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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 4, 1999     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 4, 1999
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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LEGAL NOTICES PROBATE NO. 99 4 00025 1 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON IN AND FOR rile COUNTY OF MASON In the Matter of the Estate of FRANCIS K. HtCKAM, Deceased. the undersigned has been appointed and tas qualified as personal representative (PR) ::,l 1he estate of the above-named Decedent. Each person having a claim against the De- ,:edcmt must serve the claim on the under- ;gned PR or on the attorney of record and mt J:t file an executed copy of the claim with the (;lek of the Court within four months after the date of first publication of this notice or within lout months after the date of the filing of this notice with the Clerk of the Court, whichever is the later, or the clmm will be barred, except under those provisions included in RCW 11 40.011. Date of filing copy of notice to creditors: 1- Y.}99 Date of first publication: February 4, 1999 PR&apos; RONALD J FOX John C. Cain, Attorney at Law 802 i'4onl Second Street Tacoma, Washington 98403 (253) 572.83.t8 2/4-11-18 3t NOTICE OF HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the 3oar(l of Mason County Commissioners will hell a public hearmg in the Commission Chambers at the Mason County Courthouse, Buitdirg I. 411 NOrth Fifth Street, Shelton, WasMngton on Tuesday, February 16, 1999 at 10:15 a.m. SAID HEARING will be to consider re- moving utility and drainage easements be- tween Lots 38 & 39, Block 3, Division 18, in the Plat of Lake Cushman. I1 questions or special accommodations, please r;ontact the Cornmissioners' office, 427- )f;70. Ext. 419. DATED this 19th day of January, 1999. BOAF{D OF COUNTY COMMISSION- R q MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON /s/Rebecca S. Rogers HABITAT HI00ANI00 Outstanding in their field HABITAT FOR HUMANITY volunteers pose Friday in nonprofit organization that helps put families in need front of the Angleside-area houses they helped build - into affordable housing. From left are Marj Schilling, the first two such low-income projects of the local husband Rex Schilling, Gene Roberts and Bill Woods. Rebecca S, Rogers, Clerk of the Board 2/4-11 2t LEGAL NOTICES ABANDONED VEHICLE SALE IN COMPLIANCE WITH CHAPTER 42, tK;W 4655130, LAW OF 1969, FIRST EX- tRAORDINARY SESSION, AS AMENDED BY C;HAPTER 281, NOTICE IS HEREBY GWEN THAT JIM'S AUTOMOTIVE, 809 S. let St, SHELl"ON, WASHINGTON 98584, WILL A1 PUBLIC AUCTION ON Feb. 12, i 999, AT t:30 PM. SELL FOR CASH TO THE tflGHEST BIDDER THE FOLLOWING DE- SCP, IBED VEHICLES: 1984 Ptym. Tourismo, LIC #458GUG 1972 Ford Van, LIC #508 CLS 1979 Datsun B210, LIC 824BYZ 1982 Buick Skylark, LIC #LDY744 t 978 Che W P/U, LIC #XN2385 1968 FORD P/U, LIC #86558X 1976 FORD MAVERICK, LIC #KYK425 VEHICLES AVAILABLE AT 10:30 A.M. FOR INSPECTION. JIMS AUTOMOTIVE R[::G #5006 2/41t ABANDONED VEHICLE AUCTION In compliance with Chapter 42, RCW 46.55.130, Law of 1969, First Extraordinary Session, as amended by Chapter 281, notice is hereby given that A-1 Towing, NE 3571 North Shore Road, Belfair, Washington 98528, will at Public Auction on 2-8-99 at 12:pro, will for cash to the highest bidder, the following described vehicles: 1987 DODGE COLT, LIC. #320FQF 1981 DATSUN MAXMA, LIC #516AHS 1984 FORD VAN, LIC #LG2461 1974 FORD RANCHERO, LIC #GW6641 1986 DODGE ARIES, LIC. #488HQQ Vehicles available at 11:00 AM for inspec- tion A-One Towing (360) 275-7513 Reg.#5505 2t41t Su )er Crossword ACROSS 54 Black bird 94 Suggested 1 Former S§ Cake Indirectly Egyptian VIP Ingredients @S Special 6 Fruit-flavored 57 Compensate peflods desserts $8 Emerald Isle 97 Fits of pique 10 Quantity of $g Analyze a 98 Story of paper sentence heroic deeds 14'Brother, can 60 Central 99 Kentucky you spare American bluegrass --?' timber tree 102 This, In 19 Author Jong 62 Rural dance Spain 20 Diplomat's Idle? 104 Pikelike fish asset 83 Nest of lOS Mounteln 21 Handle pheasants lake 22 "Olympia" 64 Speed up 106 Macaw painter 85 Polish log Sphires 23 Wimbledon scientist who 111 Small fruit wmner of discovered pie 1975 radium 113 Crescent- 25 "The Man tn 67 Word before shaped Black" meeting or 115 Seize 27 Network media suddenly 28 Breakfast 68 Religious 118 Midnight nook brothers equestrian 30 -- prscedant 69 Queen of the 11g She was 31 City In Sicily theater "Peter Pan" 32 Flflhy place 75 Island or Bay 121 Follow as a 33 Hodgepodge 78 Swab result 34 Stammering 81 The Bard's 122 List follower sounds river 123 Affirm 36 TV actress 82 Greek 124 Delia or Lee market place Pee Wee 38 Poetic 83 Banish 125 High-spirited conlraction 84 Book or horse 39 Oil-produ¢- worthy 126 Highway era' org lead in hauler 40 Remains in 85 Emulate 127 Monster's readiness 87 Wield a blue lo¢h? 42 Ironwood pencil 128 Msry- Workshop on plantings set to precede tree sale The Mason Conservation Dis- trict will sponsor a pre-tree-sale workshop on Wednesday, Febru- ary 17, in Shelton. The workshop will be held from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at the William G. Reed Public Library, Seventh and Alder streets. In connection with its annual native plant sale on March 6, the conservation dis- trict is providing the February 17 workshop for those interested in learning more about the trees be- song prefix 80 Await 4 Yearn 46 Arthudan settlement 5 Greek letter lady 84 Dog In 6 Style of type 47 Spanish "Peter Pan" 7 Bay on the muralist 86 Spend them coast of 48 He was In Florence Maine married to 89 Make the 8 She loved Shirley contract Narcissus Temple legal 9 First host of 50 On -- 91 Savor "The Tonight (equivalent 93 Clock face tbre placing their orders. Guest speaker will be Maureen Beckstead from Wildlife Oasis Design, who will tell participants about where and how to grow na- tive trees and plants to attract wildlife. There will also be a slide show and a demonstration about how to plant a bare root tree. There is no fee for the work- shop. To sign up, call Jeanene Campbell at 427-9436. 00usin 00ournal BARBARA SCHMIDT is the new account executive for KPS Health Plans for Thurston and South Mason Coun- ties in the recently opened KPS office in Olympia at 1700 Cooper Point Road SW, Unit C5. FERGUSON AND GARDNER Flowers and Gifts is one Show" to) 94 Sheik's 10 Rule, in Indte 81 Celcutte garb retreat 11 Baseball's 52 Auld lang -- 96 Barrel Slaughter 54 Stimulating strips 12 Son of Jacob rubdown 98 Minor 13 Virgil's 58 Rigidly woodland birthplace 59 Turkish deities 14 Tan or official 99 John and Vanderbilt 61 Uncanny Paul 15 Freshwater 64 Chinese 100 Female fish dynasty praying 18 Senseless 68 Preserve !i@ure 17 Middle, In food 101 Mistreat law 67 Household 103 Sharp 18 "-- Frome" 6g Companion mountain 24 Chest of hounds crest sounds 70 Anagram of 105 Biblical 28 Of course: vile weeds slang 71 Word before 106 Russian 29 Assam seat or set union silkworm 72 Hebrew letter 107 Elevate 33 Gem stone 73 Iroquoisn 108 Baseball's 35 Flow Indians Doubleday copiously 74 Coin of 110 Turn 37 Winglike Thallend around e 39 Algerian 75 Harry's First pivot seaport Lady 112 London 40 Not as good 78 Wheel streetcer of six flower shops in the Northwest to be featured at the Tacoma Home and Garden Show at the Tacoma Dome now through February 7. The display is oriental "high style," according to a spokesperson for the shop. A talent-contest entry from Ferguson and Gardner is also displayed in the lobby of the Tacoma Dome. CANDY BOUQUET opened for business Monday in the Mercantile Building at 221 West Railroad. Owners Dar- leen Westermann and Susan Root are adding touches of their own in the local outlet of the franchise, which incor- porates more than 300 stores. Bulk candy, non-floral bou- quets and gift baskets, gourmet food items, specialty bath products and delivery are among the offerings. The store is in the former site of Carole's Jewelry at the front of the building. tree 88 Kill violently Moore 41 Greek letter spindles 44 "Faust" and 8g Drawing DOWN 43 Volcanic 77 Arbltrlry "Carmen" room 1 Brands with mountain on order 47 Sun porches 90 Ropes. a hot Iron Ross Island 78 Shed 49 Torment sessor's 2 Sovereign s 44 Word before feathers repeatedly dOCument decree sea or sects1 79 Sioux 53 Kind of cod I)2 Earphones 3 Short, simple 45 Around: Indian r r r- --r- F rr-r r ,I , I .......... JI t .....  M  1111 IIII III II Im  I ./ .... Page 30 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, February 4, 1999 114 Wheel hub 118 Jane or Zena 117 See -- (gel angry) 118 Yale grid. 120 Louvre display iiF T'F" TJ-- o I Answers are on page 26 II I ++ Febuary 8-12, 1999 Hood Canal Shelton MONDAY: Breakfast: Cinnamon MONDAY: Breakfast: Cereal, toast. bread, hot cocoa. Lunch: Toasted Lunch: Five Star Smart (salad) Bar. ham and cheese sandwich, tomato Teriyaki dippers, fluffy rice, graham soup, applesauce, milk. crackers, milk. - TUESDAY: Breakfast: Sausage on TUESDAY: Breakfast: Waffles. a stick. Lunch: Nachos, buttered Lunch: Five Star Smart (salad) Bar. Soft corn, peas, blueberry cake, milk. tacos, bar cookie, chocolate milk. WEDNESDAY: Breakfast: Waffles, WEDNESDAY: Breakfast: Berry sausage. Lunch: Ham-it-up spa- scone. Lunch: Five Star Smarf (salad) Bar." Pepperoni pizza, peanut butter ghetti, buttered roll, green beans, cookie, milk. animal crackers, chocolate milk. THURSDAY: Breakfast: Biscuits with THURSDAY: Breakfast: Hash- sausage, egg and cheese. Lunch: Five brown casserole, toast. Lunch: Star Smart (salad) Bar. Burritos, fruit Sloppy Joe, tater tots, fruit Jello, crisp, milk. peach crisp, milk. FRIDAY: Breakfast: Pop tart. Lunch: FRIDAY: Breakfast: Pancakes. Five Star Smart (salad) Bar. Heart- Lunch: Pepperoni pizza, buttered shape chicken nuggets, Valentine, corn, fresh pears, juice bar, milk. cookie, chocolate milk. L WEST COAST BANK r1,,111 Formerly Centennial Bank Hoodsport Shelton • N. 24341 Hwy. 101 & 2307 Olympic Hwy. N 877-5272 426-5581 Many volunteer positions are available in Mason County through The Volunteer Center- Retired and Senior Volunteer Program. The following jobs are open to people of all ages. Call Beth Church at 426-3405 for in- formation on any of the jobs, re- ferring to the number at the end of the item you're interested in, • A state agency providing ser- vices to children and families in Shelton is looking ibr volunteers to serve as tutors, parent mentors and friendly visitors. It also needs professional carpenters, electri- cians and educators who can donate services. (2086-2311 • Chore team members are needed to help seniors and "less abled persons" with light house- IIIIIIIIIIIIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll )Vlarriage £icenses IIIIIIIIIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Applying for marriage licenses during the week, accordmg to tbe Mason County Auditor's Office, were: Chip Thomas Proctor, 37, Hoodsport, and Jean Butler, 35, Hoodsport. Nathan Geoffrey Gardner, 18, Belfair, and Lynette M. Pitman, 18, Belfair. Jason Alexander Chamberlain, 19, Shelton, and Barbara Alexan- dria Merifield, 19, Shelton. Kelly J. Hill, 39, Union, and Darlene Clay, 37, Union. ) )/aSOn ounty usiness Directory Want action? Call an expert to help you. i Insurance Tired el shopping? Let us do il for you! Auto- Home- Boat • Lile - Health - Business Prelerred Risk? We locale the Iovmst cost, Inaurence is our only business. Arnold & Smith Insurance Agency 1535 Olympic Highway N. 426-3317 i Printing • 1 Advertising Tabloids • Newspapers • Magazines Just about anything except U.S. currency! 426-4412 -00#-7o.rnal keeping and laundry servic$ (0008-0263) • Convalescent home residedJ need friendly visitors and c05" panionship. Volunteers can c0" verse, listen, read and make n¢ friends. They can keep reside mentally stimulated and uP "t¢ date on current events by readi. | from area newspapers, local 1| tory and humor. (2014-2321) 4 • A school organizer is need tbr Pacific Peaks Girl Scout CotS" cil. 2 he w>lunteer would take [ ers into schools and assist w recruiting girls and adults. MilP.., age is reimbursed. Girl Sc0U, troop leaders are also need'Ca (2096-2284) • Crisis Clinic of Mason CotS ty seeks crisis interwmtion ph0e| workers to answer calls from 1.| pie in emotional crisis or Wl0| need inibrmation and referralt| humar service resources. Tr £'= ing is provided. (2062-2107) , • A delivery driver is neededt° bring meals to homebound sei citizens. A dependable vehicle. necessary. Mileage is reimburse.; ()ve} 136 homebound seniors rell on this essentia] volunteer se! vice. (2055-0600) LUNCH MENU February 8-12 Monday: Burrflo, salsa and sour cream, corn, ice juicy, milk. Tuesday: Corn dog, maca- roni salad, chips, celery sticks, pears, milk. Wednesday: Cheeseburger, I| fries, lettuce, orange, fruit roll-I| up, milk. !1 Thursday: Chicken nuggetS, I| pretzel, carrot sticks, apple,]| ,,,ilk. I:i Friday: Early release, no lunch. J[ Anyone living or working in tMl[ Pi<)}lccr School District is eligiblgll to join Simpson Community "-II I:ederal Credit Union. J| 526 W. Cedar Shelton churches invite you to attend services Faith Lutheran \\;LDI/v@ Church, E.L.C.A. .,n . k Intersection of 13th and 'C' Neil Thompson ,O M Oa.: 426-8611 SHELTON : PRESBYTERI/ FELLOWSHIP Servtce: Sunday 10:,30 a.lll' W)rship ", ' Christian Education classes 9:00 a.' Interim Home Seventh-Day Adventist Churel 210 W. Shelton Valley Road "SPIRIT IN ACTION" 432-8696 Mt. Olive I1 Lutheran Churc Missouri Synod I ! 206 East Wyandotte Ave. ,. I | Christian Education ........................ 9:15 a,'[ | Worship (Nursery Available) ........ t0:30 a'"" I | Sermon: Worship ........................................ 9:00 "Why To Care About Y2K" J Christian Education .......... 10:15 a.m. Office 426-6353 _ I Preschool/Daycare • 427-316b I Contemporary Worship ... 11:15 a.m. Visit us on the web at: |,,,,J Wednesday Fellowship ...... 6:30 p.m. SUNMETHODIST CHURCIt 1900 King Street Reverend Steve Schroeder 426.417[ First Service... 8:30 a.m. NurserY[ Sunday School... 9:30 a.m. AvaaZ l Second Service... 10:45 a.m. "Because we care ..." j The Episcopal Church Welcomes You Come As You Are St. David's J 1 [ 4th and Cedar, Shelton Sunday, 7:30 and 10:30 a.m. Misa en Espaaol Cada Domingos 5:00 p.m. Rev. D. J. Maddux, Rector Home: 426-2268 Office: 426-8472 ..,,,I I SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST CHURC"00 [ J 210W SheltonValley Road • 426-2776 | J 9:30 and I I:00 am Saturday • Paul Weigley, pastor ISHELTON VALLEY ADVENTIST S( 201 W Shelton Valley Road • 426-4198 Grades K-8 • Candy Johnston, principal LEGAL NOTICES PROBATE NO. 99 4 00025 1 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON IN AND FOR rile COUNTY OF MASON In the Matter of the Estate of FRANCIS K. HtCKAM, Deceased. the undersigned has been appointed and tas qualified as personal representative (PR) ::,l 1he estate of the above-named Decedent. Each person having a claim against the De- ,:edcmt must serve the claim on the under- ;gned PR or on the attorney of record and mt J:t file an executed copy of the claim with the (;lek of the Court within four months after the date of first publication of this notice or within lout months after the date of the filing of this notice with the Clerk of the Court, whichever is the later, or the clmm will be barred, except under those provisions included in RCW 11 40.011. Date of filing copy of notice to creditors: 1- Y.}99 Date of first publication: February 4, 1999 PR' RONALD J FOX John C. Cain, Attorney at Law 802 i'4onl Second Street Tacoma, Washington 98403 (253) 572.83.t8 2/4-11-18 3t NOTICE OF HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the 3oar(l of Mason County Commissioners will hell a public hearmg in the Commission Chambers at the Mason County Courthouse, Buitdirg I. 411 NOrth Fifth Street, Shelton, WasMngton on Tuesday, February 16, 1999 at 10:15 a.m. SAID HEARING will be to consider re- moving utility and drainage easements be- tween Lots 38 & 39, Block 3, Division 18, in the Plat of Lake Cushman. I1 questions or special accommodations, please r;ontact the Cornmissioners' office, 427- )f;70. Ext. 419. DATED this 19th day of January, 1999. BOAF{D OF COUNTY COMMISSION- R q MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON /s/Rebecca S. Rogers HABITAT HI00ANI00 Outstanding in their field HABITAT FOR HUMANITY volunteers pose Friday in nonprofit organization that helps put families in need front of the Angleside-area houses they helped build - into affordable housing. From left are Marj Schilling, the first two such low-income projects of the local husband Rex Schilling, Gene Roberts and Bill Woods. Rebecca S, Rogers, Clerk of the Board 2/4-11 2t LEGAL NOTICES ABANDONED VEHICLE SALE IN COMPLIANCE WITH CHAPTER 42, tK;W 4655130, LAW OF 1969, FIRST EX- tRAORDINARY SESSION, AS AMENDED BY C;HAPTER 281, NOTICE IS HEREBY GWEN THAT JIM'S AUTOMOTIVE, 809 S. let St, SHELl"ON, WASHINGTON 98584, WILL A1 PUBLIC AUCTION ON Feb. 12, i 999, AT t:30 PM. SELL FOR CASH TO THE tflGHEST BIDDER THE FOLLOWING DE- SCP, IBED VEHICLES: 1984 Ptym. Tourismo, LIC #458GUG 1972 Ford Van, LIC #508 CLS 1979 Datsun B210, LIC 824BYZ 1982 Buick Skylark, LIC #LDY744 t 978 Che W P/U, LIC #XN2385 1968 FORD P/U, LIC #86558X 1976 FORD MAVERICK, LIC #KYK425 VEHICLES AVAILABLE AT 10:30 A.M. FOR INSPECTION. JIMS AUTOMOTIVE R[::G #5006 2/41t ABANDONED VEHICLE AUCTION In compliance with Chapter 42, RCW 46.55.130, Law of 1969, First Extraordinary Session, as amended by Chapter 281, notice is hereby given that A-1 Towing, NE 3571 North Shore Road, Belfair, Washington 98528, will at Public Auction on 2-8-99 at 12:pro, will for cash to the highest bidder, the following described vehicles: 1987 DODGE COLT, LIC. #320FQF 1981 DATSUN MAXMA, LIC #516AHS 1984 FORD VAN, LIC #LG2461 1974 FORD RANCHERO, LIC #GW6641 1986 DODGE ARIES, LIC. #488HQQ Vehicles available at 11:00 AM for inspec- tion A-One Towing (360) 275-7513 Reg.#5505 2t41t Su )er Crossword ACROSS 54 Black bird 94 Suggested 1 Former S§ Cake Indirectly Egyptian VIP Ingredients @S Special 6 Fruit-flavored 57 Compensate peflods desserts $8 Emerald Isle 97 Fits of pique 10 Quantity of $g Analyze a 98 Story of paper sentence heroic deeds 14'Brother, can 60 Central 99 Kentucky you spare American bluegrass --?' timber tree 102 This, In 19 Author Jong 62 Rural dance Spain 20 Diplomat's Idle? 104 Pikelike fish asset 83 Nest of lOS Mounteln 21 Handle pheasants lake 22 "Olympia" 64 Speed up 106 Macaw painter 85 Polish log Sphires 23 Wimbledon scientist who 111 Small fruit wmner of discovered pie 1975 radium 113 Crescent- 25 "The Man tn 67 Word before shaped Black" meeting or 115 Seize 27 Network media suddenly 28 Breakfast 68 Religious 118 Midnight nook brothers equestrian 30 -- prscedant 69 Queen of the 11g She was 31 City In Sicily theater "Peter Pan" 32 Flflhy place 75 Island or Bay 121 Follow as a 33 Hodgepodge 78 Swab result 34 Stammering 81 The Bard's 122 List follower sounds river 123 Affirm 36 TV actress 82 Greek 124 Delia or Lee market place Pee Wee 38 Poetic 83 Banish 125 High-spirited conlraction 84 Book or horse 39 Oil-produ¢- worthy 126 Highway era' org lead in hauler 40 Remains in 85 Emulate 127 Monster's readiness 87 Wield a blue lo¢h? 42 Ironwood pencil 128 Msry- Workshop on plantings set to precede tree sale The Mason Conservation Dis- trict will sponsor a pre-tree-sale workshop on Wednesday, Febru- ary 17, in Shelton. The workshop will be held from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at the William G. Reed Public Library, Seventh and Alder streets. In connection with its annual native plant sale on March 6, the conservation dis- trict is providing the February 17 workshop for those interested in learning more about the trees be- song prefix 80 Await 4 Yearn 46 Arthudan settlement 5 Greek letter lady 84 Dog In 6 Style of type 47 Spanish "Peter Pan" 7 Bay on the muralist 86 Spend them coast of 48 He was In Florence Maine married to 89 Make the 8 She loved Shirley contract Narcissus Temple legal 9 First host of 50 On -- 91 Savor "The Tonight (equivalent 93 Clock face tbre placing their orders. Guest speaker will be Maureen Beckstead from Wildlife Oasis Design, who will tell participants about where and how to grow na- tive trees and plants to attract wildlife. There will also be a slide show and a demonstration about how to plant a bare root tree. There is no fee for the work- shop. To sign up, call Jeanene Campbell at 427-9436. 00usin 00ournal BARBARA SCHMIDT is the new account executive for KPS Health Plans for Thurston and South Mason Coun- ties in the recently opened KPS office in Olympia at 1700 Cooper Point Road SW, Unit C5. FERGUSON AND GARDNER Flowers and Gifts is one Show" to) 94 Sheik's 10 Rule, in Indte 81 Celcutte garb retreat 11 Baseball's 52 Auld lang -- 96 Barrel Slaughter 54 Stimulating strips 12 Son of Jacob rubdown 98 Minor 13 Virgil's 58 Rigidly woodland birthplace 59 Turkish deities 14 Tan or official 99 John and Vanderbilt 61 Uncanny Paul 15 Freshwater 64 Chinese 100 Female fish dynasty praying 18 Senseless 68 Preserve !i@ure 17 Middle, In food 101 Mistreat law 67 Household 103 Sharp 18 "-- Frome" 6g Companion mountain 24 Chest of hounds crest sounds 70 Anagram of 105 Biblical 28 Of course: vile weeds slang 71 Word before 106 Russian 29 Assam seat or set union silkworm 72 Hebrew letter 107 Elevate 33 Gem stone 73 Iroquoisn 108 Baseball's 35 Flow Indians Doubleday copiously 74 Coin of 110 Turn 37 Winglike Thallend around e 39 Algerian 75 Harry's First pivot seaport Lady 112 London 40 Not as good 78 Wheel streetcer of six flower shops in the Northwest to be featured at the Tacoma Home and Garden Show at the Tacoma Dome now through February 7. The display is oriental "high style," according to a spokesperson for the shop. A talent-contest entry from Ferguson and Gardner is also displayed in the lobby of the Tacoma Dome. CANDY BOUQUET opened for business Monday in the Mercantile Building at 221 West Railroad. Owners Dar- leen Westermann and Susan Root are adding touches of their own in the local outlet of the franchise, which incor- porates more than 300 stores. Bulk candy, non-floral bou- quets and gift baskets, gourmet food items, specialty bath products and delivery are among the offerings. The store is in the former site of Carole's Jewelry at the front of the building. tree 88 Kill violently Moore 41 Greek letter spindles 44 "Faust" and 8g Drawing DOWN 43 Volcanic 77 Arbltrlry "Carmen" room 1 Brands with mountain on order 47 Sun porches 90 Ropes. a hot Iron Ross Island 78 Shed 49 Torment sessor's 2 Sovereign s 44 Word before feathers repeatedly dOCument decree sea or sects1 79 Sioux 53 Kind of cod I)2 Earphones 3 Short, simple 45 Around: Indian r r r- --r- F rr-r r ,I , I .......... JI t .....  M  1111 IIII III II Im  I ./ .... Page 30 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, February 4, 1999 114 Wheel hub 118 Jane or Zena 117 See -- (gel angry) 118 Yale grid. 120 Louvre display iiF T'F" TJ-- o I Answers are on page 26 II I ++ Febuary 8-12, 1999 Hood Canal Shelton MONDAY: Breakfast: Cinnamon MONDAY: Breakfast: Cereal, toast. bread, hot cocoa. Lunch: Toasted Lunch: Five Star Smart (salad) Bar. ham and cheese sandwich, tomato Teriyaki dippers, fluffy rice, graham soup, applesauce, milk. crackers, milk. - TUESDAY: Breakfast: Sausage on TUESDAY: Breakfast: Waffles. a stick. Lunch: Nachos, buttered Lunch: Five Star Smart (salad) Bar. Soft corn, peas, blueberry cake, milk. tacos, bar cookie, chocolate milk. WEDNESDAY: Breakfast: Waffles, WEDNESDAY: Breakfast: Berry sausage. Lunch: Ham-it-up spa- scone. Lunch: Five Star Smarf (salad) Bar." Pepperoni pizza, peanut butter ghetti, buttered roll, green beans, cookie, milk. animal crackers, chocolate milk. THURSDAY: Breakfast: Biscuits with THURSDAY: Breakfast: Hash- sausage, egg and cheese. Lunch: Five brown casserole, toast. Lunch: Star Smart (salad) Bar. Burritos, fruit Sloppy Joe, tater tots, fruit Jello, crisp, milk. peach crisp, milk. FRIDAY: Breakfast: Pop tart. Lunch: FRIDAY: Breakfast: Pancakes. Five Star Smart (salad) Bar. Heart- Lunch: Pepperoni pizza, buttered shape chicken nuggets, Valentine, corn, fresh pears, juice bar, milk. cookie, chocolate milk. L WEST COAST BANK r1,,111 Formerly Centennial Bank Hoodsport Shelton • N. 24341 Hwy. 101 & 2307 Olympic Hwy. N 877-5272 426-5581 Many volunteer positions are available in Mason County through The Volunteer Center- Retired and Senior Volunteer Program. The following jobs are open to people of all ages. Call Beth Church at 426-3405 for in- formation on any of the jobs, re- ferring to the number at the end of the item you're interested in, • A state agency providing ser- vices to children and families in Shelton is looking ibr volunteers to serve as tutors, parent mentors and friendly visitors. It also needs professional carpenters, electri- cians and educators who can donate services. (2086-2311 • Chore team members are needed to help seniors and "less abled persons" with light house- IIIIIIIIIIIIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll )Vlarriage £icenses IIIIIIIIIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Applying for marriage licenses during the week, accordmg to tbe Mason County Auditor's Office, were: Chip Thomas Proctor, 37, Hoodsport, and Jean Butler, 35, Hoodsport. Nathan Geoffrey Gardner, 18, Belfair, and Lynette M. Pitman, 18, Belfair. Jason Alexander Chamberlain, 19, Shelton, and Barbara Alexan- dria Merifield, 19, Shelton. Kelly J. Hill, 39, Union, and Darlene Clay, 37, Union. ) )/aSOn ounty usiness Directory Want action? Call an expert to help you. i Insurance Tired el shopping? Let us do il for you! Auto- Home- Boat • Lile - Health - Business Prelerred Risk? We locale the Iovmst cost, Inaurence is our only business. Arnold & Smith Insurance Agency 1535 Olympic Highway N. 426-3317 i Printing • 1 Advertising Tabloids • Newspapers • Magazines Just about anything except U.S. currency! 426-4412 -00#-7o.rnal keeping and laundry servic$ (0008-0263) • Convalescent home residedJ need friendly visitors and c05" panionship. Volunteers can c0" verse, listen, read and make n¢ friends. They can keep reside mentally stimulated and uP "t¢ date on current events by readi. | from area newspapers, local 1| tory and humor. (2014-2321) 4 • A school organizer is need tbr Pacific Peaks Girl Scout CotS" cil. 2 he w>lunteer would take [ ers into schools and assist w recruiting girls and adults. MilP.., age is reimbursed. Girl Sc0U, troop leaders are also need'Ca (2096-2284) • Crisis Clinic of Mason CotS ty seeks crisis interwmtion ph0e| workers to answer calls from 1.| pie in emotional crisis or Wl0| need inibrmation and referralt| humar service resources. Tr £'= ing is provided. (2062-2107) , • A delivery driver is neededt° bring meals to homebound sei citizens. A dependable vehicle. necessary. Mileage is reimburse.; ()ve} 136 homebound seniors rell on this essentia] volunteer se! vice. (2055-0600) LUNCH MENU February 8-12 Monday: Burrflo, salsa and sour cream, corn, ice juicy, milk. Tuesday: Corn dog, maca- roni salad, chips, celery sticks, pears, milk. Wednesday: Cheeseburger, I| fries, lettuce, orange, fruit roll-I| up, milk. !1 Thursday: Chicken nuggetS, I| pretzel, carrot sticks, apple,]| ,,,ilk. I:i Friday: Early release, no lunch. J[ Anyone living or working in tMl[ Pi<)}lccr School District is eligiblgll to join Simpson Community "-II I:ederal Credit Union. J| 526 W. Cedar Shelton churches invite you to attend services Faith Lutheran \\;LDI/v@ Church, E.L.C.A. .,n . k Intersection of 13th and 'C' Neil Thompson ,O M Oa.: 426-8611 SHELTON : PRESBYTERI/ FELLOWSHIP Servtce: Sunday 10:,30 a.lll' W)rship ", ' Christian Education classes 9:00 a.' Interim Home Seventh-Day Adventist Churel 210 W. Shelton Valley Road "SPIRIT IN ACTION" 432-8696 Mt. Olive I1 Lutheran Churc Missouri Synod I ! 206 East Wyandotte Ave. ,. I | Christian Education ........................ 9:15 a,'[ | Worship (Nursery Available) ........ t0:30 a'"" I | Sermon: Worship ........................................ 9:00 "Why To Care About Y2K" J Christian Education .......... 10:15 a.m. Office 426-6353 _ I Preschool/Daycare • 427-316b I Contemporary Worship ... 11:15 a.m. Visit us on the web at: |,,,,J Wednesday Fellowship ...... 6:30 p.m. SUNMETHODIST CHURCIt 1900 King Street Reverend Steve Schroeder 426.417[ First Service... 8:30 a.m. NurserY[ Sunday School... 9:30 a.m. AvaaZ l Second Service... 10:45 a.m. "Because we care ..." j The Episcopal Church Welcomes You Come As You Are St. David's J 1 [ 4th and Cedar, Shelton Sunday, 7:30 and 10:30 a.m. Misa en Espaaol Cada Domingos 5:00 p.m. Rev. D. J. Maddux, Rector Home: 426-2268 Office: 426-8472 ..,,,I I SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST CHURC"00 [ J 210W SheltonValley Road • 426-2776 | J 9:30 and I I:00 am Saturday • Paul Weigley, pastor ISHELTON VALLEY ADVENTIST S( 201 W Shelton Valley Road • 426-4198 Grades K-8 • Candy Johnston, principal