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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 4, 1999     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 4, 1999
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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CARS / TRUCKS BUSINESS PROPERTY FOR RENT WANT TO RENT HANDYMAN REMODELING carpen- try, painting "and building decks, car- rts, garages, fences. Call 427-1741. NS/21tfn WecALLPAPERING PAINTING. Pam&apos;s orating, 16 vears in business Free ?stimates_ Reasonable rates. Lic. tPAMSD121J5. 427-5066. C1/15tfn EXCEPTIONAL FORESTERS labor-as- esded crew is available for yard work, rush clsarina and other labor pro'ects C  J all 426-6812 for free estimates. ET/23ffn QUEEN ANNE'S Landscaping. All as- Pects of landscape installation and re- organization. Extensive references. 426-4598. Q8/13tfn DIGGING Company, Back- e: dozer, dump truck. All types of cl:ari including septic systems, land ._ Ing, hauling, etc. Licensed and uOndsd Bob Paysse 426-1803. PIO- NEDI08'I P7 P 11/12tfn !CK WOKOJANCE window cleaning. 4!ng Mason County for 20 years. <'9354. W12/11 tfn Hydroseeding... It Makes Beautiful Sense A Thcker, Healthier, More Uniform Lawn 1993 TOYOTA 4x4 with canopy. Great truck. $9,650. 490-4650. $2/4 1985 BRONCO II, 4x4, 95k, records, good engine, new trans, new stereo. $3,200 OBO. 426-5386. H2/4 1982 HONDA Accord, $1,500 OBO. 426-5652. Pl/21-2/11 BUSINESS PROPERT CARS UNDER $1,000. Large selection of low-priced cars, trucks, RVs, trail- ers. Consignments wanted. Sun Auto and RV Sales, Inc. 5961 E. Hwy. 3, Shelton 426-2907. S9/17tfn 1979 HONDA Accord Looks bad runs good, $400 OBO. 8' Livingston-type boat, on trailer, one man operation, $450 OBO. 482-4942. M2/4 NOW LEASING TRAVEL TRAILER, 1969, 16', plates through August, good condition, $1,000 426-7895. B2/4-25 LOOKING FOR used RV or travel trail- er? Come see us at Sun Auto, RV and Marine Sales Inc. We have many sizes and makes to choose from. Also used boats, autos, pickups, canopies. Con- signments welcome. Sun Auto and RV 8cling at a fraction of the cost of sod Sales Inc. 5961 E. Hwy. #3, Shelton ’,njOy your new lawn in 3 weeks,.eks  (360) 426-2907. $9/17tfn erosion control / ..... I}lle and Laurie Hudson ,,, _Iter 01.lted. #HUDSOD1121PG ;.' f 1360) 432-8578 MORTGAGES ._' Quarterly Taxes • Payroll e BOOkkeeping • Income Taxes • Accounting • Checkbook Balancing QUality work at affordable prices. Afternoon and ,,,,Evening Appointments FOR RENT R Ford Temp. for sale, $500 1 Minor work needed, 432-9986. 0I',,LE, 1972 Datsun pick-up, 4 sp. ’,. runner, $500, call 427-9180. 'J4-11 !Vw"iesel Rabbit, 2 door, 44 mpg, •  1'427-7142. A2/4 ate ' ORD Escort, manual transmis- good tires, brakes, runs good. , IOBO 427-2517. K2/4 ,, FORD F150 4x4, 6-cylinder 4- Ir' ,dual tanks with 1973 181,2 foot :trailer. Both in good shape. 42 P for both OBO or will separate. r371. C2/4-11 tile on Classified.€ 426-441; MOUNTAIN VIEW, newly renovated, 3 bedrooms, 1.5 bath plus large family room. New carpet, vinyl, kitchen cabi- nets, stove, dishwasher, fridge and more. Fireplace, utility room, large yard, good neighborhood. $700 plus $500 deposit. No pets, 427-5356. B2/4 LAKE LIMERICK - 2 bedroom mobile with enclosed back porch and 2 stor- age sheds. $475 rent, $500 deposit. Available now. Invest Realty 426-3567. 12/4 $550: MT. View, 2 bedroom, fenced yard, single garage. Includes W/S/G. No pets. Call John L. Scott/SHL at 426- 3319. $2/4 $500: SOUTH of Shelton, 2 bedroom home with water front access. Fresh paint & new carpets. $400 deposit. No pets. Call John L. Scott/SHL, 426- 3319. $2/4 $650:2 bedroom home south of Hoods- port with view of Mt. Rainier. $500 de- posit, no pets. Call John L. Scott/SilL at 426-3319. $2/4 IN TOWN super clean 2 bedroom, 1 bath, washer and dryer hookups, large dining, dishwasher, near new carpets, storage shed, near Evergreen Elemen- tary School. $550 plus $300 deposit. No pets. 427-5356. B2/4 SHELTON FINEST. These new one and two bedroom six-plex units come with their own dishwasher, washer, dryer, storage unit, and spectacular view of Oakland Bay. W/S/G paid. Very low heat bills. Starting from $525. (360) 275-5240. C 10/29tfn DELUXE AND New. Spacious two bed- room duplex, vaulted ceiling, park-like fenced yard, garage w/opener, ref/dishwasher, w/d connections. Ex- cellent insulation = very low heating costs. Quiet area on north side, one mile outside City, (no high City Utili- ties). $615. Call 427-5107, or 427- 7189. Mc2/4tfn Site: 401 - 3rd Avenue SW, Pacific, WA  _ SALE DATE: Sunday, February 7, 10A.M. Prevle AM 4PM Sunda 8AM 10AM w: Saturday 9 . .- . . y • .- • • Over 150 vehicles to choose from. Many under $250!! Many late models, most good clean runners, some mechanic specials. Big selection of CARS-TRUCKS-VANS-RVs-BOATS CYCLES-SPORT UTILITES-MINI VANS Next Auction dates: MARCH 7 & 21 )NCO I1 4x4 pickups S-10 BLAZER 4x4 1/2-ton P/U S-1 - PU 84-86 DODGE CARAVANS 84 CHEVY VAN 88 DODGE Cargo VAN 89-92 PLYMOUTH VOYAGER RD DOLPHIN MO. HOME 87 NISSAN STANZA 4x4 89 BUICK SOMERSET RDS 85 NISSAN STANZA 87 NISSAN PULSAR S/W 89 OLDS CALAIS 88 FORD T-BIRD TURBO 89 MAZDA 323 83 TOYOTA CELICA 89 PONTIAC SUNBIRD 87 FORD TEMPO CAVALIER 88 CHEVY CAVALIER 66 JEEP WAGONEER 90 MERCURY SABLE SNV 71 VOLKS BEETLE 85 CADILLAC SEVILLE ELEGANTE Whitey's AUCTIONEERS Inc. .,=, Call 360-455-0445 or 253-735-1068 for Info • RI , r. ;.,Abe. ute Auction All Sales are AS S WHERE IS 10% bware fee. All Sales are Final plus DOL Transfer Fees, • €=H, MC & VISA,'CASHIERS CHEck. Visit our web site: NEW LOT OPENING IN OLYMPIAII 2 BEDROOM 1 bath, Bordeaux area, call for info, 427-2402. B2/4-11 2 BEDROOM duplex. Completely re- done, paint, carpet, vinyl. Access to washer, dryer. Water, garbage paid. Carport and storage area. $515 month- ly, $300 deposit. References, no pets. 426-6338. A2/4-11 70' TWO bedroom mobile, W/D, wood- stove, workshop, woodshed, garage, water paid. Waterfront, $550 monthly, $200 deposit. Near Matlock fish hatchery. 427-1604, 1-206-783-6485. P2/4-11 AVAILABLE NOW. 2 bedroom duplex with garage, W/D hook-up, all applianc- es, large deck, W/S/G paid ($80 value). No pets. $515 rent, refundable deposit $300. No screening fee. For appoint- ment call, 426-5120. O2/4-25 VERY LARGE, saltwater view, execu- tive home. 3 bedroom, 2 bath on 2 acres. $1,200 monthly, $800 deposit. Day 426-1059, eve. 427-5788, avail- able March 1. F2/4-11 GREAT TWO bedroom townhouse, two- story. From $495 plus deposit and ref- erences. Toll free 1-877-307-9505. J2/4tfn DOWNTOWN DUPLEX, large 1 bed- LAKE LIMERICK small 2 bedroom home, available now. No pets/smoking, woodstove, water included, $500 first, last, $150 deposit. 503-842-1577. S 1114-2/4 TWO BEDROOM house in mobile park. Clean, good security. No pets. Call Joyce (253) 858-7442. Rl/14-2/4 3 BEDROOM, 2 bathroom with laundry room. Home for rent. No smoking. Available now. Call 426-6697. G2/4-25 ANGLESlDE HOME, 2 bedroom, family room, garage, W/D hookup, W/S/G paid. $660 monthly. Deposit required, 427-7209. L2/4-11 LIMITED TIME, first month rent free. Newly remodeled, new appliances. In Mt. View, near hospital. One bedroom, $435, 2 bedroom, $475. No pets. Call 427-6985. F2/4-25 2 BEDROOM home on Capitol Hill, at- tached garage, fenced yard. No pets, no utilities. $550 monthly, $300 depos- it, 426-6698. C2/4 FOR RENT, 4 year old double-wide mo- bile, 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 1,800 sq. ft. on 1 acre. $750 monthly, call Tracy, 898- 8530. R2/4 THREE BEDROOM, 1 /2 baths. Avail- LAKE CUSHMAN Golf Course house 2 bedroom loft, W/D, fridge, microwave, W/S, no smoking, no pets. $500. (360) 403:7261. C1/14-2/4 TREASURE ISLAND, two bedroom, 1/2 bath, and family room, Water paid. $625/$300. References, 377-1193. Bl/7tfn TIMBERLAKES AREA 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 2-car garage, ($695 monthly, in- cludes water) 877-375-5246. Vl/21- 2/11 RENT/LEASE option 3 bedroom, 1 bath, $650 monthly (+) deposit. References/credit check. 1507 Center St. 491-8800, 459-5159 or call Howard 432-8255. P1/21-2/11 SHELTON, 3 bedroom 1 bath gas heat, fenced yard, garden garage with shop. Must see. Available Feb. 1. $700 (+) deposit. 360-225-3920, 360-518-5388. Z1/21-2/11 WOODSY ACRES on Harstine Island. New 1,500 sq. ft. home, $775 includes septic/water plus old horse barn. Must have excellent references, 253-735- 9298. Gl/14-2/4 NICE 4 bedroom house, close to grade school and market. No pets. No smok- ing. $700 monthly. $1,400 moves you FAMILY OF 6 needs a three bedroom home outside of town. Can pay up to $700 per month. Rental or lease option. Please call 427-8155. 1/28-2/4 OFFICE SPACE, 530 sq. ft. High vis- ibility, prime location, new building, Olympic Hwy. North. Ready now, utili- ties included. 426-4712. H 10/29tfn PROFESSIONAL OFFICE space. 400 SF. High visibility, clean, air-condi- tioned. $350/mo. includes pwr and all utilities. 426-2960 ext. 18 or 709-4488. Eves. 426-1360. F9/17tfn HEATED, LOCKED building, downtown Shelton, for boats or cars. $3.25 per foot. 534-1095 (Olympia). Al/21-2/11 COMMERCIAL BUILDING for lease, 3,420 sq. ft., with upstairs, 1//2 bath- rooms. All or part. Fredson Road off Hwy 101,427-1226. A12/3tfn OFFICE SPACE for lease. Allyn Center. Highway frontage, 372 sq. ft. available 3-1-99. Call 425-603-1312. H2/4-25 RESTAURANT/LOUNGE - High traffic, fast growing area with lots of parking. Business includes fixtures and all in- ventory $200,000. Building leased, possible to purchase. Easy to expand for even more profit! Full details avail- able at Invest Realty 426-3567. 12/4 room, fireplace, W/D hookup, garage, able March 1st. Fenced front yard. No in. Available Feb 20. 518 Ellinor Ave. W/S/G paid, $475, no pets. 426-9059 pets, no smoking. References. $600 426-0084. Bl/28-2/18 after 7 p.m. or leave message. B2/4-25  deposit. 956-3151. W2/4-  HOODSPORT 1 bedroom apartment Now under construction at sun deck, Hood Canal view, includes 1620 Olympic Hwy N., Shelton borough Cove Apartments and Fair- NEW, THREE bedroom, three-b'h'- water and sewer. $395 monthly, 877- mont Cove Apartments, subsidized room, large open kitchen, living room, 5997. T1/21-2/11 = family housing, 426-4417, Equal Hous- and formal dining room with wet bar, two I For More Information Call ing Opportunity. F1/16tfn car garage. Owner will consider lease with option to purchase. $800 monthly Adams Street. $99 move-in special. I Mr. Rick Ryan at 791-3484 or 753-0086 SALTWATER VIEW 1 bedroom unfur- rent or purchase at $135,000, 426- $300 deposit, $450 monthly rent, nished apartment at Jarrell's Cove Mar- 0953. Fl/28-2/4 W/S/G paid, 426-6115. N1/28-2/4 ina. $395 monthly, includes W/S/G, $300 damage deposit. 426-8823. 2 BEDROOM apartment, $475 monthly. 2 BEDROOM older mobile with view of J9/3tfn Rent includes all utilities, TV hook-up, Timberlake. Nice area, current refer- , free laundry. $300 deposit, rental refer- ences required. $425 monthly includes )) BETTER HURRY. Only one 3 bedroom ences, 426-0240, anytime. Ml/28-2/18 water. $425 deposit. 427-9450. $1/28- ( 2/4 MOUNTAIN VIEW 2 bedroom, large fenced yard, garage and some ap- pliances. $500 first, last and damage deposit 206-246-4634. F 1/28-2/4 THREE BEDROOM home on 2 acres. Close to school, K-8 Southside. 456- 6778. $650 monthly. El/28-2/18 1 BEDROOM apartment, W/S/G, cable available. $375 monthly. 426-2015. E1/21tfn NEW HOME on the bay. Mountain view, oysters, 20 minutes to Olympia, ga- rage, 3 bedrooms, 21/2 baths, family room, spa. Lease or buy, $1,150 plus deposit. 426-4500. C1/28tfn RENTALS 2215 Olympic Hwy. North rg 426-3319 $500.00:2 bedroom home south of Shelton, with lake access. No pets, $400.00 deposit. $550.00: Mt. View, 2 bedroom home, all remodeled. Fenced yard, single garage. No pets, non smoking. $500.00 deposit. $600.00:2 bedroom, 1 bath waterfront home at Shorecrest. Non smoking and no pets. Month to month lease. $500.00 deposit. $650.00: Hood Canal waterfront home. 2 bedroom with great view of Mt. Rainier. NO pets. $500.00 deposit. Give us a call, we also have commercial rentals/ GREAT MOVFAN SPECIALS Kneeland Park Apartnlents 2 bedroom, H/C unit  $438 3 bedroom, 2 bath, large family unit  $460 4 bedroom, 2 bath, large family unit  $521 Now Taking Applications I  Call for AppointmentmEil I BEACON CENTER Professional Office Building • Executive Office Suites • Conference Room • Separate Washrooms • Includes utilities • Copy/fax shared use • From 150 to 500 SF • Available March 1999 • 15-, 20- & 30-Year Mortgages • Financing and refinancing • Home Equity Credit Lines ALL MASON COUNTY RESIDENTS CAN JOINI Peninsula Community Federal Credit Union 1-888-426-1601 Shelton • BelfaSt • Port Orchard i CASH AVAILABLE. Private party has cash to purchase real estate contract mortgages or deeds of trust at a dis- count• Call 491-5463. Jtfn Gold "N" Mill Properties 427-4255 FOR RENT $425  1 bedroom apart- ment, the largest 1 bedroom in Shelton. $525  2 bedroom -- clean convenient downtown lo- cat/on. ATTN. PROPERTY OWNERS: Let us manage your rental properties tor you. • Quality management • LOW rates Call Borne today 427 4255 LOWEST RATES Kam Buckowaki 1-800-550-2210 (Ask for Kam) "Home Loan Specialist" • Refinances • Debt Consolidation * Purchases • Custom Construction I Avallalle24. houreada, . .....  Mason County has the home you're Pro.00Rental Mgmt. G YOUR IIA5 AND MANAINT 427-6154 • Downtown, 3 bdr, 1.5 bath, fresh paint, new carpet, 2 car garage. $695 • COTA STREET, 3 Bdrm Apt, laundry, wsg pd. $625 • Downtown studio apt, laundry, wsg pd $375 • Russellwood - 3 Bdrm, 1 Bath, D/W, W/D Hook-Up, Large 2 Car Garage. $615. • Fawn Lake, Newer 3bdr, 2bath manufactured home, D/W, W/D hk-up, 2 car Carport... $725 • Shorecrest - 3 Bdrm, 2 Bath Mobile, D/W, W/D Hook-Up, Garage. $550. • Russellwood - 3 Bdrm, 1 Bath, Garage, Fireplace, W/S paid, W/D Hook- Up. $640 • Timberlakes, 2 Bdr mobile, w/d hk-up, water paid, $400. • Mason Lake - 4 Bdrm, 2 Bath, Lake Front. Washer, Dryer, Dishwasher. Dock, $900. MINI STORAGES PICKERING PROTECT-IT A-1 Heated Unlts N Hwy 101 Cota St., Inside/Heated Various sizes including 5xi0, I0xi0, I0x20 $29 to $85 monthly looking for. Whether it's a cozy cottage or real showplace, you'll find your dream house in the She#on-Mason County Journal classifieds. 227 West Cote, Shelton Phone 426-4412 Thursday, February 4' 1999- Shelton-Mas0n County Journal - Page 27 OPPORTUNITY PUBLISHER'S NOTICE: All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Fair Housing Act which makes it illegal to advertise "any preference, limita- tion or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, famil- ial status or national origin, or an intention, to make any such prefer- ence, limitation or discrimination." Familial status includes children un- der the age of 18 living with parents or legal custodians, pregnant women and people securing custody of chil- dren under 18. This newspaper will not know- ingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby in- formed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. To com- plain of discrimination call HUD toll- free at 1-800-869-9777. The toll- free telephone number for the hear- ing impaired is 1-800-927-9275. m RESIDENTIAL $425- 2 bdrm. very large apt., new carpet, HILLCRESI" $450. 2 bdrm. mobile, clean, carport, TIMBERLAKES $525- 2 bdrm. lg. duplex, new paint, HILLCREST $575- 2 bdrm, Waterfront house HAMMERSLEY INLET $695- 2+ bdrm, barn, garage, acreage, GRAPEVIEW $700- 3 bdrm., Ig. custom home, acreage, PHILLIPS LK. COMMERCIAL NEG. Barkley Square, 1700 sq. ft. Store Frontage Retail!! 606 WEST COTA SMALL 2 bedroom house, attached ga- rage, airport area - quiet dead end road, no dogs, $450 first/last/S200 damage/S35 screening 426-9041. W 1/7tf n RENT TO own 3 bedroom, 1 bath, large lot rent for $500.00 per month and in 6 months you can buy. Call Jack @ 360- 427-6960 or Bob @ 360-352-7522. S 11/19tfn BARGAIN MINI-STORE. We now have 1 5'x10', 1 10'x10' open. Better hurry. Best prices in town. Secure, 426-5511. N9/17tfn and one 2 bedroom left. Remodeled, play area, on bus, convenient to schools/shopping. Laundry room. Rea- sonably priced. 426-5511. N9/17tfn WE DO HOME LOANS! CARS / TRUCKS BUSINESS PROPERTY FOR RENT WANT TO RENT HANDYMAN REMODELING carpen- try, painting "and building decks, car- rts, garages, fences. Call 427-1741. NS/21tfn WecALLPAPERING PAINTING. Pam's orating, 16 vears in business Free ?stimates_ Reasonable rates. Lic. tPAMSD121J5. 427-5066. C1/15tfn EXCEPTIONAL FORESTERS labor-as- esded crew is available for yard work, rush clsarina and other labor pro'ects C  J all 426-6812 for free estimates. ET/23ffn QUEEN ANNE'S Landscaping. All as- Pects of landscape installation and re- organization. Extensive references. 426-4598. Q8/13tfn DIGGING Company, Back- e: dozer, dump truck. All types of cl:ari including septic systems, land ._ Ing, hauling, etc. Licensed and uOndsd Bob Paysse 426-1803. PIO- NEDI08'I P7 P 11/12tfn !CK WOKOJANCE window cleaning. 4!ng Mason County for 20 years. <'9354. W12/11 tfn Hydroseeding... It Makes Beautiful Sense A Thcker, Healthier, More Uniform Lawn 1993 TOYOTA 4x4 with canopy. Great truck. $9,650. 490-4650. $2/4 1985 BRONCO II, 4x4, 95k, records, good engine, new trans, new stereo. $3,200 OBO. 426-5386. H2/4 1982 HONDA Accord, $1,500 OBO. 426-5652. Pl/21-2/11 BUSINESS PROPERT CARS UNDER $1,000. Large selection of low-priced cars, trucks, RVs, trail- ers. Consignments wanted. Sun Auto and RV Sales, Inc. 5961 E. Hwy. 3, Shelton 426-2907. S9/17tfn 1979 HONDA Accord Looks bad runs good, $400 OBO. 8' Livingston-type boat, on trailer, one man operation, $450 OBO. 482-4942. M2/4 NOW LEASING TRAVEL TRAILER, 1969, 16', plates through August, good condition, $1,000 426-7895. B2/4-25 LOOKING FOR used RV or travel trail- er? Come see us at Sun Auto, RV and Marine Sales Inc. We have many sizes and makes to choose from. Also used boats, autos, pickups, canopies. Con- signments welcome. Sun Auto and RV 8cling at a fraction of the cost of sod Sales Inc. 5961 E. Hwy. #3, Shelton ’,njOy your new lawn in 3 weeks,.eks  (360) 426-2907. $9/17tfn erosion control / ..... I}lle and Laurie Hudson ,,, _Iter 01.lted. #HUDSOD1121PG ;.' f 1360) 432-8578 MORTGAGES ._' Quarterly Taxes • Payroll e BOOkkeeping • Income Taxes • Accounting • Checkbook Balancing QUality work at affordable prices. Afternoon and ,,,,Evening Appointments FOR RENT R Ford Temp. for sale, $500 1 Minor work needed, 432-9986. 0I',,LE, 1972 Datsun pick-up, 4 sp. ’,. runner, $500, call 427-9180. 'J4-11 !Vw"iesel Rabbit, 2 door, 44 mpg, •  1'427-7142. A2/4 ate ' ORD Escort, manual transmis- good tires, brakes, runs good. , IOBO 427-2517. K2/4 ,, FORD F150 4x4, 6-cylinder 4- Ir' ,dual tanks with 1973 181,2 foot :trailer. Both in good shape. 42 P for both OBO or will separate. r371. C2/4-11 tile on Classified.€ 426-441; MOUNTAIN VIEW, newly renovated, 3 bedrooms, 1.5 bath plus large family room. New carpet, vinyl, kitchen cabi- nets, stove, dishwasher, fridge and more. Fireplace, utility room, large yard, good neighborhood. $700 plus $500 deposit. No pets, 427-5356. B2/4 LAKE LIMERICK - 2 bedroom mobile with enclosed back porch and 2 stor- age sheds. $475 rent, $500 deposit. Available now. Invest Realty 426-3567. 12/4 $550: MT. View, 2 bedroom, fenced yard, single garage. Includes W/S/G. No pets. Call John L. Scott/SHL at 426- 3319. $2/4 $500: SOUTH of Shelton, 2 bedroom home with water front access. Fresh paint & new carpets. $400 deposit. No pets. Call John L. Scott/SHL, 426- 3319. $2/4 $650:2 bedroom home south of Hoods- port with view of Mt. Rainier. $500 de- posit, no pets. Call John L. Scott/SilL at 426-3319. $2/4 IN TOWN super clean 2 bedroom, 1 bath, washer and dryer hookups, large dining, dishwasher, near new carpets, storage shed, near Evergreen Elemen- tary School. $550 plus $300 deposit. No pets. 427-5356. B2/4 SHELTON FINEST. These new one and two bedroom six-plex units come with their own dishwasher, washer, dryer, storage unit, and spectacular view of Oakland Bay. W/S/G paid. Very low heat bills. Starting from $525. (360) 275-5240. C 10/29tfn DELUXE AND New. Spacious two bed- room duplex, vaulted ceiling, park-like fenced yard, garage w/opener, ref/dishwasher, w/d connections. Ex- cellent insulation = very low heating costs. Quiet area on north side, one mile outside City, (no high City Utili- ties). $615. Call 427-5107, or 427- 7189. Mc2/4tfn Site: 401 - 3rd Avenue SW, Pacific, WA  _ SALE DATE: Sunday, February 7, 10A.M. Prevle AM 4PM Sunda 8AM 10AM w: Saturday 9 . .- . . y • .- • • Over 150 vehicles to choose from. Many under $250!! Many late models, most good clean runners, some mechanic specials. Big selection of CARS-TRUCKS-VANS-RVs-BOATS CYCLES-SPORT UTILITES-MINI VANS Next Auction dates: MARCH 7 & 21 )NCO I1 4x4 pickups S-10 BLAZER 4x4 1/2-ton P/U S-1 - PU 84-86 DODGE CARAVANS 84 CHEVY VAN 88 DODGE Cargo VAN 89-92 PLYMOUTH VOYAGER RD DOLPHIN MO. HOME 87 NISSAN STANZA 4x4 89 BUICK SOMERSET RDS 85 NISSAN STANZA 87 NISSAN PULSAR S/W 89 OLDS CALAIS 88 FORD T-BIRD TURBO 89 MAZDA 323 83 TOYOTA CELICA 89 PONTIAC SUNBIRD 87 FORD TEMPO CAVALIER 88 CHEVY CAVALIER 66 JEEP WAGONEER 90 MERCURY SABLE SNV 71 VOLKS BEETLE 85 CADILLAC SEVILLE ELEGANTE Whitey's AUCTIONEERS Inc. .,=, Call 360-455-0445 or 253-735-1068 for Info • RI , r. ;.,Abe. ute Auction All Sales are AS S WHERE IS 10% bware fee. All Sales are Final plus DOL Transfer Fees, • €=H, MC & VISA,'CASHIERS CHEck. Visit our web site: NEW LOT OPENING IN OLYMPIAII 2 BEDROOM 1 bath, Bordeaux area, call for info, 427-2402. B2/4-11 2 BEDROOM duplex. Completely re- done, paint, carpet, vinyl. Access to washer, dryer. Water, garbage paid. Carport and storage area. $515 month- ly, $300 deposit. References, no pets. 426-6338. A2/4-11 70' TWO bedroom mobile, W/D, wood- stove, workshop, woodshed, garage, water paid. Waterfront, $550 monthly, $200 deposit. Near Matlock fish hatchery. 427-1604, 1-206-783-6485. P2/4-11 AVAILABLE NOW. 2 bedroom duplex with garage, W/D hook-up, all applianc- es, large deck, W/S/G paid ($80 value). No pets. $515 rent, refundable deposit $300. No screening fee. For appoint- ment call, 426-5120. O2/4-25 VERY LARGE, saltwater view, execu- tive home. 3 bedroom, 2 bath on 2 acres. $1,200 monthly, $800 deposit. Day 426-1059, eve. 427-5788, avail- able March 1. F2/4-11 GREAT TWO bedroom townhouse, two- story. From $495 plus deposit and ref- erences. Toll free 1-877-307-9505. J2/4tfn DOWNTOWN DUPLEX, large 1 bed- LAKE LIMERICK small 2 bedroom home, available now. No pets/smoking, woodstove, water included, $500 first, last, $150 deposit. 503-842-1577. S 1114-2/4 TWO BEDROOM house in mobile park. Clean, good security. No pets. Call Joyce (253) 858-7442. Rl/14-2/4 3 BEDROOM, 2 bathroom with laundry room. Home for rent. No smoking. Available now. Call 426-6697. G2/4-25 ANGLESlDE HOME, 2 bedroom, family room, garage, W/D hookup, W/S/G paid. $660 monthly. Deposit required, 427-7209. L2/4-11 LIMITED TIME, first month rent free. Newly remodeled, new appliances. In Mt. View, near hospital. One bedroom, $435, 2 bedroom, $475. No pets. Call 427-6985. F2/4-25 2 BEDROOM home on Capitol Hill, at- tached garage, fenced yard. No pets, no utilities. $550 monthly, $300 depos- it, 426-6698. C2/4 FOR RENT, 4 year old double-wide mo- bile, 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 1,800 sq. ft. on 1 acre. $750 monthly, call Tracy, 898- 8530. R2/4 THREE BEDROOM, 1 /2 baths. Avail- LAKE CUSHMAN Golf Course house 2 bedroom loft, W/D, fridge, microwave, W/S, no smoking, no pets. $500. (360) 403:7261. C1/14-2/4 TREASURE ISLAND, two bedroom, 1/2 bath, and family room, Water paid. $625/$300. References, 377-1193. Bl/7tfn TIMBERLAKES AREA 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 2-car garage, ($695 monthly, in- cludes water) 877-375-5246. Vl/21- 2/11 RENT/LEASE option 3 bedroom, 1 bath, $650 monthly (+) deposit. References/credit check. 1507 Center St. 491-8800, 459-5159 or call Howard 432-8255. P1/21-2/11 SHELTON, 3 bedroom 1 bath gas heat, fenced yard, garden garage with shop. Must see. Available Feb. 1. $700 (+) deposit. 360-225-3920, 360-518-5388. Z1/21-2/11 WOODSY ACRES on Harstine Island. New 1,500 sq. ft. home, $775 includes septic/water plus old horse barn. Must have excellent references, 253-735- 9298. Gl/14-2/4 NICE 4 bedroom house, close to grade school and market. No pets. No smok- ing. $700 monthly. $1,400 moves you FAMILY OF 6 needs a three bedroom home outside of town. Can pay up to $700 per month. Rental or lease option. Please call 427-8155. 1/28-2/4 OFFICE SPACE, 530 sq. ft. High vis- ibility, prime location, new building, Olympic Hwy. North. Ready now, utili- ties included. 426-4712. H 10/29tfn PROFESSIONAL OFFICE space. 400 SF. High visibility, clean, air-condi- tioned. $350/mo. includes pwr and all utilities. 426-2960 ext. 18 or 709-4488. Eves. 426-1360. F9/17tfn HEATED, LOCKED building, downtown Shelton, for boats or cars. $3.25 per foot. 534-1095 (Olympia). Al/21-2/11 COMMERCIAL BUILDING for lease, 3,420 sq. ft., with upstairs, 1//2 bath- rooms. All or part. Fredson Road off Hwy 101,427-1226. A12/3tfn OFFICE SPACE for lease. Allyn Center. Highway frontage, 372 sq. ft. available 3-1-99. Call 425-603-1312. H2/4-25 RESTAURANT/LOUNGE - High traffic, fast growing area with lots of parking. Business includes fixtures and all in- ventory $200,000. Building leased, possible to purchase. Easy to expand for even more profit! Full details avail- able at Invest Realty 426-3567. 12/4 room, fireplace, W/D hookup, garage, able March 1st. Fenced front yard. No in. Available Feb 20. 518 Ellinor Ave. W/S/G paid, $475, no pets. 426-9059 pets, no smoking. References. $600 426-0084. Bl/28-2/18 after 7 p.m. or leave message. B2/4-25  deposit. 956-3151. W2/4-  HOODSPORT 1 bedroom apartment Now under construction at sun deck, Hood Canal view, includes 1620 Olympic Hwy N., Shelton borough Cove Apartments and Fair- NEW, THREE bedroom, three-b'h'- water and sewer. $395 monthly, 877- mont Cove Apartments, subsidized room, large open kitchen, living room, 5997. T1/21-2/11 = family housing, 426-4417, Equal Hous- and formal dining room with wet bar, two I For More Information Call ing Opportunity. F1/16tfn car garage. Owner will consider lease with option to purchase. $800 monthly Adams Street. $99 move-in special. I Mr. Rick Ryan at 791-3484 or 753-0086 SALTWATER VIEW 1 bedroom unfur- rent or purchase at $135,000, 426- $300 deposit, $450 monthly rent, nished apartment at Jarrell's Cove Mar- 0953. Fl/28-2/4 W/S/G paid, 426-6115. N1/28-2/4 ina. $395 monthly, includes W/S/G, $300 damage deposit. 426-8823. 2 BEDROOM apartment, $475 monthly. 2 BEDROOM older mobile with view of J9/3tfn Rent includes all utilities, TV hook-up, Timberlake. Nice area, current refer- , free laundry. $300 deposit, rental refer- ences required. $425 monthly includes )) BETTER HURRY. Only one 3 bedroom ences, 426-0240, anytime. Ml/28-2/18 water. $425 deposit. 427-9450. $1/28- ( 2/4 MOUNTAIN VIEW 2 bedroom, large fenced yard, garage and some ap- pliances. $500 first, last and damage deposit 206-246-4634. F 1/28-2/4 THREE BEDROOM home on 2 acres. Close to school, K-8 Southside. 456- 6778. $650 monthly. El/28-2/18 1 BEDROOM apartment, W/S/G, cable available. $375 monthly. 426-2015. E1/21tfn NEW HOME on the bay. Mountain view, oysters, 20 minutes to Olympia, ga- rage, 3 bedrooms, 21/2 baths, family room, spa. Lease or buy, $1,150 plus deposit. 426-4500. C1/28tfn RENTALS 2215 Olympic Hwy. North rg 426-3319 $500.00:2 bedroom home south of Shelton, with lake access. No pets, $400.00 deposit. $550.00: Mt. View, 2 bedroom home, all remodeled. Fenced yard, single garage. No pets, non smoking. $500.00 deposit. $600.00:2 bedroom, 1 bath waterfront home at Shorecrest. Non smoking and no pets. Month to month lease. $500.00 deposit. $650.00: Hood Canal waterfront home. 2 bedroom with great view of Mt. Rainier. NO pets. $500.00 deposit. Give us a call, we also have commercial rentals/ GREAT MOVFAN SPECIALS Kneeland Park Apartnlents 2 bedroom, H/C unit  $438 3 bedroom, 2 bath, large family unit  $460 4 bedroom, 2 bath, large family unit  $521 Now Taking Applications I  Call for AppointmentmEil I BEACON CENTER Professional Office Building • Executive Office Suites • Conference Room • Separate Washrooms • Includes utilities • Copy/fax shared use • From 150 to 500 SF • Available March 1999 • 15-, 20- & 30-Year Mortgages • Financing and refinancing • Home Equity Credit Lines ALL MASON COUNTY RESIDENTS CAN JOINI Peninsula Community Federal Credit Union 1-888-426-1601 Shelton • BelfaSt • Port Orchard i CASH AVAILABLE. Private party has cash to purchase real estate contract mortgages or deeds of trust at a dis- count• Call 491-5463. Jtfn Gold "N" Mill Properties 427-4255 FOR RENT $425  1 bedroom apart- ment, the largest 1 bedroom in Shelton. $525  2 bedroom -- clean convenient downtown lo- cat/on. ATTN. PROPERTY OWNERS: Let us manage your rental properties tor you. • Quality management • LOW rates Call Borne today 427 4255 LOWEST RATES Kam Buckowaki 1-800-550-2210 (Ask for Kam) "Home Loan Specialist" • Refinances • Debt Consolidation * Purchases • Custom Construction I Avallalle24. houreada, . .....  Mason County has the home you're Pro.00Rental Mgmt. G YOUR IIA5 AND MANAINT 427-6154 • Downtown, 3 bdr, 1.5 bath, fresh paint, new carpet, 2 car garage. $695 • COTA STREET, 3 Bdrm Apt, laundry, wsg pd. $625 • Downtown studio apt, laundry, wsg pd $375 • Russellwood - 3 Bdrm, 1 Bath, D/W, W/D Hook-Up, Large 2 Car Garage. $615. • Fawn Lake, Newer 3bdr, 2bath manufactured home, D/W, W/D hk-up, 2 car Carport... $725 • Shorecrest - 3 Bdrm, 2 Bath Mobile, D/W, W/D Hook-Up, Garage. $550. • Russellwood - 3 Bdrm, 1 Bath, Garage, Fireplace, W/S paid, W/D Hook- Up. $640 • Timberlakes, 2 Bdr mobile, w/d hk-up, water paid, $400. • Mason Lake - 4 Bdrm, 2 Bath, Lake Front. Washer, Dryer, Dishwasher. Dock, $900. MINI STORAGES PICKERING PROTECT-IT A-1 Heated Unlts N Hwy 101 Cota St., Inside/Heated Various sizes including 5xi0, I0xi0, I0x20 $29 to $85 monthly looking for. Whether it's a cozy cottage or real showplace, you'll find your dream house in the She#on-Mason County Journal classifieds. 227 West Cote, Shelton Phone 426-4412 Thursday, February 4' 1999- Shelton-Mas0n County Journal - Page 27 OPPORTUNITY PUBLISHER'S NOTICE: All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Fair Housing Act which makes it illegal to advertise "any preference, limita- tion or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, famil- ial status or national origin, or an intention, to make any such prefer- ence, limitation or discrimination." Familial status includes children un- der the age of 18 living with parents or legal custodians, pregnant women and people securing custody of chil- dren under 18. This newspaper will not know- ingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby in- formed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. To com- plain of discrimination call HUD toll- free at 1-800-869-9777. The toll- free telephone number for the hear- ing impaired is 1-800-927-9275. m RESIDENTIAL $425- 2 bdrm. very large apt., new carpet, HILLCRESI" $450. 2 bdrm. mobile, clean, carport, TIMBERLAKES $525- 2 bdrm. lg. duplex, new paint, HILLCREST $575- 2 bdrm, Waterfront house HAMMERSLEY INLET $695- 2+ bdrm, barn, garage, acreage, GRAPEVIEW $700- 3 bdrm., Ig. custom home, acreage, PHILLIPS LK. COMMERCIAL NEG. Barkley Square, 1700 sq. ft. Store Frontage Retail!! 606 WEST COTA SMALL 2 bedroom house, attached ga- rage, airport area - quiet dead end road, no dogs, $450 first/last/S200 damage/S35 screening 426-9041. W 1/7tf n RENT TO own 3 bedroom, 1 bath, large lot rent for $500.00 per month and in 6 months you can buy. Call Jack @ 360- 427-6960 or Bob @ 360-352-7522. S 11/19tfn BARGAIN MINI-STORE. We now have 1 5'x10', 1 10'x10' open. Better hurry. Best prices in town. Secure, 426-5511. N9/17tfn and one 2 bedroom left. Remodeled, play area, on bus, convenient to schools/shopping. Laundry room. Rea- sonably priced. 426-5511. N9/17tfn WE DO HOME LOANS!