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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 4, 1999     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 4, 1999
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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REAL ESTATE |EAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE 0 CASH down! Possible on this beauti- ful new 3 bedroom home with Jacuzzi ' on huge wooded lot, dlr, 1-800-542- 5624. D2/4 FORCED TO selll Owner never moved into this beautiful new 3 bedroom home on large wooded corner lot. Seller desperate and will work with whatever you have down if credit is good. Take advantage. SN #24524 dlr, 1-800-542- 5624. D2/4 DESPERATEI FORECLOSURE is forc- ing sale of this beautiful 3 bedroom home in nice neighborhood. Assume huge equity and unbelievable terms to sell fast. Call today. SN #24524, dlr. 1- 800-542-5624. D2/4 NO MONEY down. Land/home packag- es. Royal Homes of Olympia, 1-800- 300-8971. R2/4-25 ZERO $ down. Land, home and im- provements. Royal Homes of Olympia, 1-800-300-8971. R2/4-25 $0 DOWN, $0 closing. Land/home packages. Royal Homes of Olympia, 1- 800-300-8971. R2/4-25 LOW PAYMENTS, $0 down. Land and home. Royal Homes of Olympia, 1-800- 300-8971. R2/4-25 NEW RV Home. 1,800 sq. ft. 2 bed- room, 2 bath, spacious kitchen, break- fast-bar, garden window, central va- cuum, security system, 14x45 RV/rec. room, 16x50 carport, on 1.22 level wooded acres, $149,000. Call Richard Beckman/ERA Main Stream Realty, 426-9600. $2/4 LARGE WATERFRONT (70 It) lot, Lake Nahwatzel, $70,000, 426-44,11. C2/4- 25 INVESTMENT/STARTER Only $39,000 on easy terms, take over ex- isting loan or possible lease purchase (must have good credit). 2 bedroom mobile home on quiet corner lot. Partly fenced, washer & dryer and 2 new stor- age sheds. Needs minor repairs. Invest Realty 426-3567. 12/4 WATERFRONT LOT - Prime, low bank waterfront lot on North end of Big Tim- berlake. Partially wooded with peaceful view of lake & island. Only $62,000. In- vest Realty 426-3567. 12/4 MOBILE READY lot, Timbedakes, E111 Park Loop. Power, water, 3-bedroom septic system all in. Motivated seller $25,000 OBO. (253) 535-5573. Dl/21- 2/11 HARTSTENE POINTE. New rambler, 1,650 sq. ft. 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, plus utility, 2 car garage, rear deck, large pantry, cedar shingle exterior, flower boxes. Very nice. $161,000. Op- tical 20' moorage at marina, $9,000. Many financial options possible. Call Frank or Lindy James, 427-6702. J 1/28-2/18 ELMA MATLOCK area, 21 Loganberry Court, corner lot, power, water, septic, trees. With 1963 Pan American 55'x10', one bedroom mobile home. 11 miles west of Lake Nahwatzel, less than 3 miles west of Mary M. Knight School at Ripplewood, $27,700. 206-367-8097 Jeff. H2/4-11 2 BEDROOM, 1 bath. Angleside. Elec- tric and gas heat. Full insulation pack- age, vinyl windows, large garage, gar- den bldg, fenced yard. On bus line. $67,500 by owner 360-426-5991. H 1/28-2/4 dential "(36°) 426974s' U 1-800-628-2285 Toll Free Northwest Real Estate ff 1781 W. 8helton-Matloek Rd. at U.S. 101 Interchange, Shelton E-mail address: prushelton@westsound.conl PICTURESQUE SALT WATERFRONT ACREAGE! Easy trail to your 130' of beachfront. Don't miss this fine parcel with peaceful, restful seclusion. Ideal location for your dream home! $79,000. NOT JUST A GRACIOUS HOME, PRACTIAL TOO! This 3BR rambler has hardwood floors & special decora- tor touches, making you proud to call this home. Det. workshop & fenced back yard kept up like a private park! $99,900. NESTLED AT TliE POINTE! Excel- lent value in this 3BR/I-3/4BA home located on a woodsy lot located close to club house. Plenty of room to stretch out with large decks and big workshop area. $122,000. BIG HOME! GREAT TERMS! 4+ large bdrms, updated throughout, cove ceil- Ings, new gas FA & full basement w/ garage. Over 3,00() sq. ft. total space Including unfinished basement. $116,000. Lori Brady .............. 786-2265 Pat Chaussee .......... 426-0645 Barbara Meservey .. 866-5079 Debl Dunlap ........... 426-3324 ILl Dennis Oenkop ... 426-3248 Pat Sann ................. 426-1680 L[3 =T=,, Llnda Kelley 971-5258 Kevtn Cronquist 427-1141 ................ REALTOR ©1995, The Pmdenfl|l Real Italtatt ' Amllat=, lnc,® Independently Owned and Operated PICKERING PASSAGE $159,900 STARTER CABIN,.. U-finlsh this solid shell end aava. Waterr power, septic all in and working so you can camp & enloY your wetedront getaway while U finish. Trail fo beach I 135 leer watedront, Owner contreof LET'S GO $149,900 TO THE BEACH! CONTEMPORARY STYLE COTTAGE... with extensive decking and expensive view, 50 feet el weletfront PLUS community club houSe end boat ramp, PRIVATE $194,900 WATERFRONT HOME LET'S MAKE A DEALI.... Located on • wooded double lot with 154 feet of no bank beach. Multi level decks make ths specious contempore home One of Mason County's best buysll PRICE REDUCED! $159,500 PICTURE PERFECT HOOD CANAL WATERFRONT.., Chalet includes both privets end community watedront. Do, boat launch, oyslsr and tm belh. Bring the family and enyt LAKE LIMERICK $65,000 ALL AMENITIES INCLUDED PLUS A GREAT HOME,., Clean and cozy 2 bedroom, 1 bath home with a built in hutch and h,gh ceilings w)tha 2 car carped all on I oorner lot and 1/2 CITY HOMES GREAT LOCATION $86,500 MT, VIEW RAMBLER...wlth many recent updates inolud, ng vinyl siding, vandoval, roof, carpet, vinyl & IHh, F'd yard Close to schools, churches end shOpping. DOWNTOWN $96,900 JUST LISTED AND WAITING FOR YOUI.,. This cute and COZy rambler has been well maintained and lo- cated close to everything on s fenced comer lot. 3 bedrooms, 15 baths, cheery kitchen, garage, shop and mucI more. SHELTON $62,500 START HERE.. Extra roomy 2 bedroom home with large Iving - dining area, utility porch, double garage end lots of possibilities Seller will sisist with your closing COalS, DOWNTOWN $118,000 PRICE REDUCEDII .,. Single sto. close to oplng. Large lot overlooking Goldeborough Creek. At the end of • low traffic, quiet street. SHELTON $49,900 LOCATED IN THE HEART OF CITY... end built in the 1030's this older home needs some tender loving care. This property is being sold "as is" at a very affordable price SO aomine  do just theft It's in sn excellent location and on • large double loll Call for more information. SHELTON $80,000 GREAT RAMeLER IN TOWN,.. 140 x 103 lot features 24 x 20 shop plus there's a deleched hobbyDrorkroom. The living room is huge and there's Io of slorage spice throughout. Large utility room has slnk end aCSS to OoveaKI patio. Mature landmping includes tots of bulbs and flowers just starting to spring upl Home is priced to Sellr Ceil todayl SHELTON $62,500 MOVE RIGHT IN... to this greet 2-bedroom, 1 -beth home that is priced for • quick late, It features hardwood floors, end effklenl wood stove, a big lanced yard end e gerege with shop specs, tool Find out just how easy owning • home of your own can be, MT. VIEW $89,950 THE EASE OF IN TOWN LIVING... Newer 3 bed- room, 2 beth home. Grail floor plan, open kitchen, fenced back yard end 1 car gerege. PARK-LIKE SETTING $87,500 TWO BEDROOM RAMeLER...wlth large flunily room with wood stove. 3 beautifully wooded lots with I wloa varlely Of fruit frees, ornamental trees, and garden, Double ga- rage end carport, NORTH OF TOWN $35,000 WHY PAY RENT?.,. When you can own this greet 2 bed. room manufactured home for less than rent, It's super cleen with new shower surround, paint & carpet, SHORECREST AREA $77,500 LOOKING FOR A GREAT DEAL?... Look no furthart This mini condition 2 bedroom home iS located on 2 IOta and has greet view Of the Sound. Complete with beach ac- cess, double car garage & beautiful landscaping. Call to. day for your personal fourf SHADOWOOD $134,500 THE PERFECT SETTING... at s greet pricel 4 bedroom, 2.5 beth, luxury home leeturing a custom cak kitchen, wood framed windows, woodslove, counl bomb and much moral Large lot end easy timesaving Olympia commute, Thla ill e mull seal HOODSPORT $79,000 SUNNY SIDE OF THE LAKEI,- 1600 sq It offers very oomfortable living with lots of room tnsloa and Out, Listen to the creek from huge and vet/privele covered porch, Set up shop in large detached builothg just past the per- teot gerben spoil Olympic Mr. view end minutes fo boml LAKE CUSHMAN $234,950 COUNTRY CUSTOM CONTEMPORARY HOME.., on large wetedront view lot. Enjoy sit water iporta from the dock or just relax and enjoy the speecular vlewf AMAZING $ 69,500 CUSTOM HOME NEW 2 STORY... 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath home with Olympic Mr. view Covered front porch, Pergo entry, French doors to den, sunken Ilvtng room, lighted china cabinet, showroom kitchen, breakfast nook. Easy access to Hwy 101 at Brockdale =nfersechon ,RCADIA ROAD $180,000 ROOM TO ROMP...Ovar 2,200 sq, h. rambler on 2.3 tim- bered acres. Wide hallways and doom for wheel chair eccesslbitity. 3 bedrooms, 2.5 baths, double garage, out- buildings. New on market. Call quick. OFF BINNS- $115,500 SWIGER LOOP NEW RAMBLER...on 1 acre. Sits on a hill with territorial view. 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, double garage, Under con- , slruchOn, Pick your own colors end fixtures Won't last  longl AFFORDABLE FARM $143,500 IN GREAT LOCATION...just outside of town. Quaint four bedroom home with cozy wood stove, barn, slslls, tack room, hay storage, fenced. The perfect set-uplt MATLOCK $159,500 THE PERFECT FARMETYE...Pienly of room for horns heret 10 acres of level peslure with modern 3 bedroom home. Open barn with 2 horse stalls, large shop, sea- sonal stream, misc. outbuildings & much morel Ideal coun- try setting with lerfltorlat views. Call todayl DEER CREEK $109,500 ENJOY THE COUNTRY.,.JusI minutes from term to this specious 3 bedroom rambler on e 3/4 acre site. Com- plete with hof tub room, shop end double garage. Don't mill this O(lel SHELTON $99,000 LOCATION LOCATION LOCATIONL. Spacious 4 bed- room home on beautiful wooded 2.5 acres is located in excellent neighborhood= Area of nice homes is ,lo=a to shopping, SChoolS and Highway 101 Reedy for you and very eflordablel HIAWATHA PARK $269,000 IT CAN'T GET ANY BETTER THAN THISI.. ExtraordF nary home on 1.24 acres with 3 car garage, 3 bedrooms, 3 baths, hardwOod floors, plus many extras One look - it will take your breath aweyll Page 28 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, February 4, 1999 NEW THREE bedroom, three bath, large open kitchen, living room, and formal dining room with wet bar, two car garage. Owner will consider lease with option to purchase. $800 monthly rent or purchase at $135,000, 426-0953. F 1/28-2/4 BY OWNER: 5 acres Atlyn area. Se- cluded, big trees, water, power, phone. Only $48,950. $1,000 down, easy own- er terms. 427-8017. T7/30tfn GRAPEVIEW STADIUM beach area, 5 acres, beach access, trees, manufac- tured homes okay, growing area. $39,500 terms. 360-275-2708. $2/4-25 144 FEET of waterfront. 2 bedroom, 2 bath, wet-bar, breakfast bar, bubble tub, walk-in closet, deck, dock, 2 car garage, shop on a timbered 1.22 acres, $195,000. Call Richard Beckman/ERA Main Stream Realty, 426-9600. $2/4 LAKEFRONT HOME - 2 levels with over 2,000 sq. ft. Private dock and suuuper lake view! Living room (with fireplace), formal dining room and glass enclosed deck. 2 bedrooms (den makes possible 3 bedrooms) and family room with woodstove, sauna, double garage and much more. Price reduced, now only $149,000. Invest Realty 426-3567. 12/4 COUNTRY PORCH on this old world charmer, old but new, has been reno- vated inside and out, 1,200 sq. ft. 3 bedroom, 1 bath, wood floors, country kitchen, gas heat and woodstove, new paint inside and out. Located on Angle- side. Asking $83,900. Call Rick at 426- 1445. R2/4-25 253-851-2511 IN TOWN LIKE NEW INSIDE AND OUT!! $99,900 View the city and saltwater from the large decks in private natural setting Vinyl windows, tile entry, new carpet, quality woodwork throughout, window seats, 3 bedroom, den, 1.5 bath, lots of storage, PLUS $1,000 TOWARDS BUYERS CLOSING COSTS... Call Kim Thompson for more into. 534- 4506 LAKELAND VILLAGE BANK ACQUIRED $125,50O Spacious rambler, 3-4 bedroom, 2- bath, huge family room, 2 fireplaces... Just needs cosmetic TLC to return to a showcase... Great value... Contact Kim Thompson 534-4506 CABIN ON 1.03 ACRES PRICED FOR QUICK SALE $42,900 1995 unfinished cabin in Grapeview area, 2 bedroom, 1 bath, vaulted ceil- ings, skylights, well and septic in but not yet connected to home. Call Kim Thompson for showing 534-4506 NEWER 1 STORY SHADOWOOD AREA $99,900 3 bedroom, 1.75 bath, utility room, 2 car garage, large yard with deck.., all at an affordable price ... Call Kim Thompson for details. 534-4506 SOUTH OF SHELTON ALMOST NEW 2 STORY CHARMER WON'T LAST AT $124,900 Located in quiet neighborhood, 1,538 sq. ft., hardwood floors, tile counter- tops, vinyl windows, gas fireplace, large fenced yard, 2 car garage with shop area... For private showing call Kim Thompson 534-4506. • HOUSE FOR sale. OPEN HOUSE Feb 6 & 7 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. 1993 Golden West manufactured home, 3 DR/2 Bath, built in's, raised Oak cabinets, 1,458 sq. ft. finished, 2 car attached garage with covered porch and patio, 14'x16' detached storage bldg, low maintenance yard. Located in Christ- mas Village Adult Mobile Community at 2560 N. 13th ST. House at No. 20 Christmas Tree Lane, 360-426-5172. G 1/28-2/4 INVEST HERE - 3 bedrooms, wood- stove, covered porch, garden area, outbuildings and many amenities. Makes a great rental investment with a good return. Only $45,000. Invest Realty 426-3567. 12/4 SHERIFF'S PUBLIC NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL PROPERTY JUDGMENT #98 9 992 5 CAUSE # 98 2 491 0 JUDGMENT RENDERED ON December 21, 1998 WRIT OF EXECUTION OR ORDER OF SALE ISSUED January 4, 1999 DATE OF LEVY January 11, 1999 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON DAVID B. YEADON PROFIT SHARING TRUST, PLAINTIFF, VS. WILLIAM P. LEMKE & DIANE E. LEMKE, husband and wife, et al, DEFENDANT(S) TO: William P. Lemke& Diane E. Lemke, husband and wife, etal, JUDGMENT DEBTORS THE SUPERIOR COURT OF MASON COUNTY HAS DIRECTED THE UNDER- SIGNED SHERIFF OF MASON COUNTY TO SELL THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED BE- LOW, TO SATISFY A JUDGMENT IN THE ABOVE ENTITLED ACTION. IF DEVELOPED, THE PROPERTY AD- DRESS IS 2120 Madison Street, Shelton WASHINGTON, ZIP # 98584 THE LEGAL DESCRIPTION IS AS FOL- LOWS, TAKEN FROM THE ORDER OF SALE Lot Eight (8) Block Three (3) Extension to Mountain View Addition to Shelton, Washington as recorded in Volume 4 of Plats at page 43, records of the Auditor of Mason County. Tax Parcel No. 42013-50-03008 THE JUDGMENT DEBTOR MAY AVOID THE SALE BY PAYING THE JUDGMENT AMOUNT OF $ 22,066.34 TOGETHER WITH INTEREST, COSTS, AND FEES BEFORE THE SALE DATE. FOR THE EXACT AMOUNT, CONTACT THE SHERIFF'S OF- FICE AT (360) 427-9670 OR P.O. BOX 1037, SHELTON, WASHINGTON 98584. THE SALE SHALL BE CONDUCTED AT 10:00 AM. ON THE 19th DAY OF February, 1999, on Friday, AT THE MAIN ENTRANCE OF THE MASON COUNTY COURTHOUSE ON FOURTH STREET. THE SALE WILL BE PUBLISHED IN THE SHELTON JOURNAL ON THE FOLLOWING DATES: 1/14/99, 1/21/99, 1/28/99, 2/4/99 DATED THIS 10th DAY OF January, 1999. Shenff Steve Whybark Mason County, Washington BY/s/Irene Moffatt DEPUTY 1/14-21-28-2/4 4t SHERIFF'S PUBLIC NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL PROPERTY JUDGMENT #98 9 992 5 CAUSE # 98 2 491 0 JUDGMENT RENDERED ON December 21, 1998 WRIT OF EXECUTION OR ORDER OF SALE ISSUED January 4, 1999 DATE OF LEVY January 11, 1999 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON DAVID B. YEADON PROFIT SHARING TRUST, PLAINTIFF, VS. WILLIAM P. LEMKE & DIANE E. LEMKE, husband and wife, DOUGLAS W, TWITCHELL, DEALING WITH HIS SOLE & SEPARATE PROPERTY, et ai, DEFENDANT(S) TO: William P. Lemke & Diane E. Lemke, husband and wife, Douglas W. Twitchell, deal- ing with his sole and separate property, et ai, JUDGMENT DEBTORS THE SUPERIOR COURT OF MASON COUNTY HAS DIRECTED THE UNDER- SIGNED SHERIFF OF MASON COUNTY TO SELL THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED BE- LOW, TO SATISFY A JUDGMENT IN THE ABOVE ENTITLED ACTION. IF r)EVELOPED, THE PROPERTY AD- DRESS !S 410 N Olympic Trails Drive, Lilli- waup WASHINGTON, ZIP # 98555 THE LEGAL DESCRIPTION IS AS FOL- LOWS, TAKEN FROM THE ORDER OF SALE Lot Eight (8) Olympic Trails, as recorded in Volume 9 of Plats at page 104-108 both inclu- sive, records of the Auditor of Mason County. Tax Parcel No. 32434-50-00008 THE JUDGMENT DEBTOR MAY AVOID THE SALE BY PAYING THE JUDGMENT AMOUNT OF $17,395.92 TOGETHER WITH INTEREST, COSTS, AND FEES BEFORE THE SALE DATE. FOR THE EXACT AMOUNT, CONTACT THE SHERIFF'S OF- FICE AT (360) 427-9670 OR P.O. BOX 1037, SHELTON, WASHINGTON 98584. THE SALE SHALL'BE CONDUCTED AT 10:00 A.M. ON THE 19th DAY OF February, 1999, on Friday, AT THE MAIN ENTRANCE OF THE MASON COUNTY COURTHOUSE ON FOURTH STREET. THE SALE WILL BE PUBLISHED IN THE SHELTON JOURNAL ON THE FOLLOWING DATES: 1/14/99, 1/21/99, 1/28/99, 2/4/99 DATED THIS 19th DAY OF January, 1999. Sheriff Steve Whybark Mason County, Washington BY/s/Irene Moffatt DEPUTY 1/14-21-28-2/4 4t SHERIFF'S PUBLIC NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL PROPERTY JUDGMENT #98 9 992 5 CAUSE # 98 2 491 0 JUDGMENT RENDERED ON December 21, 1998 WRIT OF EXECUTION OR ORDER OF SALE ISSUED January 4, t999 DATE OF LEVY January 11, 1999 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON DAVID B. YEADON PROFIT SHARING TRUST, PLAINTIFF, VS. WILLIAM P. LEMKE & DIANE E. LEMKE, husband and wife, et ai, DEFENDANT(S) TO: William P. Lemke & Diane E. Lemke, husband and wife, etal, JUDGMENT DEBTORS THE SUPERIOR COURT OF MASON COUNTY HAS DIRECTED THE UNDER- SIGNED SHERIFF OF MASON COUNTY TO SELL THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED BE- LOW, TO SATISFY A JUDGMENT IN THE ABOVE ENTITLED ACTION. IF DEVELOPED, THE PROPERTY AD- DRESS IS 1341, 1343, 1345 & 1347 E Island View Road, Grapeview WASHINGTON, ZIP # 98546 THE LEGAL DESCRIPTION IS AS FOL- LOWS, TAKEN FROM THE ORDER OF SALE Tracts A, B, C & D of Short Subdivision No. 1306, recorded August 16, 1983, Auditor's File No. 418536, being a portion of Government Lot Two (2), Section Twenty-two (22), Township Twenty-one (21), North, Range Two (2) West, W.M. Tax Pamel Nee. 22122-41-90031; 22122- 41-90032; 22122-41-90033 and 22122-41- 9OO34; THE JUDGMENT DEBTOR MAY AVOID THE SALE BY PAYING THE JUDGMENT AMOUNT OF $ 205,689.58 TOGETHER WITH INTEREST, COSTS, AND FEES BE- FORE THE SALE DATE. FOR THE EXACT AMOUNT, CONTACT THE SHERIFF'S OF- FICE AT (360) 427-9670 OR P.O. BOX 1037, SHELTON, WASHINGTON 98584. THE SALE SHALL BE CONDUCTED AT 10:00 A.M. ON THE 19th DAY OF February, 1999, on Friday, AT THE MAIN ENTRANCE OF THE MASON COUNTY COURTHOUSE ON FOURTH STREET. THE SALE WILL BE PUBLISHED IN THE SHELTON JOURNAL ON THE FOLLOWING DATES: 1/14/99, 1/21/99, 1/28/99, 2/4/99 DATED THIS 19th DAY OF January, 1999. Shenff Steve Whybark Mason County, Washington BY/s/Irene Moffatt DEPUTY 1/14-21-28-2/4 4t SHERIFF'S PUBLIC NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL PROPERTY JUDGMENT CAUSE # 98 2 498 7 JUDGMENT RENDERED ON December 22, 1998 CUTE & COZY Mobile home pak dose to teem. Cute 2 Bedroom 1 3/4 bath with new €. tile. windows, insutatioo, and el>Idleness. $22,500 $236,000 I WRIT OF EXECUTION OR | ORDER OF SALE ISSUED [ Janoaw 11, 1999 . [ DATE OF LEVY January 19 199 _J THE SUPERIOR COU00'T OF 7 STATE OF WASHINGTON _.. BANK OF AMERICA NATIONAL T AND SAVINGS ASSOCIATION, pLAIN]I VS. THE ESTATE OF LYLE G WARE, =gr CEASED, ALL HEIRS AND'DE VI$¢.pl KNOWN AND UNKNOWN OF LYLI WARE, DECEASED, DEFENDANT(S) .J TO: THE ESTATE OF LYLE G. W/! DECEASED, ALL HEIRS AND DEVISE] KNOWN AND UNKNOWN OF LYLS= WARE, DECEASED, JuDGMEII DEBTORS .. THE SUPERIOR COURT OF MA, COUNTY HAS DIRECTED THE UN.. SIGNED SHERIFF OF MASON COUNt| TO SELL THE PROPERTY DESCRIBE0.,I LOW, TO SATISFY A JUDGMENT IN] ABOVE ENTITLED ACTION. TY ,t / IF DEVELOPED THE PROPER ! DRESS IS 191 E VILLAGE VIEW DRIVE't 1 LYN WASHINGTON, ZIP # 98524 I.| THE LEGAL DESCRIPTION IS AS | LOWS, TAKEN FROM THE OROERV| ASALLoT 93 OF LAKELAND VILLAGE N0,t S ECORDED 'N VOLUME 6 OF_.I.l 1 PAGE 41, RECORDS OF MASON c,o" i WASHINGTON. 1 TAX PARCEL NO. 12220-50-00093 ...41 THE JUDGMENT DEBTOR MAY $_. THE SALE BY PAYING THE JU0(3 .l ANIMOUNT OF $95 011 90 TOGETHER_J! EREST, COS'TS "AND FEES BE.F THE SALE DATE' FOR THE EXJ AMOUNT, CONTAC:I" THE SHERIF Fsu.I.,, FICE AT (360) 427-9670 OR P.O. BO '"| SHELTON, WASHINGTON 98584, _0 THE SALE SHALL BE CONDUG'r_g.i 10:00 AM. ON THE 26th DAY OF F,., ARY 199g ON FRIDAY AT THE M/.*8 TRA'NCE 'OF THE IIASON coUN! COURTHOUSE ON FOURTH STREEI:'J THE SALE WILL BE PUBLISHE0,I1 SHELTON JOURNAL ON THE FoLLOWI DATES: 1/21/99, 1/28/99, 2/4/99, 2/11/99 DATED THIS 15th DAY OF JANUs" 1999. BY/s/Irene Moffatt DEPUTY 1/21-28 "2/&lit NOTICE TO CREDITORS NO. 9g 4 00013 8 FF  IN THE SUPERIOR COURT 0 STATE OF WASHINGTON IN AND MASON COUNTY ATE0 IN THE MATTER OF THE EST MARY E. SORUM, Deceased. ..I The Personal Reprasentative na._=, has been appointed as Personal Repre=".,al tive of this estate. Any person having  "JI against the decedent must, before the 11 1 claim would be barred by any otherwise w j cable statute of limitations, present fits .1'1  the manner as provided In RCW 11.401,u'g1 serving on or mailing to the Personal I'= sentative or the Personal Representtivtlli torney at the address stated below a c.ffl[ claim and filing the odginal of the clS';ll laCt urt" f:': e claim must be presented r t: tar o: (1) Thirty days after the pef Representative served or mailed the r[ the creditor as provided under ";It 11.40.020(3); or (2) four months after tl,.4 of first publication of the notice. If the m,';,,.d( not presented within this time frame, tl., is forever barred, except as otherwise .P',tA in Section 11 of this act and RCW 11.4' effective as to claims eg=..;I gATE of filing copy of Notice to with Clerk of Court: 1/20/99 DATE of first publication: 1/28/99 ROBERT D. LEAR Personal Representative c/o ROBERT W. JOHNSON P. O. Box 1400 Shelton, WasNngton 98584 SETrLE & JOHNSON, P.L.L.C. Attorneys for said Estate Angle Bdg., P. O. Box 1400 Shelton, Washington 98584 1 NOTICE TO CREDITORS NO. 994 00015 4 , IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF NGTON FOR MASON COUNTY , IN RE THE ESTATE OF: VIRG NI "| ABETH GORMLEY, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that1 has  as Persona] tied estate; that all persons having against said deceased are serve the same on said ttve or Loun & Tyner, address below stated, and the Clerk of said Court such service, within four of first publication of this Notice filing of a copy of this Notice with the the Court, whichever is later, be barred. DATE OF FIRST 28, 1999 NOTI( f DATE OF FILING COPY OF CREDITORS: January 2t, 1999 Is/Elleen M. Gormley EILEEN M. GORMLEY, PersonaJ Representative of Estate c/o Loon & Tyner 509 - 4th St, Suite 6 Bmmerton, WA 98337 (360)377-7678 Presented by LOUN & TYNER /s/Randy W. Loun __, RANDY W. LOUN, WSBA #t 4ore' Attorney for Estate NOTICE OF PUBLIC tion timber to the highest bidder. terms and blddlng ceiling South Puget Sound Re 527-3305 or by visiting the Enumclaw or Forest Resources Olympia. Bidding information tained at The Count begins st 10 A.M. at the South Office, Enumclaw, Washington, on 24,1999. NORTH SLOPE, AR Imately 10 miles by road northwes port on part(s) of Sections 22, 23, in Township 23 North, Range compdsing approximatel bar. Minimum acceptable $1,534,000. This sale is REAL ESTATE |EAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE 0 CASH down! Possible on this beauti- ful new 3 bedroom home with Jacuzzi ' on huge wooded lot, dlr, 1-800-542- 5624. D2/4 FORCED TO selll Owner never moved into this beautiful new 3 bedroom home on large wooded corner lot. Seller desperate and will work with whatever you have down if credit is good. Take advantage. SN #24524 dlr, 1-800-542- 5624. D2/4 DESPERATEI FORECLOSURE is forc- ing sale of this beautiful 3 bedroom home in nice neighborhood. Assume huge equity and unbelievable terms to sell fast. Call today. SN #24524, dlr. 1- 800-542-5624. D2/4 NO MONEY down. Land/home packag- es. Royal Homes of Olympia, 1-800- 300-8971. R2/4-25 ZERO $ down. Land, home and im- provements. Royal Homes of Olympia, 1-800-300-8971. R2/4-25 $0 DOWN, $0 closing. Land/home packages. Royal Homes of Olympia, 1- 800-300-8971. R2/4-25 LOW PAYMENTS, $0 down. Land and home. Royal Homes of Olympia, 1-800- 300-8971. R2/4-25 NEW RV Home. 1,800 sq. ft. 2 bed- room, 2 bath, spacious kitchen, break- fast-bar, garden window, central va- cuum, security system, 14x45 RV/rec. room, 16x50 carport, on 1.22 level wooded acres, $149,000. Call Richard Beckman/ERA Main Stream Realty, 426-9600. $2/4 LARGE WATERFRONT (70 It) lot, Lake Nahwatzel, $70,000, 426-44,11. C2/4- 25 INVESTMENT/STARTER Only $39,000 on easy terms, take over ex- isting loan or possible lease purchase (must have good credit). 2 bedroom mobile home on quiet corner lot. Partly fenced, washer & dryer and 2 new stor- age sheds. Needs minor repairs. Invest Realty 426-3567. 12/4 WATERFRONT LOT - Prime, low bank waterfront lot on North end of Big Tim- berlake. Partially wooded with peaceful view of lake & island. Only $62,000. In- vest Realty 426-3567. 12/4 MOBILE READY lot, Timbedakes, E111 Park Loop. Power, water, 3-bedroom septic system all in. Motivated seller $25,000 OBO. (253) 535-5573. Dl/21- 2/11 HARTSTENE POINTE. New rambler, 1,650 sq. ft. 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, plus utility, 2 car garage, rear deck, large pantry, cedar shingle exterior, flower boxes. Very nice. $161,000. Op- tical 20' moorage at marina, $9,000. Many financial options possible. Call Frank or Lindy James, 427-6702. J 1/28-2/18 ELMA MATLOCK area, 21 Loganberry Court, corner lot, power, water, septic, trees. With 1963 Pan American 55'x10', one bedroom mobile home. 11 miles west of Lake Nahwatzel, less than 3 miles west of Mary M. Knight School at Ripplewood, $27,700. 206-367-8097 Jeff. H2/4-11 2 BEDROOM, 1 bath. Angleside. Elec- tric and gas heat. Full insulation pack- age, vinyl windows, large garage, gar- den bldg, fenced yard. On bus line. $67,500 by owner 360-426-5991. H 1/28-2/4 dential "(36°) 426974s' U 1-800-628-2285 Toll Free Northwest Real Estate ff 1781 W. 8helton-Matloek Rd. at U.S. 101 Interchange, Shelton E-mail address: prushelton@westsound.conl PICTURESQUE SALT WATERFRONT ACREAGE! Easy trail to your 130' of beachfront. Don't miss this fine parcel with peaceful, restful seclusion. Ideal location for your dream home! $79,000. NOT JUST A GRACIOUS HOME, PRACTIAL TOO! This 3BR rambler has hardwood floors & special decora- tor touches, making you proud to call this home. Det. workshop & fenced back yard kept up like a private park! $99,900. NESTLED AT TliE POINTE! Excel- lent value in this 3BR/I-3/4BA home located on a woodsy lot located close to club house. Plenty of room to stretch out with large decks and big workshop area. $122,000. BIG HOME! GREAT TERMS! 4+ large bdrms, updated throughout, cove ceil- Ings, new gas FA & full basement w/ garage. Over 3,00() sq. ft. total space Including unfinished basement. $116,000. Lori Brady .............. 786-2265 Pat Chaussee .......... 426-0645 Barbara Meservey .. 866-5079 Debl Dunlap ........... 426-3324 ILl Dennis Oenkop ... 426-3248 Pat Sann ................. 426-1680 L[3 =T=,, Llnda Kelley 971-5258 Kevtn Cronquist 427-1141 ................ REALTOR ©1995, The Pmdenfl|l Real Italtatt ' Amllat=, lnc,® Independently Owned and Operated PICKERING PASSAGE $159,900 STARTER CABIN,.. U-finlsh this solid shell end aava. Waterr power, septic all in and working so you can camp & enloY your wetedront getaway while U finish. Trail fo beach I 135 leer watedront, Owner contreof LET'S GO $149,900 TO THE BEACH! CONTEMPORARY STYLE COTTAGE... with extensive decking and expensive view, 50 feet el weletfront PLUS community club houSe end boat ramp, PRIVATE $194,900 WATERFRONT HOME LET'S MAKE A DEALI.... Located on • wooded double lot with 154 feet of no bank beach. Multi level decks make ths specious contempore home One of Mason County's best buysll PRICE REDUCED! $159,500 PICTURE PERFECT HOOD CANAL WATERFRONT.., Chalet includes both privets end community watedront. Do, boat launch, oyslsr and tm belh. Bring the family and enyt LAKE LIMERICK $65,000 ALL AMENITIES INCLUDED PLUS A GREAT HOME,., Clean and cozy 2 bedroom, 1 bath home with a built in hutch and h,gh ceilings w)tha 2 car carped all on I oorner lot and 1/2 CITY HOMES GREAT LOCATION $86,500 MT, VIEW RAMBLER...wlth many recent updates inolud, ng vinyl siding, vandoval, roof, carpet, vinyl & IHh, F'd yard Close to schools, churches end shOpping. DOWNTOWN $96,900 JUST LISTED AND WAITING FOR YOUI.,. This cute and COZy rambler has been well maintained and lo- cated close to everything on s fenced comer lot. 3 bedrooms, 15 baths, cheery kitchen, garage, shop and mucI more. SHELTON $62,500 START HERE.. Extra roomy 2 bedroom home with large Iving - dining area, utility porch, double garage end lots of possibilities Seller will sisist with your closing COalS, DOWNTOWN $118,000 PRICE REDUCEDII .,. Single sto. close to oplng. Large lot overlooking Goldeborough Creek. At the end of • low traffic, quiet street. SHELTON $49,900 LOCATED IN THE HEART OF CITY... end built in the 1030's this older home needs some tender loving care. This property is being sold "as is" at a very affordable price SO aomine  do just theft It's in sn excellent location and on • large double loll Call for more information. SHELTON $80,000 GREAT RAMeLER IN TOWN,.. 140 x 103 lot features 24 x 20 shop plus there's a deleched hobbyDrorkroom. The living room is huge and there's Io of slorage spice throughout. Large utility room has slnk end aCSS to OoveaKI patio. Mature landmping includes tots of bulbs and flowers just starting to spring upl Home is priced to Sellr Ceil todayl SHELTON $62,500 MOVE RIGHT IN... to this greet 2-bedroom, 1 -beth home that is priced for • quick late, It features hardwood floors, end effklenl wood stove, a big lanced yard end e gerege with shop specs, tool Find out just how easy owning • home of your own can be, MT. VIEW $89,950 THE EASE OF IN TOWN LIVING... Newer 3 bed- room, 2 beth home. Grail floor plan, open kitchen, fenced back yard end 1 car gerege. PARK-LIKE SETTING $87,500 TWO BEDROOM RAMeLER...wlth large flunily room with wood stove. 3 beautifully wooded lots with I wloa varlely Of fruit frees, ornamental trees, and garden, Double ga- rage end carport, NORTH OF TOWN $35,000 WHY PAY RENT?.,. When you can own this greet 2 bed. room manufactured home for less than rent, It's super cleen with new shower surround, paint & carpet, SHORECREST AREA $77,500 LOOKING FOR A GREAT DEAL?... Look no furthart This mini condition 2 bedroom home iS located on 2 IOta and has greet view Of the Sound. Complete with beach ac- cess, double car garage & beautiful landscaping. Call to. day for your personal fourf SHADOWOOD $134,500 THE PERFECT SETTING... at s greet pricel 4 bedroom, 2.5 beth, luxury home leeturing a custom cak kitchen, wood framed windows, woodslove, counl bomb and much moral Large lot end easy timesaving Olympia commute, Thla ill e mull seal HOODSPORT $79,000 SUNNY SIDE OF THE LAKEI,- 1600 sq It offers very oomfortable living with lots of room tnsloa and Out, Listen to the creek from huge and vet/privele covered porch, Set up shop in large detached builothg just past the per- teot gerben spoil Olympic Mr. view end minutes fo boml LAKE CUSHMAN $234,950 COUNTRY CUSTOM CONTEMPORARY HOME.., on large wetedront view lot. Enjoy sit water iporta from the dock or just relax and enjoy the speecular vlewf AMAZING $ 69,500 CUSTOM HOME NEW 2 STORY... 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath home with Olympic Mr. view Covered front porch, Pergo entry, French doors to den, sunken Ilvtng room, lighted china cabinet, showroom kitchen, breakfast nook. Easy access to Hwy 101 at Brockdale =nfersechon ,RCADIA ROAD $180,000 ROOM TO ROMP...Ovar 2,200 sq, h. rambler on 2.3 tim- bered acres. Wide hallways and doom for wheel chair eccesslbitity. 3 bedrooms, 2.5 baths, double garage, out- buildings. New on market. Call quick. OFF BINNS- $115,500 SWIGER LOOP NEW RAMBLER...on 1 acre. Sits on a hill with territorial view. 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, double garage, Under con- , slruchOn, Pick your own colors end fixtures Won't last  longl AFFORDABLE FARM $143,500 IN GREAT LOCATION...just outside of town. Quaint four bedroom home with cozy wood stove, barn, slslls, tack room, hay storage, fenced. The perfect set-uplt MATLOCK $159,500 THE PERFECT FARMETYE...Pienly of room for horns heret 10 acres of level peslure with modern 3 bedroom home. Open barn with 2 horse stalls, large shop, sea- sonal stream, misc. outbuildings & much morel Ideal coun- try setting with lerfltorlat views. Call todayl DEER CREEK $109,500 ENJOY THE COUNTRY.,.JusI minutes from term to this specious 3 bedroom rambler on e 3/4 acre site. Com- plete with hof tub room, shop end double garage. Don't mill this O(lel SHELTON $99,000 LOCATION LOCATION LOCATIONL. Spacious 4 bed- room home on beautiful wooded 2.5 acres is located in excellent neighborhood= Area of nice homes is ,lo=a to shopping, SChoolS and Highway 101 Reedy for you and very eflordablel HIAWATHA PARK $269,000 IT CAN'T GET ANY BETTER THAN THISI.. ExtraordF nary home on 1.24 acres with 3 car garage, 3 bedrooms, 3 baths, hardwOod floors, plus many extras One look - it will take your breath aweyll Page 28 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, February 4, 1999 NEW THREE bedroom, three bath, large open kitchen, living room, and formal dining room with wet bar, two car garage. Owner will consider lease with option to purchase. $800 monthly rent or purchase at $135,000, 426-0953. F 1/28-2/4 BY OWNER: 5 acres Atlyn area. Se- cluded, big trees, water, power, phone. Only $48,950. $1,000 down, easy own- er terms. 427-8017. T7/30tfn GRAPEVIEW STADIUM beach area, 5 acres, beach access, trees, manufac- tured homes okay, growing area. $39,500 terms. 360-275-2708. $2/4-25 144 FEET of waterfront. 2 bedroom, 2 bath, wet-bar, breakfast bar, bubble tub, walk-in closet, deck, dock, 2 car garage, shop on a timbered 1.22 acres, $195,000. Call Richard Beckman/ERA Main Stream Realty, 426-9600. $2/4 LAKEFRONT HOME - 2 levels with over 2,000 sq. ft. Private dock and suuuper lake view! Living room (with fireplace), formal dining room and glass enclosed deck. 2 bedrooms (den makes possible 3 bedrooms) and family room with woodstove, sauna, double garage and much more. Price reduced, now only $149,000. Invest Realty 426-3567. 12/4 COUNTRY PORCH on this old world charmer, old but new, has been reno- vated inside and out, 1,200 sq. ft. 3 bedroom, 1 bath, wood floors, country kitchen, gas heat and woodstove, new paint inside and out. Located on Angle- side. Asking $83,900. Call Rick at 426- 1445. R2/4-25 253-851-2511 IN TOWN LIKE NEW INSIDE AND OUT!! $99,900 View the city and saltwater from the large decks in private natural setting Vinyl windows, tile entry, new carpet, quality woodwork throughout, window seats, 3 bedroom, den, 1.5 bath, lots of storage, PLUS $1,000 TOWARDS BUYERS CLOSING COSTS... Call Kim Thompson for more into. 534- 4506 LAKELAND VILLAGE BANK ACQUIRED $125,50O Spacious rambler, 3-4 bedroom, 2- bath, huge family room, 2 fireplaces... Just needs cosmetic TLC to return to a showcase... Great value... Contact Kim Thompson 534-4506 CABIN ON 1.03 ACRES PRICED FOR QUICK SALE $42,900 1995 unfinished cabin in Grapeview area, 2 bedroom, 1 bath, vaulted ceil- ings, skylights, well and septic in but not yet connected to home. Call Kim Thompson for showing 534-4506 NEWER 1 STORY SHADOWOOD AREA $99,900 3 bedroom, 1.75 bath, utility room, 2 car garage, large yard with deck.., all at an affordable price ... Call Kim Thompson for details. 534-4506 SOUTH OF SHELTON ALMOST NEW 2 STORY CHARMER WON'T LAST AT $124,900 Located in quiet neighborhood, 1,538 sq. ft., hardwood floors, tile counter- tops, vinyl windows, gas fireplace, large fenced yard, 2 car garage with shop area... For private showing call Kim Thompson 534-4506. • HOUSE FOR sale. OPEN HOUSE Feb 6 & 7 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. 1993 Golden West manufactured home, 3 DR/2 Bath, built in's, raised Oak cabinets, 1,458 sq. ft. finished, 2 car attached garage with covered porch and patio, 14'x16' detached storage bldg, low maintenance yard. Located in Christ- mas Village Adult Mobile Community at 2560 N. 13th ST. House at No. 20 Christmas Tree Lane, 360-426-5172. G 1/28-2/4 INVEST HERE - 3 bedrooms, wood- stove, covered porch, garden area, outbuildings and many amenities. Makes a great rental investment with a good return. Only $45,000. Invest Realty 426-3567. 12/4 SHERIFF'S PUBLIC NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL PROPERTY JUDGMENT #98 9 992 5 CAUSE # 98 2 491 0 JUDGMENT RENDERED ON December 21, 1998 WRIT OF EXECUTION OR ORDER OF SALE ISSUED January 4, 1999 DATE OF LEVY January 11, 1999 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON DAVID B. YEADON PROFIT SHARING TRUST, PLAINTIFF, VS. WILLIAM P. LEMKE & DIANE E. LEMKE, husband and wife, etal, DEFENDANT(S) TO: William P. Lemke & Diane E. Lemke, husband and wife, et al, JUDGMENT DEBTORS THE SUPERIOR COURT OF MASON COUNTY HAS DIRECTED THE UNDER- SIGNED SHERIFF OF MASON COUNTY TO SELL THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED BE- LOW, TO SATISFY A JUDGMENT IN THE ABOVE ENTITLED ACTION. IF DEVELOPED, THE PROPERTY AD- DRESS IS 2120 Madison Street, Shelton WASHINGTON, ZIP # 98584 THE LEGAL DESCRIPTION IS AS FOL- LOWS, TAKEN FROM THE ORDER OF SALE Lot Eight (8) Block Three (3) Extension to Mountain View Addition to Shelton, Washington as recorded in Volume 4 of Plats at page 43, records of the Auditor of Mason County. Tax Parcel No. 42013-50-03008 THE JUDGMENT DEBTOR MAY AVOID THE SALE BY PAYING THE JUDGMENT AMOUNT OF $ 22,066.34 TOGETHER WITH INTEREST, COSTS, AND FEES BEFORE THE SALE DATE. FOR THE EXACT AMOUNT, CONTACT THE SHERIFF'S OF- FICE AT (360) 427-9670 OR P.O. BOX 1037, SHELTON, WASHINGTON 98584. THE SALE SHALL BE CONDUCTED AT 10:00 AM. ON THE 19th DAY OF February, 1999, on Friday, AT THE MAIN ENTRANCE OF THE MASON COUNTY COURTHOUSE ON FOURTH STREET. THE SALE WILL BE PUBLISHED IN THE SHELTON JOURNAL ON THE FOLLOWING DATES: 1/14/99, 1/21/99, 1/28/99, 2/4/99 DATED THIS 10th DAY OF January, 1999. Shenff Steve Whybark Mason County, Washington BY/s/Irene Moffatt DEPUTY 1/14-21-28-2/4 4t SHERIFF'S PUBLIC NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL PROPERTY JUDGMENT #98 9 992 5 CAUSE # 98 2 491 0 JUDGMENT RENDERED ON December 21, 1998 WRIT OF EXECUTION OR ORDER OF SALE ISSUED January 4, 1999 DATE OF LEVY January 11, 1999 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON DAVID B. YEADON PROFIT SHARING TRUST, PLAINTIFF, VS. WILLIAM P. LEMKE & DIANE E. LEMKE, husband and wife, DOUGLAS W, TWITCHELL, DEALING WITH HIS SOLE & SEPARATE PROPERTY, et ai, DEFENDANT(S) TO: William P. Lemke & Diane E. Lemke, husband and wife, Douglas W. Twitchell, deal- ing with his sole and separate property, et ai, JUDGMENT DEBTORS THE SUPERIOR COURT OF MASON COUNTY HAS DIRECTED THE UNDER- SIGNED SHERIFF OF MASON COUNTY TO SELL THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED BE- LOW, TO SATISFY A JUDGMENT IN THE ABOVE ENTITLED ACTION. IF r)EVELOPED, THE PROPERTY AD- DRESS !S 410 N Olympic Trails Drive, Lilli- waup WASHINGTON, ZIP # 98555 THE LEGAL DESCRIPTION IS AS FOL- LOWS, TAKEN FROM THE ORDER OF SALE Lot Eight (8) Olympic Trails, as recorded in Volume 9 of Plats at page 104-108 both inclu- sive, records of the Auditor of Mason County. Tax Parcel No. 32434-50-00008 THE JUDGMENT DEBTOR MAY AVOID THE SALE BY PAYING THE JUDGMENT AMOUNT OF $17,395.92 TOGETHER WITH INTEREST, COSTS, AND FEES BEFORE THE SALE DATE. FOR THE EXACT AMOUNT, CONTACT THE SHERIFF'S OF- FICE AT (360) 427-9670 OR P.O. BOX 1037, SHELTON, WASHINGTON 98584. THE SALE SHALL'BE CONDUCTED AT 10:00 A.M. ON THE 19th DAY OF February, 1999, on Friday, AT THE MAIN ENTRANCE OF THE MASON COUNTY COURTHOUSE ON FOURTH STREET. THE SALE WILL BE PUBLISHED IN THE SHELTON JOURNAL ON THE FOLLOWING DATES: 1/14/99, 1/21/99, 1/28/99, 2/4/99 DATED THIS 19th DAY OF January, 1999. Sheriff Steve Whybark Mason County, Washington BY/s/Irene Moffatt DEPUTY 1/14-21-28-2/4 4t SHERIFF'S PUBLIC NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL PROPERTY JUDGMENT #98 9 992 5 CAUSE # 98 2 491 0 JUDGMENT RENDERED ON December 21, 1998 WRIT OF EXECUTION OR ORDER OF SALE ISSUED January 4, t999 DATE OF LEVY January 11, 1999 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON DAVID B. YEADON PROFIT SHARING TRUST, PLAINTIFF, VS. WILLIAM P. LEMKE & DIANE E. LEMKE, husband and wife, et ai, DEFENDANT(S) TO: William P. Lemke & Diane E. Lemke, husband and wife, etal, JUDGMENT DEBTORS THE SUPERIOR COURT OF MASON COUNTY HAS DIRECTED THE UNDER- SIGNED SHERIFF OF MASON COUNTY TO SELL THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED BE- LOW, TO SATISFY A JUDGMENT IN THE ABOVE ENTITLED ACTION. IF DEVELOPED, THE PROPERTY AD- DRESS IS 1341, 1343, 1345 & 1347 E Island View Road, Grapeview WASHINGTON, ZIP # 98546 THE LEGAL DESCRIPTION IS AS FOL- LOWS, TAKEN FROM THE ORDER OF SALE Tracts A, B, C & D of Short Subdivision No. 1306, recorded August 16, 1983, Auditor's File No. 418536, being a portion of Government Lot Two (2), Section Twenty-two (22), Township Twenty-one (21), North, Range Two (2) West, W.M. Tax Pamel Nee. 22122-41-90031; 22122- 41-90032; 22122-41-90033 and 22122-41- 9OO34; THE JUDGMENT DEBTOR MAY AVOID THE SALE BY PAYING THE JUDGMENT AMOUNT OF $ 205,689.58 TOGETHER WITH INTEREST, COSTS, AND FEES BE- FORE THE SALE DATE. FOR THE EXACT AMOUNT, CONTACT THE SHERIFF'S OF- FICE AT (360) 427-9670 OR P.O. BOX 1037, SHELTON, WASHINGTON 98584. THE SALE SHALL BE CONDUCTED AT 10:00 A.M. ON THE 19th DAY OF February, 1999, on Friday, AT THE MAIN ENTRANCE OF THE MASON COUNTY COURTHOUSE ON FOURTH STREET. THE SALE WILL BE PUBLISHED IN THE SHELTON JOURNAL ON THE FOLLOWING DATES: 1/14/99, 1/21/99, 1/28/99, 2/4/99 DATED THIS 19th DAY OF January, 1999. Shenff Steve Whybark Mason County, Washington BY/s/Irene Moffatt DEPUTY 1/14-21-28-2/4 4t SHERIFF'S PUBLIC NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL PROPERTY JUDGMENT CAUSE # 98 2 498 7 JUDGMENT RENDERED ON December 22, 1998 CUTE & COZY Mobile home pak dose to teem. Cute 2 Bedroom 1 3/4 bath with new €. tile. windows, insutatioo, and el>Idleness. $22,500 $236,000 I WRIT OF EXECUTION OR | ORDER OF SALE ISSUED [ Janoaw 11, 1999 . [ DATE OF LEVY January 19 199 _J THE SUPERIOR COU00'T OF 7 STATE OF WASHINGTON _.. BANK OF AMERICA NATIONAL T AND SAVINGS ASSOCIATION, pLAIN]I VS. THE ESTATE OF LYLE G WARE, =gr CEASED, ALL HEIRS AND'DE VI$¢.pl KNOWN AND UNKNOWN OF LYLI WARE, DECEASED, DEFENDANT(S) .J TO: THE ESTATE OF LYLE G. W/! DECEASED, ALL HEIRS AND DEVISE] KNOWN AND UNKNOWN OF LYLS= WARE, DECEASED, JuDGMEII DEBTORS .. THE SUPERIOR COURT OF MA, COUNTY HAS DIRECTED THE UN.. SIGNED SHERIFF OF MASON COUNt| TO SELL THE PROPERTY DESCRIBE0.,I LOW, TO SATISFY A JUDGMENT IN] ABOVE ENTITLED ACTION. TY ,t / IF DEVELOPED THE PROPER ! DRESS IS 191 E VILLAGE VIEW DRIVE't 1 LYN WASHINGTON, ZIP # 98524 I.| THE LEGAL DESCRIPTION IS AS | LOWS, TAKEN FROM THE OROERV| ASALLoT 93 OF LAKELAND VILLAGE N0,t S ECORDED 'N VOLUME 6 OF_.I.l 1 PAGE 41, RECORDS OF MASON c,o" i WASHINGTON. 1 TAX PARCEL NO. 12220-50-00093 ...41 THE JUDGMENT DEBTOR MAY $_. THE SALE BY PAYING THE JU0(3 .l ANIMOUNT OF $95 011 90 TOGETHER_J! EREST, COS'TS "AND FEES BE.F THE SALE DATE' FOR THE EXJ AMOUNT, CONTAC:I" THE SHERIF Fsu.I.,, FICE AT (360) 427-9670 OR P.O. BO '"| SHELTON, WASHINGTON 98584, _0 THE SALE SHALL BE CONDUG'r_g.i 10:00 AM. ON THE 26th DAY OF F,., ARY 199g ON FRIDAY AT THE M/.*8 TRA'NCE 'OF THE IIASON coUN! COURTHOUSE ON FOURTH STREEI:'J THE SALE WILL BE PUBLISHE0,I1 SHELTON JOURNAL ON THE FoLLOWI DATES: 1/21/99, 1/28/99, 2/4/99, 2/11/99 DATED THIS 15th DAY OF JANUs" 1999. BY/s/Irene Moffatt DEPUTY 1/21-28 "2/&lit NOTICE TO CREDITORS NO. 9g 4 00013 8 FF  IN THE SUPERIOR COURT 0 STATE OF WASHINGTON IN AND MASON COUNTY ATE0 IN THE MATTER OF THE EST MARY E. SORUM, Deceased. ..I The Personal Reprasentative na._=, has been appointed as Personal Repre=".,al tive of this estate. Any person having  "JI against the decedent must, before the 11 1 claim would be barred by any otherwise w j cable statute of limitations, present fits .1'1  the manner as provided In RCW 11.401,u'g1 serving on or mailing to the Personal I'= sentative or the Personal Representtivtlli torney at the address stated below a c.ffl[ claim and filing the odginal of the clS';ll laCt urt" f:': e claim must be presented r t: tar o: (1) Thirty days after the pef Representative served or mailed the r[ the creditor as provided under ";It 11.40.020(3); or (2) four months after tl,.4 of first publication of the notice. If the m,';,,.d( not presented within this time frame, tl., is forever barred, except as otherwise .P',tA in Section 11 of this act and RCW 11.4' effective as to claims eg=..;I gATE of filing copy of Notice to with Clerk of Court: 1/20/99 DATE of first publication: 1/28/99 ROBERT D. LEAR Personal Representative c/o ROBERT W. JOHNSON P. O. Box 1400 Shelton, WasNngton 98584 SETrLE & JOHNSON, P.L.L.C. Attorneys for said Estate Angle Bdg., P. O. Box 1400 Shelton, Washington 98584 1 NOTICE TO CREDITORS NO. 994 00015 4 , IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF NGTON FOR MASON COUNTY , IN RE THE ESTATE OF: VIRG NI "| ABETH GORMLEY, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that1 has  as Persona] tied estate; that all persons having against said deceased are serve the same on said ttve or Loun & Tyner, address below stated, and the Clerk of said Court such service, within four of first publication of this Notice filing of a copy of this Notice with the the Court, whichever is later, be barred. DATE OF FIRST 28, 1999 NOTI( f DATE OF FILING COPY OF CREDITORS: January 2t, 1999 Is/Elleen M. Gormley EILEEN M. GORMLEY, PersonaJ Representative of Estate c/o Loon & Tyner 509 - 4th St, Suite 6 Bmmerton, WA 98337 (360)377-7678 Presented by LOUN & TYNER /s/Randy W. Loun __, RANDY W. LOUN, WSBA #t 4ore' Attorney for Estate NOTICE OF PUBLIC tion timber to the highest bidder. terms and blddlng ceiling South Puget Sound Re 527-3305 or by visiting the Enumclaw or Forest Resources Olympia. Bidding information tained at The Count begins st 10 A.M. at the South Office, Enumclaw, Washington, on 24,1999. NORTH SLOPE, AR Imately 10 miles by road northwes port on part(s) of Sections 22, 23, in Township 23 North, Range compdsing approximatel bar. Minimum acceptable $1,534,000. This sale is