quality items. Employees must be dedicated, enjoy doing your best, be reliable and able to learn. Send applica- tions to PC Box 608, Shelton WA 98584. Looking for immediate hire. P 1/28-2/4 SUPPLEMENTAL HOME Health/Ho. spice RNs, LPNs & NACa Providence CITY OF Shelton Job Announcement Job Title: Surfacewater Engineer Sal- ary Range: $3,192-$3,671 per month DOQ Date of Closing: February 19, 1999 This position assists the City En- gineer with administration and manage- ment of the Surfacewater Drainage Master Plan, including review of drain- age plans prepared by developers and inspection of construction of drainage facilities, and in addition shall be re- sponsible for the successful adminis- tration and completion of a Stormwater Grant through the Centennial Clean Water Fund. This is a non-union, non- civil service position with benefits. Un- dergraduate degree in engineering (civil, agricultural, forestry, or a closely related field) from accredited four year college or university; and three (3) years of progressively responsible ex- perience in a civil engineering position; or possess an Engineer-in-training cer- tificate or the ability to obtain such within twelve (12) months from date of hire. Special, Desired Qualifications: Registered Professional Engineer; ex- perience with AutoCad. For a complete job announcement, job description, and application packet, contact City Hall, 310 W. Cota Street, Shelton, WA 98584 at (360) 426-9731 during normal busi- ness hours. EOE. Cl/28-2/4 PART-TIME JANITORIAL workers, 6 p.m.-10 p.m. daily, Shelton area. Call 943-4700. S 1/28-2/4 HAIRSTYLISTS FOR busy TGF Hair- cutters Shelton salon. Great pay, medical/dental, 401K, vacation. Full or part-time, 206-232-8008. T1/21-2./11 LOOKING FOR motivated persons that have small woodshop willing to do piece work. Must have air compressor, chop saw, table saw and router table. Possi- ble to earn $100 per day. Send applica- tions to PC Box 608, Shelton WA 98584. P 1/28-2/4 HOUSE SITTER needed full-time or live-in. Three school children plus pro- fessional. Light house cleaning, laun- dry, breakfast, lunches and dinner. Must have own car and insurance. Drive children, run errands. $800 monthly. 360-277-3155. C2/4 ADOPT-A-PET Kennels are in need of volunteer help. From 2 p.m. to 4 p.m., 1 day a week. But, these hours can be adjusted. Your help would be greatly appreciated, please call 426-2610 or our new Website at for more details. A4/30tfn THE SKOKOMISH Indian Tribe is seek- ing qualified applicants for the position of Personnel Manager. The Personnel Manager is responsible for planning and carrying out policies relating to all phases of human resources. Must have an AA degree in Office Adminis- tration, Business, or closely related field from a two-year college or techni- cal school and five years related ex- perience and/or training. BA degree in Human Resources and 2 years related experience preferred. Salary range: $24,000-$27,000 annually DOQ/Ex- perience. Indian preference policy ap- plies. Position closes February 15, 1999. Send resume to: The Skokomish Indian Tribe, Attn.: PERSONNEL N. 80 Tribal Center Road, Shelton, WA 98584 or fax to (360) 877-5943. To request an application and/or job description con- tact Personnel at (360) 426-4232 ext. 220. MAN WITH disability needs work. Graphic arts, sign making assembly, telephones, people skills. Can work at home or your place of business, if ac- cessible. Have own transportation. Very reliable. (360) 426-0925. Ml/14- 2/4 WILL RUN errands, clean house, wash windows, clean yards/garages/base- ments, transport pets to vet or ? Gro- cery shop, pick up medicine, water plants, check on house when you're on vacation, help with garage sales. Give us a call, no work too small or too large. Reasonable prices. 426-1290, Anne. $1/14-2/4 PERSONAL CARE aide available for home care. References and creden- tials. Compassionate and discrete. 877-9610. P 1/28-2/4 Reputation for Quality • Our people have over 21 years of service to the Pacific Northwest with thousands of satisfied customers. • One of the leading poet.frame builders In Mason County. • We can custom design at competitive pdces, any width, length or height required with no penalty In pdce. • Choose from s wide range of buildings... • Airplane hangars • Carports • Garages • Mobile home covers • Warehouses • Horse arenas end stables • Machine storage and shops ISlAIOIAITBBIICIEIIBBRIEIAIMmAIOIIIMIEI IE AI ClAmTIAIClTmAINISlAIMIAINIEITI SoundHomeCare&Hospice is currently [AIRITIHIUIRIAISlHIEIIJIOIHININIYIOIAISlHI |AIE|TIEIIAILIOIOlYlEIISlEITIAIIEININIAI IBITIVIIOILIIIOIIEIRISlIRIUITIAIIEIEINI / I I OlPlEIOlIWlAIIITI$11AIOILIE IOIPIEIRIAISlISlOILIAIRIIIAIIHIAIRIAI$1Sl IPlEINIAILIIMI|IRILII|IOIOIIImRI|IPIAJVI iEIRIIINIIPIAIRIBIEIIAIMIAITIEIIIIAIRINI IN|IlOIIHIAlilTI|INIIMIAIRleI|IOIUIRIII|I .IAISlS ElnlAI| [H]|ILIEIIHIAIYIEISBBBIAIFIFIIINBBMIOIPl BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES seeking supplemental RNs, LPNa and NACs for the Shelton Office. These po- sitions will cover vacation, sick and other days off. Requlrements include BEAUTY SHOP for sale. Established graduate of an aceredlted school and Allyn one chair shop needs stylist to current Wa. State llcensure/certifi- take over large friendly clientele. Call catlon. A minimum of one year nursing 360-456-5438, leave name and num- I___ LIc,#TOZIEBIO24PK | IIVlOINIAIOIOIRIAmEiXl41LI|BNIOITIE I experience in acute care or home ber. E1/28.2/18 i- g I |RIIIVIAILnEIDI!ITBBelLIAIYBBSlAILIOINI health ,effing required. Valid We. State rlelaliiTiHl|lAlOlSi|iXiHiliNiTlelOI Drivers license, and an insured reliable IHOIAmIItlTIAmGIAIRITIAmINmAImAI vehicle also required. Send or fax re- = I FJra,,M,J.S,no, m BM[H, MIutrdl ndav-Satury7:30-7 | IOIRIIISMITIAIRITmLlUlNIAITIsn=ImAlal sums to: PSHCH 3706 Griffin Ln. SE 426-43730,426-2411 __J Sundayg-S IPIAIUILIelIEIVlIIIRIEmMIAIRIYIMIAtRITIIINI Olympia, WA 98501 Fax: (360) 493- I 426-4373 or 426-2411 I " - I IEINISlUlE BBIIITIAIL BB AlVlEIR BBRIIIIIilSllll I1 iHi i II I J I i I i IJlTI|I|IOBBSlEIMIIBBNI|ISlSnTIYILIEIRI 4657 E.O.E. P1/28-2/4 Page 26 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, February 4, 1999 JOHN'S CREEK Country Kids has openings available. Licensed 10 years in Shelton. Mt. View school district. USDA food program. 426-7669. N1/14tfn TODDLE IN Daycare has 2 openings. All ages. Meals provided. Fun and learning games. t. View School dis- trict. Deanna, 427-6314. K1/21-2/11 GUITARIST LOOKING for bass and drums to play rock. Tom Petty, Collec- tive Soul, originals, etc. Call Bob at 898-4289. G 1/28-2/18 IMAGES GALLERY & Gifts. Sign up now for classes. Painting with water- colors, Robert Chamberlain. Painting with oils, Lori Zimmerman. Basic draw- ing, Jora Lee. Classes begin in Febru- ary. Hoodsport, 360-877-0991. 11/21- 2/11 PERCUSSION, DRUM lessons. All ages. For beginners or advanced. Call Jay at (360) 458-3924 or leave mes- sage, 426-2255. $2/4-11 CELLO, BASS and electric bass les- sons including music theory, ear train- ing and advanced techniques. Also of- fering beginning violin and keyboard. 21 years experience. Call Dave, 427- 5487. P9/17tfn BRIGHT, VERY attractive and accom- plished woman, late 50s, seeking a special man for lively conversation and shared interests. Initial contact by mail. PC Box 2464, Shelton WA 98584. S1/28-2/4 EXCITING GUIDE teaches you how to make good money from your home. Send a SASE to O'Neill P.O. Box 8185 Port Orchard, WA 98366. O1/14-2/4 TENANT PROBLEMS? Attorney evic- tions. Fast, efficient. $205, collection recovery, small claims. G.P.S.F. Bond- ed. 253-472-1072. or 1-800-925-1520. G1 2/24-3111 COMPUMEDIA. GRAPHICS, bulk mailing, e-mail photos, toration - black & white or color. tos on CDs or floppies. Fax, laminate. 427-2824. 112 West Shelton. C1/14-2/4 HONEY-DO-SERVICES tenance, 426-7952. M12/10tfn HOUSE CLEANING ing by month. Licensed, available, 5 years serving Shelton. For free estimate, call 432-0235 or voice-mail 401" D1/21-2/11 NORTHRIDGE CON= pentry, concrete work, sheds, carports, exposed finished flatwork. Also mobile home runners and Quality guaranteed, Rl/28-2/18 ROOFING-INTERIOR/exterior carpentry, finish work, custon sure washing, remodeling, tured home repairs, solar stalled. Call Dave 427-4237. #DAVIDWG044KU. W1/14-3/4 ROOF GUTTER cleaning, services. Moss removal and Cad's Construction 427-1484. DAVID CASEY Painting. Inter teriors, mobile homes. enameled 20 ence. 426-0235. D2/2tfn JACK FROST Construction 257N1. Thirty-five years quality craftsmanship, remodeling, construction, decks, garage ports, cabins, additions or Dependable service anytime, 0953. F8/3tfn RUDOLL  man Service. Remodels, repairs, Lic. #RUDOLD0541 1990. R6/6ffn PAINTING? CALL Tozier Value for close out specials. $3 per gallon, 426-2411, ask for T 12/5tfn HAKOLA'S TREE Danger tree falling, topping, limbing, stumping. bonded and insured. Free Lic. #601-312-066, 426-5234. DUMP TRUCK for hire. vating, topsoil, rock, brush, demolition and debris. Call ing, 426-9047, In truck: Z7/3tfn LOST KEIKO, 6-mo old black Lab, blue collar. Last seen Mason-Benson Rd. 427-7716 or 426-7423. C2/4-11 EXTRA LARGE and large Burmese py- thons varying from 8 ft. to 15 ft. One Albino available. Prices $75 to $250. Rats also available, small to large. 427- 4174. O1/28-2/18 QUALITY GRASS hay. No tansy. U- haul, $3 bale. Twin River Ranch, 426- 1023. R1/7-2/25 RAZORBACK FENCE Company, spe- cializing in livestock fence installation, hole drilling, post driving. Free esti- mates. 427-6201. License #RAZOR. FC0660Z. R t 2/14tfn ALFALFA FOR sale, by bale or ton. Semi load available. Will deliver. Eve- nings 426-3633. G11/9tfn EXCELLENT EASTERN Washington al- falfa hay, $7 per bale. 426-1803. P 10/22tf n JOURNAL CLASSIFIED 426.4412 JAY BUTTLES TREE • Topping • • Chipping • • Stump • Insured grinding (360) 426 Lic #]AYB UT5053R2 A COMPLETE SERVICE • Family Operated with Pride • Quality Service & • Commercial- Residential- . Serving Mason Count • State Contractors Re l0000"-P.dkI OVER 20 YEARS ExPu/Cs UN RV Reeme PARTS  ' FURNACE REPAIR' WATER HEATERS ' REGETO • 12 VT Et.CTRCaL SYSTS " AND MOCH MORE!